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Are the Toa Nuva still in their Karda Nui forms?

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1. Are all the Toa Nuva, besides Tahu, in the forms they took in Karda Nui currently?


2. Are Lewa and Pohatu still in the vehicle form, or did they revert to their Phantoka form?


3. What activates their adaptive armour?


4. Would Pohatu and Kopaka's armour change to suit the Red Star's environment?

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1. No, their adaptive armor has shifted to fit the Spherus Magnan environment. Greg confirmed that Tahu's extra armor was his adaptive armor in "default" form. I think Greg also said that the Nuva were all in standard Nuva forms + a little extra armor later, but don't quote me on it. 


2. See answer to #1.


3. It basically detects the environment and shifts accordingly. It doesn't require the wearer's control to work. 


4. Possible, but I doubt it. What sort of armor adaptation they would need in there I have no idea. 

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1. / 2. /3. I also remembered Tahu being in his Mistika form as he exited the MU. Since Tahu left Karda Nui he wouldn't need his Mistika stuff so why didn't the adaptive armour change to default form inside the MU. Tahu exited the MU into Bara Magna, which is a desert, why didn't he adapt to a desert form rather than to default. I always kinda assumed that only Tahu's armour changed, because when he devolved back into a Toa Mata, he would need new armour to fit his new build. It wouldn't make sense for him to be a Toa Mata Mistika. 


4. Well the Red Star is in space with a bunch of revived MU beings. Maybe they could have adapted to the space environment.


And I just thought of something as I was re-reading The Powers That Be. Here is a quote.


Kopaka looked up. The star was in the sky now above Spherus Magna, and had been since the arrival of the Mata Nui robot on the planet. With the robot destroyed, the red star would not be summoned into use again. Yet still it hung among the true stars, waiting, waiting for a call that would never come.

“If only we could get up there …” Kopaka said, more to himself than anyone else.
“The hunting would be poor,” said Gaardus.
“Not for what we’re seeking,” Pohatu said. “Doesn’t matter, though, neither one of us is equipped for space flight.”
5. What is interesting here is what Pohatu says at the end. With their adaptive armour, why does it matter if they are equipped for it or not? Can't they just fly as high as the could by some means, either by their Phantoka flying stuff or another means, then have their armour automatically adapt to the space environment?
Which brings me to something else I just thought of. Sorry for the bunch of questions. Things just seems to pop up about other similar stuff when I ask things.
6. When Lewa was teleported into space with the others, why didn't his armour, to our knowledge, adapt to the space environment. He created air bubbles so I assumed he didn't adapt. Or was the time he was in space before Vezon teleported them too little time for the armour to react?
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Interesting what you mention about their Adaptive Armors in space, Lewa's armor may have adapted but he didn't have time to think about it since he hd to save himself as well as all the others before Vezon teleported them.


As for Kopaka and Pohatu I believe their armors could perhaps adapt to space but they would have had to get there which means they would have had to go throught Spherus Magna's armosphere.

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1. / 2. /3. I also remembered Tahu being in his Mistika form as he exited the MU. Since Tahu left Karda Nui he wouldn't need his Mistika stuff so why didn't the adaptive armour change to default form inside the MU.

We don't know that it didn't. :shrugs:


Tahu exited the MU into Bara Magna, which is a desert, why didn't he adapt to a desert form rather than to default.

It might have, but then again, what improvements could it have done?


I always kinda assumed that only Tahu's armour changed, because when he devolved back into a Toa Mata, he would need new armour to fit his new build. It wouldn't make sense for him to be a Toa Mata Mistika.

I sort of figured that the Ignika changed the armor so it would fit the devolved Tahu. Or maybe it just adapted to its wearer's smaller size/different shape like anything else.


5. What is interesting here is what Pohatu says at the end. With their adaptive armour, why does it matter if they are equipped for it or not? Can't they just fly as high as the could by some means, either by their Phantoka flying stuff or another means, then have their armour automatically adapt to the space environment?

The problem is, no amount of adaptation can create air from nothing. I think that is what Pohatu is referring to. :shrugs:


Which brings me to something else I just thought of. Sorry for the bunch of questions. Things just seems to pop up about other similar stuff when I ask things.


