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Posted (edited)

ew doge memes in my tags.


Also thanks iBrow




“...sir...I’m afraid there’s more bad news.”

“What else could possibly be going wrong?”

“Your performance review is in, sir. It doesn’t look too positive.”

The Shadowy One sighed. Not to be confused with the Shadowed One, the leader of the Dark Hunters. The Shadowy One was just middle management. He had also changed his name several years back to “The Shadowy One,” partially to strike terror in Toa everywhere, and partially because he really, really looked up to the Shadowed One.

Unfortunately, the Shadowed One did not seem to return the feeling. In fact, the leader of the Dark Hunters was currently very disappointed in the Shadowy One, judging by the performance review that one of the shadowy minions was currently going over.

“...and our forecast for the next quarter is even lower,” the Dark Hunter continued. “Matoran everywhere are becoming less and less fearful of us. If we don’t do something about our declining performance now...the Shadowed One will-”

“Yes, yes, I know what the Shadowed One will do to us. He’ll shut down our base and send us all to work in the mines at minimum wage,” the Shadowy One interrupted, looking quite distressed. “We have to do something to show the Shadowed One that we’re serious. Something big. Something that will demonstrate that we are still to be feared…”

The Shadowy One stood up from his ridiculously oversized chair made out of velvet cake and strolled towards the window. “We need to make a splash...something that will make Matoran everywhere tremble when they...hey...what’s that island over there?”

“That, sir, is the island of Chuggo Nui. It’s a small island, the majority of the inhabitants are Matoran, and there’s one Toa that stands guard.”

A smile suddenly appeared on the Shadowy One’s lips...or, it would’ve, if he had lips. “Get your nets ready, boys…” he said with an evil grin. “We’re going on a hunt.”


Things were going awfully for Turaga Tapori Hofu.

First, he had been woken up quite early this morning when a stray Gukko bird got into a fight with a Ta Matoran over whether or not her babies should be made into scrambled eggs. Later, salt water had gotten in his bath, and after that, he had lost three straight rounds of Super Bonkle Bros, only adding to his saltiness. Then, to top it all off, Toa Mesonak, the island’s protector, was late to his usual meeting with the Turaga today.

“Where is that Mesonak?” he grumbled. “Probably off recording another dumb podcast. I swear, if he keeps being late to these things, one day, he’ll be late to everything! And if he’s late to everything, some monster will come in and destroy our village, and he won’t know until-”

The Turaga had really gotten into his ranting, and in so doing, hadn’t noticed that he was quite close to the edge of the suva.

...although he did notice as soon as he slipped.

“WAUGHHHHHHH!!!!!” he screamed as he fell down the side and crashed into the grass below.

A group of Matoran heard the cries and came rushing to his aid. “Turaga!” they asked in unison. “Are you all right?”

“Yes, yes, I’m fine. Leave me alone. I was just waiting for a meeting...and forgot where I was standing. Now, get out of here, before”-*CRUNCH!*

Tapori Hofu paused. Crunch? The grass didn’t usually go crunch. What was going on here? The Turaga looked at the ground and noticed he had stepped on a note.

“...it’s...paper?” asked an Onu Matoran.

“Read it!” shouted a Ga Matoran excitedly.

“I will, I will,” the Turaga said. “It’s probably just another cheap explanation from Mesonak as to why he isn’t on time...again.”

Tapori Hofu picked up the note, uncrumpled it, and read aloud its contents.

“HA HA HA! Your precious Toa has been abducted! If you want to ever see him again, surrender control of your island immediately!

Yours truly,

The Shadowy One.”

“ABDUCTED?!” one of the Matoran shouted. “THE ALIENS ARE REAL!”

“Pipe down, you fool,” the Turaga said, “abducted is just another word for kidnapped. The Dark Hunters have kidnapped our guardian...and they’re holding him for ransom.”

“Well...we can’t just give up our island!” a Po Matoran chimed in. “We’ve got to do something to fight back!”

“...without a Toa, our options are...fairly limited..,” the Turaga mused. “Though I suppose I could still make a decent fighter if I got to stretch first.”

