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Posted (edited)

A new year, a new adventure...



Soran: "Ugh… Five more minutes…"
Karoro: "KaaCaw!" 
Soran: "Fine, all right! I'll wake up! Darn Karoros, always so noisy…"
Soran: "Sheesh... my head hurts. It must be from all the rocking on this boat…"
Soran: "Wait a second, why am I on a boat?"
Soran: "And more importantly, where am I?"
Soran: "Huh... I see no landmarks. It's just clear seas in all directions… Well except those heavy clouds over there."
Soran: "Hm, open seas in all directions, no idea where I am or how I got here and with no plan on the mind except just wanting to go home. I wonder what I should do…"

Author's Notes'
Howdy everyone, Soran here and welcome to the TRUTH series (The Road to Home). Let me explain just what this comic series is all about. This series is a comic that centers on the backstory of my character, Soran, in the BIONICLE universe.

This comic is a combination of a CYOA (Choose Your Own Adventure) and an RPG (Role-Playing Game). Depending on the question I ask at the end of each comic depends on what type of answer I'm accepting. This first question is simply "What will you do?" which is very vague and literally means, suggest something for the character, Soran, to do. You can suggest literally anything but be warned that not all actions are viable (So you can't exactly have Soran play a tune on a harmonica if he doesn't have one). There are also some actions he will downright refuse if he feels that it places his life in danger. I'll explain more at a later time as certain aspects get more relevant but for now the question is simply,

"What will you do?"

You may send your suggestions in either a PM or as a comment down below.
Edited by Soran
  • Upvote 12


Check your bag. If you have a blanket, anything to catch water and a way to catch fish, you should be fine.

If you like Pingu & want to support a good project, click here. Also, I've rejoined the BZPRPG & I have a new profile for a new game. Click here to see it.


check if your boat has a motor and if it works

  • Upvote 2

one day this will contain greatness only the best. But take this with the ocean of salt then you will know what to expect from this

Posted (edited)

Do this very carefully:

You must first jump off the boat and submerge yourself into the ocean. Then you will bury yourself into the sand until there's nothing left to see but darkness everywhere. After that, you must recite the ancient creed:



After that, Lil B, the Based God will arrive and reward you with a bottle of fiji water. Then swim back to the surface and pour the water out onto the boat. And then you will realize:

That's not just any ordinary spaghetti. It is Mom's spaghetti. 

Mom's spaghetti. Mom's spaghetti. Mom's spaghetti. Mom's spaghetti. Mom's spaghetti. Mom's spaghetti. Mom's spaghetti. Mom's spaghetti. Mom's spaghetti. Mom's spaghetti. Mom's spaghetti. Mom's spaghetti. Mom's spaghetti. Mom's spaghetti. Mom's spaghetti. Mom's spaghetti. Mom's spaghetti. Mom's spaghetti. Mom's spaghetti. Mom's spaghetti. Mom's spaghetti. Mom's spaghetti. 


And then the spaghetti will fall out of your pocket and you'll be kidnapped by normies. 

Edited by Irrie
  • Upvote 8


Posted (edited)

Freak out at how many options are coming into your mind, and can't decide on which one to do first.




Soran: "Too many intrusive thoughts!"


Check your bag. If you have a blanket, anything to catch water and a way to catch fish, you should be fine.


See what's in your bag.





look in your bag




Soran: "Hm, let's see what we've got… A compass, that could prove useful… And a stone tablet. I wonder what's on the tablet?"





Soran: "Hm, it says...


'Deliver shipment to

  1. Xia SC - Rura
  2. Stelt EC - Ahkvon
  3. Northern Continent SC - Nole

Recruit in

  1. Metru-Nui
  2. Southern Continent
  3. Northern Continent

Estimated Journey Time: 50 days'"


Soran: "I wonder what that's for?"


Make shadow puppets.




Shadow Puppet 1: "Face it, you've got nowhere to run! You shall meet your doom!"


Shadow Puppet 2: "Nooooooo, but I haven't even met my match yet!"


Soran: "I'm really starting to lose it…"


Jump off the boat.



Jump off the boat.

I too suggest jumping off the boat.



check if your boat has a motor and if it works





Soran: "Hm, yeah the boat is functional. That's a relief, that means I can actually sail somewhere."


