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Tahu vs. Tahu: Generation One


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Dear Tahu Mata,


Why do you inform me of your actions in such an obviously stuck-up manner? We both know that any scouting parties that do happen to find me will not find their way back to you. Indeed, you friend Strakk draws nearer with each minute, but does he know this? Of course not. Will you be able to tell him? No, you will not.


Shall we move on to the topic of the Hero Factory sets you so skillfully captured? Because I have heard word that their rescue mission that was really a trap worked against you. You lost one of the Piraka fighting them back and managed to retain only one of your three prisoners. If you were to combine this incident with how easily you allowed me to take control of the Bedroom and the jails from you, as well as the incident in early 2009 with the massive prison breakout led by Roodaka... well, perhaps it is time you learned to be more efficient. You will go nowhere with a track record like yours, Tahu Mata.


I must admit, I have concocted a total of zero theories regarding what you have told me about Pohatu Mata and Kopaka Mata. You will need to be more precise. I need more information before I can figure this out. What are you trying to say to me here? Are you trying to say that both are still alive, or that someone other than my Toa killed them? Did they use duplicates? Are you just unwilling to accept the fact that they are dead and gone, and the additional fact that it was all on my orders, specifically targeting your team from the very beginning to give myself a an advantage strategically and emotionally over you?


I know not – I agree in that we must meet soon on peaceful terms to discuss this development. You have piqued my interest.


-Tahu Stars


Chapter 2 – Hail Storm


Three sets stepped out into the frigid November air, which felt unusually cold compared to the day before.


“Why does it have to be so freezing cold out here?” Ehlek asked.


“How should I know?” said Avak, shrugging. “Then again, you’re practically a skeleton.”


“You’re not much better than him.” Nex said. “I wouldn’t talk, Piraka.”


“Whatever, creamsicle.”


“Creamsicle? What kind of an insult is that?”


“Well, you’re orange and white.”


“That’s racist.”


“Says who? I’m just stating a fact.”


“Man... I wish Meltdown and Rotor were here. They aren’t half as annoying as you guys.”


“We try our best.”


A loud howling reached their ears at that moment, followed by a whistle through the air. All three sets glanced at each other before leaping a foot into the air when one of the windows of the Living Room behind them shattered.


“What in ALMIGHTY’s name is happening?!” Nex yelled.


“I have no idea!” Ehlek yelled back. “But whatever it is, it’s bad!”


“Hey guys, you uh... you might want to turn around!”


The Barraki and the Hero Factory set turned at Avak’s words to see what looked like a white wall speeding down the street towards the house, ripping apart the houses and assorted bits and pieces of society in its wake.


“Oh dear lord... what in Mata-Nui’s name is that?!” Nex yelled.


“I think that is a snowstorm.” Ehlek said. “Can I just be the first to say we’re totally boned?”


“Get inside!” Nex ordered. “Go, move now! Hurry!”


Avak grabbed onto the shrubbery hanging off of the window sill of the shattered window and began to haul himself up. A second later, both Ehlek and Nex followed. The three had just reached the window sill when the white wall slammed into them, and then they could hear nothing but crashing, banging, and howling as they were blinded by the snow and tossed unceremoniously into the Living Room. Windows could be heard shattering all over the house and wood could be heard splintering – somewhere else in the house, Nex thought he heard an entire room collapse into the Basement.


Avak was flung into the fireplace and there he stayed, pressed up against the bricks as snow quickly began to pile around him. He could do nothing but watch as the fish tank shattered and water surged out, splashing all over the floor and pulling the helplessly flailing Jawblade with it. He watched as Ehlek tumbled along the floor, smacking into the hunchbacked Toxic Reapa, the impact of which sent the Barraki flying out of sight. A moment later, Toxic Reapa became impossible to see as the snow began to thicken. All Avak could see was the splashes of orange on Nex, who appeared to be rather close to him. His eyes grew wide as he realized that Nex, using the multi-tool ice shield as a blocker for the snow, had fought his way over to him.


“What?” Avak asked as Nex mouthed something.


The hero shrugged and leaned in close, grabbing Avak by the arms and yanking him out from certain doom. The hero clapped him on the back as he vanished into the storm and Avak was sent tumbling behind a dislodged lamp, and Avak imagined Nex had said something along the lines of Avak, death by burial is like, the worst death ever, of all time. Be more original, mate!




“POHATU NUVA, WHAT IN ALMIGHTY’S COMEDIC NAME IS GOING ON?!” Lewa Mata bellowed as the house shook and several crashes could be heard.


“No idea, sir!” Pohatu Nuva yelled. “Honestly, it could be anything!”




“Well boss, whatever this is obviously begs to differ.” said Berix, who didn’t seem fazed.


Lewa Mata considered for a brief second asking the Agori why he didn’t seem alarmed, but then remembered that he’d been threatening Berix with his axe a moment ago – any fate was better than that one.


That was of course before Nex came barrelling into the room from who knew where and slid to a halt a few feet away from Lewa Mata and Berix.


“Nex, what the cow is going on?!”


“It’s a snowstorm, boss.” Nex said. “I would suggest holding onto something. We’re going under in approximately five seconds.”


“A snowstorm? How could a snowstorm do something like-”


Lewa Mata was cut off when the door of the Bedroom was blasted off of its hinges and shattered on impact with the wall, leaving an empty space for a furious whirlwind of snow to lash into the Bedroom. He grunted as Nex tackled him and Berix, saving them from a large chunk of wood. The three sets were caught by the wind and slammed into the wall, where Nex began to unceremoniously drag the other two along towards bed.


“What are you doing?” Lewa Mata asked.


“Under the bed – I reckon it’ll be a little bit safer. Which is to say, our chances of dying are slightly less.”


“Is there anything in this house that doesn’t want us all dead?” Berix asked.


“Yes, there’s me.” Nex said.


“How can you two make small talk at a time like this?!”


“Well... by making small talk, I suppose.” Berix said.


“What the Agori said.” Nex replied, shrugging. “You know, the only thing I’m questioning is that you are obviously in with this ALMIGHTY fellow, Lewa.”


“How do you know that?”


“It doesn’t matter – I can tell you later. The only thing I’m wondering is – shouldn’t he be the only guy capable of doing this?”


“Technically... yes. But there was one other guy who might’ve been the one to do this.”


“Who was he?”


Lewa Mata was interrupted from answering when Gali Nuva was flung into him by the storm. Nex cursed and fumbled with his leader’s hand, but it was already too late – Gali Nuva was smacked into the wall and Lewa Mata sailed off towards the window, screaming like a maniac.


“You have got to be kidding me.” Nex said, letting go of Berix. “You honestly have no idea how hard it was to beat that storm here, and then he’s just gone like that.”


“Well... on the bright side, we reached the bed.”


“I suppose so. Come on, we better get under before we’re buried.”


No reply came – Nex turned to Berix and sighed, shaking his head and shrugging with defeat when the Agori was nowhere to be found. He crawled underneath the bed and huddled against one of the posts holding it up to wait out the storm.


“Wait a minute… what is that?”


Lying on its side against the wall, snow having blown over top of it, was a canister that Nex assumed was from the earlier lines of Hero Factory – something proven right when he noticed the orange lid that had popped off, lying to the side.


Hey there.




Nex glanced around frantically, but he could see nothing through the blinding white of the storm raging around the Bedroom.


You ARE Nex, right? I didn’t get the wrong guy?


“Uh… yeah, I am Nex. Who are you?


Who I am isn’t important, kid. What’s important is that you need to listen to me. We don’t have much time.


“Don’t have much time for what?”


Listen, kid. Enough questions, alright? You have no idea how much effort it is to retain this connection. Let’s just say that I’m a rather large piece of your past.


“Alright… ten bucks says you’re in the canister.”




“Why don’t you come out and speak with me face to face?”


Listen, kid. I’m… well, there’s not really an easy way to say this.


“Not an easy way to say what?”


I dunno. I’ve never actually had to tell someone that the person speaking telepathically with them is dead.


“You’re dead?”


Yeah, pretty much. Sorry about the delivery, I guess.


“Don’t be. It’s fine. But… is it normal?”


Definitely… trust me. Lewa Mata has someone’s voice in his head all the time, and when I was alive, I was no different. Now, of course, it’s a different story – but seriously, kid, we need to get going here.


“What do you mean?”


I need you to revive me.


“Why should I do that? I don’t even know you.”


Who I am isn’t important. You just need to revive me.


“How exactly am I supposed to do that?”


You touch your core to mine. Without actually, you know, removing them. That would be bad.


“Losing my core is bad?”


Well… no. It’s just, cores are a royal pain in the arse to put back in. Honestly.


“Oh… okay.”


So, what do you say kid? Will you do it?


“My name is Nex.”


I realize that, kid. But I’m your superior, your… mentor, I guess.


“I suppose? So who are you again?”


Who I am isn’t IMPORTANT right now. Just revive me!


“How do I know that I can trust you?”


Ugh… how about the fact that we have a psychic connection? That must mean something, kid.


“It means that so far, you’re just a creepy stalker.”


Well, if that’s how you feel this next line will probably make it worse. But I know all of your fears and doubts, Nex. I know all about everything you’ve seen… and, more importantly, I have the answers you’re seeking.


“So what? A lot of people have the answers.”


Yeah, you’re right kid. Only problem is, those people are all under Lewa Mata… and he doesn’t want you to know anything.


“Why not?”


Well, to be truthful kid, if you really wanted to you could kill Lewa Mata and take over the House. He knows it and so does every other older set. They’re afraid that if you know that, you’ll turn on them.


“And you aren’t?”


Lewa Mata and I aren’t exactly friends.


“You want me to kill him.”


No, actually. I’d much rather see him alive.


“Judging from what I HAVE learned… you could only be a few sets.”


Lay it on me, kid.


Nex slowly stood to his feet and began to approach the snow covered canister, his feet kicking up soft clouds of snow as they fell.


What are you doing? Don’t look!


Nex ignored him and stopped in front of the canister. He glanced into the snowstorm briefly.


“You’re either Tahu Stars, Torch, Tahu Mata, or….”


He wiped his arm on the canister, removing all of the snow to reveal the identity of the set within.


“Nex 2.0.”




Rocka moaned as a gale of snow slammed him into the wall of the jail and then slammed Evo into him – and, if he was completely honest, the impact of Evo hurt more than the wall.


“Evo, eat less and exercise more!”


“Will do!”


With a rather loud bang, the jail door was blown off its hinges and flipped to fly straight through the bars of the jail and off into the storm. The next second the entire jail was blown off the counter as a miniature tornado of sorts formed in the Kitchen.


“Rocka, what’s going on?!”


“I have no idea! I think something very bad!”


The two heroes screamed as the jail crashed through the window, landing with a crash in the Backyard and shattering. Evo stumbled forward and collapsed onto the snow while Rocka struggled to his feet before being knocked away into the storm by a brick. Evo burst out laughing as he saw the golden hero spin off into the night, but immediately screamed like a little girl again when he too was sent flying into the night.




“Nex 2.0, you have got a lot of explaining to do.” Nex demanded.


Kid, I don’t have time! You don’t seem to realize the amazingly difficult feat I have pulled off here. I’m talking to you in your head from BEYOND THE GRAVE. Please, kid, try to get that through your head. I promise to explain everything to you if you’ll just, you know, revive me.


“I’ve heard some pretty bad things about you.”


Yeah, well, I did make a few enemies. You just talk to the wrong people.




Nex leaned down and grabbed Nex 2.0’s body, yanking it out of the canister. The body flopped down into the snow, and Nex touched the core to his, waiting.


“Well? Is anything going to happen?”


Then suddenly his vision went black before he reappeared, but in an entirely black space, alone with Nex 2.0.


“Where are we?” Nex asked.


“Your mind, kid. Thanks.” Nex 2.0 said.


“What the…”


“Don’t worry about it, kid.”


Nex 2.0 began to laugh, a dark and ominous sound that made Nex begin to regret his decision to revive the set immediately.


“Hey, kid. Do you mind if I take over? I need to get my bearings.”


“Uh, sure….”


“Good.” Nex 2.0’s eyes gleamed. “Man, it is good to be back.”


To Be Continued.

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Dear Tahu Stars,


I must regretfully inform you that my hypothesis regarding the deaths of Pohatu Mata and Kopaka Mata was… incorrect. Lewa Mata has assured me of that.


That said, I am not weary in the slightest. Yes, the Hero Factory capture did not work as planned. However, I do not think it is of much concern. I’m not certain how much attention you pay to your army, but the words fly to me that you and your army waste time in the Kitchen of all locations – and that you spend your days foolishly eating jellybeans. Never mind that, we’ll see in the end. 


While your army spends its days eating candy – I don’t think I really want to ask how you’re eating in the first place – those sets I trust the most even now undertake a massive project with the Vezons, and when it is complete… you will never know where we came from. I do bid you good luck.


Hero Factory has fallen back as of late. It worries me, when they have pressed the advantage for so long. I don’t believe they have fallen back by chance… no, something is coming. I would advise you to prepare yourself, but you’re probably too busy eating jellybeans to even notice.


You really are a fool.


-Tahu Mata


Chapter 3 – Only a Name


“Where… where are we?”


It was three weeks since the snowstorm. Not a second went by that Nex didn’t remember the encounter that had taken place during it.


Watch yourself, kid. You still haven’t mastered that glazed look you get when we talk.


Perhaps he was simply crazy. After all, it wasn’t like he could be provided with any proof that other sets heard weird voices inside of their heads. Then again, Nex 2.0 wasn’t weird so much as… mysterious.


I said watch yourself, you dope. Pay attention, this is going to be VERY important.


“Hey, Takanuva Stars.” Nex said, reaching forward and grabbing the Toa on his shoulder. “Where are we?”


“I’ll be able to answer that for you in a moment.”


Nex nodded, gulping nervously as he stared around the massive room – if he was correct, it was even larger than the Basement, the largest room in the house. There were no windows to be seen anywhere, but the room was pleasantly warm. He spotted Rocka and Evo by one of the walls, speaking with a Titan he didn’t recognize.


“Hey Nex, I’ll be back in a second. Stay here, will you? I just need to introduce you to someone.”


“Yeah, sure, whatever.”


He turned and watched Takanuva Stars as he entered the crowd of sets. The Stars Toa stopped next to two sets that Nex 2.0 silently identified as the Glatorian Strakk and Kiina – and it was immediately apparent that Nex’s phantom ally felt an animosity to both sets.


Which was strange, because as far as Nex remembered, Kiina had never factored into anything at all. Within seconds, Nex felt the familiar feeling as though a warm wave of water had washed over him, and he drifted away.




He discovered himself face to face with Nex 2.0 in the same all black space as before – presumably his brain, but Nex didn’t quite care to find out.


“You called?”


“Yes kid, I did.”


“What for? Is it about the Glatorian?”


“If you know what’s good for you here, keep your mouth shut.” For the first time since he’d met him, Nex 2.0 looked anxious. Almost as if –


“You’re hiding something.”


“You figure stuff out fast, kid. But you don’t need to know what I’m hiding just yet… just trust me. When the time is appropriate – and I believe that time will be coming soon – you’ll be told everything.”


“And what if I refuse? What if I make you tell me now?”


For a split second, Nex detected a glint in the eye of Nex 2.0, a shadow that flitted across the older hero’s face. He took an involuntary step back, but Nex 2.0 appeared normal once more. He appeared satisfied.


“Kid, I’m just going to tell you this once – and that is… you have no idea what you’re dealing with.”




Nex returned to consiousness as Takanuva Stars slapped him; he was still standing (thankfully – the first several times, he’d collapsed outright), and he’d obviously been completely out of it.


“Nex, are you alright?” the Toa asked.


“Yeah, I’m fine.” Nex said, shaking the fuzzy feeling out of his head. “Sorry about that, I just dozed off a little. What’s up?”


“Nex… can you keep a secret?”


Of course I can keep a secret, he thought. It’s not like Nex 2.0 isn’t in here or anything.


