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Here is a couple questions I've asked before a couple years back, but I believe enough time has passed that it would be okay for me to can ask them again. What is the longest period of time that you were not active on BZP? And why were inactive during that time? 


(Note: Not including times when the Forums were offline.)


For me, the longest period of time I was inactive was a week. The reason was because my Internet went out at my house and I had no other way of getting online. 

Everyone is one choice away from being the bad guy in another person's story.



Posted (edited)

I'm not too sure, I think it was around the middle of 2013 that I was inactive for about a month. I must've been bored of Lego or something, probably playing my PS3.

Edited by Rooster Nui

About five years. I quit coming here a bit after the Stars were released--saw no reason log back on 'cause Bionicle ended, and I disliked HF.


Posted (edited)

Hmmm, I'm not sure. I was totally gone for several months in 2008, then in 2010 my activity started to decline, but that led directly into the downtime. However, although the site went back online in November of 2011 iirc, I didn't actually come back until March of 2012. Then in the spring of 2013 I basically dropped off the face of the earth again until this past October, with a brief period of low activity at the beginning of last summer.


So I've probably been off the site for about 19-20 months total in the time since I joined. The hiatus in 2008 happened because I was more interested in LEGO Star Wars at the time -- for which I briefly joined another forum -- and then in 2010 I was losing interest in LEGO in general as I began to get more into music. I came back to finish the Dino Attack RPG, and stayed to try and run a TBRPG based on LEGO Universe. I screwed up and it died. By spring of 2013 I was totally burnt out on TBRPGs, and that was all I'd done here for years. Then I stayed away the following year because college courses were burning me out again. It was really the announcement of Bionicle's return that drew me back, possibly for good this time


EDIT: Just remembered, I was also inactive for a lot of 2006 and some of 2007 as well, mainly just out of a feeling that the site was too big and there was no niche for me (fortunately I started making some friends in 2007), so the cumulative amount of time spent inactive is probably more in the neighborhood of 2-2.5 years

Edited by Junkbot Master of Trash

Rate The Song Above You


Three or four years. I stuck around for like a year after Bionicle ended, but at that point I had lost all interest in Bionicle and LEGO as a whole. Gen 2 rekindled my interest, and I started posting here again in September.



Like a lot of people I fell out of the BZP scene when BIONICLE was cancelled. I stuck around for a bit through all of the story stuff (and I was never gone from BS01 =P) and came back now and again for things, but because BIONICLE ended BZP started to become a self-contained ecosystem, and I didn't really have any part to play in it.


I still don't have much to do around here, but it's fun being a curmudgeon. Also I'm a LEGO Ambassador so there's that.


I don't think I've ever really had any periods of true inactivity, but I have had many periods of reduced activity.  They're usually caused by school or work wearing me down, or if there's a time I'm just too stressed to really interact.



High school. After my freshman year is when one of the really big downtimes hit, and then while the forum was up I was just too swamped with work and sports and new hobbies. I had a few brief surges of activity over the years, but the last long bout ended when around Spring of last year. I was most active 2007-2010, I think, so I'd guess that my bouts of serious inactivity were in the realm of 2011-2014, with one or two minor ones before that. Sometimes it was just being way too swamped with other stuff that I had no free time, and the rest of the time was probably just kinda not feeling the Bionicle groove. I always came back for little bits at a time because of nostalgia.

pomegranate-banner-sm.png .

Posted (edited)

was most active in the period of 2011-2013. After 2013, I simply became disinterested in Bionicle and LEGO in general. The fact that I started attending High School didn't help the situation either. In 2014, I barely logged in anymore, and I doubt I made more than 15 posts in total. 

Edited by Riglax

Probably from around 2011 when I was in my senior year of high school and things got busy - after that was over I'd pop back here and there, but between Bionicle having ended and the forums popping on  and offline I didn't really come back properly until the rumours of Bionicle's return.



Credit to Pohuaki for the awesome banner! ^_^



Besides downtime, about 6-8 months after BZP came back. There was a lack of activity and I wasn't feeling that much involved in web forums at the time. Now BZP is back to part of my daily routine



Bionicle: ANP aims to create narrated versions of all the Bionicle books, with voice actors for each character, and music taken from various media to enhance the story. Check here if you're interested in voicing a character, and here for the chapters that've already been released!

