Ghosthands Posted March 3, 2023 Posted March 3, 2023 On 2/27/2023 at 3:40 AM, Emzee said: “Heroics are a lie on this land. I know that even more now, with these rumors I heard on my way to Ostia. So **** it. Let the Makuta take this land, and we’ll make a new life on this ‘Zakaz’ place you suddenly remembered” IC (Lohkar) [The Dancing Crab, Ostia] "Hey now," the pirate replied, furrowing his brow and raising his palms in a gesture of restraint. "Let's not be too hasty. As I see it, there's no need to be dismissin' heroics entirely. The trick is to believe in, shall we say...the heroism of self-interest." As he spoke, Lohkar sidled around to Tailua's side and wrapped an arm chummily around the Toa's shoulders, casting his other hand towards an imagined horizon with the air of a visionary. One could almost hear the swell of triumphant music. "Goin' where ya choose, doin' as ya please, and thumbin' yer nose at anybody who thinks they can stop ya. Once you look at things that way, there's all sorts o' noble adventurin' to be had, wherever the winds take ya." He bumped a conspiratorial fist against Tailua's shoulder. "Freedom, mate. That's real heroism." He grinned, blue eyes gleaming with the satisfaction of a man who knew the true meaning of life. "An' I should know. I'm somethin' of a hero myself." OOC: @Emzee@BULiK @Void Emissary 7 Quote
ARROW404 Posted March 5, 2023 Posted March 5, 2023 On 2/27/2023 at 4:40 AM, Emzee said: IC: Tailua — Ostia, The Dancing Crab “Heroics are a lie on this land. I know that even more now, with these rumors I heard on my way to Ostia. So **** it. Let the Makuta take this land, and we’ll make a new life on this ‘Zakaz’ place you suddenly remembered” OOC: @Ghosthands @BULiK @Void Emissary IC: Suran - Ostia, The Dancing Crab Having paid his boarding fee, he figured he might as well spend whatever Mata-nui currency he had left, and ordered himself a bottle of middlingly-priced alcohol to sip. As the first shot wet his palate, he listened in. So this one was leaving to escape the Makuta. He gave a little sideways nod of his head in consideration. Once that idea spread, journeys like this one were sure to become more popular. If he thought to find heroics on this new island though, the Lesterin strongly suspected he would be disappointed. "Empty hope," he muttered quietly, not intending to be heard, but not particularly caring if he was either. "Run from the Kofo-Jaga, straight into the nest of the Nui." 2 Quote BZPRPG Profiles If I go AWOL for a while, feel free to contact me via Discord
Perp Posted March 6, 2023 Posted March 6, 2023 IC: Baszlin - Iron Mahi Where were we, where were we…? Deigning not to sit, the Skakdi stood in the aisle, leaning against the side of the seat across from the Lesterin, crossing his arms. “Ah! Right, yes. See, you’ve got it backwards. He’s doing me the favor in exchange for protection of his person. It’s a noble and just duty that I’ve been charged with.” Grunts of pain and displeasure, mingled with verbal threats and warnings of impending violence emanated from the direction of the engine car, forceful enough to be heard over the howl of rushing wind. The shattered window, as well as the open connector doors, made their current leg of the journey fairly breezy. "Baz, that crazy Toa's trying to kill people." “Hmm. Well, worry not. His manners may be quite rancid, yes, but be assured – I will politely convince him to leave if he misbehaves.” OOC: @Krayzikk 6 Quote BZPRPG Profiles | Map (Post) Art & Other Visualizations I've worked on
Silvan Haven Posted March 7, 2023 Posted March 7, 2023 (edited) On 1/29/2023 at 7:30 PM, Perp said: IC: Jokaro - Po-Koro Streets “In due time, Farzan! All in due time…” In his mind, Jokaro hoped Farzan wouldn’t pry, but he knew the Fa-Matoran would do it all the same – it was just in his nature, inquisitive to a fault. Truthfully, Jokaro would need to bring Farzan into the fold for something of this magnitude. He wouldn’t just need Lenat’s help, nor the help of Wiremu and his connection to Nuparu; not even Renaka’s blessing would suffice, but the combined efforts of all these people, and assuredly more, would be required. You can start to see why this was an ostensible mountain compared to the roadbumps ahead. There were, however, good reasons not to entrust the secret to Farzan at this time. Reason one: shouting at each other in the street was absolutely not the correct venue to be discussing the finer points of something so ludicrous and expensive. It didn’t matter that the avenues were slowly emptying in the waning twilight of the desert – you could never know who might be listening these days. Discretion was key to this project. Reason two: he didn’t know whether or not he could trust Farzan to uphold that discretion. True, he’d been tight-lipped when it came to the exact methodology behind his diskette innovations and volo-lutu enhancements, but this… well, this was a different ballpark entirely. It took considerable effort for Jokaro himself to not exclaim aloud when he looked over the provided blueprints, even if it was simply a string of expletives. Telling the Fa-Matoran would likely be… overstimulating. Farzan was quite fond of talking as it was. Reason three: Jokaro liked being solely responsible for something this significant. Was that selfish of him? Probably yes, especially since this “Captain Dehkaz” had given it to the Emporium to work on, not Jokaro specifically. However, there had seldom been a single project both he and Farzan had not worked on together in his time at the Emporium. There was something special, exciting, and terrifying about taking the full weight of if on his shoulders, at least initially. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” An exhausted, half-hearted wave to the other Matoran and the final hundred-eighty-degree turn of the evening put him on the path towards his abode, where his long-neglected bed called for him. It was only now he began to notice the ache in his limbs again, much more intense than it had been this morning. If he collapsed and passed out on the sidewalk before he got home, he wasn’t sure he’d mind. * * * You know, Po-Koro’s “Engineering Department” wasn’t the full name of either the establishment nor the bureau that operated it. It was shorthand. The full name was the Po-Koro “Department of Research, Engineering, and Development.” Or, in other words, DREAD. Which was exactly what was seeping into Jokaro’s soul the longer he sat in the building’s lobby. It was a massive complex smack-dab in the middle of Kirikiri Boulevard, sandwiched between a Papa Podu’s and a Hatmaster’s Haberdashery. Down the street, the equally-massive squat ziggurat that was to be the new headquarters of the Sentinels was still under construction. Traffic on Kirikiri had been nightmarish for months, or so he’d heard. Today, he experienced it firsthand trying to get to the building in the first place. Worming his way through a thickening crowd as the mid-morning sun overhead char-broiled him alive was pretty dаmn bad, for sure. Having the DREAD(ed) receptionist tell him that Lenat would be with him in five minutes approximately two and a half hours ago was worse. He’d given the receptionist “the tirade” about forty minutes in, making it absolutely clear that he was “an old friend of Lenat’s” (not patently false) and that he “had important business that would be of interest to the Koro’s government” (absolutely true). Of course, her response was simply to smile and nod helpfully, reassuring him that