6. When Lewa was teleported into space with the others, why didn't his armour, to our knowledge, adapt to the space environment. He created air bubbles so I assumed he didn't adapt. Or was the time he was in space before Vezon teleported them too little time for the armour to react?

Hey, no worries. I think that's a very good question. I think the timing might be a little too fast, yeah. Or maybe it did adapt, just that Greg didn't mention it. :shrugs:

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1. / 2. /3. I also remembered Tahu being in his Mistika form as he exited the MU. Since Tahu left Karda Nui he wouldn't need his Mistika stuff so why didn't the adaptive armour change to default form inside the MU. Tahu exited the MU into Bara Magna, which is a desert, why didn't he adapt to a desert form rather than to default. I always kinda assumed that only Tahu's armour changed, because when he devolved back into a Toa Mata, he would need new armour to fit his new build. It wouldn't make sense for him to be a Toa Mata Mistika.


I think you're overlooking the obvious reason: Tahu Mistika was the most recent set version of Tahu, so for marketing purposes, that was the form they chose to illustrate in the comics. They weren't going to dig up a 2002 set and draw that just to satisfy us continuity-crazed fans.

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Sorry if I will be replying in an unorganized manner by not using the quote boxes. I'm not using a PC to post, I'm using the Wii U internet browser. It would be hard for me to put it in that format.


1. By that do you mean by that? Him not needing the swamp modifications or him being in a default form?


If the first one, from what I have read about what Tahu did during Teridax's Reign, I don't think his swamp modifications would have helped him at all. His rotating fire blades appear to half low range. His Nynrah Ghost blaster seems to have some use though because it can control mechanical beigns and contained light which can be used against the Rahkshi, but I don't think it was ever written that Tahu used his blaster. I don't THINK. I may be wrong. Even if his blaster would prove helpful, his weird looking Hau Nuva and all those flying stuff stuck on him wouldn't. Why would he stay in that Mistika form.


If the default form thing, he exited the MU as Mistika in the comics. I've seen a picture of Tahu in Mistika form in Metru Nui when the Mask of Shadows was in the skies as a constellation. Either the process of the adaptive armour takes really long to change, or only does so in dire situations.


1.2. Further stability in the desert sand. A projectile based weapon suited for a warground in the desert next to two powerful giant robots having a fist fight. A larger melee weapon for taking out multiple enemies at once. Visors to enhance vision due to the desert sand.


1.3. I worded that a little weird. Even I got confused as what I wanted to say after re-reading that. 


So what you are saying is that the Ignika set the adaptive armour on Tahu Mata to the default form when he devolved?


5. Well it seems to be able to create weapons, ammo and the sort out of nothing, or does it recycle the old protodermis or something. Even if it couldn't create air out of nothing, by the time Pohatu and Kopaka would have begin to leave Spherus Magna's atmosphere, it could maybe make out the obvious that they were going into space and store air for them.


6. If the timing may have been a little too fast, how long exactly does it take for this thing to adapt. Seeing the scenarios the Toa have been through and only adapted about 3 times (Swamp/Air, Vehicle, Default) I wouldn't trust that thing as beeing a reliable back up.



Valdabaoth: Yes, I do realize that. Let me tell a little story. A while back I used to frequently visit a The Legend of Zelda forums and was big into Zelda theories and the sort. When discussing things about the story, we theorized and spoke as if the developers of the game did not exist. For example : If a certain imagery looked similar to something else on another side of the timeline [The Zelda series has 3 timeline splits] we wouldn't say "Oh, the developers probably just wanted to reuse assets". We would stay discussing from an in-universe perspective. I don't know if it is any different here on BZPower. I haven't really posted a lot since I joined in 2010.

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Well, you're right, we do spend a lot of time here trying to find in-story justifications for decisions that were obviously made on a meta level. I just don't have a lot of patience for that. Let's wait until bonesiii swings by, this is his domain. :P

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1. By that do you mean by that? Him not needing the swamp modifications or him being in a default form?

The latter.  


If the default form thing, he exited the MU as Mistika in the comics. I've seen a picture of Tahu in Mistika form in Metru Nui when the Mask of Shadows was in the skies as a constellation. Either the process of the adaptive armour takes really long to change, or only does so in dire situations.


