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Hey there, gang! Well, as many years as it took, it seems like the end of this arc still snuck up on a lot of us. I know most of us, myself included, still have some unfinished business to attend to with all our characters. Keep posting with the same IC/OOC format you would anywhere else, but bear in mind that this is meant to draw things to a close for the time being before next arc comes around, so try not to string out interactions for too long. As for how long you have? Well, given that it seems that some people still weren't entirely ready for things to shut down so fast (even though I for one certainly was) we're going to set a tentative closing date for this topic for Sunday, October 20th, 6:00 PM EST. We reserve the right to take a few days on either end of the margin of error, depending on if people think they need more time or whether we feel people have sufficiently wrapped up their stories in time for next arc.

Oh, and speaking of which...

Pay close attention to some certain posts in this topic. You might be surprised by the plot hooks you see. 


I love you guys. We did it.


  • Like 9



Posted (edited)

OoC: I was writing this in the Ta-Wahi topic when the thread was locked... guess i'll post it here.

I'd be glad if, before the proper end of this arc, Dahkapa could be freed from prison. Then he could get right into action when the next arc begins.

IC: Sir Dahkapa (Ta-Koro Guard Prison)

How long had it been?

Dahkapa frowned. This thought had emerged from seemingly nowhere, at random, yet it lingered and gnawed his mind. Indeed, how long had it been since he had given himself up to the Guard? He could still remember how it had happened -- how he had seen Brontes enter a hospital, how he had entered and threatened him, how he and some other guard had then arrested him -- so it couldn't have been too long ago. But the memories were a blur, so maybe he was wrong?

How long had it been?

A week? A month? A year? Four years? He no longer kept track of time. Much of his time was spent in meditation and prayer, so he cared little for the material world. But if he didn't care, then why did this question bother him so much? He wanted it to leave his mind already so he could return to dream of Ak'rei'an and the blissful paradise his resurrection would create.

Then, he remembered.

He had come to Ta-Koro to help with the liberation of Ko-Koro from the villainous scum that had occupied it. Yet he had gotten sidetracked.

That is why the question bothered him. It was probably too late now. Either Ko-Koro had already been liberated, or it had been turned into an unassailable fortress. 

Or maybe it wasn't too late? He didn't know, because he didn't know how long it had been. Now that he remembered why this question felt so important, he was filled with a burning desire to find out the answer, and abandoned any thoughts of returning to meditation.

He stood up from the floor, marched to the cell door, and started shouting "How long have I been imprisoned? Someone answer me! How long have I been imprisoned? Has Ko-Koro been liberated? In the name of Ak'rei'an, I must know!"

OoC: Correct answer is four years

Edited by Daniel the Finlander
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still alive somehow

BZPRPG profiles

Posted (edited)

OOC: Just, uh, pretend the Kalta and co were doing this while everyone was escaping Ko-Koro. Ghost gave me permission to use Dakte in a light role. Transplanted from Ko.


Casanuva glanced at the giant patero launcher. :I need that.:

The Fa-Toa needn't say more, the threads of his plan had already seeded among the other members of the mindlink. Kalyss began directed plasma into a cutting torch, and started at half of its base. Along the other half, Dakte activated his soulsword. Casanuva grasped the artillery and lifted, his Pakari glowing. With a shuddering tear, he tore the patero out of its mooring on the wall. Heaving it over his shoulder, he pointed it at the oncoming force of Legacy guards.

The warriors weren't stupid; most slid to a halt and dove for cover, those that couldn't find any leaping off the wall. Casanuva didn't blame them, he'd risk a fall rather than be blasted to pieces. But he didn't aim at any of them, rather, he aimed at the guardtower between the guards and the Kalta. "Fire!"

Zueya leaped up and slapped the trigger, firing the cannon. The recoil caused Casanuva to stumble back, and beyond them, the guard tower crumbled as one of its corners was reduced to rubble. Behind them, the other force of guards were nearly upon them, and shots of energy and projectiles were whizzing by them. Casanuva turned and heaved the patero launcher at the oncoming group, disrupting the charge.

Fyura and Zueya took advantage, and vaulted the heap of metal. There is a running battle on the streets below, and at the walls towards the gatehouse. We need to get there.: Zueya counted a hostile Vo-Toa, while Vakua directed a wide band of focused sonic energy, knocking a swathe through the Legacy forces. Kalyss charged forward and immediately locked arms with a brawny lesterin. Fyura shouted as she exerting every muscle in her body and pushed him aside into a swipe of Casanuva's longsword. She noticed the spare sword on his belt, and sent him a thought.

The Fa-Toa locked blades with a skakdi, who grinned as he pulled out a buzzing, chattering box with his free hand. That didn't sound good; the Fa-Toa elected to direct a blast of magnetism that knocked the skakdi off the wall. He allowed himself to catch a breath before tossing her the arming sword on his belt "Don't melt it, okay?" Kalyss just smirked at him. He really hoped she didn't melt it.

The Legacy group fell back shortly after; turns out the battle had been going from both sides. Zueya squinted at one of the figures on the ground, and her eyes went wide. :Skorm! Skorm's on the ground!: She ignored the rest of the team's thoughts on the matter, and dove off the wall "SKORM!" The Ba-Toa beneath her looked up in surprise, and raised his hand, slowing her descent into his arms.

"How'd you know I would catch you?" he asked, clearly weary.

"I had a feeling, is all." Zueya smiled. Behind them, the rest of the Kalta descended the wall, one way or another.

"Skorm," Casanuva said, "What's the status on Soraph? Where is she?"

"Ihu-Koro, hopefully. She was tricked, and attacked. Some sort of parasite, she's alive, but comatose. Cyrix is wounded."

Kalyss frowned. "Who the karz is Cyrix?"

Skorm shook his head. "Doesn't matter right now. That," he pointed his finger at the massing forces at the Ko-Koro gate, "does. Between you, Kale, and the bombings, I think most of the patero artillery are offline, but we're still retreating across a killing field."

Kalyss looked the gate over. She nodded once. They'd formulated this plan, but never tried it before. "How about Plan Sunshine to collapse the gate?"

Casanuva raised his head. "Here?" Cas asked, a look of wary nervousness in his eyes.

The Su-Toa nodded. "Here. Ready?"

Skorm sighed; he'd burned up a lot of power already. "I'm ready."

Plan Sunshine was one of the cooperative techniques the Kalta had thought up during their training. There were a few others; Dynamo involved Casanuva tossing Zueya into the air while she shot electricity in all directions, Thunderbolt had Zueya firing a bolt of lighting, while Kalyss redirected the ionized air and Vakua amplified the thunder that accompanied the bolt, and Glorious Leader was one coined by Casanuva that involved shooting Kalyss as a magnetically assisted projectile as a last-ditch effort. Sunshine involved Skorm, Zueya, Casanuva, and Kalyss all working in tandem. Skorm began first, focusing on a point in space, warping gravity around it like an object of mass. Fyura followed by pouring as much plasma as possible into the vortex. As the plasma swirled around the point in space, Zueya aimed her staff at the growing globe, firing lighting into the mass. As more power flowed into the sphere it grew both larger and brighter. This is when Casanuva stepped in. Holding Ferrite with two hands, one on the grip and one midway of the blade, he channeled elemental power, using the sword to focus. He magnetically contained the sphere, which had reached about fifteen feet in diameter.

Skorm had let himself flow into Vakua's mental link. As the point holding the construction together, he had to initiate the next part. :Now!: He both shouted and transmitted this command, and as one, the four toa pushed what looked like a miniature sun into the gate. Dark figures scattered as the orb hit the ground, taking out a large portion of the gate, which collapsed in on itself. The four Kalta ceased concentrating as the manifestation was beyond their reach, and there was a massive explosion as the energized plasma ceased to be bound by either a magnetic field or a center.

Heaving, Skorm, collapsed. Zueya and Casanuva lifted him up by the shoulders (somehow, despite their disparate heights, they made it work), and the Kalta beat their retreat to Ihu-Koro.


By the end of the day, lovers had been reunited. Family was whole again. And Aelied felt it was finally time to advance The Plan.

OOC: I'll have more wrapup posts on my other characters later, and perhaps one dealing with certain relationships, but I'm considering this action over.

Edited by Keeper of Kraata
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The times, they are a-changing...



Posted (edited)

IC: Zyrgahk/Marro/NPC (From Ga-Wahi transferred to Ta-Koro Guard prison)

A giant metal box is being pushed toward the entrance of the prison, the wheels clanking against the stone floor. It's completely enclosed save for the small slits on the front and back nearing the top. There are five Ga-Koro marines, four on one of each of the box's corners and one on the front. One of the Ta-Koro guards comes out to inspect the transfer.

"Right on time." the guard says while taking a look at the large box. "I've got to ask, why couldn't you keep him locked back at Ga?"

The marines looked at each other. Then the one in the front speaks up. 

"Didn't they tell you?"

"Not much, but I thought he had broken into a bar or something, wouldn't think that would be much trouble." he takes a second glance at the box, from the sheer size of it he began to suspect that the transfer was less about the crime and more what might have happened afterwards.

