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What was the first Lego theme that you were a fan of? Mine was Lego Harry Potter. I've been a fan since I was 5 or so (2003). It wasn't until 2006 that I discovered Bionicle.

I really need a better signature.

Posted (edited)

Bionicle was the first Lego theme I became a fan of. I got my first set in 2001 when I wasn't even three years old, so it would be around 03 or 04 that I'd actually consider myself as a fan.

Edited by Rooster Nui
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As far as I can recall, Star Wars back in 2000. I got into the movies when I was about four years old, and one day I saw a commercial for the first Millennium Falcon set. I got that set for Christmas that year (or at least I think that was the case). I still have it assembled on my shelf.



Probably Adventures. They weren't among my first sets, but they are probably the first group of sets that I consider some of my favorites. I hope that LEGO gives us a return to an Adventure based theme... and that it lasts longer than Pharaoh's Quest.

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80s and 90s Castle.


This. I think this topic has the potential to clearly illustrate how old most of the people posting are! I was an 80s baby but my brothers already had some of the older castle bits and we got a bunch of the pirate ones new as well. I consider us to have been very lucky indeed :D

Check out my Bionicle store on Bricklink here!

> > > Bionic Bricks < < <


Let me know if you can help me find these last few collectibles!


Also looking for WILD KRAATA and a VMKK Yo!!!


Posted (edited)

Well, my first theme (as in the theme of the first set I got) was Town (in 1994), and that same year I dabbled in themes from Space (Ice Planet, Spyrius) to Castle (Dragon Masters) to Pirates (also including Islanders and Imperial Guards). But the first theme I was "a fan" of? That's a harder question. I suppose the theme that would best qualify for that would be Pirates. Not only did I collect many of the sets, but Aanchir and I dressed up as King Kahuka and an Imperial Guard for Halloween that same year!

Edited by Lyichir
  • Upvote 5

Formerly Lyichir: Rachira of Influence

Aanchir's and Meiko's brother


Dude those costumes are amazing! (and friggin' adorable by the way!!!) 

Check out my Bionicle store on Bricklink here!

> > > Bionic Bricks < < <


Let me know if you can help me find these last few collectibles!


Also looking for WILD KRAATA and a VMKK Yo!!!







Not only did I collect many of the sets, but Aanchir and I dressed up as King Kahuka and an Imperial Guard for Halloween that same year!


Those look good. Were they products or your own work?


Our dad's work (we were four or five years old at the time, so there's no way either of us could manage that level of craftsmanship)! Dad always went all-out when it came to Halloween costumes.

  • Upvote 3

The first sets I got were like, creator sets. And then I got a Star Wars set or two as gifts, but I don't think that really counts. Bionicle probably was the first theme I really got into.




Posted (edited)

Well, my first theme (as in the theme of the first set I got) was Town (in 1994), and that same year I dabbled in themes from Space (Ice Planet, Spyrius) to Castle (Dragon Masters) to Pirates (also including Islanders and Imperial Guards). But the first theme I was "a fan" of? That's a harder question. I suppose the theme that would best qualify for that would be Pirates. Not only did I collect many of the sets, but Aanchir and I dressed up as King Kahuka and an Imperial Guard for Halloween that same year!

My first themes are pretty much the same as Lyi's first themes because growing up we always shared a collection (and basically still do).


A bit later we were both seriously into Aquazone, specifically the Aquanauts/Aquasharks era — by the time Stingrays and Hydronauts came about we weren't collecting those sets as passionately, though we did still get a couple.


The LEGO Mania Magazine definitely had some influence on our interests by fleshing out some story details for those early themes which were pretty light on official story.

Edited by Aanchir
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  • 3 weeks later...

Jack Stone.


I was probably just sitting around playing with some knock off brand when suddenly my dad called me over. He sits me by the computer and says "Here ya go budy. Jack Stone" "Jack Stone?" I goes, and start browsing the site. I'd imagine it was a couple months later when he bought me my first real Lego set (which was Jack Stone obviously). 