Shut up! Respond!


“Of course I can. I’m already keeping one for Rocka, Evo, Avak and Ehlek.”


Takanuva Stars nodded, appearing relieved as he glanced knowingly at the two Glatorian, and the Titan he’d seen earlier with Rocka and Evo.


“So who’re these wackjobs? I suppose they’re the ones throwing the party?” Nex asked.


Takanuva Stars winced and the blue Glatorian, Kiina, raised her trident threateningly. However, Strakk held her back with a calm hand, and the Titan chuckled.


“He has spirit. I like that.” the Titan said. “Let’s hear him out.”


“Nex… I’d like you to meet Kiina, Strakk, and Makuta.” Takanuva Stars said.


“Nice to meet you.” said Strakk.


“Put the attitude away rookie, or I put it away for you.” Kiina ordered, passing over greetings. “If you tell anybody up above about what you’ve seen here, I will personally see to it that you are publicly dismantled.”


Apparently having nothing else of importance to say, Kiina immediately turned around and vanished into the crowd of sets, leaving behind a very perplexed Nex.


“Eh, don’t mind her.” said Strakk. “She’s always a grump. It comes from being in charge of all this. It’s a rather stressful job.”


“What is all of this? What is she in charge of?”


“Nex…” Takanuva Stars said with a slight smile. “If you’ll allow me… I’d like to welcome you to the Resistance.”


Ooh… now this is going to be fun indeed.


Nex wasn’t quite sure he was entirely okay with the emotions attached to what Nex 2.0 had just told him, but he didn’t have time to worry about that – Takanuva Stars was already whisking him away from Strakk and Makuta, towards Rocka and Evo. The gold and yellow heroes stared at them as the two approached them, their faces carefully neutral.


“I’m not quite sure I want to meet these two just yet.” whispered Nex.


“Nex, you have an apology to make. And they have an apology to accept.” said the Toa. “Besides, I had to, and you were just gonna break the rules and free them anyway. So you’re already sort of even.”


“Not really.”


“Well, have it your way, numb nuts.”


“Numb – what? I don’t understand anything about anything right now.”


“You’re not supposed to. Well, technically you are, but we don’t care enough to fill you in.”


“That’s splendid, Takanuva. I feel really appreciated.”


“You’re not supposed to be appreciated. You’re supposed to be valuable.”


See what I mean, kid? You’ll never be worth more than a penny to these people. And none of your stupid remarks about a penny being worth something, because it isn’t worth anything!


“I’m worth something.” Nex mumbled.


Shut your mouth, you’re gonna blow it.


“You’re what?” Takanuva Stars asked.




They had reached Rocka and Evo. As far as Nex was concerned, the rest of the sets in the room had all stopped talking, because it sounded as if, well, there were no sounds. The four stared awkwardly at each other for several minutes. Evo coughed and Takanuva Stars scratched his head, before nudging Nex with his elbow.


“Say it!” the Toa hissed.




Nex stood straight and cleared his throat importantly. He tried to ignore the fact that Evo had just rolled his eyes at him.


“I would like to formally apologize for my previous behaviour, should it have in any way offended you.”


Rocka snorted and looked away. The other three glanced at him and Rocka waved them off, turning around and doubling over as he began to silently laugh.


“Are you alright?” Takanuva asked.


Evo, watching Rocka with a confused expression, began to chuckle. He glanced over to Nex, and then Nex began to laugh as well. A befuddled expression remained firmly on the face of Takanuva Stars as the three heroes began to laugh outright, Nex clutching his stomach as he doubled over and Rocka falling to his knees as he shrieked, while Evo bent with his hands on his knees, trying to remain upright. The sets gathered around them began to watch as the three heroes lost it completely, forming a circle.




Nex froze, the last laugh stuck on his face for a split second before it was gone and he jerked up, standing straight and at attention.


Enough of this humiliation! You are disgracing us!


To the sets around, Nex’s eyes went strangely blank as he was sucked down into himself.




Nex landed on the firm black floor and fell to one knee to balance himself on the landing, inadvertently kneeling before Nex 2.0 in the process. The older set smirked as Nex scrambled to his feet.


“I’m not humiliating anyone!” Nex said. “I was just laughing with my friends!”


“Your… friends?”




“They aren’t your friends. You have no friends. Even I’m not your friend.”


“Well, you’re stupid, so you don’t count.”


I’m stupid? Kid, you’re the stupid one. You have no idea what you’ve walked into. You’re nothing but a stepping stone for me, you hear?”


“I’m a what?”


“A stepping stone, you fool. You’re just a transition phase. Soon I’ll be able to take over you completely – and then after that, I’ll be strong enough to return to myself again.”


“And… and what happens to me?”


“Who cares? If you perish, I don’t mind, because it means I live.”


“But… I’m like… an advancement of you.”


“Oh are you?”




“Prove it, kid. We’re gonna fight right here, right now. If you beat me, fine, you’ve proven your point for now. If I win… well… let’s just say things might get nasty.”


“No. I don’t need to prove anything to you.”


Nex turned his back on the older hero and began to walk away. A second later he heard a little whoosh of air, and he sidestepped just in time for Nex 2.0 to crash in the ground where he’d been. Then, ignoring a rather strange desire to remain where he was, Nex leapt back into conscious thought.




Nex came to still standing as rigid as he’d left, with Strakk, Rocka, Kiina and Takanuva Stars all examining him. Strakk started as Nex suddenly came to life, flexing his arm to stretch it.


“He’s back!” the Glatorian said. “Or… well… were you gone?”


“In a way, yeah… I suppose you could say that.”


“If he’s going to do that in the middle of a battle, then we can’t trust him.” Kiina said, her eyes narrowed as she glared at Nex.


Nex stared right back. However, Kiina’s glare was too fierce, and he looked away a moment later. The female Glatorian snorted derisively and turned away.


“Figure him out.” she ordered to Strakk. “If he can’t fix himself, he can always be used as spare parts.”


A deep fury rose up from within Nex, aided with a mighty push by the inwardly smirking Nex 2.0. Nex snarled and lunged forward, grabbing Kiina by the shoulder and hauling her back towards him to give her a piece of his mind. However, the Glatorian swept his hand away and within seconds had him pinned against the wall, with the point of her trident at his throat.


“I’m warning you, Nex.” she whispered in a voice so quiet it was deadly. “One wrong move and I will remove you. Do you hear? You’re just like Nex 2.0… uncannily so. Something isn’t right with you, and I intend to figure out what it is.”


With that, she wrenched her trident back, spared Nex one last disgusted look, and then stalked away. The crowd of sets obediently cleared a path for her, stumbling over each other in their haste to back up. Nex glared after her silently, until Takanuva Stars nervously approached him.


“So… shall we continue on?” the Toa asked. “There’s uh… there’s a lot more to show you.”


“Very well then.”


As Nex followed the Toa through the crowd, he could’ve sworn he heard one last remark from Nex 2.0 echo in his mind.


Don’t you worry, kid. Revenge is on the way.




Kopaka Nuva frowned as he sat in his shadowy perch above Pohatu Nuva, watching as the Toa Nuva of Stone was approached by both Gali Nuva and Onua Nuva.


“You wanted to talk with us, Pohatu Nuva?” Onua Nuva asked.


“I did… I do. I’ve just been wondering how you two are faring with how Lewa Mata is running things.”


“It’s not mightily different, is it?” Onua Nuva responded. “There’s just less fighting.”


“What about you, Gali?”


“The same for me. It’s certainly a more relaxing life right now.”


“So… you two don’t think anything seems… off?”


“What’s off about it?” asked Onua Nuva.


“Kopaka Nuva barely even talks to any of us anymore, and when he does, he’s angry – not to mention that more than half the time he’s missing. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s listening right now, but ALMIGHTY knows I’m not gonna find him if I look.”


“Now that you mention it, things do seem odd.” said Onua Nuva thoughtfully. “The Piraka and Barraki are always flitting from place to place, and several sets have vanished altogether.”


“It’s too quiet. There’s no resistance, yet there seem to be an awful lot of sets unhappy with Lewa Mata in charge.” said the Toa Nuva of Water.


“That’s what I’m afraid of.” Pohatu Nuva said. “I feel like we’re walking right into some sort of ambush, but Lewa Mata refuses to believe it and even if he did, we can’t tell where it’s coming from.”


The three Toa Nuva began to walk away as they continued to converse about the issues at hand, and a few moments later their voices were indistinguishable to the white Toa Nuva hiding above. Frowning even more than he had before, for the suspicions of Pohatu Nuva were far closer to the mark than he’d realized, Kopaka Nuva slid into the shadows to report back to Kiina and Strakk.


To Be Continued.

Edited by Lucina
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Dear Tahu Mata,


I like to believe that I am not in fact a fool, thank you very much. I trust my troops and they trust me. With regards to the rather consistent hate mail I have been receiving from some of your men, I am surprised you haven’t realized how many are trying to think of ways they could stab you in the back. So watch your back before I am forced to grovel in the dirt and watch it for you.


Let’s forget I said that, because let’s be honest – someday, I am going to kill you. Does it matter so much if you die and I am then forced to unite the Bionicle sets under one banner versus the Hero Factory sets? Of course not. Well, not to me, at any rate. Who cares about you.


Wait a moment… what was that? I’m sorry, I’m not quite sure why I wrote that down. If you’re wondering, the ceiling is now cracking. Wait! No! What? This can’t be good… that’s… that’s the Bedroom.


And that’s Von Nebula crashing to the floor. What is this madness?! What is… wait… no! He’s huge! I cannot waste any more foolish words on you, Tahu Mata! My army and I must fight back!


-Tahu Stars


Chapter 4 – Incumbent


Nex tried to ignore the buzz at the back of his mind as he sat down on the floor, resting with his back to the wall. Evo and Surge plopped down on either side of him, and then Rocka and Takanuva Stars did the same.


“You know, this is nice.” Takanuva Stars said.


“What’s nice?” asked Evo.


“This. Just sitting here, relaxing, chatting a bit. I’ve never really gotten to do it before now.”


“Yeah, I forgot – you’ve been at war for your entire life pretty much, right?” asked Rocka.


“Indeed I have. A set needs to just kick back and relax every now and then, you know what I mean?”


“Yeah, I think I do.” Nex said quietly.


It had been several weeks since Takanuva Stars had (with some difficulty, Nex had noticed) inducted him into the Resistance. So far it had been fantastic, except for one set in particular….


“Hey Nex, what’s up between you and Kiina?” asked Rocka. “Every time she’s around you, it’s as if a fly just flew up her nose.”


“Don’t even get me started.” Nex said bitterly.


“Kiina has an issue with Nex being Nex.” Takanuva Stars said, with an air of one frustrated but out of control. “Her problem is that he bears a strong resemblance to our old friend Nex 2.0 – she’s not the only one, unfortunately.”


“But why? I don’t get it.” said Rocka. “It’s not like you’re housing Nex 2.0 inside your brain or anything.”


“Uh… yeah, I suppose.” said Nex.


Oh, if you only knew the irony in that statement of yours, Rocka….


Hey kid, shut it up. You still glaze over like a bozo or something whenever we speak.


I wasn’t talking to you.




Nex shook his head to clear it as Takanuva Stars stood up. The hero did the same, knowing it was high time the two of them returned to Lewa Mata.


“I guess we’ll see you guys tomorrow, or the day after.” Takanuva Stars said.


“Yeah, see you later.” said Rocka.


“Good luck!” Evo called.


As he and Takanuva Stars edged their way towards the exit, Nex began to hope against hope that they would fail to run into Kiina – which, of course, she turned up as soon as he started thinking about her.


Someday I am going to kill that Glatorian, honestly.


Don’t worry kid, it’s not far off….


Nex shivered and shut Nex 2.0 out as Kiina held out an arm to stop him and Takanuva Stars, an aggravated Strakk and Kopaka Nuva standing right behind her.


“Where do you think you’re going?” Kiina asked, her voice raised slightly in accusation.


“We’re leaving, as most sets tend to do sometimes.” Takanuva Stars said, his voice guarded. “We’re allowed to leave this room, you know.”


“For now, perhaps.” Kiina said, her eyes glinting with malice. “I don’t tolerate traitors, however.”


“What’s that supposed to mean?” asked Strakk, evidently starting to get fed up with Kiina’s attitude.


“It means I don’t trust someone, Strakk. I don’t trust someone at all.”


“Spit it out, already.” Takanuva Stars said, sounding frustrated and, Nex noted, a little afraid.


They were supposed to meet Lewa Mata at precisely eleven in the morning in the Bedroom for a meeting. They had roughly three minutes left.


“Him.” Kiina said, pointing to Nex and then glaring at him as though he housed all of the world’s problems. “He’s just like that other freak, Nex 2.0.”


“Kiina, watch your tongue.” Strakk said.


“Watch your tongue, Strakk. Or I’ll watch it for you.”


“Kiina, that’s enough. Actually, it’s way more than enough. There was never any point at all.”


Kiina whirled around and grabbed Strakk by the neck. Kopaka Nuva was already reacting, but she kicked him to the floor and then dropped Strakk, who crumpled upon landing.


“Remember how powerful I am.” the female Glatorian snapped. “I tore Nex 2.0 to pieces, and he only survived because I made him beg, like a dog, for survival. And you-”


Here she turned back to Nex, poking him with her finger,


“I’m going to do the exact same thing. You don’t deserve to live.”


“Get your hands off of me.”


It was the first time Nex had spoken to Kiina directly – perhaps even around her at all. Naturally, she didn’t listen.


“Get your finger off of me, or I will make you regret it. You’ve made Takanuva Stars and I two minutes late already for our meeting with Lewa Mata. You know how suspicious he is these days – and if he catches on to us because of it, you can be sure that in the name of ALMIGHTY, I will make sure you go down with me.”


Before Kiina could respond, Nex pushed Takanuva Stars on and then shoved her out of the way. Kiina tried to leap at him, but was restrained – barely – by Strakk and Kopaka Nuva as the other two sets exited the room.


They had reached the Living Room before Takanuva Stars spoke, as they reached the seven minutes late mark.


“Oh man, this isn’t good.” Takanuva Stars whispered. “What do we do?”


“Maybe Lewa Mata will believe us when we say Meltdown and Rotor sidetracked us?”


“Or perhaps he knows now why the two of you vanish so often, and has decided to arrest the two of you and sentence the both of you to death.”


Nex and Takanuva Stars froze and glanced at each other, contemplating just making a run for it.


“I wouldn’t bother making a run for it.” Lewa Mata said, guessing their thought processes accurately. “You won’t make halfway to the Basement before the sets I have stationed around capture you.”


“Maybe we could talk about it?” Nex asked hopefully as he turned around.


Kid, you really are stupid.


I’m not stupid! I’m stalling for time.


No point stalling for time, kid. His mind is set. It’s fight or flight. Or surrender, except that if you surrender I will take over and we will fight. Which makes it just fight or flight.


“Furno, what are you doing here?” Nex asked, ignoring Nex 2.0 as the red Hero stepped into view.


“Lewa Mata brought me along to arrest you.” Furno said. “You’ve joined the Resistance… that’s against all of the rules.”


“Actually, it’s only against the third rule.” Nex said. “Sets are not allowed to join the Resistance.”


“Except that the Resistance goes out of its way to break every single rule on that chart.” Lewa Mata muttered.


“Oh, right… yeah, I guess that is problematic. Guilty by association.”


Fight! Now! I know that look, he’s about to attack!


Nex hadn’t even finished processing what Nex 2.0 had said before he was flipping backwards, narrowly avoiding Lewa Mata’s axe.


“Furno, you get Nex! I have a bigger traitor to deal with.”


“I’m not big enough?” Nex asked.


Lewa Mata ignored him and began to duel Takanuva Stars – the Toa of Light immediately began to lose ground. Unfortunately for Nex, he no longer knew what was going on. He was fading back until he was surrounded by blackness, and before Furno could react, he was (although he did not know it yet) now battling Nex 2.0.