"Well from the moment he arrived it was bad news. First it was the mess hall, he got into a fight against some of the inmates, most of them wanted to show him who was 'in charge', he bit the ring leader's arm off and tore it to bits, sent everyone of the others to the E.R.. Then he took one of the guards and ripped his leg off from the knee down, poor guy is still at the healers. He was put in solitary but somehow managed to break out of his cell just to break another of the inmates' back, something about having taken something from his previous cell. We need to have every Toa on him at almost all times just to restrain him, and some of them don't want to even get close to him. All the other inmates are terrified at this point and we don't need him breaking out and attacking the tourist district, the destruction is causing problems economic wise too. And one more thing this guy has a Parakuka."

The Ta-Koro guard winced now he knew the real problem, but as is customary of those who carry the element of fire he was not dissuaded from the threat.

"Well he'll find that we do things differently here at the Guard. Open the gates!"

The gears began turning slowly, the gates opening with a loud dragging sound and came to a stop with a bang. The marines began rolling the box forward.

:I smell ash, we must be in Ta-Wahi.:

"Guess you made a bigger impact than expected."

:And I was so close to figuring out the guards' routine and reaction times. Now I have to do it all over again.:

Zyrgahk raised his head to look out at through the slits.

:Yeah, Ta-Koro guard alright.:

The Ta-Koro guard got only a second to see that the Skakdi was looking at him, with glowing red eyes through the box's slit before they disappeared back inside the box.

:He-he really is that big.: 

A sense of dread and unease befell the guard as they continued to march on through the prison's halls. When they arrived at his designated cell, while stepping on a ladder they thrust a spear into the back of the box.

"Alright, get out!"

The massive Skakdi lumbered into his cell.

"Don't believe these walls will be able to hold me." he said without turning to face them.

"We'll see about that." the guard's parting words as the group began to leave.

"How long have I been imprisoned? Someone answer me! How long have I been imprisoned? Has Ko-Koro been liberated? In the name of Ak'rei'an, I must know!" cried a voice through the corridors.

"Not long enough." said the guard while pounding his cell, indicating to the prisoner to step back. They kept walking until they had cleared the area.

:This man's desperation might make him more prone to do something stupid.:

"Or just accept his bad lot and die."

"How long do you think you've been here?" Zyrgahk asked the nearby inmate, his voice rumbling across the hall.

OOC: Wonder if Sir Dahkapa is up for a needlessly elaborate escape, or a hostile prison takeover. Also decided to change Zyrgahk's text color.   



Edited by The Forge of Artakha
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Posted (edited)

[Ga-Koro, The Great Takea (Lucira/Talli)]

After the toa had finished his testimony, Talli turned her iStone towards him.

“I need you to sign here for records.”

She tried not to glance sideways at the Ta-matoran, who was rearranging her luggage between bites of burger.  She had apparently found the sheith to her knife and was emptying a bag of what appeared to be soap.

“Okay, who’s next!” she said, looking around before the other guardswoman caught her stare.

Edited by Mel
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There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

DGpmn.gif hSjyr.gif 0XaJh.gif SgiUv.gif 20lFP.gif Gb7My.gif jA8tl.gif ERGkj.gif NJbpp.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.


OOC: It's been a long while since I actually posted in the BZPRPG. But it was the first game on this site I ever played, the game that got me into text-based RPing, and even though a lot of what I did back then was amateurish and cringe-worthy, I wouldn't be where I am today without my time spent here.

So, with the arc coming to an end, it's time for me to bid adieu to a few of my characters.

The new arc looks promising, and I'm giving some serious consideration to jumping in full-time to see how that goes. Not sure yet if I'll start with an entirely new set of characters, or improve upon a few of my old favourites.

In the meantime, it's time to farewell all that has come before. 


IC: Natharius – Ta-Wahi

His journey ended where it had begun, on the unfamiliar shore he’d first awoken on. 

His time on this island had been chaotic and cathartic in equal measure. He’d fled his homeland to escape from the strife and savagery that plagued it. He’d hoped to find somewhere better, but instead he’d found somewhere that was worse off, in its own way.

Though he had many regrets from his brief time spent walking the shores of Mata Nui, he welcomed the perspective that this journey had given him. The world was so much more than stereotypes and lies he’d been brought up on. He’d met good Skakdi, and vile Toa, witnessed the misdeeds of good men, and seen the kindness of monsters.

But he was ready to move on.

He knew now that there were other habitable lands out there, just waiting to be discovered. 

It was time for someone to find them.

He pushed his boat out into the shallows, wading through the breaking waves until he reached the open water. 

Unfurling the sail, he let his mechanical hand close over the rudder, and began guiding the boat out towards the horizon, and the future that lay beyond it. 

IC: Dayeth – Ko-Wahi

Faith was a fickle thing. 

It could be blind.

It could be misplaced.

But it could also be rewarded. 

Wounded and weary, the lone Ta-Matoran staggered through the snow, leaving blackened, bloody tracks in the drifts. 

A weak flame flickered in her upraised palm, struggling to stand firm in the wind that whipped at her, slicing through her armour and flesh to sting at her very psyche.

She’d let herself become complacent, let herself believe could go back to being what she had been before. Her first home had crumbled down around her; she should’ve known the same fate would surely befall the second.

The Kumu Islets were gone, and now Ko-Koro was lost to her as well.

But despite her despair, her shame, her pain, something stronger was carrying her forwards.


She wasn’t sure how she was sure, but she could feel it. Her ashen hand ached with an excruciating certainty. The antidermis boiling through her bloodstream was screaming into her very soul, a savage song of jubilation.

He was here.

He was free.

He was real.

The flames dancing in her hand illuminated a blotch of blackness before her, the entrance to a tunnel she knew all too well. 

She began her descent into the cold comfort of the waiting dark, smiling with every step. 

Makuta had returned. 

Her faith had been rewarded. 

IC: Minnorak – Obsidian Outpost

The Outsiders were gone.

It had been a slow death, agonising and inevitable, and there had been nothing Enforcer could do to stop it. He knew how to follow orders, not how to maintain it in the absence of leadership.

The day Zero disappeared had been the beginning of the end. He, Forger, and Veteran had tried to keep the organisation afloat, but without Zero’s connections, and with most of their bridges burned after the disastrously poor choices they’d made during the first battle of Ko-Koro, no one had demonstrated any desire to come to their aid.

Zero had been the first to vanish, but she hadn’t been the last. Some had simply moved on to other things, others had thrown in their lot with the occupiers of Ko-Koro, or left for missions and never returned. The outpost had fallen into disrepair, with too much space, and not enough people to maintain it properly.

In the end, only a handful were left, living day to day on their rapidly-dwindling supply of rations.

And then the hostages of Ko-Koro had been rescued. The forces of good had marched forth to reclaim the sacked city. And like rats fleeing a sinking ship, the city’s new occupants had dispersed and fled, sacking and stealing and slaughtering to support their escape.

A group had arrived at the outpost, seeking to seize it for themselves.

When all was said and done, only Minnorak had remained.

Veteran had died as he lived, with a bottle in his hands, a smile on his face, and a mischievous glint in his one good eye. There’d barely been a scratch on him. His old heart had finally given out, after so many years of service.  

Minnorak had buried him on a slope overlooking the outpost. It had been the grizzled Ta-Skakdi’s favourite spot, from which he had liked to stand and watch the generation train and grow. They had been his legacy, and they were gone now.

Draygon’s dream had died with him.

Muttering a final farewell to his old friend, Minnorak took up his halberd and helm, and set off into the snow, in search of purpose.

  • Like 4

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Ballads of the Bionicle - lore/character songs

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash, The Outsiders

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar


IC/NPC: Ihu-Koronian Highlanders

Murrae Ismae, combat medic for the Ihu-Koro guard force, was never paid enough for the level of strain the unorthodox soldiers put her under. True, injuries--whether self or conflict inflicted--had decreased overall since the Ta-Koro Guard had sent a detachment to train the ragtag collection of mercenaries and militia into actual soldiers, but that had been more than adequately compensated for by the influx of refugees. There had been a bit of a lull, but judging by the crashed Kahu in the center of town....

That was about to change again.

Murrae grabbed her kit, sprinting to the side of the Le-Toa, beginning the process of checking her over. Blow to the face--likely a concussion, she'd need rest for that. A cut to the arm, however, Murrae could do more with. She drew a scalpel, cutting away the iron it had been sealed with before stitching it up, activating her mask of healing to seal up the bleeding--both external, and possibly internal. 


Meanwhile, Tamara was faced with a decision. 

Last time they had attempted to aid Ko-Koro, they'd suffered nearly one quarter in casualties. They'd had to nurse their wounds as they escorted what refugees they could back up the mountain, through the cold and ice.

And yet... She turned to the Po-Toa next to her, one of the few veterans remaining from their founding. 

"Lieutenant, gather the Highlanders. Take the Guards too. We have an opportunity I doubt we'll see again. Ride for Ko. Do what needs to be done."

They were fortunate that the Ta-Koronans were such quick studies. The Highlanders skied down the mountain at breakneck pace, their charges traveling along behind them--the walls of Ko-Koro were visible now, sprays of snow rising up as the small guard force halted. 

