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Depends on how far back we go. In the early days I wanted more Kapura.



Bionicle: ANP aims to create narrated versions of all the Bionicle books, with voice actors for each character, and music taken from various media to enhance the story. Check here if you're interested in voicing a character, and here for the chapters that've already been released!

Formerly: Tahu Nuva 3.0

Looking for a Bionicle Beanie. Black one with the symbol on it. Contact me if you are willing to sell


Umbra. I know I already said him in another topic, but I felt that he could've been a really cool character if he had more time in the story. 


I also would've liked to have seen Keetongu do more in the story as well. 

  • Upvote 2

Everyone is one choice away from being the bad guy in another person's story.




I could name practically any character. The thing about G1 is that, while there were multiple outlets for canon story, there could never be enough to make every single character unique and interesting in their own way. With a huge cast of characters that increased every year, you simply can't fit everyone in.
Part of the uniqueness of 2001 is that, while there was significant mystery, there was a surprising amount of world-building and mythology. You had a big cast of characters from the get-go; you had Toa, Turaga, and multiple named Matoran from each Koro. While the 2001-03 arc probably treated it characters more evenly than did other years and arcs, there still become underutilized characters and fan favorites that never seem to get enough proverbial screen time. For me, the Chronicler's Company fits this bill and I would have loved to see that group as the Inika. (It would have made a tiny bit more story sense as well, but that's a rant for another time.)

  • Upvote 4

avatar by Lady Kopaka


Posted (edited)

More Onepu. Guy is a crab cavalryman and can trick other people do his work for him. Would have been cool see to him lead an army or cavalry regiment in the Great Being Civil War with allied Bone Hunters. "(To Marendar) Oh, you specialize in fighting Toa eh? Well we are not Toa! Men, CHARGE!"


EDIT: Typos.

Edited by Iaredios Paerkenon
  • Upvote 4



A RUDE AWAKENING - A Spherus Magna redo | Tzais-Kuluu  |  Pushing Back The Tide  |  Last Words  |  Black Coronation  | Blue Man Bound | Visions of Thasos   ن

We are all but grey specks in a dark complex before a single white light


Geez, all the people in here saying Onepu... besides having an interesting color scheme, I don't see why anyone would have liked to see more of him. The guy was smarmy as heck (possibly moreso than Hafu, who at the very least didn't take advantage of Matoran with intellectual difficulties to facilitate his own laziness). Replacing him with Nuparu on the Toa Inika was probably one of the best decisions of 2006—the last thing a jerk like Onepu deserved was to become a Toa.


Anyway, I'm going to go ahead and say the Chronicler's Company, like so many of the others here. A lot of Matoran got sidelined as the theme went on and stopped focusing on the little guys, but of all of them, the ones I most wanted to see more of was that band of lovable misfits.

  • Upvote 7

Formerly Lyichir: Rachira of Influence

Aanchir's and Meiko's brother

Posted (edited)

I have a few answers.


Teridax, while being the cause of most of the story, was featured somewhat rarely. It would have been interesting to see more of him in action. He was completely in hiding for the entirety of 2002, 2006, and 2008, imprisoned for 2005, and even in the other years, he barely showed up at all except for 2007, 2009 (which doesn't really count, because the focus was on Bara Magna), and 2010. If he were more active, perhaps in open combat, that would have been fun to see.


Kapura...yeah. He was always an interesting guy. I sort of wish somebody took the time to come up with how his special "travel great distances fast while moving slow" ability worked and how Vakama trained him. The rest of the Chronicler's Company counts, too.


The most obvious answer: anyone introduced in 2010.


It would have been nice to see some more of the fan-created contest winning Rahi and Dark Hunters in the actual story rather than just the guides. I applaud BIONICLE Legends #4: Legacy of Evil for featuring several of these Dark Hunters, as well as some of the online stories.


Artakha would've been nice too. And then Krakua sounded like he was so important, and then barely featured.


