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Posted (edited)


Welcome to the discussion topic for Skyrise. All OOC-only conversations, as well as profiles, are to be posted here. If you've got any questions, this is the place for them, too. 
Please use the following templates for profiles:

Name: what do they call themselves?
Species: what species are they? Most canon species will be taken into consideration, but it will ultimately be up to the GM’s discretion as to what races are approved.
Gender: does your character identify as male, female, neither, both, etc.
Powers: include here things like elemental affinity, vision powers, and so on.
Gear: this is where weapons, Kanohi, as well as items such as Rhotuka/Zamors should be listed.
Personal Aircraft: if they have one, list it here. This includes jetpacks.
Allegiance/Role: Which settlement are they from? Are they a ranger, criminal, outcast, captain, etc?  
Appearance: pretty straightforward - what does your character look like? Can be a short description, a MOC, etc.
Personality: some description regarding what your character is like as a person.
Bio: Give us a bit of insight into your character’s past. Where did they come from, why did they choose this particular lifestyle/profession, etc.
Name: what does your character call their craft?
Model: what type of craft is it?
Weaponry: what weapons does your craft have? Feel free to use canon weapons or come up with your own, but please try to be reasonable about it.
Customisation: There is limited room for additional modifications to be applied to some aircraft. This can take the form of extra armour plating, thrusters to aid in manoeuvrability, reinforcement to the cockpit or other vulnerable areas, and so on. Again, be reasonable.
Appearance: What does the craft look like? Does it have a custom paint job, extra spikes, etc. 

This post will also hold links to all approved characters and aircraft, as well as the profiles of important NPCs,, and various other events and notes of importance.
Approved Characters:
Click: Ailun and The Moa, Fifteen and The Iron Hawk. Serka and the Thornatus VX. Mirror and The Ricochet. Garuda and The Sand Bat. Virse and Heremus' Revenge
Imrukii: Ezoba and The Terani
Aussie Bane: Taurek and The Deliverance. Voyin and The Flight. Wehtok and the Troubled Killer.
SnowyAegis: Akita and the Jadikuu. Sayana and The Valati.
Coconut Fanatic: Threiaa and Pakari's Maiden. Tveke and the Second Breath. Maxilos-042 and the Red Hydraxon. Bai Bai and the Babylon. Clos'utu and The Truth.
Constructman: Antaine and the Kofo-Piraka. Erland and the Sky Spikit. Skrall/Sutrox and Fist.
Ehksidian: Karanta and the Freefalling. Ennanas and the Ahab, Vanox and the Nynrah Bomber. 
permanentlyExtinct: Parii. Ektana and The Machete.
Daronus: Zavon and the Sunset Rider.
Timageness: Saffina and the Crimson Takea.
The Silent King: Kathok Hann and the Sunmaker.
Toa Onaku: Porangi and The Clanka-Clunk. Drukann and Irnakk's Inferno. Eiyu.
FallenAtlas: Otho and The Erika.
Ghidora131: Maldrakk and the Bloodbath, Dessimus and the Rie-Cahere.
ZippyWharrgarbl: Rorohiko. Armani and THESE Guns. Matilda and Trash of the Desert. 
Young Wade: Vin Halett and the Lady Specter.
Americana: Ezezko For Hire.
evil_jaga_genius: Dedris Omekka and The Chieftain.
Koala Kranan: Katana and The Rogue.
porkypiny: Voturia and The Skyblade.
capMARVELOUS: Tolo and the Initial Disappointment. Morga and the Rainbow Romeo. Hestela and The Vista Baby.

A Forgotten Soul: Aukume and the Sand Shark. 
Important NPCs:
New Atero: Varim and The Gravity Of The Situation. 'Slimy Joe', 'Bloat' and the Makuta Killer. Hakkzan. Doctor K.
Cliffside: Silvana and the Whisper. Barlow. Blackbristle and the King Irnakk's Revenge. 
Tesara: Jira and The Tesaran Breeze, Those Two Guards.
Fe: Xaril and The Iron Fist Of Fe, The Overseer.
Notice Board:
Welcome To The Great Barren (Intro Post)
The Settlements (Expanded Location Descriptions)
Just Another Day (Ooh, plot!)


From Skyrise to Nightfall (More plot)


A New Dawn (some changes to how I'll be running things)

Edited by Nato The Traveler
  • Upvote 2

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Ballads of the Bionicle - lore/character songs

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash, The Outsiders

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

Posted (edited)

Yes! Finally! I'm going to get the first profile in. :D


Name: Ailun
Species: Ce-Matoran
Gender: Male
Powers: Strong mental shielding
Gear: Ailun carries a large leather tool belt with him wherever he goes on the ship, filled with just about anything he might need to fix it up. On his back, he carries a modified single-shot Firework Rifle with burning, flash-grenade like rounds.
Personal Aircraft: The Moa
Allegiance/Role: Neutral scavenger, Moa Engineer.
Appearance: Ailun is a tall and exceptionally fit Matoran of Psionics, clad in blue and yellow. Straps and clips are built into his armor for attaching himself to any side of his ship. Ailun’s Kanohi Iden was damaged as he fled the GSR, and the left side of it has been replaced with a telescopic eyepiece.
Personality: Ailun’s personality was always at odds with the reclusive and meditative Ce-Matoran. Over time, he developed a quiet sort of facade to appease the elders, but get him talking about his ship and he won’t be able to stop. Ailun can be excitable and energetic, especially when working on an interesting project. He rarely seems to stop working, known to be performing checks and double checks on every inch of his ship while carrying on a conversation. In fact, he seems to be a fish out of water when he’s away from his home in the sky, and becomes nervous and fidgety.
Bio: Ailun only ever stayed on the remote “Second Spire” of the Ce-Matoran because he had nowhere else to go, not that anyone else wanted him there, disturbing their meditations with his crafting and excitement. As the universe fell, he was one of the first to leave it behind in hopes of finding something new. Unfortunately, he didn’t make it out unscathed. But once he had settled into New Atero, he found he wasn’t any more comfortable among the rigid and restrictive society of survivors. He wanted freedom… and had no real way to get it besides the work of his own two hands… the work that would soon be called The Moa.
Personal Aircraft: The Moa
Model: Airship
Weaponry: The Moa has no armaments of its own, though the hull is scattered with narrow arrow slits for the crew to fire out of. A few of these have been fitted with mounted small-arm launchers of whatever type Ailun can scrape up.
Appearance: The Moa appears just about as airworthy as its namesake. Cobbled together from scraps of airships of all shapes and sizes, The Moa resembles a flying junkheap, with a roughly spherical shape broken by a tall pillar at the front where the bridge resides. Cables and nets are draped haphazardly across the hull for Ailun’s quick access. The secondary engine room dangles from the rear of the craft in the bottom at the end of its chute propulsion system, accessible only by a narrow open walkway across the top of the chute. The front opens revealing a spacious cargo bay. The remainder of the upper portion of the craft is occupied by shoddy rooms for the crew and a mess hall.


Name: Fifteen
Species: Fe-Matoran
Gender: Female
Powers: More endurance than other Matoran
Gear: Fifteen wields an electric stun staff.
Personal Aircraft: The Iron Hawk
Allegiance/Role: Fe Border Guard
Appearance: Fifteen’s armor is a dull, worn grey with the occasional hint of vibrant orange organics bubbling up like lava through the ash. Emblazoned on one shoulder are the Matoran numerals for 15. She wears a grey Kualsi.
Personality: Fifteen is quiet and secretive, even compared to other inhabitants of Fe. When she isn’t up in the sky, she spends her evenings locked away in her home. But when she is on duty, she takes her job very seriously. As a former Nynrah Ghost, she understands Fe’s secrecy better than many of its inhabitants, and she sees herself as the only barrier between its way of life and the outside world. However, the only thing she takes more seriously than protecting Fe is the sanctity of life. Her weapons are nonlethal and designed for incapacitating rather than damaging the victim or their aircraft.
Bio: Fifteen was the only name she had ever known. She was a subject of some failed Ghost project that erased her memory and sent her running away from her home. She wandered the universe, eventually returning to Nynrah with no knowledge of the place or what they had done to her. She was welcomed back among the society and she continued to build for many years.
Like most of her kind, Fifteen found her home in Fe as the planet shook itself apart. She was one of the lucky ones that made it to stable ground. She found her place assembling aircraft, but when strangers began to break through the defenses, she quickly signed up to defend the border with her custom Skyfighter.

Personal Aircraft: The Iron Hawk
Model: Skyfighter
Weaponry: Impact Crystal Launcher, useful for disabling smaller craft and even bringing down airships with multiple shots.
Appearance: Fifteen has modified her Skyfighter, moving the cumbersome engine pod beneath the wings and pilot seat. The result is a sleek, W-shaped craft with a crystal launcher mounted under the seat.

Edited by Click
Posted (edited)

This is my first time making a character profile for an RPG proper, so I hope this is acceptable.


Name: Ezoba

Species: Glatorian

Gender: Male by birth, personally identifies as Neither.

Powers: Incredible Agility and Speed

Gear: A Strong and Straight One-Handed Long Sword, you could bend this blade nearly at a ninety degree angle and it would retain it's original shape.

Personal Aircraft: 'Terani'

Allegiance/Role: Originating from New Atero, an outcast rogue occationally working as a Mercenary, but does indapendant missions on their own, often travelling around in search of artifacts and relics from centuries prior. But sometimes just travles to see the world.

Appearance: A tall yet incredibly fit individual, clad in armor of moderate thickness from head to toe, their helmet looks almost knight-like, two short featherings inbetween the cheek and ear area of the helmet, the mask is grated over the eyes, and the mouth is covered up by a cone shaped muzzle. Their chest armor is the thickest, looking like a large plate of metal, bent and shaped to fit on their shoulders, flairing out into shoulder guards, within the middle of the chest armor lay a single white gem. Below the chest is lamellar, and below that they have a skirt of chainmail which protects their upper legs, along with fabric pants, on their lower legs they wear sturdy metal boots, which do not restrict their agility. Their arms are much the same, on the upper arms they have lamellar, and on their lower arms, they have long gauntlets.

Personality: A rough individual, enjoys being a outcast loner, finding great joy in traveling on their own long distances and seeing the world before them.

Bio: Originating from New Atero, Ezoba in their early life was left orphaned after tragedy struck their immediate family. Due to this, they were left with two options, survive or die. From their early age they learned to fight, practicing sparring and athletic parkour, until they were able to block the blows from ten men, and were able to jump long ranges across plateaus.



Name: Terani

Model: Jetrax

Weaponry: None

Customisation: Modified Thrusters to help with mobility in-air, and Air Brakes.

Appearance: Terani is painted to mimic the berran landscape. Needless to say, it can sometimes be hard to find it again if Ezoba strays too far away.

Edited by Spoopy Imrukii

Quote: "Love has no fear, and no vengeance." |

:t: :m_o: :a: :i: :m: :r: :u: :k: :i: :i: | mEaHKlH.pngAndekas



Posted (edited)


Name: Maldrakk

Species: Skakdi

Gender: Male

Powers: Impact vision, elemental power of fire useable in conjunction with another friendly Skakdi.

Gear: Maldrakk carries a large machete with a jagged edge. He also has several small bags of broken glass inside a leather pouch, along with a small dagger.

Personal Aircraft: Bloodbath

Allegiance/Role: New Atero - Outcast/Captain

Appearance: Maldrakk is incredibly muscular. Standing just over average Skakdi height, he is a brilliant crimson, and so are his teeth - an odd genetic trait he's not willing to talk about. Beautiful green eyes, and the most horrifying face you'll ever see, with deep vertical grooves sliced into the flesh, leaving notorious scars he does his best to conceal with low-grade makeup.

Personality: Maldrakk is in full support of the silent cause for New Atero. This being said, he has a reputation as a dangerous ruffian throughout multiple places, and he's more than willing to act the part. Clever, deceptive, and intensely loyal to his superiors.

Bio: In the military of New Atero, Maldrakk made a name for himself, being able to blend in with the notorious crowds at Cliffside, and even gaining a reputation of being a good customer at Fe. That said, he is a spy of the highest capability, finding some way to get everywhere without any suspicion as to his activities. He is currently being tasked with finding out the maximum capacity for Tesara's willingness, and the direct path to the entrance of Fe.



