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IC: Zaliyah - The Razorfish 

The airship was thrown around like a struck piñata as the Turaga made impact, only her seatbelt keeping Zaliyah from being flung from her seat. The vessel rocked and rattled, cracked and creaking from the collision with the unprecedented biological projectile.

"-detect single boarder. Significant damages to-," the voice of her Vahki hissed from Zaliyah's earpiece. 

"Forget the damage report. Just take us up, as high and as fast as you can! Out of their range." She unbuckled herself and pressed the button to retract the pulse cannon into what remained of the crane compartment, before heading for the ladder, "I'll deal with our visitor." 

She clambered up the ladder and into the main body of the ship, where the irritatingly persistent Turaga stood waiting for her. "That was one karz of an entrance. I didn't realise you were so eager to finish our conversation." 


Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Ballads of the Bionicle - lore/character songs

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash, The Outsiders

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

Posted (edited)

IC: Sans, The Razorfish

"I didn't realize you were so eager to die."  As Sans prepared himself for some Steltian brute to bull-rush him, or maybe some squad of Vahki to pounce from all around, or even some unknown Southern Islander to manifest, he was surprised to see none other than that Toa Hordika who had come to parlay some time ago.  Sans hoped that somewhere behind his burnt and crisped frame was an intimidating Toa-sized hero greeting this challenger.

"Why did you come back?  Why couldn't you have stayed back in Metru-Nui?"  Sans conjured a thin wall of water before his firmly held staff, at least creating the illusion of defense from some surprise projectile.

OOC: @Nato the Traveler

Edited by Azibo

In a world where heroes and villains battle for the fate of the universe‚ some people have normal lives and work normal jobs... Zimixes


IC: Zaliyah - The Razorfish

"The last act of your false god was to bring all of us to this new world. You don't get to dictate who has worth, who deserves to have this fresh start," her voice came out in a snarl. Sparks accompanied her words, as a severed pulley ground against the framework of the rising airship. "My offer of peace was genuine. I wanted all of us to start anew, to build something better, but if your people are unwilling to share, then our species must be snuffed out." 


Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Ballads of the Bionicle - lore/character songs

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash, The Outsiders

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar


IC: Sans, The Razorfish

"Then let that snuffing out start here."  Sans watched Zaliyah, on guard for any offensive movement.  And again, Sans concentrated inward, activating his Kanohi even further. Sans began to grow.

Thoughts of that lizard came to mind again, scurrying about, oblivious to the changed world.  How Sans wished he could be that lizard and hide away from the troubles of life.  The Ga-Turaga imagined how the news would be received by those below and those far away.  Would the defenders of Metru-Koro mourn him?  Would they resent him for throwing his own life away?  Would they honor him for his sacrifice?  Would they understand?  A thousand thoughts and more raced around his head.

What kind of world was Sans leaving behind?  Would the Matoran and the Toa and all the other types of good people work together to build a new society on this strange new continent?  Sans thought of all the faces he'd seen and the names he'd heard.  There was so many people to keep track of; Sans wished he lived in simpler times again.  Threats used to be Rahi attacks or natural disasters, not war and invasion and crashing giant robots.  Sans grew ever more, his frame now reaching the ceiling of the ship.

The tears flowed once more.  It hurt to keep growing.  His wounds grew same as all parts of his body, and with that came the growth of pain.  The air racing around his exposed frame, the heat of the burns, the scarring on his nerves, even the broken bones he was sure hid inside his old body.  It was hard to be so ready, so active.  All Sans wanted was to sit quietly in his home and play some banjo once again.  Yet still, Sans grew.

The metal creaked as his head began to force itself outside the hull.  He brought his hands even closer to his face, guarding it from attack.  His mangy hands grasping his staff so tightly he would probably feel some cramping had they been capable of feeling anything other than the dull burn of such singed appendages. 

OOC: @Nato the Traveler

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In a world where heroes and villains battle for the fate of the universe‚ some people have normal lives and work normal jobs... Zimixes


IC: Zaliyah - The Razorfish 

The Turaga's response disappointed, but didn't surprise her. In way, she admired his conviction. It no doubt took formidable strength of will for him to cling to such self-righteous certainty, to sentence an entire species to slaughter rather than accept the equal rights of others. 

As Sans grew, the ship began to slow in its ascent, forcing the Vahki to deploy additional levitation disks to cope with the added weight. 

When Zaliyah's attack came, it was twofold - a stream of searing crimson lanced forth from her Herding Blade, aimed directly at Sans chest. In the same instant, an unseen swell of telekinetic force focused on the Turaga's Kanohi, trying to wrench the mask away from his face. 


Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Ballads of the Bionicle - lore/character songs

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash, The Outsiders

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

Posted (edited)

IC: Sans, The Razorfish

When the attack came, it stung.  Zaliyah unleashed energy from her blade, which Sans' water wall intercepted.  If only he was a Toa again, he could've stopped it out right.  The energy dissipated... mostly.. and only kinda stabbed into his body.. but the pain was very, very real.  Sans cried and winced as the attack penetrated his body enough to make Sans wonder what the upper limits of a Mask of Healing were.  He left a tugging at his Kanohi; Sans was right to judge Zaliyah a Ce-Hordika.  He removed a hand from his enlarged staff to press his Kanohi firmly against his head, just in case.  Still, he grew, and his shoulders caused creaking as they forced themselves outside the hull, the wind blowing about his body.  His wounded torso, too, began to emerge atop the metal canopy.  He must've been more than two toa tall by now, and ever more did Sans grow.

Edited by Azibo

In a world where heroes and villains battle for the fate of the universe‚ some people have normal lives and work normal jobs... Zimixes

Posted (edited)

IC: Zaliyah - The Razorfish 

The Turaga's insane plan was clearly to rip the ship in half through sheer size. Either he didn't care about dying, or he was counting on the gravity Toa to catch him when he ultimately fell. Zaliyah would ensure there was nothing but a corpse for them to catch. 

"Set a new course, full acceleration!" She called to the Vahki, "Keep us at this elevation, and move us directly over where their shots were coming from."

The blasts had been too large and powerful to have come from a handheld Hagah Plasma Cannon, which meant it had to be some kind of mounted turret, and those usually weren't designed to fire straight up. Directly above was the safest place for the ship to be if it started losing altitude, and if Sans managed to tear the ship apart, the wreckage would then fall straight down onto the village's only defence.

As she ship lurched forth on its new course, Zaliyah loosed another blast from her Herding Blade, firing a Rhotuka as well, both aimed for Sans' already-injured chest. 


Edited by Nato the Traveler

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Ballads of the Bionicle - lore/character songs

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash, The Outsiders

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar


IC [Coliseum]:

The receptionist smiled apologetically. “I’m sorry, but it appears all publishers of magazines are currently experiencing issues with shipping, printing, supplies, staff - everything. But it is firmly on the to-do list.”

