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So I finally opened the Enterplay card pack I got at GalaCon:



- #03 Fluttershy

- #36 The Great and Powerful Trixie!

- #40 Angel

- #43 Philomena

- #64 "I hate being a model"

- #77 Ponyville Schoolhouse

- #79 Sweet Apple Acres



- #F8 Royal Wedding Twilight Sparkle

- #F24 Apple Bloom

- Series 2 #F39 Fluttershy



- Carousel Boutique Creations Rarity

- Show Stoppers Scootaloo

~Avatar's original image was made by the incomparable Egophiliac.~


~Electronic Manic Supersonic Bionic Energy~


~"If I am afraid of criticism, I won't be able to challenge anything new." - BoA~


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Sooooo... I finally broke down and started a silly little project I'd been contemplating for a while. It's a Visual Novel-style Dating Sim, where you play as Big McIntosh and get to date each of the Mane Six (except Applejack, of course). The catch is that your only choices for responding to questions are "Eeyup", "Nnope", and "...", and partly due to that each date ends rather poorly regardless of what decisions you make.Story-wise, I'm trying to keep the whole thing in-character and close to the spirit of the show. There'll be some minor mature themes, mostly expressed through innuendo, but in general I'm trying to keep it about as lighthearted and innocent as a game that revolves around heartbreak can be. The sensuality that is there will be mostly for the purpose of tracking progression and enhancing the disappointment when things don't work out in the end.For example, in Twilight's story she goes on a dinner date with Big McIntosh, while reading from a book about dating. Afterwards, she invites him home with her, since the book recommends that after a good date. Just as she finishes preparing a bed for the two of them, she starts to ask him some questions that don't have yes or no answers. When she realizes that Big McIntosh has such a limited vocabulary, she points out that it wouldn't work out between them and sends him home.I'm putting it together in Microsoft Powerpoint (which is probably the worst tool I could use for the job, but it's also the easiest for a non-programmer like myself to figure out), and it's coming along well. I have the Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy routes fully scripted; Twilight's and Rarity's are mostly scripted though I'll need to go back to them and make them longer; I'm making progress on Pinkie Pie's, but it's been the hardest for me so far and I still am unsure exactly where I'm going with it. I have color coded text boxes but no art, although a friend who worked on Double Rainboom says she told some of the folks she worked with about it and some of them expressed interest, so fingers crossed.I've been trying to keep it low key. It's just a silly little thing I'm doing to see whether I have what it takes, as well as to poke fun at a lot of the shipping involved. I hope some people might play it and be impressed, but the last thing I want is a disproportionate amount of hype that the finished game (which is ultimately more about the illusion of choice than a true variety of choices) will never be able to live up to. Nonetheless, I felt I could share this idea with you pony folks here at BZPower.So, does anyone have any questions? Opinions? Suggestions? Diagnoses of lunacy? I'm all ears.

Formerly Lyichir: Rachira of Influence

Aanchir's and Meiko's brother

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Powerpoint will be very tricky, but if the story ends the same way each time, I suppose your responses don't actually need to have a direct effect on the progression of the story. Then again, the lack of choice may annoy some players who were expecting a game rather than a digital novel/picture book. That said, I really love the concept of something like this, and i hope you find the resources and people you need to do the concept justice.


I would recommend checking out a program called Game Maker and browsing through some of the downloadable tutorials. Often you can just copy and paste the scripts into your own game, and just change the sprites and dialogue to suit your own needs. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.


I'm just trying to picture how Fluttershy's arc would end... obviously the mutual shyness would be the main barrier to the conversation, but does she run away? Politely say "no" and then burst into tears? Try to talk to him the way she would to one of her pets?

3DS Friend Code: 0018-0767-4231

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Powerpoint will be very tricky, but if the story ends the same way each time, I suppose your responses don't actually need to have a direct effect on the progression of the story. Then again, the lack of choice may annoy some players who were expecting a game rather than a digital novel/picture book. That said, I really love the concept of something like this, and i hope you find the resources and people you need to do the concept justice.


I would recommend checking out a program called Game Maker and browsing through some of the downloadable tutorials. Often you can just copy and paste the scripts into your own game, and just change the sprites and dialogue to suit your own needs. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.


I'm just trying to picture how Fluttershy's arc would end... obviously the mutual shyness would be the main barrier to the conversation, but does she run away? Politely say "no" and then burst into tears? Try to talk to him the way she would to one of her pets?