Formerly: Tahu Nuva 3.0

Looking for a Bionicle Beanie. Black one with the symbol on it. Contact me if you are willing to sell


From around 2011ish to 2015; Bionicle was changing/ending, I had terrible art (or at least, more terrible art then I have now), and I was still maturing; I essentially got chased off the forums by a few extremely blunt people who didn't feel like being merciful towards some COT comics I was trying to make; it was such a bad experience for me, I've hardly ever touched BZP at all until the past few days :P
--Akaku: Master of Flight

"I've brushed with death so often I should start giving him high-fives while I pass."

Recent Work: Return to Forum (2024)
Friend's works: Terrible Comics (2016) | The Guardians of Gevra Nui (2017) | Reborn (2016)
Older Work: The Legends of Taladi Nui (2017)



I think I gave up after Bionicle ended, and would occasionally check back but I think the forums were offline then? So that was even less incentive to come back. :P I would pop back in every few months or so but didn't do much... so I guess that makes my period of inactivity a few years. :P

  • Upvote 1

Easy answer that spins into two answers:


--BZPower downtime drove me away.


--I found that more people talk about social studies (history, religion, cultures, etc.) then they do Bionicle and other pan-science-fantasy works and franchises, so I initially put that away so as to get more familiar with those other interests of mine so I can have more interesting conversations. That lasted for about a year. I couldn't stay away from science fantasy, so by layers i got back into some franchises, Bionicle being the last one. I have a friend to thank for that, as while showing him old drawings of Mata Nui (both Great Spirit and Toa) and Makuta Teridax he had the decency to actually ask what those were (while most people would just say "awh man, that's sic, man! Can I have it?"  -_-). As I explained them, a flush of memories from the depths of my brain came to surface, and once again I became enchanted by Bionicle while he was surprised at just how much story content Lego had poured into this franchise and he educated himself with the story synopsis video that came out in 2008; I would try to fill in the gaps while not going off into long verbal walls of text.


During this period of about 2-3 years, I did not have internet access, so my presence here was little to nothing. Once I had it again back around Halloween 2014, I jumped back over here the first chance I got.



A RUDE AWAKENING - A Spherus Magna redo | Tzais-Kuluu  |  Pushing Back The Tide  |  Last Words  |  Black Coronation  | Blue Man Bound | Visions of Thasos   ن

We are all but grey specks in a dark complex before a single white light

Posted (edited)

I went away to school for a year and didn't go on BZPower once during that time, but during that year was the time when the forums were offline, so I was never aware the site went down until afterwards.

Edited by Meiko


Meiko - @georgebarnick

LUG Ambassador and administrator at Brickipedia

News reporter and database administrator at Brickset

Administrator at BIONICLEsector01


DISCLAIMER: All opinions and contributions made under this account are based solely on my own personal thoughts and opinions, and in no way represent any of the above groups/entities. If you have any concerns or inquiries about the contributions made under this account, please contact me individually and I will address them with you to the best of my ability.


Well, I can't really remember my BZPing pattern back in the day, but since I returned to it about a month or so ago, the longest time has to be the last week or so. I havn't made a single post. can't really explain why.


Posted (edited)

I had a good two- or three-year absence that ended when the forums came back in October 2011. I had been dealing with some pretty hefty mental health issues that had driven me from this site and from the rest of the world, both online and off, really.


I am glad, of course, to have been able to return.

Edited by -Windrider-
  • Upvote 6

I have been gone for almost two years. I kinda got bored of Lego and BZP until I watched The Lego Movie on HBO (around four or five days ago) and Bionicle's return on 2015.

  • 2 weeks later...

Apart from the annual 2 weeks without internet I occasionally disappear for a day or three, mostly due to being busy with university, or sometimes some illness or something. Apart from that, I'm usually always here, at least as far as timezones permit. :3


 My art collection topic - updated! (21/09/2021)


My mind is fuzzy on dates and times (at least in regards to these kinds of things), but I do know that my activity went down quite a bit toward the end of Bionicle. I started losing interest for some reason, and then when Bionicle ended, I kind of drifted away from BZP. When the downtime hit, I would check back occasionally just to see if the site was back up, but even after it did come back up, I didn't do much until (if I remember correctly) late 2013 or early 2014. I joined Bionifight Ultimate and then an RPG. After that, my activity level stayed fairly steady, though I spend most of my time in the Bionicle RPGs.