She consulted her tablet once more: “Ah yes, here. Item #2739 on the agenda for rebuilding Metru Nui. It might take a while.”

She got a slight conspiratorial look in her eyes and her voice got low as she leaned in closer to Achro. “Also, I am certain I overheard Lord Pridak suggest a name change for the city as well. Something along the lines of ‘Leagueopolis’, can you believe it?”

And then she suddenly straightened again, back in full customer-service mode.

“I would recommend you try the juice bar in the foyer. They make excellent smoothies!”

OOC: @Toru Nui

  • Like 3





IC: Irna | The Tranquility

As the airship pitched, Irna felt herself falling. But she had lived in the mountains of the Northern Continent for most of her life, hunting Infernavika amongst the cliffs and crevices of that place. She had found herself falling before -- and those times, she hadn't been falling towards--

"Ostrox!" she shouted, letting herself slide across the smooth incline of the bridge's floor, relaxing herself so that when she slammed into the ship's control panel -- perhaps a foot away from the Leaguer -- her muscles screamed a little quieter than they might have. 

"You're outnumbered, Ostrox," she said. "This isn't a fight you can win."

OOC: @Keeper of Kraata @TL01 NUVA @Toru Nui @Tarn


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IC Kathrine of the Flame - Tranquility:

As the ship lurched downward, Kat stumbled and flailed her arms slightly trying to keep her balance, which made her entrance into the room less than graceful. Once she found her footing, she looked ahead, and the color drained from her mask slightly as she realised they were approaching the ground at a fairly fast rate.

"Oh, karz."

She turned her forward stumble into a leap as she cleared the room and landed on the front view port. A quick breath in and out to center herself. "I am super gonna feel this tomorrow," she muttered to herself, as she torched a hole in the viewport. Wind began blowing in through the opening and Kat squinted as it blew past her face. Another breath in an dout. Power welled from deep inside her and she threw both arms downward toward the opening and let it go. an inferno roared from her hands as she pushed against the inexorable grip of gravity and inertia.



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IC, Aurax: Coliseum

Aurax's heart sank slightly when Pridak entered the room wearing an ACR. 

Different from any of the others I've seen.. must be a gift from Ehlek. This may be tougher than I had anticipated.

At Pridak's nod, Aurax moved slightly closer to the throne and bowed, gesturing for Saybo to do the same.

"My Lord, we have done as you have commanded. Stannis of the Toa Maru is dead. I present his mask to you, o great one." The Toa of Plasma held up the old mask for the warlord to see.

"I would like to thank you for giving me this opportunity. I've had the great displeasure of knowing Stannis for a long time. I would say that I gained satisfaction from watching the light fade from his eyes, but I ended up melting his face off after we gutted him like a fish, so he didn't actually have any eyes."

He waited for Pridak to respond, and hoped that Stannis and the others would make their grand appearance soon...

OOC: @Vezok's Friend @Kal the Guardian @EmperorWhenua @Toru Nui @Snelly @Tarn

  • Like 6

IC: Keitara ( Experiencing some minor turbulence)

Keitara wanted to hug Irna. She really, really did.

However, she could tell this was not the time for reunions.

"Osterox, is it? Listen, I do not have the words for how skeeved off I am for you for firing on a virtually unarmed shantytown, but we'll put this aside for right now. You're outnumbered, I can conjure lasers, and possibly most importantly of all I am the one with your sorry carcass pinned to… this… control panel…"

The color drained from Kei's mask, leaving it pale grey. "Oh karz." The Av-Toa reached around the stunned League warrior, attention suddenly on trying to find a functioning control panel. "Ohhhh, bad bad bad." She looked Osterox dead in the face. "What did you go and smash the controls for? We needed those!"

Not bothering to wait for a reply, Kei yelled "Guys, we gotta dip. Unless you wanna find out why it's called 'lithobraking.'"

(OOC: @Toru Nui, @Keeper of Kraata, @The UltimoScorp, @Tarn, @Conway)

  • Like 2

Whatever mountain you are climbing, you can do this.

                                       BZPRPG character masterpost


                      "Just promise me something... don't let me go."




IC: Dar Poroka | Aboard the Wombat

As Knichou begins to fire, the ship abruptly alters its course. The Wombat ceases spinning and suddenly dives down. His shots pepper the underbelly of the ship, missing the Hagah cannon by scarce inches. The lightstones blast through the thin hull into the weapons chamber; were the red Vahki within a being of flesh and blood, it might startle in response. But its circuits do not register panic or surprise, and so it calmly directs a telepathic observation to the bridge.

Weapons under fire. Likely an airborne hostile.

It receives an affirmative response, along with another observation: the village of Metru-Koro is once again within range of their pulse bolt generator. The weapon has been primed for minutes now, so the red Vahki need not wait to obey. The ship shudders as the weapon fires, and another bolt of energy falls to earth, blazing through the sky like a falling star upon the little village.

* * *

Within the ship, the combatants suddenly experience weightlessness as the ship turns to one side and falls out of the sky. Amarth's shurikens bury themselves in the wall.

* * *

The brown Vahki's programming dictates that its primary function is to protect the ship and its captain. Its secondary function is to protect itself. The secondary function may not override the first; if necessary, it will gladly sacrifice its body for the good of the ship. This is not a rule the Vahki finds oppressive: it is only a robot, after all. An automaton of circuitry and steel. 

But sometimes the two functions can both be served simultaneously. As Druu's eyes begin to glow, it calculates that the intruder's unknown vision power may do damage both to itself and to the ship. Nullifying said vision power is therefore an efficient use of resources.

Druu fires, but the blast fizzles out before it has traveled halfway down the corridor.

"Do not resist," the Vahki chirps sweetly. "You are in violation of several major airspace codes. Do not resist."

* * *

Poroka tummy feel funny again. Suddenly all floaty.

Let's go, Poroka! Big smile. Show your teeth!

Pull out other sword. Now two swords. Use tentacles to pull Poroka down the hall really fast. Gonna swing at new person when get close!


IC: Nale Vella - The Tranquility

Nale's plan was, almost literally, shot down upon Ostrox accidentally destroying the controls and sending the Tranquility towards the ground. On the brighter side, the League was losing one of its number, on the other...her and her allies were still onboard. Her immediate reaction was to use her element to magnetize to the deck of the bridge and keep from falling backwards, once again creating the interference from before. A ship this big should have some means of getting its passengers off safely in the case of disaster, they couldn't just jump for it and hope for the best. Even with their elemental powers, a freefall from this height would presumably end poorly.

"There has to be...something we can use, first. Ostrox, listen here! I doubt you want to go down with us--does this ship have parachutes? Anything?!"

