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Matoro Edition, A Mod Turning All Toa Into Matoro and Piraka Into Thok, Makes 1.1 Release


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Bionicle Heroes: Matoro Edition 1.1 Release!

Matoro Edition 1.1 - Logos


Hey all! Today, much like Voriki Mode, I'm here discussing an update for a mod that isn't mine but which I helped with instead. Waddlez' Matoro Edition was the first "elemental" edition mod and set an interesting idea in motion for the other Toa to receive similar treatment, but first, I proposed we make it a little more comprehensive with more retextures and consistency additions. Waddlez agreed and the pair of us got to work on a Matoro Edition 1.1. Read on to see what's new, and download the mod here: https://www.moddb.com/mods/matoro-edition/downloads/matoro-edition-11-release


-Replaced Toa weapon colour schemes for all three levels with Matoro colours - This is probably the largest change in this release, turning all Toa weapons into white (with blue accents) colours for consistency with Matoro.

-Replaced HUD icons with revised versions that better telegraph that Toa - Waddlez created coloured Matoro icons that better indicate what Toa is who for gameplay purposes, and these have been implemented into the HUD for readability

-Piraka weapons now have revised colour schemes for consistency - Much like the Toa weapons, the Piraka weapons - including Vezon - have all been recoloured for consistency with Matoro and Thok

-Piraka HUD icons are now all Thok - As it says on the tin!

-All playable Piraka are now Thok as well - Ditto - includes Vezon

-All splash screens have been made Thok or Guurahk oriented - Another self-explanatory change - worth noting Vezon and Dark Hunter splash screens remain unchanged

-Made HUD icons consistent in the Hub level - The last bit of in-game graphical consistency for this update places the new icons made by Waddlez onto the shop icons too

Examples: Level 1 Toa Weapons

Matoro Edition 1.1 - Level 1 Weapons


Matoro Edition 1.1 - Level 1 Weapons


Matoro Edition 1.1 - Level 1 Weapons


Matoro Edition 1.1 - Level 1 Weapons


Matoro Edition 1.1 - Level 1 Weapons


Examples: Level 2 Toa Weapons

Matoro Edition 1.1 - Level 2 Weapons


Matoro Edition 1.1 - Level 2 Weapons


Matoro Edition 1.1 - Level 2 Weapons


Matoro Edition 1.1 - Level 2 Weapons


Matoro Edition 1.1 - Level 2 Weapons


Examples: Level 3 Toa Weapons

Matoro Edition 1.1 - Level 3 Weapons


Matoro Edition 1.1 - Level 3 Weapons


Matoro Edition 1.1 - Level 3 Weapons


Matoro Edition 1.1 - Level 3 Weapons


Matoro Edition 1.1 - Level 3 Weapons


Examples: Piraka Weapons

Matoro Edition 1.1 - Piraka Weapons


Matoro Edition 1.1 - Piraka Weapons


Matoro Edition 1.1 - Piraka Weapons


Matoro Edition 1.1 - Piraka Weapons


Matoro Edition 1.1 - Piraka Weapons


Matoro Edition 1.1 - Piraka Weapons


Examples: HUD

Matoro Edition 1.1 - HUD


Matoro Edition 1.1 - HUD



-Replaced all region music with Mountain variants - This was somewhat done in the initial release but any inconsistencies have now been cleared up


-Added new .exe icons - The bread and butter of any large-scale mod like this is custom .exe icons, of course!

-Added new logo to the main menu - All mods benefit from a logo, and Heroes makes it pretty easy to slot this logo right into the main menu screen!

-Replaced splash screen with credits - The splash screen can also be used to help give extra personality to a mod and since this mod's now a two-man party, a new one has been added featuring both Waddlez and I


Matoro Edition 1.1 - Logos


Matoro Edition 1.1 - EXE Icons



Another happy landing for an update! More may be done to Matoro Edition in future if we come up with additions, in the spirit of creating the best example of an "elemental edition" for others to follow with their own Toa conversion mods. More Heroes mod content is being created every day, and if you'd like to be a part of it, join our Discord here: https://discord.gg/GdwkjfeqNT

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