My first ever lego set from when I was four: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CCIQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fbrickset.com%2Fsets%2F7106-1&ei=nvIfVbTyOIHtsAWM-4CYBw&usg=AFQjCNG1abaTMVNDfuQ0_MvMGqiwyWvwCw&sig2=p14IJSX0W75imf0dwo5mPA


In other words, Star Wars. Got Tahnok later that year but didn't follow Bionicle story till 06 even though I had 10 or so sets.

Want to solve an exciting murder mystery? Try Murder Mansion II, a new game in Games and Trivia! 8 Spots remaining!



This topic makes me feel old. Mine was 70's and 80's Space.

At some point you realize that you are but a speck in the Universe.

That you time in this worlds is but a blink.

You see the whole of reality as it unfolds before you.

You try to see how far you can reach, and it’s not that far past your face.

But then you come back from the brink.

You hold them in your arms again.

And you know that you are where their world begins.

You are their rock.

Posted (edited)

It's a toss-up. I'm partially inclined to say Adventurers; I remember getting these three sets for Christmas of 1998, and then this one for my sixth birthday a couple months later.


However, I never actually understood the theme. I recall that I simply referred to Johnny Thunder as the "Scorpion Tracker man" for several weeks, until one of my friends, having a more extensive knowledge (and collection) of LEGO kindly informed me that the minifig in the Scorpion Tracker was Johnny Thunder, and that the identical minfig in the Oasis Ambush set was his twin brother Jacky Thunder. It was another year before I realized that there is no Jacky Thunder and that my friend was making stuff up :P


those biplanes, though :rolleyes:


It's probably fairer to say that the first theme I was really and truly a fan of was Life on Mars. It also remains the only theme which I collected in entirety, beginning with Red Planet Cruiser for my birthday in February 2001 and concluding with Worker Robot and Jet Scooter discovered by chance at a store in Waltham, Massachusetts which sold nothing but building toys (sadly, now a thing of the past) in December 2002.

Edited by Jacks
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Rate The Song Above You


Aquanauts, probably. Was among my first sets and I wanted (and got) a bunch of them. Either that or the '90s Space Police sets.

Hand-drawn, bespoke avatar by none other than Mushy the Mushroom.


a body adrift in water, salt, and sky


I really want people to start saying something like "I was 13 when I got in to (name of LEGO theme)" in each post. So to get the ball rolling, I was five or six when I got in to LEGO space, my first sets were the early 80's style that used the Benny style of space man. Every year the theme got better and better until Roboforce.

At some point you realize that you are but a speck in the Universe.

That you time in this worlds is but a blink.

You see the whole of reality as it unfolds before you.

You try to see how far you can reach, and it’s not that far past your face.

But then you come back from the brink.

You hold them in your arms again.

And you know that you are where their world begins.

You are their rock.

Posted (edited)

He probably meant the 2005 version, Salvus. No biggie

That set brings back memories. It was one of the last Star Wars sets I got before I stopped collecting them as devotedly. While the original was still a pretty impressive build, the new version is generally better, like most old Star Wars sets that have been updated—sometimes I wish I still had those old Star Wars sets mint in their boxes, because they've appreciated so much in value and I would trade the old ones for the new ones in a heartbeat.

Edited by Lyichir
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Formerly Lyichir: Rachira of Influence

Aanchir's and Meiko's brother


Bionicle. From 2001-2003, the sets were always around our house, and I really like them. Then, in 2004, I got Toa Metru Nokama and have been a diehard fan since.


  • 2 weeks later...

Adventurers, Rock Raiders (mainly because of the computer game), and Island Extreme Stunts (also due to the computer game) were the beginning of my lego appreciation. After that, it was Bionicle and the rest is history.


Other great bands:

Iron Maiden    Journey    Mercenary    The Unguided    Trivium

Boston    Stratovarius    Symphony X    Epica

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