@Conway@Keeper of Kraata@TL01 NUVA@The UltimoScorp@Toru Nui

IC: Rose - Pridak's Throne Room

Rose shuffled her feet, clearly impatient as she stood behind cover and awaited the arrival of the target. Soon she heard voices, recognizing Aurax's as he presented the mask to Pridak. The excited Ta-Toa attempted to find some sort of opening to peer through, almost hoping this plan would go wrong enough to give her the chance to go 1-on-1 with the League leader and show him just how excited she was.


@EmperorWhenua@Snelly@Toru Nui@~Xemnas~@Kal the Guardian@Vezok's Friend

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(shout out to max)


IC: Ostrox (Metru-Koro Airspace, The Tranquility, The Bridge)

Wonderful. She was here. All he needed now was Mazor and he'd have the entire triumvirate of treachery. And of course, they were accompanied by the archetypal Toa - ignorant, self-righteous, cowardly and arrogant. Oh, and with a side of pretentiousness thrown in as well.

Was this the end? He could lie to them, say there's no parachutes. Or be particularly sadistic and tell them there is but refuse to say where. But Skorm would live, at least, with his shadow powers. Had all his sacrifices been for naught? All the dishonourable things he had done in the name of defeating the greater evil, pointless?

No. He had gotten out of tougher situations than this. The Toa usually cut down whoever dared oppose them without a second thought, but they needed Ostrox alive. Clearly Skorm didn't have the power to take others with him, or else he would be doing so right now. That meant they needed to take him prisoner, and it wouldn't be a very Toa-like thing to do to execute a prisoner, would it? The unwillingness to do what needed to be done... that would be their downfall.

"Oh sure, I'll save you from your own terminal stupidity, I'm a nice guy. Parachutes are in compartments just beneath the controls, you know, in the space you keep your feet. Just be sure not to shove me into them and say I broke them."

@Conway@TL01 NUVA@Keeper of Kraata@Tarn@The UltimoScorp


IC: Achro (The Coliseum, Receptionist's Floor)

"Oh, sure. I haven't been part of a society for a while, I'm unused to it. See you soon!" Achro stepped back into the elevator, and pressed the button to descend.

@Vezok's Friend


IC: Tekmo (Metru-Koro Airspace, The Wombat)

Tekmo and Vulimai then began to experience weightlessness - no, not weightlessness. Falling. The ship they were on was rapidly descending. "Terrific. We need to get to the bridge, now!" Tekmo's vines, still latching on to whatever they could, started pulling Tekmo forward, grasping new holds as it went. A few vines protruded from Tekmo's legs for Vulimai to hold onto. "Hold onto these!" He yelled.



IC: Waveahk (The Coliseum, Throne Room, Ventilation Shaft)

'Ended up melting his face off'. Waveahk felt like he was melting in this hot and stuffy vent.

@Vezok's Friend@~Xemnas~@EmperorWhenua@Kal the Guardian@Tarn@Snelly

  • Like 2

IC: Knichou, Metru-Koro Airspace

The Toa of iron frowned as his shots went wide when the Wombat suddenly changed course. While this helped Knichou's goal, now that the Wombat was no longer firing on the Taku, it was bad for the main objective of protecting Metru-Koro, as the Wombat began firing on the town again. Shortly after the Wombat began it's dive bombing, Knichou stowed his weapon and flew downwards to catch up to it. Falling faster than the airship wasn't difficult by any means, and soon Knichou was gliding downwards beside the Wombat.

Once Knichou was back near the Wombat, he moved in even closer towards the underside of the airship. He grabbed onto the hull behind where the main cannon was mounted, sinking his fingers into the metal exterior that quickly morphed into proper grips once under his command. Knichou used his powers to dig slots for all his limbs in the hull so he would more easily be able to hang onto the underside of the ship during any future maneuvers.

Even while holding onto the ship behind the weapon, Knichou could feel the heat from the energy blasts as they formed. As the siege weapon rained terror on the city below, Knichou watched it's operation, looking for ways to disable it. When attempting to disarm an explosive weapon, it was a good idea to make sure you won't blow yourself up in the process, so the former weapons designer continued to hang on for his life and attempt to discover where he could safely cut off power to the fascinating new weapon.


The crew of the Taku finally had a reprieve as they no longer heard the Taku being hit by shots from either enemy airship. Berys was looking at any screens he could to get a better idea of where the other airships had gone, keeping a close eye on them to know when to begin evasive maneuvers again.

In the cargo bay, Exuze and Suhaku shivered in the backseat of the van, wanting it all to be over. Arnex sat at the crane controls, trying to control her breathing and calm down.

Visit www.BZPRPG.com to view my project of archiving BZPower's RPGs, and also access the BZPower Roleplaying Wiki

BZPRPG Profiles - Ghosts Of Bara Magna Profiles

Exo-Force RPG Profiles - Six Kingdoms: Apocalypse (Knichou, Berys, Arnex, The Taku, Exuze)


IC: Keitara ( Experiencing some minor turbulence)

Color returned to Kei's cheeks. "You- I… you have a point there. I was out of line." The 'terminal stupidity' comment hadn't gone unnoticed, but she tried to push that aside so Future Kei could deal with it (providing Future Kei was not laminated to a bulkhead).

Kei tried to level herself out. She was enraged, yes, but not homicidal. Leaning down, Kei yanked open the panel and began bundling out small, shelled packs. She tossed one to Irna, then deliberately held one out toward the League fighter. "Here you go. I assume we can agree not to try and kill each other until we've landed and all cooled our heads a bit? Because, frankly, I've had enough pointless fighting for one day. By all rights, we should be trying to build pea-" 

A particularly violent jolt threw Kei face-first mid-dissertation. Suppressing a groan, Kei dragged herself to her feet, shoved the pack into Osterox's arms, and staggered over towards Skorm and Nale. "Anybody else on board we need to see to?"

(OOC: @Toru Nui, @Keeper of Kraata, @The UltimoScorp, @Tarn, @Conway)

  • Like 2

Whatever mountain you are climbing, you can do this.

                                       BZPRPG character masterpost


                      "Just promise me something... don't let me go."



Posted (edited)

IC: Vulimai (The Wombat)

As Vulimai held onto the bulkhead supports as best she could, trying to keep herself from being thrown around, she felt the sudden shift in the Wombat as it began its decent. Being smacked against the bulkhead at the sudden shift, Vulimai had lost her grip and nearly fell all the way down the length of the ship, if it wasn't for the vines of Tekmo. 

"Appreciate it toa" Vulimai called out as the vines began to wrap around her waist and torso, keeping her relatively level to the toa that was pulling her along. Pulling out one of the kanoka disks from her satchel, Vulimai readied the disk for whatever they were to find up ahead.