"Highlanders!" The Lieutenant said, turning to face the rest of them after watching the situation for a few moments. "We charge the gate. Once it's held, we can start focusing fire on the Legacy harassing the Gukko for--"

There was a blinding flash, and the gate ceased to be. The Lieutenant paused for a few seconds, then shook his head and grinned. "There's our opportunity, men. CHARGE!"

They advanced quickly, the more disciplined Ta-Koro Guards presenting a front while the Highlanders--many of whom were Vortixx or Skakdi--offered supporting fire from the flanks. They suffered little resistance until they got to the gate, the Kalta's explosion providing a more than adequate distraction for their approach. By the time the Legacy members holding the gate got the stars and flashes out of their eyes, the Highlanders already had momentum. They exploded into the village, weapons at the ready--a stone blast from the Lieutenant and two of the Skakdi combining their powers into a flow of lightning and water leveling two Legacy members closest to the gate.

"Force them out of cover if you can, but keep your distance," the Lieutenant barked. "Let's give them something to think about before they take shots at our air support. When we see the Maru, we rally to them--they are our heroes, our symbols. They are not allowed to fall. Keep them alive and this gate open at all costs before worrying about taking the city. If it comes to it, we retreat again--but not like last time, not in disarray. We are Ihu-Koro. We will keep our brothers safe."

The Highlanders shouted their assent, and dove into battle. 

  • Like 1

No such thing as destiny.

BZPRPG Profiles


IC [Sisk – Skies above Ko-Koro]:

Sisk was sorely tempted to let Skyscratcher grab the Toa of gravity by his legs and drag him back out into the open, to repay him for the brothers-in-arms he’d cost the village of air this day. But a sudden flash followed by alarmed shouts nearby refocused the tamer. Instead, he signaled his gunner, and the Matoran behind him fired two more disks into the building Lunefeld had disappeared into, collapsing the entrance and good portion of the facade. By the time he had a chance to dig himself out, the Kahu was long gone.

Back in the sky, Sisk flew evasively, while getting an overview of the situation again. Below, towards the gate – which had been blown away – he saw a new force of mixed beings advancing on the village. There was only one place close enough with that many different people that it could launch an attack now. Ihu-Koro had come.

Skyscratcher rolled and headed towards the perimeter of Gukko still circling in the grey clouds above and obscured from view. He was quickly joined by three other flight leads, who’d noticed the sudden reinforcements as well. “We should give them a proper welcome!” one of them said, winking. Sisk nodded. “You have a plan?” he shouted over the wind. The pilot flying at his right wing responded. “Get our flights together, circle in behind the newcomers and help them crack the thugs beyond the gate.” Sisk nodded. “Let’s give ‘em a hand!”

Within a minute, they had a dozen birds flying in formation, heading towards their allies. Just as the Highlanders launched their charge into the village, shadows fell over them from behind. Looking up, the Lieutenant saw birds and riders racing by overhead. He spotted one of them, looking back down at them, and the Po-Toa veteran could’ve sworn the Matoran snapped him a cheeky salute as his Kahu raced by. The next moment, the streets ahead of the advancing Ihu-Korans erupted in a shower of ice and snow, kicked up by exploding Madu and disk-launchers, clearing a path.

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3 hours ago, The Forge of Artakha said:

IC: Zyrgahk/Marro/NPC (From Ga-Wahi transferred to Ta-Koro Guard prison)

A giant metal box is being pushed toward the entrance of the prison, the wheels clanking against the stone floor. It's completely enclosed save for the small slits on the front and back nearing the top. There are five Ga-Koro marines, four on one of each of the box's corners and one on the front. One of the Ta-Koro guards comes out to inspect the transfer.

"Right on time." the guard says while taking a look at the large box. "I've got to ask, why couldn't you keep him locked back at Ga?"

The marines looked at each other. Then the one in the front speaks up. 

"Didn't they tell you?"

"Not much, but I thought he had broken into a bar or something, wouldn't think that would be much trouble." he takes a second glance at the box, from the sheer size of it he began to suspect that the transfer was less about the crime and more what might have happened afterwards.

"Well from the moment he arrived it was bad news. First it was the mess hall, he got into a fight against some of the inmates, most of them wanted to show him who was 'in charge', he bit the ring leader's arm off and tore it to bits, sent everyone of the others to the E.R.. Then he took one of the guards and ripped his leg off from the knee down, poor guy is still at the healers. He was put in solitary but somehow managed to break out of his cell just to break another of the inmates' back, something about having taken something from his previous cell. We need to have every Toa on him at almost all times just to restrain him, and some of them don't want to even get close to him. All the other inmates are terrified at this point and we don't need him breaking out and attacking the tourist district, the destruction is causing problems economic wise too. And one more thing this guy has a Parakuka."

The Ta-Koro guard winced now he knew the real problem, but as is customary of those who carry the element of fire he was not dissuaded from the threat.

"Well he'll find that we do things differently here at the Guard. Open the gates!"

The gears began turning slowly, the gates opening with a loud dragging sound and came to a stop with a bang. The marines began rolling the box forward.

:I smell ash, we must be in Ta-Wahi.:

"Guess you made a bigger impact than expected."

:And I was so close to figuring out the guards' routine and reaction times. Now I have to do it all over again.:

Zyrgahk raised his head to look out at through the slits.

:Yeah, Ta-Koro guard alright.:

The Ta-Koro guard got only a second to see that the Skakdi was looking at him, with glowing red eyes through the box's slit before they disappeared back inside the box.

:He-he really is that big.: 

A sense of dread and unease befell the guard as they continued to march on through the prison's halls. When they arrived at his designated cell, while stepping on a ladder they thrust a spear into the back of the box.

"Alright, get out!"

The massive Skakdi lumbered into his cell.

"Don't believe these walls will be able to hold me." he said without turning to face them.

"We'll see about that." the guard's parting words as the group began to leave.

"How long have I been imprisoned? Someone answer me! How long have I been imprisoned? Has Ko-Koro been liberated? In the name of Ak'rei'an, I must know!" cried a voice through the corridors.

"Not long enough." said the guard while pounding his cell, indicating to the prisoner to step back. They kept walking until they had cleared the area.

:This man's desperation might make him more prone to do something stupid.:

"Or just accept his bad lot and die."

"How long do you think you've been here?" Zyrgahk asked the nearby inmate, his voice rumbling across the hall.

OOC: Wonder if Sir Dahkapa is up for a needlessly elaborate escape, or a hostile prison takeover. Also decided to change Zyrgahk's text color.   



IC: Sir Dahkapa (Ta-Koro Prison)

In response to his desperate questions, a nearby guard muttered "Not long enough." 

Dahkapa frowned and wanted to shout back at the arrogant heathen, but before he could do that a voice came from a nearby cell. Perhaps the noise the had heard moments ago came from a prisoner being shoved inside? It must've been. The cell had been empty before.

"How long do you think you've been here?" a rumbling voice asked across the hall.

Whoever he was, he sounded brutish and loud. Dahkapa had never been fond of such people, before and after his Enlightenment. He assumed the speaker was either a Vortixx or a Skakdi, or a very burly Toa. Part of him didn't want to respond, but he realized that having allies in prison might as well be the only way he can find out an answer to his question -- and hopefully break out of here. It would be wiser to be polite.

"I am not entirely sure," Dahkapa responded, loud enough to be heard but still more quiet than the Skakdi had been. "When you're imprisoned, all the days simply merge together into one monotonous mass. But if I had to guess... a month, more or less."

He was silent for a moment, before realizing the other prisoner had just come here. His contacts to the outside world were still fresh. Maybe one of his questions could be answered?

"Do you happen to know what has been happening in Ko-Koro lately?"

  • Like 2

still alive somehow

BZPRPG profiles

Posted (edited)

IC: Zyrgahk/Marro (Ta-Koro prison)

"Do you happen to know what has been happening in Ko-Koro lately?"

In his time in the Ga-Wahi prison Zyrgahk had been able to pick up on some information regarding the Koro, although they were mainly rumors or whispers.

"Mostly rumors, but to my knowledge it seems a group took possession of it. Some of the Koros have sent reinforcements, but if there has been an outcome to that I don't know."

:Wonder why he'd care, don't need another do good Toa stopping my plans again.:

"If that's the case you might want to silence him before he figures out what you're doing like that last inmate did."

:His broken back should make him remember to keep his nose out of my business.:

"Now let me pose you a question, have you taken count of the guards' rounds?"

:If he knows it might take less time to get out.:  


Edited by The Forge of Artakha
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1 hour ago, The Forge of Artakha said:

IC: Zyrgahk/Marro (Ta-Koro prison)

"Do you happen to know what has been happening in Ko-Koro lately?"

In his time in the Ga-Wahi prison Zyrgahk had been able to pick up on some information regarding the Koro, although they were mainly rumors or whispers.

"Mostly rumors, but to my knowledge it seems a group took possession of it. Some of the Koros have sent reinforcements, but if there has been an outcome to that I don't know."

:Wonder why he'd care, don't need another do good Toa stopping my plans again.:

"If that's the case you might want to silence him before he figures out what you're doing like that last inmate did."

