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Official BBC Contest #68: Get in the Robot!

For a species that's still working on teaching Asimo to walk, we've got an awfully rich history of giant fighting robots. Sure, you could slap a bunch of weapons on a heavily armoured cube and get it to float everywhere*, but where's the style? If a suit of armour works, then why not just make a really big version? It's just like wearing a really large dress that makes you shoot lasers out of your eyes. Irresistible.

Lego's not immune, either. What do you do when the robotic heroes of Hero Factory are outmatched by their latest opponents? You put them in even bigger fighting machines. You have to admit that's cool, because you can't tell me tiny robots in a much larger robot is a ridiculous idea. No way, no how, Bionicle fandom.

That brings me to this month's theme: build a giant fighting robot. You know, like a Gundam, whatever you call a Voltron (getting a lot of mileage out of Voltron comparisons lately), or that one movie with the robots and the monsters from last year. I think it was some limited-run arthouse affair. The important thing, as with life in general, is building a giant fighting robot.

This is a super-special contest. For one thing, the winners will receive summer Hero Factory sets signed by honest-to-goodness set designers! Many thanks to Lego for that one. As well, this is a Brickfair contest. That means that the finalists must get their entries to Brickfair (whether by bringing them or sending them in the mail) to qualify for voting in the final round. As always, this round is special: not only is there voting on BZPower, but Brickfair Virginia attendees will be casting their ballots, too!

So get out there and get in the robot!

*No you couldn't. The walking robots are more likely.


Entries begin being accepted as soon as this topic is posted, and will stop being accepted on Wednesday, June 25th at 11:59 P.M. EST. We will accept unlimited entries for this contest, so there's no need to rush your entry. To enter, simply post a link to your .jpg or .gif entry picture in this topic. Your entry post in this thread should appear as follows:

Entry Name:
Entry Pic URL:
Topic URL (if applicable):


A running tally of entrants will be updated daily IN A SEPARATE PINNED TOPIC, which will be posted shortly after the first entries are received.


Voting Process:

Preliminary Voting begins June 27th and ends June 30th at 11:59 P.M. EST.
Final Voting begins August 2nd and ends August 3rd at 11:59 P.M. EST.
The contest winner and final voting results will be posted in a separate thread on August 4th.



1) Your entry may not have been published prior to the start of this contest. You may make your own topic before posting in the official entry thread, but you must create a post in the entry topic before it is closed in order to be officially entered. If, after posting your entry anywhere on BZP but before officially entering it (including the blogs), you modify it and then enter it, you will be disqualified. You may only start one topic for your entry. Please post only one main pic in this entry thread and a link to the rest of the pics in the gallery on your image host (most likely Brickshelf, Photobucket, or Flickr). You can do pictures as normal in your own separate thread. If you need help posting pictures, please see this topic.

2) Don't PM the contest host unless you have to. Ask questions in this topic and the host or an assistant will answer it.

3) Painted parts are NOT ALLOWED. No non-LEGO parts. All other LEGO parts are fair game; however, for the most part, they should be Bionicle pieces and Technic pieces. Let's say, at least 75% of the MOC Bionicle/Technic parts. Pictures in which the appearance of the MOC has been edited in Photoshop or other editing software are also prohibited. If either method is used, the MOC will be disqualified. The background may be edited, as long as it does not alter the appearance of the MOC.

4) Only one entry per member. You cannot switch or modify models mid contest. Once you have entered, you may not "un-enter" your models and enter new or modified ones in their stead. You may opt to bow out of the contest for whatever reason but you cannot reenter under such a situation. If you get disqualified for any reason, you will not be allowed to reenter with another MOC in that contest.

5) Any flaming will result in disqualification from the contest. Competition is good if you keep it clean. Everyone play fair, NO WHINING, no insults. I reserve the right to DQ any entry at any time for any reason.

6) Absolutely, positively NO CHEATING! Anyone found to be cheating or even suspected of cheating will face immediate disqualification from this contest and will be banned from participating in future contests. They will likely also be banned from the site. Mods know this information, so you're not fooling anyone but yourself by thinking you can get away with it. We run a check on people with multiple accounts too, which is an offense that results in banning from BZP entirely, aside from the contest... DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT.

7) No "this is unfair" posting. Some people have more parts, money, time, birds, gigs left on your hard drive, etc than others. That's life; we each have to do our best with what we have. Any excessive complaining may, at the judgment of the contest runner, disqualify you!