The most ruthless set the House had ever known.




“Kiina, what was that back there? Honestly, you were acting like… like… well, some sort of psychological version of Nex 2.0.” Strakk said.


“I told you to watch your mouth, Strakk. I’m in charge, not you.”


Kopaka Nuva rolled his eyes, glancing back to the sets One and Two, the most prominent remaining members of the Skrall Stars line, back in the crowd. Judging from the looks on their faces, they agreed with him. He tuned back into the conversation of Strakk and Kiina as they arrived at the meeting place, where Makuta was already waiting.


“You are late.” the Titan said. “And, judging from the looks I see on Strakk and Kopaka Nuva, not for a good reason.”


“Any reason of mine is a good reason!” Kiina snapped. “It was that fool hero Nex, and his friend Takanuva Stars. Traitors, both of them.”


“You have no reason to believe that, Kiina.” Kopaka Nuva said coldly. “Listen to yourself. You sound insane. Start listening to reason, or we’ll stop listening to you.”


It was a testament to the respect Kopaka Nuva held amongst the sets that Kiina satisfied herself with just glaring at him for what he had just dared to say.


“Get out.” she said at length, turning away. “Strakk and I will fill Makuta in ourselves. Stay out of my sight for awhile.”


“Whatever you say. You are the leader, after all.”


Kopaka Nuva made a semi-mocking bow to the female Glatorian before exiting the meeting area, to find both One and Two waiting for him.


“What is it?” he asked.


“Takadox and Ehlek were just wondering what you found out. Actually, so were we.” said One.


“Yeah, maybe we can come on the next recon mission too!” said Two.


“Perhaps… although it is up to Kiina who goes, and I must admit that just like you, I appear to have fallen out of her favor. Take me to the Barraki, and I will share my tale with you.”


The two Skrall Stars did as he asked – Takadox and Ehlek were waiting a short ways away.


“Hey Kopaka Nuva, what’s up?” asked Ehlek. “You’ve been spying on the enemy again?”


“I have… I discovered some worrying news, but of course Kiina doesn’t listen.”


“She doesn’t listen to anybody.” Takadox scoffed. “I mean, she was bad when she was just the leader of the Blue League, but ever since she defeated Nex 2.0….”


“Wait, Kiina beat Nex 2.0?” asked Two.


“Indeed she did.” Takadox said. “Tore him apart, had him begging for death – left him alive to shame him. Of course, a few weeks later he was good as new thanks to the Throwbots and then Lewa Mata killed him.”


“You know, considering how bad Kiina is, I almost feel sorry for Nex 2.0.” One said. “But not quite.”


“What did you find out?” asked Ehlek.


“Pohatu Nuva suspects something is going on – and, thanks to him, Gali Nuva and Onua Nuva do as well. But that was as far as I got with Kiina, because she wouldn’t believe it… I have worse news.”


“I hate to say it, but worse news probably means we’re borderline screwed.” said Ehlek.


“Who it is I do not know, but from conversations between Lewa Mata and Stormer XL I gathered that there is a traitor amongst the Resistance feeding them any information he can get – and it’s not Nex or Takanuva Stars, it’s someone that’s been with us since Lewa Mata took power.”


“Well….” Ehlek trailed off. “You know, I really hate it when I turn out to be right.”




Nex 2.0 slammed Furno’s head into the wall violently before stepping back to watch his handiwork, as the red hero staggered two steps before collapsing.


“That’s right, you weakling. Stay down!”


Furno’s response was to slowly stand back up. Nex 2.0 kicked at him, but the hero dodged away and then fired his blaster, hitting Nex 2.0 in the eye.


“Nex, you seem… different.” Furno said.


“Because I’m not Nex, you fool!”


Nex 2.0 punched Furno in the face and the hero went down again – however, he began to get back up, infuriating the orange hero further. Nex 2.0 stepped on him and pressed down hard, snapping one of Furno’s pipes off.


“You know, back in my day… sets knew the concept of staying on the ground when they lost, rather than getting up to be defeated again.”


“I… haven’t lost yet.” said Furno.


The red hero flung himself backwards and Nex 2.0 was sent stumbling backwards – however, he threw his multi-tool ice shield and caught Furno around the throat, immobilizing the hero.


“You have now.” Nex 2.0 hissed. “Now… let’s see how your Toa friends are doing.”



Nex 2.0 turned to watch, and he saw Takanuva Stars slam into the wall, both of his weapons gone from his hands as he slumped to the floor. Lewa Mata readied his axe, and swung down – only to snarl as his arm was blasted away, saving Takanuva Stars.


“Nex! You’re next! I’m going to kill you like I killed Nex 2.0… right after I kill this traitor!”


“You’re going to wait a moment, think rationally about the situation, and I’m going to explain my motives and what I think is best.” Nex 2.0 said, smiling maniacally. “You see, I went in there undercover – I can give you pieces of information straight from the leaders of the Resistance themselves.”


Lewa Mata froze, staring at him, suspicion still lingering in his gaze. Taking his silence as an urge to continue, Nex 2.0 spoke again.


“Now, Takanuva Stars needs to learn a lesson – but why not make it a public one? Do it in the Backyard. Announce it to every set, so that the entire Resistance can watch as we slaughter one of their friends. Undoubtedly they will try to save him, and give us several prisoners in a desperate rescue mission that shall fail.”


Lewa Mata nodded slowly. “Nex, you cunning little sneak… I didn’t think you had it in you – I honestly didn’t. But the brilliance of that plan astounds me. Alright, let’s do it.”


He signaled down the Hallway, and two sets entered the Living Room. Lewa Mata pointed to the unconscious forms of Takanuva Stars and Furno.


“Stormer XL, you take care of Furno. Core Hunter, bring Takanuva Stars – and be a little rough with him. I want him to truly know what pain is before he dies.”


The two Hero Factory sets bowed low, remaining silent as they obediently fulfilled the Toa of Air’s command.


“Nex, you might have just handed us the victory in this war.” Lewa Mata said.


Oh no, you fool. And don’t you worry in there, kid. Relax for a moment. The execution will draw Kiina out – that’ll give us the opportunity we need to make sure she is killed. Then, we attend to Lewa Mata… and perhaps if we’re lucky we save Takanuva Stars as well – but only if he agrees to obey me in order to pay for what he did.




“Hey Vezok… would you mind filling me in on why we didn’t help Nex and Takanuva Stars out there?” asked Hakann as they pushed their way through the crowd towards Kiina, Strakk and Rocka.


“Well first of all, Kiina hates them. Second of all, Kiina hates us. Third, Kiina ordered us to only trail them, and she hates her orders being disobeyed. Fourth, Lewa Mata had backup all over the place, so it’s a wonder we weren’t caught ourselves. Fifth, something changed in Nex during the fight, and not for the better.”


“That was a really long sentence.”


“It wasn’t just one sentence, you moron.”


“Hey! I’m no moron, you are!”


“I’m a member of the Blue League.”


“Because you’re blue, Vezok. Honestly, don’t try that on me. We all know you’re no better at fighting than the rest of us Piraka.”


“I’m better than Reidak and Zaktan.”


“Wow, isn’t that an accomplishment?”


“What do you Piraka want?”


The speaker was Kiina, and she was already furious – Hakann took a step backward and pushed Vezok forward, motioning for him to speak. The blue Piraka turned to glare at him for a second before speaking.


“Nex and Takanuva Stars have been captured.”


“It figures. The morons couldn’t even do one thing right.” Kiina said, a look of disgust on her face.


“You made them late, Kiina!” Strakk cried. “This is your fault – Lewa Mata was bound to suspect something! And he ambushed them!”


Kiina whirled around to grab Strakk, but found Rocka’s crossbow aimed right at her face as she did so, putting the leader of the Resistance at risk of an immediate death.


“Lower your weapon, hero.” Kiina ordered.


“Only if you’ll shut your face.” Rocka ordered. “I’m sick of you and your attitude. You know what? You can’t kill all of us. We don’t listen to you anymore. It’s your fault we’re in this mess, so kiss your pretty little butt goodbye.”




“…yes Vezok?”


“Get backup. Just in case, you know.”


“…got it.”


Hakann turned and bolted, searching for Makuta or Kopaka Nuva, as Strakk, Vezok and Rocka readied their weapons. Kiina glanced from face to face with disgust and hatred, finally resting her gaze on Vezok.


“I can’t believe you’ve become so worthless.” she spat. “A member of the Blue League that I formed, that I led throughout the war! Betraying me! How could you?”


“You didn’t do anything except humiliate Nex 2.0, Kiina.” Vezok said. “Gali Mata, Takadox, Tarix, even Nokama Metru did more behind the scenes than you did. And even when you fought Nex 2.0, it was for the sole purpose of humiliating him. And then you let him live, so that he could continue to terrorize the House.”


“Your time to reign is over, Kiina.” said Strakk.


“You’re a corrupt core, Kiina, and you need to be removed.” Rocka added. “And then, once we’re done with you, we go to rescue our friends.”


Kiina’s only response was to shift her tridents and thornaxx launcher in preparation for the battle, as Rocka, Strakk and Vezok charged at her.


Rocka stumbled backwards as he took a thornaxx round to the chest, but he was covered by Strakk, who began to match Kiina blow for blow until he too was knocked away, as Vezok blasted Kiina in the chest with a zamor sphere. The female Glatorian hissed and kicked Vezok in the head, but the Piraka remained standing as he and Rocka both took aim again and fired. Kiina ducked underneath the shots and quickly incapacitated Vezok, leaving in Rocka’s way.


“Kiina, enough!” he heard Strakk yell. “Look at yourself! You’ve become as bad as Nex 2.0 himself!”




Rocka slowly stood to his feet and was disarmed by Kiina before being kicked back – as he stood again, Kiina lost her own launcher to Strakk, but had then used her trident to trap Strakk to the wall by the neck. The white Glatorian struggled in vain as Kiina turned to face Rocka. The golden hero gulped and raised his arms in a defensive stance.


“Give up, hero.”


“No… somebody is going to stop you. I just need to slow you down.”


Kiina charged and punched at him. Rocka slapped her arm away and swung a fist into her gut, but Kiina grabbed his arm and slammed him onto the ground. Rocka pulled  Kiina down with him and rolled so that he was on top, punching her in the face once before he was thrown away. Before he could stand Kiina had kicked him in the head and he was sprawling backwards, before she pulled him back and then punched him in the face. Rocka stumbled backwards out the door to the meeting room and into the grand room where most of the Resistance stared as he collapsed backwards.


“Kiina… stop it….”


Kiina responded by stalking out the door and grabbing Rocka by the chest, lifting him up and then spinning him around before throwing him into the wall. Rocka felt the strength leaving his limbs as he struggled to get up and Kiina stalked towards him. He saw two blue feet out of the corner of his eye and paused before gazing up to see Surge standing in front of him, his sword to Kiina’s throat. A second later, Makuta lifted the blue Glatorian up by the neck.


“Kiina, we hereby relieve you of duty.” said Surge. “You will be given the opportunity to redeem yourself and earn a place back in this Resistance when we rescue Nex and Takanuva Stars – until then, it’s off to the Vezons with you. They’ll keep you nice and isolated, and maybe you’ll finally decide to listen to what we’ve been trying to tell you.”


As Kiina was led away, Surge crouched down and helped Rocka to his feet.


“You know Surge, I never saw you as the kind of guy that would do something like that.” Rocka confessed.


“Well, I had to – Makuta isn’t any good at it and Kopaka Nuva went off somewhere. The only other guys were you, Vezok and Strakk – so, it went to me.”


“Well, regardless… thanks. I’m not sure where I’d be if you hadn’t stepped in.”


“Your face would be a whole lot uglier, I can tell you that. And trust me, you already need all the help you can get.”


“What’s that supposed to mean?!”


“Uh… nothing, Rocka. Nothing at all.”


To Be Continued.

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Dear Tahu Stars,


I would just like to say that I hate you with a passion, and wish you could just die and go away. Ugh, why am I even bothering to send sets down to save you?!


-Tahu Mata


[Log X114]


The rest of the Blue League has started to degrade and become atrociously weak just like the rest of them. Thankfully I have had the time to keep up Nokama Metru’s training, and she remains as good as ever – although still not as good as me. It is the other four that worry me….


Gali Mata was recently easily defeated by Hero Factory forces during a successful raid. Vezok has failed to make any impression whatsoever in any of the battles. Takadox manages to slip farther and farther into ALMIGHTY’s grasp, because he is a total fool. Tarix obeys orders from Tahu Mata and Strakk like a simple sheep, and does not perform much better for it.


I met a new Hero Factory set – orange and white. He called himself Nex 2.0 – what sort of a name is that? Nobody in Bionicle was ever stupid enough to include numbers in their names. It is absolutely silly. He seemed very full of himself, too, and threatened to beat me up – but I shall have my revenge soon enough. Hopefully he does make a splash, thereby making my revenge even sweeter.


Tahu Stars and his army remain in absolute disorder after the Hero Factory sets released those Creations – on my orders, of course. Unfortunately, I must admit that this is one plan of mine that has gone awry. I meant for the Creations to turn on the Hero Factory sets and annihilate them, but they appear to have a fine taste for Bionicle sets as well. It will be fine, however – I will simply “forget” to put it into any other records or logs besides this one, as it is for me only, and nobody will be the wiser. They will blame ALMIGHTY and Hero Factory for the creations, as per the usual.


[End Log X114]

[Kiina Signing Out]


Chapter 5 – Battle Force 1


Rocka watched from his hiding place in the bushes by the Pond as Lewa Mata pushed Takanuva Stars towards him. The former deputy of Tahu Stars was weaponless and looked beaten and worn – to Rocka, it seemed like a miracle that he was alive at all.


He glanced to Sahmad, who met his gaze before re-focusing his attention on the execution they planned to stop. The two of them were the only ones in the bush, although Rocka knew an assortment of Resistance members were all throughout the Backyard, and many on the Roof as well.


“All of you sets gathered here today!” Lewa Mata yelled suddenly. “I know you’re all here and watching. Many of you are members of a foolish group calling themselves the ‘Resistance’ – I am going to prove to you today just how terrible an idea that is.


“I am going to kill your spy, Takanuva Stars, and then my forces will slaughter anyone who tries to intervene. Now, as for you, Takanuva Stars, do you have anything you’d like to say? Any last words, you traitor?”


“Yes… I… have some last words.” Takanuva Stars sounded defeated, but still strong in the face of death. “I know you’re still free, Lewa.”


Lewa Mata was visibly taken aback by the statement, and he narrowed his eyes at Takanuva Stars in suspicion.


“What’s that supposed to mean?”


“It means that ALMIGHTY doesn’t have a complete hold on you yet – I know he doesn’t. I know that somewhere inside, the Lewa Mata that I knew, that everyone knew, is still there, trying to get out.”


“The Lewa Mata you knew was one huge lie conjured by ALMIGHTY and myself, you fool.” Lewa Mata spat.


“No… you could never be that convincing, never seem to be such a good set, unless at your core you are a good set.”


“No… no… enough! You’re done, Takanuva Stars! I am going to kill you, and I won’t feel a slice of regret! Not a single one! Watch and learn, fool!”


“I pity you. I really do, Lewa Mata.”


Those words sent Lewa Mata flying into a rage. The Toa Mata of Air screamed a primal sound and raised his axe – only to be shocked into silence when his axe was suddenly spinning out of his hand to clatter onto an icy patch of grass a few feet away. He stared at the weapon for a second, before realizing something and turning around – to see Rocka’s crossbow aimed right at his face.


“Dodge this.”


Rocka fired and Lewa Mata was sent reeling, slamming back into the ground behind him. Rocka turned and helped Takanuva Stars to his feet.


“You know, that was easier than I thought.” said Rocka. “Let’s get out of here.”


“Not so fast, Rocka.”


