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Selling off Lots of G1 Sets w/ Canisters and Some Other Misc Stuff/Sets


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Hey everyone, trying to sell off some stuff to pay down my tuition. I've mostly got G1 Bionicle sets, with canister if they came with it, and some sealed system sets. I've also got some miscellaneous stuff, including a few videogames, a Transformer, and a few trading cards. Hoping to sell quickly, so open to offers on pretty much anything.

All the items: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dLxPMSGWSUMmXaAqdt-zgN9vm4TSEh8zFxVS3edI5WE/edit?usp=sharing

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¹I'd be interested in all the toa mata canisters except for kopaka as I already have that. If you have any special krana kal such as the wmkk, vmkk, gpkk, or sskk. I'd be interested.

Bazinga! I've been a Bionicle Fan since early 2015 and have been aware of it since 2008. Was a bit late to the party due to my age, but that doesn't matter now. Looking for krana and sealed G1 sets at below market value if possible, (otherwise it'll be a few years before I care to collect sets I don't care as much about) Bohrok Kal and Krana Kal Mask Pack sets are ones I am particularly looking for atm.

I go by Nektann or Marcato usually online.

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