“Then I guess it’s up to us,” a Le Matoran bravely said.

“...up...to you?” Tapori Hofu asked.

“Yep. We’ll go rescue Toa Mesonak!”

“...who exactly is we?”

“Why, the other Matoran who live here!” the Le Matoran chimed in. “We’ll storm that tower and get our Toa back!”

“...storming a tower full of Dark Hunters? Are you joking?” the Turaga asked. “You won’t even get past the ‘welcome’ mat!”

“Mesonak’s trained us how to fight!” a Ga Matoran chimed in. “We can do it!”

“Yeah!” a Ta Matoran agreed. “Let’s put that training to use!”

“...great…” Tapori Hofu muttered. “Mesonak trained Matoran...what could possibly go wrong?”


“Sir...we, um...we may have a problem.”

“...what is it?”

“The Matoran we kidnapped that goofy Toa from,” he said, gesturing to a tied up Mesonak in the corner, “they’re storming our tower.”

“...what, really? They’re attacking us?”

“Yes sir.”

“Well, that’s even better, I suppose. No pesky survivors who could go recruit other Toa. Go then, destroy them all.”

“Well, sir, that’s the thing, um…”

“...you...do have the capability to deal with a group of pesky Matoran, don’t you?”

“Well, it’s just that you never actually got around to teaching us combat training, so…”

“...oh. Right. Whoops. Well then, do the best you can.”


“I’m sure you’ll figure out something...Matoran are stupid. They’ll be vulnerable at some point...right?”

The Dark Hunter gulped, and then turned to his five comrades. “...we may be in trouble, here.”



The Great Toa Mesonak has been kidnapped, and only a group of brave Matoran can rescue him! The Matoran have just arrived on the island which the tower is located in. Like any three virtues loving group of Matoran, these villagers believe in justice...and justice is done by mob rule.

The Shadowy Tower has seven floors in total, the last one being the Shadowy One’s throne room. To rescue Mesonak, the Matoran will need to ascend through the tower, and save the Toa. However, the climb will not be as easy as simply walking up stairs. The tower is filled with tricks, traps, and other unfun things. Each floor of a tower is filled with a series of elementally themed traps, which are quite easy to bypass for Matoran of the corresponding element. If no Matoran of the corresponding element exist...getting past the traps will take a bit more time, slowing the Matoran down in their quest to save Mesonak.

The traps are not the only things that pose a threat to the Matoran, either. Six shape-shifting Dark Hunters have managed to infiltrate the ranks of the Matoran, and are determined to stop them before they reach the top of the tower. These Dark Hunters, however, missed out on combat training, and so can only kill one Matoran at a time.

The tower’s stairs have been rumored to be quite spooky at night, meaning that, at night fall, the Matoran will have to stay on whatever floor they’re on...putting them at risk of Dark Hunter attack.

Layman’s Terms: The Dark Hunters are the Mafians in this game. Six of them exist in total, although not all of them have the power to kill. The Dark Hunters, each night, will kill off a Matoran (probably, they could assumedly choose to null), and then the Matoran, following their Mesonak instilled values of unity, duty, and democracy, will put the crimes to a vote. Each day, the Matoran will bypass the traps of the floor they’re on, and ascend to the next floor, or (if there isn’t a Matoran alive of the corresponding element) will have to wait for another round. For example, if the group reaches the Ice Floor, and there is a Ko Matoran still alive, they can bypass the Ice Floor after one round. If there are no Ko Matoran still alive, they will have to wait on the Ice Floor for another round while they figure out how to bypass the traps safely.


(No, Mafians, you can’t kill these guys)

Tapori Hofu: The wise old Turaga. He will read the results of the mob voting after every Dark Hunter kill, as well as generally complain about how Mesonak’s bad at his job. Basically the narrator

The Shadowy One: The evil leader of the Dark Hunters in this sector. He waits for the Matoran at the top floor, guarding over Toa Mesonak. Who knows what will happen if the Matoran reach him?

