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I think he's thinking Skyward Sword final boss fight in terms of redirecting lightning without being hit by it... but as Blade said, the bolt split to strike multiple times / places around Luroka, not just one bolt.



Health: 10/20
Charge: 3/5
Kills: 2
Deaths: 2

Chro split into a bunch of tiny pieces to avoid Kayn's wrist blade. Before he could reform, though, Kayn was leapt on by Luroka, and Blade was calling down lightning, and...

Get out of there! Go!

Chro reformed and sprinted off that section of the dock, doing his best to avoid Blade's lightning that was striking the area.

Once he was clear of the lightning, Chro turned to see Ehks standing on the dock. He split off about one fifth of his own mass, which the large Chro threw though the air towards Ehks. It turned into a Chrotodite cloud midway through the air to Ehks, and the rest of Chro ran towards him as well.




Music, go!

save not only their lives


but their spirits

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Flaredrick's resignation rises an important point about activity. If you can't participate, don't even bother signing up, and if you find yourself unable to commit for whatever reason, resign.


If I do not see a substantial amount of activity from Nold or Phantom Terror in the next two days, I'm removing you both.

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I've contacted both of them about it. Nold said a few days ago that he might try to put in some activity. Chris said something similar. Neither appeared to have much conviction behind it. :P

save not only their lives


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IC: Kayn

HP: 10/20


Kayn stood out of the way of Luroka's sword and it then flew off elsewhere. He heard rumbling and saw lightening start to form. One bolt hit Kayn in the arm and it traveled through his body, making him violently shake. Kay stayed crouched on the wood with smoke coming off of him, his wrist blade was at the ready.

9HYoRY7.pngKayn's Thought: My hiatus of Bionicle has ended






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IC: [ Shadowhawk ] - [ 10/20 HP ] - [ 0/5 charge ] - Respawning / utilizing Cloak of Void

Accompanied by a slicing gust of icy wind, the Shadowhawk's shredded body finally faded from sight and reappeared, wraith-like, some distance away from the scene of his death, alive once more. He felt... fairly decent. Not as fresh and energized, nor as full of vitality as in times past, perhaps, but alive nonetheless. Ready and armed for a second chance.

Face expressionless, he produced a neatly-folded square of dark, shadowy mist-cloth from his utility toolbelt, unfolded it with a brief flick of the wrist, and donned it. The garment, woven just as much of fluxing energy as of solid matter, hung lightly on his shoulders like an aura of doom, smoky tendrils curling from the fringes. The Cloak of Void; not a particularly deadly artifact in a direct sense, but arguably one of the most versatile and potentially useful trophies yet earned.

Extending his arms outwards in a classic spellcaster's stance, the black-garbed necromancer began chanting under his breath, calling on the powers of the robe he wore, spinning in place as shadows whirled and swirled about him. Venomous green sparks crackled in the air with increasing fury, finally settling into his palms as a single stormy cloud of glowing energy; the Usain Bolt of Undeath, a tainted copy of the original Ultimate Weapon, which, when activated, would not only allow its wielder a one-use-only overcharged bodyslam, but would significantly enhance the wielder's speed throughout the remainder of the entire round.

The Shadowhawk smiled crookedly, one side of his mouth twitching grimly upwards as he eyed the rewards of his labor.

Not bad for a first try, even if I do say so myself. Not bad at all.

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IC: JiMing

Health: 17/20

Charge: 2/5

Kills: 1


JiMing scowled when he saw Shadowhawk respawn. "Took you long enough." he muttered. "I've been waiting to do this for a while!" he cackled, bringing out the Kanohi Ignika, which promptly released a wave of light that incinerated Shadowhawk immediately. (Kills: 2)

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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That's harsh

That's ded.

9HYoRY7.pngKayn's Thought: My hiatus of Bionicle has ended






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IC: [ Shadowhawk ] - [ 10/20 HP ] - [ 0/5 charge ] - Respawning / utilizing Cloak of Void


Accompanied by a slicing gust of icy wind, the Shadowhawk's shredded body finally faded from sight and reappeared, wraith-like, some distance away from the scene of his death, alive once more. He felt... fairly decent. Not as fresh and energized, nor as full of vitality as in times past, perhaps, but alive nonetheless. Ready and armed for a second chance.