Look for pirates to rob.


Do this very carefully:

You must first jump off the boat and submerge yourself into the ocean. Then you will bury yourself into the sand until there's nothing left to see but darkness everywhere. After that, you must recite the ancient creed:



After that, Lil B, the Based God will arrive and reward you with a bottle of fiji water. Then swim back to the surface and pour the water out onto the boat. And then you will realize:

That's not just any ordinary spaghetti. It is Mom's spaghetti. 

Mom's spaghetti. Mom's spaghetti. Mom's spaghetti. Mom's spaghetti. Mom's spaghetti. Mom's spaghetti. Mom's spaghetti. Mom's spaghetti. Mom's spaghetti. Mom's spaghetti. Mom's spaghetti. Mom's spaghetti. Mom's spaghetti. Mom's spaghetti. Mom's spaghetti. Mom's spaghetti. Mom's spaghetti. Mom's spaghetti. Mom's spaghetti. Mom's spaghetti. Mom's spaghetti. Mom's spaghetti. 


And then the spaghetti will fall out of your pocket and you'll be kidnapped by normies. 





Soran: "Uh, how about no? I want to actually live. Sheesh, I think these intrusive thoughts are trying to kill me. Is this what they call 'The call of the void'?"


Try to determine your position by the sun and stars.


And then try to avoid that big storm on the horizon.  :P


Sail towards the dark clouds.





Soran: "What stars?"


Soran: "Am I sailing to the freakish storm or not? Make up your mind! Actually, now that I think about it I should really get sailing somewhere. Especially since my boat is fine and I've got at least a compass. The question is, what direction should I head to?"



Which direction should Soran sail to? Vote here!


Author's Notes
Howdy everyone, Soran here. Wow am I impressed with the feedback to this series so far. It seems to be positive for the most part. Also, thanks Terton, I am pretty satisfied with the animated panel. It's got it's flaws but for being rushed it works all right.


Let me go ahead and explain what's the deal with this question. This is one of the questions that helps bring the series to its RPG decisions, where in this one the decision is going to be put to a vote. I will only be counting votes in the poll itself. Also for those curious, this polling website is allowed as there's no other way of polling in the Artwork Forum apparently. Also, since this polling isn't BZPower exclusive, any guests that are viewing the comics are able to vote on the decision as well.


The way how this one works is simple. The decision is going to be put to a vote and whichever direction wins determines which island Soran will land on. I have a specific area in the Matoran Universe that Soran is at so it isn't random by any means.


Also another thing I want to point out is that I'm curious what your theories are in regards to the series. I've stated this in different areas of the site, but this series is one that could potentially exist in the BIONICLE Universe, where it follows the laws and guidelines set in BIONICLE. It also takes place in a specific timeline and is actually based off of certain events in the actual story.


The other thing I'm curious about is what you guys think about the series. What is it about the series that I should improve? What are your likes or dislikes, etc? I definitely want this series to survive the thick and thin so I'd love to have your feedback in that regard.


That's about all, so I hope you guys enjoy the comic,



Edited by Soran
  • Upvote 5


As this is a non-typing based vote (at least, Typing isn't exclusive here), I'd better voice my opinions on the general thing.


I'm not usually a fan of choose your own adventure comics, as some of the people who choose the choices don't take the thing seriously and spout whatever they like, but I feel like you're taking a reasonable approach to all this. Story aside, I like the Spritework, it makes everything look like a real adventure game, kind of like the Original MNOG was put in a blender with Minecraft. I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes!




(I'll do this eventually, I swear...)


My BZPRPG Characters

Corpus Rahkshi Characters: Kol Arsenal Swarm Amalgamation

Skyrise Characters: Zavon



I would say just dont go south u dont want to end up in the southern isles

  • Upvote 1

one day this will contain greatness only the best. But take this with the ocean of salt then you will know what to expect from this


Go Dennis!


I'm sorry, I had to.


:i:   :n:  :a:   :r:   :y:


Posted (edited)

Voting has ended! Thank you for participating!


Soran: "For some reason I feel like I should be heading west even though it's in the direction of the storm… My brain is trying to kill me."
Soran: "Oh well, here's hoping this isn't a mistake."
Soran: "I regret this immediately! I'm getting out of this storm no matter where I go!"
Soran: "Aaaaaahh!!!"
Soran: "Oof!"

