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And as I said the best start to get anywhere would be staff-given quests.

which I haven't seen any of when will there be a staff-quest?
And as I have stated before, you must PM a staff member and let them know you are interested in a staff quest, which character of yours is involved, and to whom (aka canon character, most preferably a turaga or some other major character) your character is speaking with. We will then RP with you and go on from there. It can be as individual or as generic as you like, so you can ask for merely something to do, a quest to get a special item that we would not let you have the first time, or for clues regarding the current Makuta's Plan story. If you only RP In Character to say Vakama and expect us to reply, WE WON'T. Chances are we will miss it, we have our own lives and schedules, so to pick that out of the mountain of posts... yeah.

Living large... like clown-shoe size large. Complete with nose, rainbow-colored hair, and a bottle of seltzer water.


Posted (edited)

how would we say it? does someones character mysteriously have the urge to find out where makuta is and what he's up to even though nobody made any progress in the past hundred years?no.your postwith IC makuta just un-blocked the ball. now we need an event to get the ball rolling. like a strange earthquake at kini-nui, that arouses supsicion.because i dont think my character will randomly think "hmm. im going to discover something that nobody found any evidence on in the past century" or would a kind turaga say "have fun on your suicide mission!" or give out any information he/she hasnt gave to adventurers in the past century? we need something to happen. an artifact dug out of the ground by an npc matoran that has riddles about makuta and his lair on it, for example. somethingthat worried the turaga, who then posted a sign about some quest. did i make that clear enough? and no, the le-matoran are for someones clan. as far as i know

Edited by bulik

Visit www.BZPRPG.com to view my project of archiving BZPower's RPGs, and also access the BZPower Roleplaying Wiki

BZPRPG Profiles - Ghosts Of Bara Magna Profiles

Exo-Force RPG Profiles - Six Kingdoms: Apocalypse (Knichou, Berys, Arnex, The Taku, Exuze)


Well, I confess I wasn't expecting this kind of a welcome back, Friar. I've always considered myself no more than a nuiscance, really. Of course, since I've been invited it'd be terribly rude to refuse. I'll see what I can put together, I might even make a team in the game who want to defeat Makuta once and for all. Maybe. :w:

Posted (edited)

i just realized that:we'll have a better chance trying to defeat makuta than the toa olda because

  • [*]more toa/matoran in the battle than the toa olda[*]more variations in mask powers than the toa olda[*]iron, lightnig and gravity toa which the toa olda didnt have[*]xian tech :biggrin:which the toa olda didnt have

we'll have a better chance, if of course, we can rally the right people

Edited by bulik

Visit www.BZPRPG.com to view my project of archiving BZPower's RPGs, and also access the BZPower Roleplaying Wiki

BZPRPG Profiles - Ghosts Of Bara Magna Profiles

Exo-Force RPG Profiles - Six Kingdoms: Apocalypse (Knichou, Berys, Arnex, The Taku, Exuze)


Well, if you're recall Makuta appears to be in some sort of limbo, much like the Toa. I'd guess Proto Seal, but again, lots of options. First thing we'd want to do is gather hints like the Toa Olda gathered masks. :w:


Wow. I forgot to get on last night and now there's like 7 more pages for every koro except Kuma Islets. Wrap up, please? Oh, and I have a two characters, a female Toa of Electricty and a male Toa of Fire, that I haven't used yet, so if anyone is interested in interacting with me, lemme know!

It was all a lie. There's nothing wrong with you.

Nice of you to say. But you of all people should know:

there's plenty wrong with me.







Well, if you're recall Makuta appears to be in some sort of limbo, much like the Toa. I'd guess Proto Seal, but again, lots of options. First thing we'd want to do is gather hints like the Toa Olda gathered masks. :w:

i know, but im talking about when if we find him

Visit www.BZPRPG.com to view my project of archiving BZPower's RPGs, and also access the BZPower Roleplaying Wiki

BZPRPG Profiles - Ghosts Of Bara Magna Profiles

Exo-Force RPG Profiles - Six Kingdoms: Apocalypse (Knichou, Berys, Arnex, The Taku, Exuze)


Well, if you're recall Makuta appears to be in some sort of limbo, much like the Toa. I'd guess Proto Seal, but again, lots of options. First thing we'd want to do is gather hints like the Toa Olda gathered masks. :w:

Or maybe we need TO BE GATHERING MASKS??? That might be an option... Retracing through what we already know to leave no unwalked path.

well, remember, we have no suvas, so we would have to manually switch masks, which isnt as usefull as telepathicly changing a mask via suva, so you can block a blow with a hau, for instance.

