Parugi Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 (edited) PokémonRise of the Rockets This linked introduction may be a bit confusing to new people due to how long the RPG has been running. Nevertheless, I will attempt to summarize what Rise of the Rockets is about here. Essentially, twenty years prior to current events, a group of Rocket Admins usurped Giovanni, killing him and gaining control over the organization. These Shadow Admins, as they call themselves, ushered in a new era for the world, revolutionizing Team Rocket's structure and managing to take control over the four original regions--Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh, as well as the Orange Islands. Acting as the new government for the four regions, Team Rocket subdued or dismantled numerous other organizations, eliminating rebellion and criminal groups alike. Except for one: Team Liberty, a resistance group headed by Goldhawk, Blackskull, formerly Bluefalcon, and currently Silvermind. Acting from the Sevii Islands, Team Liberty has been at the forefront of the fight against Team Rocket's rule for the last twelve years, gaining power and recruiting others to their cause--something that Team Rocket has been hard at work to accomplish, as well. With both groups harboring huge amounts of Legendary Pokémon and famous trainers, their war continues to rage, though numerous other enemy groups--detailed in the section below--have thrown the conflict into an unstable struggle of wits and power. tl:dr it's a war RPG set in the Pokémon universe where Team Rocket is the main government and they're fighting a bunch of rebel groups and there may or may not be other stuff at play. FactionsTeam LibertyEstablished a little over a decade ago to fight against Team Rocket's rule, Team Liberty's primary goal is to achieve freedom for the four Kanto regions. Nowadays, their focus has shifted to include the fight against outside forces that threaten the very fabric of human existence--the Ancient Darkrai and Ford's Hojohsin League, in particular.Current Leaders: Markus Aleivy (Goldhawk,) Kane Umbra (Blackskull,) Selene Ashera (Silvermind.)Controlled Regions: Sevii Islands.Base of Operations:The Alamo: Team Liberty's main base, located on Four Island. Funded and constructed by Liberty Leader Blackskull, the Alamo is a massive facility, containing every conceivable asset required to maintain and create an army, from training and sleeping quarters to labs and Pokémon Centers. Boats and helicopters heading off from the base are a common sight, transporting agents to and from other locations. Until recently, the Alamo's location was hidden from hostile groups; however, actions by John Ford have revealed the base's position to Team Rocket and others. Nevertheless, it remains a highly-defensible position.Fallback Bases: Bases located on the other Sevii Islands. In operation at all times, though at a smaller scale than the Alamo, they are prepped for the possibility of a total invasion of Four Island.Other Information: Allied with Team Rocket as of the time skip.UPDATE: As of August 5th, 2017 in-game, Goldhawk is no longer a leader of Team Liberty, owing to injuries sustained during the evacuation of One Island. Team RocketThe governing body of Kanto and its sister regions, Team Rocket has risen above its past as a lowly criminal organization under the leadership of the four Shadow Admins. While many still view the group as scum--a justified opinion, considering their brutal method of gaining power--the Rocket regime genuinely cares for the well-being of its nation, improving many aspects of life and, in general, creating a safer, stabler environment than many people are willing to admit. They are determined to fight forces of chaos, such as Team Liberty and the Hojohsin League.Current Leaders: Sleight, Joker.Controlled Regions: Kanto, Johto, Orange Islands.Base of Operations:Chapel: Team Rocket's main base in Kanto, headed by Sleight, Chapel is located somewhere in the Indigo Plateau. Dwarfing even the Alamo in defensive capabilities, Chapel is not hidden from the world--its defenses are so great that it is able to stand tall where it is built, calling for opposition from any who think they can breach its walls. The local geography assists in these defensive abilities.Abyss: Team Rocket's main base in Johto, located underneath the Lake of Rage and headed by Joker. Abyss is the greatest hub of psychic influence and technology in the world, with many of its assets incorporating the use of psychic abilities into their inner workings.Paradise: Team Rocket's main base in Hoenn, located underground on Southern Island, was originally supervised by Ace, and then Buzz following her demotion and execution. While remaining a powerful and essential part of Team Rocket's power, Paradise suffered two attacks in the recent past, both at the hands of Team Liberty, rendering it the weakest of the remaining main bases. Following the Hojohsin League's rise to power in Hoenn, as well as Buzz's death at the hands of Soil Colossus, Inc., Paradise was shut down, and its remaining assets moved to Kanto and Johto.Purgatory: Team Rocket's main base in Oreburgh City, Sinnoh up until it was self-destructed by its overseer, Bounty. Purgatory was a powerful facility that had withstood many attacks in its time. The arrival of the Ancient Darkrai, however, necessitated its destruction as a precautionary measure to prevent the Ancients from gaining information that could be exploited in their war on humanity.Requiem: Team Rocket's main base in the Orange Islands, located on Mandarin Island, Requiem is controlled by Admin Viper. A massive underground complex, little is known about it at this point, though cloning experiments are known to take place there, under Viper's careful supervision.Other Information: Thus far, Team Rocket has endured both the largest loss of territory and power, and yet sustained the least amount of damage to its integrity as an organization. While it has experienced the losses of Ace, Bounty, Buzz, Hoenn, and Sinnoh, the group has yet to lose any of its primary firepower in the ongoing conflicts. TR SeparatistsThe Sinnoh-branch of Team Rocket, the Separatists broke off from the main government when tensions between Sleight and Bounty reached a political impasse, tensions that rose due to the latter's belief that the war with Team Liberty would continue to go nowhere. Having formed his own faction, Bounty has allied himself with Team Liberty, assisting them in their war against Sleight's forces and helping them to combat other threats as they arise.Current Leaders: Bounty.Controlled Regions: Sinnoh.Base of Operations:Divide: With the defeat of the Ancients, Bounty has commissioned the creation of a new Separatist main base where Purgatory once stood--in Oreburgh City, Sinnoh. While the facility is not yet complete, six months have proven time enough to get the basic necessities down, and thus, the majority of Divide is considered ready for use. Hojohsin LeagueA coalition between his own forces and three other, smaller organizations, the Hojohsin League was created by John Ford to be used as a vehicle for his own plans to roll out. Once encompassing the likes of Team Energon, Team Galactic, and the Searchers, the Hojohsin League's plans and methods range from the relatively simple--such as quietly taking over the vacuum of power in Hoenn--to the extreme, such as their bombing of Castelia City in Unova. Following the various dismantling and destruction of its three puppet groups, the Hojohsin League has revealed itself as its own single entity, utilizing its own forces along with those of Déoza to see its ends through.Current Leaders: John Ford.Controlled Regions: Hoenn; active in all other regions.Base of Operations:Hoenn Presidential Office: The main governmental building in Hoenn, formerly located in Lilycove City. President James Pierce, one of Ford's agents, assumed operation of the Hoenn government from here during the silent takeover of the region several months ago; however, the place was vacated following the Darkrai invasion. Even so, the place is well-equipped in terms of defenses, especially after the numerous additions that Ford and Pierce have made. Following the Ancients' defeat, the facility has been relocated to the more easily-defended city of Mossdeep. Current situation unknown as of Pierce's removal as president.Titan: Team Energon's former main base. It was headed by Michael Travis; however, he was eventually tricked and killed by Quincy Adams during their attack on Team Magma. Team Energon was soon liquidated and its remaining assets absorbed into the greater forces of the Hojohsin League.Nova: Team Galactic's former headquarters, Nova was controlled by Saturn. It was located near Eterna City in Sinnoh, though events involving the Darkrai temporarily made it inaccessible to all but the strongest of trainers. Following the Ancients' defeat, Team Galactic resumed operation within the facility; however, they and the base were soon single-handedly destroyed by a mysterious trainer named Envy, leaving Admin Jupiter as the group's only survivor.Ford's Hideout: Hidden away in some unknown part of the world lies Ford's main base of operations. A dark place, no one but his closest agents have ever gone there, and as such nothing is known about it.Other Information: While the Hojohsin League initially formed under a single, large-scale plan, Ford has placed all action regarding that operation on hold for the moment, due to recent developments--such as the loss of the Searchers and Madison Hayes, one of his top-ranked agents. This is not to say that they are completely inactive--quite the contrary; instead they have simply shifted focus to larger problems, such as the Darkrai, much like Teams Liberty and Rocket.UPDATE: As of Missing Zero's appearance, James Pierce and Quincy Adams are deceased, Ford and Madison Hayes are imprisoned by Team Liberty, and Tyler McKinley has been revealed as a traitor to Missing Zero. Team MagmaA reformed extremist group that once sought to use the Legendary Pokémon Groudon to achieve world domination, Team Magma has performed a complete reversal of their previous philosophies. Having reconsidered his priorities, Maxie has opted to assist in the take down of Team Rocket, a goal he hopes to achieve with help from Team Liberty. Team Magma was destroyed following the time skip by Quincy Adams, under Hojohsin orders.Current Leaders: Maxie.Base of Operations:Havoc: Team Magma's main base, located within Mt. Ember on One Island. Specially designed to withstand the intense heat from the magma within the volcano, Havoc is an incredibly well-fortified facility, bearing powerful natural defenses and artificial constructs designed to protect itself from them--something that attackers, in general, do