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Corpus Rahkshi

Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

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IC: Xara - Infirmary.


"I.... but.... okay...." I trailed off with a sigh. This is going to end badly....

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC: Dakilik


Dakilik started moving out the door, waiting for Frog to do the same. 


OOC: Permission for Ghiddy to bunny me out the door. 

"Remember when the comics forum had a lot of good stuff? Let's make that a thing again." -Kazi the Matoran

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IC: Alpha/Hallways

I was stunned as the voice of Fang came from a Rahkshi who I didn't even recognize at first and even more stunned when the Matoran I saw were brought in by one of us. But what was more surprising was the fact that Omega had another brother.


But the second thing was more important. I growled at Epsilon and immediately ran up to the Rahkshi that Fang requested me to assist.

"The blue Rahk asked me to assist you."

Edited by ArcticFreeze17
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OOC: Going to assume Alpha approached Vlad, since Lucid's currently climbing an enormous stone tree.



IC: Vlad / Gym



Vlad turned to see an Omega-looking Rahk approaching him. Could he trust this person? Maybe they were making it up to trick him into revealing information... "Vith vhat?" he asked suspiciously. If they knew, then they were halfway to trust at least.


* * *


IC: Jayar / Halls, Infirmary



Jayar took Hoto's hand and the two of them walked the short distance to the Infirmary. It turned out, though, that Kat had beat them there. "Our Turahk friend is already here," he quietly told Hoto. He waved Kat over; they should make sure everyone had been informed of the plans.


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IC: Xara - Beach.


I made my decision. Palma had entrusted the Matoran into my care, and since he had no more information to offer us, it would be the best to get rid of him as soon as possible, before anyone else found him.


I flew back outside and landed at the mouth of the cave. "You can take him home," I told the other rahk.

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC Frog


Frog flew up and out the door, Dakilik leading.


"Where to?" He asked behind him, hoping Tangirahk was still there.



IC Flabbergaster


Ah, what a wondrous book. He'd have to keep reading this, it made landing look much easier. He strode out of the library, leaving a mess of books on the floor as he went into flight mode and... slowly flew close to the ground as he made his way around the building.


OOC: Open to interaction.

Edited by Ghidora131
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IC: Jayar / Halls



Kat seemed confident they had everyone, so Jayar followed along behind her into the empty dorm wing.


In the past short while he'd been all across the school... to the Refectory and Gym and Library and Infirmary, each for, in the unlikely event that all went reasonably well, the final time. None of those places were remembered quite as fondly as these quiet hallways, though.


Would he miss them? Probably not really. The wing itself, in essence, remained no more than another set of walls in this stony prison. That of true value, from was which derived the distinguishing features of these empty corridors, was coming with him.


He couldn't resist glancing down at Hoto for a moment, grinning.


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IC: Fang - Dorms


There were few things Fang could say he owned in this world. His necklace had been given to Kat, and both his old swords and Venom were gone. But there was still one stop he had to make before they left. He carefully opened the door to his room and slipped inside. Omega's weapons, sans Forgebiter, still rested on the ground. He couldn't leave them behind. He owed his friend at least that much.


Quickly gathering the Bo staff and axes into one arm, Fang slipped out of his dorm, leaving the bloody sheets and memories behind for perhaps the last time. He pondered melting the key for a moment, but in the end he just slipped it into his armor as a memento if nothing else.



IC: Hoto - Hallways


Hoto was far less sentimental. She passed by rooms without a second glance. There was nothing to miss.


That is, until the sounds of the school softened, and she knew they were entering the Empty Dorm Wing. It did help that they were going to be spending their last minutes in this place here, but she was going to miss the stillness... the comfort of Jayar's embrace... the...




Their footsteps echoed back though the corridors twisted into that horrible name. Hoto's grip on Jayar's hand tightened. It was here they first formed it. Sontiri's war cry had been here to break the silence of this peaceful place. Maybe... the new setting of Malebranche would be better.