Visit www.BZPRPG.com to view my project of archiving BZPower's RPGs, and also access the BZPower Roleplaying Wiki

BZPRPG Profiles - Ghosts Of Bara Magna Profiles

Exo-Force RPG Profiles - Six Kingdoms: Apocalypse (Knichou, Berys, Arnex, The Taku, Exuze)


we need something to happen. an artifact dug out of the ground by an npc matoran that has riddles about makuta and his lair on it, for example. something

I quite agree! Tuck, how shall ye' respond to a PCs pleas??
No, you have everything you need! Just to show you what I mean, I will walk you through this first step, and from there I expect you all to do the rest yourself. 1) It is common knowledge that the Toa Mata went into Makuta's Lair after finding the masks of power, but never came back. It has been long assumed they died, but really no-one knows. Why does everyone assume they're dead? 2) Since that time (aka past one hundred years) things have been getting stranger and stranger. The island is now populated by large amounts of toa and other strange species, getting more so every year. Why would this be? 3) The point of divergence from canon and our storyline is that moment in time. Now while it's true I never explicitly stated Takua was with the group, if this story does indeed follow canon a great deal then its a very solid assumption to think that HE would be the matoran in question. To boot he DID vanish shortly after the toa failed, so even if he WANS'T the matoran in question it is another good assumption that he might know something... if one could find him. 4) He WAS the Chronicler after all. Why would he, as before mentioned, vanish? Now if you please put together what I have just said, all common knowledge. We have an island under siege, strange new heroes and villain arriving on these shores almost daily, and the only person that MIGHT know something about anything about this has disappeared. And now you are asking me for a geological disaster to get your character's brains to wonder what's going on? As Lloyd said, the clues are there, you just need to find them, ask around... and honestly wouldn't finding him be a good starting point, regardless? He is one of the major blank spots, and no-one seems to care. This is the kind of critical thinking I am talking about. And this is the only time I'm going to help you like this, to get your juices flowing as to what I expect of you IF you want to do this challenge.

Well, I confess I wasn't expecting this kind of a welcome back, Friar. I've always considered myself no more than a nuiscance, really. Of course, since I've been invited it'd be terribly rude to refuse. I'll see what I can put together, I might even make a team in the game who want to defeat Makuta once and for all. Maybe. :w:

Terribly rude my old chap! Honestly though considering out colorful.... history together you're one of the few who could figure out some of the stuff I have planned, on par with my ideas. I'd hate for them to have their best weapon sit out ;) Tea and crumpets? One lump or two?

Living large... like clown-shoe size large. Complete with nose, rainbow-colored hair, and a bottle of seltzer water.



Certainly, thank you. Two, please. Anyway, old chaps, since apparently I'm very good at this, I'll help you guys out. I suggest asking around for sightings of Takua and other reports of missing Matoran. If you find something, let me know and I'll add it to the list of clues. Clarkie...Case reopened.


Much like people want to step into the boots of the Toa Olda, I'd like to step into the sandals of the Chronicler's Company. I'll be starting a band of matoran characters who are devoted to being true heroes and help solve the mystery before us. A band of intellectuals and warriors alike, this group demands attention and players who will be involved with some really cool roleplaying, problemsolving and storytelling. PM me if interested.