Face expressionless, he produced a neatly-folded square of dark, shadowy mist-cloth from his utility toolbelt, unfolded it with a brief flick of the wrist, and donned it. The garment, woven just as much of fluxing energy as of solid matter, hung lightly on his shoulders like an aura of doom, smoky tendrils curling from the fringes. The Cloak of Void; not a particularly deadly artifact in a direct sense, but arguably one of the most versatile and potentially useful trophies yet earned.


Extending his arms outwards in a classic spellcaster's stance, the black-garbed necromancer began chanting under his breath, calling on the powers of the robe he wore, spinning in place as shadows whirled and swirled about him. Venomous green sparks crackled in the air with increasing fury, finally settling into his palms as a single stormy cloud of glowing energy; the Usain Bolt of Undeath, a tainted copy of the original Ultimate Weapon, which, when activated, would not only allow its wielder a one-use-only overcharged bodyslam, but would significantly enhance the wielder's speed throughout the remainder of the entire round.


The Shadowhawk smiled crookedly, one side of his mouth twitching grimly upwards as he eyed the rewards of his labor.


Not bad for a first try, even if I do say so myself. Not bad at all.

Alright just got done reading through the posts i missed in the short time i was asleep.. Will be working on an ic post come soon..


Although Shadowhawk are you allowed to add abilities to ulitmate weapons when you copy them? I did not think so but then again Been a bit confuddled so felt it is better not to assume.


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If you interact with one of my characters and I don't respond or acknowledge the interaction within a day, send me a PM. Odds are I missed or did not see the post.

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OOC: Fine. I'll take that auto-hit that having magnetism as a power doesn't exactly justify.


next time you use magnetism on me liek that I draw power from the electricity produced


IC - HP: 19/20 - Charge 0/0


I thought about spitting on the ground, annoyed. But I was too clean for that. Figuring it was time to attack someone again, I looked around, but it turns out that nobody here raised my fury more than Shadowhawk and Luroka right now. Shadowhawk was deservedly dead right now, and Luroka was elsewhere.



GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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Although Shadowhawk are you allowed to add abilities to ulitmate weapons when you copy them? I did not think so but then again Been a bit confuddled so felt it is better not to assume.

My wording in that post, I think, is what confused you... I actually did not add any new abilities at all to the Usain Bolt; the 'speed boost' was a trait of the original. I merely copied it IC, and described it anew with my own words. :)


Also, JiMing... touché. You'll regrrrrret that, you will. :P


IC post(s) coming tomorrow. Been pretty busy today, as my lack of activity testifies; am now wearied and must sleep.

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-==IC: Blade - HP: 13/20 - Charge: 4/5? >;-) - Kills: 3==-


Blade, however, could still sense the electricity embedded in the sword now; and twisted out of the way, sending it on a crash course to another fighter, as he gathered up energy from his heartlight while he was twisted, as energy glowed around him. [Charge: 6/5] Blade then twisted back, raising his hand above his head, as the manifestation of his energy appeared behind him.

"Majin the... HAND!!!" Blade yelled out, as he quickly brought his hand back once more, and forced his hand outward, as he unleashed the energy all at once at Luroka, it being the same instant kill energy as before. [Charge: 0/5] [Kills: 4]


OOC: I'm so just gonna use a different Inazuma Eleven move each time, because it's fun. =P

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Although Shadowhawk are you allowed to add abilities to ulitmate weapons when you copy them? I did not think so but then again Been a bit confuddled so felt it is better not to assume.

My wording in that post, I think, is what confused you... I actually did not add any new abilities at all to the Usain Bolt; the 'speed boost' was a trait of the original. I merely copied it IC, and described it anew with my own words. :)


Also, JiMing... touché. You'll regrrrrret that, you will. :P


IC post(s) coming tomorrow. Been pretty busy today, as my lack of activity testifies; am now wearied and must sleep.


