Electric Light Gunhaver Posted February 1, 2016 Posted February 1, 2016 Use the caught fish as a sacrifice. 3 Quote
Xboxtravis Posted February 1, 2016 Posted February 1, 2016 Relax on your fishing trip. Meditate, stare at the waves; bring your sanity back before we send you to deliver "the shipment" 4 Quote All aboard the hype train!
Dallior Posted February 3, 2016 Posted February 3, 2016 Relax and fish with Tilera. Then realize you have a fear of fish. Flip out and punch the fish in the face, telling Tilera you were "Greeting the fish". Then look at the shop and realize it is on fire. 4 Quote "Remember when the comics forum had a lot of good stuff? Let's make that a thing again." -Kazi the Matoran
Unit#phntk#1 Posted February 3, 2016 Posted February 3, 2016 Flip out and punch the fish in the face, telling Tilera you were "Greeting the fish".Do this and then eat the fish immediately. ~Unit#phntk#1 1 Quote BIONICLE MAFIA XLII: GRAVEYARD
Onaku Posted February 4, 2016 Posted February 4, 2016 Accidentally fish out a miniature toa temple, with a fully charged toa stone included. Realize you have no idea how this works and dump it back into the water. Then realize you have made a grave mistake, and jump in after it. And thus drown. And die. 1 Quote BZPRPG Profiles
Lemony Lepid Posted February 5, 2016 Posted February 5, 2016 (edited) Bend a spoon with your ironic powers. Be th--- Iron-ic? Ironic. IRONIC. Is... Is that why you're a matoran of iron? That's... Cool? *Shruggo* This was a stupid post, just make a cake out of sand. Edited April 6, 2016 by Kohnoh Toa of the Green 3 Quote ~~
Powermaster146 Posted February 19, 2016 Posted February 19, 2016 Burn the boat again. ...Or ask Tilera if you can head back to the mainland. #Fishingisboring 1 Quote __________ __ \______ \______ _ __ ___________ _____ _____ _______/ |_ ___________ | ___/ _ \ \/ \/ // __ \_ __ \/ \\__ \ / ___/\ __\/ __ \_ __ \ | | ( <_> ) /\ ___/| | \/ Y Y \/ __ \_\___ \ | | \ ___/| | \/ |____| \____/ \/\_/ \___ >__| |__|_| (____ /____ > |__| \___ >__| \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ .•°•.The Eviscerator.•°•.
DimensionPlant Posted February 20, 2016 Posted February 20, 2016 Fishing? i got you bud!*rolls d20*, 17!Have a noble huna for your outstanding effort! 3 Quote
Xboxtravis Posted February 21, 2016 Posted February 21, 2016 Fishing? i got you bud!*rolls d20*, 17!Have a noble huna for your outstanding effort!Even better, a Copper Huna! 2 Quote All aboard the hype train!
Sycron Posted February 23, 2016 Posted February 23, 2016 Sing a delightful folk song at the top of your lungs. 1 Quote Sycron's Comics - Ten Minutes Or Less - Here Come Dat Toi - The White Gryffon
DimensionPlant Posted March 4, 2016 Posted March 4, 2016 THE TIME IS NIGH! TURN INTO CTHULHU AND DESTROY PLUTO!muhahahaha 1 Quote
ToaTImeLord Posted March 27, 2016 Posted March 27, 2016 Go to the shop real quick to get a weapon then go fishing. Quote Hey I got a Flickr because I like making LEGO stuff. https://www.flickr.com/people/toatimelord/
Dallior Posted April 15, 2016 Posted April 15, 2016 ...hey Soran, is this comic still a thing? 1 Quote "Remember when the comics forum had a lot of good stuff? Let's make that a thing again." -Kazi the Matoran
Lemony Lepid Posted April 15, 2016 Posted April 15, 2016 ...hey Soran, is this comic still a thing?He has a very busy schedule. He isn't like me, he actually continues his comics after a hiatus. 2 Quote ~~
Ghidora131 Posted April 16, 2016 Posted April 16, 2016 ...hey Soran, is this comic still a thing?He has a very busy schedule. He isn't like me, he actually continues his comics after a hiatus. I checked his status updates, and his latest one was specifying how very busy he is. So be patient, my dear Dallior; it's coming eventually. 2 Quote
Xboxtravis Posted April 20, 2016 Posted April 20, 2016 ...hey Soran, is this comic still a thing?He has a very busy schedule. He isn't like me, he actually continues his comics after a hiatus. I checked his status updates, and his latest one was specifying how very busy he is. So be patient, my dear Dallior; it's coming eventually. Yeah can't blame anybody taking a hiatus for a while; its not like were being paid for this kind of stuff! So Soran best wishes with your school/finals/work and whatever is keeping you busy! 1 Quote All aboard the hype train!