Some time later...
Soran: "Ugh… Where am I?"
Soran: "Sheesh I really need to stop hitting my head…"

What will you do?


Author's Notes


Soran here, again. Quick update to the comic. Also, sorry for the long wait, I've been busy. 


When I made this comic the direction that was leading was West, since it's tied currently with north I suppose it's fine to have still went with west. In reality both west and north took you the same place, just one direction was safer than the other.


I made some edits to prior comics. Basically I messed up on the panels which I noticed before but was too lazy to change at the time. I had to change some directional clues in the comics as they were very inconsistent. West was the direction of the storm while I had the clear area appear to be west originally. So I ended up having to fix those and adding certain features as well. Hopefully this change didn't influence the voting too much.


While I figure out some way how to resolve the compass issues I've switched to a different format. This is the type that appears whenever you're on an island. It's a map of the island with the red dot signifying your current location on the island. Slightly more resourceful than the compass at the moment. While on the island you'll most likely follow a path system (meaning Soran will take certain pre made paths, similar to how it was in MNOG). You'll also meet some of your first characters very shortly on this island. 


Although you can't see too much of the island at the moment I'm still curious what you will do. You (Soran) just survived sailing through and out of a hurricane, what will you do to celebrate or do in response to this?




@Lucina: Sorry.


@Irrie: We must've spoken with different people.


T1Shadow: The Artisan: He'll see me coming.


@Vahkidane: Entirely possible.


@Darth Daronus: I'm glad to see that at the moment I'm the exception. I've definitely got some interesting things planned that are much more different to the usual CYOA format, things that make the comic seem more like a game than anything. 


@Toa Onaku: I certainly hope that it'll be fun. If not fun then hopefully it'll at least be interesting.


@Kyle Whyte: Speed Itself: So really just head east?


@Unit#phntk#1: First let's escape the Great Spirit Robot.


@Logan Tec: I'll go ahead and spoil this right now. There won't be at any point a visitation to the southern isles in the comic. I haven't got anything planned for it for several reasons. One, I feel like once people are in the south it would be hard to navigate out. Two, there is hardly any information on the southern isles. And three, there's not much going on down there that we know of. Besides the whole Barraki thing it was practically a destroyed civilization with very few matoran or any other intelligent creatures on it. Thus, there won't be any traveling down south. I believe off the top of my head the most south you will end up is the southern tip of the southern continent. 


@fishers64: Ah darn, it seems like the inconsistencies in the comic affected your vote. Sorry about that. I'll take your command in line for the next comic. 


@Gunhaver: I don't understand the reference.


Hopefully you guys enjoyed the comic,



Edited by Soran
  • Upvote 5


Find an ancient rune that summons the Zyglak, then try out your composition of the Hamlet while they attempt to turn you into a pile of dust.

__________                                                   __                \______   \______  _  __ ___________  _____ _____    _______/  |_  ___________  |     ___/  _ \ \/ \/ // __ \_  __ \/     \\__  \  /  ___/\   __\/ __ \_  __ \ |    |  (  <_> )     /\  ___/|  | \/  Y Y  \/ __ \_\___ \  |  | \  ___/|  | \/ |____|   \____/ \/\_/  \___  >__|  |__|_|  (____  /____  > |__|  \___  >__|                               \/            \/     \/     \/            \/       


                                     .•°•.The Eviscerator.•°•.


Decide your life is worthless, burn the boat, then leap into the waves singing the Little Einstein's Theme Song. 

  • Upvote 3
__________                                                   __                \______   \______  _  __ ___________  _____ _____    _______/  |_  ___________  |     ___/  _ \ \/ \/ // __ \_  __ \/     \\__  \  /  ___/\   __\/ __ \_  __ \ |    |  (  <_> )     /\  ___/|  | \/  Y Y  \/ __ \_\___ \  |  | \  ___/|  | \/ |____|   \____/ \/\_/  \___  >__|  |__|_|  (____  /____  > |__|  \___  >__|                               \/            \/     \/     \/            \/       


                                     .•°•.The Eviscerator.•°•.

Posted (edited)

Try to climb the very steep hill

Edited by Logan Tec

one day this will contain greatness only the best. But take this with the ocean of salt then you will know what to expect from this

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