not boast. Access to Havoc is mediated by Magma teleporter Pokémon, which are constantly on stand-by. Havoc was eventually destroyed by Quincy Adams.Other Information: Currently allied with the Team Rocket Separatists and Team Liberty. DESTROYED. Team PlasmaIn another world, Team Plasma's rise to power could be seen as a more peaceful parallel to that of Team Rocket. While Sleight and the other Shadow Admins forced their way into positions of power, Team Plasma sought rule over Unova through legitimate political campaigns, using their reformed philosophies on the treatment of Pokémon as a means to gather support from the public. Since then, they have worked tirelessly to improve Unova's state of affairs, enacting both beloved and questionable laws in the process.Current Leaders: Gorm, Bronius, Rood, Zinzolin, Giallo, Ryoku.Controlled Regions: Unova.Base of Operations:Plasma Castle: Located in Black City, Unova, Plasma Castle is just as its name suggests: a large castle from which the Unovan government operates. Possessing highly futuristic technology, it is a primary hub of scientific development in the world, and is where some of the highest-ranked threats to Unova's security are held captive. From their council chamber at the top of the castle, the Six Sages govern Unova with a democratic debate-and-vote system.Other Information: While they are not actively antagonistic toward Team Liberty or Team Rocket, Team Plasma does not have high opinions of either organization, viewing the former as terrorists and the latter as tyrants. Nevertheless, the Sages consider the need to keep the news of war subdued in their region to be more important than getting involved in foreign conflict, and as such are entirely complacent with leaving the two enemy organizations to their own devices.UPDATE: Following the announcement of a peace treaty between Team Liberty and Team Rocket, and a six month reprieve and repair period, relations with Team Plasma have softened somewhat. While travel to the region is still monitored, it is no longer restricted, and much of the damage inflicted on the region has begun to heal. The Ancient DarkraiIn ancient times, there lived ten powerful Darkrai, who were granted powers over time and space so as to serve as keepers of the world in the event that Palkia and Dialga became too injured to continue their own service. The Darkrai betrayed Arceus's trust, and were sealed away--until now. Having been imprisoned for thousands of years, the Darkrai have returned to seek vengeance upon the world, casting darkness as they slowly consume the world in their conquest. Led by Sombra, the Darkrai will stop at nothing until their plans are seen through.Through the combined efforts of Teams Liberty, Magma, and the Rocket Separatists, the Ancient Darkrai have been defeated, with all but Three, Five, Six, Seven, and Nine being killed.Current Leaders: Sombra/Ten.Controlled Regions: Sinnoh, Hoenn.Base of Operations:Sinjoh Ruins: Their place of gathering, the Sinjoh Ruins are located in Johto. While it is not exactly a true headquarters--for the Darkrai do not actually possess one--it is known to be the location where Sombra remains imprisoned, and thus serves as an important landmark for the remaining Nightmare Pokémon.Other Information: While there are officially ten Darkrai, their second strongest member, Ilios (Nine), no longer serves Sombra, seeing his plans as corrupt and based in folly--nothing good can come of them. As such, he is currently allied with John Ford, assisting him in his own affairs while the pair find a way to combat Sombra's growing abilities. Additionally, each of the Ten are nicknamed in descending order for their power level.UPDATE 3: Events in Opelucid have revealed that Six--Gaigan--survived the final battle against the Ancients, having appeared to slip away sometime before her brethren were absorbed by Sombra. Missing ZeroDuring the Ancient Darkrais' conquest of Hoenn and Sinnoh, six trainers across various towns and cities were struck by stray shadow attacks. Instead of falling into a permanent sleep or dying, they were instead corrupted by the darkness, only to be found and collected by Nine (along with another similarly afflicted individual who had appeared in Ecruteak City) and placed into a temporary stasis until he could find a way to cure them. Following the Ancients' defeat, the trainers awoke, attacking Nine and finding their way back into the world.After the defeat of all seven, a blob-like creature called Missing Zero emerged into the world, slowly expanding and devouring everything in its path. This creature is currently spreading across the various regions, absorbing matter and recreating whatever it eats into strange, Pokémon-like foot soldiers called Instances. Current Leaders: Tyler McKinleySins:Decaia Holts/Sloth: A male trainer corrupted in Lavaridge Town, who almost immediately proceeded to destroy the place and its surrounding location before falling into his own deep sleep. He "eats sleep," in his own words, and instigated the Sins' attack on Nine shortly after their awakening. Appeared to Sleight and Eileen Alaric in Missing Zero’s Egg, where he was defeated and boiled away to shadow. His death instigated Missing Zero’s arrival.Vidinia LeJauso/Envy: A female trainer corrupted in Oreburgh City. Envy first emerged in Galactic Base Nova, at the call of Mars' wistful desire for Saturn's position of power within the organization. manipulating her into killing her leader before destroying the base when Mars ultimately rejected Envy's "gift." James Pierce caught word of what had occurred and sent Fifth Child Van Harrison to investigate, who eventually engaged and defeated Envy in battle. As she was swept into darkness by the wind, Envy hinted at a connection between herself and Van, though did not elaborate before disappearing, her death marking the second passing within the Sins.Raimundo Rojo/Wrath: A male trainer who originally emerged in Ecruteak City from what appeared to be a side-dimension, nonetheless showing the same symptoms of shadow corruption as the other Sins. Wrath was responsible for the catastrophic damage to Ecruteak, earning himself a spot on Shadow Admin Joker's watch list, ultimately resulting in an organized counter-response against him when he later appeared in Goldenrod City in response to Ryan Hikari's deep-seated anger. Wrath and his team were subdued by Joker and her power-enhanced Golurk, Leviathan, and then finally defeated by Ryan, leaving naught but an ominous warning as he was consumed by fiery darkness, the first of the Sins to fall. His Instance Form, called Samurloch, appeared during the first official confrontation with Missing Zero on One Island.Melanie Garven/Lust: A female trainer corrupted in Fortree City, alongside her sister. Lust appeared in Team Liberty's R&D Department following a test gone awry, drawn by Executive Meghan Vert's lust for knowledge at the expense of those working under her. After a fierce double-battle between herself, Greed, Vert, and James Arthur, Lust was defeated by Vert. As dark lightning took the fourth Sin away, Lust could only smile, congratulating Vert on playing her part.Melissa Garven/Greed: A female trainer corrupted in Fortree City, alongside her sister. Greed appeared in Team Liberty's R&D Department following a test gone awry, drawn by Executive James Arthur's all-consuming desire for victory against another test operative. Engaging James and Meghan Vert in battle, along with Lust, Greed was eventually defeated by James. Though quickly consumed by gears of shadow, she warned James to be prepared to accept the consequences of his victory, before becoming the third Sin to die.Gelar Stolz/Pride: A male trainer who was corrupted in Mossdeep City, Pride appeared during the conflict in Celadon City, spiriting away and challenging Hannah Wright, Dack Majors, and Aspen Seaton after having been drawn to all three by their varying expressions of pride and hubris. Pride was eventually overcome by all three of his targets after a primarily-mental conflict, causing him to begin to freeze and break apart into shadowy flakes of snow and ice, making him the sixth Sin to disappear.Albero DeLargo/Gluttony: A male trainer who was partially corrupted in Mossdeep City. Gluttony appeared in Fortree City to Ryan Sanders, feeding off of Ryan's desire for attention. After engaging Ryan in battle, over the course of which his corruption became complete, Gluttony was beaten. As shadowy leaves consumed him, marking him as the fifth Sin to vanish, Gluttony warned Ryan to watch his step, and to prepare for the future.Tyler McKinley/TreacheryOther Information: The Sins appeared drawn to individuals who strongly exhibit their specific attribute. In addition, Missing Zero is not a playable faction. Game MechanicsWhile some of the most pertinent game mechanics are detailed in this post, more in-depth information about different mechanics can be found here. Evolution GuideThis chart details requirements for each evolution method.1st Evolution: 7 battles. (EX: Charmander to Charmeleon)2nd Evolution: 9 more battles. (EX: Charmeleon to Charizard)Evolution w/Stone/Item: Either use the stone/item or do 8 battles. (EX: Eevee to Flareon)Evolution w/Other Pokémon/Type: 7 battles, with at least one alongside the required Pokémon/Type. (You do not need to own it, nor does it need to be an ally.) (EX: Mantyke does a battle alongside a Remoraid; Pancham does battle against a Dark-Type Pokémon.)Evolution w/Trading: Either trade or do 7 battles. (EX: Haunter to Gengar)Evolution w/Trading and Item: Either trade while the Pokémon is holding that item or fight 12 battles. (EX: Scyther to Scizor)Evolution @ Certain Location: 8 battles with at least 1 at that location (EX: 1 battle at Moss Rock in Sinnoh for Leafeon or 1 battle in Chargestone Cave in Unova for Magnezone.)Evolution via Trade w/Certain Pokémon: Either trade those two Pokémon with each other or do 12 battles with at least two beside the other Pokémon (EX: Shelmet and Karrablast into Accelgor and Escavalier, respectively.)Evolution via Friendship: Befriend the Pokémon and fight 7 battles. (EX: Riolu to Lucario.)Evolution w/Specific Move: 7 battles, having known the move for at least 2. (EX: Tangela + Ancientpower to Tangrowth.)Evolution w/Specific Type Move + Friendship: Befriend the Pokémon, have the Pokémon know a move of that type, and fight 10 battles. (EX: Eevee to Sylveon--friendly to trainer and knows a Fairy-Type move.)Evolution @ Specific Time of Day: 7 battles, with at least 4 having been fought during that time. (EX: Tyrunt to Tyrantrum, 4 battles during the day.)Evolution w/Friendship + Specific Time of Day: Befriend Pokémon and fight 7 battles, with at least 4 being at the required time. (EX: Eevee to Umbreon, 4 of 7 battles at night.)Evolution w/Specific Weather: 7 battles with at least 1 in that weather condition. (EX: Sliggoo to Goodra.)Evolution w/Rotation: 7 battles, no special requirements. (EX: Inkay to Malamar.)Evolution w/Item @ Specific Time of Day: 7 battles, with at least 2 at the required time and at least 2 while the Pokémon is holding that item, or fight 12 battles with at least 4 at the required time. (EX: Gligar to Gliscor, 2 of 7 battles at night and 2 of 7 battles while holding a Razor Fang, or 4 of 12 battles at night without the item.) For those wondering what counts towards this:-Wild battles count for 2.