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Rhinoceros Beetle- Plague Mech: Beta


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The smallest of Team Artillerix, designed for reconnaissance missions. The horn packs a powerful punch, and can easily flip mechs much larger than itself.


https://imgur.com/a/xa3MP Imgur Album


Built as part of Jayfa's plague mech contest on Instagram. Its not a very impressive MOC, but It was fun to build.


I took inspiration from the Japanese Rhinoceros beetle (and more than a little inspiration from the Pokemon Heracross).

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I really like the blue tubing.  =D


Thanks! It was a last minute addition but I think it turned out good.


I wouldn't say this isn't an impressive MOC. This is really great in its simplicity, and the colors are well placed!


I'm curious if you can link to the contest? Just curious to see what that was all about.


I'm glad you like it so much. To me it doesn't stand out very much, but I'm glad it was so well received!

Sadly the contest ended, but if you check out #Plaguemechswarm you can see all the entries https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/plaguemechswarm/

Pucci and Jobin would be pleased. Great work! The Tohunga hand works very well as the horn piece.


Jojo's reference. I haven't been able to get to parts 5-8 yet, but I recognize the names. Glad you like the horn. It kickstarted the whole build


Awesome model! It looks like a PokeMon. Great mix of CCBS and BIONICLE too.

Thanks! Heracross is one of my favorite pokemon designs, so I was happy to steal borrow from it. CCBS is such a beautiful system


Love that bit of blue tubing to break up the other colors. Very well done, and congrats on making the front page!

I'm surprised I made it to the front page so soon to be honest, especially for such a simple build, but I'm definitely grateful. Happy to hear you like it so much!

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