Mesonak: Some fool who used to run an ask show, and later moved on to bigger things. He also got suckered into being kidnapped by a lame “learn one quick trick to instant abs” scam. Despite all this, he may have the ability to significantly aid the village if they can free him…


$5 will get you a spot as a Dark Hunter

Matoran (20): The group of fearless villagers desperately trying to save their Toa. They vote on who to lynch for crimes before they leave each floor in an attempt to rid the Dark Hunters from their group. They also have access to Kanohi powers, but more on that later.

Basically your standard villager role, although the elements they have play an important role in how quickly the group can move up the tower

Dark Hunters (5): While the Matoran were arriving on the Dark Hunters’ island in separate boats, these Dark Hunters quietly incapacitated a group of Matoran, and took their forms using their shape-shifting powers. Each night, they pick off a Matoran, and hope to avoid being lynched the next day.

The Mafians; they discuss among themselves who to kill. Dark Hunters can choose to kill no one if they wish, but waiting too long may not be in the best interests of the Dark Hunters

Master of Illusion (1): This character is part of the Dark Hunters as well, but not only did he miss out on combat training, he isn’t quite sure which way the pointy end of the sword goes. Nevertheless, he has his uses, as he has the ability to summon a mirage of some unfortunate soul and have him thrown into the mix of potential suspects the day after a murder.

This role, while it can’t kill, is part of the Dark Hunters as well. So long as he is alive, the Mafians can add a player of their choice to the suspect list for the following day

Av Matoran (1): He appears as a normal Matoran at first...should he survive for a while, however, he may become the Matorans’ greatest ally.

Secret Role (1): So maybe not ALL Matoran are big on that whole “killing by democracy” thing…

Pupwa (1): Rumor has it that this role will be lynched first, regardless of what it does beforehand.


No Medic? No Detective? Pfft, this is a democracy. We don’t need any bourgeoise village roles

Kanohi Masks:

Before he was kidnapped, Mesonak began to work on Kanohi masks that Matoran could use. The Matoran packed up some of these prototype masks and brought them along to use in their quest. Unfortunately, since these masks are prototypes, they break after one use.

Choose when to activate your mask wisely, as you can only use them once

Kanohi Hau: These prototype masks are a lifesaver. Literally. Activating one will protect the user from any type of death. The trick is, these masks are prototypes, and as such, have a long start up process. To use these masks, you must activate them at least ONE time period before you want the protection. Each Matoran starts the game with one, and they can only be used by Matoran.

So, for example, if you believe you will be killed during the nighttime, you must PM me during the day (when the lynching vote is going on). If you believe you will be involved in the lynching vote the following day, you must PM me during the night (when roles are deciding who to kill).

Kanohi Akaku: These prototype masks allow you to see past someone’s disguises, allowing the user to find out anyone’s roles...in time. Unfortunately, the Akakus were not all completed before Mesonak’s kidnapping, so there are only a few of these in play. One was taken by the Dark Hunters during their earlier assault on the Matoran arriving.

These masks can be activated at any time, but still only work once. It’s been said that the time it takes for these masks to scope out their target is inversely proportional to how busy MT is at the time. Should you be killed while you have this mask, however, the mask will be taken by your killer (if you’re lynched, then the mask is distributed to a random villager)

Other Powerups:

Energized Protodermis: Allows you to do a super triple flip spin Kohlii move if you’re in an animated movie. Also might provide some positive benefits to your mask if you hang onto it for that long...but no guarantee you’ll survive long enough to find it.


Each round, the tower map will be updated with which floors are based on which element. There are six elementally themed floors, all corresponding to the six main elements of Bionicle canon. To progress through a floor of an element in a single turn, there must be at least one Matoran alive (or Dark Hunter posing as a Matoran) of that same element. The Matoran, of course, have no idea as to the layout of the tower, save that Mesonak is being held on the top floor. The Dark Hunters, however, know full well what’s ahead. As such, they should plan their kills accordingly.