-Battles against trainers count for 2.-Battles involving more than one opponent count for 3.-Battles where, at the conclusion, a Pokémon is caught count for 1 for each of the Pokémon -- the caught one and the one used to weaken it.-Training battles count for one.-Battles against "boss" characters (I.E. an admin of a group or a Legendary Pokémon) count for 3.-Invasion battles (I.E. battles instigated by one team to try to take out another team's base) count for 3 to 4 points, depending on the circumstances. Note that your Pokémon only gets experience if it participates in a battle. Mega EvolutionsMega Evolution in Rise of the Rockets works a bit differently than in the games. To lay out the most important detail first, Mega Rings and Stones are not a thing. Mega Evolution is instead powered by a natural, synergistic relationship between the Pokémon and its trainer. In order for a Pokémon to Mega Evolve, it must possess at least 25 EXP points, cumulative from all of the battles it has taken part in. Once a Pokémon has reached 25 EXP, they are capable of freely Mega Evolving once per battle, energizing them and providing something of a "second wind," although this will not fully heal any injuries that they have already sustained. Should they revert to their standard form during that battle, they will not be able to Mega Evolve again without resting. If a Mega Evolved Pokémon faints or is otherwise rendered unable to battle, it will revert back to its original form. Also different here is the fact that trainers are not limited to one Mega Evolution per battle. While individual Pokémon are, a trainer in Rise of the Rockets could, in theory, Mega Evolve six Pokémon throughout the course of a single battle. It is important to note, however, that this could potentially prove fatal for the trainer. Mega Evolution takes a lot of energy from the trainer in order to power the evolving Pokémon, and because of this, few trainers have been observed that possess the ability to last that long. The symptoms of "Evolution Sickness," as it has come to be known, are generally not permanent, and tend to disappear after a few days, though sometimes they last for a week or two. However, they do possess a patterned progression, which has been documented as follows. The number next to each symptom corresponds to how many Pokémon the trainer in question has Mega Evolved during the battle: No noticeable issues Minor headache, dizziness Edited July 23, 2018 by Parugi 6 Quote Follow me on YouTube! ~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~
Necro Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 So wait, are we starting over, or are we bringing things over from the old forum? 1 Quote
Blessed Blade Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 OOC: We're just picking up where we left off. We were going to make up something to update people on what had happened in the old topic, but BZP returned quickly after the archive. =D So, I guess we'll eventually have that happen, though exactly how is up to Parugi. 1 Quote The Pokemon TopicPokemon: Rise of the Rockets - Rise of the Rockets Discussion Topic - Rise of the Rockets Side Stories
Necro Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 OOC: Oh, excellent. ...It's been a while, what was going on last? 1 Quote
Blessed Blade Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 OOC: Gah; I keep getting logged out every time I get sent to the archive site. D= As for what happened last: Some people are in Lilycove/Sootopolis, trying to find out about the HJS. A group lead by my character, Zach, is headed to Ecruteak, and is currently in Goldenrod discussing what to do about Shekou. Some people are doing things in Unova, like Zac Flash's plan to get a Meloetta. And Goldhawk I believe is waiting on conversation stuff from Maxie. =P 1 Quote The Pokemon TopicPokemon: Rise of the Rockets - Rise of the Rockets Discussion Topic - Rise of the Rockets Side Stories
Metal Gear Minun Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 OOC: It is good to be backI know James is in Lilycove formulating a magnificient scheme (whose details of how I was going to make it work I have completely forgotten) and Jamie is in a battle with Ethan, I think in Lilycove as well. To the Archive! 1 Quote
Necro Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 (edited) OOC: Well, if I recall, this was the last thing pertaining to me, so if you're all fine with it, lets get the ball rolling once more. IC: "Well, there is water." At that, Maxie reached down, pulling out a bottle of water and pouring it into a glass and sliding it across to Silvermind. "I pride myself on my sources, but there's nothing quite like a first-person account. If you wouldn't mind, would you give me your angle on what transpired during your encounter?" As he spoke, he glanced to the shore, noticing the arriving guest. "On second thought, scratch that." He got up, waving to the coming leader, an out-of-place smile on his face. "Hello! So glad you could make it. What would you like to drink?" Edited October 14, 2011 by Necro Quote
Kothra Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 OOC: I remember rejoining this at one point, but I can't remember if I fell back out of it, or what I was doing in-game when I did come back. I guess I'll just dig out my character profile from wherever it is and jump in somewhere. Quote
Toa Neya Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 (edited) Username: The Count of Neya MagnaName: Scott StoneFaction: Team LibertyHometown: Sootopolis CityAge: 16Appearance: Okay. He wears a green hat similar to that of Red (only green of course, no puns intended,) with symbols of a Claw Fossil and a Root Fossil on them. The rest of his outfit is similar to a green-colored version of a Hoenn trainer's outfit.Personality: Very intelligent. He tends to be relatively bold, but he always prefers to hedge his boldness with knowledge first. He's somewhat zealous in his desire to beat Team Rocket. Generally likes Fossil Pokemon and foods of various exotic cultures. Flaws: Scott has a tendency, like Armaldo, to not back down from a challenge. He also has a tendency to analyze things too much sometimes. Background: Scott grew up in a relatively good life despite Team Rocket: Sootopolis was hard to access in any way but diving and flying through the crater, which meant resistance factions could gain a tactical advantage simply by covering chokepoints. This meant that Scott has seen more rebellions there than perhaps some higher-ups in the Team Rocket chain of command. Team Rocket always managed to take them out, but Sootopolis never truly "fell" entirely to Team Rocket, with old rebellion leaders simply disbanding in public, reforming into other groups behind the scenes, etc. He has Steven Stone as an uncle, from who he secretly inherited an Anorith and a Lileep at age 14. (He always liked Fossil Pokemon before then.) Since then he has found Team Liberty, who are currently trying to carve out the city in the crater from Team Rocket control, and stuck with them. He has always had a mind for strategy, and he regularly makes notes in his Pokenav about good battle strategies.Pokémon: Armaldo, Cradily, Mantine, Steelix, Shelgon, Beldum CURRENT POKEMON: Species: Armaldo (evolved from Anorith on page X after 7 battles)Nickname: AncientTrainer: Scott StoneAppearance: His claws are slightly longer than normal and his eyes have a bluish tint, traits maintained from his Anorith stage. However, as he was recovering from a burn upon evolution, his back plates are flecked with an ashy silver-and-black pattern, shaped in the pentagon shape of a Fire Blast, and a streak of similar coloration on each of his claws.Personality: Somewhat curious. Ancient has a sense of honor, and he doesn't exactly like to back down from a challenge. In the games, he would have an Adamant nature. While he feels a little depressed due to his evolved slowdown, he is recovering from it.Ability: Battle ArmorSpecialty: Before he evolved, he was very fast. Now that he has evolved, however, he finds he isn't as fast as he used to be, but his prowess defensively has improved. He's having trouble adapting to this new style (think Ash's Grotle in the anime,) but slowly and steadily, it's getting better at being a tank. It can also fly a little now, and it retained its species' ability to swim long distances. (Once again, however, Armaldo cannot learn Surf.) However, its strength in-battle and out-of-battle has improved, and Scott S. can not only ride him now, but also fly on him across short distances (like a gap or onto a single-story house's roof. He obviously wouldn't be able to carry Scott across the Grand Canyon or onto the top of the Empire State building, to use real-life examples) and swim on him across larger, but water-filled, ones.Known Moves:X-ScissorProtectRock Slide (egg move)Water GunMetal ClawScreech (egg move)Battle Count: 7+StarterEvolved during a Legendary fightOld Moves: Scratch (replaced with X-Scissor upon evolution.) As an Anorith: Species: AnorithNickname: AncientTrainer: Scott StoneAppearance: His claws are slightly longer than normal, his eyes have a bluish tint, and he's a slightly brighter green than normal.Personality: Somewhat curious. Ancient has a sense of honor, and he doesn't exactly like to back down from a challenge. In the games, it would have an Adamant nature.Ability: Battle ArmorSpecialty: Speed.Known Moves:ScratchProtectRock Slide (egg move)Water GunMetal ClawScreech (egg move, and as for incompatibility reasons...TECHNICALLY Kabutops can learn Rock Slide)Battle Count: 7Starter Species: CradilyNickname: ArchaicTrainer: Scott StoneAppearance: In addition to mildly longer "petal-tentacles," she has a slightly shinier pigmentation than most Cradily. (In terms of coloration, though, she's a normal Cradily. Not a shiny in the rules sense [though she is the "metallic" definition of shiny] by any means. If you need a picture, I'll upload it to the wiki.)Personality: Cradily tends to be level-headed, and she generally can sense when she's in over her head. A note is that Cradily has received a good deal of self-confidence from evolution. She would probably have a Relaxed nature in-game.Ability: Suction CupsSpecialty: