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This is basically a flipped version of ArmstrongYong the X-Wing's topic


There has been so much negativity and toxicity going on in Bionicle discussion due to the whole cancellation rumor that I came to SL&T for a breath of fresh air.


So, title says all - who do you think is the best character in Bionicle G2?


For me, it should be obvious. G2 Pohatu is very, very different from G1 Pohatu, but that on its own isn't a negative, because G2 is its own things and doesn't have to ape G1 in all aspects.

Sure, some of Pohatu's actions in JtO are... questionable, but overall the more grounded and less cheery personality somehow fits him as well as the upbeat, happy personality did in G1.


Plus, you know, I'm a sucker for Pohatu.


Other than him, I really like Umarak. He's this super-powerful ancient evil who almost feels like a fell force of nature, but then he encounters Makuta who is even more powerful and "hires" him. He still tries to keep up the air of being the supreme antagonist about him, but is evidently under the shadow (pun intended) of Makuta the whole time.

He's almost... relatable?


I have said so many times before, but in my headcanon he still has the voice of a Mass Effect Reaper instead of Starscream.



  • Upvote 4

:kakama: Stone rocks :kakama:

Model Designer at The LEGO Group. Former contributor at New Elementary. My MOCs can be found on Flickr and Instagram

:smilepohatunu: :smilehuki:

Posted (edited)

Pohatu. I liked his story in Graphic Novel #1, where he finds the lost wolf cub whose mom got Skull Spider'd. First time we got to see what's behind his "tough guy" exterior. (And in my opinion, the only time any G2 Toa has felt like a fully realized, three-dimensional character.) After Umarak called him the "weakest link" of the Toa (that's right, pick on the brown sets...), his character started making a lot more sense to me, as someone who's a bit insecure and tries to overcompensate by acting gruff and serious.


Plus, he's Batman. :P

Edited by Disciple
  • Upvote 4

Onua,because he is lazy, snores, speaks in mostly one liners and hates labyrinths like me :P


In all seriousness, since I have only seen the animations and Journey to One, my favorite is Umarak. Of all the villans so far, he is the most competent in the sense that he actually beats the Toa to the mask. He is also not a simple drone of Makuta: He agrees to serve him, but not necesarily show him the utmost respect, and even in the end he tries to betray him only to end as his minions. Overall, I see him a s a guy who wants freedom: he wishes to plunge Okoto into darkness so nothing can endanger him, hence why he hunts the elemental creatures; being as old as he was, he probably knows about the mask of control and agrees to serve Makuta so he can get the mask for himself.

  • Upvote 1
Posted (edited)

I honestly would have to say i love the Tahu/Kopaka relationship this time around, which is funny cuz i found Gen1 Tahu and Kopaka to be really really forgettable outside Tahu being the angry and kopaka's famous "i work alone" line >o>




so yeah, tie for Tahu and Kopaka, seriously, why did Jt1 not have more of this?

Edited by Rahkshi Lalonde




Put me down for Umarak. Guy's got style.

"You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant."
-- Harlan Ellison




Ooh, let's see:


  • Ekimu and Makuta seem to be well-developed, what with the latest graphic novel and all. (Which I haven't read yet...)
  • Bingzak. He's the closest thing to Takua that we have in the canon. 
  • Umarak. He nearly beat the Toa, which says a lot about his competence and power level. 
  • Pohatu. He has potential to be a character with some layers. Gathering of The Toa is one of the few times we get to see the harsh, gruff Toa of Stone's softer side. The fact that he's shaping up to be a developed character is quite nice. 


I mean, aren't they all the same character?


While I somewhat disagree, the expression on the character in your profile pic matches your comment perfectly, I must say. :P

  • Upvote 1



A big thank you to Toucan Sam for the Okotian name.



:vahi: [ON HIATUS]  :vahi: 




There hasn't been too much character development to me, minus the latest graphic novel which really fleshed out Ekimu and Makuta. So going off that I believe Ekimu and Makuta, and the six ancient Protectors, are some very interesting characters to me. 