:His broken back should make him remember to keep his nose out of my business.:

"Now let me pose you a question, have you taken count of the guards' rounds?"

:If he knows it might take less time to get out.:  


IC: Sir Dahkapa (Ta-Koro Prison)

The first part he already knew -- that Ko-Koro had fallen and was now in the filthy hands of despicable heathens. But the second part gave him hope. Perhaps the Koros were preparing for an attack, or had already launched it. If the rumours weren't old, that is. Or outright false. Some people cared little for the truth and spun wild stories to manipulate others. How Dahkapa despised such scum. He had always searched for the Truth and valued it above all else. Maybe that is one reason why the question of "How long has it been?" burdened his mind so much.

"Now let me pose you a question, have you taken count of the guards' rounds?"

Dahkapa spent much of his time in meditation and prayer and payed little regard to what the guards did. Oftentimes he snapped out of his trance and found food near his cell door, unaware of when it had been brought there, and by whom. Of course, the prisoner was asking the question with the intent of escape in mind. Why else would he care for such a fact? But so far Dahkapa had not even considered escape. He had turned himself in, after all.

"No, I am afraid. Besides, if the reputation of the Ta-Koro guard is true, then they're wise enough to switch schedules randomly, so you can't predict the pattern of guard rotation. These people aren't fools, you know."

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IC: Zyrgahk/Marro

"No, I am afraid. Besides, if the reputation of the Ta-Koro guard is true, then they're wise enough to switch schedules randomly, so you can't predict the pattern of guard rotation. These people aren't fools, you know."

Zyrgahk scratched his chin, he'd expected them to change at random but not that the inmate wouldn't even consider finding out.

:This might put a damper on things.: 

The reason Zyrgahk caused such commotions back at Ga-Koro prison was to see where everyone was at that specific moment, doing it again could pose a greater problem since the guard would've been warned of his, misgivings.

"They certainly aren't. Hmm...Although I find it hard for something to be truly random, especially when dealing with dangerous beings, they'd always want their strongest warriors to stand guard."

The guards couldn't be everywhere at once their strongest would always be near his cell, getting to know how many there were and who would prove to be an advantage.

"I'd imagine that their feeding schedules don't change much, it's something I doubt they'd handle at random." Zyrgahk said more to himself.

:Worse off, I don't know where the armory is. Need to get my weapons back if I want to try anything.:

 "Is there a mess hall or do they just leave the food here?" 

Either one had its uses. 

  • Like 1
29 minutes ago, The Forge of Artakha said:

IC: Zyrgahk/Marro

"No, I am afraid. Besides, if the reputation of the Ta-Koro guard is true, then they're wise enough to switch schedules randomly, so you can't predict the pattern of guard rotation. These people aren't fools, you know."

Zyrgahk scratched his chin, he'd expected them to change at random but not that the inmate wouldn't even consider finding out.

:This might put a damper on things.: 

The reason Zyrgahk caused such commotions back at Ga-Koro prison was to see where everyone was at that specific moment, doing it again could pose a greater problem since the guard would've been warned of his, misgivings.

"They certainly aren't. Hmm...Although I find it hard for something to be truly random, especially when dealing with dangerous beings, they'd always want their strongest warriors to stand guard."

The guards couldn't be everywhere at once their strongest would always be near his cell, getting to know how many there were and who would prove to be an advantage.

"I'd imagine that their feeding schedules don't change much, it's something I doubt they'd handle at random." Zyrgahk said more to himself.

:Worse off, I don't know where the armory is. Need to get my weapons back if I want to try anything.:

 "Is there a mess hall or do they just leave the food here?" 

Either one had its uses. 

IC: Sir Dahkapa (Ta-Koro Prison)

Clearly, this prisoner was very eager to stop being a prisoner as soon as possible, and was constantly plotting his escape. Dahkapa thought that it would be best to cooperate with him, especially if the guards cared so little for his questions. If they cared so little for Ko-Koro and his desire to save it.

He nodded. "Yes, they do. And now that I think about it, they must feed the prisoners regularly. So that is one constant that doesn't change."

Perhaps Dahkapa could get him to reveal the conspiracies he was clutching in his thoughts.

"Why do you wish to know? I don't see how knowing the feeding schedule is useful."

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Posted (edited)

IC: Zyrgahk/Marro (Ta-Koro prison)

"Why do you wish to know? I don't see how knowing the feeding schedule is useful."

:Hmm... He may be of use, although the last person who became a tattletale, things didn't go well for him, caused this transfer.:

"True, but his previous desperation will likely dissuade a betrayal."

:Fair point.:

"The feeding schedule becomes a weak point, they will likely have multiple guards at once to be certain that nothing goes wrong. But it's unlikely that they will round once more until some time, giving us an opening."

Zyrgahk had purposefully acknowledged Dahkapa to instill confidence that he'd see to both their freedom, although he intended to free more than just themselves in the escape.

"As long as one can deal with starvation as to ignore the food that has been placed before them. One could feasibly be able to open the cell door and not expect guards immediately rushing towards them since they are still passing out the food."           

Edited by The Forge of Artakha
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Posted (edited)


As Merror drifted back into consciousness, the first thing he became aware of was that everything hurt. It was as though he’d been used as a giant’s Koli ball. The side of his head was particularly sore.

What had happened? Where was he? He hadn’t yet managed to open his eyes. He racked his foggy mind for memories of the last few hours. There was something important, he was sure of it...something that had happened? Something he still had to do? Someone he had to — 

Vault. Abettor. Echelon.



His eyes sprang open and he struggled to heave himself up. There was soil and leaf mould beneath his hands, a tree root poking into his leg. He managed to raise his torso off the ground, and looked around with groggy urgency. Trees surrounded him, stretching up to a star-dotted sky. No sign of the Fe-Toa.

With further effort he rose to his feet. He gave his injuries a quick once-over: nothing serious, it appeared, just bruises and the occasional shallow cut. Reaching a hand over his shoulder revealed that one of his swords was missing. The other remained safely in its sheath. Good enough.

“Dorian!” he shouted into the darkling forest.

No reply but the rustle of a soft evening wind among the leaves.

He began to move, searching the trees for some sign of the young man he’d come so far to help.


“Alriiiiight, alright,” came the sluggish reply. “I said don’t start cryin’ over me. Yeesh.”

He found Dorian on his feet, but only just; the Toa of Iron had inched himself up a tree, with the slow, deliberate pace of a survivor trying to find his footing. There was already a cigarette in his mouth, but it hung unlit from a split bottom lip. His prosthetic Protosteel fingers were clicking uselessly at the battered lighter that had once belonged to Joske Nimil. The digits had none of their usual fluid grace.

It only took a few steps until his eyes adjusted in the pale moonlight, and saw the truth of Dorian’s wounds. What had been serious within the heart of the Vault only minutes previously had turned grievous after their rough journey. The wound on his midriff had opened up considerably, and the pulses of blood were starting to slow between intervals. Dor’s eyes were feverish, but even through the shocked haze of Echelon’s death and Makuta’s return, there was a glimmer of something, hidden under the waves of callow cerulean, that Merror had never seen before.

Relief. Wonder. Peace.

“Alright,” he whispered, bending his head down to the lighter. The cigarette finally caught, and he sucked on it hard for a second, hissing onyx smoke through his teeth. “You caught me. It’s not...oxblood. All this excitement, guess I...might be a season...behind.”

His legs spasmed under him, knees almost buckling; his back scraped the tree before the usually-limber Toa of Iron caught his balance.

Merror darted forward instinctively as Dorian shuddered. As he stabilised, the Ta-Toa approached more slowly.

“Dor…” In the back of his mind, it occurred to Merror that he’d never called him that before. “This isn’t good. We have to get you to a healer.”

He offered the battered young Fe-Toa a supporting hand.

Dorian looked at the hand for a long time, and his playful grin grew softer, more serene at the edges. His expression was almost pitying. Once again, the assassin was acting as if he had been let in on some secret, some private magic trick with a prestige that would wow everyone but him. Or like he had already accepted something that had not even entered Merror’s mind.

“A healer…” he laughed quietly. His eyes drifted up to the sky above them. The day had passed them by while navigating Mangaia; by now it was midnight, an apt time for the horror they had just unwittingly awakened. But Makuta’s reach had not yet extended to the heavens - the moon was still out, shining a spotlight on Dorian Shaddix, and the stars were in his eyes.

“I shouldn’t have kissed her. Tell her sorry for me.”

Was he delirious? The Fe-Toa had most likely lost a lot of blood. Merror would have to take charge.

“Come on.”

He stepped forward, and slipped the proffered arm around Dorian’s back, supporting his shoulders.

“You’re going to be all right, lad. I think Kini-Nui’s been resettled; they’ll have someone who can help. Maybe a Sana-user. We’ll get you patched up.”

Dorian was still staring up into the sky, and he weakly tried to shrug away Merror’s arm from behind him. He had always been strong; strong and fast, and Merror could not understand why the Toa of Iron wasn’t fighting him more forcefully. Dorian had always hated being dragged around like this.

