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A Western Tale Written by Scrubbish

Creator's Notes will be released concurrently with each newly released chapter.



Edited by Scrubbish
  • Upvote 1

Was that Chapter 1 already? Or was it just a prologue?

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:i:   :n:  :a:   :r:   :y:


Posted (edited)

I knew I choose wisely when picking my co-host.

Great job Lan.

Thank you!


Was that Chapter 1 already? Or was it just a prologue?

That was just a prologue.  The first chapter is up... now.



And the Sand Fox You Rode In On...



I'm going to come right out and say that I absolutely love Westerns.  Westerns are one of my favorite movie genres, right up there with fantasy and adventure.  And up until quite recently, I thought that watching Westerns was the only way for me to enjoy them.  I didn't think I could create a Western of my own.

     Then, in a late-night, Gatorade-fueled haze, these ideas popped into my head:

     Yes, I could make a Western.

     And yes, I would throw BIONICLE into it.

     The general idea for Go West, Young Agori has been gestating in my mind for about two weeks now, and it's about high time I got it out of my mind and onto paper.  Or in this case, forums.  My main inspiration comes from the 2016 version of The Magnificent Seven, which is my all-time favorite Western, with bits of Tombstone and Rango thrown in for good measure.  I tried to combine similar elements from them into Episode 1.One, specifically the opening scenes, where the protagonist wanders into the small, middle-of-the-desert town and meets a few of the locals, before learning of the imminent threat that the town faces.

     Fun fact: each Agori tribe is loosely based on, and attempts to poke gentle fun at, racial stereotypes portrayed in Westerns.  Fire Agori are meant to represent Whites, Water Agori are meant to represent Hispanics, Jungle Agori are meant to represent Blacks, Ice Agori are meant to represent Asians, and the Vorox are meant to represent Native Americans.  These will hopefully become more apparent as the story progresses.  (The Bone Hunters aren't really supposed to represent any specific race.)

     Another fun fact: Truka was one of my first ever original characters.  His origins lie all the way back in 2009, where I shoehorned him into a lame fanfiction I wrote.  I decided to bring him back for this project, and flesh him out more than his original incarnation.


I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter.

More to come in the future.

As always, comments and criticisms are welcome.

Edited by Scrubbish
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  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

You could make the bone hunters the stereotypical government in western times always pushing everyone around.

Ah, but did you notice how the Skrall and Rock Agori were conspicuously left out of my last Creator's Notes?  That's because they'll be the stereotypical greedy government, as detailed in this chapter.



The Devil Went Down to Roxtus



First off, an apology for this latest chapter to take so long to come out.  What with finals, depression, and writers block, finishing Episode 2.Two was a nightmare.  My original intent was for each new chapter to come out on the 3rd of every month, but that's sort of blown out the window now.  My new plan is to release a new chapter a month and a day after the previous one.

     With apologies out of the way, let's get to the good stuff.

     This chapter focuses less on the protagonists of Kelio's End, and more on the villains of Go West, Young Agori.  It's something I like to do when writing stories; give the perspective of the antagonists, share their point of view.  In this case, the main point of view is Skren's, the new Bone Hunter recruit.

     I tried to blend typical Skrall traits with typical ruthless Western businessmen traits when creating this story's inhabitants of Roxtus.  As such, some of what they're doing as Skren passes them may seem a little anachronistic.  After all, no Skrall we know would ever smoke a cigar, flip through a ledger, or have a Rock Agori shine his boots.  But I think it provides an interesting contrast; these terrible people engaging in civil activity, acting like upstanding elites, when they're obviously not.

     Fun fact: this chapter features two cameos from BZPower's Bara Magna.  Let me know if you spot them.


I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter.

More to come in the future.

As always, comments and criticisms are welcome.

Edited by Scrubbish
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  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Just read it all. Liked it so far, keep it up.

Thank you!  I was honestly wondering what our resident Bara Magna expert thought of this story, and I'm glad to see that you like it.  Hopefully, you'll continue to be satisfied with future installments.


I like this chapter a lot.

I found one cameo on Smoke can't find the other.

Patiently waits for more western writing.

Thanks!  In case you still haven't found it, the other cameo was Pahrak.

And don't worry.  The chapter is up... now.



Walk the Line



After some slight delays, the next chapter is finally up.

     This chapter focuses more on Truka than the other characters.  Specifically, his relationship with Ranion, because they totally have one.  That line in the chapter, "I just thought I'd drop in and see how my favorite Water Agori is doing?"  That wasn't just thrown in there; that's a definite hint at a past relationship between these two.  I promise to flesh that out more as future chapters come out.

     Fun fact: the titles of a lot of these chapters are just references to country songs.  This one is a reference to Johnny Cash.

     Another fun fact: this episode features another BZPower's Bara Magna cameo.  Let me know if you find it.


I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter.

More to come in the future.

As always, comments and criticisms are welcome.

Edited by Scrubbish
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Posted (edited)

I found the Pahrak cameo on the second reading.


The fact you made us arguing is kinda funny.


Also I like getting this perspective from a different character each chapter. Truka is an interesting character that I can't wait to see unfold.

Also brownie point for making a relationship between Truka and Ranion.

Edited by Rassilon (TTL)
  • Upvote 1

Hey I got a Flickr because I like making LEGO stuff.




Just read it all. Liked it so far, keep it up.

Thank you!  I was honestly wondering what our resident Bara Magna expert thought of this story, and I'm glad to see that you like it.  Hopefully, you'll continue to be satisfied with future installments.




As always, comments and criticisms are welcome.


Psh, I am no expert! I took what was there and made it my own, it is now pretty different from what Lego's bare bones gave us. That being said, as I love old epic sagas and the wording associated with it, I would have gone about this differently. But that would betray the Wild Western atmosphere you have going on. So for what it is, and as a person living in a state whose history literally is the Old Wild West, I think its going good my man.

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A RUDE AWAKENING - A Spherus Magna redo | Tzais-Kuluu  |  Pushing Back The Tide  |  Last Words  |  Black Coronation  | Blue Man Bound | Visions of Thasos   ن

We are all but grey specks in a dark complex before a single white light

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