Takanuva Stars shoved Rocka away, causing Lewa Mata’s axe to miss him by a breath. Rocka smacked the axe away and aimed his crossbow again, but the Toa easily kicked it away and out of his hands. Rocka ducked underneath the axe and, seeing only one alternative, tackled Lewa Mata to the ground, thrusting the axe away as he did so. The Toa Mata of Air shoved him away and grabbed the axe to attack again, but was forced to roll away as Sahmad cracked his whip and a two headed beast charged out of the bush, pulling Sahmad in an old fashioned chariot.


Rocka grabbed his launcher and fired at Lewa Mata again, but it was wrenched out of his hand and thrown across the yard – this time by the giant Stormer XL. Rocka gulped as the Titan advanced menacingly, but was saved by the re-arrival of Sahmad, who crashed into Stormer XL and began to drag him along after him. Then Rocka was jumping backwards to avoid an attack from Furno, who landed where he’d been standing just a moment before.


“RESISTANCE, ATTACK!” he heard Strakk yell, as sets charged into the Backyard from all directions.


“I don’t understand you, Rocka.” Furno said, still standing where he had landed. “Why do you guys do this? You’re breaking the law, the rules, the system. You’re ruining the proper order.”


“Furno, Lewa Mata is evil – no good set would execute another set just to make a point.”


“You serve Kiina – she’s even worse, Rocka.”


“We took care of Kiina. We don’t work for her – she works for us.”


As he finished speaking, Rocka cried out as he was shoved from behind, stumbling into Furno and sending both of them crashing to the ground. He rolled over to see Kiina standing over him and Furno with her trident in hand, and her eyes blazing with fury.


“I am going to gut you, you worthless little wretch.” she hissed.


Before Kiina could say another word, she had been shunted to the side by the re-invigorated Lewa Mata. The green Toa scowled as Kiina focused her attention on him.


“You’re the one who’s leading them, managing to cause so much trouble while not posing a threat at all.” Lewa Mata said. “Some leader you are – still, you’re a nuisance, so I guess I should kill you.”


“What have you done with Takanuva Stars?” asked Rocka.


“Him? He got a bit of a beating, but I don’t have time to kill him right now. You’re next, hero.”


Rocka started to stand up, but Kiina kicked him in the face and he fell back into the dirt. He felt a tap on his shoulder and looked over to see Furno gesturing towards the bush – the two rapidly began to crawl away as Kiina and Lewa Mata began to duel.


“Why would you help me?” asked Rocka, once they had reached the shelter of the bush.


“Because we’re friends, Rocka. All I want to do is talk some sense into you – Lewa Mata is our leader. You can’t just turn your back on someone like that.”


“Furno… Lewa Mata just isn’t my type of leader. For one thing, he serves ALMIGHTY.”


“You mean that Gamma fellow?”


“Yes, him.”


“He’s a good guy, Rocka! He saved us from the resurrection of Nex 2.0!”


“Oh he did now, did he?” a voice asked from behind them.


Rocka and Furno both scrambled to their feet and turned around, only to see Nex standing before them. However, something was different about him – his smile more creepy, his voice more evil, his stance more menacing.


“…yes, as a matter of fact, he did.” said Takanuva Stars.


“He was lying, Rocka! To trick you!” Rocka snapped.


“No, he wasn’t… for the first, and probably the last time, ALMIGHTY told someone the truth.” Nex said, chuckling darkly.


“How would you know?” asked Rocka.


“How do you know?!” Furno cried out. “There’s no possible way you could know unless… unless….”


“Unless he’s Nex 2.0.” said Rocka. “Well, crud.”


“Crud indeed.” Furno agreed. “What did you do with Nex?”


“He’s in here, safe and sound, for now. The stupid little weakling twerp.” said Nex 2.0, tapping his – Nex’s – head. “Once I recover my strength enough, I’ll take my own body back and dump this one where it belongs – at the bottom of the pond.”


“Not if I kill you first.” said Rocka.


“With your bare hands? Try me, Goldielocks.”


“Excuse me? What did you just call me?”


“You heard me, punk. I called you Goldielocks.”


Furno tapped Rocka on the shoulder. “You know, you call Evo fat all the time. This isn’t so different.”


“Yes it is!”




“Because Nex 2.0 is insulting me. I just tell Evo the truth.”


“I can’t believe you’re supposed to be the hero of this story.” Furno said incredulously, sighing. “Whatever – have fun.”




“Hey Surge!” Evo yelled.


“Yeah Evo?”


“Who shall we fight first?”


“I don’t really care, Evo. How about… that big black guy?”


“That’s Core Hunter.”


“Yeah, your point?”


“Isn’t he like, the equivalent of Nex 2.0?”


“Evo, Nex 2.0 doesn’t have an equivalent. The only one Core Hunter is equivalent to is you.”


“That was a really bad fat joke.”


“Yeah, it was pretty bad. I’ll stop now.”


“Well, shall we battle him?”


“Hey! Core Hunter, you big fatso! Get over here!”


“Maybe that was a bad idea?”






Kopaka Nuva knocked the villain XT4 to the side, grabbing Onua Nuva by the shoulder and glaring at him.


“Kopaka! What’s up?”


“You’re on the wrong side. Now I’m debating whether to fight you or not.”


Onua Nuva glanced around before leaning in. “Actually, just between you and me, Gali Nuva, Pohatu Nuva and I are kind of considering flipping over. We don’t really like how ruthless Lewa Mata is becoming.”


“That’s a first. You’re not totally blind after all.”


Onua Nuva rolled his eyes and grabbed Kopaka Nuva’s arm, dragging him through the battle towards Pohatu Nuva, who was standing over a set that looked eerily familiar. Onua Nuva and Kopaka Nuva both glanced at each other with worried looks before both burst into a sprint, skidding to a halt in front of Pohatu Nuva – who was standing over the dead body of Gali Nuva.


“I… I just found her here.” Pohatu Nuva whispered. “I don’t know who….”


Kopaka Nuva swung his shield and caught him in the mask, sending the Toa Nuva of Stone sprawling. Onua Nuva put out a hand to stop him, but Kopaka Nuva knocked his arm away with his sword.


“You two killed her and led me into a trap!” Kopaka Nuva said furiously.


“No! I swear, it wasn’t a trap!” Onua Nuva cried. “You’ve got to believe me!”


“May we be of assistance?”


The voices of One and Two spoke in unison from behind Kopaka Nuva, as they stepped forward, glancing down at the body of Gali Nuva with distaste. Before Kopaka Nuva could reply, Onua Nuva pointed behind him.


“Look out!” the Toa Nuva of Earth yelled.


Kopaka Nuva whirled around and caught the sword of Stormer XL with his shield. The Titan chuckled and smacked him away, but One and Two both leapt up onto his arm, hacking and slashing with their swords. The Titan grimaced but ignored them, stomping after Kopaka Nuva, sweeping aside Onua Nuva and Pohatu Nuva as if they were nothing.




Rocka and Strakk fought on either side of the injured Takanuva Stars, Rocka having resorted to using his fists on account of how useless his launcher was in combat.


“Takanuva, can you make it?” asked Rocka. “And that wasn’t really a question, because I just got to know you, and I’d consider us pretty good friends.”


“I can make it.”


“No… no, he won’t….”


Rocka and Strakk whirled around to see Lewa Mata staggering towards them. The Toa Mata of Air was missing several pieces, and what was still there was chipped and dented in several places – all part of the beating that Kiina was presumably giving him.


“Got rid of Kiina?” Rocka guessed.


“For now,” came the answer, “but that’s not important. What is important is that I am going to kill him.”


Strakk lunged towards Lewa Mata, but the yellow whip of Voltix grabbed him before he’d moved three steps and wrapped around him, holding him still. Strakk tried to throw his axe to Rocka, but Voltix blasted it out of the air, where it was caught by Lewa Mata. Rocka and Takanuva Stars glanced at each other. Neither had weapons against the two axes wielded by Lewa Mata.


Sure that it was the end, Rocka stood proudly as Lewa Mata leapt into the air and swung both axes down – only to be knocked aside by Rocka’s favourite Toa of Water.


“Naughty little Toa of Air forgot to make it fair.” Nokama Metru chided.


She swung her tools and countered Lewa Mata’s blows with ease, and it seemed that she would win – however, Voltix fired six shots in succession, each hitting Nokama Metru in the back – and Lewa Mata swung down, slicing one arm off before leaving her.


“I am going to kill you for that!” Rocka yelled.


He ran at Lewa Mata and tackled him to the ground, but was thrown away – and only then did he realize his mistake. The foot of Nex, housing Nex 2.0, stepped on him and pressed him into the ground as Kiina’s head thudded to the ground in front of his eyes.


“Now watch and learn, Goldielocks,” whispered Nex 2.0, “how you destroy all the hope a set can have.”


Lewa Mata’s axe swung through the air one moment. The body of Takanuva Stars collapsed the next.


And the next moment… Lewa Mata had been slammed to the ground, both of his arms popping out of their sockets from the impact.


Nex 2.0 stood above him, cackling, as the battles around them all ground to a halt.


“My name is Nex 2.0!” the orange hero announced. “And I am your new leader! You will obey my every command, or, quite simply, I will kill you.”


“And what if we fight you and win?” a voice – Rocka thought it sounded like Evo – yelled back.


Nex 2.0 scowled. “I have prisoners that are very valuable to you. For each day you fight against me, I kill one of them.”


Rocka felt himself being lifted up, and saw the same occurring to Lewa Mata and Nokama Metru. He started to fight back, but Nex 2.0 punched him in the face and his vision went blurry as he lost his sense of balance.


“Don’t worry, Goldielocks,” he heard before he lost consiousness. “I’ll keep you safe and sound until the day you die.”


To Be Continued.


Deaths this Chapter:


  1. Gali Nuva (Unknown Killer)
  2. Kiina (Killed by Nex 2.0)
  3. Takanuva Stars (Killed by Lewa Mata)
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[Log X116]


The battle goes poorly for those sets in the Kitchen. How I wish I could see the looks on their faces… curse Takadox forever and his plan to keep me out of the battles, out of the spotlight! Me, the greatest one of them all! I could destroy anyone!


[End Log X116]

[Kiina Signing Out]


{Subject: Conquering}

{Recipient: Lewa Mata}

{Sender: ALMIGHTY}


Greetings, my faithful servant. As you can tell, Phase One of the invasion has come to its completion. As we enter Phase Two, the parts from Phase One shall become redundant, and disposed of.


We both know what Phase Three is – we manipulate the minds of the Barraki and Piraka. When the so-called “final battle” comes along, they will suggest that Nex 2.0 is exiled through the Time Machine – this plan will succeed. Fire Lord will be taken care of, Nex 2.0 shall be removed, and the four leaders (yourself included) will go missing for several months, until your return.


Phase Three will go on without you present. At this point in time, I feel confident that we will have no issues continuing this. If the last stages of Phase Two are executed correctly, Tahu Mata will be dead and Nex 2.0 will not pose a threat to your upcoming rule.


You return will mark the beginning of Phase Four – when I shall strike the House, draw Vertak out, and then you will activate the Throwbots. I do not need to remind you how important it is that your loyalty to me remain the darkest and most well kept secret. It will be revealed in time.


Do not fail me.


Chapter 6 – Die Harder


Evo, Surge, Strakk and Kopaka Nuva all entered the Basement, and anyone watching would have noticed the tension filled, defeated nature of the four sets.


Several weeks previously Nex 2.0 had taken over the body of the set Nex and taken over the House, after imprisoning Rocka and killing Takanuva Stars. In the weeks that had followed, Nex 2.0 had been hunting down the Resistance sets with brutal efficiency. Staying in one place too long was dangerous – unless you happened to be either of the Vezon duo.


It was these two sets, perched atop their mounts, who greeted the four arrivals with rather sinister grins on their faces.


“You received our summons, then.” The Vezon atop Kardas said.


“Yes,” Strakk said wearily, “we did.”


“I believe that the two Hero Factory sets have met two of our esteemed helpers before,” the Vezon atop Fenrakk said, waving towards three giant Titans and what appeared to be a regularly sized floating ghost. “Ebanus and Meta Nuva still enjoy working with us.”


“Yeah, I remember them,” Evo said. “But where’s that giant turtle?”


“He left.”


“Oh.” Evo shrugged.


“The other one over there is called Cratak – we just created him a couple days ago.” The Kardas Vezon explained. “And the ghost we like to call Phantom Tahu. He just appeared yesterday, and insists that he is some sort of evil Tahu that is in charge of the afterlife.”


“So there is an afterlife?” Surge asked.


The Vezon duo snorted. “Of course there is! How else do you think Nex 2.0 came back?”


Surge and Evo shared a glance, rolling their eyes. Kopaka Nuva, having had experience with the Vezon duo himself a few years back, stepped forward.


“Look, I don’t mean to be rude, but it’s really dangerous for us to be here,” the Toa Nuva of Ice said, “and we can’t stay long. Why did you want us?”


“We brought you here to witness our newest accomplishment.” The Kardas Vezon said. “Phantom Tahu, please do the introduction.”


Phantom Tahu floated over, looking thoroughly infuriated by the world.


“Over here you see, there is a glowing orange circle.” The ghost explained, pointing to the far wall.


The wall in question was usually cloaked in darkness – however, today that was not the case. The four sets glanced over to where Phantom Tahu was pointing, and indeed a pinpoint of orange was clearly visible in the darkness.


“What is that?” Strakk asked.


“That is our latest conquest.” Meta Nuva said.


“Over what?” asked Surge.


“Over death!” Ebanus exclaimed. “We have conquered it again!”


“I’m not sure I like the sounds of that, to be honest.” Surge muttered. “The last two times sucked.”


“Nonsense, you silly hero.” Cratak said, patting Surge on the head. “This one is going to save us.”


“You’ve conquered death.” Kopaka Nuva said, not believing it.


“In a way, yes.” Meta Nuva nodded.


The four sets slowly approached the wall as the orange circle began to grow larger. Heat was pouring off of it in waves, and Evo turned his face away.


“Vezon… what have you done?” Kopaka Nuva asked.


“We’ve risen the fallen one!” the Kardas Vezon cackled.


“The eternally burning flame burns again.” Cratak added in.


“Who is it?!” Strakk demanded. “Tell us!”


“He is the burning one.” The Vezon upon Fenrakk laughed.


“He is the flaming fury.” Ebanus said.


“The fire rises!” Kardas Vezon announced. “Torch, we call you forth!”




Rocka slowly opened his eyes. He was lying facedown upon a cement floor. He could see Nokama Metru slumped against the wall in front of him, still unconscious. He shifted a little and saw Lewa Mata standing silently before what appeared to be a set of bars.


“…where are we?” Rocka asked, his voice hoarse.


“You finally awaken.” Lewa Mata said in response, turning. “I woke up several moments ago. I do not know where we are, nor do I know how long we have been unconscious for. Nex 2.0 has changed many things.”


The Toa Mata of Air held out a hand; Rocka hesitated only a second before accepting the offer and taking it. Lewa Mata pulled him to his feet, and Rocka stretched each of his limbs to relieve the stiffness that had grown.


“So now what?” Rocka asked.


“We wait.” Lewa Mata responded. “We wait as long as necessary, until we can kill Nex 2.0 once and for all.”


“I thought you killed him already.”


“So did I.”




Vezok held a finger up to his lips, and behind him Thok, Hakann, and Reidak fell silent. The four Piraka each climbed up onto the window sill and stood silently, each one praying that a gust of wind would not blow them down to the grass below and alert the sets they were spying on.


Core Hunter, Stormer XL, Voltix and XT4 were all inspecting several packages. From what the Piraka had been able to gather, these bags contained the first wave of sets from 2013. They were praying that the other things that they’d heard were false – that Nex 2.0 planned to kill several of the sets.


Core Hunter ripped open a package, and out climbed a bulky red figure. The four Piraka couldn’t help seeing something of a resemblance, but they had other things to worry about as all of the other packages were opened.


“What are your names?” Stormer XL asked.


