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Posted (edited)


Your boat is well anchored already, so go try to find a shelter and/or something to eat.


Like a flower, perhaps.


That sand looks pretty tasty too...

Edited by Display Name Goes Here

What is the big deal about Undertale exactly?


Anyways, Soran, you should explore the island find natives, a food supply, make some tools, and get a (makeshift) weapon.

  • Upvote 1



If you use correct grammar in your posts (or try hard to), place this in your signature. Join Myst's campaign for correct grammar usage on BZPower!


Try to determine the various chemicals found in the sand to determine where you've landed...


Wait, you're not a chemist?


Nevermind then. :P


Probably best to find/make a defensive weapon, head towards any major landmarks and see if you encounter any locals.

~Your friendly, neighborhood Shadow



~Credit for Avatar and Banner goes to



Hmmmm....Northern Continent *searches it on the Bionicle wiki* Oh! (I'm assuming this is pre-2001 or at least 2008) Go battle Groast and/or Krika!

Unity, Duty, Destiny

-Toa Ouberry


Stare intensely at the sand until it becomes glass. Use this glass to make a magnifying glass to turn more sand into glass. Make a cup out of said glass. Pick up the salt water in glass. Pour salt water in eyes. Become Cthulhu. Destroy the world.

  • Upvote 3

:a: :r: :z: :a: :k: :i:

I got Monster Hunter World on PS4, add me at bmrjw2 if you want

Also I play FFXIV, my main is Anastasia Willow on Exodus but I've got characters on every NA datacenter.


Find a high place to get a survey of the surrounding area.

"When wisdom and valor fail, all that remain is faith, and it can overcome all." -Tahu

Posted (edited)

Go away from the storm and try to find the places on the tablet. Check the boat to see if you have anything else onboard. 


(I voted West.)




Soran: "Nope, nothing else on the boat. However, I do still have everything I had on me previously…  I should also probably figure out my location first before I go exploring."



Try to deduce where you are by examining the local flora, fauna, and climate.


...and if that doesn't work, just go fishing. It won't advance the plot in any way, so you might as well do it whilst you're by the ocean.



Try to deduce where you are by examining the local flora, fauna, and climate.


...and if that doesn't work, just go fishing. It won't advance the plot in any way, so you might as well do it whilst you're by the ocean.

Do this.


Or at least the fishing part.








Soran: "Hm… I've been here before, I recognize it but I can't place it. There are proto-lilies on the beaches, thick canopies of trees on the outskirts and a moderate temperature. In terms of rahi there is a Wainihi that landed on my boat. It also appears to be relatively humid here… I must either be on the Southern Continent or the Northern Continent."


Soran: "I can't go fishing, I don't have anything to fish with. Maybe I can find something nearby… I am hungry though."



Find an ancient rune that summons the Zyglak, then try out your composition of the Hamlet while they attempt to turn you into a pile of dust.




Soran: "What does it look like I'm trying to do? Kill myself? Also, what in Karzahni is a 'Hamlet'?"



Build a sandcastle. Become the Kazekage.


Congrats on the double feature! I don't have a command, but wanted to say...


Build a sandcastle. Become the Kazekage.


This sounds familiar and is probably the best idea.




Soran: "Muahaha! I am the ruler of the sand kingdom! They shall all bow before me! Nothing will ever destroy my reign! You hear me? Nothing!"


Soran: "Aww…"



Collect some seashells on the shore. You never know when you need to repair bridge (MNOG2 reference).


Btw, I love your art style!




Soran: "These could prove useful. Probably wouldn't help with a bridge but it sure works as a makeshift bowl."



Anchor your boat, then go look for or make a source of clean water.




Soran: "I've got water all around me. Since I don't have any way to purify it this is about as good as this is going to get… Maybe"


Soran: "Blechh! This is bland. It needs some flavoring."



Your boat is well anchored already, so go try to find a shelter and/or something to eat.


Eat a flower


Lick a tree, and eat some sand, then wash it down with seawater before freaking out due to the sudden and excessive amount of accumulating and intruding thoughts.




Soran: "Tree Bark, Flowers, Seawater and Sand… These were the ingredients chosen to create the perfect little meal…"


Soran: "Now all I need to do is cook this... but how?"



Burn the boat.



Burn the boat.

Burn it and see if the smoke attracts anyone.



Decide your life is worthless, burn the boat, then leap into the waves singing the Little Einstein's Theme Song.




Soran: "It's genius! Pure genius! I have created the meal of the century!"



Head to your left, and follow the shoreline. I'm sure you'll find a village. And when you do, walk in as loud as possible!


Scan your local area for any villagers or life forms.




Soran: "I think I've been plenty loud enough. I seem to have attracted the attention of the locals."


Soran Analysis 


Soran Analysis Explanation
Regarding the Analysis:


I figure that some of you might have some questions about the analysis so here's my best explanation for what I assume to be the confusing parts.




If you notice on the top right, there is a marking for the day. The day is 13, but so far in the comic we haven't gone through an entire day yet. The comic started on the 13th day of his journey. 


Sanity Meter:


Underneath the picture of Soran is the Sanity Meter. The Sanity Meter starts at a base of 0 which is the middle. Depending on the suggestions you guys give will depend on his sanity. So for example, a command of, "Sail into the tornado," would be considered an insane command and would add one point to him being insane. While a command of, "Find a place to fish," would be considered a sane command and would add one point to him being sane. The points are added up over time so the more comics there are, the harder it will be to change his mental state. As of right now this doesn't do anything, it's really just an interesting graph I thought I would put out. So currently through these commands, Soran's mind is actually more sane than usual. 