6. If the timing may have been a little too fast, how long exactly does it take for this thing to adapt. Seeing the scenarios the Toa have been through and only adapted about 3 times (Swamp/Air, Vehicle, Default) I wouldn't trust that thing as beeing a reliable back up.

It had to adapt really fast, otherwise the Toa would have plunged to their deaths in Karda Nui. It probably does so rather quickly. I think what Yalda cited is probably to blame here - those images are noncanon last I noted. Or maybe the armor didn't need to shift. Tahu and Co. were clinging to the flying vehicles a few minutes ago - just landing in Metru Nui wouldn't necessitate a change in armor.


1.2. Further stability in the desert sand. A projectile based weapon suited for a warground in the desert next to two powerful giant robots having a fist fight. A larger melee weapon for taking out multiple enemies at once. Visors to enhance vision due to the desert sand.

Possible, but I don't think the BM desert had sandstorms or sand dunes. Also I'm pretty sure in adapts to the environment, not the type of enemies.


So what you are saying is that the Ignika set the adaptive armour on Tahu Mata to the default form when he devolved?

No, I meant that the Ignika could have adjusted the adaptive armor to his Toa Mata form, as opposed to Toa Nuva.


But what you mentioned is possible.


5. Well it seems to be able to create weapons, ammo and the sort out of nothing, or does it recycle the old protodermis or something. Even if it couldn't create air out of nothing, by the time Pohatu and Kopaka would have begin to leave Spherus Magna's atmosphere, it could maybe make out the obvious that they were going into space and store air for them.

I think it adapts to the environment after you get in it, not based on your brain. Otherwise your armor could randomly change if you saw a picture of Vulcanus and you were living in Iconox.


I guess it could make proto with the power of air and a thing to activate it or something like that, so I guess it could be a valid point. :shrugs:

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1. / 6. It could have at least reverted them to their default mode. They have all this huge unnecessary armour that they have just carrying about in a city. 


But what about the comic...


1.2. Well with SO MANY enemies all about wouldn't that be considered part of the environment. Unless those pictures from that Mata Nui Saga voice thingy aren't canon also and there were far less... And wouldn't it also adapt to the enemies? Weren't the blasters of the Nuva during the Mata Nui saga contained with light to fight against the Makuta?



5. That wasn't exactly what I was thinking about it being activated by your mind. Let me reword it.


Ok, say your at the thermosphere of Spherus Magna, its the last layer of the atmosphere before you have completely left the planet. Could it not provide an oxygen reserve and then by the time you enter outer space fit you for space travel?

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We would stay discussing from an in-universe perspective. I don't know if it is any different here on BZPower. I haven't really posted a lot since I joined in 2010.

You just have to stay clear that really these things are set-caused, and keep in mind that this can sometimes mean what you saw visually (like in the comic) might not be meant to be entirely canon anyways. So, in that case, there would be little point to trying to justify the lack of a desert form, if one was meant to be "imagined by fans", and just couldn't be shown because comics always show sets and there was no such set. :shrugs:


Basically, just keep it in context. But yes, imagining ways to make it work in-story is good mental exercise too.


Anywho, this has been brought up before, and I vaguely recall somebody suggesting (maybe me but I'm probably misremembering :P) that the flying form could be a good "generic all-purpose" form, rather than just Karda Nui specifically.


I don't really have time right now to read and reply to every single point here, sorry, maybe later. I skimmed though and hopefully that helps a bit. :)

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1. / 6. It could have at least reverted them to their default mode. They have all this huge unnecessary armour that they have just carrying about in a city.

Isn't that true of all Toa, not just the Nuva? Also you got to keep in mind that the city was prone to Rahi attacks, so having extra armor might not be a bad idea.


And wouldn't it also adapt to the enemies? Weren't the blasters of the Nuva during the Mata Nui saga contained with light to fight against the Makuta?

Wasn't that an adaptation to the environment, seeing as the Midiak blasters channeled the natural light of Karda Nui? 


Ok, say your at the thermosphere of Spherus Magna, its the last layer of the atmosphere before you have completely left the planet. Could it not provide an oxygen reserve and then by the time you enter outer space fit you for space travel?

Possible, I suppose. If you moved slow enough...