Fluttershy's arc, eh? Here there be spoilers...

Fluttershy's arc has her actually declining your request for a date, since she feels she's too shy to go on a date with anypony, and on top of that, she's mad with worry for Angel Bunny, who has wandered off. She's checked everywhere in town, so she asks Big Macintosh to help her search the Everfree Forest. On their first night in the forest they're attacked by Timberwolves, and after Big Mac has tried in vain to fight them off and Fluttershy has seemingly flown off in fear, she comes to the rescue by causing a lightning strike to roast the timber wolf. They use the fire that's left to make camp for the night.When Big Mac wakes up, he hears Fluttershy singing off in the distance. He finds her washing up in a little brook a ways off. She confesses that she likes to sing in the shower and normally only does it in the privacy of her own home, but she doesn't mind him seeing. She also tells him that she's been thinking over his offer, and if he still wants to go on a date with her after they find Angel, she thinks she might be able to work up the courage to go along with it.They finally find Angel Bunny trying to drag an enormous carrot behind him, and when Fluttershy tells him about the date he seems annoyed. Since Angel can't pull the carrot on his own, Fluttershy asks Big Mac if he can carry it. Every time Big Mac tries to answer "Nnope", Angel kicks him mid-statement, forcing him to agree eventually. Similarly, when they're on their way back, she asks him if he still wants to go on the date, and Angel keeps Big Mac from saying "Eeyup". Fluttershy wonders if it's something she said, but then goes back to doting on Angel.I knew FlutterMac was a popular ship, so I thought about this one for a long time, and eventually settled on this story. I find it to be one of the most heartbreaking, since even though they never end up on the actual date, it's the only one so far where Big Mac's date wants it to go somewhere but he's forced to decline. I hate to give anyone any more reason to hate Angel Bunny (since I think all things considered Fluttershy would have been a total shut-in without him), but once I had decided they would be looking for Angel the conclusion wrote itself.

I'll look into Game Maker. I really only started it in Powerpoint because I needed a way to get all the ideas I was having out of my head and onto something permanent.

Formerly Lyichir: Rachira of Influence

Aanchir's and Meiko's brother

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  • 2 months later...

So . . . Season 4. It's almost here. What are you guys looking forward to the most (from what we know of it so far, of course)? I think Episode 4 sounds like it will be really great, from what the synopsis says. Won't spoil for those who don't want to know what it'll be about yet, but as a writer I think I'm going to get a kick out of it.


"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat." - Theodore Roosevelt

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Season 4 will be fun. ^_^


No new MLP stuff from me so far, but I am working on a drawing idea that may be more than my skills can handle at this point. :P

~Avatar's original image was made by the incomparable Egophiliac.~


~Electronic Manic Supersonic Bionic Energy~


~"If I am afraid of criticism, I won't be able to challenge anything new." - BoA~


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I don't know if I've mentioned this on here yet, but did any other TRON fans on here notice how similar Sunset Shimmer's plan was to CLU's from TRON: Legacy?

"You are an absolute in these uncertain times. Your past is forgotten, and your
future is an empty book. You must find your own destiny, my brave adventurer.
-- Turaga Nokama


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I don't know if I've mentioned this on here yet, but did any other TRON fans on here notice how similar Sunset Shimmer's plan was to CLU's from TRON: Legacy?

Actually, yes, I did. I thought nothing of it though, but could it be a reference? Hmmm...

For all ye spoiler people season 1-4 plot synopses have been revealed (you can check them out on the Equestria Daily website)

Edited by charge_beta

Best Regards Iggy                                                                                 Failure to not recognize this user's awesomeness is punishable by Pikachu

                                                                             "Because some...men just like to watch the world burn"  



Spontaneous Combustions is back, but not in the way you expected.


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Um. I think it's safe to say that Pinkie is best pony. Yeah.And I severely hope we don't have any closet bronies posting on here. Those guys make me sad.



So . . . Season 4. It's almost here. What are you guys looking forward to the most (from what we know of it so far, of course)? I think Episode 4 sounds like it will be really great, from what the synopsis says. Won't spoil for those who don't want to know what it'll be about yet, but as a writer I think I'm going to get a kick out of it.


I am indeed quite excited.

Edited by Cloudspark Crowfield


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Well... I finally swallowed my pride, and I've now seen the first episode. I figured I couldn't in good conscience call myself a true cartoon buff if I didn't eventually give everything a chance, this show included.


