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OOC: Rider, no one wants to fight you because your power is ridiculous and annoying to deal with. It makes the game not fun to play.


I seriously take issue with many of the powers of players.... Could we have a platform to make such objections?


IC: Phoenix Zero (18/20)


Phoenix Zero struggled to keep warm internally. This power of Luroka's was still annoying to deal with, but right at the moment, his opponent was distracted. While Luroka was swinging his sword in a wide arc, the robotic fighter rushed in from behind, aiming to bluntly whack Luroka with his arm buster.

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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OOC: And one of those powers I take issue with is yours, Luroka. From what I can tell, it is VERY versatile and can even negate certain powers entirely. I haven't seen much to balance it out either...


IC: Phoenix Zero (18/20)


The frost continued to build, actually harming Phoenix Zero. (17/20) Growling, the robotic fighter wrestled out of the ice, and dashed towards Luroka again. Once more he attempted to slam the buster against the ice barrier, while simultaneously firing a charged shot in an attempt to break his opponent's defenses.

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OOC: IMO it's not bad enough for me to comment on. I guess some characters are more powerful. I deliberately(and naïvely) chose a weaker power set, haha

Niha (6/20)


IC: I take aim at Makuta Luroka and unleash a sonic blast from my cannon arm.

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OOC: Being a veteran at this point, it is an important issue to me. This is an entire game about fighting as many people as possible, but there are at least three people I do not want to fight under any circumstances, and wish to never be targeted by them. Their powers are either waaaay to versatile, too difficult to fight back against, or both. I'll wait to see if a blog entry will go up before I name names, but I think its already obvious who I take issue with.


EDIT: Fitting I'd be ninja'd by Luroka....


IC: Phoenix Zero (17/20)


Phoenix Zero desperately hoped Anna would take this chance he was giving her by drawing Luroka's attention.... But in the meantime, he leaped back from Luroka's stab, and folired three more close range energy blasts.

Edited by Phoenix Zero

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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OOC: Being a veteran at this point, it is an important issue to me. This is an entire game about fighting as many people as possible, but there are at least three people I do not want to fight under any circumstances, and wish to never be targeted by them. Their powers are either waaaay to versatile, too difficult to fight back against, or both. I'll wait to see if a blog entry will go up before I name names, but I think its already obvious who I take issue with.

Rider, Luroka, and... Voxumo?

save not only their lives


but their spirits

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OOC: Being a veteran at this point, it is an important issue to me. This is an entire game about fighting as many people as possible, but there are at least three people I do not want to fight under any circumstances, and wish to never be targeted by them. Their powers are either waaaay to versatile, too difficult to fight back against, or both. I'll wait to see if a blog entry will go up before I name names, but I think its already obvious who I take issue with.

IC: Phoenix Zero (20/20)


"Anna... Pleasure to meet you. I'll help you in this fight then." the robotic fighter said nonchalantly, looking over at Luroka with an unimpressed glare. 


"Was that an insult?" he muttered, suddenly dashing forward and deflecting Luroka's strike, looking to disarm his enemy. "I remember you being quite the annoyance beforehand... Now let's see whether you can prove yourself an opponent worthy of my time." Phoenix Zero said, holding out his energy saber right in front of himself, standing between Luroka and Anna.

I'm honestly upset now, because you complain about me being very OP. My power has very limited applications, and I'm doing my best to play fairly, but once again there is a group effort to eliminate me first. I am JUST TRYING TO SURVIVE WITHOUT GOD-MODDING, and all you're doing is complaining. Furthermore, If you don't want to fight me, then you shouldn't have targeted me in the first place. BIONIFIGHT ULTIMATE is a really fun game, but there is no fun when all people want to do is kill me early in the round and complain. This is perhaps the longest I've even survived in a round this game, and I'm not god-modding. You simply got the short end of the stick, so don't complain about me being OP, because my power this round is very limited.


If you wish to continue this discussion, do so in a PM, so as not to clutter the topic, and if you do, add Voltex so he can moderate.


IC: Makuta Luroka (16/20)


As Zero fires the energy bolts, I move to evade them. I then strike at Anna with my sword. I then move to Niha's sonic blast.


Edited to account for Niha's attack.

Edited by Makuta Luroka


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OOC: Fine, maybe I extrapolated. I never want to fight people like you on a one on one. The only reason I'm alright with fighting you now is cause Blade is fighting you too. Speaking of Blade, you can nullify his power entirely. Maybe this power of yours isn't as versatile as magnetism is, but I don't consider that fair by any standards.


I'd really like it if all the players were on equal footing, but each game, it seems there just has to be a select few people who are simply on another level compared to the rest... It almost reminds me of the divide between Meta Knight and Ganondorf in Brawl... I could probably go on and on, but I'll finish with this. You aren't the only one I take issue with Luroka, and this balance issue existed long before you joined.


I'd back off from Luroka now, Voltex, but he wasn't doing too shabbily against me and Blade.


IC: Phoenix Zero (17/20)


Phoenix Zero leered at that. Luroka got the bright idea to suddenly whip around and start attacking Anna again.... Either he was a telepath or his opponent was dangerously intelligent.... Wanting to make himself an annoyance to draw Luroka's attention, the robotic fighter fired off three more shot when his opponent turned his back.