Lenat would be with him “soon”. He could do nothing but sit and wait, defeated by the receptionist, the immovable object triumphing over the unstoppable force after all. At least he was out of the sun. Maybe he should stop at the Hatmaster’s on the way back to the Emporium later. Where the hеll was Lenat? OOC: @Geardirector @Silvan Haven Lenat - Po-koro - Engineering Department IC: The massive amounts of civil works that had been going on in the koro had been an equally massive boon to the parched and often unpleasant town. Nobody who had actually spent any time there in the past could say otherwise. Better public infrastructure, freely available water, actual plants. Before a month ago the only place that plants could have been found in the koro was the homes of the exceedingly wealthy. As much a way for them to show off their wealth as a way to add some color and life to the place. Lenat would know, he'd been one of those people. For the person responsible for directing and organizing all of the various projects and new equipment it had been sheer Karzahni. Exciting, fascinating, and deeply satisfying Karzahni but Karzahni all the same. Seeing his own designs and those of people from all over the island being put to use to improve the lives of the citizens of Po-koro had been deeply fulfilling in a way that few people ever got to truly experience. And then reality had to come crashing in. Problems started popping up left and right. Organizational issues rather than technical ones. People needed to be payed on time. Supplies needed to keep flowing to all of a dozen different construction teams that were working at any one time. That construction had played merry havoc with traffic flows. All of the delegations from the various koros needed to be housed, fed, and protected. A thousand and one minor issues that threatened to spiral into major issues if not taken care of properly. Nobody on the island had ever attempted something as big and complex as this before and Lenat had to wonder if that had more to do with the lack of desire to deal with the headaches involved than the danger of Makuta interfering. The Vortixx wasn't sure when the last time he'd slept for longer than five hours had been. Which all went to say that when his secretary had called him over the telegram to say that one of various mad scientists they kept on staff was here to meet with him, Lenat had said that he'd bee right out, reached for the very large mug of bula berry juice on his desk, and then lost himself in considering whether or not it was possible to overdose on the drink that he was becoming increasingly more reliant on. Did it come in powdered form? Perhaps he could mix it into his breakfast cereals. In fact that would be a great product li- "Sir, your guest has been waiting for a very long time now and is becoming increasingly impatient." Karzing cracked mask! The fact that he did not wear a mask did not drain any of the startled jolt of adrenaline and guilt from his mind as the voice of his secretary crackled over the intercom once more. One hand reached out to grab the oversized mug and the bleary eyed Vortixx took a deep swig of the highly concentrated mixture before reaching out and pressing the button that allowed his voice to be transmitted back to his attentive doorkeeper. "Thank you, please send him in. I'm ready for him now." OOC: @Perp Edited March 7, 2023 by Silvan Haven 2 Quote "I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."
Perp Posted March 7, 2023 Posted March 7, 2023 IC: Jokaro - Po-Koro Engineering Department Were he a petty man, Jokaro wouldn’t have hurried into Lenat’s office. He would’ve taken his time, dallied, wasting minute after minute just to let the old Vortixx stew, give him just a minuscule taste of the relative eternity he’d been held up for. But Jokaro wasn’t that kinda guy. Irritable as he was at that moment, waiting any longer would’ve been more self-imposed torture than any kind of inconvenience on another. Presently, he almost jogged down the corridor to where Lenat’s office was situated, and nearly fell through the door. The first thing he noticed was that the temperature was a few degrees cooler within the office. Air conditioning? Of course there was. Renaka poured more widgets into this place than any other Department, which the whole Koro was becoming increasingly reliant upon. There was scarcely a construction project, business venture, agricultural initiative or any other number of figurative pies the DREAD had ties to, subsidized, and dipped their fingers into. DREAD was everywhere in Po-Wahi, their reach extending as far as the new railways would take them. Of course they’d set aside a fraction of those widgets for just a little more comfort. Were he a petty man, and a real self-righteous hypocrite, he would’ve made a snide remark about the privileged position that allowed Lenat those comforts. But, of course, Jokaro wasn’t that man. He would’ve done exactly the same thing. And? And, he was gonna need those same widgets. A lot of them. Enough to make that A/C system’s budget look like a popsicle-stick bridge project for schoolchildren; he was going to have to be a little diplomatic. If all went well, by the end of today, the aforementioned far-reaching influence of the Engineering Department, and Po-Koro as a whole, would be marginally longer, but that promise alone was no easy guarantee. Yes, diplomacy, showmanship, good business sense… a whole secondary set of skills the Po-Matoran would have to tap into to accomplish his mission today. “Lenat! Long time no see!” All the same, he could not help but inject a little professional sarcasm into the air between the two engineers, right off the bat. It was bordering on three hours, cut the guy some slack. The snark was well deserved. Unfortunately, he made the mistake of looking Lenat directly in the eyes before committing. “Uh… busy morning?” He wondered if the Vortixx knew exactly how bloodshot they were. His mildly-accusatory query came out a lot more genuine than intended. OOC: @Silvan Haven 2 Quote BZPRPG Profiles | Map (Post) Art & Other Visualizations I've worked on
Silvan Haven Posted March 7, 2023 Posted March 7, 2023 Lenat - Po-koro - Engineering Department IC: The slightly breathy half-chuckle the question received said plenty even if it was shallow on details. The taller man had slept on his office couch the night before and had spent the entire morning before Jokaro had showed up finishing the last week's paperwork. Pages after pages of forms and numbers scrolling past on the slight blue glow of his task pad's screen. If those numbers are right it looks like the foreman of the southern third shift crew is trying to embezzle funds from his designated budget. Plumbing systems don't cost that much to install unless there's something seriously wrong with the location. If that was the case he'd be fighting Jokaro for space in my office instead of sending in massively inflated budget requests. "I've had busier." A slightly haunted look entered his eyes before he shook his head and took another drink from his mug. With a sigh, he let the exhaustion fade to the back of his awareness and focus on the engineer before him. This was apparently important enough for the Matoran to put up with a rather obscene wait time. "Thank you for asking, Jokaro. So, what did you want to see me about? You don't usually come to me unless you want to show off something in person." OOC: @Perp 2 Quote "I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."