Soran Posted April 22, 2016 Author Posted April 22, 2016 (edited) Make a romantic move on Tilera. Demand that you must catch a Takea Shark with your fishing rod, to prove to Tilera just how tough you really are. Sail out into deep, shark infested waters and then swim back to shore. Soran: "How appropriate that my maiden voyage would be complete with a beautiful water maiden by my side." Tilera: "It seems you're still waterlogged after your crash. With how unlucky you've been so far, do you really think you have a chance?"-----Soran: "Pfft, please. I'll show you how tough I am. Where's the Takea Sharks, I'll catch one with my bare hands." Tilera: "If you're trying to impress me, it isn't working." Wow, we made Soran slightly insane, that's some great progress. Anyway, I think you should sail 10 kilometers away from the beach and start fishing. go out and fish then come back and ask to see the ta-matoran. Oh and if there by any chance happens to be a matoran named solek destroy him immediately so that he never steals my $8. Ask Tilera if she has any extra widgets she could give. Soran: "So, I'm getting paid for this, right?" Tilera: "Is the joy of fishing not enough for you?" Soran: "No. I haven't really encountered anything yet." Tilera: "We'll see…" Soran: "Was that in response to the getting paid for this or the encountering anything?" -Tug, Tug- i wish there was fish with a kanohi kiril on Relax and fish with Tilera. Then realize you have a fear of fish. Flip out and punch the fish in the face, telling Tilera you were "Greeting the fish". Then look at the shop and realize it is on fire. Catch an eel, then accidentally let it escape onto the boat deck and go into a frenzy trying to catch it. Soran: "I did it, I caught something! What in Karzahni is this?" Tilera: "That would be a Kiril Eel. Be careful holding that, when it feels threatened it sends out an electrical charge."-----Soran: "Aah!" Pow! Pow! Pow! Tilera: "Just greeting the fish?" Soran: "What? Yeah, totally."-----Slip! Soran: "No! Darn thing is slippery! Come back here!" Bzzt, Zap! Soran: "Ow, knock it off tube fish!" Tilera: "Hurry up and catch it, you're shaking the boat."-----Soran: "Aha! Finally got it. It looks like it got too tired." Tilera: "Great, now what are you going to do with it?" Soran: "The only thing one can do at a time like this." Use the caught fish as a sacrifice. Go out into deep water and try to summon Cthulhu. Sing a delightful folk song at the top of your lungs. Run back and forth along the boat, chanting the ancient summoning ritual of Cthulhu. THE TIME IS NIGH! TURN INTO CTHULHU AND DESTROY PLUTO!muhahahaha Soran: "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!" Tilera: "At this point I feel like you should be paying me for this fishing trip." Soran: "The chant, it's not working." Tilera: "You're insane." Be hungry. Also, on the topic of Mavrik, he doesn't necessarily have to be a Ga-Matoran, (although he's supposed to be) he could be described as some blue coloured Matoran which can canonically be male and blue with blue eyes. Eat the first thing that you catch immediately Flip out and punch the fish in the face, telling Tilera you were "Greeting the fish".Do this and then eat the fish immediately. ~Unit#phntk#1 Grumble, Grumble Tilera: "Ugh… I know what you're going to do… Don't eat the fish." Soran: "Too late."-----Tilera: "So you just ate a raw fish, are you now going to wash it down with that bowl of poison you made earlier?" Soran: "Nah, I'm not hungry anymore. Don't have much use for it right now. I'll just empty it into the ocean." Tilera: "I'm sure it'll make great bait." Soran: "Really?" Tilera: "Sure, dead things float, right?" Lean over the edge of the boat and gaze thoughtfully into the blue abyss. Be sure not to fall in! Relax on your fishing trip. Meditate, stare at the waves; bring your sanity back before we send you to deliver "the shipment" Well, let's see... I suggest, after putting the fire out on your boat, you go to sea to fish and accidentally catch a legendary sea monster. Soran: "I wonder what life will bring me? Will I ever find my way home?"-----Crash! Soran: "Whoa! I knew the bait would work! What was that?" Tilera: "That was the Nakahika, a large sea serpent that circles around the Northern Continent. It's highly dangerous and we need to get out of here." Soran: "Ah, come on. I'm sure we can continue. It didn't look too scary." Tilera: "That's the issue; you saw it." Soran: "What do you mean?" Tilera: "The Nakahika doesn't normally show itself above the water. It always swims below when it's going to attack." Soran: "Isn't that good for us though…? I mean, we know where it is." Tilera: "You don't understand. It wasn't attacking us; it was fleeing." Soran: "Fleeing? From what?" Tilera: "Dark Hunters." Tilera: "Come on, steer the boat. We have to escape." Soran: "We're heading back to shore?" Tilera: "No, that's too dangerous. There are several matoran's homes near the shore; it'll only bring those matoran