As Twesh stared at the turaga's flight, the nearby toa ensuring that any of the stray plasma rounds from the airship didn't hit the pair, Twesh was baffled and amazed at the turaga's non-disintegration. As the airship began to position itself directly above the cannon, Twesh realized that any further assault against the airship was to be highly improbable, at least not without damaging the city more then the airship itself. 

Turning his attention to the West, Twesh caught sight of another pair of airships, one which was already crashing from the looks of it, and the other was...Spinning? At this point, the sense of fear and anxiety that Twesh was feeling from the battle was to be overtaken by confusion, until the spinning airship turned its odd maneuver into a nosedive, leveling itself out directly towards Metru-Koro, firing a blast towards the city. Snapping out of his confused stupor, Twesh, began the controls of the cannon, began his assault against the approaching airship.

OOC: @Toru Nui @Eyru @Smudge8

IC: Apex (Fau Swamp)

For a day and a night Apex made her way through the swamp, slowly embracing her shadowy ability to sense throughout it, a feint sense of familiarity coming from the action as she felt all that occurred. Apex felt the all that occurred within the swamp, the slow and steady growth of the trees and vines, the dripping and flow of the rains and rivers, the movement and breathing of the rahi and insects of the swamp, she felt it all and she felt one with it.

The only splotch within the myriad of life was that ever present darkness that seemed to run its course within and throughout the swamp, a black deadly mold against the thriving life. But that was not the only oddity that Apex felt, as something else caught her attention, a structure of all things, and the inhabitant of it running out who-knows-what kind of rahi from it.

Who or what would live in this, albeit natural, deadly and fierce region? Whatever it was, it had to have lived here for some time, for it couldn't have built anything with lasting success if it had not spent much time here within the swamp itself, and if they lived here for so long, then perhaps they would know what she seeks.

Through the swamp Apex moved, gliding over root and shrub, past marsh and grotto, beneath tree and vine, Apex moved with the sure-steps of a predator and the cautious grace of prey. At last, Apex has returned to the swamp, to the land she knew as home, the place, where she belonged. And soon, she would find one that didn't.

OOC: @Burnmad

Edited by Sparticus147
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Posted (edited)

IC: Skyra Daring - Ventilation Shaft -

Skyra's eyes were closed, her breathing controlled and regulated as she focused. It was almost like she was listening intently with how still she seemed, she looked even more collected than Stannis himself, if you can believe that. Everything about her at that moment was quite contrary to how she usually appeared. 

Not even her wife had seen her ever look quite this serious. She wanted Pridak extra dead, and she wouldn't even let herself get in the way of that. No, she was gonna start this strong, and end it even stronger. 

Pridak was already dead, she just had to show him that. A hand gripped the hilt of her katana... 

@Vezok's Friend@~Xemnas~@EmperorWhenua@Kal the Guardian@Tarn @Toru Nui

IC: Varian - The Fire Ruins -

A lot had happened, but Varian had mostly just listened. He admittedly didn't understand a lot that was going on, being an amnesiac such as himself. He turned to Takadox as the Vahki left. 

"Whatever your past is, know that you will get no judgement from me." He reassured him. 

Edited by Snelly
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My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

On 7/2/2020 at 3:12 PM, Nato the Traveler said:

IC: Sidra - Ruins of Ice

"My Kanohi is the mask of shadow travel. I can teleport through a shadow, to another shadow I know the location of," the Toa had already seen her teleport, so she didn't feel like she was sacrificing too much of an advantage by revealing the specifics, "Assuming some of the places I went to in Metru Nui are intact enough for the mask to recognise, I can try to teleport back there. We could even try to find whatever's left of the original Great Disk of Ice." 

IC Leklo | Ice Ruins

It had never occurred to the toa that Sidra could teleport and he regarded her with a vexed and expression. He held the look for a moment, and then shook his head lightly and walked back towards Korruhn. It wasn't disdain, though; he hadn't realized she could have left his custody at any point so far and he would have been nearly powerless to stop her flight, and the fact that she hadn't meant either she was biding her time to do so later or, as the optimist in him wanted to think, she did not feel the need to. The latter was more aligned with his intentions, which was why he preferred it, but there was no way to know for sure what Sidra intended. But perhaps she really did want to help, if anything to uncover things that could help her.

"The original Disc was already merged with the others," Leklo sadly recalled. "It's gone, unless any of us have the ability to unmerge them. Do you also possess such magic as Dume's?"


On 7/3/2020 at 3:36 PM, Vezok's Friend said:

IC [Pridak - Coliseum]:

I waited by my throne, standing slightly off to the side, watching the door intently as the two Toa returned. Ohrash. Saybo. I acknowledged them wordlessly, and with a nod, indicated for them to step forward.   Come. Tell me something good.

6 hours ago, ~Xemnas~ said:

At Pridak's nod, Aurax moved slightly closer to the throne and bowed, gesturing for Saybo to do the same.

"My Lord, we have done as you have commanded. Stannis of the Toa Maru is dead. I present his mask to you, o great one." The Toa of Plasma held up the old mask for the warlord to see.

"I would like to thank you for giving me this opportunity. I've had the great displeasure of knowing Stannis for a long time. I would say that I gained satisfaction from watching the light fade from his eyes, but I ended up melting his face off after we gutted him like a fish, so he didn't actually have any eyes."

He waited for Pridak to respond, and hoped that Stannis and the others would make their grand appearance soon...

IC Stannis | Coliseum

Stannis could hear the things happening behind the bookcase's veil with clarity, and though he could not see it with his eyes he could imagine what the scene looked like well enough. Aurax the Petulant would be holding the Haonga aloft like a disembodied skull to celebrate an eagerly hoped death, and Pridak, who was ceremonial as he was nebulous, would simply look at the mask like a street vendor's trinket. Saybo would be lingering a step behind his liege like some coat's train, eager to sop the glory his commander collected from his "feat."

The silence of Pridak was pregnant with potential. The Takean king was sure not to overtly display his emotions to the world around him, as he was much more like to internally scream in a thousand different arguing personalities before allowing one to surface, cooly, calmly, and dripping with prideful cunning. It would invariably be the personality that had fought and overcome all other voices in his head, and rightfully be confident in its expression. That was the brilliance of Pridak, as Stannis saw it—he was a man always at war within himself, and so he was more suited for war with both bodies and principles. He knew conflict better than most, and he knew more about the world than most. Knowledge didn't always indicate wisdom, however, and so while Pridak was right, he chose poorly for the long term. He'd won the war but lost the universe. How poetic it was, then, that his last conquest would be his only hovel.

The old toa still considered the access code for the door. Stannis was in no hurry to present himself to the others yet, not until Pridak's focus was truly seized in the moment, and so the warmage was unconcerned with anything but trying to remember what numbers to push. There would only be one try at it, so it had to be right. 1-2-3-4? Possible, but Dume was clever even if not careful, he would have used something else. Perhaps 3-6-6-7, for D-O-O-R? It was an access code fro a door, yes, but the code did not ping any strings in Stannis' mind, and so he pushed that idea to the side. No, it was something else...