Perp Posted March 8, 2023 Posted March 8, 2023 IC: Jokaro - Po-Koro Engineering Department This was… not the Lenat he had first met roughly a year ago. It was almost sad to see him in this state, chained by duty to a desk. Bureaucracy really didn’t suit him. Depending on what exactly weighed the most on his mind in recent days, the blueprints that Jokaro had brought him today would either restore some life within the Vortixx, or crush his soul completely. No use in delaying any further. He crept forward, approaching the wide desk with trepidation. “Well, yes, uh… I do have something here for you. See, we were approached yesterday by one, uh, Captain Dehkaz? Commander Dehkaz? At the Emporium. He had a… request.” For the first time since yesterday, almost as if prolonged exposure to them was inadvisable, Jokaro withdrew the documents from his backpack, unfolding them with exaggerated care as he spoke. “Now, I understand why he came to us specifically, and not you – you’ll see why soon enough – but… I told him, straight up, there was no way Farzan and I could possibly build it. At least, not at the Emporium, and not alone.” He set the pages down in front of Lenat, smoothing them against the desk, hands pinning the far edges in place. Only a moment’s worth of admiration was spent on perusing the specifications again; he broke away, staring expectantly at the fellow engineer opposite him, watching his eyes for the tell-tale reaction. “You realize what that is?” OOC: @Silvan Haven 2 Quote BZPRPG Profiles | Map (Post) Art & Other Visualizations I've worked on
BULiK Posted March 8, 2023 Posted March 8, 2023 (edited) On 3/5/2023 at 11:40 AM, ARROW404 said: IC: Suran - Ostia, The Dancing Crab "Empty hope," he muttered quietly, not intending to be heard, but not particularly caring if he was either. "Run from the Kofo-Jaga, straight into the nest of the Nui." IC: Frii'Glokk [Ostia, The Dancing Crab] The armored skakdi, observing with his signature intensity until now, raised his gun-arm to the air. A strange parallel. "Grass is always greener." Having split the difference between the realistic and optimistic views of Zakaz given by the two Ga-Lesterin, the Fe-Skakdi looked Tailua in the optics and lowered the arm-gun back to his side. Time to finish the point. "Sometimes you need to get prepared on a different island before you're ready to return for payback." OOC: @Emzee @Ghosthands @ARROW404 On 2/25/2023 at 1:03 AM, ~Xemnas~ said: IC, Skrol: Iron Mahi freight car "Do ya see anything that could be our target?" he asked in a hushed tone. "If ya don't, we might have to split up to cover more ground." IC: Quoribay [Iron Mahi, Middle Cargo Car] We waited for moment. No movement. Aside from the 'everything' that was constantly in motion because, we were on a train, I guess. No unexpected movement. Looked like we were in the clear. Still couldn't shake that feeling creeping up the back of my spine, but what the Karz, we had a job to do. "No and yes, respectively," I ordered Skrol. "You head the opposite of the way I go. If that isn't it then we double back to each other's car" I made my move, creeping up to the door that lead to the final train car. I opened it, bracing myself for the noise and the rushing wind, then carefully crossed to the other car. No wonder they typically don't want passengers to cross trains - that felt dangerous. Because it was dangerous. Not that I couldn't handle it - because I did. Effortlessly. OOC: @Krayzikk@~Xemnas~@a goose On 2/23/2023 at 12:37 AM, ~Xemnas~ said: OOC: Aurax and co. from Ga-Wahi IC, Aurax: Forsi Aurax turned around to look back at his companions. “So, where is the Iron Mahi station?” he asked. “Some of you are probably more familiar with this place than I am.” OOC: Nichou from Ga-Wahi IC: Nichou [Forsi] Forsi was on the border of Po-Wahi and Ga-Wahi, so much so that people from either city might disagree about which region. While it was nestled in the fertile crescent of Naho bay, If you took a short walk from the docks you would see the telltale tumbleweeds and cracked clay soil of the Motara desert's outskirts. Po-Wahi - A dusty museum of the duality of memory: Traveling with the companions. Hafu's kidnapping. Meeting Kyhra on a caravan to Po-Koro. Kyhra missing in action since the invasion of Ko-Koro. Traveling to Po-Koro with a reincarnated Aurax. ... Well, there wasn't a second calamity yet? Maybe things were getting better. CUT TO SCENE 27, IRON MAHI STATION Nichou lead the team to the Iron Mahi station, but it was closed for some unknown reason. The first indication of this before they could make out the 'CLOSED' signs was the line to complain to the ticketmaster. It stretched around the corner from the station, even longer than the line that the massive group of travelers created wherever it went. Waiting for a meeting that long would be a black hole of unparalleled proportions. Not that the group was in a rush or anything. There was just some excitement about Aurax's return home. Time for plan B. CUT TO SCENE 28, PAPA PODU'S FRANCHISE STORE #3 Near the end of a hasty lunch at the nearby Papa Podu's. The discussion picked up for the plan for the next phase of the journey. "Anyone here used to navigating the desert paths? Or should we just walk along the tracks?" OOC: @~Xemnas~ @Harvali@ARROW404@Mel@Lady Takanuva@Tarn@BBBBalta@EmperorWhenua@Rahisaurus Edited March 8, 2023 by BULiK 1 Quote Visit to view my project of archiving BZPower's RPGs, and also access the BZPower Roleplaying Wiki BZPRPG Profiles - Ghosts Of Bara Magna Profiles Exo-Force RPG Profiles - Six Kingdoms: Apocalypse (Knichou, Berys, Arnex, The Taku, Exuze)
Daniel the Finlander Posted March 8, 2023 Posted March 8, 2023 IC: Sir Dahkapa (Blackrock Canyon) The tablet slammed right onto his mask, sending him tumbling backwards. As he was completely taken aback by it, he failed to maintain his balance and fell onto the rocky ground. He lied there for a moment, then slowly pushed himself up. There was an ominuous glow in his eyes as he stared at him. "Why... why in the name of Ak'rei'an did you do that?" he asked quietly. OOC: @Endless Sea (Alaki Nuva) Quote still alive somehow BZPRPG profiles
Endless Sea (Alaki Nuva) Posted March 8, 2023 Posted March 8, 2023 IC: Joskander (Blackrock Canyon) Because you were talking like a cultist. Because I didn't like the look in your eyes. Because you're scaring me. Because this place is scaring me. Because I hate this place and everything it stands for. Because I remember burning buildings, and I know something wrong happened in one of them, and something's wrong here too. Because I miss my friends and I want to see them again. Because I thought you were a friend and now I don't know anymore. Because I don't know you and I never did. Because I've lost the ability to trust ever since I saw you again in Ta-Koro. Because I've been carrying the world ever since I watched Ko-Koro burn. Because I feel responsible for everything you are and everything you do. Because I don't understand what's going on. Because I'm lost. Because you're lost. Because I wish I'd never come to this god-forsaken island no I don't no I don't stop that stop that what is WRONG with me Joskander looked down at his fallen brother, eyes narrowed, shoulders rising and falling with every heaving breath. A thousand thousand answers to Dahkapa's question flitted through his mind, rattling the edges, screaming to be heard. Had he been any less tired, he would have let them all out. The tablet in his hand had cracked upon impact with Dahkapa's face. A second crack was forming right alongside it, widening rapidly beneath the Toa of Air's gauntleted grip. Joskander sighed and let the tablet fall. "Before I answer that question, I want you to answer one of my own. I want you to define the word 'sacrifice' for me." OOC: @Daniel the Finlander 1 Quote It is not for us to decide the fate of angels. Dominus Temporis, if you're out there, hit me up through one of my contacts. I've been hoping to get back in touch for a long time now. (Don't worry, I'm not gonna beg you to bring back MLWTB or something. )
Silvan Haven Posted March 9, 2023 Posted March 9, 2023 20 hours ago, Perp said: IC: Jokaro - Po-Koro Engineering Department This was… not the Lenat he had first met roughly a year ago. It was almost sad to see him in this state, chained by duty to a desk. Bureaucracy really didn’t suit him. Depending on what exactly weighed the most on his mind in recent days, the blueprints that Jokaro had brought him today would either restore some life within the Vortixx, or crush his soul completely. No use in delaying any further. He crept forward, approaching the wide desk with trepidation. “Well, yes, uh… I do have something here for you. See, we were approached yesterday by one, uh, Captain Dehkaz? Commander Dehkaz? At the Emporium. He had a… request.” For the first time since yesterday, almost as if prolonged exposure to them was inadvisable, Jokaro withdrew the documents from his backpack, unfolding them with exaggerated care as he spoke. “Now, I understand why he came to us specifically, and not you – you’ll see why soon enough – but… I told him, straight up, there was no way Farzan and I could possibly build it. At least, not at the Emporium, and not alone.” He set the pages down in front of Lenat, smoothing them against the desk, hands pinning the far edges in place. Only a moment’s worth of admiration was spent on perusing the specifications again; he broke away, staring expectantly at the fellow engineer opposite him, watching his eyes for the tell-tale reaction. “You realize what that is?” OOC: @Silvan Haven Lenat - Po-koro - Engineering Department IC:The other man's eyes instantly became glued to the paper. His well ordered mind assorting itself, tracing lines of force, stress, fiction points and more. To call this device complicated would be an understatement. The notes indicating various measurements indicated that it would be big as well. Very big...maybe too big. He knew Commander Dehkaz of course. The refits to the Fowadi had been one of the many projects Lenat had been involved in overseeing over the last couple months. The koro's peeminent captain was a consumate professional according to both reputation and personal experience. To suggest a project like this was certainly ambitious. Although with Makuta back it might be needed. It would also be extremely expensive and manpower intensive. At least when it came to technically trained personnel. A frown creased the tell man's brows as he ran through a rough estimate of the costs and resources needed for something like this. It wasn't a pleasant number to consider after everything they had just spent on the Po-koro and its ancillary towns. "This is...impressive to say the least. I can see why you came to me in my capacity as the koro's chief engineer. I could fund most of this project personally but..." He glanced down at the paper again and shook his head. "It would be risky. it looks like you still have some things to work out in the design. The costs on a project like this will be monumental. Probably more than what Po-koro can spare after all of our recent works." 2 Quote "I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."
