Lenny7092 Posted January 6 Posted January 6 (edited) Hi, guys. Matoran can turn into Toa if destined to be because they were born with innate Toa Power. It is truly unknown how do their destinies work exactly, but I can say some situations that may give you clues on this: The Great Spirit Mata Nui wanted to choose Vakama and five others to become the Toa Metru. However, Makuta Teridax was watching the stars (sensory lightbulbs in the Matoran Universe), above Metru Nui, so Mata Nui tricked Makuta into thinking that Nuhrii and his group of five Matoran who knew where the Great Disks are are destined to become the Toa Metru, so Lhikan would choose Vakama and his group. It’s quite crafty. Judging from the two groups’ behaviors, Vakama’s group seem to be more focused than the other group. Gorast once told Vultraz to go get a De-Matoran named Krakua for some reason (maybe turn him into a Toa of Shadow?). Jerbraz told Mazeka to go find and protect Krakua, too, while Jerbraz theorized that destined Matoran like him would be a little “eccentric”. After Jerbraz retrieved Krakua, the Order somehow helped Krakua turn into a Toa. In that alternate dimension in The Kingdom in 2008, Takanuva turned at least six Matoran into Toa, who are Kapura, Balta, Dalu, Velika, Defilak, and Tanma. I made a list of Matoran that I think would potentially become Toa someday (the main dimension): Kapura - he fought in the Kini-Nui battle in Mata Nui Online Game bravely. Macku - same. Tamaru - same. Hafu - same. Taipu - same. Kopeke - same. Onepu - he fought many battles in the 2001 story arc. Kotu - she is Nokama’s left-hand Matoran, and seems to be fair with Hahli was Hahli was chosen to be a Kolhii player for Ga-Koro in Mata Nui Online Game 2. Balta - he fought against the Piraka bravely. Dalu - same. Piruk - same. Garan - same. Kazi - same. Velika - same if he wasn’t a Great Being in disguise (I would like to think that the Great Being had prevented the Velika body from having its own mind by taking over the body. He is planning on ditching the body, and I would hope that the other Great Beings would be kind enough to give the Velika body its own mind, like every other Matoran). Defilak - he is a brave leader of Mahri Nui Matoran. Dekar - I’m iffy on him, but I believe he is better off being a Toa than a Hydraxon duplicate (I would hope Mata Nui would reawaken again if he sees at least one Great Being, so Mata Nui would use the Mask of Life to turn the clone back into Dekar). Dekar would do anything to protect Mahri Nui. Sarda - he is a hero who fought Karzahni. Idris - same. Tanma - he fought the Makuta warriors in Karda Nui. Solek - same. Photok - same. Radiak - he seems to be a brave warrior as an Av-Matoran. Gavla - she may dislike her fellow Av-Matoran of Karda Nui (she needs to cheer up. I would hope that the people of Metru Nui had taught her how to make friends with people). She seems to be feisty. All of these happen when she is an Av-Matoran. Kirop - he is protective of the Av-Matoran of Karda Nui when he was one of them. Vican - after changing from Shadow Matoran back to Le-Matoran, I believe he would redeem himself more as a Toa. The first Matoran - if Takua and Lesovikk can become Toa, so should the other first Matoran because they are like templates to their species. I know that I chose the Matoran from Bionicle sets and significant Matoran from the Mata Nui Online Games. I want to include Mazeka since he is an unrelenting hero, but when he was chosen to find Krakua, the Order of Mata Nui doesn’t seem to be interested in helping Mazeka turn into a Toa (I guess the Order can know what Matoran can turn into a Toa). So, what Matoran do you think would become Toa? Edited January 8 by Lenny7092 Quote I like Lego, Bionicle, and Hero Factory!
