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Bzprpg - Ko-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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IC: [Elysi]"Wait a moment," she said. "You two help Zongu out with his wife. I need to destroy records of his marriage."The crimson Toa of Lightning broke into a sprint, running away from the love-birds and back around the building. The plan would still work, despite the problems they were facing at the current moment, so she quickly entered the records office, and, ignoring the protests of the Matoran within, she threw the being out and took out some matches."I suppose I shouldn't leave any witnesses," she murmured. "But that would be too time-consuming."With that, she lit the matches, and threw them all into the building, before exiting to watch everything begin to burn away.

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Tharna the Skakdi was just about to meditate when he heard a noise from outside. calling "Hey, you, over here. They are dying", Tharna was confused because when he stepped outside his cave, the storm was cleared and the voice led nowhere. Tharna thought he went mad "Why this must be, the Memory Crystals, the shouts, visions... it all makes no sense, no sense at all... I need to find another life for me, there is nothing here at the mountain. The villages are much better, or if I will be helpless and truly go mad, well, the Southern Islands are the last option, to die where no one can see the shameful Skakdi mumble cursed words that are... no, were the only ways that I spoken. All of my friends are dead long ago and I, scarred for life with this sword of the one used it to cut my arm off... oh, the irony is the sole entertainment I had in my life. The past was behind as it is now but something is different, not madness, not agony, hope."

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IC: ZonguZongu dived into the snow, and the Brakas tripped over him, landing a few feet ahead. Zongu spat out some ice and got to his feet, grinning. "Aha! I knew that would work!" the Rahi got back up shortly afterwards. "Oh Karz that didn't work."It charged at him, but he repelled it into the temple wall, where the stone cracked into a web of... Cracks..."Tirra, get 'im! Or... 'er...!"

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IC: Corciano"Ok," he said, taking a long swig of water from his canteen and singing a few warmup notes. "I'm ready."
IC: "Very well," said the Ko-Matoran, "Please follow the Onu-Matoran inside"The room was small and cramped. There were hardly any decorations, and the only thing that was present in this dull gray stone room was a single wooden table with two chairs that were arranged in the center of the chamber. One might have expected better from the Gentry, but then again, this was merely an audition for a concert, not a meeting where the highest esteemed would be present. The Onu-Matoran walked over to the table and took a seat in front of the table. Apparently he was the sole gatekeeper who made the decision between fame and insignificance. The Onu-Matoran took his sweet time gathering his papers and writing utensils, giving Corciano plenty of time to prepare and position himself so that he would as best as he could.Though considering these stone walls, one could only wonder how to actually achieve good sound in here."Well," the Onu-Matoran said, "I'm ready. Show me what you got!"

"hey girl: here’s an idea, but… it’s up to you:

You’re the boss of this operation."

[BZPRPG Profile] [Ghosts of Bara Magna Profile]


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IC: CorcianoCorciano pulled out his saxaphone and started to play a slow, blues like tune from it. Then he started to sing a slow tune that would stick in one's brain and would be easy to sing along, but would also demonstrate his amazing vocal ability (It should sound something like Jacky Cheung's "Stuck on You" from his album Private Corner, only with the lyrics in english [i haven't written them yet], the saxaphone replacing the piano, and with no other instruments.) He then shifted to a style more familiar to the mata nui sound, singing more softly and in a folk style, slowly getting faster, and faster, and faster, until it had become a lively party tune one would hear in Le-Koro He used this as an opportunity to display his amazing vocal skills, singing unreasonably high notes before putting the song to an end with a final drawn out note. When he finished it didn't seem like he was out of breath at all despite using no elemental power at all during the performance. "I ad libbed that," he said. "I was just going as I sung."OOC: I actually had plans to write this song, music and all, for you but I didn't have enough time.IC: ZharukZharuk arrived back in Ko-Koro and waited for Dakan to finish up his business in Xa-Koro

Edited by Constructman
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OOC: Matan and Natan from Le-wahi.IC (Matan and Natan): It had been a long trek up the mountains from the lowlands in the south, but Matan welcomed the challenge. He enjoyed the change of scenery - the jungle was pleasant and all, but as they said on Zakaz, "even a rolling necrofinch won't start warbling". Staying in one place tended to do that to the Skakdi of plantlife. He conjured an apple to munch on as he kept walking.A short time later, the two reached the village of Ko-koro. Following the directions given on Tuuli's tablet, the came to a building near the centre of town. It was larger than most of the Ko-matoran huts around it. Mayan raised his hand to knock on the door, but Natan interrupted him. "I'm still not comfortable with this" the iron Skakdi grumbled. "They never say what they want in exchange for all this help. It's got to be some sort of scam"."Yeah, it is weird," Matan agreed, "but we won't agree to anything until we know exactly what's involved. So long as we're careful, it will turn out fine".Turning back to the door, he knocked three times, each producing a dull thump as his armoured fist connected with the door. Then, he stood back to wait for a response.


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IC:Rhow nodded at Iraanus and turned to the others, but as she did, she caught something out of the corner of her eye. "Down. Now." she said to the rest of the horde. None of the Skakdi questioned her serious tone and ducked or went prone in the ankle-high snow. From their vantage-point, the Skakdi saw how the people the had been in the shrine until now were departing the location, some leaving on flying steeds, others leaving on foot.Rhow, laying near the edge of the cliff from where they were watching glanced at Viloz. "Seems we just missed the party..." she whispered to him. "We need to find out where those creeps are going. Ideas?"