trouble. Just sail in random directions until they grow tired of chasing us. But be careful, their ship looks faster than your boat. One wrong move and we're done for. Now go!" To Be Continued... Soran Analysis Quest List And now for something new. This is the Quest List for the series, it is a list of all the quests I have written out so far. This will help those who are wishing to push toward the more story elements of the series be able to figure out where they should try to lead Soran. Each quest is listed with the title, requirements and the location of where to start each quest. I considered also putting the character's name that you receive the quest from but I decided against that. I also was considering putting the quest length beside each one as well but I decided against that as well as I figured that certain quests aren't as straightforward as others and may take longer to complete than intended. Also you may notice that there's somewhat of an order to the quests. The quests are arranged on the list from least requirements to the most requirements. This can help you as an audience gauge which quests are most crucial to complete comparatively. Game Instructions During their fishing trip Tilera notices some Dark hunters sailing through. She urges Soran to try to sail away from them but they are spotted. The Dark hunter’s ship gives chase. Soran must figure out the correct pattern to be able to escape. Instructions: Write down a 10-letter pattern using the following directions: [A] Up[b) Down[C] Left[D] Right Then, end the message with “Start”. Examples: 1.) [A][C][D][C][A][C][D] Start2.) Up Left Left Down Right Up Down Left Up Right Start3.) A B Left Right C D Up Down A B Start Besides the game, leave your thoughts on the series, I'd love to hear them. Game Hint Knowing is entirely the whole battle with this game. Only those who know what's being referenced will be able to win. No one else, in my opinion, will be able to figure it out unless they're just cleverly guessing in which case there's still a chance. At least, if they did that then it's really impossible to blame them as it's just based off of blind luck. My gut tells me that probably won't happen, however, if it does then there's really no stopping it. I do hope, however, that in the end you guys will be able to figure out the hidden code as it would be very fun for me if you did. Author's Notes Howdy, Soran here. So, first things first. I'm not off of hiatus. I just got bored enough and managed to reorganize my schedule to fit enough time to make a comic. I'm making this one to mainly announce a few things regarding this series or any other things I'm a part of on the site.Still on hiatus, will most likely continue to be on it for most of this year. No idea when I'll have enough time again to settle into making comics again. I do still enjoy making comics but at the moment it isn't a priority. That means that all of those are are wondering if I quit the series, I have not. I just don't have enough time to work on it. This is my official statement on the issue.Other less than specific announcements: Welcome to the first game that the series has. This one is a pattern game and it's really simple. Figure out the correct pattern. Each person who wishes to participate will write down a 10 direction/letter pattern and hope that yours is correct. I'm not sure how easy this will be for people, so since this is the first game I'm going to make it where if anyone guesses the correct pattern I'll simply use the correct one. I may create an updated analysis considering the amount of backward thinking commands Soran received, I think it's fairly certain that he's insane. Congratulations. Speaking of backwards thinking, I'm sadly going to have to put an end to a running joke it seems to the series commands. Please refrain from anything regarding Cthulhu, it's starting to get old and I can only make the same joke so many times without it getting boring and predictable. Also, I created a sig for the series. This was actually accidental and wasn't intentional. I was working on one of the panels for the comic and I accidentally added a special effect and I thought, "Huh, that looks neat." and I found out the size of it was 800x300 already so that's that. Maybe I'll make more, who knows. Anyway, here's hoping this update will keep you guys busy for a while, and thanks for understanding the situation. I'd also like to thank those who explained it as well as I know that not everyone pays attention to all portions of the site (myself included) and may not have seen my "announcement" so to speak. I try to refrain from posting in the topic anything that isn't a comic. So I hope you enjoy, ~Soran Extras: TRUTH Series Sig 1TRUTH Series Sig 2TRUTH Series Sig 3 Edited August 30, 2016 by Soran 4 Quote
Ghidora131 Posted April 22, 2016 Posted April 22, 2016 Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Start. 2 Quote
T-Dawg Posted April 22, 2016 Posted April 22, 2016 D D D D D D D D D D Start It had to be done. 1 Quote I'm just ToaD