Master Inika Posted January 7 Posted January 7 Tiribomba. Fight me. Just curious, are there any plot-relevant Matoran who you think wouldn't make good Toa? Just noticing that your list kind of includes everyone. I personally think the deterministic rules about Toa power basically ruin the world of BIONICLE if taken seriously. For instance, the fact that the same Matoran can have Toa power in the prime reality but not in an alternate universe (which is why Tanma is a Toa in The Kingdom but not in the main reality) means that the point of diversion in the Kingdom world actually wasn't Matoro failing to save Mata Nui, it was (at the very earliest) those specific Matoran who weren't meant to be Toa in our timeline being created with destinies to become Toa in this one. 1 1 Quote "You are an absolute in these uncertain times. Your past is forgotten, and your future is an empty book. You must find your own destiny, my brave adventurer." -- Turaga Nokama Click here to visit my library!
Nato G Posted January 7 Posted January 7 The way I see it, any Matoran could become a Toa. It's just a matter of the need being there and the right circumstances aligning for new heroes to rise. 2 Quote Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review Ballads of the Bionicle - lore/character songs BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash, The Outsiders Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar
Lorentz Posted January 7 Posted January 7 (edited) You literally just named all of the Matoran that had sets, plus Kapura. I hope it didn't take you very long to put this list together. Edited January 7 by Lorentz Quote #makeBionicleG1andHeroFactorysharethesameuniverse and #giveBionicleansHeroFactorytheirownliveactioncinematicuniverse GENERATION 5: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.
That Matoran with a Vahi Posted January 7 Posted January 7 I don't think bravery alone necessarily makes one qualified to be a Toa. Pretty much every Matoran we've met, whether on Mata, Voya, Mahri or Karda Nui has had to be brave due to the circumstances surrounding them: but being brave and being competent / trustworthy with that kind of power don't necessarily overlap. For that reason, I wouldn't say that e.g. Hafu would be a good Toa: he's unquestionably brave, but he's also full of himself (perhaps not so much in canon as the fandom likes to memetically make him, but he did still carve a giant statue of himself when all he needed to do was cut some rocks down to size, so...) and unless that's tempered carefully, doesn't make for a great trait in a hero. Dalu too, with her 'fight first, ask questions later' attitude, wouldn't make an ideal Toa choice in my eyes, either. This isn't a knock against either Hafu or Dalu, both of whom I like a lot! I'm just observing that being brave is only one quality that a Toa needs, and several of these Matoran don't yet hold some of those other ideal qualities. I'm sure they could both overcome those drawbacks with experience and character development - the Toa Metru, after all, started out as a whole heap of character flaws and yet still managed to grow as people enough to pull together when it counted -; they'd just need to work at it to reach that point. Same, I think, goes for several of the other Matoran. Some who I think would be good picks, though... Garan, I'd say for sure. He has leadership experience, and is good at keeping a cool head even in difficult situations. Balta too, as Garan's second-in-command, who seemed to be particularly good at making allies (being the first Matoran to befriend Axonn, and the one to stop his friends from killing the Toa Nuva). Kapura, who's likewise fairly level-headed despite his strangeness, and is good at thinking 'outside the box', which is a valuable trait for a Toa. Kotu, who is again used to responsibility, and even if she's an infamous practical joker seems to know when to be serious instead. I want to say Marka as well, who's well-versed in the values of being a hard worker and in purity of both mind and motive, but I may be a tiny bit biased there because she's long been my favourite MNOG2-named Matoran...! Probably some of the Karda-Matoran too, but I honestly don't remember what made any of them distinctive except for Gavla, and she's far from the best choice! That said, I'm with Nato here, too; I prefer the idea that any Matoran has the potential, and that it comes down to a Matoran being 'in the right place at the right time' more than the rather nebulous concept of Destiny. The Metru, again, are kind of an exception since it's specifically explained that Mata Nui handpicked them because he knew what Makuta was planning: but if Mata Nui establishes a being's Destiny, and yet he a) isn't omniscient and b) spends much of the story asleep and therefore unable to change or adapt anyone's Destiny, it seems to me that Jaller and co., as an example, must have became Toa due to being where they were, when they were, rather than their transformations being pre-planned. Just my few cents, at least. 1 Quote "New legends awake, but old lessons must be remembered. For that is the way of the BIONICLE."
