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ShadowVezon decided that it was his time to shine, as he summoned an army of his own; the Bohrok descended upon the battlefield, automatically dealing three damage to every opposing fighter in the game.


E: Aeron, adjust your health as per the damage dealt by armies, please.

Edited by Voltex Oblige
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IC:(14/20) Aeron relized the bohrok threat and thought about engaging them however, they were too large in number and he had a mission. He quickly turned to caboose and bycicle-kicked him

Edited by Toa Aeron

Just because you're trash doesn't mean you can't do great things.

It's called garbage can, not garbage cannot!

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IC: Zakaro (HP: 14/20) 

bohrok asghopashoghsdntjadsngs (-3, 11/20)


Zakaro wasn't feeling all that well after that, and so Strider's water things just kinda hit him. That woke him up, at least (-1, 10/20) but he knew he had to step up his game to do well here.

Running forwards, Zakaro began rapidly making an absurd amount of metal, which formed into a massive boulder. This boulder was quickly sent at Strider, along with a fireball to either side and one above it so that even if he dodged the metal, with luck the fire would smack him in the face.


Edited by Zakaro


They call me Zakaro. You should too.

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OOC: Aeron, Skull Spiders were also summoned earlier, so you should be at 14 health and not 17.

IC: ShadowVezon, HP: 19/20

The combination of lasers, Skull Spiders and spikes of light drained the health of the armour quite a bit [HP: 13/20], but the Bohrok could come in handy. Since Chro was my target, and weakened enough, I summon the Lord of Skull Spiders to finish him off with his automatic 7 damage. I then direct the Bohrok to surround me, providing protection. [skull Spider Lord HP: 5/5]

OOC: I'll probably nickname the Lord, to make it easier to type.

Edited by Neo ShadowVezon


Banner by jed1ndy


"Master of Shadows and Game-running Compliants, Ǝɹsɐʇz Ԁᴉɹɐʞɐ ᴉu qlɐɔʞ' No˙ 999, Vezon of the Twighlight"

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OOC: Aeron, damage is not automatically dealt and your attacks are not guaranteed to land, save for Drift Force Weapons and Armies. Once Caboose/Flare returns, he will determine what amount of damage he took, if any. Oh, and you still refuse to update your health to accommodate for army damage like the rest of us.


IC: Strider Jiraiya (11/20)

And now it was ShadowVezon summoned the Bohroks, further damaging him (11/20). Then came Zakaro, who trapped the ninja between a boulder and fireballs... Or so it seemed. Evidently his opponent forgot he had control over water, which he used to create a sphere of water around himself. Then he leaped to the side, allowing the boulder to pass him while the fireballs either missed or simply evaporated the water. 

"Know your opponent before you think you have them trapped!" Strider taunted, just as he summoned more water to form a water naginata, throwing it at Zakaro.

Edited by Phoenix Zero

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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IC: Unit [21/20]


Armies of Mii Fighters and Bohrok surrounded Unit. They hurt quite a bit[12/20]. Irritated, he sent out a massive pulse wave to push them away from him, swearing revenge on Caboose and SV before turning his attention to the rest of the fighters. Seeing Strider throw a weapon at Zakaro, Unit took control of it, turning it into a puddle on the ground.




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IC: Meanwhile, Bohroks damage me [12/20] I then see Toa Aeron appear, who has to kill Chro. And he's too close. I ready two small donuts and walk over to Chro. "Have a little more health, buddy. Seeing him get all the GM advantages won't do us any favors." 


[12/20]: Skull spiders are attacking Master hand, +2 health to Chro.  

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IC: Zakaro (HP: 10/20)


The purple-masked fighter shrugged in return, activating his TTM shield to block the attack from the ninja before throwing back a series of fireballs and metallic bullets, letting the boulder roll off in some direction, uncontrolled. 

Shifting his position, Zakaro began charging a larger fireball that Strider would have trouble deflecting or evaporating.



They call me Zakaro. You should too.