8) Discussion is encouraged. Feel free to ask questions about models you see or about the contest in general. This is for us, the BBC builders; let's have some fun with it.

9) The contest is open to all BZP members, and voting is open to all BZP members to participate in even if they did not enter an MOC. "Advertising" your MOC is fine by making a signature or avatar reminding people to vote for you, but mass-PMing is frowned upon and will just get you disqualified. Advertising your MOC in someone else's thread is also a major no-no. Spamming may result in proto loss or even post-count reductions, so don't do it.



First place will receive a signed 44029 QUEEN Beast vs. FURNO, EVO & STORMER. Second place will receive a signed 44026 CRYSTAL Beast vs. BULK. Third place will receive a signed 4024 TUNNELER Beast vs. SURGE. All three sets are signed by real live Hero Factory set designers. Thanks to Lego for the prizes!


Contest Hosts:

Tufi Piyufi
Black Six

Well, what are you waiting for? Get building already!

  • Upvote 3
Be excellent to each other, and party on, dudes!
Posted (edited)

Does the robot have to be a mech with a rider (like the HF mechs), or can it be an individual robot?

Edited by The Swimming Beard

"I pitea the fool!"

(quote by Chro)





hmmmm i have some kind of veauge idea something with teal........ So the robot can it be mecha or does it have to be a robot with no piolte. (dont really know what a Gundam, and kinda know what voltron is)

one day this will contain greatness only the best. But take this with the ocean of salt then you will know what to expect from this

Posted (edited)

Do we have to base our thing on a specific design, or can we come up with something that generally looks like a mecha, taking cues from a lot of different things but not directly resembling any?

Edited by Djokson
  • Upvote 3

Interesting. Well, I'm always fine with building another mecha. Sounds like an interesting contest, and it's opportunely timed too.



  • Upvote 1

I ask this every time, and I always forget, but are LDD creations allowed?

:a: :r: :z: :a: :k: :i:

I got Monster Hunter World on PS4, add me at bmrjw2 if you want

Also I play FFXIV, my main is Anastasia Willow on Exodus but I've got characters on every NA datacenter.


I ask this every time, and I always forget, but are LDD creations allowed?

No, you can't send an LDD creation to brickfair silly.


I'm definitely entering this one! I will also send over some of my other mocs to be displayed at brickfair. Good luck to everyone else participating. Also, if we want our mocs displayed, then we have to have them registered, right?



And another question, who pays for the shipping of the finalist's creation?

You, shipping there and back.


(I already know the answers to these from past experience in BBCCs and being at brickfair so it's k :P)

animated_icon_by_modaltmasks-d6shs5w.gifmodalt_banner.png 76561198054169989.png


If you are not contest staff, please don't answer questions.


It doesn't matter if you're "totally sure" you know the answer; it prevents a lot of confusion down the road if you leave all questions to the contest staff.


Does the robot have to be a mech with a rider (like the HF mechs), or can it be an individual robot?

The entry doesn't need to have an actual rider minifig, but it should clearly be the kind of giant robot that's piloted.


Are we talking giant as in minifigure compared to a Toa set or a Toa set compared to Tahtorahk?

There's no set scale for the entry, no. Pick whatever works for you.


hmmmm i have some kind of veauge idea something with teal........ So the robot can it be mecha or does it have to be a robot with no piolte. (dont really know what a Gundam, and kinda know what voltron is)

Basically, it's a giant humanoid robot piloted by somebody inside.


Do we have to base our thing on a specific design, or can we come up with something that generally looks like a mecha, taking cues from a lot of different things but not directly resembling any?

It doesn't have to be based on an existing design, no.


I ask this every time, and I always forget, but are LDD creations allowed?

No, they're not.


I'm definitely entering this one! I will also send over some of my other mocs to be displayed at brickfair. Good luck to everyone else participating. Also, if we want our mocs displayed, then we have to have them registered, right?

I believe so, yes.


And another question, who pays for the shipping of the finalist's creation?

The finalists are in charge of shipping costs both to and from Brickfair.

Be excellent to each other, and party on, dudes!

I'm definitely entering this one! I will also send over some of my other mocs to be displayed at brickfair. Good luck to everyone else participating. Also, if we want our mocs displayed, then we have to have them registered, right?

If I remember correctly, when I send over my mocs, then you guys will register it for me. If that is incorrect then I would like to know.