Unit#phntk#1 Posted April 22, 2016 Posted April 22, 2016 Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Start I almost feel like this is a red herring and he's referring to something obscure. ~Unit#phntk#1 1 Quote BIONICLE MAFIA XLII: GRAVEYARD
Ghidora131 Posted April 22, 2016 Posted April 22, 2016 Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Start I almost feel like this is a red herring and he's referring to something obscure. ~Unit#phntk#1He's referencing a literal red herring. Catch a herring and paint it red. 1 Quote
Naota Takizawa Posted April 22, 2016 Posted April 22, 2016 (While I have to congratulate everyone for turning Soran insane, I kind of wish we all collaborated to make him mentally stable. Don't worry, we can make him stupid again.) The answer to the game better be the konami code, otherwise we're going to lose this part of the comic. I'll just type in Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Start. 1 Quote If you like Pingu & want to support a good project, click here. Also, I've rejoined the BZPRPG & I have a new profile for a new game. Click here to see it.
Toa Imrukii Posted April 22, 2016 Posted April 22, 2016 How about a Kanoka code of sorts? Would that suffice? 199? 1 Quote Quote: "Love has no fear, and no vengeance." | :i: | Andekas ⴳ A RUDE AWAKENING - A BIONICLE G1 Continuation and Video Game Project (ARTIST AND CONCEPTUALIST) | I am an ENFP, that is my Personality. Check Out Makuta Teridax: Reaper of Darkness | Check out my Taknuva Stars MOC | ⴳ
Endruv Posted April 22, 2016 Posted April 22, 2016 Up up down down left right left right B A startOnly like the most famous cheat code ever.Focus on your Mask of Light and try to become a Toa of Light. If that doesn't work, panic. 1 Quote Unity, Duty, Destiny-Toa Ouberry
Specter Knight Posted April 22, 2016 Posted April 22, 2016 It's good to see the Road to home Return! I would contribute with the arrow puzzle, but everyone seems to understand the reference already. Now, as Soran's going slightly insane, I'll try to return his sanity to normal over the next few chapters. 2 Quote (I'll do this eventually, I swear...) My BZPRPG Characters Corpus Rahkshi Characters: Kol Arsenal Swarm Amalgamation Skyrise Characters: Zavon
Taria Pakari Posted April 27, 2016 Posted April 27, 2016 B B B B B B B B B B START Ram the Dark Hunter's ship! I assume down is the way the the Dark Hunter's are given the direction the creature came from and also assuming down means behind Soran's ship. :v 1 Quote
Ghidora131 Posted April 27, 2016 Posted April 27, 2016 Ram the Dark Hunter's ship! I assume down is the way the the Dark Hunter's are given the direction the creature came from and also assuming down means behind Soran's ship. :vNo, it means underwater. Go underwater and explore the time-locked city of Hyrule. 1 Quote
J46 Nui Posted April 29, 2016 Posted April 29, 2016 Konami code Call all hands on deck and prepare for a dive. 1 Quote PSN ID: darthlegoGamertag: SPARTAN J46Steam name: jumpy46
Soran Posted April 30, 2016 Author Posted April 30, 2016 (edited) Burn the boat again. ...Or ask Tilera if you can head back to the mainland. #Fishingisboring Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Start. Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Start I almost feel like this is a red herring and he's referring to something obscure. ~Unit#phntk#1 (While I have to congratulate everyone for turning Soran insane, I kind of wish we all collaborated to make him mentally stable. Don't worry, we can make him stupid again.) The answer to the game better be the konami code, otherwise we're going to lose this part of the comic. I'll just type in Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Start. Konami code Call all hands on deck and prepare for a dive. Soran: "How are we doing?" Tilera: "It looks like they gave up. Great job evading them." Soran: "Thanks, so what now? Are we heading back to shore?" Tilera: "We probably should. Sail east from here." Soran: "Got'cha" Tilera: "Well, thanks for the help. I figure this should help you out with your travels." Soran: "You're welcome, and thanks. So what are you going to do now?" Tilera: "I'm heading home; I think I've had enough fishing for a while." Soran: "All right then. So long, and thanks again."