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Looking for a yellow ruru


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Hi there! I see you're rather new here but I'm afraid this topic belongs in Buy/Sell/Trade. You're most likely to find all kinds of misprinted masks there :). Topic reported to mods.


Best of luck finding your Ruru! ^^

Edited by Koala Kranan
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Just FYI, there has only been one sold in the last decade. I know one person who owns one, I'm not even sure if it's possible to reach him anymore, let alone whether he'd sell.

Edited by UngluedBike


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Isn't that mask only available in the sand tarakava?

There is is a super rare yellow ones that go for thousands of dollars the last auction I saw ended with it being sold for $1600 something.

This was on eBay about three years ago.

Edited by ToaTimeLord II

Hey I got a Flickr because I like making LEGO stuff.


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Hey Im really not sure what you are talking about, but I know only about 2 Rurus- one with Z-07 code, Purple Dave from site we who knows why we don't mention and the same guy had one without Z-07 and he sold it to, or someone else who he had sold it to fifi2004, who unfortunately sell it to guy off site :/

I used to sell replicas, but I don't have any now.

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