Cradily, as a Lileep, was defensive. Now, upon evolution, it as gotten even MORE defensive to the point of being nigh impossible to take out. It also gained a degree of attack power, and while it certainly isn't Rampardos, it's certainly not Shuckle, either.Known Moves:AncientPowerAstonishWring OutIngrainRecover (egg move)Curse (egg move)Battle Count: 7+StarterEvolved at Four IslandOld Moves: Acid: Replaced with Ancientpower on page 38.Constrict: Replaced with Wring Out upon evolution. As a Lileep: Species: LileepNickname: ArchaicTrainer: Scott StoneAppearance: This Lileep's patterns, which are normally yellow, are a light green.Personality: Lileep tends to be level-headed, and it generally can sense when she's in over her head. It would probably have a Relaxed nature in-game.Ability: Suction CupsSpecialty: Archaic is defensive.Known Moves:AncientPowerAstonishConstrictIngrainRecover (egg move)Curse (egg move)Battle Count: 7StarterOld Moves: Acid: Replaced with Ancientpower on page 38. Species: MantineNickname: MayTrainer: Scott StoneAppearance: The pattern on her back, as well as her bottomside, are white rather than the normal pale blue (though the rest of her remains unchanged from the normal Mantine coloring, thus it isn't a shiny). Her wings and antennae are also a bit wider/longer than normal. Her tail is also a bit lengthy for a Mantine.Personality: Mantine tends to like speeding ahead of things. She would probably have a Hasty nature in-game. She has grown more patient with evolution, but still not by so much.Ability: Swift SwimSpecialty: Okay. Mantine is a MAJOR special wall. It will take a long time to kill with Special Attacks other than Electric, and even then...not to mention evolution has only made it better at tanking those hits. On the other hand, it's still pretty darn weak to physical attacks, but not to the same degree as it was as Mantyke. Evolution has also given it better special attack, meaning it also hits decently as well.Known Moves:BounceHydro PumpBubbleBeamSupersonicHeadbuttAgilityBattle Count: 7+Caught in Sootopolis CityEvolved at Rocket Master Facility ParadiseOld Moves: Bubble: Replaced with Bounce on page 99.Tackle: Replaced with Hydro Pump upon evolution. As a Mantyke: Species: MantykeNickname: MayTrainer: Scott StoneAppearance: The pattern on her back, as well as her bottomside, are white rather than the normal pale blue (though the rest of her remains unchanged from the normal Mantyke coloring, thus it isn't a shiny). Her wings and antennae are also a bit wider/longer than normal.Personality: Mantyke tends to like speeding ahead of things. She would probably have a Hasty nature in-game.Ability: Swift SwimSpecialty: Okay. Mantyke is a MAJOR special wall. It will take a long time to kill with Special Attacks other than Electric, and even then...On the other hand, it's pretty darn weak to physical attacks.Known Moves:BounceBubbleBeamTackleSupersonicHeadbuttAgilityBattle Count: 7, Remoraid fought (soon to evolve)Caught in Sootopolis CityOld Moves: Bubble: Replaced with Bounce on page 99. Species: SteelixNickname: JuneTrainer: Scott S.Appearance: Its tail has a small "rattle" on it made of clustered metal. It doesn't really do anything: it really just uses it to sound threatening (though this advantage is merely a psychological one.)Personality: He has a tendency to play tricks. He'd probably be Impish-natured in-game. A note is that he has a semi-decent fear of water. His aquaphobia has been LESSENED after evolution, though not entirely gone.Ability: Sturdy (I know that it should logically get Rock Head in-game, but...)Specialty: Whereas Mantine is a special tank, Steelix is a physical one. It can shrug off most physical hits not from its weaknesses, and even then it still tanks them like a pro. Its defense is ginormous and it can take tons of physical hits. It uses its many resistances to deal with the special attacks it has a harder time walling. Its increased weight has made it much slower than as Onix, however.Known Moves:SlamIron TailScreechStone EdgeSandstormRock TombBattle Count: 12Caught in "Mount Liberty" [remnants of Groudon battle arena, off Sootopolis's coast]Evolved at the entrance to Rocket Master Facility ParadiseOld Moves: Tackle: Replaced with Slam.Bind: Replaced with Iron TailStone Edge: Replaces Rock Throw. As an Onix: Species: OnixNickname: JuneTrainer: Scott S.Appearance: Its tail has a small "rattle" on it made of clustered stones. It doesn't really do anything: it really just uses it to sound threatening (though this advantage is merely a psychological one.)Personality: He has a tendency to play tricks. He'd probably be Impish-natured in-game. A note is that he has a semi-decent fear of water.Ability: Rock HeadSpecialty: Whereas Mantyke is a special tank, Onix is a physical one. It can shrug off any physical hits not from its weaknesses, and even then only its 4x weaknesses truly prove a liability. It can't really take unresisted special attacks, however.Known Moves:SlamBindScreechRock ThrowSandstormRock TombBattle Count: 12Caught in "Mount Liberty" [remnants of Groudon battle arena, off Sootopolis's coast]Old Moves: Tackle: Replaced with Slam. Species: ShelgonNickname: JuliusTrainer: Scott StoneAppearance: Its shell is silver, like Hoenn Shelgon, and its foot scales are light blue, like Sinnoh or Johto Shelgon. Its fangs, at the rare points where they're exposed, are larger than usual.Personality: Shelgon does not like to stop for details. It would have a Naive nature in-game. Its extremely quick evolution, taking less than a day from egg to first evolution, has left it slightly confused about life, and while it maintains high self-esteem, it doesn't always know what to do. It doesn't entirely know its own strength, and it's slightly more confused. Nevertheless, it has grown stronger and better, and is quickly learning.Ability: Shed SkinSpecialty: Shelgon tends to be a powerful attacker, surprisingly with both special and physical moves (something that is normally reserved for its evolution, Salamence,) but it's slow. It has gotten better with Dragon Dance, letting it speed up and gain attack, so it no longer needs exclusively to attack from a range if it can't catch up to its opponent. It attacks with all the moves in its arsenal now.Known Moves:EmberBiteZen HeadbuttDragonBreathDragon Dance (egg move)Hydro Pump (egg move. It no longer requires recoil to cancel, and it only needs a few seconds to cool down. However, it still takes a short time to charge (shorter than as a Bagon, though) and Shelgon still has to stay still while charging it.)Battle Count: 9Obtained at Four Island as an egg, hatched at Rocket Master Facility Paradise.Evolved for the first time directly outside Rocket Master Facility Paradise.Old Moves: Headbutt: Replaced with Zen Headbutt upon evolution.Twister: Replaced with DragonBreath approximately around evolution. (I may have accidentally said DragonBreath rather than Twister while it was still a Bagon.) As Bagon:Species: BagonNickname: JuliusTrainer: Scott StoneAppearance: Bagon has the light blue scale coloration of a Sinnoh or Johto Bagon, and the silver "crest" and orange belly of a Hoenn Bagon. It also has slightly larger fangs than normal.Personality: Bagon does not like to stop for details, and its self-confidence is high, even though it badly wants the ability to fly like all Bagon do. It would have a Naive nature in-game.Ability: Rock HeadSpecialty: Bagon tends to be a powerful attacker, surprisingly on both special and physical moves, but it's slow. It tends to rely on Ember and Twister as ranged attacks if the foe can attack without getting close, and Bite and Headbutt otherwise.Known Moves:EmberBiteHeadbuttTwister (egg move)Dragon Dance (egg move)Hydro Pump (egg move. Its disadvantages for Bagon in its current form are 1. It must be charged, 2. Bagon has to stand still while charging it, 3. If successfully fired Bagon requires cooldown, and 4. if it's interrupted, Bagon takes recoil, NOT very useful without backup, YET.)Battle Count: 7Obtained at Four Island as an egg, hatched at Rocket Master Facility Paradise. Species: BeldumNickname: AugustusTrainer: Scott StoneAppearance: Beldum maintains the smallish, 1' 6" frame of a Hoenn Beldum. It also has a slight dimple in its head, and a blue eye as opposed to a red one.Personality: Beldum is a continuous happy Pokemon, and even in battle it always moves at top morale. In-game, it would probably have the Jolly nature. It is the first to laugh at a joke and the first to cheer up one who is weeping.Ability: Clear BodySpecialty: Beldum naturally excels at defense, a trait shared by all Beldum. However, it can only engage in short bursts of speed, usually enough to engage in one of its attacks. It can also hover, but it does not gain a ground immunity by doing so.Known Moves:Take DownZen HeadbuttIron HeadIron DefenseBattle Count: 4Caught off the coast of Southern Island. Species: TepigNickname: TahuTrainer: Scott StoneAppearance: He has a red spot between his eyes rather than the standard yellow one, and a yellow tail rather than a red one.Personality: Tahu is a hybrid of his namesake and a standard Pokabu. He has a bit of a temper, but he can't resist any good food in the area. Overall he is Jolly.Ability: BlazeSpecialty: Tahu is strong, and good with using Nitro Charge to boost his speed to rather good levels.Known Moves:Nitro ChargeTackleDefense CurlRolloutSmogSuperpower (egg move. Limited in that as Pokabu it suffers the loss of all Nitro Charge and Defense Curl boosts it has received, while lowering its attack. Tahu saves this move as a finisher, usually.)Battle Count: 1Obtained at Four Island as a gift. Species: Exeggcute (shadow) Nickname: PirahnaTrainer: Scott StoneAppearance: Normal. One of his 6 heads has a normal aura and holds a Micle Berry, the rest have shadow auras.Personality: None just yet: he's a Shadow Pokemon. One of his heads, the one that holds his berry, seems to be normal, however, and it seems to be a calm Pokemon from what can be told. It's a bit lonely, though, given its other heads don't have a personality yet.Ability: HarvestSpecialty: He can utilize telepathy to relay orders. Its one pure head always carries a Micle berry around, which it can use its Harvest ability with for quick accuracy boosts when his health is low.Known Moves:HypnosisShadow Hold (Clone of Block/Mean Look)Shadow Wave (50 base power, hits all opponents)Shadow Rush (XD version, 55 power no recoil)Shadow Shed (removes Light Screen/Reflect/Safeguard)Battle Count: 1Caught at Four Island. Will update over the weekend with all my current characters updated to current status (and possibly the past ones too)-let's just say that BZPower will be harder to fit into my schedule from now on. Edited October 14, 2011 by Toa Neya 2011 Edition Quote Never fear change.