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IC Frog


Frog flew up and out the door, Dakilik leading.


"Where to?" He asked behind him, hoping Tangirahk was still there.

IC (As Tangirahk): "Just take the closet outside and let it rest on the wall, we don't want to block the hallway." Said the female rahkshi as she pointed to where the cupboard was supposed to go.

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OOC: Someone tell me if a form is to much for a level 2 rahkshi :P


 As we've tried to tell you multiple times, yes, that is far too much for a level 2 Rahkshi. Again I ask you and MCGPY to please read the BS01 Kraata Variations page. At level two, a Rahkshi of Shapeshifting can only "slither through small passages." Shapeshifting on this scale isn't possible until level six, and you cannot gain the powers of what you shapeshift into. Heat Vision doesn't have eyebeams at this level either. They can only "raise the temperature of objects through physical contact."



OOC: Sorry, my bad. It won't happen again.

-O Knavery

Most vile, O trick of the Empire's basest wit.

A snare, a ruse, a ploy: and we the fools.

What great deception hath been plied today--

O rebels, do you hear? Fie, 'tis a trap! -Admiral Ackbar

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IC: Shark / Gym



This guy didn't exactly understand Kanoka disks, did he? He was doing himself exactly what Shark had planned. The Silence Rahkshi made no move to escape the swing of the launcher towards the Kanoka, and indeed the launcher struck - but the effect was far from that intended. Rather than shaking his firm grip on the Kanoka, the launcher's impact released the disk's energy into the object striking it at high speeds - the launcher - and teleported it a good distance away.


Fader was now defenseless, while Shark had Faithful, his own massive sword, fin blades, and a great deal more fighting experience than this newcomer. He liked his odds.


Quickly he tossed the Kanoka a good distance behind him. A few grains of sand would be teleported away by the landing but the Kanoka would hopefully be out of reach for his opponent now, and there for him to retrieve when the fight was over. At the same time, he lashed out with lightning speed, sending Faithful for his opponent's elbow with the speed and force to cut cleanly through the weak joint if his enemy would hold still.



OOC: I hope you don't consider the teleportation of your launcher an autohit, as I merely spelled out the ramifications of your attack being successful. :) I've left the location to which it was teleported vague, so you can choose that and still possibly have a miniscule chance of survival.


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OOC: I thought you were going to lift the Kanoka and smash it right into Fader's face like this:  :headbonk:


IC (As Fader): "Karz!" The rahkshi of chameleon cursed as he lost his kanoka launcher. It landed three meters away from shark, but going for it would be impossible. *I can't go for it, I need another weapon of some kind...* Fader saw the hulking rahkshi's sword cut through the air towards him as he threw himself to the floor. *Thank the ghostly killer I lack a spine...* he thought as he connected with the sand. *Now, it's time to get the launcher back.* The rahkshi of chameleon sprinted towards the launcher, needing to rearm himself. 

If you like Pingu & want to support a good project, click here. Also, I've rejoined the BZPRPG & I have a new profile for a new game. Click here to see it.

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IC: Vlad / Gym



"Okay, okay," Vlad replied, shoulders rising and arms spread defensively. "Vell, vould you happen to know everyvun who vas? Zer steamy guy named some but said zer vere probably more."


* * *


OOC: That would be far too juvenile. Not to mention teleport Fader away, and what would be the point of that?


IC: Shark / Gym



Turning your back on Shark was rarely a good idea, in battle especially. As Fader sprinted away towards the launcher, Shark hurled Faithful at his Kraata case, silence powers negating even the telltale whoosh of a blade hurtling through the air. Unless he slowed himself by looking back, Fader would have no warning of the blade's rapid and at such short range almost undoubtedly unavoidable approach.


At the same time, Shark unsheathed his own massive sword with one hand and scooped up a handful of sand with the other. Immediately the massive Silence Rahkshi set off after his fleeing quarry, prepared to finish whatever Faithful managed to start.


