ARROW404 Posted February 6, 2015 Posted February 6, 2015 I don't know if there's enough interest in the game to warrant a thread, but here's to hoping. We can discuss records, tactics, advice, and anything else that comes to mind regarding this game. To begin with, here's my personal record, which is the highest I've seen to date: And for those less well versed in the game, I've also come up with a list of tips and tricks that have helped me get to this point.COMBOS ARE EVERYTHING! Have you ever swept your way through countless Skull Spiders and had no more than 500,000 points to show for it? If so, I bet you probably lost your mask a few times along the way, right? The thing is, with each addition to your combo meter, the amount of points you get from each hit goes up, so that by the time you’re at 500x (which I’ve only achieved once, so no worries if you don’t make it there) you’ll getting 5 thousand points for every Skull Spider you smash! USE YOU DOUBLE SPECIAL! You all know what your special is. That box in the bottom right that charges up as you lay down the hurt, allowing you to use an elemental AoE attack. Did you know you can charge it up twice? I didn’t until a week or so after I started playing. When double-charged, your special has increased range, and is immediately followed by a quick dash where your Toa destroys 5 Skull Spiders at random on the map. MIND YOU, you are not invincible while dashing, and sometimes you’ll end up just unlucky enough to get hit by a spider’s attack in the middle of it! FERAL ONUA IS GOD! I’ll admit, I haven’t tried any other Toa except for Onua after having beaten LOSS on each of them, but between regular and Feral Onua, Feral is clearly superior. At first glance they seem exactly the same, but in fact, regular Onua’s single special is slower than his double special, while Feral’s is the reverse. Just so you know, a slow special is a good thing. Why? Because during the brief period you’re invincible while using it, more Spiders can wander into its range while you’re bringing down the hammer, obviously increasing the number of Spiders you take down with it. Pair that up with the increased range, and automatic rush of a Double Special, and you have the most devastating attack possible. DON’T BE AFRAID TO USE YOUR SINGLE SPECIAL, though! Sometimes, when you’re surrounded and haven’t fully charged up your second special, the first is still the way to go! This is particularly true if the Toa you play as has a slower single special. DON’T FORGET THE PROTECTOR! For the first week of using this game, I never even touched the Protector button. As it turns out, though, it’s a very useful defensive tool. If you’re enduring a volley of Skull Spider attacks and don’t think you’ll be able to jump out, hit that button! The spiders’ attacks will be interrupted, and sometimes they’ll even get stunned. Generally save this attack for when there are large crowds of Spiders nearby. This can also get through spiky shields. NEVER STAY IN ONE PLACE! This here is the biggest mistake you can make, and a sure-fire way to lose a combo! Aim for the farthest Skull Spider you can, jump around, and never linger for longer than a second! This will keep Spiders from bunching up to pelt you with an unstoppable volley, keeping them spread thin so you can jump around more, and more effectively avoid their stings. NEVER, EVER JUMP INTO A CROWD OF SPIDERS! You will be killed, period. ALWAYS JUMP INTO A CROWD OF SPIDERS IF YOU HAVE A SPECIAL READY TO DETONATE! If you hit that attack right after, you’ll be immune to their attacks and catch them all in your attack, racking up 10-20 more points to your combo! DON’T BE AFRAID TO JUST FOCUS ON ONE SPIDER! Full-ringed spiders take a couple of hits to take down. It’s alright to just wail on one until it dies every so often. The advantage of this is it keep your moving in a straight line, generally away from danger. PREDICT YOUR ENEMIES’ MOVEMENTS! For the most part, Skull Spiders have very predictable movement patterns. They run at you, and fire a bolt. Once you get the feel for how they act, you can use this to your advantage, ducking and weaving as you see fit. IF YOU LOSE A COMBO OF MORE THAN 60, RESTART. Once you get up to that level, spiders will be popping up too quickly for you to get back up to speed again. It’s possible to recover from near the beginning of the round, but past a certain point, you’re better off starting over. SPIKY SHIELDS = MORE SPREAD! You have to hate those spiky shields, but there IS one good thing about it. They can’t move. Once you get far enough into the round that the spiders start to create spikes, they’ll suddenly grow more dispersed, and are less likely to congregate around you. The downside to this is your Specials won’t be taking down as many of them, however, but you can at least use your Double Specials and Protector to take down some pesky shields now and them. STOP THE GAME AFTER A FEW LOSSES! Repeated failure will just make you fail worse. Take a 5-15 minute break after losing a few times, then pick it up again. The game will also lag less. BZPRPG Profiles If I go AWOL for a while, feel free to contact me via Discord
Nidhiki of the Shadows Posted February 6, 2015 Posted February 6, 2015 Actually, we do have a discussion thread. It's been a little inactive but you can be the one to instigate conversation with your fine tips. -NotS
-Windrider- Posted February 7, 2015 Posted February 7, 2015 Actually, we do have a discussion thread. It's been a little inactive but you can be the one to instigate conversation with your fine tips. -NotS Thanks for the link! The topic could use some love, so why not copy/paste your text over there?Duplicate closed.
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