Although, granted, oxygen reserves are just that - reserves. Whether they will last long enough to get you to another planet is questionable. :shrugs:

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Okay so, more detailed response:


Are Lewa and Pohatu still in the vehicle form, or did they revert to their Phantoka form?

They'r'e not in the vehicles, so not in the vehicle form. Pretty simple. :)


Since Tahu left Karda Nui he wouldn't need his Mistika stuff

His Mistika stuff is comprised of highly useful flight gear, and some superficial changes that presumably helped streamline him for flight. How do you know he would never need that? Whether the theory is right or not that it's an all-purpose form, they weren't yet 100% sure everything was safe. Even once Mata Nui revealed himself it was thought some Makuta might still need hunting down. The armor probably sensed that he desired to stay in that easily mobile form in case of sudden danger before they were totally sure all major dangers had been vanquished. Or, it might not be canon that they were still in that form.


Of course, this only applies to the Teridax reveal scene in the comic. In the later serial while he's on the run, who knows what forms it could have taken? We don't see him visualized again until he exits the giant much later. It might have switched back to the most mobile form them -- we don't really know.


Well the Red Star is in space with a bunch of revived MU beings. Maybe they could have adapted to the space environment.

Earth is in space too, but as it has an atmosphere, there's nothing particularly spacey to adapt to. :P The Red Star interior is closed off to space, just as much as the giant when it traveled through space gotta go to space. And since they were walking, it would probably be a generic Nuva form, but we don't know.


If the first one, from what I have read about what Tahu did during Teridax's Reign, I don't think his swamp modifications would have helped him at all. His rotating fire blades appear to half low range. His Nynrah Ghost blaster seems to have some use though because it can control mechanical beigns and contained light which can be used against the Rahkshi, but I don't think it was ever written that Tahu used his blaster. I don't THINK. I may be wrong. Even if his blaster would prove helpful, his weird looking Hau Nuva and all those flying stuff stuck on him wouldn't. Why would he stay in that Mistika form.

Unless it was said that he swung a sword in the serial or something, no reason he couldn't keep the rotating blades. Reach limits also mean its blades aren't likely to accidentally cut off his other hand, you know? And he's a Toa -- he doesn't need reach limits. Their weapons aren't primarily for melee offense anyways, but for channeling elemental power through, and melee/anti-projectile defense, which those are just about ideal for.

And on what grounds do you say flight wouldn't be useful while on the run? In enclosed spaces like on the Red Star, maybe not, but you'd think it would almost always be useful to have that instantly available should he need it. BTW, it wasn't really "swamp" modifications but flight modifications. That was because the swamp waters were mutagenic, so they didn't want to ever touch it, if they could help it. It wasn't like it was swamp boots and swamp grass cutters for trudging through mud or something -- it wasn't really specific to the swamp environment, it was about staying above the swamp environment. The same logic works even if it's Exo-Toa you're trying to get away from fast, rather than water.


So I don't think it matters a lot -- if he stayed in Karda form while on the run, it can make sense. If not, that could make sense too (as it's less stuff sticking off to get in the way). :shrugs:


1.2. Further stability in the desert sand. A projectile based weapon suited for a warground in the desert next to two powerful giant robots having a fist fight. A larger melee weapon for taking out multiple enemies at once. Visors to enhance vision due to the desert sand.

As far as I recall, there was no sandstorm at the time. To the other things, once the battle started, he did get a sword type weapon back with his turning to Mata form, so... And a projectile weapon doesn't sound very useful in that situation honestly -- ammo limits would be severe. Toa are walking projectile weapons, especially Toa of Fire, so with a combination of saving his EE for emergency encounters and relying on melee (in that situation; usually it would be the other way around), I'd say he was pretty well equipped for the battle.


And we don't know that the armor wasn't subtly adapted to the desert. Perhaps a layer of it was given the quality to reflect away excess heat, for example; you wouldn't visually see that. But the Glatorian/etc. lived for a long time in the desert without obvious fancy desert gear for the most part, so evidently none was needed that MU beings wouldn't automatically have. :shrugs: (Perhaps some sort of body temperature regulator implant, maybe included standard in MU beings, or something.)


how long exactly does it take for this thing to adapt.

A matter of seconds, give or take, as seen with the vehicle forms.