~~~Soran: "I suppose now I should check out the shop." You should obviously try to hold the shop up at gunpoint. Swim to Metru Nui, become the Toa Metru of Light, and defeat Makuta with your awesomeness. You could take your boat too. Up up down down left right left right B A startOnly like the most famous cheat code ever.Focus on your Mask of Light and try to become a Toa of Light. If that doesn't work, panic. Soran: "I don't think it's a good idea to stick up the shop, especially since I don't have a gun. Maybe I can buy one from the shop." Soran: "How can I be a Toa of Light when I'm a Fe-matoran? Actually, can a Toa of Light even exist? Also why would I fight the Makuta? They aren't evil." Soran: "Hello, anyone here?" Nava: "Hello there, welcome to Nava's general shop. What's your name?" Soran: "My name is Soran, and I'm new to this island. I was recommended by a ga-matoran named Tilera to talk to you about the island." Nava: "Ah, Tilera. She's a regular customer of mine. You said you were new to this island, are you a traveler?" Soran: "I suppose I am." Go to the shop, get the map and a weapon if you can. Then take her out fishing. Go to the shop real quick to get a weapon then go fishing. Nava: "Then here, take this. It's a map of the island. We shop keepers like to make sure that people know their way around so if you ever stop off on some island you can always look for a shop to get info from." Soran: "All right, thank you." Nava: "So what can I do for you?" Soran: "Do you by chance have any weapons for sale?" Nava: "Nope. I'll give you some advice though. If you're looking for a weapon, I recommend heading to Xia, they've got a monopoly of those. Any weapons outside of Xia are practically trash and break too easily. Anything else I can do for you?" Go to the shop and get the map. Then see if you can trade the map for anything, then go to the the next shop and get another map. Repeat. Then when you have all the things you can get (though I doubt it's much), go deep sea fishing with Tilera. Soran: "How much can I get for this?" Nava: "Nice try, but you won't get anything for something I just gave you for free. Actually, I don't think any shops will take maps, they're practically useless on other islands and they're in full supply on their own islands." Nava: "Anything else I can do for you?" Soran: "Well, what do you have for sale?" Nava: "I've got quite a lot of useful items for any traveler. Nava: "I've got in stock; a light stone, a sleeping bag, some rope, and a Map of the Matoran Universe." Soran: "How much for the map?" Nava: "200 widgets." Soran: "Mata-nui, that's expensive!" Nava: "It's a sailor's best friend. It makes traveling between islands easy. It's pretty handy." Soran: "All right… How much for the rope then?" Nava: "I'm selling the rope for 4 widgets, the light stone for 8, and the sleeping bag for 12. Anything you're interested in?" Soran: "Hold on, I'm thinking…" Soran thinks: "With the rope I can possibly craft a makeshift weapon… But with the approaching night it might be wise to get a light stone… That is unless I just get a sleeping bag and simply sleep through the night. I don't have enough widgets for a sleeping bag though…" Soran: "Hey, what can I get for some shells?" Nava: "I'll buy shells for 3 widgets each. They're definitely useful for crafting things." Soran: "You said the map was 200 widgets… Right?" Nava: "That is correct." Soran: "Is there any way I can get a, uh... New customer discount? Nava: "That price isn't changing unless you're willing to help me out." Soran: "What do you need?" Nava: "Well, I've been at this shop for a while and this old counter of mine has seen some better days, I'd like to make it look new again which means I need some wood polish. The thing is though; I can't exactly leave my shop unattended. So if you're up for it, can you get me some wood polish from a nearby store and bring it to me? If you do then I'll gladly lower the price to a fair 75 widgets." Nava: "So think you can help me out? And are you interested in buying anything else?" What will you do? 2 polls to vote in this time! As always, I encourage all readers to vote, regardless if you have an account or not or if you're logged in or not. Barter ----- What should Soran buy? Vote for at most 2 items. The top 2 voted items are to be bought. (If there is a tie then I will flip a coin) Note: If the price exceeds Soran's current widget amount he will sell the minimum amount of necessary shells to be able to buy the items. Current Widgets: 10 Buy: Rope: 4 widgetsLight Stone: 8 widgetsSleeping bag: 12 widgets Sell:4x Sea Shell: 3 widgets each Soran Analysis Author's Notes Howdy, Soran here. It looks like you guys were able to easily answer last game's question, probably even without the hint I gave (which to those who might not have noticed it, was the fact that each capital letter in the game hint when taken and spelled out led to "Konami"). This is the easiest game that I wrote down so it's not really too big of a surprise that you guys got it. Don't expect too many easy ones though. Also, I may as well say what would've happened had you failed. Had you guys not guessed the Konami code, then the Dark Hunters would've captured Soran's ship and knocked out both Tilera and Soran. They would've taken Tilera as a prisoner to meet a quota and left Soran since he had no valuables on him. The quest would've then ended with Soran once again waking up in his boat on the western shores of the Northern Continent. Luckily you guys saved her, nice work. So this current comic introduced a few new elements. One is the fact that the sun is setting and thus, night is approaching. Night time is more or