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IC 5

Chro respawned just in time for Fishers to give him a healing donut. [7]

"Thank you for that."

He teleported to immediately behind Aeron, and created a fist of shadow, attempting to smash his target.

save not only their lives


but their spirits

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IC: Strider Jiraiya (11/20)

Strider quickly leapt up in the air, but a few fireballs managed to nick the ninja before he could dodge everything. (10/20). Once he saw that Zakaro was charging up his own attack, Strider did so in kind, preparing a pressurized, high volume stream of water to counteract whatever his opponent had planned.

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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OOC: Unit.... How do you consider that to be fair? There's no real way to counter that tactic..... Remember that Voltex warned me not to godmod with the water powers, so I'd like to hear how that doesn't fall under that category.

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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IC: Zakaro (HP: 10/20)


Zakaro smirked, and fired off his fireball, stepping forward and into the attack as it flew from his hands. 


In an instant, two leg-sized metallic spikes erupted from the earth behind Strider and stabbed upwards towards his back and calves. This, apparently, was Zakaro's plan all along, the charging flames but a distraction while his shifting feet created and manipulated the metal to drill its way through the earth and get behind Strider before unleashing its attack. With Unit's distraction and the fireball coming at his face, it seemed unlikely that Strider would notice the spikes before it was too late, even if he counteracted both other attacks.



They call me Zakaro. You should too.

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OOC: Sorry, internet connection upgrade. Joining in now! EDIT: IT SENT BEFORE I WAS FINISHED AGAIN! WHAT THE KARZ?!

IC: Dev(Nickname for character)


Muttering to myself, I notice a red target receptacle over an opponent, and I figured I would have to take him down. I create a special sword out of darkness for the handle, and light for the blade(OOC: NOTE: my twilight powers are like Bioni-lords Khadaz Ikhav twilight powers. Forgot to mention that earlier, sorry. Side-NOTE: I am a bioni-lords fan!), and fire a little beam of twilight energy at the enemy, and his name floated through my head, 'Unit...', and I mutter it under my breath, to remember it. I then shotgun twilight lasers, if the small beam fails to hit, then the shotgun MAYBE will. I remember that I am terrible at accuracy...(sad face here) and then I look around, and make twilight fields(shields for Bioniclekeyblades in Bioni-lords, very useful things) and bunker down, as they put it.

Health: (12/20, unlike my vision, lol.)

State of attack/defense: Balanced out.

Edited by ToaDraconixMahvi
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OOC: Erm, Draconix, two armies have already been summoned, so you're at 12/20 now (-7). 


IC: Seeing all this go down, I form a standard glazed donut and lightly touch to Caboose to age it to a rock-hard consistency. I then throw it at Toa Aeron. 


[12/20]: Skull Spiders still attacking Master Hand, me attacking Toa Aeron.

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-==IC: Anna - HP: ??/20 - Master Hand: 5/5==-


Things happened, and armies ran rampant. [HP: 7/20, Master Hand: 3/5]


Now in retaliation mode, Anna spun, and then fired off a bolt of lightning in annoyance at Caboose, since there was no reason at all for the fighter to attack her; and she then spun again, and fired off more lightning at Fishers and Ehks again, who had seemed to stop moving for a moment.

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OOC: Sorry guys, time zone problems( considering you are all in the USA I am 7 hours ahead of you)


IC: (14/20)Aeron attempted to block the shadow hand, however it was, afterall a shadow hand. He was knocked to the ground by the instantly solidified shadow hand(14-1/20). Aeron got up, crossed his arms and and let them open again, whilst sending a burst of air(kinda like a fus ro dah)

Just because you're trash doesn't mean you can't do great things.

It's called garbage can, not garbage cannot!

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IC (14/20)


Aeron knew what was going on and Immideatley got out of the shadow fist's way and responded with a right jab. "Good luck getting up."

He then turned to Shadow Vezon and offered an alliance. "Chro is targeting me and you're after him. And caboose isn't coming back online any time soon soo wanna team up?"