My epic: For Them (Review Topic)


BZPRPG: Trauer and Faora


Bionifight Ultimate: Daedalus Drachoren and Von Worten Undtränen


The Elder Scrolls: Ashfall: K'Larn

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

2 year hiatus (with the Great Downtime starting almost immediately after I left, not that I discovered that until I came back) a few months after I joined due to a certain fad I wasn't particularly fond of. Then came back in 2013 and stayed until we were hacked and lost months of stuff. I lost a bunch of writing and a game I was doing so I just lost enthusiasm for it. Then I came back last summer and left in October because I started getting swamped with school work. Came back again last week and already spend hours a day here again.

Edited by ToaKapura1234
  • Upvote 1

Want to solve an exciting murder mystery? Try Murder Mansion II, a new game in Games and Trivia! 8 Spots remaining!



I've had varying degrees of inactivity over the years and am currently in my largest spell ever at the moment. No particular reason; over the years my interest in different BZP sectors have gradually waned. I was active in the entire forum, then I became constrained to blogs and GD, then solely GD, then most recently the Games and Trivia forum. Now I've stopped frequenting that due to playing Mafia elsewhere.


It's not even intentional; I've gravitated more towards lurking places rather than posting, nowadays (even on the TTVMB).



The Three Virtues YouTube Channel




Check it out for laughs, discussion, and more.

  • 4 weeks later...

I think it was like… 1 year? maybe more maybe less, but somewhere around there. I know I left at some point in 2013, but then came back for like a month in 2014, and then I left again and came back around the beginning of this year.


I got bored and wasn't enjoying my time here at the time. Most of my friends were leaving so I wasn't really too keen on staying. Plus the projects I was working on kept hitting road bumps that in the end I just left. But now I'm all good again.





I haven't been completely inactive for a long time, but usually I only check a few thing on BZP every few days, and mainly lurk instead of posting these days. So that partially counts as a type of inactivity. And this has been mainly caused by the time demands of college and all associated stuff.




Seven years (2004-2011), but to be fair, a good couple of those were because I had forgotten my login username.


My interest in Bionicle kind of waned around 2004, and I wound up getting into different fandoms and forums, and by 2008 or so I'd forgotten my login details (and lost access to my old e-mail).  It wasn't until after the line ended that it came up in conversation again and I found myself getting drawn back in.  Luckily I managed to pull my info out of some dusty old drawer in my brain and wound up back here just before the Great Downtime


Funnily enough, I remember seeing a thread similar to this right around then, and posting about how I doubted I would stick around for very long.  And look how that turned out...!

  • Upvote 2

Hey: I'm not very active around BZP right now.  However, you can always contact me through PM (I have email notifications set up) and I will reply as soon as I can.

Useful Topics: The Q&A Compendium | The Official RPG Planning Topic
Stories: Fractures | An Aftermath | Three Stories | LSO 2012 Epics: Team Three | The Shadow and the Sea | The Days They Were Needed | Glitches | Transformations | Echoes | The Kaita and the Storyteller | Nui

BZPRPG: Komae · Soraya · Bohrei

Blog: Defendant Lobby no. 42

Posted (edited)

To be honest, I don't know how long it was.  It was after KanohiHauX stopped coming to the site.  I discovered a handful of other fandoms (mostly JRPGs) that I got into and kinda stopped paying attention after the Toa Metru were introduced.  By the time I cam back to the site, the comic book series had pretty much ended.  However long that was is the longest I've ever not been on BZPower.


EDIT- Actually, by the time I got back, the replacement series for Bionicle had been around for a while.  "Hero" something.  Bionicle had been finished for several years and the site was mostly revamped.  My best guess would be between 2003 (around the time the Toa Metru first showed up) to 2014 (Around the time I first heard about the new MNOLG sequel being made by a fan).

Edited by Takaru02



[insert interesting signature here]

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