Name: Bloodbath

Model: Axalara, class T-9

Weaponry: Bloodbath carries two modified skyblasters, with ammunition feeds inside the chamber of the machine. They fire electricity zamor of high potential, modified specifically to pass through only entirely mechanical substances, and possibly shut down the flight mechanisms of smaller craft, and disable the weapons of larger ones. The bomb bay has been converted into a storage compartment, although it could just as easily 'store' explosives.

Customization: Bloodbath features a quick-raise blast shield, which cuts off the view of the pilot but also blocks enemy fire from smashing into the pilot's head. It's set at an angle of usage, to possibly redirect direct shots to fly above the target.

Appearance: Bloodbath is painted a dual set of colours, to appear as a shiny if dulled and scratched gray during the day, and disappear into a near-black coat at night. During the evening and morning, it's rather painful to look at.



Name: Dessimus

Species: Onu-Matoran

Gender: Male

Powers: Increased night vision, elemental tie to earth.

Gear: Dessimus wears a set of armour, not covering the face, hands, or feet, made out of the armour on the Axalara model. It is quite heavy, but just light enough to allow for reasonable movement. He wears a powerless Kraakhan, made by traders in Cliffside. He has two metal knuckle dusters with ridges over the knuckles, and a small wire cutter.

Personal Aircraft: Rie-cahere

Allegiance/Role: Fe - Mercenary 

Appearance: Dessimus is tall for a Matoran, with wide shoulders, and rather strong. 

Personality: Solitary, independent, stands up for the weak, masterless, friendless, and sometimes soulless. He's out to make his own course in the world, to stand by the right, to mesh into society and then revolutionize it, to stand by kings and crush others to the ground.

Bio: Dessimus watched the world crumble before him, and he was considered dead after helping some other Matoran escape from a cave-in. He awoke in Fe, and has remained attached to that group of Matoran ever since. Despite his close connection with the governing body there, he is not fully trusted yet, and is still let out and brought back in blindfolded.



Name: Rie-cahere

Model: Jetrax

Weaponry: The primary weapon of the Rie-cahere is a force blaster with some very odd symbols along the front, an ancient Agori writing that means 'poisoned'. The other two side weapons are Vykron-class gravity beams - steady, non-lethal laser beams that focus on a target and begin to increase the gravity as long as the beam connects. The weapon is relatively silent, but if the target disconnects with the beam for even a moment, the added gravity loses effect entirely.

Customization: Dessimus has added a special system to the inside of the cockpit. Secured by a tough windshield, a series of mechanical arms attached to the cockpit and seat automatically recalibrate to whichever way the ship moves suddenly, acting as automatic suspension, letting him pull off very dangerous turns and twists without running any major risks. However, they do absolutely nothing in the case of a head-on collision. The controls have been adjusted in their positions for easier reach, but are otherwise unmodified.

Appearance: Dessimus has modified the frame of the ship to make it more streamlined, faster, and harder to hit. The standard colours of blue and silver have been dulled away and repainted with a muddy colour to blend in with canyon walls, easily detected when above the sands that make up the vast wastes.


Now I'm sure I did a hundred things wrong with this profile, again, so bear with me.

Edited by The Ghrinch
Posted (edited)

Ghidora, I'm going to save Nato the trouble and tell you that, in a game that has gone to great lengths to abolish Toa, a Toa Stone is never going to get approved, regardless who it's for.


Also, as was just noted in Corpus, that swordbreaker is going to be the opposite of helpful with anything thicker than a rapier.


I've got to admit, you have some clever ideas for weapons, but I'll let Nato decide if they are reasonable for the game, along with the backstories.

Edited by Click
Posted (edited)

Name: Taurek


Species: Steltian Bruiser (Krekka's species)


Gender: Male


Powers: Extreme strength, way more than that of a Toa, and is actually fairly smart (unusual for his species), which makes up for his lack of natural powers.


Gear: His main weapon is a zamor launcher that attaches to his left arm. This zamor launcher possesses a stolen laser targeting device which makes it easier to aim with. The launcher is easily fed, using a magazine so that Taurek can easily push in rounds. Taurek has light, metal zamors to load the launcher with. He also has a shortsword, Wete, which was stolen from his original master. This shortsword is made of Protosteel, and is very sturdy for its size. He also possesses a small pack which contains extra ammunition.


Personal Aircraft: Deliverance


Allegiance/Role: Ex-slave/mercenary, no allegiance.


Appearance: Taurek is big, like all Bruisers. However, unlike (arguably) the most well known Bruiser, Krekka, he isn't mechanically enhanced. He is predominantly light grey, with white as his secondary color. His eyes are a deep blue, and his face bears a few scars. He is just a little taller than Krekka. The back of his left leg is scarred, from an accident early on in his life, preventing him from being able to fly. His pack is usually found slung around his torso, resting on his thigh. Everything else about him is rather standard for his species, albeit his fists being a little less claw like than his compatriots.


Personality: Distrusting, has an extremely negative outlook to Matoran and Steltian Elites due to his past. He is actually fairly smart, which is unusual for his species.


Bio: Taurek was a slave in the Cliffside for the longest of time, being used for physical labor such as building houses. His inability to fly naturally due to an early disability prevented him for escaping for a long time, and Taurek was forced to do hard work for a Fe-Matoran inventor for a very long time. Bruisers were descriminated against after the migration because of their history as physical labor workers, so Taurek was no exception. Eventually, Taurek rebelled against his master, stealing his sword, modified zamor launcher and his ship, and setting himself free.



Name: Deliverance

Model: Rockoh

Weaponry: Kanoka launcher, loaded with freeze discs, with weaken discs on the standby.

Customisation: Since his escape, Taurek has modified his stolen ship significantly, the armor for the Deliverance has been reinforced, allowing it to take more hits, and it also has extra space for ammunition.

Appearance: Taurek's Rockoh is a copper color rather than green, and the armor has been reinforced, giving it a more militarized look. Other than that, it's fairly average.

Edited by QuIn




What exactly are customization slots? What do they allow for? I had extra engines, ramming shields, and bomb deployment systems in mind; am I off the mark?


Could you sacrifice a vehicle's weapons in exchange for an extra customization slot?


Okay dokey, let the games begin. 


Name: Ailun

Species: Ce-Matoran
Gender: Male
Powers: Strong mental shielding
Gear: Ailun carries a large leather tool belt with him wherever he goes on the ship, filled with just about anything he might need to fix it up. On his back, he carries a modified single-shot Firework Rifle with burning, flash-grenade like rounds.
Personal Aircraft: The Moa
Allegiance/Role: Neutral scavenger, Moa Engineer.
Appearance: Ailun is a tall and exceptionally fit Matoran of Psionics, clad in blue and yellow. Straps and clips are built into his armor for attaching himself to any side of his ship. Ailun’s Kanohi Iden was damaged as he fled the GSR, and the left side of it has been replaced with a telescopic eyepiece.
Personality: Ailun’s personality was always at odds with the reclusive and meditative Ce-Matoran. Over time, he developed a quiet sort of facade to appease the elders, but get him talking about his ship and he won’t be able to stop. Ailun can be excitable and energetic, especially when working on an interesting project. He rarely seems to stop working, known to be performing checks and double checks on every inch of his ship while carrying on a conversation. In fact, he seems to be a fish out of water when he’s away from his home in the sky, and becomes nervous and fidgety.
Bio: Ailun only ever stayed on the remote “Second Spire” of the Ce-Matoran because he had nowhere else to go, not that anyone else wanted him there, disturbing their meditations with his crafting and excitement. As the universe fell, he was one of the first to leave it behind in hopes of finding something new. Unfortunately, he didn’t make it out unscathed. But once he had settled into New Atero, he found he wasn’t any more comfortable among the rigid and restrictive society of survivors. He wanted freedom… and had no real way to get it besides the work of his own two hands… the work that would soon be called The Moa.
Personal Aircraft: The Moa
Model: Airship
Weaponry: The Moa has no armaments of its own, though the hull is scattered with narrow arrow slits for the crew to fire out of. A few of these have been fitted with mounted small-arm launchers of whatever type Ailun can scrape up.
Appearance: The Moa appears just about as airworthy as its namesake. Cobbled together from scraps of airships of all shapes and sizes, The Moa resembles a flying junkheap, with a roughly spherical shape broken by a tall pillar at the front where the bridge resides. Cables and nets are draped haphazardly across the hull for Ailun’s quick access. The secondary engine room dangles from the rear of the craft in the bottom at the end of its chute propulsion system, accessible only by a narrow open walkway across the top of the chute. The front opens revealing a spacious cargo bay. The remainder of the upper portion of the craft is occupied by shoddy rooms for the crew and a mess hall.


This all seems fine. Ailun and The Moa are both Approved.


Name: Fifteen

Species: Fe-Matoran
Gender: Female
Powers: More endurance than other Matoran
Gear: Fifteen wields an electric stun staff.
Personal Aircraft: The Iron Hawk
Allegiance/Role: Fe Border Guard
Appearance: Fifteen’s armor is a dull, worn grey with the occasional hint of vibrant orange organics bubbling up like lava through the ash. Emblazoned on one shoulder are the Matoran numerals for 15. She wears a grey Kualsi.
Personality: Fifteen is quiet and secretive, even compared to other inhabitants of Fe. When she isn’t up in the sky, she spends her evenings locked away in her home. But when she is on duty, she takes her job very seriously. As a former Nynrah Ghost, she understands Fe’s secrecy better than many of its inhabitants, and she sees herself as the only barrier between its way of life and the outside world. However, the only thing she takes more seriously than protecting Fe is the sanctity of life. Her weapons are nonlethal and designed for incapacitating rather than damaging the victim or their aircraft.
Bio: Fifteen was the only name she had ever known. She was a subject of some failed Ghost project that erased her memory and sent her running away from her home. She wandered the universe, eventually returning to Nynrah with no knowledge of the place or what they had done to her. She was welcomed back among the society and she continued to build for many years.
Like most of her kind, Fifteen found her home in Fe as the planet shook itself apart. She was one of the lucky ones that made it to stable ground. She found her place assembling aircraft, but when strangers began to break through the defenses, she quickly signed up to defend the border with her custom Skyfighter.

Personal Aircraft: The Iron Hawk
Model: Skyfighter
Weaponry: Impact Crystal Launcher, useful for disabling smaller craft and even bringing down airships with multiple shots.
Appearance: Fifteen has modified her Skyfighter, moving the cumbersome engine pod beneath the wings and pilot seat. The result is a sleek, W-shaped craft with a crystal launcher mounted under the seat.


Alright, now that you've made those edits we discussed, this one looks good as well. Fifteen and The Iron Hawk both Approved.


Name: Ezoba
Species: Glatorian
Gender: Male by birth, personally identifies as Neither.
Powers: Incredible Agility and Speed
Gear: A Strong and Straight One-Handed Long Sword, you could bend this blade nearly at a ninety degree angle and it would retain it's original shape.
Personal Aircraft: 'Terani'
Allegiance/Role: Originating from New Atero, an outcast rogue occationally working as a Mercenary, but does indapendant missions on their own, often travelling around in search of artifacts and relics from centuries prior. But sometimes just travles to see the world.
Appearance: A tall yet incredibly fit individual, clad in armor of moderate thickness from head to toe, their helmet looks almost knight-like, two short featherings inbetween the cheek and ear area of the helmet, the mask is grated over the eyes, and the mouth is covered up by a cone shaped muzzle. Their chest armor is the thickest, looking like a large plate of metal, bent and shaped to fit on their shoulders, flairing out into shoulder guards, within the middle of the chest armor lay a single white gem. Below the chest is lamellar, and below that they have a skirt of chainmail which protects their upper legs, along with fabric pants, on their lower legs they wear sturdy metal boots, which do not restrict their agility. Their arms are much the same, on the upper arms they have lamellar, and on their lower arms, they have long gauntlets.
Personality: A rough individual, enjoys being a outcast loner, finding great joy in traveling on their own long distances and seeing the world before them.
Bio: Originating from New Atero, Ezoba in their early life was left orphaned after tragedy struck their immediate family. Due to this, they were left with two options, survive or die. From their early age they learned to fight, practicing sparring and athletic parkour, until they were able to block the blows from ten men, and were able to jump long ranges across plateaus.