Rahisaurus Posted March 10, 2023 Posted March 10, 2023 [IC: Timak - Forsi, from Ga-Koro] Timak followed the group to the ferry, and after a minute to look around for Kimala, boarded the boat and sat down somewhere quiet, leaning their back against the side. They thought back to the conversation from before. Quote "I need to run some errands. I will join you if I am able, but I cannot say for sure. I will meet you at the exit of the Koro if I'm able to. If not, don't wait for me." The Toa of Crystal seemed to have her head in the right place, and Timak was none to argue with a more experienced Toa, but they were disappointed to see her leave regardless. They had hoped to get a little more wisdom from her before they parted ways. Unable to think of more, they had said a simple goodbye. Quote "Thank you for all your help, Kimala. I hope we meet again soon." The ferry trip itself was uneventful, thankfully. The De-Toa used the time to relax and meditate in their element, letting the soothing sounds of the waves rush over them, into their body, and feeling them revitalise him. It was an odd duality, being so sensitive to noise, yet using it to survive. They hummed softly to theirself, rocking with the boat. --- As the boat landed, Timak gazed upon the new scenery in wonderment. Such a short trip across the bay, and yet such a drastic change in environment. Even the sea air here felt warmer, the plants clinging to the coastline more suited to the arid environment. Walking to the Iron Mahi station, the Toa turned to Nara, who happened to be next to them. "This is a strange place. I've never been somewhere so dry, and the sounds are all different... The footsteps are muffled in the sand, yet peoples' voices carry further in the still air." --- At "Papa Podu's" (Timak thought the name sounded strange... what was a "Papa" anyway), they ate slower than everyone else. They chewed each mouthful for too long, mutedly staring down toward the plate, though unfocused on the food. The Toa wasn't particularly happy at having been dragged out to the station only for it to be closed, but they knew it wasn't anyone's fault, so they simply stewed on the disappointment. Eventually they tuned back into the conversation. On 3/8/2023 at 4:30 PM, BULiK said: "Anyone here used to navigating the desert paths? Or should we just walk along the tracks?" Timak blinked a couple of times and looked up from their plate. "Didn't Aurax say he used to live here?" -ooc: @~Xemnas~ @Harvali@ARROW404@Mel@Lady Takanuva@Tarn@BBBBalta@EmperorWhenua@Rahisaurus @BULiK Quote BZPRPG Profile | Soundcloud | YouTube | Twitter | Character index on Tumblr
Perp Posted March 11, 2023 Posted March 11, 2023 IC: Jokaro - Po-Koro Engineering Department “Oh yes, I agree completely,” replied the Po-Matoran, retracting his hands as Lenat took the pages into his own, poring over the contents intensely. “These aren’t even my designs; these prints are exactly what the Commander supplied us with. I can think of several glaring issues without even doing the math. Speaking of…” Delving into his pack once again, Jokaro withdrew his notebook. He had to thumb through a considerable number of pages until he found one that was blank. “Cost is always of utmost concern on projects of this scale,” he sighed, diverting his attention as he began scribbling a few figures in the notebook. “The good Commander did say that he would return soon, and I could direct him to you to make the proper arrangements for funding. I don’t expect him to be able to fund the whole project, but I barely know anything about the man, to be honest. He mentioned having resources at his disposal.” Frown lines creased the Po-Matoran’s brow, coinciding with some rather intense scribbling on the notebook page. “No, no, that wouldn’t do…” he muttered to himself before continuing his previous thought. “And, well, no offense to the Commander, but costs aside… the mechanical, chemical, and metallurgical effects don’t scale proportionally, either. Farzan and I would have to do a lot of legwork with the research and development on that front.” At last, he seemed pleased with his scrawlings, and turned the notebook towards the Vortixx opposite. On it were a dozen different calculations, some scratched out, others circled. “If we’re to design a working prototype, scaling it down roughly ninety to eighty percent would certainly save on material resources, and the values required would remain within the realm of feasibility once scaled back up – if the sun hasn’t baked my brain yet.” Unceremoniously, he dropped the notebook atop the sheaf of blueprints depicting the Conceptual Nightmare. He leant in, tapping the page with a finger, once again looking into Lenat’s weary eyes. “This need not represent the extent of our capabilities, however. There is another avenue to consider. An attaché from Onu-Koro stopped by the shop yesterday. He spoke about a technology-sharing initiative between our two Koro. Sound familiar to you?” OOC: @Silvan Haven 1 Quote BZPRPG Profiles | Map (Post) Art & Other Visualizations I've worked on
Mel Posted March 11, 2023 Posted March 11, 2023 [Forsi, Papa Podu’s Restaurant (Ranok)] Ranok ate slowly, giving his honey and cheese flatbread plenty of time to cool. A musician couldn’t afford to burn his most important instrument. He nodded at Timak’s comment. “Also, if I recall, don’t we have a wayfinder with us?” He raised an eyebrow at Sigrus. OOC: @EmperorWhenua @BULiK @Rahisaurus @Tarn @~Xemnas~ @Harvali @Lady Takanuva @BBBBalta 2 Quote There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials [BZPRPG Profiles] Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - Ferellis - Morie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir And some aren't even on your side.