The Shadowy One’s Lair

6th Floor: Stone

5th Floor: Fire

4th Floor: Ice

3rd Floor: Earth

2nd Floor: Air

1st Floor: Water

Outside the Tower


The Matoran, will, almost assuredly, need to kill off every single Dark Hunter in order to claim victory. If the Matoran can reach the top of the tower, rescue Mesonak, descend back down through the tower and exit (a full twelve rounds of play at least), the island of Chuggo Nui will claim victory. Outside of that, it’s taking out the Dark Hunters that plague them.


The Dark Hunters’ objectives are fairly straightforward as well. Should they outnumber the Matoran at any time during the ascent up the tower, they will claim victory. If the Matoran reach the top floor, manage to rescue Mesonak, and begin the descent back down the tower...well...let’s just say the Dark Hunters would really rather the Matoran not reach the top floor.

Note that the game will still continue even after the Matoran reach the top floor, but it will become significantly harder for the Dark Hunters to win, and a simple lead in numbers will not be enough.



#1: Screenshots that involve this game in some way (someone admitting a role, screening a role revealing PM from me, etc.) are illegal. Screenshots that reveal you are Jimmy Buffett, however, are perfectly fine. Other screenshots, such as capturing a funny moment from a past game, are allowed as well. The final call on whether the screenshot pertains to the game or not will be made by me. Possible penalties for a related screenshot go up to being kicked off the Dark Hunter's Island (banned from the game). If you're not sure whether your screen qualifies as related or not, don't post it. Better safe than sorry.


#2: During a lynch vote, you can change your vote twice at most. Make sure you say who you are changing from, or your vote change will not count.


#3: Each voting period will last for 24 hours, after which roles will have 48 hours to PM me their choices. Those wishing to use their mask powers can PM me at any time, but note that if you PM me past the deadline of a certain period, that will count as activating the mask during the next time period, even if I haven't gotten the scene written yet (so, for example, if the lynch vote ends at 2 PM, but you PM me at 3, that will count as activating your mask during the night).


#4: No changing elemental powers after the game starts.


#5: (Insert BZP rules here)


#6: If you die, you are not allowed to reveal allied roles. You are still welcome to discuss with other players, alive or dead, who is what on either team, but if you have concrete knowledge of the roles of your side, you are not allowed to reveal them to anyone who you cannot confirm is an ally, whether they are playing the game or not.




If you sign up (which you should), please add an elemental power of your choice with your sign up. Pick one of the six major elemental powers from the Bionicle storyline (Fire, Water, Air, Ice, Earth, Stone). If you do not pick one, I will assign one for you. I also may assign you to the Pupwa role.


Roles are determined at random. Who ends up on lynching votes is also completely random (so Dark Hunters, don’t count on similar people from past votes showing up). The only people in lynch votes that are not random are, of course, the murderer, and then whomever the Master of Illusion adds to a vote. There will be four people on a vote should the Master of Illusion not use his power, and five people if he does.


Note that ALL TIMES POSTED BY ME IN TOPIC ARE EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. A vote that ends at 3:00 PM will end at 2:00 PM for those in Central time, 1:00 for those in Mountain, 12:00 for those in Pacific, etc.


The Mesonak Rescue Team:



2) Chro, Matoran, killed by Dark Hunters

3) Kaiser Mandicus, Matoran, killed by Dark Hunters

4) -ToaLhikevikk-, Matoran, killed by Dark Hunters

5) Valendale, Matoran, Lynched

6) Underscore, Matoran, killed by Dark Hunters

7) JustZakaro, Matoran, killed by Dark Hunters

8) Baltarc, Dark Hunter, killed by the Guardian of Light

9) Canis Lycaon, Matoran, Lynched

10) Mesonak, Matoran, killed by the Guardian of Light

11) Pulse, Dark Hunter, Lynched

9+3) Cupcake Seal, New Dark Hunter, Lynched

13) Jag18, Matoran, killed by Dark Hunters

14) TBK, Av-Matoran, killed by Dark Hunters


16) Dapper-Kun, Matoran, condemned by the Secret Role

17) Unit#phntk#1, Matoran, Lynched

18) JiMing, Dark Hunter, Lynched

19) Agnes Oblige, Guardian of Light, Lynched

20) Voxumo, Matoran, Launched into Space

21) Shadowhawk, Matoran, Lynched

22) Shadow Flaredrick, Matoran, killed by the Guardian of Light

23) Long Live Tyler, Matoran, killed by the Guardian of Light

24) Eljay, Matoran, condemned by the Secret Role

25) Tiz Arrior, Master of Illusion, Lynched

26) Makuta of Comedy, Matoran, Lynched

27) TheShadowVezon, Dark Hunter, Lynched




Edited by MT Zehvor


Posted (edited)

Spot one


So excite yusssss


E: Oh, and I am an Onu-Matoran


(prolly should have read the first post first lol)

Edited by Protalgif

Probably should've done more than just underline this, but if everyone could, please choose one of the six major elements from Bionicle canon when you sign up. If you didn't, and you notice this before the game starts, you're welcome to change your element from whatever I picked for you to something else.



Aww. Well, since I can't have Shadows, I'll go with Fire.


And this game is looking pretty cool.


Banner by jed1ndy


"Master of Shadows and Game-running Compliants, Ǝɹsɐʇz Ԁᴉɹɐʞɐ ᴉu qlɐɔʞ' No˙ 999, Vezon of the Twighlight"


I feel that since I'm being featured in this it is my solemn duty to join. This shall be my first Mafia game ever.


I'll take spot 10 and Ice.


(That's right guys I'm being held captive and playing. Hooray for confusion).



The Three Virtues YouTube Channel




Check it out for laughs, discussion, and more.


Oh hey I want to be moved to Spot 27 now bye


Banner by jed1ndy


"Master of Shadows and Game-running Compliants, Ǝɹsɐʇz Ԁᴉɹɐʞɐ ᴉu qlɐɔʞ' No˙ 999, Vezon of the Twighlight"


(That's right guys I'm being held captive and playing. Hooray for confusion).



How is this even going to work

save not only their lives


but their spirits



(That's right guys I'm being held captive and playing. Hooray for confusion).



How is this even going to work


"Isn't that the question of the day?"


I place my faith in MT. He'll know what to do. :P



The Three Virtues YouTube Channel




Check it out for laughs, discussion, and more.

Posted (edited)

Spot 8. Plantlife.

Unfortunately you can only take one of the "main six" elements. I'd've taken sonics if that wasn't the case. :P Edited by Chro

save not only their lives


but their spirits



Spot 8. Plantlife.

Unfortunately you can only take one of the "main six" elements. I'd've taken sonics if that wasn't the case. :P


And I would have gone with magnetism.


Steam name: Ehksidian




Spot 8. Plantlife.

Unfortunately you can only take one of the "main six" elements. I'd've taken sonics if that wasn't the case. :P


And I would have gone with magnetism.


And I would have gone with shadows.





The Three Virtues YouTube Channel




Check it out for laughs, discussion, and more.


For strategic reasons I think we need to balance out the amount of players of each element. We have a lot of ice and earth players, followed by air and fire. More stone and water please. :P

save not only their lives


but their spirits


Well, dang it.


I didn't anticipate MT hosting a game when I quit.


Alright, give me spot 28, and I'll quit again when this is over.


- :burnmad:

Avatar by Brickeens





Slot 21; element of Stone.


We must each try and lynch the other now

If either of us kills the other at night it should be considered cheating

And if someone else kills either of us at night it should be considered extremely bad taste




ok notrly nobody is going to buy it






















someday i will have my ultimate showdown with you


We must each try and lynch the other now

If either of us kills the other at night it should be considered cheating

And if someone else kills either of us at night it should be considered extremely bad taste


ok notrly nobody is going to buy it




someday i will have my ultimate showdown with you

Here is what's going to happen. You will be assassinated on the very first night, and my name will somehow mysteriously crop up on the suspect list. I will then be promptly and unanimously lynched, irregardless of whether I'm guilty or not or even try to talk my way out.


Or vice versa.

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