Ah.. Yeah that is likely it. Sorry.


IC: Voxumo [HP: 10/20 CH: 0/5]


Voxumo shook his head as he felt himself wake up somewhere else. Apparently he had been killed and that is not something he should allow. However he took note of his location. Docks and water.. water with angry wildlife in it?


A devious smile came over his face and using the power of the blue orb of not fire he created a wave of water with what he hoped held a takea or two judging by the dark shapes moving in it. He focused the wave to hopefully crash into Chro and perhaps even JiMing if he was lucky


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If you interact with one of my characters and I don't respond or acknowledge the interaction within a day, send me a PM. Odds are I missed or did not see the post.

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IC: JiMing

Health: 17/20

Charge: 2/5

Kills: 2


JiMing narrowed his eyes when he saw the wave. The water wouldn't be that big of a hitter, but if there were Takeas in there, then he was getting out of the way. And he did, but not before firing a few Chaos Spears into the wave as well.

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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IC: Voxumo [HP: 10/20 CH: 0/5]


Voxumo cursed as he saw JiMing narrowly avoid the wave of water. He did not know how chro was reacting to this nor did he really care. Instead he focused on JiMing again using the power of the orb to add even more water to his wave. Afterall these were docks, they were surrounded by water, he had a tactical advantage here for it was easier for him to control already existent water than to create new water. Using his energy to creates an almost uneven texture on the ground to make JiMings escape a little harder


OOC: I am going to assume the spears you fired into the water were to target the sharks?


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If you interact with one of my characters and I don't respond or acknowledge the interaction within a day, send me a PM. Odds are I missed or did not see the post.

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OOC: You know, Blade, I think you've been at 13 health a little too long now. I understand that's your lucky number and all, so this is probably going to end badly for me.


IC: Pulse [Health: 10/20] [Charge: 0/5]


Pulse changed his target to Blade from whoever he tried to attack previously,believing that Blade had not been damaged enough, foolishly running straight at him so he get could an accurate point-blank explosive shot in.

On Bota Magna, everything is about to fall apart.


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Vox: I was waiting for Ehks to respond, sorry. (And I'm pretty sure JiMing and I weren't anywhere near each other, since Ehks had recently moved far down the docks from mostly everyone... whatever.)

Blade: How did you charge up to six? :lol:


Today is going to be a really busy day for me, so I might not be able to respond IC effectively until tonight.

save not only their lives


but their spirits

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OOC: Please, JiMing, more chaos spears


IC - HP: 19/20 - Charge 0/0


As I stood still, I watched as, farther into the distance, JiMing fired off a bunch of his weirdo chaos energy toothpicks into the water - which was accordingly rushing towards him in the form of a tidal wave. I watched intently, focusing, wondering if I could draw energy from that.....


OOC: pulse wanna double team Blade

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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Actually I caaan post now



Health: 10/20

Charge: 3/5

Kills: 2

Deaths: 2

Chro saw a wave bearing down on him, and swiftly dove under the base of it, emerging on the top of the wave and allowing the current to carry him back onto the dock. A few Chaos Spears shot by him and, quite conveniently, killed the sharks that were near Chro.

He shook a bit to dry himself off, then looked around to see who else was nearby. Aha. It's JL. And Pulse... and Blade. Chro observed that JL was calling for an alliance with Pulse. He decided to try to even things a bit. "Hey, Blade, disregarding the fact that you keep throwing lightning at me, want to team up for a bit to fend off these two?"

save not only their lives


but their spirits

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• IC: :l::u::r::m_o::k::a:

• Phys. Integrity: 50% (10/20)

• Charge: 40% (2/5)

• Kills: 1

• Deaths: 1


"You never learn, do you." I leap high into the air, and execute a tremendous sword slam in front of JL, knocking him on his back

Edited by Makuta Luroka


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IC: JiMing

Health: 17/20

Charge: 2/5

Kills: 2


JiMing stood his ground against the wave. When it was nearby, he unleashed a short-range pulse of energy, parting the water for a second, allowing him to jump through.