“Listen to you,” he kept giggling, blood flowing from his busted lip, from his rent open core, from the teeth biting down on the edge of his smile. “So full...so full of #####. You and Jos.”

His hand brushed his empty revolver, trembled slightly.

“Why...didn’t he tell me?” Dor finished the rhetorical question with a curse. “Useless. Frickin’ useless. We...would have pranked his stupid ##### out of Bad Company. Or...led him into a tree when Xa-Koro blew. Told...Told him there were kittens to save up there.” He coughed. “He didn’t...tell me. Left...before me. I tried to…”

Dor managed to climb to his own feet again, and shrugged Merror’s arm away from him. The blood was pouring out of him, but what little was left was still the blood of the Mark Bearers. He could stand.

“Temple...of Peace. I buried him there. Facing the morning...sun. Couldn't...tell. Tell her. Kay?”

Merror froze. He felt something drop in his stomach.

“Dorian...you’re not saying…”

“...what happened?” he asked softly, returning to his slow stride. They had to keep moving.

Dor turned to glare at him. His eyes rolled back into his head for a second - partially out of exertion, but partially…

“I took care...of it...”

Merror looked at him for a moment, uncomprehending. Then it clicked.

“Echelon…” he breathed.

Merror closed his eyes, hung his head as they trudged onward.

It had happened again. One more good person, taken by that madman. One more person he couldn’t save. Even dead, snuffed out by his own dark master, he had still managed to remove another friend from Merror’s life. First it had been his team: young, naive, so sure they could take on the world. He had watched them die before his eyes. A lifetime later, Tamaru, plummeting from the Le-Koro treetops; catching him mid-fall, only for him to breathe his last on the lakeshore. Taipu too. Utu, that poor broken shell of a man, just another failed experiment to the Dark Toa. And now Joske too, the fiery young champion he’d seen transformed into a Toa, who he’d travelled with and tried to impart with what little wisdom he could offer. So young...all of them, so young.

“Hmmm,” Dor hummed softly, peacefully.

And now Dorian, Merror thought with a start, wrenching himself back out of that pit of sorrow. If he did not focus now, keep forging ahead with what strength the two of them could still muster, Dorian would join them. He would not — could not let that happen. He could not lose one more.

“They’re pretty tonight,” the Fe-Toa said quietly, staring up into the stars. The stars glinted off his eyes, and Merror was shocked to see part of the light inside them was actually tears, shimmering in his eyes. By now, the gunslinger’s feet were dragging more than stepping; he tucked against Merror’s side, cigarette bobbing in his mouth as he swallowed hard. 

The cinders fell to earth from the stars.

“How many are up there, Merror?” Dor asked, another rhetorical question posed only a hair above a whisker. “How many thousands? ...I did more things wrong...than there are stars in that sky tonight. P-Pew.

The Toa of Iron’s eyes closed tightly, to smother the threat of tears. He plucked the cigarette out of his mouth with what strength remained in his fingers - his real fingers - and crushed the embers out on a thumb.

“I just...I just. Really...thought...I did this one right.

Dorian Shaddix’s breath left him in half a laugh and half a sniffle. Quietly, he slumped against Merror’s collarbone.






Edited by Tyler Durden
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IC Kotak - Ko-Wahi:

The recent days had been very busy. Ko-Koro had been attacked, fallen to the followers of Makuta, then attacked again by the rest of the island to retake the battered city. The Outsiders were gone. 


Kotak supposed it was better that way. He wasn't entirely sure what had possessed him to go trying to find camaderie in that frozen tower, but he was assured once again that he was better off on his own. 


His gaze, piercing cold and blue, turned toward Ko-Koro, smoke still trailing into the sky before being lost in the endless winds. His home, once. No longer. He had no home, now. He shook his head. Was this how Kopaka had felt, all those years ago? He'd never know, now. He turned away, and with the night wind blowing his brown cloak about his body, his shield strapped to his arm, and the Rahkshi spear he'd won deep in the dark tunnels across his back; the lone Ko-Toa started down the snowblown slopes, a wanderer once more.


IC Luten - Oreius' Hospital room:

"I think I'd like to meet them one day. Do you think I could meet them after they find your mask, Mr. Oreius?"

  • Like 1
3 hours ago, The Forge of Artakha said:

IC: Zyrgahk/Marro (Ta-Koro prison)

"Why do you wish to know? I don't see how knowing the feeding schedule is useful."

:Hmm... He may be of use, although the last person who became a tattletale, things didn't go well for him, caused this transfer.:

"True, but his previous desperation will likely dissuade a betrayal."

:Fair point.:

"The feeding schedule becomes a weak point, they will likely have multiple guards at once to be certain that nothing goes wrong. But it's unlikely that they will round once more until some time, giving us an opening."

Zyrgahk had purposefully acknowledged Dahkapa to instill confidence that he'd see to both their freedom, although he intended to free more than just themselves in the escape.

"As long as one can deal with starvation as to ignore the food that has been placed before them. One could feasibly be able to open the cell door and not expect guards immediately rushing towards them since they are still passing out the food."           

IC: Sir Dahkapa (Ta-Koro Prison)

Dahkapa nodded,  not that the gesture could be seen. It was a foolhardy and risky idea. Almost guaranteed to fail. But what else was there? Besides, perhaps it was a good idea in the end. For all Dahkapa knew, the other prisoner had been imprisoned before, and possibly had even escaped, and thus knew how to do it again. Even if that wasn't the case, Dahkapa trusted him more than himself. Having always devoutly followed the Virtues before being Enlightened, he had never broken a law and been behind bars. This prisoner at least sounded like he knew what he was doing, which is more than he could say for himself.

"Sounds dangerous, trying to escape like that. But I haven't got any better ideas myself. At the very least, I can handle hunger with ease. Ak'rei'an gives me strength to keep going. Maybe He shall give me strength to overcome the guards, too. I wish His divine blessing may extend to you as well, so both of us can be free once more."

  • Like 2

still alive somehow

BZPRPG profiles

Posted (edited)


The pain was agonizing. And no, not the kind of pain you're thinking of. A concussion? Some cuts and bruises? Sure they could hurt like karz, but they were par for the course by now. No, the pain I felt was something that no doctor on Mata Nui or off it could heal. 

The feeling of guilt, I was convinced that it was the worst pain you could ever experience. That gut feeling in your stomach, the stress and anxiety, the crushing weight that came with it...it really sucked. 

The Ihu-Koro doctor had already taken care of me, healed what wounds they could and told me to stay put and rest. When I became full coherent and aware of my surroundings I was laying in a hospital bed, the window next to it showing nothing but endless white from the blizzard that was still raging on. The worst of my concussion was most likely over, all I needed was rest. 

I wanted to do anything but. I didn't know where my friends were...were they still in Ko-koro? Or had they escaped? Were they alright? I didn't know, and not knowing only fed into the sense of dread that had been slowly overwhelming me. 

If any of them were seriously hurt or killed, it was on me, one hundred percent. I'd pulled the classic Daring move and charged in without thinking. I...I should have known better, but of course as always I let my emotions get the better of me and just jumped into the fray. I slammed my fist into the wall, ignoring the pain it caused. I was angry...angry at myself for being a complete idiot. 

"I shouldn't have come here...I should have just went home..." I was starting to talk to myself, great. "They'd be better off without me messing things up..." 

Ever since I'd was old enough to hold a sword I'd been trying to play the hero, to fight all that was wrong and evil in this world. But maybe I was just making things worse, maybe I was just a messed up, broken Toa who couldn't get it together. 

Maybe I should just quit...


Edited by Snelly
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My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar


IC [Luntep - the Wagon's Rest - Po-Koro]:

There wasn't much in Luntep's mind right now. He had been thinking, and toiling, and thinking more and more... Aimlessly, hopelessly, for months. The sound of Mahi was his only constant. And now, for the first time since he left Onu-Koro, he had interacted with somebody who actually seemed to care for his existence.

 He put down that foul sack of feed, and took a seat. Staring at his spiky interlocutor's unexplainable grin, he spoke, without thinking it twice.

"That would be good."

 He was still here. This was his life. It was not good, and it would not change soon. But that was okay.

 He was happy.

OOC: I am very confused.

BTW Luntep's pal is Zekev.

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I'm Vrokdann in Skyrise: Ascent, and Luntep in the BZPRPG.

[sigfig in tunnel]

My profile pic's a cool little thing I made called Bettani. That thing up there's just a me inside a tunnel.



IC: Zekev [Wagon's Rest - Po-Koro] 

"Oi! Two berry-bonanzas! And whatever stew you got cooking back there!" I called out to the guy behind the long bar counter. I knew out here in Po-Koro these establishments liked to throw in free lunches along with drink, and honestly, I was famished after, what, weeks in the cold? Any stew would do. I also assumed the little guy didn't want alcohol, and as for me...

Thoughts of the Brotherhood's prohibitions brought back memories of our defeat in Ko-Koro. We were- are- lost. Scattered, attacked, and now here I was enjoying Bula berry shakes. Was this what the Archangel would want?

I clenched my fist, struggling not to let my frustration show. Didn't want to scare the Matoran- Luntep, right?- or get into trouble by breaking the table or something equally... unwise.