Xomeron Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 I'm planning to get into this, but I've scoured the topic and I can't find the policy on Egg moves. Could I have Disable on my Ghastly? Quote That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.-Rover "A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat.""The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."
Kothra Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 (edited) OOC: Here's where my character profile is:§ion=blog&blogid=1398&showentry=106081 Edited October 14, 2011 by Revolutionary Saint Kothra Quote
Toa Neya Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 You might want it available for updates: just saying. Quote Never fear change.
Kothra Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 (edited) OOC: Assuming you're talking to me, I don't follow. Edited October 14, 2011 by Revolutionary Saint Kothra Quote
Parugi Posted October 14, 2011 Author Posted October 14, 2011 (edited) OOC: Necro: Yes, we're continuing from where we left off. Which, in the case of Goldhawk and Maxie, would actually be more along the lines of here. Blade: so I'm NOT the only one!? Mein Gott! That was driving me crazy while I was trying to repost this! Robert: Basically, you can have Egg moves on your Pokemon, just don't go overboard with it -- one or two, possibly three Egg moves are fine; 4 and over is pushing it. And I'm glad to see you're interested. Notes to everyone:-Before anyone does, don't point out the messed up first post to me, please -- I am aware that it needs to be fixed in certain areas.-I'm still planning on posting Blog entries regarding several policy changes; expect several of them to be up around Saturday and Sunday, with the rest coming at various points after that. If you don't know what I'm talking about, check the Wiki.-You don't need to repost your characters in this topic, unless you're new -- you can update them in my blog over here. One thing of note is that spoiler'd profiles need to be completely re-added, as the spoiler tag itself seems to have eaten spoiler'd things. Just so you all know. If you can't find the missing profile anywhere, PM me and we can work something out in regards to writing up a new one.-I'm holding off on officially starting this for a couple of days, just so that everyone has time to get readjusted to the forums. Expect my first big IC-post probably late tomorrow or mid-afternoon on Saturday. And welcome back, everyone -- that break was both nasty, yet satisfying at the same time -- it gave me a lot of time to think about things that I could be doing better as a GM and as a player. Edited November 15, 2014 by Parugi Quote Follow me on YouTube! ~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~
Necro Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 OOC: It would appear I somehow missed that. Sorry about that, edited. Quote
Xomeron Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 (edited) Okay, I'll be putting a profile up soon. I want to have some more powerful moves on my Cyndaquil, but have it take a while for her to master them. One's an Egg Move, the other is learned at a pretty high level. Edited October 14, 2011 by Your Friend Doctor Robert Quote That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.-Rover "A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat.""The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."
Umbra of Doom Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 (edited) OOC: Who? What? Where? Why? ...oh, it's back. About time I guess. Well unfortunately for me, I spent my summer becoming obsessed with another online game. I'll still be doing this, but it will take me quite some time to get back up to speed here. And I can't say my life since the forums closed has improved much (not because of the forums though). Anyway, I see my avatar is gone, but personally I don't mind my personal photo replacing it. Goes with this RPG quite nicely. So back on topic. My first (and only for the moment) order of business is to re-post my profile. This is mostly for me, to give me quick access to the wiki (which, other than the color, looks strikingly similar to the new forums here). Be it laziness or lack of time, I don't want to dig through the archives, so here ya go instead... My characters-[*]Jayron Aaron[*]Cyan Vero[*]Dara Trina[*]DariusOthers I control currently (subject to change)-[*]Michael Travis[*]Peter[*]Jennet[*]Zennet[*]Other random members of Team EnergonOkay, so I have only one two-part question at the moment. I know it was suggested that the notepad won't be available, and I certainly can't find it yet. For those like me who can't remember our pokemon battle counts, shall we reset them? Just curious. Scratch that, I found it in the archives. Glad they saved it. Okay, it'll be a while before I get my act together enough to post and stuff. Maybe by the weekend. -UoD Edited October 14, 2011 by Umbra of Doom Quote Official Pokemon topic Pokemon Rise of the Rockets (Rpg, current) RotR (Archived Version)
Blessed Blade Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 (edited) Blade: so I'm NOT the only one!? Mein Gott! That was driving me crazy while I was trying to repost this! OOC: Nope; I had it happen to me twice last night, once when I was redirected to the archive when checking out profile stuff(Was about to PM you, and was told I couldn't, and saw I got logged out. =P); and then the second time when I was looking up Archive stuff for Necro. That's when I realized what happened. xD I'll get started on posting sometime soon... Though, if I'm offline more than normal, I also have been playing an 'online' game the last few weeks, and can't actively flip from that to a browser yet. Just to explain. =P Actually, I'm just gonna start here. =P -==IC: Zach==- Zach looked around at the buildings of Goldenrod City, and smiled slightly. "I used to live here, a while ago." Zach said to the group that was gathered, and chuckled. "It's strange, because some things have changed a bit, but for the most part, things like the Radio Tower and Department Store have stayed the same. Though there's likely many changes to the residential district and such." Zach said, for conversation purposes. Edited May 1, 2014 by Tiz Arrior Quote The Pokemon TopicPokemon: Rise of the Rockets - Rise of the Rockets Discussion Topic - Rise of the Rockets Side Stories
Nara Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 (edited) OOC: We're back. Better late then never, I guess. So, are we waiting for things to settle for a while, or...?EDIT: Putting my profile(s) here, for easier access. Username: NaraName: Justin "Icewater" IredsiFaction: Team Liberty.Hometown: Lilycove City, HoennAge: 17Appearance: HerePersonality: Justin is remarkably intelligent, easily coming up with ways to get out of tough situations. He has loosened up completely, in fact, a bit too much. Justin has really slowed down and marvels at the beauty of the world around him. Particularly, the Dream World. He is unfailingly kind and, when with his close friends, a bit of a jokester.Background: Justin has been interested in pokemon since he was born. The first pokemon he befriended was an Electrike, when he was 3. His parents were veteran Pokemon Trainers (mother specialized in Ice type pokemon, Father specialized in Water type pokemon), so he was surrounded by many pokemon as well.When he was five, Justins brother left home, and was never seen again. Four years later, his parents refused to shut down their unofficial gym set up in Lilycove. As a result, both were taken by Team Rocket, as it is assumed that they are dead. Devastated, Justin left home to train in the forest for a year, before officially applying to become a Pokemon trainer. While in the forest, he found a befriended a Seedot, who eventually became his first catch.Four years later, Justin caught wind of the most popular rebel group, Team Liberty. While it was difficult convincing a pilot to fly him to Kanto, it was eventually done and he boarded a boat to the head of operations, the Alamo.Pokémon: Sparks, Sunny, Clay, Drifter, Plush, DarkonSpecies: ManectricNickname: SparksTrainer: Justin IcewaterAppearance: The usual yellow color is darker, almost orange.Personality: Finally having evolved, Sparks is a major powerhouse in Justin's team, and he knows it. He's much more confident in battle, capable of executing moves on his own if need be. Despite his new perspective on battling, Sparks is still quite playful, and finds a strange amusement in creating static from his mane, then touching people, lightly shocking them.Ability: StaticSpecialty: Excels in Speed.Known Moves: Thunder Fang, Bite, Wild Charge, Quick Attack, Discharge, Thunder Species: MunnaNickname: PlushTrainer: Justin IcewaterAppearance: Flowers are a deeper shade of Purple.Personality: Careful, quiet, shy. She is timid, and prefers not to battle, but when she does, Plush does incredibly well, and can hold her ground. Very affectionate to her trainer, Justin.Ability: Telepathy.Specialty: High Special Attack, low Special Defense.Known Moves: Yawn, Dream Eater, Psychic, Trick Room, Hypnosis, NightmareBattle Count: 0Species: PawnardNickname: DarkonTrainer: Justin IcewaterAppearance: Blades are rusted.Personality: Rough, straightforward. Acts like a trainer, and does not like to dawdle in anything.Ability: Inner FocusSpecialty: Physical and Special attacks.Known Moves: Iron Head, Slash, Night Slash, Scratch, Metal Claw, AssuranceBattle Count: 1Species: NuzleafNickname: SunnyTrainer: Justin IcewaterAppearance: Mask on his face is larger.Personality: Sunny is a very Calm pokemon. He likes to stay out of his pokeball, but is often bored. With his new legs, Sunny likes to run around and onto walls. He is more alert now, and quicker.Ability: Early BirdSpecialty: Has strong special defense and defenseKnown Moves: Explosion, Synthesis, Sunny Day, Extrasensory, Razor Leaf, Faint AttackBattle Count: 3Species: MarshtompNickname: ClayTrainer: Justin IcewaterAppearance: The fin on its head is noticeably shorter.Personality: Clay is more open now. He is still alert to sounds, but will ignore them most of the time. Likes to run. He's snappy. With new moves, he can hold his own in battle.Ability: TorrentSpecialty: Defense, Combo AttacksKnown Moves: Muddy Water, Endeavor, Protect, Blizzard, Water Gun, Mud BombBattle Count: 3Species: DrifloonNickname: DrifterTrainer: Justin IcewaterAppearance: The 'X' in the middle is smaller.Personality: Drifter is laid back, and likes to float in the wind. She dislikes work and battles, and would rather float in the breeze.Ability: AftermathSpecialty: Very fast.Known Moves: Stockpile, Swallow, Spit Up, Payback, Baton Pass, MinimizeBattle Count: 1Username: NaraName: Zac FlashFaction: --Hometown: Fortree CityAge: 20Appearance: Zac is of average height, with green eyes and dark brown hair. He keeps it short, enough that it spikes up without any help. He often wears a green sweatshirt with a Pokeball pattern on it. The sleeves are cut off completely, revealing a scar on his left arm. Zac likes to wear camouflage pants with hiker boots, and carries a messenger bag with him.Personality: Zac is a jokester, and thrives off of excitement. Because of this, he takes huge risks, and loves battling. Anyone asking what Zac is like will probably get an answer of witty. Hes undeniably sarcastic and headstrong. As a result, he tends to work alone, with his Pokemon as his only companions. Similarly, he has a very strong connection with Pokemon.Background: Zac was born and raised in Fortree City, living there for sixteen years. When he was ten and offered to train Pokemon, he refused; none of the starter Pokemon shown appealed to Zac. The same thing happened the next year. When he was thirteen, officials simply stopped offering and gave Zac a supply of Pokeballs, so he could catch his own. Being the naturally defiant teenager, he sat at home for a year, not even touching them.However, one day he went out to the mart to fetch some supplies for his younger brother, who was going off on his own journey, Zac ran into a very interesting situation; while leaving the mart at sunset, Zac noticed two shadows following him. Now, anyone living in Fortree knew what this meant; a Kecleon had found and attached itself to him.Zac played ignorant for a few days, hoping it would go away, but the Kecleon wouldnt leave. It also wouldnt show itself, remaining invisible (minus the stripe, of course). One afternoon, while Zac was eating some fruit for lunch, the Kecleon revealed itself, proving its skin to be more yellow than usual. It reached out with its tongue and grabbed a melon slice. Zac, who had never really been this close to a Pokemon before, was startled and taken aback. His father encouraged him to give the Pokemon a chance, and the two bonded over a week, becoming close friends. After giving the Kecleon the name "Melon," Zac asked if it would join him and travel the world. At his fifteenth birthday, Melon accepted and the two left Fortree, traveling across Hoenn and rising in rank at the Battle Tower.Pokémon: Melon, Jaws, Duskull, KongoSpecies: KecleonNickname: MelonTrainer: Zac FlashAppearance: The tail is noticeably shorter.Personality: Outgoing. Energetic. Very Hyper. Can't sit still for too long.Ability: Color ChangeSpecialty: Has high stamina.Known Moves: Ancientpower, Substitute, Slash, Shadow Claw, Sucker Punch, PsybeamBattle Counts Unnecessary for evolutionSpecies: MawileNickname: JawsTrainer: Zac FlashAppearance: Jaw is slightly smaller. The "teeth" are somewhat darker.Personality: Jaws is very relaxed. She is quick to make up her mind, and she sticks to what she wants.Ability: IntimidateSpecialty: Has nice Defense, and strong Attack.Known Moves: Fire Fang, Ice Fang, Thunder Fang, Crunch, Iron Defense, AstonishSpecies: DuskullNickname: N/aTrainer: Zac Flash, was a Rocket Grunt'sAppearance: No difference.Personality: Duskull, being a pokemon of a Grunt early on (before Team Rocket takeover), has a relatively optimistic personality. He's carefree, and likes to laugh. It doesn't like to scare other beings, unless it's enraged.Ability: LevitateSpecialty: Long ranged attacks, hit-and-run attacks.Known Moves: Future Sight, Confuse Ray, Disable, Shadow Ball, PaybackBattle Count: 1Species: DarmanitanNickname: KongoTrainer: Zac FlashAppearance: No difference.Personality: Still fairly fickle. Kongo likes to finish what he starts, but has more knowledge to what power he has.Ability: Zen ModeSpecialty: Balanced throughout the six stats. Speed is the highest.Known Moves: Fire Fang, Hammer Arm, Incinerate, Fire Punch, Rollout, Psychic Username: NaraName: Eric SpirosFaction: Team RocketHometown: Pacifidlog TownAge: 21Appearance: Eric is a bit shorter than average, wearing light gear composed of a thin jacket and swim trunks. He wears a fingerless glove on his right hand. He has dark hair, of reasonable length. He’s got thick eyebrows and orange eyes. He’s a little on the skinny side, however, and tan.Personality: Eric is babbly; it is hard to get him to shut up. He has a high tolerance level to people he has just met. He doesn’t like to sit still, and would much rather take a walk through a forest or next to the water than sit in a room, waiting. Eric is athletic, and his favorite sport is swimming. He dedicates most of his time towards the goals of Team Rocket, joining to fill a void in his life.Background: Eric was born in Dewford, and when he was three, his family moved to Pacifidlog. Both of them did not have much any experience with Pokemon before, and they disapproved of him getting a Pokemon; eventually, they caved and bought him a Pokeball when he was eight. He caught his first Pokemon, Slush, off the coast of his floating home.Like most other trainers, Eric left home at the age of ten, but not without catching another Pokemon: a Horsea, Aqua. He traveled to Deford and challenged Brawly; while unconventional, he won, and went out to Rustboro and Lavaridge, earning two more badges in the process.He did not, however, finish challenging the league and left Hoenn, going to Unova. Here, Eric spent most of his teenage life, challenging the gyms there over the course of six years. Again, he did not finish the league after evolving Aqua and left Unova to go to Kanto and Johto. Surprisingly, he did not apply to challenge the league and wandered around, moving without a purpose for two years, before deciding to join Team Rocket.Pokémon: Slush, Aqua, Melody,Species: CorphishNickname: SlushTrainer: Eric SpirosAppearance: One of his horns are cracked.Personality: Much like Ash's Corphish, very energetic, likes to make friends, loud, somewhat annoying.Ability: AdaptabilitySpecialty: Speedy, but with it, low Attack strength.Known Moves: Crabhammer, Crunch, Bubblebeam, GuillotineBattle Count: 2Species: KingdraNickname: AquaTrainer: Eric SpirosAppearance: Blotches of tan throughout her body.Personality: Now that Eric found a Dragon Scale to evolve her, Aqua is a bit more obedient. She's sassy and ill-tempered, eager to win every battle but unable to do so.Ability: Swift SwimSpecialty: Nothing in particular.Known Moves: Bubblebeam, Smokescreen, Twister, Water Gun, BrineSpecies: FeebasNickname: MelodyTrainer: Eric SpirosAppearance: N/aPersonality: Melody dreams of becoming a Milotic, so she works hard and will battle whenever she can. When she is not battling, she likes to chat with other things, usually under the waters.Ability: Swift SwimSpecialty: Speed.Known Moves: Tackle, BrineBattle Count: 2Username: NaraName: Pierce AderiaFaction: RocketHometown: Pyrite TownAge: 28Appearance: Well built but run-down from stress, Pierce stands at 5'7" with brown hair and green eyes. He is usually in a long black jacket, with a white shirt underneath and darker jeans to fit. Hair is usually styled into a short fauxhawk. Chiseled face with a sharp jawline.Personality: Pierce is a tired man, not seeing too much of the war but given his hometown, scrimmages weren't uncommon. He has a devil-may-care attitude, but copes with his level head and advanced experience with logic. Pierce also sports a short temper, though, he doesn't always make it known.Background: Pierce grew up in Pyrite Town, Orre. His father was a security guard in Pyrite while his mother worked in the jail. While he stilled lived in Pyrite, Pierce was involved in a gang that was shut down by security when he was 15, after a prank that went too far; his father was assigned to the case and most of the gang members, including Pierce, were given jail time.When he turned 17 two years later, he moved out of Pyrite to Phenac City, a drastically different environment. Outside of the walls, he found and caught a Duskull and trained at the Colosseum, quickly becoming well known and eventually coming out on top, defeating all of the Entry Levels. Dissatisfied, he went back to Pyrite to challenge their Colosseum as well, heavily winning due to the lack of training. Still wanting more, he accomplished the same feat three times more, in the Tower, Under, and Deep Colosseums. Afterwards, he rested in Agate Village. He spends a lot of time in Unova, particularly Undella and Lacunosa.Pokémon: Dusknoir, SnowruntSpecies: DusknoirNickname: N/aTrainer: Pierce AderiaAppearance: Slimmer and more buff.Personality: Years of time spent together molded their personalities, but Dusknoir tends to stay more to himself. He is often unimpressed with battles due to the Colosseums in Orre, and feels there is nothing left to see.Ability: PressureSpecialty: Completely tanking everything. High defense and special defense, with some buffed HP.Known Moves: Will-o-wisp, Hex, Shadow Punch, Ice Punch, Mean LookSpecies: SnoruntNickname: N/aTrainer: Pierce AderiaAppearance: There is a second "band" of orange on her coat, darker in color.Personality: She takes off after Dusknoir. Attempts to hide her expressions, but generally carefree.Ability: Ice BodySpecialty: High HP and a notch faster than norm.Known Moves: Powder Snow, Bite, Double Team, Headbutt, ProtectBattle Count: 4 Edited December 30, 2012 by Nara Quote Skipping Across a Pond | Pokemon: Rise of the Rockets | Shiny Card
Blessed Blade Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 OOC: I'm not sure. =P I posted as Zach just now, but Parugi said he won't do a big IC until Saturday or Sunday, so... Quote The Pokemon TopicPokemon: Rise of the Rockets - Rise of the Rockets Discussion Topic - Rise of the Rockets Side Stories
Konuju Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 OOC: Great, we're back! I made good use of the downtime to create pages on the wiki for both of my characters, along with a 6-part backstory for my Rocket character, Dack. I'll probably start posting the backstory via flashback-ICs once things get going here. Other than that, I'm in college now, so I may not have as much time as I used to (especially when the tests roll around, which they will in a couple of weeks). Quote Konuju: Kopaka and Nuju meet the Spear of Fusion Quotes from throughout the years: 2001: "Your past is forgotten, and your future is an empty book. You must find your own destiny, my brave adventurer." --Nokama2002: "Mata Nui faces perhaps its greatest challenge -- one that will test our courage, our strength, and our belief in each other." --Tahu2003: "So... it has begun, my brother. But soon, it will also end..." --Makuta2004: "Your journey must end." "By the will of the Great Spirit, it has just begun!" --Makuta and Vakama2005: "Our destinies are not written in stone, set in place. They are something we have to find for ourselves." --Vakama2006: "Don't you realize you're fighting for a lost cause?" "Maybe. But don't you realize those are the only ones worth fighting for?" --Axonn and Brutaka2007: "Sometimes a hero has to do something else besides beat the villains and come home covered in glory." --Hahli2008: "Dive into the darkness, Ignite the flame within. Now, there is no turning back. Make the future... begin." --Narrator, The Final Battle Animation2009: "It is said that all endings are merely beginnings waiting to be born." --Mata Nui2010: "All journeys must come to an end, but this time, there is a new beginning as well. ... All that has gone before, my friends, has only served to give birth to this new day. Let unity, duty and destiny be your guides." --Mata Nui2011: "Not dead. Just frozen. They’ll thaw out … eventually. I’m tired of villains spouting gibberish." --Kopaka