If you are going to be at BrickFair in person, then yes, I highly recommend that you register your MOCs. It's not a requirement though.


If you're not going to be there in person, BZPower will make sure your MOCs get displayed at the event. Just make sure you ship them to us in time!

Posted (edited)

So the entry can have a pilot, then? And can we build accessories for the machine and the pilot, like different weapons and gear? Also, does the machine have to be humanoid, or can it be creature-based (like, for example, a centaur either with four legs or insectoid ones)?

EDIT: Oh, I just checked the date for Brickfair, and Bricks by the Bay is the next weekend, so is there a way to do expedited shipping to get it returned quickly just in case?

EDIT 2: And one last thing: can the machine transform, as long forms can hold the pilot?

Edited by Zorrakh

EDIT: Oh, I just checked the date for Brickfair, and Bricks by the Bay is the next weekend, so is there a way to do expedited shipping to get it returned quickly just in case?

If you're willing to pay for Priority Mail or similar, we will do our best to ship it out the Monday after BrickFair Virginia.

So the entry can have a pilot, then? And can we build accessories for the machine and the pilot, like different weapons and gear? Also, does the machine have to be humanoid, or can it be creature-based (like, for example, a centaur either with four legs or insectoid ones)?

EDIT: Oh, I just checked the date for Brickfair, and Bricks by the Bay is the next weekend, so is there a way to do expedited shipping to get it returned quickly just in case?

EDIT 2: And one last thing: can the machine transform, as long forms can hold the pilot?

A pilot is fine.


Those accessories would also be fine.


The giant fighting robot should be generally humanoid, yes. Something insectoid would be pushing it.


Transformations are fine.

Be excellent to each other, and party on, dudes!
Posted (edited)

Entry name: SCM-541: The White Viper

Entry image URL: Here

Entry topic: Here

Edited by The Swimming Beard

"I pitea the fool!"

(quote by Chro)





If an entry has been previously published on a site unaffiliated with BZP before the contest began, but has not been revealed to BZP and affiliated sites, is it still invalid?

If it hasn't been posted anywhere on BZP, then it's eligible (as long as it doesn't break any of the other rules).

Be excellent to each other, and party on, dudes!

I'm actually very tempted to enter -- I'm pretty certain I won't make it to the final round, but if I do and I can't ship my MOC, what happens? Do I just have to bow out?





I'm actually very tempted to enter -- I'm pretty certain I won't make it to the final round, but if I do and I can't ship my MOC, what happens? Do I just have to bow out?

Correct. If you can't ship your MOC you are not eligible in the final round of voting.

Hey, can I enter my MOC now? If not why are other people entering? I am also wondering if all the Perks for sending your MOC's to conventions count?



Want to join a Bionicle RP with seasoned RPers, vast amounts of topics to post in, and a Wikia to make it easy to get involved?
Come on over to Gen1RP.  :smilenuju:



Hey, can I enter my MOC now? If not why are other people entering?

From the first post:


Entries begin being accepted as soon as this topic is posted, and will stop being accepted on Wednesday, June 25th at 11:59 P.M. EST.

Be excellent to each other, and party on, dudes!

I am also wondering if all the Perks for sending your MOC's to conventions count?

Yes, you will get the appropriate perks when you send your MOC to BrickFair Virginia. If you want us to hang on to your MOC and bring it to BrickFair New Jersey, you will get the appropriate additional perks.

Would Exo-Toa sized robotic armor qualify, or does the scale of the robot to the rider have to be bigger?

"What we see depends mainly on what we look for" -John Lubbock

Is it alright if the pilot is a printed minifig?

I'm afraid you'll have to elaborate on that one.


Would Exo-Toa sized robotic armor qualify, or does the scale of the robot to the rider have to be bigger?

That would be fine.

Be excellent to each other, and party on, dudes!


Is it alright if the pilot is a printed minifig?

I'm afraid you'll have to elaborate on that one.


It is custom printed by Tommy Armstrong at brickengraver.com. It was printed for First Tech Challenge last year for one of the teams. They had many on their table and handed them out to passersby.







Is it alright if the pilot is a printed minifig?


I'm afraid you'll have to elaborate on that one.


It is custom printed by Tommy Armstrong at brickengraver.com. It was printed for First Tech Challenge last year for one of the teams. They had many on their table and handed them out to passersby.

No, you wouldn't be able to use that.
Be excellent to each other, and party on, dudes!
This topic is now closed to further replies.
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