The Destiny of Bionicle (chronological retelling of Bionicle original series, 9 PDFs of 10 chapters each on Google Drive)Part 1 - Warring with Fate | Part 2 - Year of Change | Part 3 - The Exploration Trap | Part 4 - Rise of the Warlords | Part 5 - A Busy Matoran | Part 6 - The Dark Time | Part 7 - Proving Grounds | Part 8 - A Rude Awakening | Part 9 - The Battle of Giants

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1. OK

2. OK, I meant Karda Nui saga, made a typo. Didn't make a difference though you obviously knew what I meant.

3. Well I supposed that when they have reached outer space their armour would be adapted to that space setting and there could be a feature to re-use the air or turn existing material into air. They could have breathing apparatuses also, like the Toa Mahri did.




1. OK


2. OK, but what about the Phantoka? Looking at the designs of the Mistika, now that you mention it, does look like high speed flight gear, but the Phantoka's gear does seem to be particularly high speed, it seems more of something for high altitude.


3. OK


4. OK


5. Sandstorms weren't what I was implying. When there are about a thousand or so, probably a lot more, beings running around in desert sand, sand will kick up, the sand will be flying around and the sand will be in your face. I've learnt that from being in a sandy area with about 800 kids....


Also, being a toa of fire, wouldn't he already be immune to the heat. Im almost certain that inside a volcano is hotter than being in a desert. The giant robots maybe even gave them some shade.


6. So the amount of time Lewa and co. were in space was enough time for him to adapt?

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OK, but what about the Phantoka? Looking at the designs of the Mistika, now that you mention it, does look like high speed flight gear, but the Phantoka's gear does seem to be particularly high speed, it seems more of something for high altitude.

Does it really, or are you interpreting it that way since you do know they were at a high altitude? And they remained in that form when they joined the others for the battle at the Codrex. Seems subjective to me.


Sandstorms weren't what I was implying. When there are about a thousand or so, probably a lot more, beings running around in desert sand, sand will kick up, the sand will be flying around and the sand will be in your face. I've learnt that from being in a sandy area with about 800 kids....

I see. Well, our faces are organic, though. Does it really make much of a difference to them? Even the Glatorian seem to have had eye implants. That might be part of why. And the Toa don't appear to have organic eyes at all. You wouldn't wanna breathe it in, but an airway has to be available anyways, and you could make the argument that in battle you don't want even cloth type things slowing down your airflow. I think it would probably be too distracting for him at the time -- the desert wasn't his problem at the moment, it was the beings IN the desert trying to kill him. :P


Also, being a toa of fire, wouldn't he already be immune to the heat.

Right... :P (Well, resistant, but certainly plenty resistant enough to that heat, yeah.)


So the amount of time Lewa and co. were in space was enough time for him to adapt?

Evidently yes, but I'm inclined to think that since he was creating air for them, either it didn't need to do anything, or if it did, he was too busy worrying about the whole group being in space to notice consciously (after all, it adapting to help him won't help them), and then they weren't in space, and then it might change back. Either way, the narration doesn't mention it.

The Destiny of Bionicle (chronological retelling of Bionicle original series, 9 PDFs of 10 chapters each on Google Drive)Part 1 - Warring with Fate | Part 2 - Year of Change | Part 3 - The Exploration Trap | Part 4 - Rise of the Warlords | Part 5 - A Busy Matoran | Part 6 - The Dark Time | Part 7 - Proving Grounds | Part 8 - A Rude Awakening | Part 9 - The Battle of Giants

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1. Well its odd that the 3 who were in the swamp got different forms than those in the sky... The phantoka masks seems more adapted to high altitudes and such like with the visor on Pohatu's mask and stuff.


2. It may block his vision or foggy his eye sensors or something.


3. -


4. At this point where Lewa was in space are we both assuming he is in his phantoka form? Moving in space is different than in the air.

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Well its odd that the 3 who were in the swamp got different forms than those in the sky...

Offhand I don't recall what you would be referring to, because each one had a different form than the others. Could you be more specific?


The phantoka masks seems more adapted to high altitudes and such like with the visor on Pohatu's mask and stuff.

Who says a visor is related to altitude? :shrugs: I associate that more with speed, and Pohatu having the Mask of Speed personally, unrelated to setting per se. Same with his huge rotor claws, which look better suited to being sped up.