Bionicle: ANP aims to create narrated versions of all the Bionicle books, with voice actors for each character, and music taken from various media to enhance the story. Check here if you're interested in voicing a character, and here for the chapters that've already been released!

Formerly: Tahu Nuva 3.0

Looking for a Bionicle Beanie. Black one with the symbol on it. Contact me if you are willing to sell


I haven't read any of the novels or comics so I can't say for sure, but from what I gather from the '15 animations and JtO, Kopaka is a huge lovable goof. So, Kopaka for sure.

  • Upvote 1

I haven't read any of the novels or comics so I can't say for sure, but from what I gather from the '15 animations and JtO, Kopaka is a huge lovable goof. So, Kopaka for sure.

I think I've gotta agree with this. Kopaka gets all kinds of funny moments, both due to his more physiological weaknesses like his clumsiness and poor sense of direction, and his prideful refusal to admit those weaknesses to anyone even when they couldn't be more obvious. Thematically, he's also a really cool character (no pun intended) — he's got a very guarded, defensive personality that's reflected in his design, though the emphasis is not as strong in this year's set portrayal. Compared to G1 Kopaka, who was just plain ornery until he learned to be less of a loner, G2 Kopaka is a lot easier for me to relate to as somebody who's confident but always afraid to be caught slipping up (okay, THAT time the pun was intentional).


Design-wise, I'm partial to Gali, and I also think she's probably the character I'd get along with best. But the story has never really put her in a situation where her unique strengths and weaknesses are extremely evident. I hope she will get more chances to shine in the future.

  • Upvote 1

This is basically a flipped version of ArmstrongYong the X-Wing's topic


There has been so much negativity and toxicity going on in Bionicle discussion due to the whole cancellation rumor that I came to SL&T for a breath of fresh air.


So, title says all - who do you think is the best character in Bionicle G2?


For me, it should be obvious. G2 Pohatu is very, very different from G1 Pohatu, but that on its own isn't a negative, because G2 is its own things and doesn't have to ape G1 in all aspects.

Sure, some of Pohatu's actions in JtO are... questionable, but overall the more grounded and less cheery personality somehow fits him as well as the upbeat, happy personality did in G1.


Plus, you know, I'm a sucker for Pohatu.


Other than him, I really like Umarak. He's this super-powerful ancient evil who almost feels like a fell force of nature, but then he encounters Makuta who is even more powerful and "hires" him. He still tries to keep up the air of being the supreme antagonist about him, but is evidently under the shadow (pun intended) of Makuta the whole time.

He's almost... relatable?


I have said so many times before, but in my headcanon he still has the voice of a Mass Effect Reaper instead of Starscream.



Agreed Pohatu and Umarak are the best characters. It also helps for me as well I am a sucker for pohatu but also he got a lot more screen time in Jounrey to One than the other toa and actaully got character building on him and as you were saying that he is different than Gen 1 I believe that helped him even more as it would be giving the writers and story team an easy time with him as it probably gave them more creative freedom with his character.



"I believe in certainties. The strength of my limbs, the power of my mask, the sharp edges of my blades — that is what I build my plans around. Trickery, deception, complex strategies, they are for the weak! If you want power, and another has it, you get it not by outwitting him — you get it by stepping over his corpse." Makuta Icarax


 http://onvermelreport.blogspot.ca/ --- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaX7xUwGu9-8kVqQ4BqOxWw               


Posted (edited)

Pohatu did have some character development better than HF's Evo Pohatu began hating Scorpions and eventually liking his Scorpion creature.

Edited by Tahu3.0

I'm just a simple man, trying to make my way in the Matoran Universe


Got to say Umarak. It only took two years for Generation 2 to do what Generation 1 could never pull off: a competent, intelligent minion for Makuta who has his own agenda, but doesn't end up going out like a punk. In contrast to other fairly self-serving minions like Sidorak and Takadox, Umarak really seems to have lost for reasons beyond his control, not just being arrogant and overestimating his own power.

  • Upvote 3

"You are an absolute in these uncertain times. Your past is forgotten, and your
future is an empty book. You must find your own destiny, my brave adventurer.
-- Turaga Nokama


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