Name: Terani
Model: Jetrax
Weaponry: None
Customisation: Modified Thrusters to help with mobility in-air, and Air Brakes.
Appearance: Terani is painted to mimic the berran landscape. Needless to say, it can sometimes be hard to find it again if Ezoba strays too far away.


I'm not seeing any glaring issues here, so consider Ezoba and the Terani Approved as well. 



Name: Maldrakk

Species: Skakdi

Gender: Male

Powers: Impact vision, elemental power of fire useable in conjunction with another friendly Skakdi.

Gear: Maldrakk carries a large machete with a jagged edge. He also has several small bags of broken glass inside a leather pouch, along with a small dagger.

Personal Aircraft: Bloodbath

Allegiance/Role: New Atero - Outcast/Captain

Appearance: Maldrakk is incredibly muscular. Standing just over average Skakdi height, he is a brilliant crimson, and so are his teeth - an odd genetic trait he's not willing to talk about. Beautiful green eyes, and the most horrifying face you'll ever see, with deep vertical grooves sliced into the flesh, leaving notorious scars he does his best to conceal with low-grade makeup.

Personality: Maldrakk is in full support of the silent cause for New Atero. This being said, he has a reputation as a dangerous ruffian throughout multiple places, and he's more than willing to act the part. Clever, deceptive, and intensely loyal to his superiors.

Bio: In the military of New Atero, Maldrakk made a name for himself, being able to blend in with the notorious crowds at Cliffside, and even gaining a reputation of being a good customer at Fe. That said, he is a spy of the highest capability, finding some way to get everywhere without any suspicion as to his activities. He is currently being tasked with finding out the maximum capacity for Tesara's willingness, and the direct path to the entrance of Fe.



Name: Bloodbath

Model: Axalara, class T-9

Weaponry: Bloodbath carries two modified skyblasters, with ammunition feeds inside the chamber of the machine. They fire electricity zamor of high potential, modified specifically to pass through only entirely mechanical substances, and possibly shut down the flight mechanisms of smaller craft, and disable the weapons of larger ones.

Customization: Bloodbath features a quick-raise blast shield, which cuts off the view of the pilot but also blocks enemy fire from smashing into the pilot's head. It's set at an angle of usage, to possibly redirect direct shots to fly above the target.

Appearance: Bloodbath is painted a dual set of colours, to appear as a shiny if dulled and scratched gray during the day, and disappear into a near-black coat at night. During the evening and morning, it's rather painful to look at.


Uh, maybe I'm misunderstanding something here, but parts of Maldrakk's profile seem to directly contradict each other. There are only four settlements, so how can he have a reputation for being a 'dangerous ruffian throughout multiple places', but still hold a high rank in New Atero, and be on good terms with everyone in Cliffside, Fe, and (I assume, based on the fact that he's been tasked with gauging their 'willingness') Tesara as well. 


As for the Bloodbath, I'm going to say right now that if, in dogfights, that blast shield is consistently, conveniently being used to reflect people's shots right back at them, I'm not going to be happy. I'd also like some clarification for how that colour-changing paint actually works. 



Name: Dessimus

Species: Onu-Matoran

Gender: Male

Powers: Increased night vision, elemental tie to earth.

Gear: Dessimus wears a set of armour, not covering the face, hands, or feet, made out of the armour on the Axalara model. It is quite heavy, but just light enough to allow for reasonable movement. He wears a powerless Kraakhan, made by traders in Cliffside. Dessimus also wields a sword-breaker dagger, allowing him to catch swords along the shaft and snap them in two. He also owns a Toa Stone of Water, looking for a Matoran of water to fill the position.

Personal Aircraft: Rie-cahere

Allegiance/Role: Fe - Mercenary 

Appearance: Dessimus is tall for a Matoran, with wide shoulders, and rather strong. 

Personality: Solitary, independent, stands up for the weak, masterless, friendless, and sometimes soulless. He's out to make his own course in the world, to stand by the right, to mesh into society and then revolutionize it, to stand by kings and crush others to the ground.

Bio: Dessimus watched the world crumble before him, and he was considered dead after helping some other Matoran escape from a cave-in. He awoke in Fe, and has remained attached to that group of Matoran ever since. Despite his close connection with the governing body there, he is not fully trusted yet, and is still let out and brought back in blindfolded.



Name: Rie-cahere

Model: Jetrax

Weaponry: Three modified, rotating Nyhrah Ghost Blasters, which are 50% faster than normal ones, and 25% more accurate. They allow for the mental control of any mechanical substance they hit, letting him take complete control over smaller craft and complete control over whatever specific mechanisms it hits on larger craft.

Customization: Dessimus has added a special system to the inside of the cockpit. Secured by a tough windshield, a series of mechanical arms attached to the cockpit and seat automatically recalibrate to whichever way the ship moves suddenly, acting as automatic suspension, letting him pull off very dangerous turns and twists without running any major risks. However, they do absolutely nothing in the case of a head-on collision.

Appearance: Dessimus has modified the frame of the ship to make it more streamlined, faster, and harder to hit. He has painted it in tiny squares, a painstaking job, but a brilliant effect, letting it blend in instantly at a distance.


As Click already pointed out, I'm not going to approve a Toa Stone (on a side note, Toa Stones aren't usually tied to a specific element anyway). If any Toa Stones were to appear in the game at any point, it would be as a plot device, or reward for some GM-run quest. 


Now, as for Dessimus' 'sword breaker'... no. Just, no. If you've done enough research to know what a comparatively obscure weapon like that is, then you should also know that there are no confirmed historical incidents of them actually snapping anyone's sword. And again, as Click pointed out, they were made for use against rapiers, and would be next to useless against any other blade. If you're still set on using it, I'd highly recommend this YouTube video, which goes into a lot of detail on analysing sword breakers, and their actual effectiveness in real fencing.


In regards to the Ria-chere, I'm also going to have to say no. I did ask that people be reasonable with the weaponry they put in their profiles, so I'm not sure why you thought - in a game where everyone has aircraft - it'd be okay to have a ship with not one, but three weapons that would allow you to casually hijack control of other people's aircraft, and then tack on a hefty increase to accuracy and firing rate as well. 


On top of that, this game takes place in a desert wasteland, and there's plenty of dust and detritus floating in the air, so this camouflage pattern of tiny squares really isn't going to be feasible. It'd be getting covered up or scratched off almost constantly. On a slightly less important note, remember that the Jetrax model is designed for larger races, so while a Matoran could pilot it,  it won't be nearly as easy, unless Dessimus or his buddies at Fe have carried out some major modifications to the cockpit and controls. 


Name: Taurek


Species: Steltian Bruiser (Krekka's species)


Gender: Male


Powers: Extreme strength, way more than that of a Toa, and is actually fairly smart (unusual for his species), which makes up for his lack of natural powers.


Gear: His main weapon is a zamor launcher that attaches to his left arm. This zamor launcher possesses a stolen laser targeting device which makes it easier to aim with. The launcher is easily fed, using a magazine so that Taurek can easily push in rounds. Taurek has light, metal zamors to load the launcher with. He also has a shortsword, Wete, which was stolen from his original master. This shortsword is made of Protosteel, and is very sturdy for its size. He also possesses a small pack which contains extra ammunition.


Personal Aircraft: Deliverance


Allegiance/Role: Ex-slave/mercenary, no allegiance.


Appearance: Taurek is big, like all Bruisers. However, unlike the most well known Bruiser, Krekka, he isn't mechanically enhanced. He is predominantly light grey, with white as his secondary color. His eyes are a deep blue, and his face bears a few scars. He is just a little taller than Krekka. The back of his left leg is scarred, from an accident early on in his life, preventing him from being able to fly. His pack is usually found slung around his torso, resting on his thigh.


Personality: Distrusting, has an extremely negative outlook to Matoran and Steltian Elites due to his past. He is actually fairly smart, which is unusual for his species.


Bio: Taurek was a slave in the Cliffside for the longest of time, being used for physical labor such as building houses. His inability to fly naturally due to an early disability prevented him for escaping for a long time, and Taurek was forced to do hard work for a Fe-Matoran inventor for a very long time. Bruisers were descriminated against after the migration because of their history as physical labor workers, so Taurek was no exception. Eventually, Taurek rebelled against his master, stealing his sword, modified zamor launcher and his ship, and setting himself free.



Name: Deliverance

Model: Rockoh

Weaponry: Kanoka launcher, loaded with freeze discs, with weaken discs on the standby.

Customisation: Since his escape, Taurek has modified his stolen ship significantly, the armor for the Deliverance has been reinforced, allowing it to take more hits, and it also has extra space for ammunition.

Appearance: Taurek's Rockoh is a copper color rather than green, and sports a


These look okay. Taurek and Deliverance both Approved. 


What exactly are customization slots? What do they allow for? I had extra engines, ramming shields, and bomb deployment systems in mind; am I off the mark?

Could you sacrifice a vehicle's weapons in exchange for an extra customization slot?


Certain aircraft types have room for additional modifications or enhancements to be added. The Rockoh has two, while the Jetrax and Axalara each have one. Ramming shields, and extra engines/thrusters would count as customisation, yes, but bomb deployment is an existing slot type limited only to the Axalara.
I'd probably consider allowing people to exchange a weapon slot or two for a couple of extra customisation opportunities, so long as you're not using it to turn your aircraft into an indestructable, unhittable flying tank. 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Ballads of the Bionicle - lore/character songs

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash, The Outsiders

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar



Name: Akita

Species:Shadowed One's Species, don't have a given name.

Gender: Female

Powers: Ability to 'zoom' vision, akin to using binoculars.

Gear: Arm-Mounted Rhotuka Launcher, extends over the hand and retracts into the vambrace. Rhotukas are fired horizontally, using the spin to push against gravity at a slight loss to accuracy. The Rhotuka homes in on targets and has a slight ability to move around obstacles. Otherwise, it relies on kinetic energy to deal damage. A mace with an extending handle. A variety of throwing knives.

Personal Aircraft: The Jadikuu

Allegiance/Role: Tesaran Ranger

Appearance: Strongly built, but by no means tall. Stands a little more upright than others of her species and has considerable armour on her chest, shoulders and shins. Pewter-grey armour with some gunmetal components with dark, desaturated turquoise organics underneath.

Personality: Fun-loving, doesn't take much seriously unless there's an explicit need to.

Bio: Originating from Stelt, Akita was forced to leave the Matoran Universe to Spherus Magna, choosing the shade and comfort of Tesara over the other places available. When she discovered the idea of having a flight-capable vehicle to explore with she was ecstatic, and soon got her hands on what would become the Jadikuu.





Name: The Jadikuu

Model: Jetrax T6

Weaponry: Two high-speed crystal cannons, and one heavy Cordak repeater in the middle.

Customisation: A tough roll-cage over the cockpit, providing defence from larger munitions while still maintaining respectable visibility. Easy to fix, too.

Appearance: Winglets on the sides of the turbine engines. Simplistic 'iron sights' have also been added to the chassis in front of the cockpit to assist in aiming the Jadikuu's weapons. Painted to match Akita's colours.


My profiles


Read my Epic:Tales of Aoris Nui!

Profile pic by Soulemn on DA!


I also have a custom species approved for the BZPRPG! Click here to read about them!

Posted (edited)

Name: Threiaa

Species: Skakdi

Gender: Female

Powers: Kinetic energy absorption, Thermal Imaging, Elemental power of Iron when used in conjunction with another friendly Skakdi(Source)

Gear: Goggles that enhance her thermal vision to be much sharper and detailed, as well as protecting her eyes from pollutants; carries assorted wrenches and ratchets on a belt at all times; work gloves for maintenance; modified riveter gun with two settings, one for actual riveting, and the other for sending RAPID FIRE CONSTRUCTION-BASED DEATH TO YOUR ENEMIES. Small cartridges require frequent reloading.