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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Aaaaand this is where I step in and mention that if I see multiple people targeting the same person, health penalties are in order. :)

Honestly that's not really necessary. It just upsets me when people complain about me for trying not to die, and that I am consistently being targeted for OP powers I don't have.


IC: Makuta Luroka (16/20)


As I resume my assault on Anna, Zero fires several shots at me. I move to evade them, but one hits (-1 15/20). I then use the mask to again draw in heat and create a barrier around myself and Anna, before resuming our battle.


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It was that time of day again - the urge to assassinate other players had overcome almost everyone, although the likes of TBK, JiMing, Pupwa and a few others appeared to be immune from said bloodthirsty urges for this day. Whether that would turn out to work in their favor was about to be decided.


Luroka was the first to make a move, spotting Blade across the Assembly Tower. Deciding to rely on the cruelty of death by irony, Luroka pulled out a knife and began chasing Blade around the level where they had been battling. After several minutes of intense running, he cornered Blade at the edge and stabbed him; however, Blade merely shrugged the knife off. To add insult to injury, Blade procured two glasses of chocolate milk and offered one to Luroka in an offering of piece; the disgruntled fighter accepted it, drinking it all in one big gulp while Blade tossed his over his shoulder and into the abyss. Seconds later, Luroka was writhing on the floor; the poison Blade had hidden in the chocolate milk was having a dastardly effect, and within a minute Luroka had been killed.


Luroka eliminated.


Chro, having aimed his Rust Cannon at Luroka, shook his head in disappointment and rubbed at his eyes, before glancing around, curious at the sound of engines that was slowly becoming louder. His eyes widened, realizing what it was just in time to take a leap of faith off of the platform and avoid the Space Ship that Niha had sent hurtling towards him. He landed on the level below and began gasping for breath, until realizing that he had dropped his Rust Cannon. He turned to pick it up only to see Caboose standing there, Rust Cannon at the ready; the other fighter fired, but the platform crumbled underneath Chro and he fell, avoiding the blast.


Meanwhile, ShadowVezon had decided to meet with the Rider of Kikinalo for a spot of tea. While the others remained locked in a chaotic battle around them, they sat down; ShadowVezon poured the tea (in which he had very cleverly inserted some of his specialty poison, Joker Venom), while the Rider revealed a stunning cake (which was actually primed to explode). 


"Jolly good day today," ShadowVezon remarked, observing the battle.


"Indeed, the weather is quite lovely, and I do adore the view," said Rider.


Neither appeared to question why they were speaking in pompous British accents. Rider pushed the cake towards ShadowVezon, who handed him a cup of tea.


"Drink up, old chap," said ShadowVezon. "It's my signature mint tea - it's to die for."


"Only if you'll try a bit of my delicious cake," Rider replied. 


ShadowVezon obliged, and the cake promptly exploded in his face, killing him.


ShadowVezon eliminated.


With a chuckle, Rider took a moment to revel in his victory before sipping his tea and immediately choking, being forced to laugh with air that he could no longer breathe in, since his lungs had locked up. He died seconds later.


Rider of Kikinalo eliminated.


And the fighting continued.


(I'll try and have a health post up by the end of today. Also, don't forget that you CAN summon armies this round!)

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IC: ShadowVezon, HP: 0/20

Stuff happened, I got hurt, and then I suffered death by cake. But luckily, the game rules allow me to survive that. [HP: 5/20] I finish The Rider's tea, since I'm immune to the poison (as well as most others). I then decide to wait and gauge which players are the most worth targeting.


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"Master of Shadows and Game-running Compliants, Ǝɹsɐʇz Ԁᴉɹɐʞɐ ᴉu qlɐɔʞ' No˙ 999, Vezon of the Twighlight"

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OOC: Just to mention, that was merely because you targeted me last set. xP


-==IC: Anna - HP: 19/20==-


Anna breathed a sigh of relief, as she weathered the many blows from Luroka long enough for the craziness to begin again. However, in blocking, she had still taken a bit of damage in the process. [HP: 16/20] Anna dropped to a knee for a moment to catch her breath, and then scanned the surroundings, wondering who even to fight next.


OOC: Also, just to mention, I only wanted a 2 v 1; and that was only because Luroka has the ability to completely negate my lightning. xP


And, for that matter, the only reason I targeted you in the first place was to have a fair fight where you don't freaking negate my lightning. @_@

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OOC: Niha, rule of thumb here is that fun and fairness come before logic, and no selling attacks by doing nothing is a bad idea.


This is also a general reminder for the rest of you.


IC: Phoenix Zero (17/20)


"Right now.... That happened." the robotic fighter muttered, walking over next to Anna and scanning the area for potential foes.


"Mind if you let me copy your electricity powers?" Phoenix Zero asked. "Now that Luroka is out of commission, it should be a much more usable ability to hold..."

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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-==IC: Anna - HP: 16/20==-


Anna never gave an actual response, but she fired off a bolt of lightning since Zero asked, figuring that he would actually be waiting for it, and hopefully was actually paying attention. Hopefully.

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IC: Phoenix Zero (17/20)


Luckily for him, Phoenix Zero WAS paying attention. The robotic fighter held out a hand to catch the lightning bolt, assimilating the power into his built-in Variable Abilities System.


"Thank you." Phoenix Zero said simply, turning his buster back into an energy saber, the energy blade quickly crackling with electricity. "Now then.... What now?"

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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