EDITED for mispelling. Also: I sure make lengthy posts, don't I?

Edited by Cheesy Mac n Cheese
  • Upvote 2

My friend went to Po-Wahi and all I got was this lousy rock.


Blue sea...a Ruki leaps...the sound of water

  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Firstly: Turaga Dume. The most awesome grumpy old man ever potter around the Matoran Universe.

Secondly: Umbra. Inferno says that he existed before the chamber of the Mask of Life was created, perhaps before the Ignika itself was created. BIONICLEsector01 says that he's hunting down the Mask of Life on Spherus Magna nowadays, so he can go back to guarding it, but that's the most we've heard of him for years.


Oh, and Onepu too. Yes, he was a lazy and exploitive fellow, but he was also an Ussal Crab-riding champion and the captain of the Onu-Koro guard. That's - to be fair - pretty cool, but still, he could have had a few more appearances.

Edited by Erasmus Graves
  • Upvote 2

"Mutiny, Booty and Entropy"  - The Three Vices of the Frostelus



I wanted to see Nikila appear on the Red Star (and then have her reunite with Lesovikk- it would be fascinating to see that friendship trying to rekindle after they'd both changed so much)


Also, Kazi's reaction to finding out about Velika would have been the highlight of that serial, though there might have been a bit too much profanity for it to be publishable, heh. More Kazi and the rest of the VNRT in general actually. It'd be funny and/or a bit heartbreaking if one of them was the one to finally stop Velika.


And Greg writing a serial focused entirely on the Chronicler's company would have been great. I don't know that he quite had a handle on writing Kapura, but I liked the little glimpses we had of Macku's offscreen adventures, particularly during Teridax's reign. 

  • Upvote 1

3DS Friend Code: 0018-0767-4231


Any Glatorian who didn't appear in TLR. At least Malum and Gelu each played roles in Raid on Vulcanus.

And there are countless others, but those are the ones that come to mind most. 2009 was really the first year that not all canister sets received sufficient attention.

  • Upvote 3
How well will you die?


Geez, all the people in here saying Onepu... besides having an interesting color scheme, I don't see why anyone would have liked to see more of him. The guy was smarmy as heck (possibly moreso than Hafu, who at the very least didn't take advantage of Matoran with intellectual difficulties to facilitate his own laziness). Replacing him with Nuparu on the Toa Inika was probably one of the best decisions of 2006—the last thing a jerk like Onepu deserved was to become a Toa.


Wouldn't that have made him even more worthy of being chosen? He could've had a pretty sweet redemption story. Starts out as jerky matoran, becomes selfless toa.

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Onepu as a Toa might have been fun, but it might be too similar to Matau's character arc. Whereas Nuparu, as an inventor, brought in something that we hadn't really seen on a Toa team before in his approach to problem-solving. It might be fun to see Onepu as a Matoran working among beings who are much bigger and more powerful than he is, where charm and bravado doesn't always work.


Or a situation where Taipu becomes a Toa, and Onepu's a) immensely jealous and b) still trying to take advantage of him- Taipu would probably catch on eventually, but just go along with it 'cuz hes a big softie.

3DS Friend Code: 0018-0767-4231

Posted (edited)


Set wise I really wish we'd seen more of the dark hunters. The shadowed one would have been so cool to see in set form.

We did. It wasn't that impressive.

Was it just a combiner or did it have a set to?

I wish we got to see more of fenrahk I forget what happened to him after he became the dragon it kinda just jumps to some how vezon was unchained to it and left?

Edited by Logan Tec

one day this will contain greatness only the best. But take this with the ocean of salt then you will know what to expect from this


Ahkmou, because evil Matoran. And Hafu and the rest of the Chronicler's Company.


But also whoever ate all the pies. It's been over a decade Lego, I still need to know!