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IC: [Elysi]Elysi soon walked away from the burning building, ignoring the panicking people rushing out of the building and onto the streets. As long as they didn't get in her way, they were of no importance. After several minutes of walking, she returned to her companions."You are no longer obligated to marry the monkey," she said. "All legal documents have been destroyed."OOC: Gravs ... pic done yet?

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IC: SulkuaSulkua slid to a stop.outside of the main gates. Sevveral roads were flooded and Matoran were reconstructing damaged houses."What happened?" Sulkua asked a guard."Are you kidding? The whole of Mata-Nui's talking about it! Some terrorists set off a bomb and took hostages, where the Island Liberation Squad managed to distill the situation." The guard told him, wiping snow off his mask.Sulkua hurried over to the nearest damaged building and helped clear some rubble. Occasionally he froze the rubble and levitated it away by controlling the ice encasing the rubble.Sulkua finally headed home, and opened the door. Everything was pretty much as it was, except a gathering of dust here and there.Sulkua rummaged througha cupboard. There! A communication crystal! A surge of elemental energy in them allowed a user to communicate to anyone else with a communication crystal. Unfortunately, they were of one-time usage."Kiron of Ta-Koro" Sulkua said.A shimmering in the air formed a solid image. Kiron was in his dwelling, rummaging through his weapon closet and getting weapon oil and random little daggers all over the floor."Kiron!!!!!" Sulkua called into the mist. Kiron turned and bumped onto his bed post. "Ah, there's my communication crystal! Sulkua, you alright? I was teleported and I-""Calm down, Kiron. First,where's Erken?""I have no idea.""Hmm... alright then. Should we continue our quest?""I don't think so. There's been wind of Makuta activity in the villages and every last Towards in the villages is-"SPLINK!!! The crystal shattered. Sulkua dropped the pieces. He whirled around and saw a shadowy figure running away from the road Sulkua's open window was facing.Outsmarted again. Sulkua could at least breathe easy knowing Kiron was safe. He was one of Sulkua's surviving ex-teammates and the counter to Sulkua's cold calculative presence.OOC: Open for interaction after almost eight months.

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IC: Viloz"How disappointing..." Viloz whispered back, lacking a typical quirky reply or tone as he bit his lip in thought. His eyes drifted from the shrine to the enemy distancing itself away from it, mentally debating between two options to choose from."I don't have anything really snazzy for you but it's what I can think of right now: we can follow them although we're far too big a group to do that without being spotted so only a handful would go while the rest stay behind until given a signal to move or back up the scouts on moment's notice. Given the time and circumstances, we could always check out the shrine for any valuable clues and information." he paused to let that sink."A more risky approach would be to have one or a few of us try to incorporate ourselves into the group to know some inside information but not right away. It'd be too coincidental. Gotta have a pretty slick tongue and quick thinking for that though. My last option, not a suggestion, would be to bring the pain."

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IC-Destian:"With great risk comes great reward," Destian mused, watching as the group they'd been tailing flew off. He looked over to Rhow after a moment of thought, his eyes intent."I would recommend a continuation of our plan, of sorts, mingled with one of the options that Viloz gave. Go to that shrine for clues, and then integrate ourselves at a later date."

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: Keuirce"Here's to Wednesday..." Keuirce muttered.- - -In the disaster that came from Elysi's decision, three Matoran were seriously injured, and one was killed. His family was later informed. He had a wife and three children, and it was his birthday -- they were waiting for him to arrive home so that they could celebrate when they received the news.This, kids, is why you don't kill people.OOC: What, you thought I was joking?


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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IC:Rhow considered what her two companions had said. Bring the pain...yes, she would have liked to do that; very much in fact. But it was too soon. They had no idea of the enemy's strength and weaknesses. And it was always good to find out about both before engaging them in any way. Which left Destian's idea. It was the most viable option right now and there was little else she could do aside from that. Finally, the Skakdi nodded. "Alright. Let's down to the shrine." They waited until the Makuta-worshippers had left their field of view; and yes, she trusted Iraanus' contact enough to firmly believe these people were following the dark one; before they started to head down the cliff they had choosen as vantage-point. The climb was relatively short. Having a group comprised of members of a species that naturally had clawed fingers and feet, they didn't have any problem finding holds in the ice.A few minutes later the horde had made it to the bottom of the cliff. Across from them, at the bottom of the other wall forming the ravine, the opening to the shrine's cave waited for them.There were multiple sets of tracks in the snow leading away from the opening and Rhow pondered another idea. "Alright...we primarily need to find clues as to where they went..." she said. "Well, we could also split up as well, with a pair of good trackers following these footprints."




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IC: Viloz"Queue Kahlynn." Viloz commented, naming an obvious choice for the role of a tracker. Apart from him, no one really knew each other well enough to find the next most suitable person for the job. Personally, the Skakdi had very little experience in the matter. Now it was up for either someone to be picked or volunteer and Viloz had no such intention. Snooping around someone's home, if you could call the shrine that, seemed much more interesting than following tracks out in the cold."If you don't mind, I think I'll stick around."

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