The Grandmaster... him. him and his stupid plan. Why did we ever think the Serpent's Legacy would truly aid us?

I was still glumly staring at the table when my meal came. I dipped the spoon into the sludge and shoveled it into my mouth. It was serviceable.

"So, you never did tell me what you worked as," I said to Luntep, trying to keep my mind off the recent events that me off.

OOC: So basically the current plot has reached its end, and the next big change in events will come up at the end of this topic closing and new location topics being put up. Until then, this topic is for people who want to wrap stuff up to continue posting until the next arc starts. To get a hold on the rough events, check out the linked posts in the latest News and Discussion page, you should be able to roughly understand it. Otherwise you can always check out the bzprpg wiki which covers earlier big plots @Lipuret McKaukau

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Posted (edited)

Kale Ironshaper- Ihu-Koro

IC: When the Aggressors had escaped from Ko-Koro, they had done so with a fair number of wounded. Some had been allies wounded in the attempt to aid the Maru. Others had been part of the task force. Which group they belonged to didn't matter however, it was Kale's job to make sure they were all taken care of. A role that he had become increasingly familiar with over the course of their captain's long absence.

So it was that the silver Toa had been making his rounds of the hospital when Skyra spoke. He paused at the young woman's words. Obviously her actions in the battle and the resulting chain of events bothered her. Which was a good thing, she had made mistakes that bore thinking about. Only, Kale knew how jumbled things could get on the battlefield. Making sure everyone followed the same plan was one of a leader's primary roles and challenges. If there had been a failure it had been as much on his head as hers.

"Then become better."

The words were neither hard nor soft. Hot nor cold. They simply were. If he shared the blame of her mistakes than he also shared the responsibility to help her get over them.

OOC: @Snelly

Edited by Silvan Haven
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"I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."



Posted (edited)
11 hours ago, Daniel the Finlander said:

IC: Sir Dahkapa (Ta-Koro Prison)

Dahkapa nodded,  not that the gesture could be seen. It was a foolhardy and risky idea. Almost guaranteed to fail. But what else was there? Besides, perhaps it was a good idea in the end. For all Dahkapa knew, the other prisoner had been imprisoned before, and possibly had even escaped, and thus knew how to do it again. Even if that wasn't the case, Dahkapa trusted him more than himself. Having always devoutly followed the Virtues before being Enlightened, he had never broken a law and been behind bars. This prisoner at least sounded like he knew what he was doing, which is more than he could say for himself.

"Sounds dangerous, trying to escape like that. But I haven't got any better ideas myself. At the very least, I can handle hunger with ease. Ak'rei'an gives me strength to keep going. Maybe He shall give me strength to overcome the guards, too. I wish His divine blessing may extend to you as well, so both of us can be free once more."

IC: Zyrgahk/Marro (Ta-Koro prison)

:Not sure what Ak'rei'an means but if he's in, and can cope with hunger that's good enough for me. I've got you if the going gets tough.:


"Good then. Now if you hear the guards coming around tap you're cell twice to warn me, I should be able to hear them but just in case." he said this while tapping the cell bars with his finger.

:Hardened protosteel, double layered, gotta give it to the Guard they sure know how to make a cell. But...: 

Zyrgahk rose to see the hinges, and began digging his clawed thumb into the small crevasse to begin removing the pin.

:Three hinges, going to take a while. At least I'll get acquainted with the feeding schedule.:

"So this'll take a while to get right, so in the mean time you can tell me what you are and how much you know your way around a fight."    

Edited by The Forge of Artakha
3 hours ago, The Forge of Artakha said:

IC: Zyrgahk/Marro (Ta-Koro prison)

:Not sure what Ak'rei'an means but if he's in, and can cope with hunger that's good enough for me. I've got you if the going gets tough.:


"Good then. Now if you hear the guards coming around tap you're cell twice to warn me, I should be able to hear them but just in case." he said this while tapping the cell bars with his finger.

:Hardened protosteel, double layered, gotta give it to the Guard they sure know how to make a cell. But...: 

Zyrgahk rose to see the hinges, and began digging his clawed thumb into the small crevasse to begin removing the pin.

:Three hinges, going to take a while. At least I'll get acquainted with the feeding schedule.:

"So this'll take a while to get right, so in the mean time you can tell me what you are and how much you know your way around a fight."    

IC: Sir Dahkapa (Ta-Koro Prison)

"Very well", Dahkapa said, and then heard the scratching of metal. He was going to try and dismantle the door, apparently. Dahkapa looked at his own cell door, made out of sturdy protosteel. Briefly he considered doing the same as him, before realizing he had no idea how. He hadn't even seen a cell door before coming here, and he wasn't much of an expert on doors anyhow. It seemed his duty would be that of a patient look-out. Thankfully, he was a patient person. He sat down on the floor and crossed his legs.

"So this'll take a while to get right, so in the mean time you can tell me what you are and how much you know your way around a fight."    

"I am a Toa of Ice, and have been for many years. As the guardian of Ko-Koro" -- he winced as images of his burning home city flashed in his mind -- "I honed my fighting skills as much as I honed my mind. Usually, I use a warhammer and a crossbow, but unfortunately both were taken from me as I was imprisoned. But unarmed combat is not unfamiliar to me."

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still alive somehow

BZPRPG profiles

10 minutes ago, Daniel the Finlander said:

IC: Sir Dahkapa (Ta-Koro Prison)

"Very well", Dahkapa said, and then heard the scratching of metal. He was going to try and dismantle the door, apparently. Dahkapa looked at his own cell door, made out of sturdy protosteel. Briefly he considered doing the same as him, before realizing he had no idea how. He hadn't even seen a cell door before coming here, and he wasn't much of an expert on doors anyhow. It seemed his duty would be that of a patient look-out. Thankfully, he was a patient person. He sat down on the floor and crossed his legs.

"So this'll take a while to get right, so in the mean time you can tell me what you are and how much you know your way around a fight."    

"I am a Toa of Ice, and have been for many years. As the guardian of Ko-Koro" -- he winced as images of his burning home city flashed in his mind -- "I honed my fighting skills as much as I honed my mind. Usually, I use a warhammer and a crossbow, but unfortunately both were taken from me as I was imprisoned. But unarmed combat is not unfamiliar to me."

IC: Zyrgahk/Marro (Ta-Koro prison)

:Now I understand why he cared about Ko-Koro.:

"Toa of ice huh. That'll be pretty handy, blocking hallways and stalling the guards."

:Guess my luck is taking a turn for the better.:

"Any idea where that armory is at?"

Posted (edited)
42 minutes ago, The Forge of Artakha said:

IC: Zyrgahk/Marro (Ta-Koro prison)

:Now I understand why he cared about Ko-Koro.:

"Toa of ice huh. That'll be pretty handy, blocking hallways and stalling the guards."

:Guess my luck is taking a turn for the better.:

"Any idea where that armory is at?"

IC: Sir Dahkapa (Ta-Koro Prison)

"Toa of ice huh. That'll be pretty handy, blocking hallways and stalling the guards."

"Yes, if I manage to get out of this cell, that is. It's proofed for elemental powers from the inside, I presume. Not that I have tried to use them."

"Any idea where that armory is at?"

Dahkapa squinted his eyes and tried to memorize Brontes arresting him. He had removed his mask and weapons, escorted him to the headquarters and given him in, when a powerless replacement mask was placed on his face. He vaguely remembered Brontes taking his warhammer and crossbow down a hallway.

"Some idea. Not very exact, unfortunately. But if we manage to make our way into the lobby, I know the rough direction. My personal Kanohi mask is held there too, I assume."

Briefly Dahkapa wondered if the other speaker was a burly Toa like he had suspected, and was also in need of his mask.

"What species are you, if I may ask?"

Edited by Daniel the Finlander
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still alive somehow

BZPRPG profiles

53 minutes ago, Daniel the Finlander said:

IC: Sir Dahkapa (Ta-Koro Prison)

"Toa of ice huh. That'll be pretty handy, blocking hallways and stalling the guards."

"Yes, if I manage to get out of this cell, that is. It's proofed for elemental powers from the inside, I presume. Not that I have tried to use them."

"Any idea where that armory is at?"

Dahkapa squinted his eyes and tried to memorize Brontes arresting him. He had removed his mask and weapons, escorted him to the headquarters and given him in, when a powerless replacement mask was placed on his face. He vaguely remembered Brontes taking his warhammer and crossbow down a hallway.

"Some idea. Not very exact, unfortunately. But if we manage to make our way into the lobby, I know the rough direction. My personal Kanohi mask is held there too, I assume."

Briefly Dahkapa wondered if the other speaker was a burly Toa like he had suspected, and was also in need of his mask.

"What species are you, if I may ask?"

IC: Zyrgahk/Marro (Ta-Koro prison)

"Skakdi." he said nonchalantly still fiddling with the pin.

:A rough location will do.:

"Almost got the first one half way. Once I'm out I'm bringing down the wall to your cell, wouldn't want to get caught trying to take the door apart."

The original idea was to punch the wall down but instead it would make less noise if he pulled most of it down.