“I am Pyrox.” Said the red set. “That one there is Ogrum, and the golden one is Scarox.”


“I am Furno XL.” A Titan stepped forward, matching Stormer XL for size and height. “Here are Bruizer, Bulk, Breez, and Rocka.”


“Rocka 2013!” Hakann whispered. Thok smacked him.


Down below, Stomer XL was speaking again. The Piraka strained to catch the rest of his words.


“-and if you do, you shall be richly rewarded. If you do not, then there will be dire consequences.”


“I have no qualms joining you.” Furno XL said.


The Piraka glanced at each other as Pyrox, Scarox and Ogrum all agreed with Furno XL. However, when it came his turn, Bruizer shook his head.


“Nobody decides what I do ‘cept me.” The rocky set said stubbornly. “So come at me bro. Show me what you’re made of.”


“Go.” Vezok ordered.


The four Piraka leapt down as Furno XL whirled around, but Hakann dove and caught the Titan around the legs, toppling him. Vezok scrambled to a halt in front of Rocka 2013, Breez 2013, and Bulk 2013.


“If you’re with us, then run!” he yelled.


Bulk 2013 dove and shoved him back, causing the whip of Voltix to miss by millimeters. Vezok rolled backwards and jabbed his weapon at the offending villain as the battle broke out. He ducked under Voltix’s arm and shoved him away, where Bulk 2013 smashed his drill into the villain’s head.


“Piraka, get them out of here!” Vezok ordered, diving to the side away from Pyrox.


Reidak and Breez 2013 smashed XT4 into the House, and the four armed villain remained on the ground, although Vezok could see him stirring. Hakann flew past and landed on top of Rocka 2013, and before Vezok could help them Furno XL had stalked forward and swung down – and just like that, Rocka 2013 was dead. Furno XL kicked Hakann, and the red Piraka lay on the ground, dazed.


“NO!” Vezok shouted.


He ran forward and dove, slamming into Furno XL just in time to save Hakann, only to be thrown away into Breez 2013, and before he could do anything Core Hunter was there, and the other new hero was dead as well. Vezok rolled away as Reidak backhanded Core Hunter, and he saw Bruizer punch Voltix away from Bulk 2013. However, Stormer XL was stalking up behind them, and before Vezok could cry out a warning Stormer XL had sliced down, and Bulk 2013 collapsed to the ground, dead.


“Vezok, we need to retreat!” Thok bellowed.


Vezok closed his eyes and nodded. “RETREAT!”


Hakann, Reidak and Thok converged on Bruizer, shielding him from attacks by Core Hunter and Furno XL. Vezok struggled to his feet, only to be blasted back down by Voltix.


“Stay down, that’s my recommendation.” Voltix hissed. “Such a pity, too. What an operation gone wrong. All four sets you came to save dead, and four of the elusive Piraka down with one fell swoop.”


Vezok struggled to free himself from Voltix’s whip, but to no avail. His gaze flickered to Bruizer and the other Piraka – they were clearly weakening, and would not last much longer against the combined might of their enemies.


Then he saw something that made him want to sob with relief. Instead, he went in for the taunt.


“You wish.” He muttered.


“Excuse me?” Voltix asked, drawing him closer.


“I said ‘you wish’.” Vezok explained. “I’m not dying today.”


Before Voltix could respond, Makuta swung his mighty staff, and the Hero Factory villain went flying into the wall, where eleven Kurahk all began to attack Voltix. Vezok saw two killed instantly, but the others seemed to know what they were doing as he was helped to his feet by Makuta.


“You are lucky I was patrolling around here.” Makuta told him.


Vezok could only nod as the rest of the Rahkshi swarmed over the area, distracting the Hero Factory villains. He saw three Rahkshi Stars and two Guurahk both killed by the two XL heroes, but otherwise the Rahkshi were holding up well. Hakann was begin helped over by two Lerahk, and two Panrahk were giving Reidak the same favour. Thok and Bruizer walked over on their own.


“That was disastrous.” Thok muttered.


“We saved one.” Vezok reminded him. “That makes it worth it.”


“Let us leave.” Makuta said. “My Rahkshi will keep them occupied long enough for us to get away.”


“Gladly.” Vezok agreed.




“You have doomed us all.” Kopaka Nuva said solemnly.


“Maybe this Torch guy is good?” Evo asked, not holding up much hope.


“No, he is far from it.” Strakk told him, readying his axe. “The best we can hope for is that we can delay him long enough for him to be destroyed.”


The wall continued to heat up; molten rock was now starting to drip down the wall, and the heat was so intense that the sets had to back away. Torch, for whatever assortment of reasons, had not melted yet.


“Prepare yourselves.” Kopaka Nuva ordered. “The end is upon us.”


“DUCK!” Strakk yelled, as the wall erupted forth.


The three Titans lumbered forward, smacking away any rubble that would have otherwise hit the four smaller sets as a red and black set stalked out of the rubble and the cloud of dust.


Strakk and Kopaka Nuva leapt forward in desperation, swinging their weapons. Torch blasted Strakk across the room and dodged Kopaka Nuva with ease, before punching the Toa Nuva of Ice so hard that his mask cracked as he fell to the floor.


“You dare to try and fight me again?” Torch asked, his voice echoing in the Basement. “Nobody will stop me. Not this time. My anger will burn forever.”


“Wait!” Evo cried.


“Never.” Torch said. “I will have payment for what has been done. This fire will rise, and it will consume everything.”


Evo and Surge glanced at each other and nodded. They rushed at Torch, both ducking away from the blasts of fire shot their way. Surge threw his sword, but Torch grabbed him and tossed him across the room like a ragdoll, leaving only Evo to face him off.


“ALMIGHTY caused all of this.” Torch spat, grabbing Evo by the throat. “Gave my kind powers, turned us mad with greed. And now he sends you to kill me for good. So I will kill you, and send him a message that he cannot hope to misunderstand.”


“Wait!” Evo gasped. “I’m – not – for ALMIGHTY!”


Torch hesitated. “You are not?”


“Fighting – Lewa Mata…” Evo managed. “And Nex 2.0.”


Torch released him.


“The enemy of my enemies is my friend.” He growled. “So congratulations, hero. You just won yourself an ally. Now show me where Lewa Mata and Nex 2.0 are, so that I might kill them. Slowly. Painfully.”


To Be Continued.




  1. Rocka 2013 (Killed by Furno XL)
  2. Breez 2013 (Killed by Core Hunter)
  3. Bulk 2013 (Killed by Stormer XL)
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Chapter 7 – Four Point Oh


Down in the Basement, Evo’s head was spinning. He had been left to deal with Torch and the insanity crew alone, while the other three searched out possible allies to group with in preparation of the battle that was inevitably going to come.


“So… how has everyone’s day been?” Evo asked.


“Considering that I am no longer being crushed underneath this House, my day has been fantastic,” Torch growled, “so you can shut up.”


“Yes sir.”


“My day has been dreadfully boring.” Phantom Tahu moaned. “Nobody dies around here, and even when they do, I don’t get to torture them.”


“Yeah, because torturing sets is totally what we’re going for.” Ebanus muttered under his breath.


Evo glanced over to Torch, but was saved having to make the decision whether it was worth opening his mouth again when Cratak smacked Ebanus and waved his hand through Phantom Tahu, causing both to wince.


“You two need to grow up.” Cratak ordered.


“And you my friend need to lighten up.” Meta Nuva replied.


“Why exactly are we  waiting here?” Torch asked. “I grow bored.”


Evo shrugged. “I honestly have no idea… wait….”


The yellow set trailed off as an idea blazed into his mind, and he grinned excitedly.


“We can go rescue Rocka and Nokama Metru!”


“Not us, nope.” Cratak responded. “We’re busy experimenting down here.”


Evo glanced to Torch, who sighed and rolled his eyes.


“Show me where, you fool.”




Nex 2.0, in the body of Nex, entered the Bedroom with Core Hunter and Pyrox right behind him – the latter two having been selected as his personal bodyguards. Nex 2.0 waved his arm, and both Stormer XL and Furno XL reluctantly let go of the set Gresh Stars, who toppled to the floor after being unexpectedly let go.


“Gresh Stars.” Nex 2.0 said, his voice filled with disdain. “I will admit, I am surprised – you are the first one that I have captured since the battle. That said, I think you know me well enough not to expect any mercy. You were foolish enough to be caught, and that means you are foolish enough to die.”


Nex 2.0 grabbed Core Hunter’s blaster and fired; Gresh Stars collapsed again, having barely stood up. This time, the Stars set did not move again. Nex 2.0 then glanced across the room, where Voltix and XT4 were holding onto Gresh and Hewkii Inika. The two sets were released, and they glanced at each other.


“We all know whatever foolhardy escape plan the two of you have somehow telepathically devised isn’t going to work.” Nex 2.0 said easily. “So you might as well give up now.”


On that last word, Voltix lashed his whip against Gresh and sliced the Glatorian’s head off; XT4 advanced on Hewkii Inika, who kicked the set away and backflipped into the center of the room. Nex 2.0 swung his fist, but Hewkii Inika dodged and kicked him away before sprinting for the door – he barely made it three steps before Core Hunter grabbed him with his claw and snapped him in two.


“I always enjoy it when they try to run.” Nex 2.0 commented. “It makes everything much more exciting. Now, my Toa of Ice friend – I’d like you to check up on our prisoners for me.”


“As you wish, Nex 2.0.” the Toa of Ice bowed low before wrapping his makeshift cloak around his body and exiting the room.




Lewa Mata and Rocka turned away from the still unconscious Nokama Metru at the sound of footsteps. The two stepped up to the bars as a cloaked set appeared – the two prisoners glanced at each other questioningly for a moment before the set removed the cloak, revealing their identity.


“You!” Lewa Mata spat. “I knew I should have killed you while I had the chance!”


“Now, Lewa Mata, we both know how that would have turned out.” The Toa of Ice chuckled. “You would be nothing more than a pile of pieces on the floor, and I would still be standing here, checking up on our dear friend Rocka.”


“You’re the traitor?” Rocka asked. “You’ve been feeding this scumbag all of our plans?”


“Of course.” The Toa of Ice said with a shrug. “If I really wanted to, I could kill Nex 2.0 – and unlike your try, Lewa Mata, he would stay dead. However, that also begs the question as to why I would kill Nex 2.0.”


“Because I know that I’m evil,” Lewa Mata replied, “and I still know that Nex 2.0 is the worst thing to happen to this House, ever.”


“To the House, or to the sets that try to stop him?” the Toa of Ice asked. “That is a question I have pondered many a night, and I settled on the second one. You see, when I am loyal to Nex 2.0 – or at least, as loyal as I can be – I am perfectly at ease with whatever he might do.”


“Such as?” Rocka prompted.


“Such as our recent executions.” The Toa of Ice replied. “Had either of you been in my position, you would have become extremely upset. But it did not bother me at all.”


“I am going to kill you someday. I promise you that.” Lewa Mata said.


The Toa of Ice gave a dry chuckle as he turned to leave. “And I promise you, Lewa Mata, that you’ll be lucky to see next week.”




“Alright, I will freely admit it: I am insane, I am crazy, I am an anomaly of existence, and nobody takes me seriously,” Zaktan said, “but this is too far, Takadox. As in, way too far.”


“Lighten up, man.”


Zaktan shook his head. “There are two of you now. How will I know which is which?”


“Oh, that’s easy, pig brain.” The Takadox on the right said. “I’ve got a scar above my left eye.”


“He’s also extremely rude and extremely violent!” The Takadox on the left said helpfully. “And we’ve renamed ourselves. I’m Takadox Alpha.”


“And I’m Takadox Bravo.” The Takadox on the right continued. “Or, Takadox A and B for short.”


“I’m never going to escape Dr. Seuss, am I?” Zaktan asked. “Thing 1 and Thing 2, Takadox A and Takadox B. Wonderful.”


“You have a problem with that?” Takadox B asked.


“Yes. But I’ll deal with it later.”


“How about now, punk?”


Zaktan shook his head and vanished in a cloud of protodites, leaving the two Takadox sets on their own.


“I swear, if everybody in this House is that lame, I’m leaving.” Takadox B said.


“Really?” asked Takadox A.


“Nah, probably not. You guys sound like you’re constantly at war, and I’m pretty good at surviving wars.”


“…coming from the guy that just recently got murdered in an en masse killing during a huge war.”


“That was different! And I thought I told you to never mention that?!”




“Alright Torch, are you ready?” Evo asked.


“Fool, I am always ready.”


“…good to know.” Evo muttered. “Alright then – let’s make some noise.”


To Be Continued.


Deaths this Chapter:

-Gresh Stars (killed by Nex 2.0)

-Gresh (killed by Voltix)

-Hewkii Inika (killed by Core Hunter)

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Chapter 8 – The Old Timers Removed


“How can you do this?” Nex asked.


“I can do this because it is me.” Nex 2.0 answered. “And, to be truthful, kid – I just don’t care.”


Nex fought against the invisible restraints holding him to the ground in a kneeling position, but was unable to break free. Despair, had it been able to consume him anymore, would have. He had not moved for days, and this was the first time he had drawn enough attention to himself since Takanuva Star’s execution to make Nex 2.0 pay attention.


“You do realize that your efforts are pitiful, right?” Nex 2.0 asked.


“You do realize that you’re being played for a fool, right?” Nex retaliated. “Do you honestly believe any of those sets are loyal to you?”


“Of course not.” Nex 2.0 said, shrugging. “That doesn’t matter. Once I kill the leaders, they will be loyal.”


“I am going to kill you.” Nex muttered.


“You know, there are a lot of sets that say that to me.” Nex 2.0 told him thoughtfully. “I wonder why most of them are either dead or imprisoned in some capacity now.”


Nex 2.0 walked around the harsh circle of light that surrounded Nex silently, observing their completely black surroundings.


“Have you ever wondered what might be hidden in here?” Nex 2.0 asked. “All the secrets that we could unlock?”


“Stay out of my head!” Nex snapped.


“Oh, it’s far too late for that.” Nex 2.0 chuckled. “Until I can get rid of it, your head belongs to me.”


Nex 2.0 walked away, disappearing from view – several seconds later that was a loud bang, and Nex nearly screamed as his head began to feel like it was being ripped to pieces. The pain continued to mercilessly grow worse, as the light surrounding Nex gradually expanded to reveal a room lined with bookshelves, one of which now had a gaping hold in it courtesy of Nex 2.0. The villain glanced towards his captive, smiled, and pointed his blaster at another shelf.


“Who is the prisoner here?” Nex 2.0 asked.


“I am.” Nex croaked.


“Who is the better fighter?”


“…you are.”


“Who is your master?”


Nex, dazed with pain, still managed to find some fight left inside, and summoned it forth.


“I am the master of my own fate.”


“Wrong.” Nex 2.0 said, firing a hole in the other shelf.


This time Nex did scream, as he was forced to endure the pain of his very mind being ripped into little pieces, nothing but empty space being left behind. Had he not been restrained, he would have thrashed across the floor; however, as it was, he was unbearably forced to remain still.


“You are the prisoner. I am the better fighter. I am your jailer, and your jail is your own mind.” Nex 2.0 said. “And I control your mind. So tell me, Nex; who is your master?”


Nex panted, delirious in every way. He glanced up at Nex 2.0’s voice and stared at him for several second uncomprehendingly, before finally registering what had been said. He twitched, and defeat consumed him.


“You are.” He whispered.


“There we go at last.” Nex 2.0 said with satisfaction. “You finally made the smart choice today, Nex – perhaps if you behave, I might allow you to live.”




“HEIGH HO, CHARGE! LADS, WE’VE FOUND ANOTHER ONE!” Voltix bellowed, leaping down from his perch on the window sill in the Living Room to land in front of Bruizer.


“Thoroughly unimpressive, if I might say so.” Said Bruizer.