EW... I'm sorry, but I really can't take anything you say seriously these days... that AV is just too distracting... ANYWAYS, Lloyd has a good idea... However, who's to say you won't keep the list for your own personal gains?? http://www.bzpower.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/sarcastic.gif

Posted (edited)

@ FT and all those other philosiphers :P 1) we assume they are dead becuase makuta would have killed them. if they had escaped withtheir lives then, onua would be able to dig out, etc.if they were captured, makuta would have probably infected them, and unleashed them withhordes of rahi to conquer the rest of the island, while the population was still low.obviously makuta cannot leave his lair (maybe mangai collapsed, which might have killed thetoa) 2) contrary to what I said before, maybe makuta unleashed the toa and his armies on the otherlands in the matoran universe, forcing the other species to mata nui. but, if makuta unleashedthe toa olda in the fight, then a survivor would have mentioned it after he/she heard of thetoa, UNLESS there were no survivors where the toa fought, but then someone would have noticeda large number of there civilization dead, and told it to people on mata nui, so, i amassuming that the toa did not fight for makuta in other parts of the matoran universe, evenif, of course, makuta attacked there, which is the most plausible solution for large amountsof toa and other species coming to the island. 3) but ah, remember how takua lost his memory right before mnolg? he could have lost hismemory, and had his mask broken, got a new mask, and have no memory of the sitiation. he might have died, to make thing sinmpler. but, FT is implying he's still alive, so we should focus on this first. as FT mentioned. 4) as I said before in #3 did i make that clear enuf? wow, a giant theory in my fifth day of playing bzprpg o.0 thats it for tonight

Edited by bulik

Visit www.BZPRPG.com to view my project of archiving BZPower's RPGs, and also access the BZPower Roleplaying Wiki

BZPRPG Profiles - Ghosts Of Bara Magna Profiles

Exo-Force RPG Profiles - Six Kingdoms: Apocalypse (Knichou, Berys, Arnex, The Taku, Exuze)


EW... I'm sorry, but I really can't take anything you say seriously these days... that AV is just too distracting...

Get used to it. I'm a jokester, but if there's one thing I can take seriously is RPing, and I challenge anyone to beg to differ. So I say: "Nyyyaahhhh!" :PSo far, true to form, Lloyd has contacted me. What about you, Kugs? You game?

Alright, here's what we know so far (and anyone who has ideas or new information, feel free to pitch in):

  • [*]The Toa are MIA, but most likely not dead.[*]Makuta is being contained by something the Toa did.[*]There was one witness, a Matoran, with the Toa.[*]Takua went missing shortly after the whole thing went down.

Friar has been putting huge neon signs pointing to the idea of looking for Takua, which either means "I'm being helpful" (which is a little spooky to me already...try that closer to Halloween, FT.) or "I want to distract you." However, since we have a load of players who are interested, we can simply split the difference and send some to find Takua and others to look for other clues. I'd suggest checking the Temples that exist in each Wahi, the ones that Hahli went to in MNOLG 2. Smaller teams could also check out each Toa's Kini. It'd be helpful to know the status of said Kinis and whether the masks are still on them--useless by itself but in conjunction with other information could prove useful. Re: Bulik's comments. Your first point is assuming the Toa are capable of escaping, which since they're MIA, they're clearly not. Considering Makuta's comments on their not technically being alive or dead, I suspect something like cryostasis or being a vegetable. However, your comments on the other species are interesting. The possibility of the Skakdi, Vortixx, etc. being refugees is certainly a possibility, but unless we have someone with their memories intact or find the source, then we're essentially dead in the water on that one. :w:


For the record, I'm steering Chimeras convo with BM to have him try and find Takua. So anybody willing to join up with him would be helpful which leads me to... Now, there are people wishing to take up the mantle of the Toa Olda, other willing to follow the footsteps of the Chroniclers company. But there is one group who prefers to do things differently.Mercenaries, Bounty hunters, ex-Toa, Skakdi, Vortixx and everything in between. This is a group made of those who are willing to defend Mata Nui...for a price. Fighting for neither good or evil, these shady characters will be very much like the Dark hunters...beings who are in the game for themselves and will perform any job befitting them.Interested? PM me, It might be some time before I get things rolling (mainly as I want to find out what Exalt will do for his group). but it's something to do right?


Who is controlling the murderer in Onu-Koro?

There's a murdere in Onu-Koro? Since when? This could be very useful for one of my characters... very useful indeed...
There were two Matoran killed in Ta-Koro. One frozen, the other's neck was cut. Both happened outside the Kolhii stadium. You can do what you want with that if you haven't already had that char in Onu-Koro.-Snipe

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