I think their forms were all for flight but tailored to each Toa specifically. And some flew, for a while, higher up than others. And that's it, IMO.


At this point where Lewa was in space are we both assuming he is in his phantoka form?

I don't exactly believe in assuming. :P But I suppose so.

The Destiny of Bionicle (chronological retelling of Bionicle original series, 9 PDFs of 10 chapters each on Google Drive)Part 1 - Warring with Fate | Part 2 - Year of Change | Part 3 - The Exploration Trap | Part 4 - Rise of the Warlords | Part 5 - A Busy Matoran | Part 6 - The Dark Time | Part 7 - Proving Grounds | Part 8 - A Rude Awakening | Part 9 - The Battle of Giants

My Bionicle Fanfiction  (Google Drive folder, eventually planned to have PDFs of all of it)

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1. The different styles of their armour, the Phantoka style, with all the huge flying stuff (Kopaka's wings, Pohatu's spinning stuff, Lewa's jetpacks) and then the Mistika with the tiny jet pieces stuck on them at various places.


2. How about Kopaka's mask? It had that lazer thing from him lookers, which switched sides from his right to left eye...


And you know what I realized from the end of all of this? I actually was fighting for something I didn't want. I actually wanted for them to remain in those forms... So here are some questions..


1. Are they still in their Karda Nui forms now?


2. When Pohatu and Lewa hopped off of their vehicles, were they back in their Karda Nui forms? If so how? They weren't in Karda Nui...

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The comics and promo art and such are usually restricted to the current sets that the artist has available as a reference. The Mata Nui saga paintings are some of the worst offenders for getting the jist of it with currently selling sets rather than strict canon.
Even though the Toa Nuva's armour should be frequently adapting to their environment, the artist only had the 2008 sets to work from, so they used that. It makes it easier for the artist and allows them to keep advertising old sets just in case they're still sitting on shelves in some stores.


Those Toa on Bara Magna probably had a desert forme of some kind with weapons adapted to the battle. Greg described their adaptive armour's neutral/standard mode as looking like the 2002 Toa Nuva but in 2008's colour schemes. There's no official art, but take a look at my avatar and signature for my impressions of them.

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The different styles of their armour, the Phantoka style, with all the huge flying stuff (Kopaka's wings, Pohatu's spinning stuff, Lewa's jetpacks) and then the Mistika with the tiny jet pieces stuck on them at various places.

Tahu had four jets, though. He looked something like a Star Wars X-wing, so you could argue he looks higher altitude than any of them. :P And he had propellors to boot. I'll grant you Kopaka, and maybe Gali and Onua, but Lewa, eh. But thanks for clarifying. :)


2. How about Kopaka's mask? It had that lazer thing from him lookers, which switched sides from his right to left eye...

Pardon if I'm just being dense, but I didn't understand the question. What about it, do you mean? :) Are you asking why it switched sides? Or something else? (If just about the sides, I'm not aware of any story-based reason, I think the set designers just thought having a scope was close enough.)


And you know what I realized from the end of all of this? I actually was fighting for something I didn't want. I actually wanted for them to remain in those forms... So here are some questions..


1. Are they still in their Karda Nui forms now?


2. When Pohatu and Lewa hopped off of their vehicles, were they back in their Karda Nui forms? If so how? They weren't in Karda Nui...

1) I thought this was cleared up earlier in the topic, as that they are in forms similar to their standard Nuva forms. But I haven't actually seen that quote myself as far as I recall. So I'd go with "I dunno."


2) Good question. I'd think so just because everybody is still in the flight forms at the Coliseum later. And it would make sense based on the "prepped for danger" reasoning I mentioned before. But it's possible they were in some other form, and switched to Karda flight form later, or even that the Coliseum forms aren't meant to be canon. :shrugs:

Edited by bonesiii

The Destiny of Bionicle (chronological retelling of Bionicle original series, 9 PDFs of 10 chapters each on Google Drive)Part 1 - Warring with Fate | Part 2 - Year of Change | Part 3 - The Exploration Trap | Part 4 - Rise of the Warlords | Part 5 - A Busy Matoran | Part 6 - The Dark Time | Part 7 - Proving Grounds | Part 8 - A Rude Awakening | Part 9 - The Battle of Giants

My Bionicle Fanfiction  (Google Drive folder, eventually planned to have PDFs of all of it)

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2. No problem if you didn't understand what I was trying to say, I don't either...