less similar to how it works in minecraft, where most of the more dangerous mobs or rahi in this case will be lurking about. This leads to the most important decision for you guys currently which is what to prioritize. What will you buy at the shop? Here's a run down on what each item does for those still formulating a decision. Rope: Rope is a craftable item and is used to make several different tools or repairs in the comic. The current craftable item that those of you may be interested in, however, is the makeshift weapon which can be crafted through having rope available and another item. If you make the wrong purchases though, you will not be able to make the makeshift weapon. Light Stone: A Light Stone is required to traverse through dark areas. This includes traveling through caves, large unlit structures and forests during the night. It also helps Soran pick out details in darkness and prevents most rahi from sneaking up on him in darkness. It is normally a common requirement for quests as well. Sleeping Bag: A Sleeping Bag is another item that is extremely useful. This item allows one to skip the night entirely. This makes traveling safer and is a useful tool for quests in general. Several quests will require Soran to wait up to a day or several days; through use of the sleeping bag it is possible to skip this wait time entirely by simply sleeping until the given day thus completing the quests quicker. It also makes Soran less likely to get too tired and allows Soran to simply sleep anywhere he wishes (without it you may be required to find a village, cave or tree canopy to sleep in). Map of the Matoran Universe: In actuality it is the Map of the known Matoran Universe, as charted by sailors. Certain islands are obviously omitted from being traveled to. This item is definitely one of the most useful items Soran will ever receive. It essentially is quick travel but between islands. With the map you simply say where you want to sail to like for example, "Soran, sail to Metru-Nui" and he will sail there. Without it you have to rely on simply compass directions and hoping that you're sailing the correct way. Without the map, there also would be comics in between of just Soran on the sea since the travel will take longer by compass. With the map, it skips this entirely. It also by default gives you the general outline of the island, similar to island specific maps. It also allows you to quick travel between islands even if you have not visited the island before. The only downside to this item is that you cannot quick travel on islands with it, only between islands, this is so that regular island specific maps still maintain a purpose besides just as collectibles.Each item has its uses, the question is which one do you guys think is most important? There's also the option to start another quest. This one is actually related to something someone had commented on earlier surprisingly enough. It has a similar theme to it. Also the name is a reference to something else if anyone can guess it. To those who enjoy traveling, I recommend this quest highly. This also introduces another character, a trader by the name of Nava. For those curious, she is a Vo-Matoran, or a Matoran of Lightning. She is very knowledgable about the Northern Continent so if there are any questions you wish for Soran to ask, then leave a comment. Along with that, Soran has received his first map which will stay in the top right corner unless requested otherwise. Soran's current location will always be marked by a red circle on the map. Other circles on the map will represent areas he can quick travel to (he must have traveled there before). This will make traveling very easy and will help move the comic along so there isn't too much repeating of situations. It will also make traveling by cardinal directions easier as the map is always north. Another important thing to notice is the tiny details put into the comic that help to date it for those who don't know when this comic takes place. Paying close attention to what characters say will give you important clues as to either where to go or what is taking place. One important one to notice is Soran's response to turning into a Toa of Light. As always, I'll still be taking any and all commands regardless of when they will be applied. So feel free to continue to comment them, otherwise I'll simply move the comic along in my own direction. Hopefully you guys enjoyed the comic and look forward to the next installment, ~Soran Edited April 30, 2016 by Soran 1 Quote
Naota Takizawa Posted April 30, 2016 Posted April 30, 2016 Thanks for telling us this game takes place before the League of Six Kingdoms' attempt to overthrow Mata Nui, now we know how to drive him insane. Also, a question for Nava from Soran: "Is there anything else I should know about this island?" Quote If you like Pingu & want to support a good project, click here. Also, I've rejoined the BZPRPG & I have a new profile for a new game. Click here to see it.