Edited by JiMing

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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Luroka, where's your profile?

Also, stahp autohitting!


IC - HP: 19/20 - Charge: 0/0

Luroka leapt into the air - I stopped running - and he slammed into the ground using his sword a few meters in front of me.
I paused, staring at him and looking around in caution as I waited for something to happen. Somebody jumping and then landing by slamming something on the ground....something usually happened. I waited, contemplating whether to begin drawing energy when he used some kind of magnetic attack, or whether I should expect something else. Silently, my hands gripped my swords tighter; I didn't want magnetism prying my swords away from me (Not that it would work now that I could use my own tricks).
I waited......and waited.......
Nothing. Whether slamming your weapon into the ground was meant to do anything other than break it, I wasn't really sure; perhaps if I was closer, I might have felt the mild effects of a shockwave (Which I would have gladly absorbed), but in the end all I did was stare at the ground, roll my shoulders, and smirk at Luroka's remarks.
"Um, okay. Now, you see, it's not that I don't learn. It's that, from you, there is absolutely nothing I can learn from."

I leapt forwards once again, covering the short distance between us within a second, and I slashed downwards towards the Makuta's wrists.

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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OOC: I did the early signup. My profile is in Voltex's blog. Also, that attack was merely meant to knock you on your back, while I waited for your response before I attack. As far as autohitting goes, I assume my attacks connect unless you do something to avoid the attack. In most cases, unless I magnetically pin you or otherwise directly prevent you from acting, you should assume that there is an option to take evasive maneuvers. Judging my the comments I have been receiving, I suppose that this wasn't apparent enough, so I will try to make it so from now on. With that out of the way:


• IC: :l::u::r::m_o::k::a:

• Phys. Integrity: 45% (9/20)

• Charge: 40% (2/5)

• Kills: 1

• Deaths: 1


As JL strikes my wrists, I magnetically knock him back, to stun him as I pull my sword from the pier. I then perform a flying side kick, directed towards JL's head. (-2)

Edited by Makuta Luroka


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IC: [ Shadowhawk ] - [ 10/20 HP ] - [ 0/5 charge ] - Respawning

Again, the slicing icy gust of wind, the whirl of shadow, and the mangled body of the Shadowhawk faded from view, only to reappear moments later in a still different location. Around thirty yards or so away from JiMing, alone on the cluttered deck of a nearby semi-derelict cargo freighter.

Swearing, the necromancer got to his feet and promptly, irritably, kicked a loose bucket of engine oil over the railing into the sea. His protosteel talons, keenly attuned to their wielder's every emotional flux, had already unsheathed and were glittering darkly in the sunlight, dramatically but more-than-a-trifle uselessly. There was no warmblood around to take out his anger on... which was a definite problem.

Venomous green eyes narrowed to flaming slits behind his Kanohi Avsa, he produced a battered gunmetal hip flask from his utility toolbelt and tossed off a calming swig of bourbon, savoring his trademark beverage as he glanced across the arena in search of inspiration.

Edited by Shadowhawk
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IC: ShadowVezon, HP: 18/20, Status: Pain.

The sword ShadowVezon had been hanging onto had been movedd off course, but ShadowVezon was wise enough to let go, and he tumbled onto a boat. Ow. Still, at least I'm unhurt. ShadowVezon said, and then Luroka walked up and kicked him.

HP: 17/20

ShadowVezon was pushed over by the kick, but luckily not into the water, and he quickly climbed back up and ran to safer ground (the pier). Luroka's gonna be a pest, isn't he. I mustn't underestimate him. ShadowVezon took a drink of coke and fired several shots at Luroka.


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"Master of Shadows and Game-running Compliants, Ǝɹsɐʇz Ԁᴉɹɐʞɐ ᴉu qlɐɔʞ' No˙ 999, Vezon of the Twighlight"

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