Personal Aircraft: Pakari's Maiden

Allegiance/Role: Cliffside(formerly), Tesara - Engineer/scavenger

Appearance: Threiaa is much leaner and lankier than an average Skakdi, and has large spines that are not very rigid and sway easily as she moves. Her goggles rarely leave their place on her sooty and smudged face, contrasted heavily by her classical Skakdi grin. Magenta covers most of her body's color scheme, while her claws fade into a light lime-green color, possibly a side-effect from handling dangerous chemicals in the past. Her spines also share this coloring trait.

Personality: No holds barred, devil-may-care, foil wrappers and gum, engineering. That's what Threiaa is all about, and she'll be glad to let you know about it. Her power-set has let her get by more than a few tough scrapes in life, letting her take a beating before using up all that compacted energy to either leap into action or sprint like mad to the nearest hidey-hole. It's always all or nothing for Threiaa.

She has a heavy, mysterious accent that nobody can really figure out the origin of, sounding "loike a roight mess a words ev'rtoime she opens her mouth."

Bio: A true native, born in a Cliffside hole-in-the-ground, Threiaa grew up knowing only the streets, pirates, and airships. Two of these things she'd much rather forget, and neither of 'em are airships. After a good long while of planning and scheming in the Cliffside underbelly, she got her hands on a sky fighter, jury rigged a harness and a questionably stable engine accelerator to the frame and took off, going as far as she could before the engine, surprise surprise, exploded and sent her sprawling into the wastes. The kinetic aftermath kept her going, running and crawling, through the wastes for another four days before she collapsed from food and water exhaustion.

She was just settling in for the long nap when she was rudely woken, a stranger prodding her side and knocking her head with a stick. Her hands and feet were bound, and she was tucked into a storage tank on the side of a rugged machine. By the time she woke again, there was noise surrounding her, punching through the small holes in her prison. Crowds of voices were all around her. Thinking she was back in Cliffside, ready to be sold to one of the great slave-ships she had fought to avoid for her whole life, she made a desperate attempt to escape, unscrewing the bolts on the inside of the tank with her teeth. In the middle of her fifteenth screw, with blood spilling from her mouth, the ship roared back to life. Jolting into the air it shook her and her prison loose, old metals tearing and shattering as it collapsed in a heap. Cries of shock and confusion were heard when she pulled herself out. It wasn't long before she made a few cries herself, after realizing that it wasn't the sun's blazing light touching her face, but the soft green light filtered through leaves. She was in Tesara. Of all places, she had found her way to Tesara.

Soon after, she was hired for her obvious mechanical prowess, doing odd jobs for the local government and individuals. Eventually, she came into her own possession of an impounded rockoh. In fact, it was the very same ship that had brought her here they told her, confiscated from the slaver when she was found. Taking more time to customize the machine for her tastes, Threiaa set off once again, finding downed and wounded ships to save or salvage. Tesara slowly became less of a home and more of a fond hide-away, rarely staying longer than a few days before setting off. She's always done much better in the air, wouldn't do well to stick around on the ground for too long.


Name: Pakari's Maiden

Model: Rockoh T3

Weaponry: A custom weapon designed by Threiaa, Tere Pahua Cannons. Not the fastest fire rate in the world, but the large flak shells do wonders for taking out other enemy airships. Most shells use timer fuses, but Threiaa can make proximity fuses if she has materials.

Customization: The maiden's primary function is not combat, but salvage and recovery. Near the front of the vehicle are four wide, spiked, claws, designed to tear into hull armor and dig their way in, and then clamp on. A cargo claw is also fitted to the rear side, under the cockpit. All this weight slows the ship down to be slower than an average Rockoh, but it can match ramming speed just fine.

Appearance: The airship is stouter and larger than a typical Rockoh, having a large, flattened bow. The front is painted flame-orange, fading into black towards the cockpit.

Edited by Coconut Fanatic
  • Upvote 3
Posted (edited)

It's been too long. I'll wet my feet here again with this new project.
Name: Antaine
Species: Av-Matoran (former Shadow Matoran)
Gender: Male
Powers: Light blasts, colour changing
Gear: Power Sword, claw
Personal Aircraft: Kofo-Piraka (Little Thief)
Allegiance/Role: Tesara - Scout
Appearance: ​While his true colour is white and gold, Antaine keeps his armor grey and red. Due to experimentation by the Makuta, he has a giant claw on his left arm and withered, paralyzed wings on his back; he lost one of his claws and function in his wings during an airship crash. His mask is a powerless Hau. MOC coming later.
Personality: ​Antaine's time as a Shadow Matoran has left some trauma on his person. He finds it hard to trust people, either believing that others think of him as a monster or that they want to exploit him and turn him into an even greater monster. This distrust is mostly focused towards powered beings and beings of greater stature than himself (such as the Skakdi); while he still doesn't seek out the company of Matoran and Agori, he is much more relaxed around them and other people his size. Flying gives him both exhilarating euphoria and flashbacks to the Karda Nui incident; as such, he treats it more like work than like pleasure. In the moments that he does fly for fun, he takes care to avoid caves.
Bio: As one of the Av-Matoran who had been hiding in Karda Nui, he had the misfortune of being turned into a servant of the Makuta. While he was later cured by the Klakk and brought to Metru Nui, he was never able to get over the experience. After leaving the Matoran Universe, he settled in Tesara, where he learned to fly Skyfighters. Nowadays, he mostly keeps to himself, only interacting with others when pilot work is needed from him.

Name: Kofo-Piraka
Model: Skyfighter
Weaponry: ​Midak Skyblaster.
Appearance: A windshield has been added to the Skyfighter to protect Antaine's eyes against the elements when traveling at high speeds. The controls have been modified so that most functions can be handled with his right hand alone; what controls do need the use of his left hand are simple enough that his claw can operate it.

Edited by Constructman


Name: Akita

Species:Shadowed One's Species, don't have a given name.

Gender: Female

Powers: Ability to 'zoom' vision, akin to using binoculars.

Gear: Arm-Mounted Rhotuka Launcher, extends over the hand and retracts into the vambrace. Rhotukas are fired horizontally, using the spin to push against gravity at a slight loss to accuracy. The Rhotuka homes in on targets and has a slight ability to move around obstacles. Otherwise, it relies on kinetic energy to deal damage. A mace with an extending handle. A variety of throwing knives.

Personal Aircraft: The Jadikuu

Allegiance/Role: Tesaran Ranger

Appearance: Strongly built, but by no means tall. Stands a little more upright than others of her species and has considerable armour on her chest, shoulders and shins. Pewter-grey armour with some gunmetal components with dark, desaturated turquoise organics underneath.

Personality: Fun-loving, doesn't take much seriously unless there's an explicit need to.

Bio: Originating from Stelt, Akita was forced to leave the Matoran Universe to Spherus Magna, choosing the shade and comfort of Tesara over the other places available. When she discovered the idea of having a flight-capable vehicle to explore with she was ecstatic, and soon got her hands on what would become the Jadikuu.





Name: The Jadikuu

Model: Jetrax T6

Weaponry: Two high-speed crystal cannons, and one heavy Cordak repeater in the middle.

Customisation: A tough roll-cage over the cockpit, providing defence from larger munitions while still maintaining respectable visibility. Easy to fix, too.

Appearance: Winglets on the sides of the turbine engines. Simplistic 'iron sights' have also been added to the chassis in front of the cockpit to assist in aiming the Jadikuu's weapons. Painted to match Akita's colours.


Akita seems fine (Approved), but I just wanted to clarify a couple of things about the Jadikuu.


Firstly, these 'crystal cannons'. Are we talking impact crystals, like the Iron Hawk has, or something else? Secondly, I think I'm going to have to say no to Cordaks, in general. A normal Cordak launcher can "reduce a boulder to dust" with a single hit, so it's pretty much going to one-shot most smaller aircraft, kill pilots if it hits near the cockpit, and the fact that it's a rapid-fire weapons means it would chew up most aircraft in just a few shots. I don't really want to think about how much more damage a "heavy" cordak is going to do.



Name: Threiaa

Species: Skakdi

Gender: Female

Powers: Kinetic energy absorption, Thermal Imaging, Elemental power of Iron when used in conjunction with another friendly Skakdi(Source)

Gear: Goggles that enhance her thermal vision to be much sharper and detailed, as well as protecting her eyes from pollutants; carries assorted wrenches and ratchets on a belt at all times; work gloves for maintenance; modified riveter gun with two settings, one for actual riveting, and the other for sending RAPID FIRE CONSTRUCTION-BASED DEATH TO YOUR ENEMIES. Small cartridges require frequent reloading.

Personal Aircraft: Pakari's Maiden

Allegiance/Role: Cliffside(formerly), Tesara - Engineer/scavenger

Appearance: Threiaa is much leaner and lankier than an average Skakdi, and has large magenta spines that are not very rigid and sway easily as she moves. Her goggles rarely leave their place on her sooty and smudged face, contrasted heavily by her classical Skakdi grin. Magenta covers most of her body's color scheme, while her claws fade into a light lime-green color, possibly a side-effect from handling dangerous chemicals in the past. Her spines also share this coloring trait.

Personality: No holds barred, devil-may-care, foil wrappers and gum, engineering. That's what Threiaa is all about, and she'll be glad to let you know about it. Her power-set has let her get by more than a few tough scrapes in life, letting her take a beating before using up all that compacted energy to either leap into action or sprint like mad to the nearest hidey-hole. It's always all or nothing for Threiaa.

She has a heavy, mysterious accent that nobody can really figure out the origin of, sounding "loike a roight mehss a words ev'rtoime she opens 'er mouf."

Bio: A true native, born in a Cliffside hole-in-the-ground, Threiaa grew up knowing only the streets, pirates, and airships. Two of these things she'd much rather forget, and neither of 'em are airships. After a good long while of planning and scheming in the Cliffside underbelly, she got her hands on a sky fighter, jury rigged a harness and a questionably stable engine accelerator to the frame and took off, going as far as she could before the engine, surprise surprise, exploded and sent her sprawling into the wastes. The kinetic aftermath kept her going, running and crawling, through the wastes for another four days before she collapsed from food and water exhaustion.

She was just settling in for the long nap when she was rudely woken, a stranger prodding her side and knocking her head with a stick. Her hands and feet were bound, and she was tucked into a storage tank on the side of a rugged machine. By the time she woke again, there was noise surrounding her, punching through the small holes in her prison. Crowds of voices were all around her. Thinking she was back in Cliffside, ready to be sold to one of the great slave-ships she had fought to avoid for her whole life, she made a desperate attempt to escape, unscrewing the bolts on the inside of the tank with her teeth. In the middle of her fifteenth screw, with blood spilling from her mouth, the ship roared back to life. Jolting into the air it shook her and her prison loose, old metals tearing and shattering as it collapsed in a heap. Cries of shock and confusion were heard when she pulled herself out. It wasn't long before she made a few cries herself, after realizing that it wasn't the sun's blazing light touching her face, but the soft green light filtered through leaves. She was in Tesara. Of all places, she had found her way to Tesara.

Soon after, she was hired for her obvious mechanical prowess, doing odd jobs for the local government and individuals. Eventually, she came into her own possession of an impounded rockoh. In fact, it was the very same ship that had brought her here they told her, confiscated from the slaver when she was found. Taking more time to customize the machine for her tastes, Threiaa set off once again, finding downed and wounded ships to save or salvage. Tesara slowly became less of a home and more of a fond hide-away, rarely staying longer than a few days before setting off. She's always done much better in the air, wouldn't do well to stick around on the ground for too long.


Name: Pakari's Maiden

Model: Rockoh T3

Weaponry: Tere Pahua Cannons. Not the fastest fire rate in the world, but the large flak shells do wonders for taking out other enemy airships. Most shells use timer fuses, but Threiaa can make proximity fuses if she has materials.

CustomizationThe maiden's primary function is not combat, but salvage and recovery. Near the front of the vehicle are four wide, spiked, claws, designed to tear into hull armor and dig their way in, and then clamp on. A cargo claw is also fitted to the rear side, under the cockpit. All this weight slows the ship down to be slower than an average Rockoh, but it can match ramming speed just fine.

Appearance: The airship is stouter and larger than a typical Rockoh, having a large, flattened bow. The front is painted flame-orange, fading into black towards the cockpit.