EmperorWhenua Posted March 12, 2023 Posted March 12, 2023 IC Sigrus | Papa Podu’s Sigrus’ brow cocked back at Ranok in response. “Yes, yes.” His nose pointed north. 3 Quote BZPRPG Profiles / Critical Acclaim / Complaints
Mel Posted March 12, 2023 Posted March 12, 2023 [Forsi, Papa Podu’s Restaurant (Ranok)] Ranok didn't reply--clearly Sigrus was what was colloquially known as a "smart alec". He waited instead for someone else to inquire more specifically. OOC: @EmperorWhenua @BULiK @Rahisaurus @Tarn @~Xemnas~ @Harvali @Lady Takanuva @BBBBalta Quote There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials [BZPRPG Profiles] Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - Ferellis - Morie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir And some aren't even on your side.
Daniel the Finlander Posted March 16, 2023 Posted March 16, 2023 IC: Sir Dahkapa (Blackrock Canyon) Dahkapa stood up fully and straightened himself, wiping off the dust from his body armour. He took his time to answer Joskander's question, seeming to focus on calming himself through controlled breathing. "Is it not obvious?" he finally replied with a tinge of contempt. "Sacrifice means offering something valuable to a deity. The greatest sacrifices are those where you give up something you value yourself. Followers of Ak'rei'an can give up some of their inherent power, such as their elemental abilities or their mask power. Usually this was done to gain control over a resurrected person. It is undisputed proof that Ak'rei'an is awake and can reward his most loyal followers." His eyes narrowed. "What did you think I meant?" OOC: @Endless Sea (Alaki Nuva) Quote still alive somehow BZPRPG profiles
Endless Sea (Alaki Nuva) Posted March 17, 2023 Posted March 17, 2023 IC: Joskander (Blackrock Canyon) It took almost a minute before Joskander found his voice again. "Dahkapa, you worship a death god. You know what I thought you meant." OOC: @Daniel the Finlander 1 Quote It is not for us to decide the fate of angels. Dominus Temporis, if you're out there, hit me up through one of my contacts. I've been hoping to get back in touch for a long time now. (Don't worry, I'm not gonna beg you to bring back MLWTB or something. )
ARROW404 Posted March 18, 2023 Posted March 18, 2023 IC: Lapu - Forsi, Papa Podu's Possibly against his better judgment, Lapu had given in to his curiosity, and his attachment to the little band that had formed around Kanohi. He had never taken himself for the sentimental type, but he had spent more time 'socializing' with Hakari and Kanohi in the span of a couple of days than he had with anyone else in years, and leaving them to go back to the jungle somehow seemed less important than figuring out what this niggling sense at the back of his skull was. How he regretted following his curiosity now. It was hot. It was dry. And the only plant he had seen in hours were cacti- and the aloe plant sitting on the windowsill of the restaurant. Not remotely enough to comfort him. He wanted to touch grass, curse it. He almost grumbled, but instead opted for simply allowing his face to adopt an even more sullen look than usual. He was here- his armor was wilting already- and he lacked the ability to ask for a way to somewhere greener anyways. So, like it or not- he didn't- he was along for the ride. 5 Quote BZPRPG Profiles If I go AWOL for a while, feel free to contact me via Discord
Snelly Posted March 19, 2023 Posted March 19, 2023 IC: Hakari - Forsi, Papa Podu's - Hakari leaned back in her chair as she bit into her sandwich, thinking about how to solve their current issue. Her mask would all her to run to Ostia or Po-koro without too much issue, assuming she didn't get lost on the way. Of course that didn't solve the problem for the rest of the group. On 3/8/2023 at 11:30 AM, BULiK said: "Anyone here used to navigating the desert paths? Or should we just walk along the tracks?" "I'm not too sure. If I was by myself I would just run straight towards Po-koro using my mask power." She tapped the golden Kakama on her face. "Not really an option as a group though." OOC: @Harvali @ARROW404 @Mel @Lady Takanuva @Tarn @BULiK @~Xemnas~ @BBBBalta @Umbraline Yumiwa @Rahisaurus Quote My Bzprpg Profiles, Ghosts of Bara Magna Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar
BULiK Posted March 19, 2023 Posted March 19, 2023 17 hours ago, Snelly said: IC: Hakari - Forsi, Papa Podu's - "I'm not too sure. If I was by myself I would just run straight towards Po-koro using my mask power." She tapped the golden Kakama on her face. "Not really an option as a group though." IC: Nichou [Forsi, Papa Podu's] "Yeahhhh," Nichou agreed, trying to guide the conversation back to the two wayfinders among them. "So - Sigrus, weren't you navigating for ships? Do you even know the land routes?" OOC: @EmperorWhenua@Mel@Tarn 1 Quote Visit to view my project of archiving BZPower's RPGs, and also access the BZPower Roleplaying Wiki BZPRPG Profiles - Ghosts Of Bara Magna Profiles Exo-Force RPG Profiles - Six Kingdoms: Apocalypse (Knichou, Berys, Arnex, The Taku, Exuze)
Silvan Haven Posted March 20, 2023 Posted March 20, 2023 On 3/10/2023 at 9:54 PM, Perp said: IC: Jokaro - Po-Koro Engineering Department “Oh yes, I agree completely,” replied the Po-Matoran, retracting his hands as Lenat took the pages into his own, poring over the contents intensely. “These aren’t even my designs; these prints are exactly what the Commander supplied us with. I can think of several glaring issues without even doing the math. Speaking of…” Delving into his pack once again, Jokaro withdrew his notebook. He had to thumb through a considerable number of pages until he found one that was blank. “Cost is always of utmost concern on projects of this scale,” he sighed, diverting his attention as he began scribbling a few figures in the notebook. “The good Commander did say that he would return soon, and I could direct him to you to make the proper arrangements for funding. I don’t expect him to be able to fund the whole project, but I barely know anything about the man, to be honest. He mentioned having resources at his disposal.” Frown lines creased the Po-Matoran’s brow, coinciding with some rather intense scribbling on the notebook page. “No, no, that wouldn’t do…” he muttered to himself before continuing his previous thought. “And, well, no offense to the Commander, but costs aside… the mechanical, chemical, and metallurgical effects don’t scale proportionally, either. Farzan and I would have to do a lot of legwork with the research and development on that front.” At last, he seemed pleased with his scrawlings, and turned the notebook towards the Vortixx opposite. On it were a dozen different calculations, some scratched out, others circled. “If we’re to design a working prototype, scaling it down roughly ninety to eighty percent would certainly save on material resources, and the values required would remain within the realm of feasibility once scaled back up – if the sun hasn’t baked my brain yet.” Unceremoniously, he dropped the notebook atop the sheaf of blueprints depicting the Conceptual Nightmare. He leant in, tapping the page with a finger, once again looking into Lenat’s weary eyes. “This need not represent the extent of our capabilities, however. There is another avenue to consider. An attaché from Onu-Koro stopped by the shop yesterday. He spoke about a technology-sharing initiative between our two Koro. Sound familiar to you?” OOC: @Silvan Haven Lenat - Po-koro - Engineering Department IC: The taller man couldn't help the wince as he saw the proposed figures. Even while downscaled the the R&D price would be significant. Maybe they could pull from the Fowadi's operating budget while the ship was away for however long the ship's newest voyage would take. Moving funds between departments like that usually get those involved feeling testy in case such a move was a precursor towards a permanent reduction in funding. Before Lenat could continue down that line of thinking, his guest's words caught his attention once more. "As a matter of fact I was involved in setting that initiative up. Akiri Renaka sees it as chance to mend some tunnels so to speak. A way to promote unity after the unpleasantness of Hewkii's reign as well as improve our own capabilities. At the moment it's only a general agreement dealing with information that's already more or less available for anyone who puts some effort into it however. They wont be teaching us how to build exo-matoran, for example. Are you suggesting asking for their expertise on this project? This design might still be unfinished but it should be quite potent if it can be successfully completed." 2 Quote "I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."