Voltix shrugged and lashed his whip – Bruizer grabbed it with his left hand and pulled it (and Voltix with it) towards him, before punching the set across the room with his right. The new set turned to leave, only to find Furno XL and Rocka XL waiting for him. Bruizer was contemplating how to get out of the situation when Rocka XL collapsed under the weight of two sets – before Furno XL could react, Bruizer had tackled him to the floor and rolled away.


“Hey Bruizer – we haven’t met. My name is Evo. Old grumpy head there is Torch.” Said the yellow set, clambering off of Rocka XL.


“I’m not grumpy, you fool!” Torch snapped.


“I am Bruizer. Pleased to make your acquaintance.” Bruizer grunted. “Where are you two off to?”


“We are currently escaping.” Evo said. “We tried to rescue Rocka – turns out, he’s heavily guarded, and Torch here doesn’t want to use his fire powers again for fear of burning the House down.”


“Wait just a second there, chap.” Bruizer replied. “If you are escaping… does that not mean more sets are headed this way?”


Evo paused to think for a second, while Torch rolled his eyes and face palmed behind the yellow set. Evo smiled nervously.


“Yeah, there are.”


“All right then, lads. Let’s get started!” Bruizer announced.  




Strakk and Kopaka Nuva watched as Nex 2.0 and a cloaked figure met in the otherwise empty Bedroom.


“Who is that?” Strakk whispered.


Kopaka Nuva shook his head, indicating that he did not know. At a signal from Kopaka Nuva, the two snuck closer to hear what was being said.


“Are the prisoners ready for the execution yet?” Nex 2.0 was asking.


“Not yet, sir. The third has yet to awaken.”


“Are we certain she’s still alive? She’s definitely not dead?” Nex 2.0 pressed.


“I went in and checked myself, sir – Pyrox and Core Hunter both took a turn as well. If she were dead, we would know it. I also feel as though Rocka would be more angry as a whole if she had joined the ranks of the deceased.”


“Very well.” Nex 2.0 sighed. “My big fun big three execution will have to wait. Send for the rest of the sets – we’ll get rid of the two timing ALMIGHTY servants instead.”


“Very well sir.” The cloaked figure bowed low before exiting the room.


Nex 2.0 waited for a moment before exiting as well, going in the opposite direction. Both Kopaka Nuva and Strakk sighed with relief, stepping out into the open.


“Who was that figure? They sounded familiar.” Strakk commented.


“Possibly a new arrival, or perhaps a creation.” Kopaka Nuva mused. “Or maybe they are our traitor? Either way, we have no way to tell how powerful they are, and Nex 2.0 is the best fighter in the House. If we are to save whoever is being executed, we may very well die.”


“I should be dead three times over.” Strakk responded. “If I’m not dead yet, I think I stand a bit of a chance.”


“Wait – do you hear voices?”


“Yeah, I do… they’re coming. Hide!”


The two white sets scrambled back into their hiding place, and just in time; seconds later, Pyrox and Core Hunter entered the room, dragging two familiar Turaga behind them.


“Turaga Matau and Turaga Onewa….” Strakk breathed.


Next to enter were Nex 2.0 and Stormer XL, followed by Furno XL, Rocka XL, and a crowd of other sets.


“I would have had them if you hadn’t interrupted!” Stormer XL was snarling.


“So?” Nex 2.0 asked. “It’s Evo and Bruizer. They aren’t that big a deal – and Torch hates ALMIGHTY just like me, so he’ll swap over soon enough.”


Stormer XL grunted. “I suppose.”


“You suppose right. Now, bring forward the sets for today!”


Pyrox and Core Hunter shoved the two Turaga forward. They were soon joined by the Matoran Ehrye and Mazeka, along with Berix and Stringer 3.0.


“My oh my… we certainly have the collection today, don’t we?” Nex 2.0 asked to nobody in particular. “Two Turaga scumbags, two unfortunate Matoran, one foolish Agori who bugged one set too many, and a Hero Factory set that has somehow escaped my wrath several times before.”


The six sets in question huddled together in the center of the ring of sets – in their hiding place, Kopaka Nuva and Strakk glanced at each other but did not dare to move. These sets would have to survive on their own.


“Bring forth the Agori.” Nex 2.0 called.


Core Hunter stepped forward and grabbed Berix by the helmet, dangling him at arm’s reach as he walked over to Nex 2.0. At a signal from his leader, Core Hunter dropped Berix to the ground.


“I was thinking I would let you do this one, Core Hunter.” Nex 2.0 said.


“With pleasure.” The villain replied, leveling his blaster at Berix’s head.


“No! Please don’t kill me, I’m sorry! I so sorry-”


Berix never finished his sentence. He was dead before his body hit the floor. Nex 2.0 gave a dry chuckle. He then walked up to the remaining sets, pointing at Stringer 3.0.


“It’s been two years, you.” Nex 2.0 said. “It’s high time you finally died.”


He swung his fist and knocked the 3.0 set’s head off, before turning towards the two Turaga.


“As for you two… this is what I think of your precious master ALMIGHTY.”


Nex 2.0 threw his multi-tool ice shield at Turaga Matau, who exploded into spare parts upon contact.


“ALMIGHTY tricked me once, and he is never going to trick me again.” Nex 2.0 said, staring Turaga Onewa down. “But he’s clearly brainwashed you – so you’ll have to go.”


He swung down, and the Turaga was no more. The two sets that had, way back in 2001, named Tahu Mata as the leader of the Bionicle sets were now dead.


“As for you two Matoran…” Nex 2.0 trailed off, turning. “Wait a second-”


“Yeah, that’s right, you stupid tyrant.” Ahkmou said, his disk launcher in the face of Nex. “Dodge this.”


Ahkmou fired and Nex 2.0 went sprawling backwards. The Po-Matoran turned and pushed both Mazeka and Ehrye to their feet, shouting for them to hurry up. Core Hunter and Voltix started forwards, but were knocked backwards by Sahmad and the Baranus V7, as well as Dekar, who was upon the ride that had once belonged to Lesovikk.


“Clear out now!” Ahkmou ordered. “Kazi, we need the distraction!”


The Ko-Matoran nodded from the window and kicked the lever to unlock it, dodging aside as he did so; a moment later, more than half of Nex 2.0’s sets were buried under a mound of snow.


“Alright, everybody run!” Ahkmou shouted.


“Not you.”


Ahkmou gagged as Nex 2.0’s fist closed around his neck – however, before the Hero Factory set could do anything, he was knocked aside by Strakk, while Metus slid underneath Stormer XL to help Ahkmou to his feet. Kopaka Nuva and Sahmad knocked Stormer XL to the ground, and together the group bolted out of the Bedroom, Kazi leaping onto the Baranus V7 at the last second. Sahmad sped up, grabbing Ahkmou, Metus and Strakk one by one and loading them on while Kopaka Nuva, Mazeka and Ehrye all joined Dekar on the sea sled. The two vehicles sped away down the stairs and out the front door, and by the time Nex 2.0, Rocka XL and Pyrox finally staggered out into the Hallway, the group was long gone.




Rocka and Lewa Mata were sitting nearby when Nokama Metru woke up. As she slowly gathered herself together and tried to make sense of things, Rocka eagerly scrambled over and nearly crushed her in a hug.


“You’re awake! Finally!” He exclaimed. “I was worried you were dead!”


“Well, I’m not.” She said, smiling faintly.


“Oh, this is just great.” Lewa Mata muttered.


“What’s your problem?!” Rocka snapped, whirling around.


“Not with her or with you at the moment, surprisingly.” Lewa Mata told him. “But surely you remember how often Nex 2.0 and his thugs have been in here, checking on her.”


“Yeah… so?” Rocka asked.


“It’s because Nex 2.0 wants to execute the three of us.” Lewa Mata said, “and he’s been waiting for her to either go ahead and die, or go ahead and wake up.”


“Which means… oh.” Rocka trailed off.


“Precisely.” Lewa Mata nodded. “Now that Nokama Metru has woken up, we are going to die.”


“Too right you are, Lewa Mata.” A voice said.


The prisoners turned – the cloaked figure had returned once again, and was laughing.


“Enjoy your final hours alive,” the Toa of Ice told them, “while we prepare for your execution in the morning.”


To Be Continued.


Deaths this Chapter:

-Berix (killed by Core Hunter)

-Stringer 3.0 (killed by Nex 2.0)

-Turaga Matau (killed by Nex 2.0)

-Turaga Onewa (killed by Nex 2.0)

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Both Tahu Mata and Tahu Stars have disappeared through the time machine, along with Lewa Mata and Takanuva Stars. The downside to the situation is that without any sort of leader, the sets have already scattered, despite the efforts of myself and others to keep control.


The upside to the situation is that Fire Lord and Nex 2.0 have vanished through the time machine – however, the Piraka have told me that they could be anywhere throughout our timeline. I cannot help but wonder if it would be prudent to send someone through after them – but if I do, they will become trapped with them. I will have to speak with some of the remaining Toa.


The 2007 sets continue to meet together in the fish tank – rumour has it that they are planning to move into the Pond and live there to avoid the rest of us. I am not confident that plan will last the winter.


Tahu Mistika is also giving me trouble. Despite the support of most sets that haven’t gone off on their own being given to me, he refuses to accept me as leader. I must remember to keep a watch on him.


-Tahu Nuva


Chapter 9 – Return of the King


“You know…” Ehrye trailed off, rubbing his wrists. “I still haven’t properly thanked you guys for saving me yet.”


“Don’t mention it, dude.” Kazi replied. “It’s what we do.”


“Kazi is right,” said Dekar, “we Matoran – and Agori, sorry Metus – have to stick together.”


As Metus waved away the apology, Ehrye spoke again.


“But I was part of Macku’s gang, during the Tahu vs. Tahu war.” He protested. “Why would you save me now? And why not Berix?”


“You obviously don’t know why they executed Berix.” Ahkmou said.


Ehrye shook his head. “I was being executed myself, remember?”


“Berix bothered Core Hunter by mentioning that ALMIGHTY wouldn’t be very happy with him,” Kazi said, “and threatened to report Core Hunter to ALMIGHTY.”


“That’s bold.” Mazeka said.


“And he paid the price, the little git.” Ahkmou sighed. “Anyway, aside from Sahmad, there isn’t really anyone else left in the House that’s in our class. No other surviving Matoran or Agori.”


“Well, there is Jaller,” Dekar pointed out, “but at the same time, I’d be surprised if he and his Gukko were still around.”


“Jaller flew off ages ago.” Mazeka told them. “I saw – he’s not coming back.”


“Where is Sahmad right now, anyway?” Ehrye asked.


“He’s with One and Two, doing a little spying.” Ahkmou replied.


“Spying on who?”


“An old friend.” Kazi said. “We think it’s time to drag a certain someone out of solitude.”


Ehrye leaned forward. “Do you mean who I think you mean?”


“That depends on who you think we mean.” Ahkmou responded.




“Do you really think he’ll come?” asked One as they trudged through the slowly melting snow.


“Perhaps,” Sahmad answered, wishing he had the Baranus V7 with him, “if we give him the right reason.”


“We’ve got the right reason, all right!” Two snorted. “How about kicking Nex 2.0’s butt?”


One and Two high fived; as a result, One slipped and fell into the snow, which quickly buried him. Two chuckled as he dug the other Skrall Stars out and pulled him to his feet, while Sahmad contemplated their mission.


“You know what, Two?” Sahmad responded. “I think you might just be right.”


“Of course I am! I’m always right.” Two said solemnly.


“You are not!” One exclaimed.


“Am too!”


“Are NOT!”






Kopaka Nuva’s gaze hardened as Onua Nuva stumbled into the Living Room, gasping for breath.


“What do you want?” Kopaka Nuva asked coldly.


“It’s… Rocka!” Onua Nuva gasped. “And… his… friend!”


“And Lewa Mata, I presume.”


“Well, of course.” Onua Nuva said. “Anyway… just thought you should know… execution… in the morning.”


Kopaka Nuva glanced outside – the afternoon was beginning to wane into the evening. He sighed, turning back to the Toa Nuva of Earth.


“Are you telling me that I have less than a day to organize enough sets to rescue them?” he asked.


“Pretty much, yeah.” Onua Nuva said, nodding.


“I can’t do that, Onua.” Kopaka Nuva sighed. “To organize that many sets against Nex 2.0… I’d need a miracle.”


“And what exactly would you consider as a miracle, old friend?”


Kopaka Nuva shrugged. “Well, everyone’s lost hope. Nex 2.0 has been either capturing sets or they’ve been joining him in waves. They’d need someone to inspire them.”


“Someone new?” Onua Nuva asked.


“No, not new… someone old.” Kopaka Nuva clarified. “Someone that hasn’t led everybody into yet another defeat recently.”


“This somebody would also need to hate Nex 2.0 with a passion, you say?”




“I think I know just the set.”




“So, Nex… what do you think?” Nex 2.0 asked. “Should I execute them on the roof or in the yard?”


“I’d suggest the yard.” Nex replied, his head hanging low and his voice monotone.


“Please, Nex, show more emotion.” Nex 2.0 ordered. “And I thought I told you to refer to me as ‘Master’.”


“Yes, master. I am sorry, master.”


“That’s more like it – and I agree. The yard will do sufficiently.” Nex 2.0 decided. “With any luck, you can be executed with them!”


“Really?” Nex glanced up for the first time, a stunning glimmer of hope in his eyes. After all, even death would be better than being imprisoned inside himself.


“Of course.” Nex 2.0 told him. “By tonight I’ll have enough energy and power to take on my own form again. Which means I won’t need you anymore.”


Nex nodded, sliding back into his position of utter defeat before Nex 2.0 had turned around to look at him again.


“Are you looking forward to death?” Nex 2.0 asked.


“Yes.” Nex whispered.


“But you’ll fight me first, won’t you?” Nex 2.0 pressed, sneering. “Just to try and prove your point.”


“Probably, master.” Nex responded, sounding exhausted.


“Good.” Nex 2.0 sounded satisfied. “I don’t care how much I’ve defeated or broken you, it’d be shameful for any version of Nex to go down without a fight.”




Surge and Bruizer were in the middle of discussing battle techniques when Surge was swept aside by a massive claw and sent flying across the Kitchen, landing with a thud on his back. Bruizer swung around and before Rocka XL could do anything he had socked the Titan in the face, sending him reeling.


“Nobody messes with Bruizer, punk.”


I mess with Bruizer.” Rocka XL retorted.


Bruizer shrugged as Rocka XL clambered to his feet. The Titan tried to punch him, but Bruizer grabbed the Titan’s arm with his massive right hand and flipped him over onto his back, scattering loose pieces everywhere. Before Rocka XL could blink, Surge was back, and had sliced his left arm off below the elbow. Rocka XL yelled with pain and rage, kicking Surge away as he staggered to his feet, clutching the stump of his left arm.


“How dare you?!” Rocka XL roared.


“You came after us first.” Surge pointed out.


Rocka XL was about to respond when Surge leapt up and grabbed onto his helmet, hanging off of him like a monkey and blocking his view.


“What are you doing?” Rocka XL grunted. “Get off!”


“Now, Bruizer! Plan Delta!”


And while Surge stabbed his sword into Rocka XL’s left shoulder, causing the Titan’s attention to focus completely on him, Bruizer prepared himself and then swung his might fist right into Rocka XL’s right knee, hitting it from the outside. Rocka XL staggered and reached to the ground with his remaining hand to support himself as his knee caved in on itself. Surge leapt off, landing cleanly beside Bruizer. The two sets watched as Rocka XL slowly inched his way back into a standing position, scrabbling for a grip on the counter with his hand.


“Are you done yet?” Surge asked.


Rocka XL did not respond, instead shooting him a glare that glinted with dark fury. Surge shrugged, glancing over to Bruizer.


“Have it your way,” he said.


Bruizer leaped high into the air, landing fist-first on Rocka XL’s head, slamming it into the ground with a resounding crack. Surge, waiting for the blow, swung his sword down with perfect timing, completely severing Rocka XL’s right leg, causing the Titan to fully topple forwards, where he lay for roughly two seconds until Bruizer punched him in the back so hard that he exploded, pieces scattering all over the Kitchen floor.