I think I'm okay with Skakdi having their tertiary power, but I'll still be keeping an eye on that Kinetic Energy Absorption. Theiaa Approved. As for the Rockoh, I'm hesitant about that artillery weapon, but since it has a more reasonable fire rate, operates on a fuse, and uses flak rather than just annihilating a ship like a Cordak would, I think I'll allow it for now. Pakari's Maiden also Approved.



Name: Antaine

Species: Av-Matoran (former Shadow Matoran)

Gender: Male

Powers: Light blasts, colour changing

Gear: Power Sword, claw

Personal Aircraft: Kofo-Piraka (Little Thief)

Allegiance/Role: Tesara - Scout

Appearance: ​While his true colour is white and gold, Antaine keeps his armor grey and red. Due to experimentation by the Makuta, he has a giant claw on his left arm and withered, paralyzed wings on his back; he lost one of his claws and function in his wings during an airship crash. His mask is a powerless Hau. MOC coming later.

Personality: ​Antaine's time as a Shadow Matoran has left some trauma on his person. He finds it hard to trust people, either believing that others think of him as a monster or that they want to exploit him and turn him into an even greater monster. This distrust is mostly focused towards powered beings and beings of greater stature than himself (such as the Skakdi); while he still doesn't seek out the company of Matoran and Agori, he is much more relaxed around them and other people his size. Flying gives him both exhilarating euphoria and flashbacks to the Karda Nui incident; as such, he treats it more like work than like pleasure. In the moments that he does fly for fun, he takes care to avoid caves.

Bio: As one of the Av-Matoran who had been hiding in Karda Nui, he had the misfortune of being turned into a servant of the Makuta. While he was later cured by the Klakk and brought to Metru Nui, he was never able to get over the experience. After leaving the Matoran Universe, he settled in Tesara, where he learned to fly Skyfighters. Nowadays, he mostly keeps to himself, only interacting with others when pilot work is needed from him.



Name: Kofo-Piraka

Model: Skyfighter

Weaponry: ​Midak Skyblaster.

Appearance: A windshield has been added to the Skyfighter to protect Antaine's eyes against the elements when traveling at high speeds. The controls have been modified so that most functions can be handled with his right hand alone; what controls do need the use of his left hand are simple enough that his claw can operate it.


Antaine's certainly unusual, but I'm not seeing anything game-breaking, so consider him Approved.


The Kofo-Piraka is also Approved.

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Ballads of the Bionicle - lore/character songs

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash, The Outsiders

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

Posted (edited)

hopefully i won't burn out quickly.




Name: Karanta

Species: Po-Matoran

Gender: Female

Powers: Standard Po-Matoran resilience.

Gear: An extendable baton, as well as a knife. Both small and light enough for her to carry at all times.

Personal Aircraft: The Freefalling

Allegiance/Role: Fe Border Guard, out of boredom.

Appearance: Despite being a Po-Matoran, Karanta’s body is clad in painted purple armor. Her flesh is a deep black color, and pale yellow eyes shine from behind her purple Kaukau. Her baton hangs loosely from her waist, ready to be whipped out at any moment. Her knife rests in a sheathe, hanging opposite of the baton.

Personality: Karanta is bored. So, so bored. Bored to the point where she doesn’t care about anything aside from solving her boredom. Even with this perpetual boredom, she’s one of the most unenthusiastic people around. It’s difficult for her to start doing anything, even if it would help her feel less bored.
Talking is easy, though. She certainly enjoys talking to people. A shame no one wants to hear about how awful the world is from someone as unenthusiastic as her.

Bio: Karanta simply arrived in Fe like many who settled there. Unlike most others, she seemingly had no prior history whatsoever. She made numerous claims of living a magnificent life full of daring-do and adventure before arriving in Fe, but no records of that exist. She also claims her coloring is totally natural from where she comes from, despite the fact that her armor is clearly painted purple, rather than naturally purple.

The only reason she joined the border guard was to relieve her boredom. According to her, it hasn’t worked in the slightest. Nevertheless, she continues with it. The only reason she even has the Freefall instead of a standard ship is for “The thrill of unshielded combat, because it’s all I can do to liven up this job.”



Name: Freefalling

Model: Jetpack

Weaponry: A Kanoka-disc launcher, loaded with fragmentation Kanoka discs. A sword is also stored aboard, just in case. Even though it is never used.

Appearance: The Freefalling is painted just like Karanta’s armor – a deep, shining purple. Aside from that, it looks the same as any standard jetpack.

Edited by Ehksidian


Steam name: Ehksidian


Spoilers. :P


For the most part, no. There are a few roles I have in mind for future plot points that I might consider using canon characters for, but for the time being, don't expect to be seeing any familiar faces.

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Ballads of the Bionicle - lore/character songs

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash, The Outsiders

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar


Uh, maybe I'm misunderstanding something here, but parts of Maldrakk's profile seem to directly contradict each other. There are only four settlements, so how can he have a reputation for being a 'dangerous ruffian throughout multiple places', but still hold a high rank in New Atero, and be on good terms with everyone in Cliffside, Fe, and (I assume, based on the fact that he's been tasked with gauging their 'willingness') Tesara as well.

Being a dangerous ruffian in Cliffside is not a problem, it's a safeguard. He's acquainted and affiliated with New Atero, but that doesn't mean he's a necessarily welcome guest everywhere else. He's a paying customer at Fe, not a joyous and lovable one. Tesara's populous may hate him to a degree, and maybe even dread him, but Teresa's government is the matter. In fact, the best way to test the willingness there would be to send in someone who's already a problem and make them even bigger till they burst.


As for the Bloodbath, I'm going to say right now that if, in dogfights, that blast shield is consistently, conveniently being used to reflect people's shots right back at them, I'm not going to be happy. I'd also like some clarification for how that colour-changing paint actually works.

Whoa, what? I must have said that weird. I meant following the laws of physics like a race car works, i.e. shots skimming the surface and shooting over, not directly redirecting at the opponent. I'll reword it if you want.


I would assume that the crater-filled planet is of moderate temperature? and that the nights would be at least a little too cold for comfort? This kind of car changes its colour instantly from so much as a water bottle, and a crisp nighttime temperature would surely have a similar effect.


As Click already pointed out, I'm not going to approve a Toa Stone (on a side note, Toa Stones aren't usually tied to a specific element anyway). If any Toa Stones were to appear in the game at any point, it would be as a plot device, or reward for some GM-run quest.

I'll cut it out then. Also, I was gone almost all of today, so I couldn't see Click's post until now anyways.


Now, as for Dessimus' 'sword breaker'... no. Just, no. If you've done enough research to know what a comparatively obscure weapon like that is, then you should also know that there are no confirmed historical incidents of them actually snapping anyone's sword. And again, as Click pointed out, they were made for use against rapiers, and would be next to useless against any other blade. If you're still set on using it, I'd highly recommend this YouTube video, which goes into a lot of detail on analysing sword breakers, and their actual effectiveness in real fencing.

It's just a placeholder weapon until I actually think of a decent one, which I will probably get done by tomorrow(?) I hope.


In regards to the Ria-chere, I'm also going to have to say no. I did ask that people be reasonable with the weaponry they put in their profiles, so I'm not sure why you thought - in a game where everyone has aircraft - it'd be okay to have a ship with not one, but three weapons that would allow you to casually hijack control of other people's aircraft, and then tack on a hefty increase to accuracy and firing rate as well.

I have the curse of being one of the first people to get a profile up, and not having a clue what the weapon specifications were. The only weapon specified at the time was Click's crystal weapon with undefined capability and specifics, so I stuck a weapon in the prof for the time being until either you came back and critiqued it or someone else posted a reasonable and effective weapon. I'll look at the other approved profiles now that there are more and see what else there is to create.


On top of that, this game takes place in a desert wasteland, and there's plenty of dust and detritus floating in the air, so this camouflage pattern of tiny squares really isn't going to be feasible. It'd be getting covered up or scratched off almost constantly. On a slightly less important note, remember that the Jetrax model is designed for larger races, so while a Matoran could pilot it,  it won't be nearly as easy, unless Dessimus or his buddies at Fe have carried out some major modifications to the cockpit and controls.

Hence the modifications with the cockpit, partially to make it easier to reach everything/exist in the seat, and partially to pull off rather risky twists to allow for a little more time to get to the function Dessimus wants to use. As for the paint, yeah, didn't really have time to think that through. I'll scrap it and come up with a basic design.
Posted (edited)

This took shorter than expected.


Name: Erland

Species: Vorox (Bota Magna)

Gender: female

Powers: none

Gear: Thornax Launcher, sword, mechanic tools

Personal Aircraft: Sky Spikit

Allegiance/Role: New Atero - Mechanic/Pilot

Appearance: despite being from the Sand Tribe, Erland robes herself in hues of green - whether this is a holdover from her time on Bota Magna or a way to distinguish herself from her feral brethren, she doesn't say. While she makes every effort to look like a normal Glatorian, her stinger tail and hunched posture immediately give her away as a Vorox.

Personality: Erland is someone who likes to push the limits, both out of curiosity and rebellious urges. She never takes "no" for an answer, nor is she ever satisfied with "I don't know" or "It can't be done". When she decides she wants something, she will put her mind to getting it, no matter how many rules she has to break along the way. She doesn't particularly like the job as a mechanic, but she has no idea what she would do otherwise. Maybe making dolls and plushies, which she absolutely adores? ... No, that doesn't seem like a good career path.

Bio: Erland was a member of the Sand Tribe of Bota Magna. The Vorox and Zesk who were trapped there after the Shattering had the fortune of living in an environment with vast resources - as such, their society did not devolve into a pack of wolves.

When Spherus Magna was reformed, the trees began to die and the animals shifted in nature, becoming alien to the intelligent inhabitants of the land. Erland, a young and rebellious warrior who had been looking for a reason to leave, took this chance to head for Bara Magna. Eventually, she settled in New Atero, becoming a tradeswoman specializing in fixing vehicles. She eventually made enough money and called in enough favours to get an custom aircraft of her own so that she could "play with the big boys".


Name: Sky Spikit

Model: Rockoh

Weaponry: Energy Extraction Rifle, scaled up for vehicle use. Successful hits with the gun drain energy from enermy vehicles and send it to the Sky Spikit's engines. Repeated hits can deplete an enemy aircraft of fuel, causing it to tumble downwards towards destruction, while supercharging the Sky Spikit's engines for insane maneuvers, temporary boosts of speed, or simply a longer flight time. However, the fire rate is slow, and trying to force a faster rate of fire without giving sufficient time to cool off will invariably break the weapon.

Customisation: the Sky Spikit has two extra T3 engines attached to it. These engines can change their angle, ranging from standard alignment to vertical alignment. This gives the Sky Spikit a lot more acceleration and speed compared to the standard model as well as VTOL and thrust vector capabilities.

Appearance: the Sky Spikit has been painted with the colours of the sky on its bottom and the colours of the earth on its top for the purpose of camouflage. However, this camouflage pattern is broken by the images of Spikits on both of its sides.

Edited by Constructman

Hm, okay. I think my only issue with Erland and the Sky Spikit is the energy extraction rifle. I'm okay with the concept and its application, but could you possibly tone down the extent of its effects a little?


Being able to drain other player's aircraft to the point where they're going to drop out of the sky just seems like a bit too much, given that BS01 does mention that the rifles are "fragile and prone to overloading". 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Ballads of the Bionicle - lore/character songs

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash, The Outsiders

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar




Name: Saffina

Species: Vortixx

Gender: Female

Powers: Vortixx-level strength and intelligence; potential to use Kanohi

Gear: Elemental Attunement Sword - A Zamor Launcher-like device with a grip and handguard running parallel to the weapon's barrel and with two scimitar-styled blades emerging from the stock at either side, effectively resembling a weaponised tuning fork. While the device is a nightmare in melee combat by itself, capable of dishing out two wounds per swing or thrust, it's real power lies in it's ability to revert elemental attacks that make contact with it back into energy, which can then either be discharged back towards a foe in the form of blasts or simply absorbed before being channelled to increase its effectiveness at cutting through objects. There are a few downsides, however; first and foremost being that these are purely reactional abilities, which means they can only function if there is an initial elemental attack to absorb. Secondly, the weapon can only store up to three charges (meaning three elemental attacks absorbed) before its reserves need to be expended, and possessing a maximum capacity effectively renders it unable to take in anymore energy. Finally, in order to keep it properly functioning, any accumulated charges begin to automatically disperse themselves after a fairly short period of time, meaning that they cannot be retained for use in any future battles.