EmperorWhenua Posted March 20, 2023 Posted March 20, 2023 IC Sigrus | Po-Wahi, Papa Podu's "Hm? Land routes? Ah, I do, yes, yes," the wayfinder said to Nichou. He offered slightly more context this time to his friend, adding, "The Massif is secluded by intention but relies on trade routes by necessity. I charted all the major and minor trading roads before taking office." 1 Quote BZPRPG Profiles / Critical Acclaim / Complaints
Mel Posted March 21, 2023 Posted March 21, 2023 (edited) oops, will probably edit with ranok reaction later Edited March 21, 2023 by Mel Quote There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials [BZPRPG Profiles] Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - Ferellis - Morie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir And some aren't even on your side.
Perp Posted March 22, 2023 Posted March 22, 2023 IC: Jokaro - Po-Koro Engineering Department The Po-Matoran nodded as Lenat spoke, absorbing the information laid out for him. “Hmm. I see. Well, I think that this–” he tapped the blueprint on Lenat’s desk again, “–is something the Onu-Koronans would definitely be eager to get their hands on, should it ever be completed. Legally or otherwise. But with this initiative in place, it’s perfect for looping them in. With their industrial base, they’ll be primed for the manufacture of any complex parts… or perhaps even producing finalized parts in numbers, should the opportunity arise.” A critical junction had been reached. Again, Jokaro looked into the Vortixx’ eyes, glancing ever so briefly at the mug perched atop Lenat’s desk as he turned to finally sit in one of the seats across from the Department Head. His next proposition might be a tricky one to propose – the scales were balanced precariously. He cleared his throat. “I think it’s fairly obvious that it can’t be constructed or tested either here or at the Emporium – or really anywhere near a population center. Safety and security concerns, you know how it goes. That would necessitate the implementation of facilities in a remote location. Deep in the Motara would be obvious. It’d require a new station off the Po-Koro-Ostia rail line, too. That’s a whole project in and of itself. Can you swing that? I can forward a brief to the attaché at the Emporium, send him back to Nuparu. If you can get Renaka to talk to him, it might ease the pressure on the Engineering Department. It’d depend on how much Onu-Koro is willing to contribute.” OOC: @Silvan Haven Quote BZPRPG Profiles | Map (Post) Art & Other Visualizations I've worked on
Visaru Posted March 24, 2023 Posted March 24, 2023 IC | Verak - Ostia On 2/23/2023 at 6:13 PM, Harvali said: IC Kardaka - Po-Wahi - Ostia “Ah, the ports,” she winced at her own voice, it rumbled like gravel. It had been so long since she had needed to speak, her vocal processor had grown stiff and lost its lubrication. And the roughness, it alienated her. She swallowed, leaning on her staff, before continuing to descend the city to the ports. She still needed news, and ports might mean travelers from other villages. She might learn a lot of what she missed. The elevator rattled toward the ground, then lurched as a tall scarred brown Toa slipped through the frame and landed inside. He put a hand on the railing, catching his breath, having just finished some complicated acrobatics. It was a moment before he even registered the yellow Turaga was in the elevator with him. He glanced over, looked back at the approaching ground, decided to be friendly, then flashed Kardaka a grin. "Hey good to meet ya, brother. Nice staff." Quote -------------- Tarrok | Korzaa | Verak | Kirik --------------
Daniel the Finlander Posted March 25, 2023 Posted March 25, 2023 IC: Sir Dahkapa (Blackrock Canyon) He let out a dry chuckle. "The way you said it makes it sound like Ak'rei'an is a god who gives death, instead of a god who can save us from death. It appears that you are once again prejudiced. I've been trying to make you understand that the Brotherhood did not define my religion, as its members were blinded by zealotry. But my eyes see everything clearly. Unlike yours." OOC: @Endless Sea (Alaki Nuva) Quote still alive somehow BZPRPG profiles
Emzee Posted March 25, 2023 Posted March 25, 2023 IC: Tailua — Ostia, The Dancing Crab The Ta-Toa took in the replies of his new drinking buddies. “I suppose that’s one way of lookin' at it,” Tailua replied to Lohkar. “I guess I was one of those fools who drank up the teachings of Turaga like a thirsty Mahi. Freedom, true freedom… maybe that’s just what I need” He then looked to the other two: the Lesterin and the Skakdi. “What makes you two so sure where we’re goin’ will be so much worse?” Tailua asked. “As someone who was just nearly run down by—I still don’t know, actually—ya think Zakaz is gonna be full of cloak and daggers there as well?” “No don’t get me wrong. I ain’t smooth-brained enough to expect sunshine and rainbows,” Tailua continued, “But at least if a Zakazian wants a game of strife, they’ll use their own force and wits instead of these Karzahni-danged intrigues, sending agents into the night... right?” OOC: @Ghosthands @ARROW404 @BULiK Sorry for the wait! Quote "hey girl: here’s an idea, but… it’s up to you: You’re the boss of this operation." [BZPRPG Profile] [Ghosts of Bara Magna Profile]
Silvan Haven Posted March 26, 2023 Posted March 26, 2023 On 3/22/2023 at 7:51 PM, Perp said: IC: Jokaro - Po-Koro Engineering Department The Po-Matoran nodded as Lenat spoke, absorbing the information laid out for him. “Hmm. I see. Well, I think that this–” he tapped the blueprint on Lenat’s desk again, “–is something the Onu-Koronans would definitely be eager to get their hands on, should it ever be completed. Legally or otherwise. But with this initiative in place, it’s perfect for looping them in. With their industrial base, they’ll be primed for the manufacture of any complex parts… or perhaps even producing finalized parts in numbers, should the opportunity arise.” A critical junction had been reached. Again, Jokaro looked into the Vortixx’ eyes, glancing ever so briefly at the mug perched atop Lenat’s desk as he turned to finally sit in one of the seats across from the Department Head. His next proposition might be a tricky one to propose – the scales were balanced precariously. He cleared his throat. “I think it’s fairly obvious that it can’t be constructed or tested either here or at the Emporium – or really anywhere near a population center. Safety and security concerns, you know how it goes. That would necessitate the implementation of facilities in a remote location. Deep in the Motara would be obvious. It’d require a new station off the Po-Koro-Ostia rail line, too. That’s a whole project in and of itself. Can you swing that? I can forward a brief to the attaché at the Emporium, send him back to Nuparu. If you can get Renaka to talk to him, it might ease the pressure on the Engineering Department. It’d depend on how much Onu-Koro is willing to contribute.” OOC: @Silvan Haven Lenat - Po-koro - Engineering Department IC: That last suggest drew a grimace from the lean man across the desk. He didn't try to hide it either. Setting up an entirely new outpost was a big ask on top of a mounting list of big asks. The reward was enticing to be sure but the timing of this was less than ideal. He'd prefer to put this off for a few months and give the koro time to recover from all the massive changes of late. Makuta might not give them that much time though. With the island's greatest threat now back in play they needed every tool they could get. Assuming the dark god didn't use something as risky as this as a chance to strike at them. With a sigh, he leaned back in his chair and looked at Jokaro. The grimace was still in place as he began to speak. "Frankly we, that is the koro administration, can't support another village or outpost. We're already stretched thin as it is. Not enough people in uniform to go around. I've heard of a few proposals to let private citizens strike out on their own with official recognition but that's the closest thing we could manage." He raised one ling fingered hand to momentarily forestall any replies. Quickly taking another sip of bula juice before continuing. "Now that equation does change if we can get significant support from Onu-koro. The simple fact of the matter is that they would be footing most of the bill for this project. Sharing the finished product with them is likely the only way they would agree to such an effort. We have the groundwork already set up for starting the process. Lines of communication are already opened for this like this and I think it more likely than not that they will be open to the suggestion. It's not a guarantee however and I want you to know where things stand." Quote "I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."