Parugi Posted October 14, 2011 Author Posted October 14, 2011 (edited) OOC: Necro: NP. Robert: That should be fine, though I can't say for certain without seeing the profile first. Anyway, just a thing to keep in mind -- expect your Cyndaquil to faint a couple of times after using those attacks if they're as high-level moves as you say. And another thing I don't think I mentioned -- since we're as far into the RPG as we are, you can either start with three Pokemon instead of two or have one of your two starters be in their second form from the get go. Just so you know. Nara: Today (and yesterday) are being treated as buffer days so that everyone can get a grip on BZP again and get readjusted to the forums; Saturday and Sunday, ICs should start rolling again, with at least one big one from me tomorrow, and the plot will really kick into full-gear again starting on Wednesday (after school, anyway.) Hopefully that gives everyone a clearer idea of my schedule. Umbra: Don't worry too much about reposting your profiles; just update them in the character list (linked to in my last post) whenever you get the chance. That goes for everyone else, too. I think that's all... And since I'm basically caught up at this point (just without a good internet connection...) I can make a short reply to one IC... IC - Goldhawk - One Island: Goldhawk stopped a short distance away from where Maxie and Silvermind sat, briefcase in hand. He closed his eyes and let out a brief sigh, partly out of annoyance and partly out of relief at seeing that his fellow Liberty leader wasn't injured. "I'm glad to finally meet you in person, Maxie," he answered. "But I'm not here for pleasantries or to drink; I just want to get this deal closed -- I think most people do, considering the fiasco this whole situation has caused for the past couple of months." Edited November 15, 2014 by Parugi Quote Follow me on YouTube! ~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~
Xomeron Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 Name: Van AndersonFaction: Team RocketHometown: Goldenrod City, Johto RegionAge: 19Appearance: Grey eyes, brown hair. Pointed chin and a thin beard.Personality: Van is, the first time you meet him, seemingly cold and emotionless. As you get to know him better, you might realize that he might just have a hint of emotion. As it happens, he's got emotions, and he doesn't hide them on purpose, but he's deeply terrified of repeating what's happened to him before. Losing a girl is never easy.Background:In, goldenrod city born and raised, day care center was where he spent most of his days, trainin' pokemon and relaxin all coolwhen a couple of rockets who were up to no goodstarted makin' trouble round the neighborhoodHe got in one little battle and a guy was impressedsaid you're gonna come and join us in our base in Kanto(In non-song form: Hailing from Goldenrod City, Van had worked for the Day Care couple to earn some money for school, when he got pulled into a battle with a Team Rocket Member. He did relatively well, and managed to impress his opponent enough that he was recruited into Team Rocket.)Pokémon: Natalie(Cyndaquil) Feria(Aron)and Somier(Ghastly) Van's Pokemon Species: CyndaquilNickname: NatalieTrainer: VanAppearance: Natalie is easily distinguished by her slightly short snout, and her extra spot; other than that, she's a normal CyndaquilPersonality: Natalie is brutal and simple; anything she can't burn, she finds another way to kill, or gives up. Outside of battle, Natalie still thinks in terms of absolutes. She has no talent for subtlety, but realizes it's a useful talent, and lets others do the thinking for herAbility: BlazeSpecialty: BURN! BURN! BURN! BURN!Known Moves: Quick Attack, Smokescreen, Extrasensory(Not yet mastered, Egg Move), Defense Curl, Ember, and Flame Wheel(Not yet mastered) Species: GhastlyNickname: SomierTrainer: VanAppearance: Somier generally appears from shadows, and does his best to hide his face behind the cloud he usually appears in. His fangs, longer than a normal Ghastly's, almost always gleam through the the fog.Personality: Somier is playful, taking delight in scaring his opponets, but at the same time deadly serious about battles, occasionally literally.Ability: LevitateSpecialty: Subtlety and tricks are Somier's specialty. What he lacks in power he more than makes up for in crafty intelligenceKnown Moves: Hypnosis, Mean Look, Curse, Night Shade, Confuse Ray, Disable(Egg Move) Species: AronNickname: FeriaTrainer: VanAppearance: Feria's eyes are a bright orange. Other than that, she's normal for an AronPersonality: Feria is defensive and reserved. She rarely shows her emotions, preferring to speak with actions rather than sounds, but those actions can speak quite loudly, especially when that action is a Metal Claw to the face.Ability: SturdySpecialty: Feria's ability lets her use Take Down without risk, and she abuses that to no end. She is also talented in defense, like all Aron.Known Moves: Headbutt, Iron Head(Egg Move), Take Down, Iron Defense, Metal Claw, Mud Slap Quote That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.-Rover "A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat.""The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."
Parugi Posted October 15, 2011 Author Posted October 15, 2011 OOC: XP Very nice. Approved; if you could, post a copy over your profile over here. If you need a suggestion for a place to jump in... You might have to wait a bit; as I said earlier, we're waiting for people to get readjusted and whatnot. Quote Follow me on YouTube! ~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~
Blessed Blade Posted October 15, 2011 Posted October 15, 2011 OOC: Well, I've got characters all over the place, and if you wanna start off with a fight or so, I've got Black over on Unovan Route 16(Just about to leave, since he was training... I need to find some more things out still. I don't like how the archive keeps logging me out, though. D=). The others seem busy right now, but again, if you wanna start off with a fight, Zach and co are around Goldenrod, and given that they're on Liberty... =P Quote The Pokemon TopicPokemon: Rise of the Rockets - Rise of the Rockets Discussion Topic - Rise of the Rockets Side Stories
Necro Posted October 15, 2011 Posted October 15, 2011 IC: "Oh, don't be so hasty." As he spoke, he took a sip of the wine in his hand. "There's after all, a matter I wish to discuss with you. Rest assured I don't intend to leave this little meeting with your colleague, she'll be yours by the end of the day. But please, sit down. It's already been months as you said, what's a few minutes more?" Quote
Parugi Posted October 15, 2011 Author Posted October 15, 2011 (edited) IC - Goldhawk - One Island: The corner of Goldhawk's mouth slipped into a very slight smirk, hiding his curiosity towards Maxie's words. "I guess you've got a point there," he said, sitting down on the chair that the Magma leader had motioned to. He set the briefcase in the sand. One of Maxie's attendants handed him a glass of wine; Silvermind observed as he gave it a careful look. Seeming to deem it safe, he took a short drink. "What do you need to talk to me about that you couldn't mention over the phone?" From the boat, the disguised Red kept an eye on the meeting through a pair of binoculars. He was ready to jump in at a moment's notice in case Maxie did anything. For the time being, it didn't seem like he would get that chance. IC - Kyle/Sonja - Goldenrod City: "So that's how you know this place so well," Kyle said, looking around at the area. "Glad you do; I haven't been here often enough to get a perfect grip on the geography." He looked at Thomas and Shekou again. "I take it we're just going through, then?" Edited November 15, 2014 by Parugi Quote Follow me on YouTube! ~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~
Blessed Blade Posted October 15, 2011 Posted October 15, 2011 (edited) -==IC: Zach/Goldenrod==- "Well, I only know the surrounding area, but yes, that's how I know this place. And anything else I can figure out with my Pokegear, so..." Zach said with a chuckle. "As for just going through, I wouldn't mind, as it pretty much seems to be Ecruteak that we're headed to." Zach stated, as he looked at the path forward. "Only question is if we can get to the other side of the city without attracting attention... We could either risk it, or just do a teleport, and I don't mind either way." Edited May 1, 2014 by Tiz Arrior Quote The Pokemon TopicPokemon: Rise of the Rockets - Rise of the Rockets Discussion Topic - Rise of the Rockets Side Stories
Guest Posted October 15, 2011 Posted October 15, 2011 OOC: So I'll post my main OC's profile with some modifications, is that okay? Quote
Blessed Blade Posted October 15, 2011 Posted October 15, 2011 (edited) -==IC: Black==- Black walked out of Lostlorn forest, and looked around at the bikers that were headed to Nimbasa. Hmph, no-one suspects that someone might be out for destruction in Unova... Black thought, as he walked toward Nimbasa, and let Larvitar out of his Pokeball, as the Pokemon began to glow white. Yes, very soon, they all will. OOC: Already wrote this once... Edited May 1, 2014 by Tiz Arrior Quote The Pokemon TopicPokemon: Rise of the Rockets - Rise of the Rockets Discussion Topic - Rise of the Rockets Side Stories
Nara Posted October 15, 2011 Posted October 15, 2011 OOC: Alright. :] I think Justin was with the group at Goldenrod, from reading the archive... Eric's with Ethan and Jamie, I believe. IC - Zac Flash: Zac smiled at the question asked. "Why I want a Meloetta? Why wouldn't I? Of course, being the inexperienced trainer that is me, it wouldn't listen to me at all anyway, but still." He paused. "How intimidating would it be to tell an opponent that I carry a Meloetta? Though, the chances of me actually obtaining it are slim, with Plasma and all them. I'm sure they'll be there." He grinned now, filled with excitement. "I've been itching for a good fight for a while." IC - Justin Icewater: "Hm.." He looked around. "Goldenrod. Much different than most things in Hoenn. Any means of transportation is fine with me." Quote Skipping Across a Pond | Pokemon: Rise of the Rockets | Shiny Card