It's hilt and handguard are also home to some small spikes and gems, but these are purely for decoration and possess little to no combat value whatsoever.

Zyglakian Hide Armor - Armor primarily composed of treated (and heavily disinfected) Zyglak skin, adorned with various other Rahi pelts and more traditional armor plating. While nowhere near as effective as the ability of a living Zyglak, this does make it capable for her to shrug off most glancing elemental blows with relative ease.

Personal Aircraft: The Crimson Takea

Allegiance/Role: Herself and whatever crew she happens to be captaining over at any given point in time, though she has built herself up quite the reputation with the residents of Cliffside, and there's a rumor going around that she might even have some less than scrupulous contacts within Fe.

Appearance: Saffina's natural colors consist of dark green and gunmetal, an oddity for her species, though her armor is mostly white with lime green accents. Her wide headress, consisting almost entirely of feathers and tassels, resembles the hood of a poisonous snake, and ends with a long braid intertwined with small, light blue crystals that extends all the way down to around her thighs. Her neck also appears to be slightly elongated, due to the rings she used to wear around it back in her youth deforming her clavicles, but has since stopped doing so after distancing herself from the majority of the Vortixx population.

Personality: Being one who takes pride in her perfectionism, Saffina settles for nothing less than the best; she only takes on crew members she deems worthy of pulling their own weight, plans every job down to the most minute detail, and is usually long gone with her loot before any form of authority arrives to interfere with her business. A sky pirate and smuggler through and through, she's always on the lookout for her next big score, whether it be a profitable weapons shipment, much needed supplies she can off-load onto the highest bidder, or the occasional artifact from the pre-reformation days collecting dust in some long-forgotten ruin.

One thing she absolutely does not tolerate (aside from disloyalty), however, is clichés; those who wish to board her ship best have their missing appendages replaced with viable prosthetics, and even uttering the phrase "arrr" is enough of a reason for her to toss you out of the cargo bay headfirst, preferably while still in mid-air.

Bio: Orphaned at a young age on Xia, Saffina was nothing but trouble from the start.

Turning to thievery just to survive, she soon ran afoul of the law and was put to work in prison, where she honed her skills working on experimental weaponry deemed too dangerous for the more prominent citizens to sully their hands with. Growing restless and longing for her freedom, she eventually fell in with a group of captured pirates, and, upon discovering that they were plotting to escape, immediately signed on to go with them in order to leave her former home behind her once and for all. Months spent taking note of the guard patrols, smuggling bits and scraps of technology back to her cell, and even starting a few unnecessary fights just to determine response times later had eventually all paid off, culminating in one of the largest breakouts in recorded history, one which she was sure would immediately lead to a grand life of adventure sailing amidst the Protodermis Sea.

Unfortunately for her, however, the captain of the crew had other plans, and she was soon sold into slavery on the island of Stelt.

Forced to fight in the arena for several years, she soon found herself being pitted against more and more difficult foes as her fighting technique continued to improve, one of which who wounded her severely despite the fact that she was still able to take his life fairly quickly. Knowing that this life wouldn't end for her unless she either did something about it or died trying, she began to formulate another plan to once again regain control over her own destiny, only to fall into a deep depression after being forced to spectate the most recent match of  

the combatant slated to be her next opponent. Thankfully though, this actually turned out to be a blessing in disguise; when their former owner walked by her cell, happily counting all of the money they just made from selling him off to some shady individuals in the dead of night and clearly not paying any attention to their surroundings, it only took a second for her to shove her arm through the bars and silently snap their neck, and another to retrieve their key and unlock the door.

Events from then on are rather hazy, as she began to bury herself in a bottle soon afterwards. What she does remember, however, involves her and a few other escapees stealing a boat, and cutting a bloody, rage-induced swath of destruction up and down the coast. This eventually earned her a title amongst her former crew, one which she would eventually use to name her airship thousands of years later. And as for the captain who had betrayed her all those years ago... well, he eventually found out firsthand what it felt like to be disemboweled.

After the mass exodus from the Matoran Universe, accounts detailing the rest of her life up until now begin to differ. Some say that she found herself in Fe, only to be enslaved once again before stowing away on a trading ship with other less fortunate individuals bound for New Atero when they were still trading with the other settlements of Bara Magna. Others tell the tale of her trying to settle down and live a peaceful life in Tesara, only for her overwhelming bloodlust to force her into resuming her life of piracy. Those who've had a few in them will even try to weave stories about her being one of the founders of Cliffside itself, though these accounts are most definitely false, wildly inaccurate, and are really only told to prevent people from getting in her way.

Seeing as to how Saffina only concerns herself with the job at hand, however, the real truth, whatever it might be, may never be truly known entirely.




Name: The Crimson Takea

Model: Airship

Weaponry: A Hammerhead-styled ram located on the bow, and broadside cannons on both port and starboard; usually armed with chain-shot forged from Weight Increase Kanoka.

Customisation: Enlarge, Shrink, and Freeze combination disks integrated into the pulley system, allowing it to cloak as if under the effects of a Huna; reinforced armor and frame for when subtlety's no longer an option. Roughly half of the cargo bay has also been converted into a hanger of sorts for storing smaller ships as well.

Appearance: Standard-ish Metru Nui airship appearance aside from the aforementioned changes, additional fins to keep up with the shark theme (two of which are positioned over the port and starboard hull entrances into the cargo bay), a mostly silver paint job with a few splashes of red mixed in for good measure to imitate the appearance of blood, and two rows of jagged plating attached to the underside of the bow to act as a set of stationary "teeth".


Ugh. There goes my entire day...

Didn't add a Kanohi for a number of reasons, mostly because her original MoC doesn't have one, and as recent evidence suggests, my chances of even seeing this get approved in the first place belong in the toilet with the rest of the #### anyway. Wasn't really sure about anything concerning the ship at all, so... whatever. Either way, I'm just glad that I can finally get some sleep now, especially since I'm already predicting that I'll be waking up to a six paragraph essay as to why nothing I just typed up is approvable.


  • Upvote 1


Hero Factory: Contagion

RPG Characters:

BZPRPG Characters

RPG History:

The Asylum, Bionifight Infinite, Year 60,000, Matoran und Panzer, HF RPG 2.0, Wasteland, Corpus Rahkshi, Skyrise

GM Résumé:

Matoran und Panzer (Formerly Appointed Co-GM), Corpus Rahkshi (Former Substitute Co-GM)



Feel free to shoot a PM my way if you're waiting for me to respond to something and I've been taking a while to do so.

Posted (edited)

Didn't add a Kanohi for a number of reasons, mostly because her original MoC doesn't have one, and as recent evidence suggests, my chances of even seeing this get approved in the first place belong in the toilet with the rest of the #### anyway. Wasn't really sure about anything concerning the ship at all, so... whatever. Either way, I'm just glad that I can finally get some sleep now, especially since I'm already predicting that I'll be waking up to a six paragraph essay as to why nothing I just typed up is approvable.


No need to be so dour. Most of the profiles seem fine to me. That said, there's a few things I did want to discuss:


Gear: Elemental Attunement Sword - A Zamor Launcher-like device with a grip and handguard running parallel to the weapon's barrel and with two scimitar-styled blades emerging from the stock at either side, effectively resembling a weaponised tuning fork. While the device is a nightmare in melee combat by itself, capable of dishing out two wounds per swing or thrust, it's real power lies in it's ability to revert elemental attacks that make contact with it back into energy, which can then either be discharged back towards a foe in the form of blasts or simply absorbed before being channelled to increase its effectiveness at cutting through objects. There are a few downsides, however; first and foremost being that these are purely reactional abilities, which means they can only function if there is an initial elemental attack to absorb. Secondly, the weapon can only store up to three charges (meaning three elemental attacks absorbed) before its reserves need to be expended, and possessing a maximum capacity effectively renders it unable to take in anymore energy. Finally, in order to keep it properly functioning, any accumulated charges begin to automatically disperse themselves after a fairly short period of time, meaning that they cannot be retained for use in any future battles.

It's hilt and handguard are also home to some small spikes and gems, but these are purely for decoration and possess little to no combat value whatsoever.


I just wanted to clarify - in regards to its appearance and the way it's held, this weapon is basically just a regular old zamor launcher, but with two big, curved swords sticking out of it?


Because... that doesn't really sound like something that would be a "nightmare in melee combat", except perhaps for the wielder. Even for a Vortixx, the weight of two sizeable swords and one gun all cobbled together isn't going to be an easy thing to wield one-handed, especially with the handguard hampering how much the wielder can adjust their grip. 


The functionality itself, I think I'm okay with. There are plenty of items in canon that can channel a user's elemental powers, and a few items that can drain or absorb energy, so a blade that can absorb a small amount of an attacker's energy and redirect it for a small number of shots isn't completely unfeasible. But the design just doesn't seem anywhere near as practical as you've made it out to be...


Customisation: Enlarge, Shrink, and Freeze combination disks integrated into the pulley system, allowing it to cloak as if under the effects of a Huna; reinforced armor and frame for when subtlety's no longer an option. Roughly half of the cargo bay has also been converted into a hanger of sorts for storing smaller ships as well.


Okay, while I understand that these are the component disks that a Mask Maker would melt down in order to forge a Kanohi Huna, I'm still not entirely sure how individually incorporating them into the pulley system is going to turn the entire airship invisible? I'm pretty sure that's not how Kanohi, Kanoka, or airships work. 


Canonicity issues aside, I'm loathe to approve a function that would let something that big, with that many guns, just disappear. 

Edited by Roman Torchwick

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Ballads of the Bionicle - lore/character songs

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash, The Outsiders

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar


Hm, okay. I think my only issue with Erland and the Sky Spikit is the energy extraction rifle. I'm okay with the concept and its application, but could you possibly tone down the extent of its effects a little?


Being able to drain other player's aircraft to the point where they're going to drop out of the sky just seems like a bit too much, given that BS01 does mention that the rifles are "fragile and prone to overloading".

Added a slower fire rate and the possibility of the weapon breaking; good enough?

Posted (edited)

Huh, this looks interesting... I might join.  Might.  I don't know how classes are going to clobber me in the near future.


Questions:  Are there any Toa in this world, or were they all killed by Marendar?  Relating to the game, can the players have Toa characters?  I'm not going to play as one but I do want to know if I'd be up against any.


What class of airship would a hover-bike fall under?  By that I mean something the size of a motorcycle with wings instead of wheels, kept flying by some electromagnetic anti-gravity macguffin.  Would it be a skyfighter or something bigger?  Smaller?


Also is this going to be a game I should check in/post in often?  If classes get hard I may drop off the grid for a couple days, and I don't want to bring everyone else's fun to a halt.


EDIT: Further questions.


Does anyone use elemental powers or Kanohi powers?  Can Matoran use minute amounts of said power, or are they still powerless?


What sort of communications are there on this world?  Do the airships have radios or onboard computers?  If so, how large is their range, can they reach across the planet or are they only useful for ship-to-ship communication?


How do people survive in the low air pressures up above?  Are respirators and the like common for pilots, or would rigging one up take a customization slot on your vehicle?


What about an autopilot, would that take one of said customization slots?


How does the teleportation work?  Does it only kick in when your vehicle is destroyed?  Is it in the form of a pack like the Teleportation Packs from VNOG, could you lug it around with you and portal out of any lethal situation, whether on foot or in air?  Does it need recharged after every use?  If your vehicle was blown up and you used the teleport, could you portal onto a friendly nearby airship as if it were solid ground?


How many 'goodies' can you lug around with you?  Do saddlebags take up extra customization slots?  For my character I was thinking his hover-bike would have an autopilot system, he would carry around his weapon, the teleportation pack, a respirator (since the hover-bike doesn't have a cockpit), a datapad/radio, and a toolbox.  He would stuff all this in saddlebags strapped to the hover-bike.  Are those allowed or do you have to carry gear on your character's person in a backpack or something?