Endless Sea (Alaki Nuva) Posted March 29, 2023 Posted March 29, 2023 IC: Joskander (Blackrock Canyon) "Your eyes?" Joskander chuckled mirthlessly. "Dahkapa, you should have seen your eyes a moment ago. You looked like one of them. Like the last thing left to break in you finally went and broke." OOC: @Daniel the Finlander Quote It is not for us to decide the fate of angels. Dominus Temporis, if you're out there, hit me up through one of my contacts. I've been hoping to get back in touch for a long time now. (Don't worry, I'm not gonna beg you to bring back MLWTB or something. )
Daniel the Finlander Posted March 30, 2023 Posted March 30, 2023 IC: Sir Dahkapa (Blackrock Canyon) "To an unbeliever I may indeed seem like a madman, but that could not be further from the truth. You do not know what it is like to be filled with zealous fervor. Being passionate about something greater than yourself is a great feeling... if only you were not so closed-minded, you could feel the same way." OOC: @Endless Sea (Alaki Nuva) Quote still alive somehow BZPRPG profiles
Endless Sea (Alaki Nuva) Posted March 30, 2023 Posted March 30, 2023 IC: Joskander (Blackrock Canyon) "Yeah, and I bet the Brotherhood tells that to everyone they take to the conversion chambers... right before they pick up their knives." OOC: @Daniel the Finlander Quote It is not for us to decide the fate of angels. Dominus Temporis, if you're out there, hit me up through one of my contacts. I've been hoping to get back in touch for a long time now. (Don't worry, I'm not gonna beg you to bring back MLWTB or something. )
ARROW404 Posted April 3, 2023 Posted April 3, 2023 On 3/26/2023 at 12:02 AM, Emzee said: IC: Tailua — Ostia, The Dancing Crab The Ta-Toa took in the replies of his new drinking buddies. “I suppose that’s one way of lookin' at it,” Tailua replied to Lohkar. “I guess I was one of those fools who drank up the teachings of Turaga like a thirsty Mahi. Freedom, true freedom… maybe that’s just what I need” He then looked to the other two: the Lesterin and the Skakdi. “What makes you two so sure where we’re goin’ will be so much worse?” Tailua asked. “As someone who was just nearly run down by—I still don’t know, actually—ya think Zakaz is gonna be full of cloak and daggers there as well?” “No don’t get me wrong. I ain’t smooth-brained enough to expect sunshine and rainbows,” Tailua continued, “But at least if a Zakazian wants a game of strife, they’ll use their own force and wits instead of these Karzahni-danged intrigues, sending agents into the night... right?” OOC: @Ghosthands @ARROW404 @BULiK Sorry for the wait! IC: Suran - The Dancing Crab, Ostia The Lesterin knocked back a second shot, then tapped the bar for a second glass, which he poured and slid toward the Ta-Toa. "Nothing makes me 'sure,'" he said. "Which is precisely my point. We don't know what to expect." He gave a slight shrug, "Matoran, Lesterin, Skakdi- people are not so different from one another, at the end of the day. Probably, we will find a place full of people whom, at the core, are just like the rest. Either way, I'll keep my hopes... middling." Quote BZPRPG Profiles If I go AWOL for a while, feel free to contact me via Discord
Daniel the Finlander Posted April 3, 2023 Posted April 3, 2023 IC: Sir Dahkapa (Blackrock Canyon) He sighed. "I see it is going to take a long time before I can disassociate my faith from the Brotherhood in the eyes of Mata Nui's followers. But it matters not, as I am patient. There is much to be done..." With his foot, he kicked the tablet on the ground, shattering it into pieces which scattered into the sands. Then, he walked past Joskander, not looking behind him as he headed out of the canyon. He said nothing as he left. OOC: @Endless Sea (Alaki Nuva) Quote still alive somehow BZPRPG profiles
Endless Sea (Alaki Nuva) Posted April 4, 2023 Posted April 4, 2023 IC: Joskander (Blackrock Canyon) And Joskander said nothing as he watched Dahkapa go. He'd been waiting for this, he realized, ever since the two of them had left Ta. Some part of him had probably been hoping for it, even. You can punch a monster in the face, but you can't punch a faith... This is for the best, he told himself. You're a fighter, not a therapist. You were never cut out to help. He's beyond you now. Go home, Joskander. There are other battles waiting- battles you were actually made to win. They were words he'd told himself before, when he ran from Ko-Koro. They meant nothing then. They meant even less now. Screw it. One more try. "Brother," he called out. "Dahkapa. Where are you headed next?" OOC: @Daniel the Finlander Quote It is not for us to decide the fate of angels. Dominus Temporis, if you're out there, hit me up through one of my contacts. I've been hoping to get back in touch for a long time now. (Don't worry, I'm not gonna beg you to bring back MLWTB or something. )
Harvali Posted April 6, 2023 Posted April 6, 2023 IC Kanohi - Po-Wahi - Forsi Kanohi shook his head at Nichou’s question. He had spent much of his time on Mata-Nui traversing Le-Wahi to protect travelers and Rahi, the trails of Po-Wahi was unfamiliar to him. He still had to regularly remind himself it was one of the most northern regions of the island. More importantly, Kanohi had finally noticed Lapu was … it was hard to say, the cross-wired Fe-Matoran was not skilled at identifying social cues. But even so, Kanohi worried Lapu was distressed. And no wonder, this desert was a far cry from the humid air and green jungles of Le-Wahi. It was kind of the Toa to come, but Kanohi could not help but worry for him. Wearing all that wooden armor, and wasn’t it wilting? These were the plants of the jungle, were they even capable of surviving in the desert? If he lost his armor, well, Kanohi could not read Lapu’s mind, but the Fe-Matoran knew he would feel incomplete without his own armor. Kanohi walked over to Hakari and scribbled a note, “do you know where we could get some desert plants for Lapu? So he could use them to grow armor for Po-Wahi? I worry his wooden skin might not be comfort in this dry heat.” OOC: @ARROW404 @Snelly @Rahisaurus @~Xemnas~@Lady Takanuva @Tarn @BULiK @Umbraline Yumiwa @Mel … IC Kardaka - Po-Wahi - Ostia Kardaka flinched at the brown Toa’s words, but made a smile nonetheless. It was good to hear the familiarity of Toahood, even if it was inaccurate. “Ah, I’m a sister, but thank you, brother. It was not long ago