Edited by Toa Aeron

Just because you're trash doesn't mean you can't do great things.

It's called garbage can, not garbage cannot!

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IC 7

Chro swiftly teleported two meters to the left to dodge the punch. Aeron made the mistake of turning his back, and Chro capitalized with a singular powerful laser blast while his enemy was distracted.

save not only their lives


but their spirits

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Aeron got struck by the laser(because I cannot move in the speed of light)(-1). He had a hole in his armor. He decided to make chro pay and created a tornado that sent him flying 500 meters into the air.

Edited by Toa Aeron

Just because you're trash doesn't mean you can't do great things.

It's called garbage can, not garbage cannot!

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Uh, that's... that's a double autohit. And bunnying, or whatever the RPG folks call it.

Basically, you can't manipulate other characters, just your own - except for specific scenarios, such as the use of a Drift Force Weapon's auto-damage function, or an army, etc.


This would be okay:

Tuma launched a Thornax at Ackar, aiming for his face. Then he swept his sword across the ground, attempting to knock his opponent down.

This would not be okay:

Tuma launched a Thornax at Ackar. It hit him in the face. Then he swept his sword across the ground, knocking his opponent down.

It's a subtle difference, and it can take some people a while to figure it out.



I will respond in character once you edit your post, or make a new one, to reflect the game rules. :P

Edited by Chro

save not only their lives


but their spirits

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IC: (13/20) I grab the donut mid-air, and send it to the free-falling Chro.


OOC: The problem with the "attempting to knock him down" thing is that the next post has a high chance of ending up like this: "[character] jumped and successfully dodged the weapon"


P.S: Shouldn't the arena be modified by now? I mean, we ARE playng on Arena FEROX right?

Edited by Toa Aeron

Just because you're trash doesn't mean you can't do great things.

It's called garbage can, not garbage cannot!

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IC 7

Chro was caught by the tornado and hurled into the air. His focus was broken by this, as Aeron had expected, but he was not too distracted to teleport at all. Wildly activating his power, Chro found himself free-falling through the air - but now free of the tornado.

As he fell, Chro teleported himself upwards several meters, giving him more time to plan his next teleport. Building up momentum from the fall, Chro swiftly teleported himself right next to Aeron, intending to use his vertical momentum to slam into his target horizontally.

save not only their lives


but their spirits

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OOC: I do know that this is Rival Smash, but I didn't want to attack fishers with the Miis since I thoight it wouldn't be fari for her.


IC: [20/20]


Caboose was delighted with the donut popping up on his head. He began to eat the donut when several things began to happen around him which causedhis donut to be destoryed. [15/20] "Hey! I was eating that! Now you made me angry!"


Caboose rushed towards Aeron with the speed of Usain Bolt. As he neared him, he broight his arm to where his fist was parallel to his head. Once he was close to him, he brought his fist forward to punch him.


OOC: Are weapons are destroyed right? We can only use fist-i-cuffs.

Edited by Captain Caboose


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OOC: I do know that this is Rival Smash, but I didn't want to attack fishers with the Miis since I thoight it wouldn't be fari for her.


IC: [20/20]


Caboose was delighted with the donut popping up on his head. He began to eat the donut when several things began to happen around him which causedhis donut to be destoryed. [16/20] "Hey! I was eating that! Now you made me angry!"


Caboose rushed towards Aeron with the speed of Usain Bolt. As he neared him, he broight his arm to where his fist was parallel to his head. Once he was close to him, he brought his fist forward to punch him.


OOC: Are weapons are destroyed right? We can only use fist-i-cuffs.

Pretty sure you're not even able to use all four Mii attacks on one person... you could've at least sent one of them to fishers.

I'd actually be totally fine that you didn't, if it weren't for the fact that you sent one to me for no apparent reason.

Regardless, thanks for attacking Aeron now... :P

save not only their lives


but their spirits

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