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OOC: Where did Shark get Faithful? His profile says he only has one sword and it's unnamed. I'll still take the hit, though. Also, how does the gym work? Does it use voice commands or is there a control panel or device of some kind? 


IC (As Fader): The sword cut through the case, but fortunately, the kraata came out unharmed, although it was screeching in pain. Fader collapsed as he slammed onto his knees and hands, trying to crawl across the sand. He looked at Shark and saw the sword and sand in his hand. *He's doing what I planned to do! I was going to blind and attack him!* The rahkshi of chameleon remembered something. *The gym! There has to be a way to morph it to my command!* Fader shouted at the top of his lungs. "Lava!" There was no effect. "Karz!"

Edited by Liuth

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OOC: FYI, he only goes by Eps Arctic

IC: Eps


IC: Subject

I couldn't see my Sister of Cyclones, so I made my way back to Tridax's office. I saw that our captives were awake, so I stood next to my companions.

Edited by Agent Epsilon



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IC: Nymph (Library)


Silence for a few seconds as I digest this.


Silence which is broken by some idiot knocking over a load of shelves.



guess who's baaaaaccccckkkkkk




its me boi


im going to ignore you


yeah, i bet you will



I shake my head in an attempt to rid myself of the poisonous presence.


I pause.

"You actually did all of that, right?"


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IC: Shark / Gym



Suddenly Shark stopped dead on a growing ledge. The floor was beginning to morph into a steep bowl around the fallen Fader, and spouts were beginning to manifest, holes in the rim marked by a demonic orange glow. Lava...! Fader's command had gone terribly wrong.


Well, that, and Shark's iron will had bent it to this. But looking on, the expression of dread on his face as he stared into the bowl would never betray his muffled inner satisfaction. The fool had screamed 'lava' in front of half a dozen witnesses; if it killed him he would be the only one blamed.


The bubbling molten stone began to flow down towards the fallen Fader...


* * *


IC: Jayar / Empty Dorm Wing



Hoto's grip tightened, and it was clear to Jayar that the song of Sontiri was echoing through her memory. "It's okay," he whispered to her gently.


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IC: Malady (Hallways)
"Fine then, leave me..." I mutter. Picking myself back up, I head over to the Gym where, to my glee, there appears to be a fight going on; one involving lava...
If I were a good person, I would have intervened.
But I'm not one, so I lean against the wall, clapping slowly.

Edited by Miras the Omniscient


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IC: Fang - Empty Dorm Wing


Fang made his way to the Empty Dorm Wing and quietly fell into step behind the others. He gave a quick nod to each in turn. It was so close now.



IC: Hoto - Empty Dorm Wing


Hoto just nodded at Jayar's comforting words. "I don't think I'm going to miss this place," she whispered.



IC: Char - Hallways




Char peered into the Gym, her face set in a confused and caring frown, but as soon as she was sure he wasn't here, she dropped it for a scowl. That fool was nowhere to be found. He had just acted like he cared and ran off. Somehow, he had out-manipulated her, and that just made her mad.


For a moment, she just sat against the wall pouting. Now what was she supposed to do in this unfamiliar place?


Well... she happened to have some information... something that Tridax would very much like to have. She had spoken to everyone who had hidden that Matoran in the closet. Maybe one of them had put him there in the first place, but she wouldn't mind watching all of them suffer for it.


With a new goal in mind, Char set off towards what she hoped was Tridax's office. The robots guarding the doors seemed to indicate that.



IC: Rain - Dorms


All was quiet as Rain finished the final step in completing her new masterpiece. As cold as the water was, she enjoyed the washing. In many ways, it felt like a rain storm. But perhaps she enjoyed it a little too much, and stayed a little too long.


At last, Rain slipped from the washroom, shivering yet content. It was time to show off her new suit. She headed off without any real destination beyond letting everyone see her paint. And if they didn't like it, well... at least she would have some fun.