“Well, that was a little messier than I’d intended, but I suppose it works.” Surge said.


“As long as the enemy is defeated, I do not care how much of a mess I make.” Bruizer growled. “Now let’s go hunting.”




“There’s nothing we can do.” Rocka said, sitting down on the floor of the cell. “We’re imprisoned, we’re going to be executed tomorrow, and the sets that would save us are scattered. Nex 2.0 will surely surround us with an army, meaning any hope of escape is truly pointless.”


“Oh, give it up.” Lewa Mata snapped. “There must be some chance. Maybe my sets weren’t as loyal as I thought, but surely yours must be!”


Rocka shrugged. “They’ve lost hope. It’d take a miracle, some shining light of a leader to bring them back together.”


Lewa Mata turned to him. “Do you know of anyone that qualifies?”


Rocka laughed darkly. “If I did, I would have told the guards to watch out for them, because that would sure as heck end up drawing them out.”


“There must be someone… anyone…” Lewa Mata thought aloud. “A miracle… a leader that has to hate Nex 2.0 enough to risk letting me go free when they’re saving you.”


“That’s the kind of miracle that doesn’t happen.” Rocka responded. “It’s called being realistic.”


“No, it’s called being stupid.” Lewa Mata shot back. “You don’t know of a single set?”


“If there is, I either never met them, or I met them once, and only briefly.” Rocka told him.


“There is one set that fills the requirements you both are looking for.” Nokama Metru interrupted quietly.


Rocka and Lewa Mata paused to stare at the Toa Metru of Water, who looked at them both with bored eyes after having spoken properly for the first time since awakening.


“…well?” Lewa Mata prompted.


“I’m debating whether or not I should give you hope that will most likely be shattered.” Nokama Metru said calmly.


“Come on, Nokama. Tell us.” Rocka pleaded. “Who is it?”


“The one set that could save us all?” Nokama Metru asked with a smile. “That’s easy.”




“Here we are, Evo.” Sahmad said. “Why did you want to come with us again?”


“Because in Rocka’s absence, I seem to have been thrust rather unwillingly into a position of leadership,” Evo replied, “which means that I should tag along.”




“Okay, I just wanted to meet this guy for real.”


“Well, as soon as One and Two return, we can head on in.”


As soon as Sahmad finished speaking, the two Skrall Stars slid down the ladder to the Attic, landing in front of them with two soft thumps. Sahmad glanced at them questioningly, and One nodded eagerly.


“He’s there.” Two whispered.


“Let’s head up.” Sahmad ordered.


The four sets crawled up the ladder, pushing the button to retract it back into the attic once they had reached the top. However, before any of the four could speak or turn around, another voice spoke instead:


“Would you mind telling me why you are here, when you so clearly do not need to be?”


Evo slowly turned around, gulping. Why was he always the one finding these old, vengeful sets that wanted to murder the first sets that they laid eyes on?


“We came to find you.” Sahmad responded, turning as well with One and Two. “We need your help.”


“Yeah, right.” The voice rasped from the shadows. “Nobody has needed my help in a long time.”


“We need you to lead us.” Evo told the set.


“You need me to lead you….” The set in the shadows trailed off. “Well, that’s certainly a new one. Outside of my little groups, nobody has ever wanted me to lead them.”


“You led the assault on Nex 2.0 that eventually led to his death,” Sahmad pointed out.


“Don’t speak to me about that!” The set snapped.


Sahmad shrugged. “You also led the early Resistance against Lewa Mata, before you retreated up here to meditate in solitude.”


“Because those lost deserve to be remembered.” The set whispered, “and down there, if you take the time to remember, you’ve taken the time to die.”


“So, can you help us?” Evo asked.


The set snorted derisively. “Why would you need me? You have other sets to lead you. What about Kiina?”


“She went crazy, and she’s dead.” One answered.


“…hmm. Alright, Strakk?”


“Led us into a slaughter,” Two responded casually.


“Kopaka Nuva!”


“He’s gone missing.” One said, this time sadness arranging across the features of himself and Two. “Not even we know where he is.”


The set pondered for a moment. “What about Nokama Metru and Rocka?”


“They were both captured by the enemy.” Evo answered.


“Gali Mata?”


“Again, position unknown,” Sahmad sighed.




“You know as well as we do that Makuta isn’t the right leader for the job!” Sahmad retorted. “You’re the only one left, you have to face that.”


“No, I refuse!” the set snapped. “One of you do the job! Lewa Mata isn’t worth my time.”


“It’s not Lewa Mata we’re fighting.” Evo said quietly.


The set in the shadows paused, with his back to them. “…if Lewa Mata is not your enemy, then who is?”


“He came back from the dead and took over the House.” Sahmad explained. “He finally achieved his goal – it’s Nex 2.0.”


The set whirled around, his eyes glinting and a smile forming across his features.


“Oh, really?” he asked. “Then I might just have to join you.”


And Pridak stepped out of the shadows. “Let’s go announce my arrival. It’s time to kick some butt.”


To Be Continued in the finale – THE FALL OF NEX!

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I have found a Toa of Ice willing to go through the time machine after Nex 2.0 – I pray that he will be fortunate. Then again, it is Nex 2.0 he is going after… he will be lucky to survive the first day. I hope that he will survive long enough to meet me again.


-Tahu Nuva


Chapter 10 – The Fall of Nex


As he limped over to his sword and shield as fast as he could, picking the tools up, Rocka wondered just how everything had gone so wrong. Trying to ignore the fact that the world was still spinning around him, he staggered towards his foe with a loud cry and swung his sword, only for his foe to easily dodge the attack and smash the butt of his axe into Rocka’s head again. This time, when Rocka collapsed to the ground like a rag doll, he stayed there.






“Bring them forward!” Nex 2.0 ordered.


The set – now in his regular 2.0 form – watched as Nex, Lewa Mata, Nokama Metru, and Rocka were led forward by Stormer XL, Pyrox and Core Hunter. Lewa Mata and Rocka glared at Nex 2.0 defiantly – Nokama Metru seemed rather bored, and Nex was just defeated in every aspect of his appearance, exhausted and struggling to even stand.


“Who shall we start with, boss?” Pyrox asked.


Nex 2.0 smiled. “We’ll start with the green one.”


“I have a name!” Lewa Mata spat.


“Ah, yes…” Nex 2.0 sighed dramatically. “Unfortunately for you, I just don’t care to use it.”


Core Hunter shoved Lewa Mata forward, but the Toa Mata of Air flipped backwards, landing behind the Hero Factory set. Before he could be attacked, however, the resounding tone of a conch shell being blown echoed all over the Backyard.


“What is that?” Nex 2.0 asked.


“It’s the sign of my attack.” Pridak said, stepping out of the crowd and punching Nex 2.0 in the face, sending him reeling. “I’m back, you son of a muaka, and I’m going to make sure you burn.”


With that, the sets all organized by Pridak turned on the followers of Nex 2.0 and Lewa Mata, and yet again the Backyard was consumed by battle. Rocka spun around and shoved Core Hunter away while Lewa Mata and Nokama Metru kicked the Hero Factory set away to be swept up by the crowd.


Meanwhile, Pridak stalked over to Nex 2.0, who had been helped to his feet by Pyrox. The Barraki stood, smiling devilishly at the two Hero Factory sets.


“You’re pushing for a real death warrant, aren’t you?” Nex 2.0 snarled.


“Nah,” Pridak said, shrugging. “Just looking to make you pay.”


Then Pridak surged forward with blinding speed, slamming Pyrox to the ground and then slicing the Hero Factory set’s head off, leaving it to roll across the ground for a foot before stopping.


“Now, it’s your turn,” Pridak said, turning to Nex 2.0. His face was full of a furious rage, a rage that had been building up ever since Mantax’s death.


“We’ll see about that!” Nex 2.0 snarled.




Rocka caught his crossbow as Evo tossed it to him before diving back into the fight – as he placed the crossbow on his back, Surge threw him a sword and shield.


“From Rocka 2013!” Surge shouted. “They belong to you now!”


Rocka glanced down at his new weapons – when he glanced back up, Lewa Mata was gone and Nokama Metru was swinging her tools impatiently.


“Are you looking for something to do?” a voice asked.


“You!” Rocka spat, whirling around. “The traitor!”


“That’s right, Rocka.” The cloaked Toa of Ice laughed. “Call me what you like, I’ve long since grown past that – it happens when you become twenty years old.”


“Wait, what?”


“Back when the Tahus fell through the time machine, Tahu Nuva sent me in after them,” said the Toa of Ice, “hoping that I could prevent any damage that Nex 2.0 might cause.


“He was utterly mistaken, of course. The first thing I did when I arrived in the year 2000 was meet up with Nex 2.0 and summon ALMIGHTY, who accompanied us to the Throwbots, giving them their orders and then their powers.” The Toa of Ice paused to reflect before continuing. “Later on, the timeline split – my head still aches to think about it. In one version, I allowed Nex 2.0 to kill the four sets that had gone to the past to kill Tahu Mata, and allowed Nex 2.0 to take over the House in a paradox. Unfortunately, several sets from the paradox travelled back and forced the entire situation to never occur… causing another paradox in the process.”


The Toa of Ice stopped, enjoying the stunned looks on the faces of Rocka and Nokama Metru.


“When the 2001 sets were all built, I convinced Lewa Mata and two of the Turaga to follow me, and I took them to meet ALMIGHTY, who, as you know by now, corrupted them.


“Then I lay in wait, training in my battle skills as they were all I had to keep myself busy. Every now and then I would, of course, play some sort of role – in 2003 I convinced Makuta to try taking over through the elections, and in 2005 I poisoned Roodaka’s thoughts.”


Rocka’s head was spinning – and the Toa of Ice seemed rather pleased with himself.


“One of my favourite moments was in 2007 – when the Barraki arrived. You see… it was I that convinced them to build the time machine and go through for the first time, and it was I who told Takadox to betray them.


“In 2008, I turned Tahu Mistika bad, and in 2009, I was the one who released every single prisoner from the jail, nearly causing an upset in power. And in 2010, before the arrival of the Stars line, together with Lewa Mata I put Tahu Mata on edge to the point that war seemed like his only viable action.” The Toa of Ice paused for breath, but he wasn’t done yet. “Fast forward to the end of the year, when the 2.0 line arrived. Knowing what I knew, I told the Barraki and Piraka to share with the Tahus the strategy of dumping Nex 2.0 in the time machine, knowing fully what would occur.


“When it happened, I waited until Tahu Nuva sent my other self – for him, the present, for me, eleven years in the past – into the year 2000, and then I revealed myself to him, telling him that I had succeeded in my task… which, technically, I had.”


The Toa of Ice laughed. “But I wasn’t done yet. When the conversation, I went back into hiding, with the decision that once I had gone as far as I could, I would go back in time to 2011. And so I did.”


Rocka and Nokama Metru glanced at each other – they did not like where this was going at all.


“I saw the entire aftermath of the disappearances, I saw the Tahus arrive back, and I saw that they seemed too different.” The Toa of Ice told them. “I witnessed Lewa Mata following his orders and activating the Throwbots. I saw the destruction of the House and the disappearances of Maxilos and Irnakk at the hands of Torch.


“I saw the final battle, and the deaths of the supposed Tahu Mata and Tahu Stars. Then, I saw the dark days that followed, as the House divided itself more deeply than every before. I watched as your line grew into their places at the House, Rocka, and I watched as you, Nokama, began to play the power role you should have been playing from the very beginning.


“I saw you lose, I saw you win. I watched as Takanuva Stars died, and I watched as a future version of myself infiltrated the Resistance for Lewa Mata and started giving information to both sides. I myself took time to further Kiina along her path to insanity, knowing what would occur. Then I watched this battle take place – from up there, in fact.”


The Toa of Ice gestured behind them towards the Roof. Rocka and Nokama Metru looked – and sure enough, the exact same Toa of Ice stood upon the Roof, watching the battle play out.


“I did not know then why the future version of me – myself, right now – looked up at the Roof.” The Toa of Ice told them. “Now I do know. Unfortunately, at that point I had to leave, because of the explosion that is about to occur.”


True to his words, an explosion sounded from the front of the House, and the ground rumbled beneath their feet. Smoke began to drift up, and the figure on the Roof turned around.


“You see,” the Toa of Ice said, “the Piraka and the two Takadox sets are not here right now. Instead, they are destroying the time machine. Obviously, I had to get back to 2011 – so….”




Up on the roof, Matoro Inika was distracted from watching as the future Matoro Inika and the sets Rocka and Nokama Metru stared up at him as an explosion rocked the House, nearly knocking him off. Turning, he watched as the time machine portal flickered dangerously.


Time to go, he thought to himself.


He began to sprint at full speed towards the edge of the roof as the Piraka and Takadox sets prepared the second demolition rig; realizing he had no more time left, Matoro Inika dove headfirst off of the roof, sailing through the air and passing through the portal of the time machine just as the second bomb went off. The time machine collapsed, never to be used again, and Matoro Inika was back in 2011.


“What was that?!” Takadox A exclaimed.


“Looked like a white set.” Avak commented.


“Toa of Ice.” Zaktan told them. “Probably doesn’t mean anything.


“You’re probably right.” Avak agreed.


“I just realized that I can never leave this place,” Takadox B observed, “and I’ve been having my doubts about living here, too.”


“Sucks to be you then, doesn’t it?” Thok asked.


“Shut up.” Takadox B muttered.


Vezok, Hakann and Reidak simply grinned and started the walk around the House to join the battle, leaving the others to deal with the raging set.




“And there you have it,” Matoro Inika announced. “My 20 years in existence.”


“I can still defeat you.” Rocka told him.


“Would you like some confidence to add to that statement?” Matoro Inika asked. “Watch and learn, goldielocks.”


The Toa of Ice leapt forward, swinging his sword at Nokama Metru. The Toa Metru of Water flipped her hydro tools up to deflect it, but Matoro Inika feinted to the left and smashed his zamor launcher into her back, sending her stumbling. He stabbed his sword at her ankle, but she dove to the side and tried to trip him with her tools – the key word being “tried to”.


As Rocka witnessed the duel between the two Toa, he was forced to admit that while Nokama Metru was undoubtedly one of the better fighters in the House, Matoro Inika was infinitely better. In less than a minute Nokama Metru was only still fighting because Matoro Inika was toying with her – and seconds later he slammed the side of his sword into her head so hard that her mask cracked, and the Toa Metru of Water collapsed. Rocka cried out, and as Matoro Inika moved to complete the death blow, Rocka dove into him, slamming the edge of his shield into Matoro Inika’s mask. However, Rocka was not used to the new weapons, and Matoro Inika overpowered him easily, throwing him to the side. Rocka grunted and pushed himself up, only for Matoro Inika to slam the butt of his sword into his head. He flew into the ground so fast that he blacked out for a moment, but he started to struggle up again.


“When I put you down, rookie, you stay down.”


Matoro Inika slammed his head again, and this time Rocka remained on the ground as the earth spun beneath him. All he could do was watch as Matoro Inika readied his sword.


“I have to admit, Rocka, you’re not my most impressive kill,” the Toa of Ice admitted, “but man, you are one of the fun ones.”


Then a white blur shoved him aside, and Matoro Inika barely even reacted as he fell to the ground.


“Stay away, traitor.” Strakk ordered.


Matoro Inika laughed. “You want to try me to? Wow… this really IS paying off, isn’t it?”


Faster than lightning, Matoro Inika leapt up and was swinging his sword, forcing Strakk into defensive mode. As he was forced backwards, parrying the sword with difficulty, Strakk was reminded of the time he had dueled Nex 2.0 and been completely overpowered.


That was not even comparable to how hard it was to remain standing against Matoro Inika.