IC [Zataka - The Wastes]:

But, to Yumiwak’s credit, she spoke in defense of her companions, even helped them up. Whether this ‘clan’ was her actual family, or a found one - the Skakdi leader valued them, that much was clear - and the warlord respected that. Enough to offer her own name in return. “I am Zataka.”

IC Yumiwa | The Wastes

"Huh. Cool name," I said shrugging like I didn't much care (I did). "Almost as cool as your pants," I said like I wanted to wear them myself (I did). "What are they? Versace? Westwood? Chanel?" I didn't know if those labels existed on the world Zataka came from, but they were mentioned in the Histories, so... maybe? Play it cool, Yumi.

The walk back to the Panda was a tense one. Korio, Zai, and Ysocla were all as like to shoot this Zataka in the back if she made any bad move, and the clanmate at the cannon on my ship was even more likely to blast her away with a powerful blast without the context of what had just happened in person, but hopefully none of that would happen. Hopefully my ward didn't think to do anything unseemly, either, and provoke my wrath as well. But we all understood the risks and played nice-as-can-be. 

As we approached I discovered they'd raised the gangplank, probably as a final safeguard against any possible boarders, but they scrambled to lower it when I came near and it fell with a dull thud upon the dusty stone slab. "This is Zataka," I proclaimed to the rest of the crew who had gathered on the wooden deck of the Panda to witness the captive, clearly entranced by her size if not by my bloodless arrest of her, "and she has chosen... cake."

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Posted (edited)

IC: Sans, The Razorfish

Sans expected further attacks; it's not like any foe would just quit after the first attempt.  As his torso started protruding, what was left of his conjured water alerted him to some new attack.  Sans braced for the pain, which came in the form of a stabbing sensation in his lower tummy.  No going back now.  He started gyrating his staff as much as he could with the limited space between him and the shredded ceiling of the ship, catching some object.  The staff ricocheted so hard he might've dropped it entirely was he not holding on for dear life.  Sans had to adapt, so he stood on one enlarged leg while the other thrashed its nearly two bio length all around the ship's insides.  He could feel the thud of the walls and floor being stomped and kicked, and hopefully his foe would be caught up in this latest professional attack maneuver.

Sans was about 8 bio tall by now, with only a little left to grow.  The ship's hallway groaned under the pressure and weight and the fury of his kicking.  His bleeding stomach let drips of blood fly past his dripping tears.  The ship started to rock and sway dangerously.  He took his hand off his mask and began pounding at the roof and sides of the ship, knocking whatever he could loose and damaging whatever was more stubborn.  Some holes were mashed into the siding and some sparks and steam would spit out from ruptured engineering.  He seemed about in the middle, and could nearly reach either end long ways.  Sans ignored the feeling of his punches smashing the ships armor, reminding himself, "This will all be over soon, huhuhuhu." 

OOC: @Nato the Traveler


IC: Lrrthxx, Ruins of Air

The Aspect of Makuta didn't appreciate this "Administrator" calling him apostate.  Almost as much as he didn't really care.  Still, Lrrthxx was caught off guard; he hadn't expected this place to house any type of sorcery such as the hole in the ceiling which displayed such an accurate starry sky.  Lrrthxx calmly paced about the room, and waited for his newfound to companion to make the next move.

And waited.

And waited.

He made a sort of game about it.  To his surprise, this Toa was a natural at waiting.  Lrrthxx wondered if, in time, he may prove himself a worthy devotee.  Lrrthxx waited an entire day, standing still as a statue, and only after his companion slouched himself against the wall for a few hours- all without further response from the voice within the temple- did Lrrthxx cancel his statue-like trance and begin to move again.  

Lrrthxx approached the center of the room and stared directly into the space above.  "Administrator, it is I, Lrrthxx, whom you call Apostate.  My domain is the murk and fog.  I have left my ancient pools to come to you.  Do you allow me within your sacred site?  May I read these words along the floor and learn your secrets?

OOC: @Unreliable Narrator

Edited by Azibo
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In a world where heroes and villains battle for the fate of the universe‚ some people have normal lives and work normal jobs... Zimixes

Posted (edited)
18 hours ago, EmperorWhenua said:

IC Leklo | Ice Ruins

"The original Disc was already merged with the others," Leklo sadly recalled. "It's gone, unless any of us have the ability to unmerge them. Do you also possess such magic as Dume's?"

IC: Sidra - Ruins of Ice

"As far as I know... no," she cast her gaze back towards the "Nuva" chamber, wondering if such magic could be the "boon" the Administrator had promised. "All of the Time Disks melted when Tuyet turned on her machine. I doubt there'd be anything left anyway." 

In truth, she was less interested in finding whatever was left of the original Ice Disk, and more interested in finding an excuse to go back to Tuyet's cavern. The Ga-Toa had known more than anyone else, and probably far more than she'd let on. Sidra regretted not taking her more seriously at the time. 

Not for the first time, she wondered what had become of Tuyet. Had she been destroyed by the machine, banished back to another timeline, or had she managed to end up somewhere on Zakaz like the rest of the survivors? 


17 hours ago, Azibo said:

IC: Sans, The Razorfish

Sans had to adapt, so he stood on one enlarged leg while the other thrashed its nearly two bio length all around the ship's insides.  He could feel the thud of the walls and floor being stomped and kicked, and hopefully his foe would be caught up in this latest professional attack maneuver.

IC: Zaliyah The Razorfish

A wild kick caught her in the chest, and she staggered back, her clawed toes digging at the floor for purchase. She steadied herself, coughing for breath as she watch the wounded Turaga continue to grow.

Despite herself, Zaliyah was beginning to panic. The Turaga was growing too large to effectively strike down, shrugging off injuries that would have surely slain him at his normal size. He was still growing, pummeling the walls, and through the ceiling. Given the existing damage from Sans’ own entrance and Kat’s earlier damage, if the Turaga decided to break through the floor and take out the walls in the cargo bay as well, then there would be nothing to stop the ship from breaking fully in two. 

Though the front section of the vessel could likely stay airborne due to being largely undamaged, and the disks being distributed through the framework rather than being concentrated in singular engines, Zaliyah knew the ship would effectively be dead in the air without the tail section to provide thrust. 

17 hours ago, Azibo said:

The ship started to rock and sway dangerously.  He took his hand off his mask and began pounding at the roof and sides of the ship, knocking whatever he could loose and damaging whatever was more stubborn.  Some holes were mashed into the siding and some sparks and steam would spit out from ruptured engineering.  He seemed about in the middle, and could nearly reach either end long ways. 