Professor Ecketzal Posted October 15, 2011 Posted October 15, 2011 OOC.- ... well, it's certainly glad to be back. But I'm not sure if I want to continue with the RPG. I have to concentrate in school for the time being and my current characters have become very confusing to manage. I will have to think this for a bit. Quote Credit for the signature goes to LMKMARAVILLOSO Every puzzle has an answer
Blessed Blade Posted October 15, 2011 Posted October 15, 2011 (edited) OOC: Yeah, he was there. -==IC: White==- "I see... Yeah, that's true. Everything you said." Summer said with a nod, and smiled slightly. "When do we start the plan, then?" Edited May 1, 2014 by Tiz Arrior Quote The Pokemon TopicPokemon: Rise of the Rockets - Rise of the Rockets Discussion Topic - Rise of the Rockets Side Stories
Nara Posted October 15, 2011 Posted October 15, 2011 OoC: Alright. IC - Zac Flash: "Whenever you're ready," he replied. "I'm good anytime." He called out his Kecleon, Melon."Hungry?" he asked the Pokemon, who nodded. "There should be some food in my bag here..." he mumbled, fiddling through his belongings. Quote Skipping Across a Pond | Pokemon: Rise of the Rockets | Shiny Card
Necro Posted October 15, 2011 Posted October 15, 2011 IC: "Well, lets say that you and I share a common goal. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, no?" He leaned back, setting the wine glass on the table. "I have my reasons, but I don't like the Rockets. At all. Probably has to do with invading my homeland in-part. So, I suppose you could say that you fighting them back out of Hoenn was a rather...pleasant sight. Say what you will of my past, it's been decades, I'm a new man, and I've spent the last few years until this whole mess started trying to fix my mistakes in the eyes of the people of Hoenn. Given my network, I like to think it's worked." "I believe we can work for mutual benefit and end this war before it embroils our world any farther. Of course more details would need to be worked out, but that's the core of it. What say you?" Quote
Parugi Posted October 15, 2011 Author Posted October 15, 2011 (edited) OOC: Ecketzal: !! Well.... all right. The decision to stay or leave is yours; I'll understand if you find you aren't able to. Just do me a favor and send me a PM if you decide to leave -- I'll need to figure out what to do with the Shadow Pokemon plot in that case. Uber: So long as they aren't drastic modifications, that should be fine. =) IC - Goldhawk - One Island: Goldhawk leaned back, surprised at the offer, though not entirely convinced of the Magma leader's intentions. "You raise several good points, all of which I agree with; compared to what I remember regarding the events with Groudon and Team Aqua all of those years ago, you seem like an entirely different person," he said. "Though I have to ask... If you have such a dislike of Team Rocket, why didn't you attempt to help us when they still controlled Hoenn? And how did to come to be that instead of Team Magma taking control over the region again once they were out, another, completely hostile group -- this Hojohsin League -- came to power?" Goldhawk paused for a minute. "I'm not sure if driving Team Rocket being driven out of Hoenn was such a good thing, considering the attitude that we've seen from the Hojohsin League at this point. As such, I want your word that you'll help Team Liberty against this group as well as Team Rocket if an alliance is formed.... and I also need to know what lengths you're willing to go to in your fight against them." IC - Kyle/Sonja - Goldenrod City: "I think we'll be fine as long as we recall Deoxys and Raikou," Sonja answered. "The Unown aren't around and to most people we'll just look like passing trainers; not to mention, with our TL IDs at the base, they won't be able to tell that we're part of Team Liberty, anyway." "Which begs the question of why we don't just leave our IDs at home every time we go on a mission," Kyle said absentmindedly. "To reiterate a question, though, where did the Unown go? I thought there was like, a gigantic crowd of them floating around Johto or something." Edited November 15, 2014 by Parugi Quote Follow me on YouTube! ~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~
Blessed Blade Posted October 15, 2011 Posted October 15, 2011 (edited) -==IC: Zach==- "Once again; that's a very good question. I have no clue, but they don't seem to be swarming the region..." Zach said, as he looked around, but nodded at what Sonja said. "Alright, let's do that then. Any objections?" Zach asked, as he recalled Shekou for the moment. OOC: I dunno if he was able to do that, I lost track of who had Shekou's Ultra Ball. =P -==IC: White==- White nodded, and sat down. "Alright then, let's go after your Kecleon's finished eating then." White said with a smile, though she was still mentally debating this situation. -==IC: Orange==- Orange ran down the hall, and ran around the corner, and ducked into one of the rooms quickly. Well that plan didn't work as well as I'd hoped. Orange thought, as the group of guards ran past. Orange looked through the gap in the door then, just to make sure the coast was clear, as he attempted to backtrack to where the stairs were... But he'd need to use a lot more caution this time. Edited May 1, 2014 by Tiz Arrior Quote The Pokemon TopicPokemon: Rise of the Rockets - Rise of the Rockets Discussion Topic - Rise of the Rockets Side Stories
Xomeron Posted October 15, 2011 Posted October 15, 2011 (edited) IC: Van The Lake Of Rage was surprisingly calm. One would expect a lake with a name like that to be bubbling ferociously, spewing blasts of boiling water into the sky and scalding everyone below. Instead the water was calm, only disturbed by Van trailing a stick through the water, and a Magikarp slowly bobbing by. Somier floated down from the lake shore, towards the fish, which frantically started splashing away. OOC: Just establishing where I am Edited October 15, 2011 by Your Friend Doctor Robert Quote That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.-Rover "A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat.""The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."
Guest Posted October 15, 2011 Posted October 15, 2011 OOC: Parugi: So here's my main updated profile, and it looks like he changed alot from when I last played, but this is pretty much how he was before the forums downtime, minus the orange. I'll put up a profile of a Pokemon I didn't make a profile for. Also, is it okay if there was a "glitch" in the PC and some of his Pokemon "devolved"? I stuck them with pretty sucky moves, affities, and natures. [b]Username:[/b] Uber Bunny[b]Name:[/b] ThomasFaction: Team Liberty.Hometown: Goldenrod City[b]Age:[/b] 17Appearance: Not-pale-but-not-tan either, thin, unruly black hair, fond of blue and black so all of his clothes are either cyan, jet black, or denim. Denim jeans, cyan T-Shirt, black trenchcoat and seldom wears a black fedora. Carries an orange on his head that always perfectly balances and almost never falls off when he lacks his fedora.Personality: He's not really a guy the normal person would want to hang out with. He's silent, arkward, cracks up really wierd jokes, carries an orange on his head that never falls off nearly 24/7. Gets pretty agitated if the orange falls off his head.[b]Background:[/b] He's an orphan who's house burned down. Boo hoo. He befirended his Pokemon and put them in Pokeballs on after gaining their complete trust. He signed up for Team Liberty a little while ago, and is not a rookie, but not the most experienced person either.Pokemon: [b]Species:[/b] Porygon[b]Nickname:[/b] Glitch[b]Trainer:[/b] Thomas[b]Appearance:[/b] Cyan and black to replace the red and blue, respectively.Personality: Bold and willing to stick up for itself and others.Ability: TraceSpecialty: Heightened Defense and lowerd Attack.Known Moves: Agility, Recover, Magnet Rise, Signal Beam Quote
Parugi Posted October 15, 2011 Author Posted October 15, 2011 (edited) OOC: Blade: Eh, who cares? Once we get things going more smoothly I'll care more about consistency; at the moment things like that don't really matter that much to me. Hm.... I'm debating whether or not I should post that big IC right now, considering it's a curb-stomp finale to a fight against someone who hasn't actually posted ICly since the RPG was reposted... EDIT: Uber: You can't devolve them, but I'd be willing to let you redo their moves and abilities. The natures don't affect anything at all. IC - Kyle/Sonja - Goldenrod City: "Nope; let's just get going," Kyle said, moving forward with his hands in his coat pockets. He stared at the ground as he walked, hiding his slight irritation; every moment they spent outside of Unova was another moment spent not knowing where his father was. In his mind, the sooner they got out of here and finished this mission for the Raikou, the better. Not to mention, he felt like something bad was going to happen in the near future, and it was making him very uneasy... IC - Maddison Hayes - Castelia City: The crowds of Castelia were as big as Maddison remembered them. She was glad that Ford had finally given her a chance to return her, after so many years of waiting, even if it was on... volatile terms. She ignored the falling rain, her hat keeping her face from getting wet, her sunglasses hiding her gaze from the view of the public. She stopped in front of the Battle Company, a slight smile on her face. This had been an... interesting place when she had started her journey; she felt it was fitting that she would be the one to bring it down. But that would be for later. For now, she had work to do. Maddison walked back to her first assigned spot, going around the back and entering. Very soon, Isshu would be very sorry that it hadn't fought against Team Liberty and Team Rocket sooner... IC - Nine - ?: The Darkria drifted among the shadows, his eyes closed as he meditated. Something felt off... somewhere in Johto... Whatever it was, it was affecting the dimensions -- and Johto had had enough trouble with that over the past few weeks. He opened his eyes, frowning. This would need to be dealt with. Moving forward, he headed toward his destination, leaving Pierce's office behind. Edited November 15, 2014 by Parugi Quote Follow me on YouTube! ~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~
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