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Cooking, Food, Drink, and other such things.


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I'm sure that there must be others out there that, like myself, enjoy cooking, eating, and researching foods, drinks, and recipes.


So, what are your favorite things to cook, eat, drink, or absorb energy from through your hand.

eh heh yeah i forgot that some people on here are human, not matoran

You can also talk about your favorite restaurants/cafés/bars/tea houses, etc. and what you like to get. Basically, this thread is for anything relating to food or drink.

Also, feel free to post recipes on here that you want to share.


Although I'll write more about stuff I make eventually, I really enjoy baking different types of bread (baguette, irish soda bread, regular-bread, sourdough, etc.).



(Oll Korrect'ed by -Windrider-, by the way.)

Edited by Kopekemaster
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So what if I want to be a chef? Is that fair game? Because I do and it would be fantastic.


I like making pasta dishes. Usually with tomatoes and onions and stuff.

3DS Freind Code: 1693-0634-1082 Name: Joey

I also have Mario Kart 7, Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Pokemon Y and Kid Icarus: Uprising

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