Sparks and splintered steel rained down around the two beings, dislodged by the Turaga’s relentless assault. Increasingly panicked damage reports from the Vahki pilots hissed in Zaliyah’s earpiece, though she could barely hear it. 

She’d come so far, fought so hard. She was so close to securing lasting peace for so many species, she couldn’t let it get snatched away from her. She couldn’t go back to Pridak empty-handed. Not now. Not again. 

Timing her move with the flailing of Sans' frenzied kicks, Zaliyah lunged forward, driving her Herding Blade like a spear towards Sans’ abdomen, firing a blast from the weapon as she did so. 

At the same time, she strained her telekinesis to its limits, seizing the shards of scrap and shrapnel scattered on the floor behind Sans and sending them slicing towards his back. Zaliyah's goal was for the two-pronged attacks to sever Sans' spine, or bisect him entirely. 


Edited by Nato the Traveler
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Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Ballads of the Bionicle - lore/character songs

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash, The Outsiders

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar


IC: Skorm (Metru-Koro Airspace, Tranquility Bridge)

It warmed Skorm's heart to see Irna and Kei again after confronting a remnant of Skorm's past. "I don't think there's anyone else on board except Vahki. If we're going to bail, we should do it now."

Skorm retracted his wristblades and made his way to Ostrox, extending both hands. One was palm up as if he expected Ostrox to hand him something, the other was palm forward, ready to blast him. "Sword and kanohi, or I ensure your chute suffers an unfortunate malfunction on the way down."

OOC: @Toru Nui, @The UltimoScorp, @Tarn, @Conway, @TL01 NUVA

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The times, they are a-changing...




IC: Ostrox (Metru-Koro Airspace, The Tranquility, The Bridge)

"Of course." It was unclear if he meant 'of course I will' or 'of course you will'. Regardless, Ostrox handed Skorm his sword and took his mask off, revealing his face.

The burn marks from the Vohtarak were not as noticeable compared to the black tribal markings, various other battle scars and what looks like a slave brand on his forehead. His flesh was also oddly cracked, for lack of a better word around his eyes, and even without these, the facial structure was still quite different and alien compared to the Matoran-Toa-Turaga standard, being a different species and all.

"And you'll probably want this as well." Ostrox also offered up his Rhotuka Launcher. "Non-lethal. In my hands, anyway."

@Keeper of Kraata@Conway@TL01 NUVA@Tarn@The UltimoScorp

  • Like 2
Posted (edited)

OOC: Quick mobile post. Added colors.

IC: Nale Vella - The Tranquility

Nale quickly donned her chute. The interference had cleared again, and so far it seemed at least one boarding had succeeded, so the Fa-Toa contacted Knichou again. Hopefully things were at least going smoother for his team...

"Knichou, we've got the captain in custody, but this ship is going down. We've acquired chutes, luckily, and we're bailing. I...I'll see you on the ground."

The Toa of Magnetism looked to her group.

"Who's ready for another jump?"

@Conway@Keeper of Kraata@TL01 NUVA@The UltimoScorp@Toru Nui@BULiK

IC: Triage - The Taku

The ships had stopped firing on them, that was good. Triage knew he couldn't breathe a sigh of relief just yet, but at least now they could probably move about the ship again without what happened to Suhaku and Exuze happening again. "Go check on the other crewmembers for me, see how they're doing," the medic replied. "I need to stay with these two."

@ZippyWharrgarbl@Taka Nuvia

Edited by Tarn
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(shout out to max)

Posted (edited)

IC: Keitara ( Experiencing some minor turbulence)

"Starting to feel like a karzing gukko bird" muttered Kei. Then, more loudly, "Sure, let's fly!" As she strapped on her pack and prepared to jump, she looked to Ostrox. "Will you be able to manage your chute okay? Mask drain can be a bit brutal."

(OOC: @Toru Nui, @Keeper of Kraata, @The UltimoScorp, @Tarn, @Conway)


Edited by TL01 NUVA
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Whatever mountain you are climbing, you can do this.

                                       BZPRPG character masterpost


                      "Just promise me something... don't let me go."




IC: Ostrox (Metru-Koro, The Tranquility, The Bridge)

"I'm aware, but my kind does not suffer from that ailment. But thank you for thinking of me." Ostrox strapped on his pack as well. "Also, is... is no-one going to inform your friend outside what's going on?" He referred to Katherine, who was still outside on the nose of the Tranquility, trying to slow its descent.

@TL01 NUVA@The UltimoScorp@Keeper of Kraata@Conway@Tarn

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IC: Keitara ( Experiencing some minor turbulence)

"She's my next stop" Kei said, snagging the last remaining chute and checking to make sure Skorm and Irna were ready. "I just… I wanna make sure y'all were set before I headed outside." Kei looked away for a second. There… there was so much that she wanted to say. The League sent someone to ask for peace. Skorm had served with them, and seemed to have a very good heart. Looking at Ostrox, hearing the bitterness in his voice… What had his past been like? Those scars, had a Toa caused them? Keitara was not naïve enough to see the world in black and white, us and them, Matoran and 'other.' But did all Toa feel that way? Sans' words had seemed… poisonous. Kei shivered at how dismissive he had been. While she accepted full responsibility for their immediate predicament. she also knew Sans was, at the root. the cause of all this. When it came down to it… what did they have to fight over? Why had it come to this?

"Just… get clear of this, okay?" Kei said softly, before slinging the extra pack across her front and climbing over to the Ta-Toa. "KAT! TIME TO BAIL OUT! I HAVE A LEV-CHUTE FOR YOU. WE'VE GOTTA GO NOW!"

(OOC: @Toru Nui, @Keeper of Kraata, @The UltimoScorp, @Tarn, @Conway)

  • Like 2

Whatever mountain you are climbing, you can do this.

                                       BZPRPG character masterpost


                      "Just promise me something... don't let me go."




IC: Drukarus (Nightmare Pit)

Into the black gaping abyss did Drukarus and Marrow entered, the feint sound of their steps being accompanied by the snapping and rattling of bones beneath them as they trudged ever onwards. Drukarus, leading the way, was only guided by his faith in his own sense of direction as the black depths grew evermore shadowy with each passing second. Soon, all they had to go off of was the continuous scent of smoke, ash, and brimstone that ruminated and emanated from the cavernous tunnel's end, and a hopeful faith that the passage way was a simply tunnel with a singular end point and not a labyrinth of despairing madness.

Strong was Drukarus's strength and strong was his will. For a millennia Drukarus has lived, and for a millennia he has fought, but here, within these blackened arcades of antiquity, a deep, otherworldly feeling of fear and despair lurked. As Drukarus trekked forwards into the shadowy mists, visions of his past and youth began to surface, welling up unbidden within his own mind and materializing before him in a macabre mock up of his past.


