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Been awhile I know... I'll try and not make it a common habit.


So these artworks I did back in 2012 which got into ARTEXPRESS(Art Showcase kind-of-thing for whole State), and I wasn't able to post them online until I got them back which was the end of last year. Reason for the over-due time for them to pop on here, is I'm having issues with this new Posting "thing" BZPower has right now...


ANYWAY enough talk here they are. (8 all up)






Great Being







Let me know what you guys think ^^

(Is there a faster way to add links than having to type the WHOLE link?)

Edited by Zahaki
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Aww, these are so neat! Some of the cards feel a bit empty around the subject, but the characters are very cool (with a dash of adorable), and your style is downright charming. Your linework is fairly clean, and there's something I like about keeping the WIP (work-in-progress) lines, though perhaps they're better suited for concept-shots than the final piece(s). I think Zahaki is my favorite, but that last one amuses me, ha ha.

Can't wait to see more from you! :>

Hero Factory RPG 2.0 PCs:
| Erik Jet | Daren Wolfe | Henry Flint | Helen Corona | Ethan RezDr. Xaal |

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Mina |

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