He pulled out the club that had belonged to Stronius, but Matoro Inika just laughed and smacked it away. The club spun away and landed on the surface of the pond, where it then sank into the water. And then, a moment later, Strakk felt the wall of boulders by the pond meet his back. A second later, Matoro Inika swung his sword so hard that Strakk’s axe flew straight down and embedded itself in the dirt. Weaponless, Strakk glanced up and tackled his opponent, determined to rip his head off. Matoro Inika kicked him off, but it was the opportunity Strakk needed to grab his axe.


“You will fall!” Strakk vowed.


“Of that, I have no doubt.” Matoro Inika agreed. “Everyone must fall eventually – however, if you insinuate that I fall today, I am afraid you are dreadfully wrong. Today it is your turn.”


With extreme skill and precision, Matoro Inika sliced the arm that held the axe off, and then kicked the Glatorian into the rock so hard that several pieces popped off. As Strakk slumped to the ground, dazed, Matoro Inika took careful aim. Strakk struggled into a standing position, but that was as far as he got before Matoro Inika threw his sword like a spear, catching Strakk in the stomach and nailing him to the rock.


“You can keep the sword,” the Toa of Ice said, picking up his axe. “I think I’ll use this instead from now on.”


Strakk could not say anything – he only convulsed, staring down at the sword protruding from his body with an air of disbelief and fear as he gripped it with his remaining hand. His breath came in quick gasps.


“Goodbye.” Matoro Inika said, walking away.




Nex 2.0 strode to Nex, who was struggling with Voltix. Kicking Voltix away into the crowd, Nex 2.0 grabbed Nex by the neck and flung him to the ground.


“It’s high time you died, kid.” Nex 2.0 told him. “There’s only room for one Nex in this House.”


“No.” Nex gasped.


“I am the most powerful set in the House!” Nex 2.0 snapped.


“No, you’re not.” Nex managed from his place on the ground. “And no amount of killing is every going to help you achieve that. Maybe once you were – but not anymore.”


Nex 2.0 furiously hauled him to his feet before punching him in the face hard. Nex staggered backwards towards the pond, rubbing his head.


“Go ahead. Kill me.” Nex said. “I won’t give you the satisfaction of a fight.”


Nex 2.0 hesitated, but only for a second. Then he swung his shield and smacked Nex’s head off, leaving it to roll across the ground as his body slowly slumped into the pond. Nex 2.0 waited for a moment and then, remembering the incident with Tahu Nuva, kicked the head into the pond as well.


“I see you’re still standing, then.” Pridak said from behind him.


Nex 2.0 whirled around. “I can still kill you.”


“Of that, I have no doubt.” The Barraki said, his eyes filled with hatred. “But not today.”




Kopaka Nuva’s attention was caught when he heard a voice calling his name urgently. Glancing to it, he saw Pohatu Nuva waving frantically at him – standing over a very familiar black figure.


“No…” the Toa Nuva of Ice whispered. “… I will avenge you.”


He ran towards Pohatu Nuva, and when he reached him he skidded to a halt over the dead body of Onua Nuva, towering over his brother.


“I am going to kill you.” Kopaka Nuva said softly. “You deserve it, Pohatu.”


“No, Kopaka, please believe me!” Pohatu Nuva pleaded. “It wasn’t – WATCH OUT BEHIND YOU!”


Kopaka Nuva whirled around to face his true foe, but was not fast enough to stop Stormer XL from stabbing him in the gut with his sword. The Hero Factory titan chuckled.


“It was I who killed your sister and your brother,” Stormer XL told them. “And now I can add you to the collection.”


He tossed Kopaka Nuva aside, turning to Pohatu Nuva. The Toa Nuva of Stone tried to stand, but was knocked back by a blast from Stormer XL’s launcher. Then, before any more help could be given to Kopaka Nuva, who was hunched over of the ground in pain, Stormer XL stabbed the Toa Nuva of Ice again. This time when he let go, Kopaka Nuva collapsed fully.


“NO!” Pohatu Nuva cried out.


One and Two, hearing the cry from across the battlefield, both screamed with rage and began to sprint towards the scene. Makuta, now realizing that two out of their four commanders were dead and another incapacitated, made the wise decision.


“RESISTANCE, RETREAT!” Makuta bellowed. “RETREAT!”


Bruizer lifted the unconscious Nokama Metru and sprinted towards the House with her strung over his shoulder, leading the retreat of the Resistance. Makuta whistled and his remaining Guurahk, Kurahk, Panrahk, Lerahk and Rahkshi Stars began to retreat. Several of them grabbed Rocka and began to carry him back – six took the fallen bodies of Strakk and Kopaka Nuva. Sahmad charged past Makuta on the Baranus V7 – Ehrye, Mazeka, Ahkmou, Dekar, Metus and Kazi all leapt onto it as it passed.


“ONE! TWO! I SAID RETREAT!” Makuta bellowed.


The two Skrall Stars did not listen, and Furno XL was approaching – Makuta sighed, shaking his head, and fell back.




One struggled as he was locked into a grip by Core Hunter, and Two by Furno XL. Lewa Mata approached them as his army gathered around the fallen Onua Nuva. Pohatu Nuva was dragged to his feet by Furno and pulled aside.


“What have we here?” Lewa Mata asked. “Prisoners?”


“Yes, my liege.” Furno XL said.


“I am not Nex 2.0.” Lewa Mata snapped. “I take no prisoners – only trophies.”


One and Two glanced at each other.


“Well bro, I guess this is it.” One said sadly. “We had a good run, man.”


“See you after the fall, man.” Two said. “Let’s go out together.”


“Together?” Lewa Mata laughed. “Oh, no. You’ll go out one by one. Core Hunter, release him.”


Core Hunter let go of One, and the Skrall Stars immediately turned around and tackled him, ripping his blaster out of his hand and firing it at his face.


“Yeah, you go One!” Two yelled.


One leapt away as Stormer XL tried to grab him, leaping back to his sword, which he picked up. Scarox lunged forward, but One blasted him away and then cut his head off, moving onto the next set. Furiously blasting, One freed Two and the two Skrall Stars stood back to back.


“Finish them off.” Lewa Mata ordered.


“There’s no way in the nether we’re making it outta here, man.” Two said.


“Then let’s do it with a bang!” One yelled.


The two Skrall Stars leapt forward, each of them stabbing Speeda Demon in a different place and killing the Hero Factory set. Two cut off two of XT4’s limbs, and One blasted Voltix so hard that half of his armor blasted off. Ogrum had the guts to get too close to Two – and then the Skrall Stars had stabbed him and he was dead. But then Furno XL strode forward – and although One stabbed him in the chest, the Hero Factory titan swung his sword, and the next moment One’s head fell to the ground.


Two froze for a moment, as the realization slowly hit him. Then he screamed and charged at Furno XL, leaping and tackling the huge titan to the ground, pounding on his head. After several hits Furno XL’s helmet cracked; after more, he was beyond dead. But still Two continued to pound on the titan, until Core Hunter finally strode forward and stabbed him in the back. Two let out one last sob before slumping over onto the ground.


“That took a little longer than I would have liked, but a victory nonetheless.” Lewa Mata said. “Let’s move – there’s a base of operations that I would like to re-establish.”


The army began to move into the House, with the exception of two sets, who stayed standing where they were, staring at the bodies of Onua Nuva, One, and Two.


After several minutes, the one on the left broke the silence.


“You know,” Furno began, “back awhile ago, when Takanuva Stars was executed… Rocka and I had our first real chat in months. And he asked me how I could still follow Lewa Mata. I gave him some carp about it being a matter of loyalty.”


Pohatu Nuva remained silent. Furno went on.


“I was… so sure that I was right.”


“Well, you were wrong.” Pohatu Nuva’s voice was flat and soft. “We both were. And now we’re stuck.”


“Like them?” Furno asked, gesturing to the fallen Skrall Stars.


Pohatu Nuva shrugged. “Perhaps. But I know that Lewa Mata is not going to win this war.”


“How can you possibly know that?” Furno asked.


“Because even if his side is winning, even if it comes to the final hour and they’ve stuck the Resistance down, I will kill him.” Pohatu Nuva said. “And when I do, they will scatter. And then I will pick them off, one by one.”


To Be Concluded in the Epilogue.


Deaths this Chapter:

  1. Strakk (Killed by Matoro Inika)
  2. Nex (Killed by Nex 2.0)
  3. Onua Nuva (Killed by Stormer XL)
  4. Kopaka Nuva (Killed by Stormer XL)
  5. Scarox (Killed by One)
  6. Speeda Demon (Killed by One + Two)
  7. Ogrum (Killed by Two)
  8. One (Killed by Furno XL)
  9. Furno XL (Killed by One + Two)
  10. Two (Killed by Core Hunter)
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Epilogue – The Histories


Months After Fire Rising:


Evo, having finally felled his foe, stood panting as the rain continued to splatter down around him, running down the mess of ruins in streams and dripping down into an unknown abyss. He turned his gaze up to the top of the hill to where the familiar figures of Rocka and Lewa Mata fought, dueling sword versus axe and shield versus shield. The remains of countless sets were strewn around them, some of them having fallen out of the sky to their deaths in the aerial battle that had been taking place only minutes before.


Then, as another bolt of lightning cut across the sky, Rocka and Lewa Mata disappeared.


Rocka and Lewa Mata, meanwhile, grappled in the air.


With their shields gone and their weapons discarded, the two tumbled over the edge into freefall, but neither was willing to give up. The words that they spoke were never heard by any other sets. In fact, all the survivors of the battle could ever say was that upon the moment that Rocka and Lewa Mata impacted with the ground, a light flashed from the spot they hit the ground, a light so bright that every set that witnessed it was blinded.




Once, there was a great mansion. In this mansion there lived a group of sets known as the Throwbots, who roamed its grounds freely and without care.


But one day in 2001 they vanished, and then a new group of sets arrived. Christened as the Bionicle sets, this first wave chose its leader as a set called Tahu Mata, and his second in command as Lewa Mata. Together, these two led the sets without trouble through 2001 and 2002, and even through the arduous election process that was enacted by the set Makuta in 2003.


In 2004 the Bionicle sets received security in the Vahki line, which was combined with the earlier Bohrak, Bohrok-Va, and Bohrok-Kal lines to guard a massive prison. In 2005, the set known as Roodaka attempted to take over, and she became the first prisoner to ever grace the House. She was soon joined by the set Sidorak, and then the House moved into the year 2006.


In the year 2006, the Matoran of the years 2003 and 2004 joined with the Matoran of 2006 to create a mini-clan, and Titans such as the Vezons and Irnakk began to intimidate the other sets in the House just through their extreme power and presence. The Titans Umbra, Axonn and Brutaka were all jailed, and the Piraka sets Reidak and Hakann barely avoided capture after a particularly nasty encounter with the Toa Nuva.


In 2007, the Barraki built the Time Machine. After travelling through it, four of the Barraki were jailed while one went missing and the other, Takadox, roamed free for a time before being imprisoned for a separate offence. The Titan Nocturn was jailed as well for attempting to sneak Ehlek out of prison, and the 2007 Matoran joined the Matoran Clan, while the Titan Maxilos was glued together when his pieces began cracking and falling apart.


In the year 2008, the Matoran joined the ever-growing Matoran clan. The sets known as Mutran and Vamprah were imprisoned for attempting to experiment on several Visorak, and the Titan Icarax initiated another round of elections that Tahu Mata won again. In the summer, the Titan Takanuva Mistika was jailed for attempting to take over the House, alongside Tahu Mistika and Onua Mistika. A jailbreak was attempted by Gali Mistika and Gorast, and they were jailed as well.


In the year 2009, shortly after the arrival of the first line of sets arrived, a successful jailbreak was pulled by a Matoro Inika from the future, and Roodaka led an assault on Tahu Mata. However, thanks to the efforts of Tahu Mata, Lewa Mata and Maxilos in coordinating their sets, the jailbreak was stopped and nearly all of the prisoners were placed back in jail, this time under a constant guard. The 2009 Glatorian Strakk grew in popularity with the sets of the House, growing so powerful in his influence that he was named as third in command of the House by Tahu Mata at the end of the year.


In 2010, the Stars line arrived. Already on edge from the oncoming arrival of Hero Factory and the whispers of the shadows, Tahu Mata was quick to go to war against the newly arrived Tahu Stars, splitting the Bionicle sets in half and causing a huge civil war. With the previously jailed sets released and on his side, willing to do the dirty work, Tahu Stars was able to gain the upperhand in the war slowly but surely, until a temporary truce was called. However, on the day that the first Hero Factory line arrived the two armies met again, before the leader of Hero Factory, Von Nebula, decimated some of the strongest sets as a warning.


The year 2011 took a dark turn for the sets when the Hero Factory 2.0 line arrived, bringing ALMIGHTY to take over Fire Lord and fight the Bionicle sets with the dreaded Nex 2.0 at his side. The war seemed over when the two were pushed through the Time Machine; however, Tahu Mata, Lewa Mata, Tahu Stars, and Takanuva Stars were pulled through as well. Tahu Nuva assumed control of what sets he could to retain order, sending Matoro Inika back in time to deal with Nex 2.0, while Tahu Mistika slowly organized a rebellion against him. Pridak, Mantax, Kazi and Irnakk assembled as The New Brotherhood and attempted to go back in time and kill Tahu Mata, only to be sent back by a group of sets from the paradox caused by their interference. When the four leaders returned, battle was soon waged again, with the 2nd Battle of the Kitchen encompassing Tahu Mata and Tahu Stars going to war once more before ALMIGHTY and his creations attacked, forcing the two armies to work together or die.


In 2012, Lewa Mata activated the Throwbot’s return to the House. With elemental powers given to them by ALMIGHTY, the Throwbots were quick to decimate almost entire lines of sets. Filled with rage when half of his Throwbots were slain, Torch burned the entire house to the ground and appeared to kill the Titans Maxilos and Irnakk, who were the mightiest of the Bionicle sets. Having apparently fallen in the battle himself, Torch left the Throwbots in the hands of Jet, who teamed up with the Matoran Macku and Nex 2.0 to strike against the Bionicle sets. As the final battle of the war approached, Tahu Stars ambushed Jet’s group, leaving only Jet, Nex 2.0 and Macku alive. The final battle of the Tahu vs. Tahu Civil War was fought amongst the burning ruins of the House, and while some sets like Strakk, Sahmad, Kopaka Nuva and Lewa Mata shone like stars, many of the greatest sets in the House were slain in the battle. The likes of Vultraz, Tahu Nuva, Tahu Mata, Mantax, and Tahu Stars fell, and the House only grew darker as Lewa Mata assumed control and revealed his affiliation to ALMIGHTY.


When the first line of the 2012 Hero Factory sets arrived, their leader was brainwashed into serving ALMIGHTY’s cause while two others, Rocka and Evo, were accompanied by Nokama Metru in their quest to unravel the mysteries of the House. After being frozen in time and jailed, Rocka and Evo were freed in a massive snowstorm that tore through the House, while the set Nex was taken over by the revived Nex 2.0. As Lewa Mata’s army loyal to ALMIGHTY and the Resistance determined to stop them came to blows, Takanuva Stars was executed and Nex 2.0 finally assumed control of the House, killing Kiina and imprisoning Rocka, Lewa Mata, and Nokama Metru. With their forces scattered and nobody left to lead them, the Resistance was slowly picked off one at a time by Nex 2.0’s forces, until the Vezons rescued the still alive Torch and Sahmad brought Pridak back into the forefront. The battle that followed, however, drew even more losses for the Resistance than before – the likes of Nex, Kopaka Nuva, One, Two, and Strakk were slain, while Pridak and Nex 2.0 vanished like an afterthought, leaving Rocka and Makuta to lead the Resistance in their stead.


With Lewa Mata growing more powerful than ever before in the year 2013, a truce was held between the two sides. But tensions began to rise rapidly, and the House became more tense than ever before. And it all came down to a single day as rain fell, thunder boomed and lightning flashed. And on this day the longest battle the House had ever known was fought – the final battle of it all. And in time, the day that this battle was fought came to be known as the day that the sky fell.


The End.

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