I know, I know, it's Bionicle and realism doesn't really apply, but I think this is an awesome idea and worldbuilding never hurts.  Plus I want to make sure said character isn't ludicrously overpowered.



Edited by evil_jaga_genius
  • Upvote 1

Avatar by Nicholas Anderson (NickonAquaMagna)

My blog: The Jaga's Nest

Posted (edited)

Questions:  Are there any Toa in this world, or were they all killed by Marendar?  Relating to the game, can the players have Toa characters?  I'm not going to play as one but I do want to know if I'd be up against any. Nope, the Toa are all gone. There aren't any left, and you can't play as them. I was originally considering handing out Toa Stones as plot-related rewards later on in the game, but given that I approved an Av-Matoran yesterday, I'm currently reevaluating that decision. 


What class of airship would a hover-bike fall under?  By that I mean something the size of a motorcycle with wings instead of wheels, kept flying by some electromagnetic anti-gravity macguffin.  Would it be a skyfighter or something bigger?  Smaller? The ship types aren't "classes", they're base models. What you're describing sounds more like a Moto-sled than anything else, and I'm honestly not sure how much use something that can only hover a few feet off the ground is going to be for travelling between locations, or taking on other players/NPCs.  


​Besides that, I did try to put a lot of work into creating a varied and balanced array of aircraft for players to chose from, that would accommodate for the strengths and weaknesses of differently sized races, while still providing some options for customisation or creativity. I'd prefer not to throw all of that out of whack and just let everyone make up their own custom flight apparatus'. 


Also is this going to be a game I should check in/post in often?  If classes get hard I may drop off the grid for a couple days, and I don't want to bring everyone else's fun to a halt. That's a question I can't really answer. The game's only been running a short while, and it's difficult to gauge what level of activity and interest it's going to maintain in the long run.


Does anyone use elemental powers or Kanohi powers? There were plenty of races in canon that could potentially use Kanohi (Even Vortixx and Skakdi could wear them, though the latter couldn't actually make them work), and most species have powers or abilities of some kind. 


Can Matoran use minute amounts of said power, or are they still powerless? Matoran characters have access to the same innate abilities they've always had. Nothing special beyond that. 


What sort of communications are there on this world?  Do the airships have radios or onboard computers?  If so, how large is their range, can they reach across the planet or are they only useful for ship-to-ship communication? Nothing like that, no. That's why the settlements need pilots to ferry news and rumours. 


How do people survive in the low air pressures up above?  Are respirators and the like common for pilots, or would rigging one up take a customization slot on your vehicle? An interesting question; I hadn't thought of this. Given that the primary purpose of most aircraft is just for travelling between the settlements, most pilots wouldn't need to flying particularly high to begin with. So yeah, if someone has plans for using their ship to regularly ascend up to cloud level or higher, for whatever reason, I'm going to say they probably would need to devote a customisation slot to equipping breathing apparatus, reinforcing the cockpit, and so on. 


What about an autopilot, would that take one of said customization slots? I think I'm going to say no to autopilots. 


How does the teleportation work?  Does it only kick in when your vehicle is destroyed?  Is it in the form of a pack like the Teleportation Packs from VNOG, could you lug it around with you and portal out of any lethal situation, whether on foot or in air?  Does it need recharged after every use?  If your vehicle was blown up and you used the teleport, could you portal onto a friendly nearby airship as if it were solid ground? The teleportation device is integrated directly into the aircraft's systems. No one, outside of the Fe engineers who built the vehicles, understand quite how they work, and no one's managed to figure out a way to replicate the technology yet. Basically, if the ship detects that it's badly damaged, or that the pilot is badly wounded, it automatically teleports them down to the nearest bit of flat ground. The pilot has no control over where they wind up, so you couldn't use it for boarding enemy or friendly airships. 


How many 'goodies' can you lug around with you?  Do saddlebags take up extra customization slots?  For my character I was thinking his hover-bike would have an autopilot system, he would carry around his weapon, the teleportation pack, a respirator (since the hover-bike doesn't have a cockpit), a datapad/radio, and a toolbox.  He would stuff all this in saddlebags strapped to the hover-bike.  Are those allowed or do you have to carry gear on your character's person in a backpack or something? Saddelbags, cargo space, backpacks, satchels and so on aren't going to take up equipment/customisation slots, but you still need to be reasonable about what your character is carrying around. A Skyfighter pilot isn't going to be able to ferry around a pair of grand pianos, for example. 



What if the Cordak relied on impact force over explosive force. So, more of a kinetic weapon, rather than an explosive one? Rather than firing warheads, it's just launching big red rockets that crash into the target without exploding? 


Also, the crystals mostly serve to puncture, there's nothing too special about them. Alright, that seems fine.



Edited by Roman Torchwick

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Ballads of the Bionicle - lore/character songs

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash, The Outsiders

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar


Ooh, this reminds me of another RP I used to play before it died, except with less mecha.  I might consider joining this.  Dogfighting seems like fun.

It is not for us to decide the fate of angels.

Dominus Temporis, if you're out there, hit me up through one of my contacts.  I've been hoping to get back in touch for a long time now.  (Don't worry, I'm not gonna beg you to bring back MLWTB or something.  :P )

Posted (edited)


Didn't add a Kanohi for a number of reasons, mostly because her original MoC doesn't have one, and as recent evidence suggests, my chances of even seeing this get approved in the first place belong in the toilet with the rest of the #### anyway. Wasn't really sure about anything concerning the ship at all, so... whatever. Either way, I'm just glad that I can finally get some sleep now, especially since I'm already predicting that I'll be waking up to a six paragraph essay as to why nothing I just typed up is approvable.


No need to be so dour. Most of the profiles seem fine to me. That said, there's a few things I did want to discuss:


Gear: Elemental Attunement Sword - A Zamor Launcher-like device with a grip and handguard running parallel to the weapon's barrel and with two scimitar-styled blades emerging from the stock at either side, effectively resembling a weaponised tuning fork. While the device is a nightmare in melee combat by itself, capable of dishing out two wounds per swing or thrust, it's real power lies in it's ability to revert elemental attacks that make contact with it back into energy, which can then either be discharged back towards a foe in the form of blasts or simply absorbed before being channelled to increase its effectiveness at cutting through objects. There are a few downsides, however; first and foremost being that these are purely reactional abilities, which means they can only function if there is an initial elemental attack to absorb. Secondly, the weapon can only store up to three charges (meaning three elemental attacks absorbed) before its reserves need to be expended, and possessing a maximum capacity effectively renders it unable to take in anymore energy. Finally, in order to keep it properly functioning, any accumulated charges begin to automatically disperse themselves after a fairly short period of time, meaning that they cannot be retained for use in any future battles.

It's hilt and handguard are also home to some small spikes and gems, but these are purely for decoration and possess little to no combat value whatsoever.


I just wanted to clarify - in regards to its appearance and the way it's held, this weapon is basically just a regular old zamor launcher, but with two big, curved swords sticking out of it?


Because... that doesn't really sound like something that would be a "nightmare in melee combat", except perhaps for the wielder. Even for a Vortixx, the weight of two sizeable swords and one gun all cobbled together isn't going to be an easy thing to wield one-handed, especially with the handguard hampering how much the wielder can adjust their grip. 


The functionality itself, I think I'm okay with. There are plenty of items in canon that can channel a user's elemental powers, and a few items that can drain or absorb energy, so a blade that can absorb a small amount of an attacker's energy and redirect it for a small number of shots isn't completely unfeasible. But the design just doesn't seem anywhere near as practical as you've made it out to be...


Customisation: Enlarge, Shrink, and Freeze combination disks integrated into the pulley system, allowing it to cloak as if under the effects of a Huna; reinforced armor and frame for when subtlety's no longer an option. Roughly half of the cargo bay has also been converted into a hanger of sorts for storing smaller ships as well.


Okay, while I understand that these are the component disks that a Mask Maker would melt down in order to forge a Kanohi Huna, I'm still not entirely sure how individually incorporating them into the pulley system is going to turn the entire airship invisible? I'm pretty sure that's not how Kanohi, Kanoka, or airships work. 


Canonicity issues aside, I'm loathe to approve a function that would let something that big, with that many guns, just disappear. 



Had I typed up a Matoran-sized character attempting to use, let's say, something along the lines of this effectively in battle, I would be inclined to agree.

Seeing as to how the original Zamor Launchers created by the Nynrah Ghosts are proportionally around the same size and weight as a rifle-based weapon for them, and maybe a sawn-off shotgun for species around the size of a Toa, however, in relation to a Vortixx or another larger species, it would be more along the lines of the average handgun or pistol. Throw in the fact that most of these species also have an average strength level that plateaus just short of a Toa wearing a Pakari (as evidenced by Roodaka being capable of ripping a freaking Troller out of the ground by herself), and this becomes even less of an issue. That being said, the extra addition of the blades is also quite trivial when a character can effectively bench press something made out to be substantially larger than the hut of an average Matoran; in fact, it would be more likely for the wielder to potentially hurt themselves or accidently break their only method of self-defense by misjudging their own strength if it wasn't properly weighted or forged with the wielder's body type and power set in mind to begin with.

The pages regarding both Kanohi and Kanoka state that Kanoka are actually combined/melted together into a new disk first, before being carved into masks, in which the process itself eats up a sizeable portion of the resulting disk's power, hence the existence of the three main (not counting Legendary) power levels associated with Kanohi. By that logic, not only do other types of disks outside of the main eight exist within the Matoran Universe, but these disk fusions would also need to contain the abilities of their specific Kanohi (i.e., the Disk of Time possessing similar powers to the Vahi) in order to potentially create a functioning mask at all. And since two-thirds of an airship's ability to operate relies on Levitation and Weight Increase Kanoka being struck up against the ship's interior, rigging up an additional system to do something similar should theoretically still remain possible.

Since it's effectively using Concealment Disks (didn't know if we were actually calling them that, hence why the term didn't make it into the original profile) to render itself invisible, it also stands to reason that such a system would have to follow Huna rules as well, namely its shadow still remaining quite visible. If characters can pick up the fact that a group of beings contains one more shadow than it does bodies, then locating a shadow the size of an airship amongst one's current surroundings, even if they have to look out a window in order to do so, shouldn't pose that much of a problem.

Edited by Timageness


Hero Factory: Contagion

RPG Characters:

BZPRPG Characters

RPG History:

The Asylum, Bionifight Infinite, Year 60,000, Matoran und Panzer, HF RPG 2.0, Wasteland, Corpus Rahkshi, Skyrise

GM Résumé:

Matoran und Panzer (Formerly Appointed Co-GM), Corpus Rahkshi (Former Substitute Co-GM)



Feel free to shoot a PM my way if you're waiting for me to respond to something and I've been taking a while to do so.


In regards to the strength issue, the BS01 page for the Vortixx species makes no mention of them possessing strength at a peak-Pakari level. Being bigger than most of the other MU races, they would, of course, be somewhat stronger, but I'm inclined to believe that Roodaka's heightened level of strength was something unique to her, similar to her other weird, poorly-explained powers. She was something of a Mary Sue, after all. 


However, the issue of strength doesn't really have much bearing on my original point, which was that you were making this attunement blade out to be a "nightmarishly effective" melee weapon, when its actual design came across as being quite impractical. That said, if you're insistent on using it in its current form, there's nothing technically wrong with the design or function, so I'm okay with approving it. 


On the topic of the Huna/Concealment/whatever system, I'm just going to reiterate my earlier point - I'm not going to approve something that can turn an entire airship invisible. No one up on the plateaus or in other aircraft are going to be peering down into the canyons checking for shadows, so that's pretty meaningless as weaknesses go. My problem is, regardless of what purpose you had in mind for it, a completely invisible airship with lots of guns has the power to single-handedly sneak up on, and lay waste to, any one of the settlements in the game with relative ease.


Which makes it extremely game-breaking.


Even if you don't plan to use it in that way, if I approve even one invisible airship with lots of guns, then I'm obligated to approve every invisible airship with lots of guns that other people submit, and that's not a headache I want to make for myself. 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Ballads of the Bionicle - lore/character songs

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash, The Outsiders

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar


So, more of a kinetic weapon, rather than an explosive one? Rather than firing warheads, it's just launching big red rockets that crash into the target without exploding?