"How much longer do you think It'll take before they serve out any food?"  


OoC: Alright we got a bit carried away fine. We'll wrap it up in a couple of posts, calm down everyone.

I just wanted to rp after 4 years alright ;n;

1 hour ago, The Forge of Artakha said:

IC: Zyrgahk/Marro (Ta-Koro prison)

"Skakdi." he said nonchalantly still fiddling with the pin.

:A rough location will do.:

"Almost got the first one half way. Once I'm out I'm bringing down the wall to your cell, wouldn't want to get caught trying to take the door apart."

The original idea was to punch the wall down but instead it would make less noise if he pulled most of it down.

"How much longer do you think It'll take before they serve out any food?"  

IC: Sir Dahkapa (Ta-Koro Prison)

"Well, it's been a while since I've eaten. But they don't serve food that often. They don't care too much for the prisoners' well-being. You should have an hour, optimistically."

Indeed, his prediction was largely correct. Over half an hour would pass with no sign of additional guards coming to serve food. There was only one Toa patrolling the hallway; his occasional presence meant that it was a foolish idea to talk. Dahkapa hoped he wouldn't hear the Skakdi dismantling the door with his claws. Once the guard was far away, he said:

"I hope you're done soon. I have a feeling they'll be serving food not long from now. Hurry up."

  • Like 1

still alive somehow

BZPRPG profiles

1 minute ago, Daniel the Finlander said:

OoC: Alright we got a bit carried away fine. We'll wrap it up in a couple of posts, calm down everyone.

I just wanted to rp after 4 years alright ;n;

IC: Sir Dahkapa (Ta-Koro Prison)

"Well, it's been a while since I've eaten. But they don't serve food that often. They don't care too much for the prisoners' well-being. You should have an hour, optimistically."

Indeed, his prediction was largely correct. Over half an hour would pass with no sign of additional guards coming to serve food. There was only one Toa patrolling the hallway; his occasional presence meant that it was a foolish idea to talk. Dahkapa hoped he wouldn't hear the Skakdi dismantling the door with his claws. Once the guard was far away, he said:

"I hope you're done soon. I have a feeling they'll be serving food not long from now. Hurry up."

IC: Zyrgahk/Marro (Ta-Koro prison)

"Al-most... there." 

And with that the final pin was out and none the sooner, as the guards were passing out the food. They reached Zyrgahk's cell, he was looking down at them with as much anger as he had.

:Just wait till you're gone.:

The guards kept passing out the slop they called food and cleared out the hall. Once Zyrgahk saw them leave he pulled the door upward and out as quietly as possible. 

"Hope you're ready." he whispered as he placed his hands on the brick wall that Dahkapa's cell door was attached to.

"Better save some time, I'm doing this one."

And with Parakuka enhanced strength he pulled down the wall, careful not to let the stones fall to the ground, and deactivated it once more.

"Time to go."  

16 minutes ago, The Forge of Artakha said:

IC: Zyrgahk/Marro (Ta-Koro prison)

"Al-most... there." 

And with that the final pin was out and none the sooner, as the guards were passing out the food. They reached Zyrgahk's cell, he was looking down at them with as much anger as he had.

:Just wait till you're gone.:

The guards kept passing out the slop they called food and cleared out the hall. Once Zyrgahk saw them leave he pulled the door upward and out as quietly as possible. 

"Hope you're ready." he whispered as he placed his hands on the brick wall that Dahkapa's cell door was attached to.

"Better save some time, I'm doing this one."

And with Parakuka enhanced strength he pulled down the wall, careful not to let the stones fall to the ground, and deactivated it once more.

"Time to go."  

IC: Sir Dahkapa (Ta-Koro Prison)

As soon as he heard the Skakdi get out, Dahkapa mumbled a prayer to Ak'rei'an, thanking him for his divine aid, and asking him to protect him as he escaped.

When the wall came crumbling down, Dahkapa instinctively tried to activate his Kanohi Hau, only to remember it had been replaced with a powerless one.

"Impressive strength, even for a Skakdi," he muttered, and wondered if his strength had been somehow increased. Maybe he was just naturally that strong. Thankfully, the designers of this prison hadn't expected such might.

"Time to go."  

He nodded. "Yes, and quickly. Lead the way, I can tell you where to go if need be, but you seem to be the stronger one so you should go first. May Ak'rei'an guide and protect us."

  • Like 1

still alive somehow

BZPRPG profiles

1 minute ago, Daniel the Finlander said:

IC: Sir Dahkapa (Ta-Koro Prison)

As soon as he heard the Skakdi get out, Dahkapa mumbled a prayer to Ak'rei'an, thanking him for his divine aid, and asking him to protect him as he escaped.

When the wall came crumbling down, Dahkapa instinctively tried to activate his Kanohi Hau, only to remember it had been replaced with a powerless one.

"Impressive strength, even for a Skakdi," he muttered, and wondered if his strength had been somehow increased. Maybe he was just naturally that strong. Thankfully, the designers of this prison hadn't expected such might.

"Time to go."  

He nodded. "Yes, and quickly. Lead the way, I can tell you where to go if need be, but you seem to be the stronger one so you should go first. May Ak'rei'an guide and protect us."

IC: Zyrgahk/Marro (Ta-Koro prison)

"Since the guards should still be passing out food, we should be able to retrace their steps in the other direction without encountering anyone. But to be safe you should freeze the passage behind us."

:Any extra time we have the better.:

They began walking the direction the guards had come through.

"On second thought, you should freeze any corridor we exit just to be safe. Separating the guards is our number one priority."

If Zyrgahk had to he'd open a few more cells to cause a riot in the event something went awry. 

26 minutes ago, The Forge of Artakha said:

IC: Zyrgahk/Marro (Ta-Koro prison)

"Since the guards should still be passing out food, we should be able to retrace their steps in the other direction without encountering anyone. But to be safe you should freeze the passage behind us."

:Any extra time we have the better.:

They began walking the direction the guards had come through.

"On second thought, you should freeze any corridor we exit just to be safe. Separating the guards is our number one priority."

If Zyrgahk had to he'd open a few more cells to cause a riot in the event something went awry. 

IC: Sir Dahkapa (Ta-Koro Prison)

"Alright, if you say so."

He turned around and summoned his powers of ice to create a wall of frost blocking off the passage. He then continued to follow him.

"If I remember right, we should turn to the left next, then head straight forward. Quick, before the patrolling guards hear us."

He glanced at the cell doors as he passed by them, and noticed the glowing eyes behind bars. Part of him felt pity for them; but if they weren't followers of Ak'rei'an, why should he care? Besides, there wasn't enough time to set everyone free. They should only do so if they had to.

  • Like 1

still alive somehow

BZPRPG profiles

1 minute ago, Daniel the Finlander said:

IC: Sir Dahkapa (Ta-Koro Prison)

"Alright, if you say so."

He turned around and summoned his powers of ice to create a wall of frost blocking off the passage. He then continued to follow him.

"If I remember right, we should turn to the left next, then head straight forward. Quick, before the patrolling guards hear us."

He glanced at the cell doors as he passed by them, and noticed the glowing eyes behind bars. Part of him felt pity for them; but if they weren't followers of Ak'rei'an, why should he care? Besides, there wasn't enough time to set everyone free. They should only do so if they had to.

IC: Zyrgahk/Marro (Ta-Koro prison)

"Good to know."

Zyrgahk kept walking the direction Dahkapa pointed out, but as he was about to take the left he heard the footsteps of one of the guards. He quickly pressed his back to the wall and signaled Dahkapa to do the same. Thanks to the ice wall there'd be no reason to worry about their back. Zyrgahk waited as the guard drew near, he suddenly reached out and took him by the mouth with one hand and holding his spear with the other.
"Now, now stop struggling you won't be able to tell anyone what you saw for a looong while." he said and smashed the guards head against his knee.

Zyrgahk took the guard's mask and spear, the spear was to short for him and wouldn't be much use for him so he offered both to Dahkapa.

"This'll be more useful for you than for me."

OOC: The mask can be whatever best suits you.




I jerked my head towards Kale as I heard his voice. That was a mistake, as my aching head pulsed in pain from doing so. "Kale, you're okay! That's good." I was happy to see at least someone familiar had made it back safe and sound. But that still left the question...

"...did everyone else make it back okay?" I could feel my heart beating in my chest, I was scared that I wouldn't like the answer. 

OOC: @Silvan Haven

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar


Kale Ironshaper- Ihu-Koro- Hospital

IC: It was there for just an instant, his carefully built mask of solidity cracking at that single question. For a moment anyone watching could see the still bleeding wound that lay beneath. The desperate struggle to not let it grow and consume him. but then the moment was gone, and the mask was repaired. With a sigh, Kale settled into a nearby chair and looked at Skyra with the same face he had seen on other Guardsmen when they delivered bad news about a loved one.

"Krayn stayed behind to give us the time we needed to escape. Dehkaz showed up and went after him but...he was looking pretty shaky even before we left."

OOC: @Snelly

"I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."