It was surprisingly good, then again, I suppose I should've expected that


Now I'm off to watch Batman Beyond to make up for the lost testosterone :P

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the first two are some of my favorite of the whole series. they set the stage for the entire show. its not like the main characters are six random ponies having picnics, they are collectively the very embodiment of the most powerful magic to be seen on the show thus far. they are literally the core elements of pure harmony going out and saving the world. these are very important characters that you really must know about. this paired with the astrological motif and the super heavy dualism between the alicorn sisters really made those episodes shine for me. it let me know that what i was getting into was going to be something big and great and wonderful and not at all what i, and many others i imagine, expected it to be. i still draw a lot of inspiration from those episodes whether its music or art or what have you.

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After watching the second episode, I'm inclined to agree with Emkay. I'm still not convinced I'm willing to enter bronyhood, but it was entertaining enough to warrant watching a little more, just to get a feel for it.


I'll probably do a review of some sort on my channel on that-video-site-we-can't-mention once I get to a point where I feel I can give an opinion that I can properly defend.

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After watching the second episode, I'm inclined to agree with Emkay. I'm still not convinced I'm willing to enter bronyhood, but it was entertaining enough to warrant watching a little more, just to get a feel for it.


I'll probably do a review of some sort on my channel on that-video-site-we-can't-mention once I get to a point where I feel I can give an opinion that I can properly defend.

You sick person! DONT JUS--- just watch some other episodes and you'll get hooked!


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I'll probably do a review of some sort on my channel on that-video-site-we-can't-mention once I get to a point where I feel I can give an opinion that I can properly defend.


you mean youtube?

also it will be refreshing to hear an unbiased opinion on the show this late in the game. almost everyone i know are either hooked on the show and have been bronies for a while now or just moved on. dont get to see someone just starting the series with fresh eyes very often

Edited by Emkay

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Yeah, youtube, I must've been mistaken before when I treated it as Voldemort.


EDIT: Also, since y'all seem like a very welcoming bunch, I decided to share this:





You wanna talk about who is best pony? Now this is a candidate to root for.

Edited by Dr. O

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Finally found some of those 3-packs with blindbag-sized ponies. ^_^


Got a pack with Rarity, Photo Finish and Hoity Toity and a pack with (Rarity repaint) Lyra, Octavia (with her favourite instrument) and a prissy purple pony whose name I forgot.

~Avatar's original image was made by the incomparable Egophiliac.~


~Electronic Manic Supersonic Bionic Energy~


~"If I am afraid of criticism, I won't be able to challenge anything new." - BoA~


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Finally found some of those 3-packs with blindbag-sized ponies. ^_^


Got a pack with Rarity, Photo Finish and Hoity Toity and a pack with (Rarity repaint) Lyra, Octavia (with her favourite instrument) and a prissy purple pony whose name I forgot.


The purple one is Lyrica Lilac.


I bought myself some blindbags a few months back. My favourite of which is Apple Fritter. Though I would like to get the Octavia one.


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A few weeks ago, I finally decided to take the opportunity to watch this entire series. I've been interested for about a year now, but never got around to even watching a single episode. But now, ahead of season 4, I've been watching every single episode, one per day (three times each day). As of today, I have now seen all of the first two seasons (and I can now confirm for myself that Shining Armor really does sound like Jaller. Not exactly, but very close.). All I have left to watch is the 13 episodes of season 3.


The reason I had waited so long to watch this show is because I'm a completionist when it comes to shows I like; If I'm going to watch one episode, then I must watch them all. I knew each episode could be found on YouTube, but rumors of take-downs made me worried a few episodes would been missing and I would have no way of seeing them. While this has turned out to be partially true, it seems the show is popular enough that there's always a different user uploading the entire series every month or two.


I'm so glad I finally decided to take this opportunity. I had already read the transcripts and seen pictures, but actually watching the show, and hearing the music and voices, has really given me a complete picture of why MLP:FiM is so popular.

Formerly known as Takanuva's Symbol, I rejoined BZPower on October 10, 2012.

These days, I am perhaps best known for my obsession with all Lego video games.

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A few weeks ago, I finally decided to take the opportunity to watch this entire series. I've been interested for about a year now, but never got around to even watching a single episode. But now, ahead of season 4, I've been watching every single episode, one per day (three times each day). As of today, I have now seen all of the first two seasons (and I can now confirm for myself that Shining Armor really does sound like Jaller. Not exactly, but very close.). All I have left to watch is the 13 episodes of season 3.