Well yes, raw blunt force can still damage machinery just fine. Just need to hit it in the right spot. That aside, the tips could be different shapes, and through that kinetic penetrators could be achieved.


My profiles


Read my Epic:Tales of Aoris Nui!

Profile pic by Soulemn on DA!


I also have a custom species approved for the BZPRPG! Click here to read about them!



What class of airship would a hover-bike fall under?  By that I mean something the size of a motorcycle with wings instead of wheels, kept flying by some electromagnetic anti-gravity macguffin.  Would it be a skyfighter or something bigger?  Smaller? The ship types aren't "classes", they're base models. What you're describing sounds more like a Moto-sled than anything else, and I'm honestly not sure how much use something that can only hover a few feet off the ground is going to be for travelling between locations, or taking on other players/NPCs.  


What about an autopilot, would that take one of said customization slots? I think I'm going to say no to autopilots.


It isn't really ground-bound, maybe hover-bike was a misnomer.  They're a lot like that aircraft Vultraz used on Karda Nui.  Is that what a skyfighter is supposed to be?


I thought an autopilot might be cool on such a light craft, then you could pull off stunts like jumping off the aircraft, slashing at your opponent with your blade, then having the machine fly beneath you and catch you again.  But seeing as though the ships don't even have radios, I guess they wouldn't have the tech necessary for autopilot like that either.  Your call.

Avatar by Nicholas Anderson (NickonAquaMagna)

My blog: The Jaga's Nest


They're a lot like that aircraft Vultraz used on Karda Nui.  Is that what a skyfighter is supposed to be?


That's exactly what a Skyfighter is. All of the aircraft in the intro post have links to the relevant BS01 pages. 


I thought an autopilot might be cool on such a light craft, then you could pull off stunts like jumping off the aircraft, slashing at your opponent with your blade, then having the machine fly beneath you and catch you again.  


When you first said autopilot, I assumed you meant just a regular autopilot like what commercial aircraft have today. What you're describing here sounds more like some kind of integrated combat AI, which is definitely not going to be approved for this game. Sorry. It kind of defeats the purpose of having pilots if the aircraft can operate autonomously like that. 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Ballads of the Bionicle - lore/character songs

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash, The Outsiders

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

Posted (edited)

Name: Parii

Species: Ba-Matoran

Gender: male

Powers: inactive elemental powers of gravity, unusually good hearing

Gear: Kanohi Kakama, a backpack

Personal Aircraft: no aircraft

Allegiance/Role: Cliffside, Parii is a homeless outcast getting by thanks to small theft

Appearance: a small, agile Ba-Matoran with black and purple armor, amber eyes and a rag for a scarf

Personality: Parii is smart and patient, he enjoys being a part of a big crowd - that way no one seems to notice him passing by. He's a pickpocket, though he doesn't seem to appreciate other fellow thieves in Cliffside. He wishes to get out of that madhouse and dreams of a better, more peaceful life in Tesara

Bio: Parii was outcast after an accident he caused on an airship, which left him mute. He moved to Cliffside and only after 4 days everything he owned was either stolen or destroyed. Later he resorted to theft and became a homeless pickpocket. He spends most of his time around Capstone where he hears various bits of information that help him survive in that barbarian district. It's also because of the safety Capstone guarantees to anyone inside.

Edited by permanentlyExtinct

(Deep breath) Well, here goes nothing.



Name: Zavon

Species: Skakdi of Earth

Gender: Male

Powers: Thermal Vision, Innate Earth Powers

Gear: A stone-launching rifle with an Axehead built into the barrel, Vision-Enhancing Aviation goggles

Personal Aircraft: Sunset Rider

Allegiance/Role: Tesara, Messenger 

Appearance: Zavon is rather gangly, mainly because he spends most of his days in a cockpit traversing the skies. He is dressed in primarily black and silver armour, with bright orange eyes. He’s usually seen with a pair of aviator goggles to enhance his vision powers.

Personality: Zavon is very cocky, foolhardy, and seems to take everything presented to him as a challenge. Strangely for a being of earth, he seems to be at most at home in the air. A few have even called him “The only Skakdi who isn’t a complete sadist”.

Bio: Zavon was once a worker toiling in the fields of Tesara, longing for adventure on the skies. His luck changed when an Executive told him that they needed another scout to deliver messages between settlements, and He happily jumped onto this offer, ready to explore whatever lies beyond his home…



Name: Sunset Rider                                                       

Model: Jetrax

Weaponry: Dual Zamor Launchers that launch explosive rounds (Mounted on wings), Electrical Net launcher designed to ensnare opponents (Mounted in front of the Pilot seat)

Customisation: Reinforced Protosteel Armour covering Engines

Appearance: The Sunset Rider is a sleek-looking craft that has been painted a Reddish-orange like its namesake, and the sides of the engines have an effigy of the pilot printed on it, giving a thumbs-up.




(I'll do this eventually, I swear...)


My BZPRPG Characters

Corpus Rahkshi Characters: Kol Arsenal Swarm Amalgamation

Skyrise Characters: Zavon


Posted (edited)



Name: Saffina

Species: Vortixx

Gender: Female

Powers: Vortixx-level strength and intelligence; potential to use Kanohi

Gear: Nightmare (Elemental Attunement Sword) - A unique, scimitar-styled weapon with two parallel blades capable of dishing out multiple wounds per swing or thrust. it's real power, however, lies in the device that primarily makes up its handguard, granting it the ability to revert elemental attacks that make contact with it back into energy, which can then either be discharged back towards a foe in the form of blasts from the short barrel located between said blades or simply absorbed before being channelled to increase its effectiveness at cutting through objects. There are a few downsides, however; first and foremost being that these are purely reactional abilities, which means they can only function if there is an initial elemental attack to absorb. Secondly, the weapon can only store up to three charges (meaning three elemental attacks absorbed) before its reserves need to be expended, and possessing a maximum capacity effectively renders it unable to take in anymore energy. Finally, in order to keep it properly functioning, any accumulated charges begin to automatically disperse themselves after a fairly short period of time, meaning that they cannot be retained for use in any future battles.

Its hilt and handguard are also home to some small spikes and gems, but these are purely for decoration and possess little to no combat value whatsoever.

Zyglakian Hide Armor - Armor primarily composed of treated (and heavily disinfected) Zyglak skin, adorned with various other Rahi pelts and more traditional armor plating. While nowhere near as effective as the ability of a living Zyglak, this does make it capable for her to shrug off most glancing elemental blows with relative ease.

Personal Aircraft: The Crimson Takea

Allegiance/Role: Herself and whatever crew she happens to be captaining over at any given point in time, though she has built herself up quite the reputation with the residents of Cliffside, and there's a rumor going around that she might even have some less than scrupulous contacts within Fe.

Appearance: Saffina's natural colors consist of dark green and gunmetal, an oddity for her species, though her armor is mostly white with lime green accents. Her wide headress, consisting almost entirely of feathers and tassels, resembles the hood of a poisonous snake, and ends with a long braid intertwined with small, light blue crystals that extends all the way down to around her thighs. Her neck also appears to be slightly elongated, due to the rings she used to wear around it back in her youth deforming her clavicles, but has since stopped doing so after distancing herself from the majority of the Vortixx population.

Personality: Being one who takes pride in her perfectionism, Saffina settles for nothing less than the best; she only takes on crew members she deems worthy of pulling their own weight, plans every job down to the most minute detail, and is usually long gone with her loot before any form of authority arrives to interfere with her business. A sky pirate and smuggler through and through, she's always on the lookout for her next big score, whether it be a profitable weapons shipment, much needed supplies she can off-load onto the highest bidder, or the occasional artifact from the pre-reformation days collecting dust in some long-forgotten ruin.

One thing she absolutely does not tolerate (aside from disloyalty), however, is clichés; those who wish to board her ship best have their missing appendages replaced with viable prosthetics, and even uttering the phrase "arrr" is enough of a reason for her to toss you out of the cargo bay headfirst, preferably while still in mid-air.

Bio: Orphaned at a young age on Xia, Saffina was nothing but trouble from the start.

Turning to thievery just to survive, she soon ran afoul of the law and was put to work in prison, where she honed her skills working on experimental weaponry deemed too dangerous for the more prominent citizens to sully their hands with. Growing restless and longing for her freedom, she eventually fell in with a group of captured pirates, and, upon discovering that they were plotting to escape, immediately signed on to go with them in order to leave her former home behind her once and for all. Months spent taking note of the guard patrols, smuggling bits and scraps of technology back to her cell, and even starting a few unnecessary fights just to determine response times later had eventually all paid off, culminating in one of the largest breakouts in recorded history, one which she was sure would immediately lead to a grand life of adventure sailing amidst the Protodermis Sea.

Unfortunately for her, however, the captain of the crew had other plans, and she was soon sold into slavery on the island of Stelt.

Forced to fight in the arena for several years, she soon found herself being pitted against more and more difficult foes as her fighting technique continued to improve, one of which who wounded her severely despite the fact that she was still able to take his life fairly quickly. Knowing that this life wouldn't end for her unless she either did something about it or died trying, she began to formulate another plan to once again regain control over her own destiny, only to fall into a deep depression after being forced to spectate the most recent match of  

the combatant slated to be her next opponent. Thankfully though, this actually turned out to be a blessing in disguise; when their former owner walked by her cell, happily counting all of the money they just made from selling him off to some shady individuals in the dead of night and clearly not paying any attention to their surroundings, it only took a second for her to shove her arm through the bars and silently snap their neck, and another to retrieve their key and unlock the door.

Events from then on are rather hazy, as she began to bury herself in a bottle soon afterwards. What she does remember, however, involves her and a few other escapees stealing a boat, and cutting a bloody, rage-induced swath of destruction up and down the coast. This eventually earned her a title amongst her former crew, one which she would eventually use to name her airship thousands of years later. And as for the captain who had betrayed her all those years ago... well, he eventually found out firsthand what it felt like to be disemboweled.

After the mass exodus from the Matoran Universe, accounts detailing the rest of her life up until now begin to differ. Some say that she found herself in Fe, only to be enslaved once again before stowing away on a trading ship with other less fortunate individuals bound for New Atero when they were still trading with the other settlements of Bara Magna. Others tell the tale of her trying to settle down and live a peaceful life in Tesara, only for her overwhelming bloodlust to force her into resuming her life of piracy. Those who've had a few in them will even try to weave stories about her being one of the founders of Cliffside itself, though these accounts are most definitely false, wildly inaccurate, and are really only told to prevent people from getting in her way.

Seeing as to how Saffina only concerns herself with the job at hand, however, the real truth, whatever it might be, may never be truly known entirely.




Name: The Crimson Takea

Model: Airship

Weaponry: A Hammerhead-styled ram located on the bow, and broadside cannons armed with chain-shot forged from Weight Increase Kanoka.

Customisation: Sonar Disks rigged up to an additional pulley system designed to activate automatically in conjunction with the rest of its internal mechanisms, allowing it to detect other vessels in its immediate vicinity. Roughly half of the cargo bay has also been converted into a hanger of sorts for storing smaller ships as well, and its armor and frame have been thoroughly reinforced.

Appearance: Standard-ish Metru Nui airship appearance aside from the aforementioned changes, additional fins to keep up with the shark theme (two of which are positioned over the port and starboard hull entrances into the cargo bay), two rows of jagged, stationary plating on the underside of the bow to mimic teeth, and a mostly silver paint job with a few splashes of red mixed in for good measure to imitate the appearance of blood.


Anything else that needs to be changed before it's good to go?

Edited by Timageness


Hero Factory: Contagion

RPG Characters:

BZPRPG Characters

RPG History:

The Asylum, Bionifight Infinite, Year 60,000, Matoran und Panzer, HF RPG 2.0, Wasteland, Corpus Rahkshi, Skyrise

GM Résumé:

Matoran und Panzer (Formerly Appointed Co-GM), Corpus Rahkshi (Former Substitute Co-GM)



Feel free to shoot a PM my way if you're waiting for me to respond to something and I've been taking a while to do so.

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