Posted (edited)

IC [Sisk/Leah - Ko-Koro streets]:


As the Ihu-Koro reinforcements poured into the village behind them, Sisk and the other birds in their impromptu strike unit flew on. Ahead, the citadel of the sanctum rose into the stormy skies. It had always been an impressive sight during previous visits, especially since he hadn’t spent much time in the village of ice. He couldn’t imagine any building constructed in such a manner, almost appearing crystalline, bigger than this. But today his eyes were drawn to the figures emerging from within. At first his stomach sank, fearing more of Makuta’s followers joining the battle from their conquered stronghold. But the legacy soldiers emerging were not charging into battle - they were fleeing something. They didn’t get far. Barely out of the entrance, the ground under their feet surged up, trapping them in place, followed by blasts of water from behind that froze solid in an instant as they hit home. Others fell to shots and attacks he couldn’t make out clearly from his position.


More figures emerged. Sisk didn’t know most of them, but the three at the center of the group were unmistakable: Toa Maru Reordin, the returning protector of Ko-Koro, with a look on his face the tamer hoped would never be aimed at him; Toa Maru Soluv, living bulwark of Onu-Koro, towering over those around him like Mount Ihu over the entire island; and Toa Leah Maru, kind guardian spirit of Ga-Koro and more importantly - his best friend.


He waved a signal to the other riders - carry on with the plan - while he pulled on the reigns, turning back to land in front of the group.


Leah had motioned for the group to halt when she saw the birds overhead and was waiting as the lead Kahu broke off to turn back towards them. It touched down right in front of her and the bird immediately lowered its head, pushing it playfully against the Toa, who responded by petting and gently scratching it under its beak. “Hey Skyscratcher, how you doing?” 


The Kahu chirped happily. The smile on the rider’s face mirrored her own. “I sure-thought that was you!” Sisk said, sliding out of the saddle. “Like-same!” she replied with a chuckle, as the Matoran hugged her around the middle. She dropped down to one knee and returned the greeting. “This used to be easier before you grew into a tall-hero.” He commented. Her expression changed at that, smile dropping as he stepped back. “I’m sorry I didn’t stop by all these months - even when passing through Le-Koro. There just always was something important…”


Sisk waved her off. “It’s well-fine. Maru-heroes are ever-busy with an entire island. I’m just happy you’re here now! We have work to do.” She nodded, standing back up. “You got here just in time. We just got the last Matoran hostages to safety.”


She turned to the rest of the group. “This is Sisk, my best friend and fellow tamer from the Gukko Force days. He can tell us more about the situation.” While she introduced him, the Le-Matoran got back onto his bird.


“We managed to shatter-break their defensive ranks. There’s bad-evil ones all over the village, but they have no unity. And right now, Ihu-Koro is flooding the gate. Between them, and us, we’ve well-begun cleaning up this mess. And with the hostages saved, there’s nothing left to stop us. And I’m sure-certain our Ihu-friends would  like to meet you too.”


“The more the merrier. Speaking of: Have you seen the other Maru? We left Stannis at the warehouse, but we don’t know exactly where Korero is.”


“I heard he was seen-spotted skyfalling just a few minutes ago. If he’s here he’ll have found Stannis for sure by now.”


Leah nodded, grateful. She looked back to Reordin. “Well, babe, looks like it’s a party after all. Let’s not keep them waiting.”


She and Sisk exchanged a fist bump. Then the Kahu took off again to coordinate their air support, while they made their way through the streets, linking up with the Ihu-Korans as they passed the gate, before advancing on the warehouse again.

Ko-Koro would be free today.


IC [Ayiwah – The Great Temple]


Those who remained at the temple had settled in for a long wait. The commodore had, if slightly reluctantly, made her peace with the situation. But, despite the lush jungle environment and bivouac style camp-fire and food, she never let her guard down. Her pose may have been relaxed, whether sitting down for a while or standing and slowly pacing, but her eyes were constantly scanning their surroundings – casual, but alert. But it didn’t take her century-honed focus to notice the massive amount of birds suddenly taking flight from the surrounding forest and noises of other Rahi in the undergrowth. She recognized the behavior, like the fish that gathered around the Yukanna when predators were near to use her as cover; the birds that cleared out from the slopes of Mt. Koshiki whenever one of the mighty dragons rose to take flight and most recently,  like the kraken that had attacked the Ryuu, driven from the depths by a Leviathan beyond words. But the commodore had never seen so many Rahi move at once. A brief ping with her Arthron made it seem like the entire jungle had come alive. She squinted against the fiery orange of the setting sun. Something big was about to happen.


“Soraya?” Sinshi asked, voicing the question on both their minds. Had the chosen ones fulfilled their prophecy already? Ayiwah wanted to believe, but the feeling in the pit of her stomach was anything but optimistic. And the now rapidly darkening sky – going against the direction of the sunset no less – combined with the trembling beneath their feet confirmed her suspicions. 


“Be ready for anything.” She said, addressing everyone present.  


And then the world erupted in chaos, the effects of an evil presence they only knew from stories returning to this world.  A cacophony of noise - rocks breaking, earth shattering, wind, thunder, Rahi cries. A battle of light erupted as lightning flashed against the sunset, overpowering it. It wasn’t just physical: The psionic plain they were all connected to - normally smooth as a calm pond - was in uproar as well. And in the middle of it all was her, trying with gritted teeth and temples throbbing from the strain to get a message out on the mental plane, past the storm and all the way out to Ko-Wahi, where her First Mate should now be leading a detachment of Menti towards the taken Koro. 


:Tazera, Falling Star!:


It was a code rarely used, meant to respond to natural disasters – which living on volcanic islands surrounded by a temperamental ocean were only a matter of time. It differed slightly depending on context. But for Tazera and her troops it meant one thing: return immediately to the Ryuu, get everyone she could aboard, get a safe distance away from the coastline and dive to avoid danger as much as possible.


After a short delay, Tazera’s response drifted across the mental plane, slow, muffled and echoing as though shouted from a great distance.


:Commodore...! Please confirm...the situation is...Falling Star? No sign...of Vilda Soraph...and her companions!:


Ayiwah ducked below a snapped branch whistling past her head, signaling Sinshi to fall back towards the base of the stairs leading up to the great temple. The massive stone structure was the most solid cover available nearby and in the unfamiliar terrain, the commodore didn’t want to take her chances with the surrounding forest. They hunkered down behind the staircase. At least she’d gotten through to Tazera.


:Confirmed: Falling Star! Falling Star!: she repeated. :Relay orders if possible, but don’t delay!:


Whether or not the message reached Soraph as well was a different question. She was pushing the limit of the mental connection already. Ideally she would have reached out to the Ryuu directly, but Ga-Koro was on the other side of the island, beyond the mountains. With a powerful willhammer and a specific recipient, it was possible to bridge great distances, but she only had one of those. The ship was well out of reach. But maybe Tazera could reach the other Dasaka in Ko-Wahi. If not...they would have to hope they were in a safe place. Her earlier conversation with Sinshi about ‘spending lives’ came to mind again. 


:Do you copy?:


Again, there was a delay. When Tazera’s response came, she sounded conflicted; but this wasn’t the first time Ayiwah had given her a difficult order, and she’d never failed to follow through in the past.


:I...I copy. Yes. Orders...received...and understood...ma’am.:


:I’ll see you back aboard!:


The connection broke off. Above, lightning flashed, a bolt hitting one of the pillars, blasting off several chunks. As they rained down, their small group pressed themselves against their cover, the Menti using their soulswords to deflect larger pieces that fell down too closely. 


And then, as quickly as the destruction unfolded, it abated again, the psionic waves calming as well. That had been the scary part. Natural disaster was one thing, but this was something else entirely. Ayiwah and Sinshi exchanged looks. The commodore could still feel her heart pounding from the adrenaline. Was it safe to go? Safe to stay?  Either way, they couldn’t leave. Soraya and the Matoran were still out there. And what if the storm returned? Ayiwah began to wonder if she’d made the right choice in recalling the Dasaka…


OOC: And with that uncertainty, we leave the commodore for now. A big thanks to Ghosthands for supplying the Tazera dialogue! Looking forward to next arc!



Edited by Vezok's Friend
Typos and tweaking.






Something got caught in my throat. I tried to reply but nothing came out. I could feel my hands shaking I...Krayn wouldn't just die right? He was way too #### stubborn for that! 

"Krayn...he...he'll be fine right? He's too strong to..." I couldn't finish what I was saying, I felt something running down my face. Gods I couldn't let Kale see me like this! I covered my face with my hands, trying to hide the tears that wouldn't stop. 

OOC: @Silvan Haven

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

Posted (edited)

Kale Ironshaper- Ihu-Koro- Hosptial

IC: Obviously that hadn't helped matters, as much as it had needed to be said. Skyra was breaking down in front of him. Hearing about Krayn after being plagued by her own doubts already. His reaction was instinctual, there was no thought about it or the awkwardness of the physical motion. As the other Toa raised her hands to hide her face he leaned forward and wrapped his arms around her shoulders. The words that followed were quiet.

"I don't know. If it had been any other situation I'd say yes but...we had half the koro after us at the time. All we can do is hope that Dehkaz got to him in time."

OOC: @Snelly

Edited by Silvan Haven
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"I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."



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