OOC: Rain open to interaction

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IC Optis:

Optis walked into the school, looking around everywhere. His fingers itched for his notepad, but he didn't want to grab it and reveal his hiding places for things. He looked about for Rahkshi to talk to.


NOTE: Large hallways. Odd causeway. Investigate reason?

IC Fog:

Fog sat in the Courtyard, molding clouds to his will. It was truly incredible, this power. He began to mold the clouds into something else, drawing them together and poking holes in some places. Two angular eyeholes...

IC Clockwork:

Clockwork stepped into teh Gym. He was going to properly test his launcher now. But as he summoned up several targets, he noticed heat, and a strange orange light. He ran toward it, seeing a bowl with slowly creeping viscous lava. And a Rahkshi at the bottom. Barely having time to think, he summoned up several dummies of stone, then kicked them off of the stands to roll them down into teh lava, hoping to slow it down. "Get up!", he shouted.

 Kopaka, the coolest(Pun intended) Ko-Toa ever:


"If the fight had turned, Exann might be the one on the floor with Antidermis spurting out of him. This is how battle is. This is how life is." -Mar'jik, Corpus Rahkshi                                       

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IC: "Only one that I know of. Cootchuck or something such. We shall track him down later. But first..."


He cast his smouldering-coal eyes over the collected 'traitors', his gaze unnervingly intense.


"I allow you many liberties while you are at this academy. You are allowed to spend most of your days as you wish, you can talk with who you wish, study what you wish. I even tolerate the ridiculous notions of companionship and love several of you have developed. It interests me. But what I cannot allow is treachery. We had enough trouble when our Hagah teams revolted, can you imagine if our Rahkshi followed suit. Especially ones with your collective promise. So I cannot allow you to practice open rebellion, it would be the antithesis of everything Corpus Rahkshi stands for. So, how about we do this the easy way and you all tell me what you know about your fellow conspirators?"


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IC: (Entrance) Having slunk away from Taltrun, Cordak decides to seek out some of the head-honchos of this place.


OOC: Open for interaction.

-O Knavery

Most vile, O trick of the Empire's basest wit.

A snare, a ruse, a ploy: and we the fools.

What great deception hath been plied today--

O rebels, do you hear? Fie, 'tis a trap! -Admiral Ackbar

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IC Kat:


"One of the new kids. Showed up with the second wave, I think. Maybe the third. Tough kid, but he's small... Probably got kept back til he was level two."


I shrugged.


"Don't know him that well, but he hung around that Root guy, so he can't be all bad."


Idly, I wondered if my Father would be proud of what I was doing.


Being the only Kraata he'd been allowed to make, he rather doted on me, teaching me everything he could about the world. Be it combat, or biology, or physics, or simply his own philosophies, he'd been the only interaction I'd had for the three months I'd spent in his care.


He'd sent me off shortly before I levelled up, telling me he wanted the first one to be 'real'.


I grimaced.


It had been real, alright.


Five level two's had met me as I landed, worn and exhausted, offering what I thought was a helping hand.


They instead stole my rations and tried to kill me.


I'd like to say I'd beat the Karz out of them right then and there, but I'd be lying. Five in one isn't good odds when you're fresh and ready, much less exhausted after a kios long trip.


That's not to say I didn't fight, of course. In those ten minutes, I used every tactic, every stratagem and form and manuever I knew.


It wasn't enough.


I was near death when it finally happened. A surge of fresh power, energy and raw Fear.


It kept me going, allowed me five more minutes.


Even so, I only managed to chase them off, not defeat them.


I frowned.


I could probably take all five single handedly now.


I shook my head. No point in dwelling on the past.


I kept moving. We were nearly there.

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IC: Glaciem Ignis - Gym. 


So the gym can make lava? Cool.


Don't get any ideas, brother. Our powers don't work properly, remember?

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Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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