I think at the time I was thinking that the lazer thing from his kanohi was related to high altitudes.


1. I'll probably go on the LMB and ask, but I don't know the likelihood of me being answered...


2. So basically when they hopped off of their vehicles the form they took was the Karda Nui form in case of dangers. I would really love to believe this, but then why the Karda Nui form, does it revert to the 'last used form' if the current form would have no benefits in the current environment? The vehicle forms wouldn't, as all the armour was in the back.


And quick question not related to the story. Was Pohatu taller in the vehicle form in the set?



Sorry for the double post but I found something.




Here it says on the table that the masks adapted to aerial, swamp and vehicle forms. Although I liked the idea of it being a high speed form after thinking about it, this seems to go against it.

Edited by bonesiii

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"I am Lloyd Garmadon, son of Lord Garmadon." - Lloyd, Episode 4: Never Trust a Snake

"I am Lloyd Garmadon, son of Lord Garmadon." - Lloyd, Episode 44: Corridor of Elders

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Sorry, I must have missed your earlier post. For the record, technically we don't allow DPs except with staff permission. Next time if that happens, PM me and ask, okay? Since I'm reply now anyways, I guess I'll merge your two posts as people will now see the part that will become an edit.

So, reply:

I think at the time I was thinking that the lazer thing from his kanohi was related to high altitudes.

I could see that, I guess. Not sure why but it seems to make sense. :shrugs: Maybe greater distances up high so a laser sight might help, whereas it would be closer quarters down below. But again, in the imagery we have, he kept that too when he went down to the ground level at the Codrex battle, so yeah.


then why the Karda Nui form, does it revert to the 'last used form' if the current form would have no benefits in the current environment?

What I meant was that the flight form would give them more options for dodging and escaping danger quickly. If you're in a walking mode, and three enemies fire at you, and to the right and left, you can't dodge. You could go up, though, if you could fly. And in the time it takes for the armor to change to flying mode you might be dead, so it makes sense to keep it in that mode whenever you suspect danger, and there's no more specific circumstances making that a bad idea (like riding vehicles, where it's better to be streamlined).


Add to that terrain difficulties, and flying could help you dodge left and right better too, diagonally up, yanno. Plus escape, or even attack, faster, if the terrain is rough.


The vehicle forms wouldn't, as all the armour was in the back.

The specific set design of extra armor pieces isn't necessarily meant to be the only armor canonically. :shrugs: But not sure.


And quick question not related to the story. Was Pohatu taller in the vehicle form in the set?

I dunno. The upper torso might be one peg higher, but I can't tell from the pics I just looked up. The leg and lower torso design is the same.


Here it says on the table that the masks adapted to aerial, swamp and vehicle forms. Although I liked the idea of it being a high speed form after thinking about it, this seems to go against it.

That really doesn't mean anything storywise, since the function of the swamp adaptation was to fly and thus stay out of the water like I mentioned before. Both are for flight.

The Destiny of Bionicle (chronological retelling of Bionicle original series, 9 PDFs of 10 chapters each on Google Drive)Part 1 - Warring with Fate | Part 2 - Year of Change | Part 3 - The Exploration Trap | Part 4 - Rise of the Warlords | Part 5 - A Busy Matoran | Part 6 - The Dark Time | Part 7 - Proving Grounds | Part 8 - A Rude Awakening | Part 9 - The Battle of Giants

My Bionicle Fanfiction  (Google Drive folder, eventually planned to have PDFs of all of it)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well we now have an answer...



Boidoh wrote:
1. Are the Toa Nuva currently in their Karda Nui forms?
2. Did Lewa's armour adapt while in space?
3. What Kanohi does Zaria and Orde wear?
1) No, because they are now in a desert, so their armor would adapt
2) I assume so
3) Never was determined
I should have asked about the red star..
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"I am Lloyd Garmadon, son of Lord Garmadon." - Lloyd, Episode 4: Never Trust a Snake

"I am Lloyd Garmadon, son of Lord Garmadon." - Lloyd, Episode 44: Corridor of Elders

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