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I tried to follow Greg's description, but it wasn't working so I did this instead - mostly inspired by the Mask of Creation itself. This is my first MOC since Bionicle's return, and it was fun trying to fuse multiple building systems and still have a coherent outcome. 


It's a fairly straight-forward build, formed around a shadow matoran torso - which I always felt had wasted potential.


Feedback welcome, if you want a closer look at anything let me know and I can take some more pictures.

  • Upvote 3


If you think about it, one of the major themes of BIONICLE is people being mistaken. The Great Beings; the Turaga; all of the inhabitants of the MU who don't realize they are inside a robot; the list is endless. The whole story is about beings who don't know what they really are and have woven a complex myth-based culture in place of the truth. That was one of the things that always appealed to me about the story -- the idea that when there is an information void, intelligent beings naturally rush to fill it with whatever they HOPE is the truth.

Posted (edited)

My one major gripe with this MOC is that Artakha wore gray-green armor, not gold.


Besides that, I think it's an alright MOC, though I don't really think that giant claw fits too well.

Edited by Commander Spencer

You can find most of my stuff on my MOCpages and Flickr accounts.




My one major gripe with this MOC is that Artakha wore gray-green armor, not gold.


Besides that, I think it's an alright MOC, though I don't really think that giant claw fits too well.

Fair. My head-canon for the colour plot-wise is that the grey-green was a product of age - I know other old characters haven't changed like that, but the Great Beings could have made him out of different stuff (like real metal for his armour or some proto-protodermis), he might not wash and be covered in moss and dust, or he might just have changed his armour in the span of 100,000 years. TBH I just couldn't stand to make him grey, the Phantoka ruined me, and neither green nor grey work that well with the gold of the mask IMO. With the claws I was going for a kinda stylised look, but if that doesn't work for you then that's fine - ideally he would have had Hydraxon claws in gold, but I don't have the pieces for that. Thanks  ^_^


If you think about it, one of the major themes of BIONICLE is people being mistaken. The Great Beings; the Turaga; all of the inhabitants of the MU who don't realize they are inside a robot; the list is endless. The whole story is about beings who don't know what they really are and have woven a complex myth-based culture in place of the truth. That was one of the things that always appealed to me about the story -- the idea that when there is an information void, intelligent beings naturally rush to fill it with whatever they HOPE is the truth.


His chest seems too empty, his hips too thin, and I think the weapon is just not detailed enough. Strangely enough, I love the colour scheme.

What do I write here?


Someone, say something funny so you can be remembered for posterity.

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