Before Drukarus came visions of his past; his siblings, succumbing to the near yearly famines, his mother, desperately reaching for him as he was dragged to war, his fellow soldiers, succumbing to the pestilence of the trenches, and his people, succumbing to death each and every single day. What Drukarus saw was his greatest fear, not death no, Drukarus had accepted death a long time ago. What he saw was failure, was waste, was senseless loss.

What Drukarus hated and feared was skaklets, never seeing past a few years for simply having too little. What Drukarus hated and feared were soldiers, fighting for years only to die from a simple infection. What Drukarus hated and feared was his people, being snuffed out from the universe by the acts of beings beyond their own control...Or even by their own hands.

But...Fear was not simply something to hold one back. As there is flight, there is fight, and that was what Drukarus has done all his life...Fight, not just for himself, but for his people, for all of skakdi kind.


Pushing back the thoughts of his past and pressing forwards through the mists, Drukarus moved forwards, more determined then ever. Drukarus was dead set on his goal, and not even Karz-forsaken Irnakk could stop him as he made his way towards the end of the tunnel and towards the Nightmare Pit.

OOC: @Nato the Traveler


IC [Zataka - Aboard the Tactical Panda]:

The warlord stood tall, seemingly unperturbed by the intense, scrutinizing looks from the entire crew. But her spot on deck had been very deliberately chosen. She’d stopped near Yumiwak, equidistant enough from her and anything technical nearby to not cause alarm, but close enough to be within quick reach still.

“Custom tailored.” she answered the Skakdi leader’s question, noting that hungry look in her eyes again. She studied the crew as her captor/host/future victim(?) spoke again, then added:

“Yumiwak has graciously extended the courtesy to host me as your guest. I look forward to getting to know you all.”

Her words would have come across as incredibly naive, were it not for the warrior’s undertone, which made it very clear that her presence amongst them had been her choice. The last part however was utterly honest: She was very interested in finally being able to learn about this new land.

OOC: @EmperorWhenua





IC: Marrow - Nightmare Pits

As the mesi traversed the darkness, his mind's eye watered at bitter memories of the light he'd left behind. He remembered the sunlight and splendour that had been snatched away from him, the industrial accidents and incessant snarling of machinery as he and so many others had been put to work in the foundries. 

He remembered death and despair, shapes and shadows, incomprehensible complexities that had brought him to the brink of madness, and the excruciating loss of his sight. There was no nightmare these pits could inflict on him that he hadn't already endured. 

It was time for the warskaks to feel the same fear he'd known for so many centuries. 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Ballads of the Bionicle - lore/character songs

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash, The Outsiders

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar


IC Kathrine of the Flame - Tranquility:

With the howl of wind and the roar if her own fire, Kat could barely make out Keitara's words.she did not falter, only shook her head stubbornly.

"I can stop it! I just.... Need the engines to stop.....fighting me!"

True to her words, the airship was slowing.

But Keitara would be painfully aware that it wasn't slowing nearly fast enough.

  • Like 1
On 7/5/2020 at 5:31 PM, ~Xemnas~ said:

IC, Aurax: Coliseum

Aurax's heart sank slightly when Pridak entered the room wearing an ACR. 

Different from any of the others I've seen.. must be a gift from Ehlek. This may be tougher than I had anticipated.

At Pridak's nod, Aurax moved slightly closer to the throne and bowed, gesturing for Saybo to do the same.

"My Lord, we have done as you have commanded. Stannis of the Toa Maru is dead. I present his mask to you, o great one." The Toa of Plasma held up the old mask for the warlord to see.

"I would like to thank you for giving me this opportunity. I've had the great displeasure of knowing Stannis for a long time. I would say that I gained satisfaction from watching the light fade from his eyes, but I ended up melting his face off after we gutted him like a fish, so he didn't actually have any eyes."

He waited for Pridak to respond, and hoped that Stannis and the others would make their grand appearance soon...


IC: Saybo - Toa of Water - Aurax (Still officially Barraki)

Location - The Coliseum (4, 9), 50th Floor Throne Room

With - (Great Being) Aurax, Pridak, Stannis, Skyra, Rose, Waveahk


Saybo followed Aurax’s lead and bowed, Miru dangling from around his neck. The former Dark Hunter subtly shifted it as he stood once more, making sure it hung evenly and easily within reach. His holster remained unclasped from earlier, and his muscles and motor systems were ready and waiting for use.

Yes, currently his muscles were a shadow of what they could be with his Kanohi on, but that didn’t concern him. The surprise afforded by Stannis’ arrival would be enough time to draw and fire his pistol a couple seconds after Great Aurax attacked. Then he could worry about donning his mask if the warlord still lived.

Although if Pridak survived plasma to the face and a subsequent piercing bullet of water, then they were in for a tough fight.

If it weren’t for Aurax’s orders and Saybo’s will to follow them completely, Saybo would be very concerned about this mission. There was no real planning. It was almost completely improvised. It was bound to be a disaster no matter how things went down. But Great Being Aurax had created the plan, and so it’s validity skyrocketed.

He stayed quiet as Aurax talked.

OOC: @Vezok's Friend @EmperorWhenua @Toru Nui @Snelly @Tarn @~Xemnas~


On 7/3/2020 at 12:22 AM, Sparticus147 said:

IC: Gore Fury (THE CUBE)

"Well, where there are people, there is food and hungry mouths...Perhaps I could even find some nice new ingredients I could use." Gore said the last part to himself as he started to think out loud.


IC: Cravious - Skakdi of Lightning - Zakazian

Location - The Rig outskirts (9, 8), the Cube

With - Gore Fury, (NPC) Voracious, (NPC) Preceptor, (NPC) Sagacious, (NPC) Asperity, (NPC) Clash


Food? Hungry mouths? INGREDIENTS? What on Zakaz was this addle-brained Skak talking about? Surely not what Cravious thought he was. Regretfully, Cravious knew he had to ask outright. Hopefully Gore wouldn’t disappoint him.

What is your business? What is your ultimate goal?


OOC: @Sparticus147

  • Like 1


--------- “BRUH” -Makuta, probably ---------


6 hours ago, Vezok's Friend said:

IC [Zataka - Aboard the Tactical Panda]:

IC Yumiwak | Wastes, Panda II

Zataka's saccharine croon could have swayed a different crowd, but there was no convincing my clan that she was anything more than my property, not the crew who knew what I was okay with what what I would never allow. They knew the determination I had to find and seize her and the earnestness to keep her as my ward, and they also knew what psionics could do and would react if any influence besides my own tried to tinge their nerves. There was noooo sharing or petty icebreaker games to go around unless I said it was so... which I had not. 

"And so long as Zataka is my guest," I added, "you'll be sure to treat her with the, ah, dignity that I give. That said, let's get the **** outta here. Lift off!" I yelled.

