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Krana Force Comics


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Krana Force is a Collab Comic run by...


Toucan Sam




and Tahu3.0


Display Name Goes Here-Wake one...

Bonkle-Budgets Blown

Display Name Goes Here-The Kal(Part 2)

Display Name Goes Here-Churro Issues

Bonkle-Better on Paper...


Display Name Goes Here-Month of Not Acid

Petewa-Bigger, Faster, Stronger

Liuth-The Bohrok and the serpentine creature 

Display Name Goes Here-Unloved Lehvak-Part 2

Display Name Goes Here-Krana Force... IN SPACE.


Display Name Goes Here-*Facepalm*

Tahu3.0-Matoran School

Tahu3.0-The Bohrok LIVE

To be announced...




Just fill out this nifty form and send it in to Petewa Via PM



Color Scheme:


Edited by Toucan Sam
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Get us some delicious Krana, Petewa. :P


But cannibalism is illegal within Dorerer territories.

I don't think it's even possible for a Krana to eat things.

Then how do Krana live?

If you like Pingu & want to support a good project, click here. Also, I've rejoined the BZPRPG & I have a new profile for a new game. Click here to see it.

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I liked the one about the Kal! :) It always seemed funny that the Bahrag would have randomly made six special Bohrok. :P

But they didn't make them it appears, they found them in the basement collecting dust  ;)

Glad you enjoyed the comics.

Edited by Dark_Samus
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I liked the one where the Lehvak's Krana tries to escape to avoid getting caught by the Toa. :P A Bohrok without a Krana definitely can't escape, but maybe a Krana without a Bohrok can...

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