I gave up my Toa Power, I must admit I am still not quite used to my new size.” She paused and blushed. There had been a delay before she realized Toa had complimented her, “Ah, my apologies, thank you for your kind words on my staff. I am afraid it’s been a some time since I talked among people. I was lost in the desert, I suppose you could say.” The Turaga looked away. Did that sound wise? Turaga were meant to be wise, she was no longer some young Toa with power enough to shatter a plateau. She was supposed to be an elder giving wisdom to the future generation. But if she did sound wise, it was fraudulent. She still could not begin to understand Hewkii turning away from his Unity with the other Akiri and isolating Po-Koro. It was … this was the Virtue their village held most dear, and their leader had abandoned it to fortify and expand. Like some perversion of Unity, but only for Po-Koro. Horrific and unnatural. And she still could not comprehend it. OOC: @Visaru 2 Quote "Danger is the anvil on which trust is forged"-Jaller(Jala) "We're on our own here-like we've always been-and we'll stand or fall on our own"-Tanma "He may seem slow and strange to you, but his simple words often carry a hidden wisdom"-Turaga Vakama on Kapura Kanohi: Stories of a Matoran Vigilante The Impact of a Rebirth: a Kanohi Fanfic The Willing Exiles: a Kanohi Fanfic SKA PC Profiles: Kanohi, Collector, Mahrika Kardaka BZPRPG Profiles Avatar by @Harvali
Visaru Posted April 10, 2023 Posted April 10, 2023 IC "Ahhh, my apologies, sister, I should look before I talk, I suppose." Verak poked his head out of the elevator and checked above them before leaning back into the rattling elevator and turning back to his conversation partner. "You're from the desert, you say? You know, before I grew to my current Toa-size I lived out there myself. It does take a bit to adjust between the quiet of the sands and the bustle of the city, but they really aren't too different if you know how to look at it." OOC @Harvali Quote -------------- Tarrok | Korzaa | Verak | Kirik --------------
Harvali Posted April 15, 2023 Posted April 15, 2023 IC Kardaka - Po-Wahi - Ostia Kardaka nodded, but spoke cautiously, “Yes. Though I hope the city is a bit less … lonely than the desert was. Have not seen other people in some time, too busy meditating. There was plenty of Rahi, that’s one reason I have my staff, to ward the beasts of the desert away and corral them. But Rahi are not people.” The Turaga swallowed, and tried to act casual, though her fingers drummed her staff with unease. But she need to broach this topic, it was what drove her away from Po-Wahi and it’s colonies. Still, it was best to be indirect. So she mustered her courage and asked, “Ah, So, um, it’s been some time since I stepped foot in a village of Stone, and news is sparse in the desert. Are there any new laws of Akiri Hewkii I need to be aware of?” That much was true, she did not know what new laws the dictator of Stone would have passed since she left in horror at the destruction of the Virtue of Unity. But she more wished to know if things had changed, namely if the Akiri might have stepped back from his prior imperialism and isolation of Po-Wahi from the other villages. If perhaps things had improved for the nation of Stone. Or even if he had been deposed, perhaps by an alliance of the other villages or the Toa Maru. But that seemed unlikely. The other villages were also divided from each other, and the Maru had not addressed the situation before. She could not help but worry things had only gotten worse. OOC: @Visaru needless to say, she’s a bit behind on the political situation 1 Quote "Danger is the anvil on which trust is forged"-Jaller(Jala) "We're on our own here-like we've always been-and we'll stand or fall on our own"-Tanma "He may seem slow and strange to you, but his simple words often carry a hidden wisdom"-Turaga Vakama on Kapura Kanohi: Stories of a Matoran Vigilante The Impact of a Rebirth: a Kanohi Fanfic The Willing Exiles: a Kanohi Fanfic SKA PC Profiles: Kanohi, Collector, Mahrika Kardaka BZPRPG Profiles Avatar by @Harvali
~Xemnas~ Posted April 18, 2023 Posted April 18, 2023 IC, Aurax: Papa Podu's, Forsi Aurax nodded at Timak's statement. "Yes," he said. After listening to Sigrus and Nichou talk for a bit, he spoke up once more. "I can lead us out to the Koro, and Sigrus can help ensure that I don't get lost," he said. "While I'm pretty confident of the way to go, it has been a while since I've been here." He took a peak at what Kanohi was writing to Hakari. "Occasionally there are plants in certain spots out here in the desert," the Dashi said. "I'm sure we'll come across some on our travels." He stood up. "Okay, is there anything we should get while we're here? Supplies and such?" OOC: @Harvali @ARROW404 @Mel @Lady Takanuva @Tarn @BULiK @~Xemnas~ @BBBBalta @Umbraline Yumiwa @Rahisaurus IC, Skrol: Iron Mahi freight car Skrol nodded, and, taking out his walking stick, made his way to the door opposite of the one that Quoribay had left through. This door led to another freight car closer to the rest of the train. Skrol opened the door to the car he was in, feeling the rushing wind hit him full blast. He reached out again and opened the door to the next car. The Lesterin stepped through, closing both doors behind him. OOC: @BULiK @Krayzikk @a goose 4 Quote BZPRPG Profiles Ghosts of Bara Magna Profile
a goose Posted April 18, 2023 Posted April 18, 2023 (edited) IC: Nikarra (Same Cargo Car, Same Cargo Time) Nikarra knew a heist when she saw one; she'd been involved in one or two, after all. Well, one and a half. Planning was half a heist, right? Regardless, it was pretty clear the guys in the crate were up to no good, and she'd already heard them mention a 'target'. That ruled out simple terrorism, especially since they weren't exactly the most well-armed. They could still be bounty hunters, but they were searching the cargo area, not the passenger cars – that meant thieves. And she had a pretty good idea of what they were trying to steal. IC: Nikarra (Second Passenger Car) "Vy!" OOC: @Void Emissary @BULiK @~Xemnas~ Edited April 18, 2023 by a goose 2 Quote [BZPRPG PROFILES] Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal - Aerus - Montague - Kira - Koura - Learu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana - Nessen - Merrill
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