The response was instant; the crew not immediately near me and still wary of Zataka got to work, raising the billowing sails again and gathering tension in the lines while the kinetic reactor below flared to life and began to enable the ascent of the Panda from off the bleached rocks of the wastes. Like a leaf delicately tugged by a breeze my ship inched forward at first, then quickly budged with increasing increments until finally it sprung free from its earthen shackle and fluttered into the sky with near silence. Only the gentle throb of the engine below, coupled with the creaks of rigging and stretch of canvas, could be heard. 

I stepped assuredly across the deck and headed towards my captain's cabins. "Pree cool, eh?" I said to my captive and gesturing at my ship broadly while pirouetting mid-step. "She's the Tactical Panda II—but you probably saw that on the hull as you walked up. Modified her meself. Only one of her kind left. Tell me, do they have airships where you came from?"


IC: Keitara (Bracing to do something foolish)

Wind whipped past Keirara, making her cloak snap and flow as she moved closer. "KAT! IT'S LOST! THERE'S NOTHING WE CAN DO! I'M SORRY… WE! HAVE! TO! GO!"


(OOC: @Toru Nui, @Keeper of Kraata, @The UltimoScorp, @Tarn, @Conway)

  • Like 1

Whatever mountain you are climbing, you can do this.

                                       BZPRPG character masterpost


                      "Just promise me something... don't let me go."




IC: [Takadox - Ruins of Fire]

“Then, do you know when one turns into the other? And when that happens, can you keep those that seek to dominate in check? Because that is where our peril stems from.”

OOC: @Burnmad


IC [Zataka - Aboard the Tactical Panda]:

Zataka didn’t answer immediately. She had been so focused on her own survival and navigating this tense situation so far, that the sudden reminder of her home caught the warrior off guard. She thought back to the giant carcass in orbit around this world (which was already a mindbender of epic proportions by itself) and thought back to the archipelago. Hoping that somehow, her people had survived, that they had been protected. She could feel the weight of the Olmak’s fragments in its pouch. She had to get that mask fixed and get back. And for that she needed a forge and someone with the knowledge to repair the Kanohi. She needed knowledge - knowledge of this island, of its people and their politics and anything else that could help...

“Yes. Plenty. They’re ubiquitous.” she finally replied. “But it can’t be easy to maintain one under these circumstances.”

OOC: @EmperorWhenua


IC [Coliseum]:

I stood silent, contemplative. Then, very slowly and deliberately, I turned, took two steps towards Ohrash. I didn’t meet his or Saybo’s eyes yet, my focus was solely on my prize. The errand runners would have my attention soon enough, they could stand to wait a little longer.

Taking the offered mask, I began studying the ‘face’ of my late enemy carefully. Yes, it was indeed the genuine article. I held it gingerly in one hand, fingers trailing down its side, feeling the ridge of the Kanohi’s cheek, before turning it over to scan the inside. 

I kept my expression unreadable, but I was not prepared for the feeling this news would bring with it. Satisfaction, certainly, but also...I thought it’d feel better, y’know? Like trying something new after hearing only good about it for ages, only to be underwhelmed when you finally experience it. It was kind of like that. I suppose I shouldn’t have gotten my hopes up, given the current circumstances. Stannis’ death wasn’t going to magically fix things, no matter how much he had played up his wizard-shtick. The to-do list was still thousands of items long. 2739 in fact. (You can have your magazine’s back after we figure out a way to stop the ocean from draining. Get your priorities straight.) Reducing that number by one was one worry less, yes, but in comparison that was naught but a drop in an ocean. I wonder if that’s some sort of cosmic prank - we told the Matoran for so long how fragile their great spirit was, only for us to be proven oh so very right. I would have laughed at it croaking, if it hadn’t taken us all with it. Even I couldn’t come up with something that cruel. And trust me, I tried.

Anway, at the end of the day I still ruled over a broken city amidst an untamed wasteland. Even if I fixed the latter, I would have to deal with the latter sooner, rather than later. If I turned the city into the shiny beacon of liberation I envisioned, every s gang leader in the wastes would come crawling. One annoying Toa more or less wasn’t going to change that. Even if he was a greater nuisance than most. The worst - you better believe it, too! So much self righteousness and holier-than-thou know-it-all attitude ready to spew forth at a moment’s notice, no wonder it needed that jawline to keep it contained…having it melted was truly the only loss there…

I suddenly turned, my full attention now on the two Toa before me - it was time to address them properly. I looked them up and down. For having just killed one of the known universe’s most infamous Toa, they looked pretty much unscathed...interesting. 

“Well done. That was no small feat. And in such a short time too. I admittedly had my doubts as to the odds of your success. Beating such an opponent is no small feat. But you beat the odds. I’m curious as to how you managed it. And what did you do with the body?”


As he was stewing in the heat of the vent tube, Waveahk noticed the faint noise of  patter approaching from very close by. Glancing up from his grate, he found himself face to face with a tiny lizard looking at him, unmoving except for slowly blinking its large eyes every few seconds.


OOC: @Kal the Guardian@Snelly@Toru Nui@Tarn@~Xemnas~

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IC, Aurax: Coliseum

Now it was time for Aurax to turn on the charm... and his Mask of Charisma.

Activating his mask, Aurax looked Pridak in the eye and began to speak.

"As I mentioned, Stannis and I had a history, so when we confronted him, we had a lengthy talk where he was all like "I'm sorry Aurax, I've failed you, it's my fault it's turned out this way," blah blah blah. I think seeing me threw him off his A-game because he didn't put up as much of a fight as I had expected him to. Maybe he thought that me killing him would have made me question my loyalty to the League. It didn't. Just goes to show how misguided the elderly usually are."

Any day now, Stannis...

OOC: @Vezok's Friend @EmperorWhenua @Tarn @Snelly

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IC: Providence - Ruins of Fire

Providence grinned as Takadox finished speaking. "Good question. Considering that Skakdi violently took over this island and wiped out the native population, and considering that the head you lot were living in just crashed into our world, I'd say that all evidence points towards that impulse - to seek power at all costs - being one which invariably corrupts all societies to the point of ruin. But that's an awfully morose philosophy to have and go on living, isn't it?"

Truthfully, he had no idea what had happened to the giant head. But the words of the mechanoid that had left moments ago seemed to imply that it had come here as a result of war, which was consistent with the analysis the Aspect had offered.

OOC: @Vezok's Friend

IC: Morangad - Fau Swamp

A series of loud crashes echoed through the section of swamp where Morangad resided, as the Tiokaha struggled with whatever creature had taken up residence in his home; the thudding of bodies colliding with walls, the sound of tools and pottery clattering to the ground, culminating in a long moment of silence, before a large but agile ape-like creature resembling a brakas made its egress through a window. As she approached, Apex would see the creature quickly clambering away, going between tree limbs with its long arms.

OOC: @Sparticus147

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