  • Upvote 3

Hand-drawn, bespoke avatar by none other than Mushy the Mushroom.


a body adrift in water, salt, and sky




Set wise I really wish we'd seen more of the dark hunters. The shadowed one would have been so cool to see in set form.

We did. It wasn't that impressive.

Was it just a combiner or did it have a set to?

I wish we got to see more of fenrahk I forget what happened to him after he became the dragon it kinda just jumps to some how vezon was unchained to it and left?


It came out back when Bionicle was releasing combiner sets, so yeah, it was both a combiner and its own set.


To answer your second question, after it was freed from the Ignika, it emerged onto Voya Nui, fought the Tahtorak, then fled to Mata Nui, where it battled Bohrok and promptly got its butt handed to it on a silver platter. Gali found it and healed it, after which it headed to Metru Nui, got defeated by the remaining Toa Mahri, and was placed into the Archives. After Makuta fought Mata Nui, it was evacuated with everything else from the archives and presumably spends its days getting into more stupid fights.

  • Upvote 1

"Whether that is right or not...I also...as a Rider...have a wish that I want to fulfill."



Geez, all the people in here saying Onepu... besides having an interesting color scheme, I don't see why anyone would have liked to see more of him. The guy was smarmy as heck (possibly moreso than Hafu, who at the very least didn't take advantage of Matoran with intellectual difficulties to facilitate his own laziness). Replacing him with Nuparu on the Toa Inika was probably one of the best decisions of 2006—the last thing a jerk like Onepu deserved was to become a Toa.


Wouldn't that have made him even more worthy of being chosen? He could've had a pretty sweet redemption story. Starts out as jerky matoran, becomes selfless toa.



Onepu's jerkiness/only major portrayal was in MNOLG and the Bohrok episodes, and by 2006 pretty much all the canon story was written by Greg who didn't take much interest in those, so I doubt such a story would've happened unless he was advised to by someone else.




Also the Toa Metru in general and the Turaga they became. They dissapeared totally off the radar after 2005, except for that one scene after Matoro's death that I really liked. They were such deep characters, and they felt cut off right before their peak. 


Their peak as characters was surely the Metru-Nui flashback that they starred in, though (as I said in my first post in this topic) it would've been nice if the classic Turaga had been a little more involved in the later story. But I also think we need to realise that with two Toa teams, Takanuva and a load of new characters to handle, six physically weak characters who hadn't been sets since the very first year were never going to get to appear or do much.


Miserix. By Mata Nui, Miserix is the most underrated Bionicle character I've ever come across. Sure, he was expanded on quite a bit with the serials following Federation of Fear, but this dishonoured Makuta has so much untapped potential. He's an anti-hero, the former leader of the Brotherhood of Makuta, has a hatred of Teridax, is arguably the smartest and looks like a dragon. What more could you want?


Same goes for Mutran. Or Bitil. Or Icarax. Heck, pretty much all of the Makuta.

< -< =<o>= >- >



Ha! I tricked you into reading my signature!



< -< =<o>= >- >


The Six Matoran released in '04 asides from Ahkmou. They pretty much vanished into obscurity since the great rescue, and were never brought up again.


I think we've established that the Mata/Metru-Nui cast in general (other than the Toa) pretty much vanished after the flashback, except for some bits in the serials.


Sometimes I feel lucky that we even got to see the Toa Nuva again in 2008 after a 6 years since their last set form! 


Definitely going to jump on the Turaga bandwagon here, old wise leader figures seem to work well for establishing mythos of any story. They were the Gandalf, the Dumbledore, the Yoda, and the Obi-Wan of the Bionicle story. They were the warriors who had gone the way before, and knew from experience what needed to be done. And then they just vanished after their flashback, we haven't seen them on Spherus Magna at all! At least the new Protectors are sort of a tribute to the Turaga, although they are not the same characters... (I think I basically said this earlier in another thread, but it is worth repeating I think)

  • Upvote 1


All aboard the hype train!




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