The reason I had waited so long to watch this show is because I'm a completionist when it comes to shows I like; If I'm going to watch one episode, then I must watch them all. I knew each episode could be found on YouTube, but rumors of take-downs made me worried a few episodes would been missing and I would have no way of seeing them. While this has turned out to be partially true, it seems the show is popular enough that there's always a different user uploading the entire series every month or two.


I'm so glad I finally decided to take this opportunity. I had already read the transcripts and seen pictures, but actually watching the show, and hearing the music and voices, has really given me a complete picture of why MLP:FiM is so popular.


Well, 13 days and 13 episodes left, you'll catch up just in time for the next season to start. Best get watching.


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Opinions and observations based on the first 5 episodes:


I've found that the show does seem to boast a very healthy mix of appeal to viewers of different ages. It's more a family show than anything else.


My favorite character is Applejack, closely followed by Rainbow Dash


Least favorite character is Pinkie Pie, she's very annoying. But my opinion of her rose quite a bit in episode 5. It was very thoughtful of her to back out of pranking Fluttershy out of concern for her feelings.


Fluttershy causes a cuteness overload almost every time I see her, I attribute this to my inner little boy screaming in protest.


Rarity hasn't really had enough screentime yet.


I relate a bit to Twilight Sparkle: bookish, loner, quiet. That used to be me in a nutshell.

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My rating of ponies1. Twilight (She's the one who's most relatable.)2. Rarity (It's nice to see this character not as a villain.)3. Fluttershy (She's just so darn cute.)4. Applejack (She has potential, just not enough screen time.)5. Rainbow Dash (If she continues to be like she was in Wonderbolt Acadamy, I'll like her more)6. Pinkie Pie ( She's annoying with not much character. I do like Pinkamena though.)My above all favorite ponies are Celestia and Luna. Celestia is really underrated.

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Twilight was actually a negative until making her friendships, and then she got wings


Rainbow was, until Wander Bolt Acadamy, a self centered annoyance to me.


Applejack needs more screentime. She is to often acting more and more like a background pony


Fluttershy will there be anymore character building? You can't really do anything with her, and if you do, she's not fluttershy


Rarity WAITING for her episode


Pinkie is perfect. Just perfect

Best Regards Iggy                                                                                 Failure to not recognize this user's awesomeness is punishable by Pikachu

                                                                             "Because some...men just like to watch the world burn"  



Spontaneous Combustions is back, but not in the way you expected.


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Rarity WAITING for her episode


rarity has plenty of episodes though


In addition to some of the best songs. I love Rarity, and it's been a while since she had an episode to herself, but frankly she's done pretty well for herself in terms of character development. I'm still excited for the rumored "Rarity Takes Manehattan", but that's more for Manehattan actually being featured in an episode than for Rarity herself. I'm hoping we get some more character focus for, say, Fluttershy (whose parents we haven't met, and whose only standout song is a duet), or even Rainbow Dash (who is still a ways away from her life goals, and similarly needs a good solo song). Really though, with a full 26 episodes in the coming season, I don't think we have to worry about any character being underrepresented this time around.

Formerly Lyichir: Rachira of Influence

Aanchir's and Meiko's brother

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One thing I neglected to mention. I don't like the change from anybody/everbody to "anypony", "everypony" and so forth.


Why? Well, first of all, it reminds me too much of this


Second: it's not like ponies are the only species in Equestria, Spike was there right off the bat, and then there was that gryphon whose name I forget (btw, Pinkie Pie was awesomely oblivious at that party). So why not keep it as "body" instead of going with "pony"


Just my two cents.

Edited by Dr. O

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Well, think about it, Rarity didn't have an episode during season 3

I think the "everypony" thing is a pun, a bad pun, but a pun nonetheless.

Friendship is Manly was just weird...no...unhappy thoughts

Best Regards Iggy                                                                                 Failure to not recognize this user's awesomeness is punishable by Pikachu

                                                                             "Because some...men just like to watch the world burn"  



Spontaneous Combustions is back, but not in the way you expected.


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Rarity didn't need an episode in season 3. Some of the best episodes from the first two seasons were Rarity episodes or at least had her play some significant part. What we needed was some good Applejack episodes that weren't hijacked by Derpy and also a Scootaloo episode, both of which we got in season 3. I felt the lack of any Rarity episodes that season was totally justifiable given that the amount of episodes were halved, but I'm sure she'll get some more episodes this time around.

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