Specter Knight Posted April 30, 2016 Posted April 30, 2016 If Minecraft has taught me anything, it's that being alone in the dark with no light source is a BAD IDEA. That's why a Lightstone is handy to have. Also, How about selling some shells to get more money? It's not like we need them right now... Quote (I'll do this eventually, I swear...) My BZPRPG Characters Corpus Rahkshi Characters: Kol Arsenal Swarm Amalgamation Skyrise Characters: Zavon
Xboxtravis Posted May 1, 2016 Posted May 1, 2016 Polls not opening for me, so I'll let other members vote. But I agree that a light stone and a rope would be critical to Soran in the short-term. But we need that quick travel map in the long run. Also this "Vo-Matoran" has yellow eyes... If anybody knows what minigame I'm remembering. Also pleasantly surprised you got to do acomic again so quickly! (Also I know all Chluthu stuff is no longer welcome as a suggestion... But I am hoping you'll run this comic for months on months and THEN randomly drop a Chluthu jokes again. It would be the ultimate troll to ban us from making more of them, only to do one yourself far in the future...) 2 Quote All aboard the hype train!
J46 Nui Posted May 2, 2016 Posted May 2, 2016 Accept the quest. Sell the seashells by the seashore. Buy a lightstone. Ask Nava if you can stay at her hut or if she has someplace indoors you can stay. It is in her best interests for you to survive the night if she wants to get her wood polish. If you fail to find lodging, camp out in your boat. In any case, wait to morning to begin the new quest. Quote PSN ID: darthlegoGamertag: SPARTAN J46Steam name: jumpy46
McNugget Posted May 2, 2016 Posted May 2, 2016 Buy the rope, proceed to burn the boat with the rope, and then run off to somewhere else. Quote
Taria Pakari Posted May 2, 2016 Posted May 2, 2016 Buy the rope, proceed to burn the boat with the rope, and then run off to somewhere else. How would he manage to burn the boat with just a rope? :v Quote
McNugget Posted May 2, 2016 Posted May 2, 2016 Buy the rope, proceed to burn the boat with the rope, and then run off to somewhere else. How would he manage to burn the boat with just a rope? :v Friction 2 Quote
Voltex Posted May 8, 2016 Posted May 8, 2016 Buy the sleeping bag obviously It's the most expensive and is thus the best option 1 Quote is this the end?
noelscavers Posted May 17, 2016 Posted May 17, 2016 go super sayan and fly home 1 Quote Having trouble keeping your mask firmly attached to your face? Well then stop being Lewa!
Taria Pakari Posted May 17, 2016 Posted May 17, 2016 go super sayan and fly home I wonder, if Soran was to go super saiyan, would he look exactly like Takanuva? 3 Quote
noelscavers Posted May 17, 2016 Posted May 17, 2016 go super sayan and fly home I wonder, if Soran was to go super saiyan, would he look exactly like Takanuva? probaly along with a glowing aura 1 Quote Having trouble keeping your mask firmly attached to your face? Well then stop being Lewa!
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