Notoriety is linked entirely to quests. The more quests you complete per island, the higher your notoriety will be. Certain quests can only be started by reaching a high enough notoriety percentage on that island. This gives you an indication to how much more material you have left to find in the comic (if you choose to). As of right now your notoriety on almost all the islands is 0, meaning you haven't gone to them yet. The only islands you have visited is Xia, Stelt, and the Northern Continent. This was all before Soran's suffered from amnesia and before the comic started. 




Like any good game there are collectibles. For the most part, they aren't crucial to anything. You can avoid collecting them if you want to. Some of them give advantages while others are really just for fun.


Maps: Maps are one of the most important items you can get. Maps allow you to know where you are and to fast-travel. 

Here's an example of how they work: A lot of quests will have a character require you to go to another part of the island to do something. If you have a map of the island then the character will mark your map which will then allow you to quickly travel (pretty much teleport) there. 


Av-Matoran: These for the most part have no purpose. I just discovered that the Av-Matoran scattering is before the timeline of my comic so I figured I would relate it in some way, shape, or form. Since the Av-Matoran were scattered to different islands and given different disguises, this is a chance to find them. 

There are 14 Av-Matoran in total with each representing an element. The elements that are in use are; Fire, Water, Wind, Stone, Earth, Ice, Iron, Sonics, Psionics, Gravity, Plasma, Lightning, Magnetism, and "The Green". 

How will you find them? Simple, Matoran have certain things they are resistant to. So a Ko-Matoran is resistant to cold weather while an Av-Matoran is not. There is also a visual giveaway as well which is that all the Av-Matoran in the comics have yellow eyes. So certain types of matoran who have specific eye colors assigned to their element (e.g. Onu-matoran: green eyes) make this easy.

This doesn't mean that you have to interact with the matoran in any way. Merely seeing them in a panel counts as having found the matoran. All this collectible really is doing is rewarding exploration.


Armor, Attack Power, and Sense of Self:


Armor: Armor is measured by the natural defense of the creature. Why is Soran's armor 5/5 and not something lower since he is a matoran? Simple, he's a Fe-Matoran which are known for their endurance.


Attack Power: Attack Power is measured by the weapon that Soran has. Since he currently has no weapon he has no attack power.


Sense of Self: Sense of Self is directly related to the "Going Home" quest and it measures his awareness of who he is. Currently because of his sudden amnesia, this is low because he doesn't know who he is, where he's from or what his skills are. As the main quest progresses his Sense of Self will become higher and higher until eventually it reaches, "Perfect". This becomes much more important at the end of the series.



To Be Continued...



Author's Notes


Soran here. This was insane...


I thought I had a lot of commands/replies when I hit 13, but now I'm at about 32 last I counted. Because of this I obviously couldn't get to all the replies. Those will be carried over in the next comic. I put off doing certain commands for this comic as they can be more relevant in either the next comic or a later one.


I've decided to add/change a few things. I'm going to stick with the compass until you find a map of the island. These will be rather easy to find for the most part. I've also added an analysis for the character, Soran. This is similar to the inventory screens in certain video games and it gives the basis and information of his character from a 3rd person perspective. It also gives certain clues for things you have or things you can look out for. The analysis will be updated for every major change that happens to the character. So if he gains an item, starts a new quest, finishes a quest, his sanity has changed or a day has passed then the list will be updated. 


I would also like to thank you for the feature. Although I was expecting it (it seems to be a trend with CYOA comics) I wasn't expecting it to happen so soon. I only updated like twice, sheesh. I guess now I have to continue the series. 


I'll try to update soon with the next comic and the next batch of commands.


Thanks for reading and I hope you continue to enjoy the comic,



Edited by Soran
  • Upvote 7


Try asking the villager for supplies/shelter/directions, anything that could help.


Also, how do you make your MNOG style backgrounds?



Punch them.


Yes. Do this.


And then bury them in the sand and construct a makeshift grave before taking their face and using it to transform into a fish-creature.


Wait, wrong game.

  • Upvote 4

:a: :r: :z: :a: :k: :i:

I got Monster Hunter World on PS4, add me at bmrjw2 if you want

Also I play FFXIV, my main is Anastasia Willow on Exodus but I've got characters on every NA datacenter.


Do the normal thing. Speak to the matoran & ask for help. If he/she proves unhelpful, then just rip her mask off and throw it into the ocean.

  • Upvote 1

If you like Pingu & want to support a good project, click here. Also, I've rejoined the BZPRPG & I have a new profile for a new game. Click here to see it.




Punch them.



Do this, but then explain that punching people is how Matoran greet each other back home.


I second this.

  • Upvote 2

Everyone is one choice away from being the bad guy in another person's story.




Ask the Ga- Matoran... Oh wait! Are those yellow eyes? Av- Matoran located! *Insert level up sound effect here*. Anyways, ask the Av-Matoran if this is the Northern Continent, and if it is, ask her if she knows a "Nole".

  • Upvote 1

Unity, Duty, Destiny

-Toa Ouberry



Ask the Ga- Matoran... Oh wait! Are those yellow eyes? Av- Matoran located! *Insert level up sound effect here*. Anyways, ask the Av-Matoran if this is the Northern Continent, and if it is, ask her if she knows a "Nole".



The natural eye-colour of all Ga-Matoran is yellow.


He also said all the Av-Matoran had yellow eyes.

  • Upvote 1

Unity, Duty, Destiny

-Toa Ouberry

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