Master Inika Posted January 7 Posted January 7 4 hours ago, That Matoran with a Vahi said: I don't think bravery alone necessarily makes one qualified to be a Toa. Pretty much every Matoran we've met, whether on Mata, Voya, Mahri or Karda Nui has had to be brave due to the circumstances surrounding them: but being brave and being competent / trustworthy with that kind of power don't necessarily overlap. For that reason, I wouldn't say that e.g. Hafu would be a good Toa: he's unquestionably brave, but he's also full of himself (perhaps not so much in canon as the fandom likes to memetically make him, but he did still carve a giant statue of himself when all he needed to do was cut some rocks down to size, so...) and unless that's tempered carefully, doesn't make for a great trait in a hero. Dalu too, with her 'fight first, ask questions later' attitude, wouldn't make an ideal Toa choice in my eyes, either. This isn't a knock against either Hafu or Dalu, both of whom I like a lot! I'm just observing that being brave is only one quality that a Toa needs, and several of these Matoran don't yet hold some of those other ideal qualities. I'm sure they could both overcome those drawbacks with experience and character development - the Toa Metru, after all, started out as a whole heap of character flaws and yet still managed to grow as people enough to pull together when it counted -; they'd just need to work at it to reach that point. Same, I think, goes for several of the other Matoran. Some who I think would be good picks, though... Garan, I'd say for sure. He has leadership experience, and is good at keeping a cool head even in difficult situations. Balta too, as Garan's second-in-command, who seemed to be particularly good at making allies (being the first Matoran to befriend Axonn, and the one to stop his friends from killing the Toa Nuva). Kapura, who's likewise fairly level-headed despite his strangeness, and is good at thinking 'outside the box', which is a valuable trait for a Toa. Kotu, who is again used to responsibility, and even if she's an infamous practical joker seems to know when to be serious instead. I want to say Marka as well, who's well-versed in the values of being a hard worker and in purity of both mind and motive, but I may be a tiny bit biased there because she's long been my favourite MNOG2-named Matoran...! Probably some of the Karda-Matoran too, but I honestly don't remember what made any of them distinctive except for Gavla, and she's far from the best choice! That said, I'm with Nato here, too; I prefer the idea that any Matoran has the potential, and that it comes down to a Matoran being 'in the right place at the right time' more than the rather nebulous concept of Destiny. The Metru, again, are kind of an exception since it's specifically explained that Mata Nui handpicked them because he knew what Makuta was planning: but if Mata Nui establishes a being's Destiny, and yet he a) isn't omniscient and b) spends much of the story asleep and therefore unable to change or adapt anyone's Destiny, it seems to me that Jaller and co., as an example, must have became Toa due to being where they were, when they were, rather than their transformations being pre-planned. Just my few cents, at least. Dalu also occurred to me as a less-than-ideal Toa candidate, but the more I think about it, the more I realize basically none of the Toa Metru would have seemed like good choices as Matoran. I think Vitruvius’ line about the Prophecy of the Special from TLM makes a lot of sense when applied to BIONICLE, any Matoran who becomes a Toa is destined to be a Toa, because anyone can learn the skills needed with discipline and motivation. Personally I love the 2006 Matoran and think they work well as a team. Almost everyone had their own weakness (Piruk’s meekness, Dalu’s anger, Kazi’s sarcasm, Velika’s eccentricity) but as a group they covered each other’s weak points. Seeing those six become Toa and fight the Piraka would have been awesome and it kind of feels like Island of Doom was setting their characters up for some real development that we just never got. Neither the 2007 or 2008 Matoran really stood out to me. There were some cool concepts teased, but I don’t remember any particular defining character moments in the actual story. 2008 would have benefitted from a book like Island of Doom or City of the Lost, setting up Karda Nui and letting us see the Matoran hold off the Makuta on their own until the Toa arrived. Here’s my ideal Toa team, just for fun limited to six Matoran of different elements (who would make for an interesting story, not necessarily the most efficient team): Maglya - it would be neat to see a daredevil Toa of Fire. Usually it’s the Toa of Air risking his life on stupid stunts, so it’s fun for me to imagine this team’s Toa of Fire being the one getting distracted and not taking the mission seriously. Nixie - Toa Nixie would struggle, both with feeling like her talent and background in astrology is not helpful in battle, and for failing to foresee her own transformation into a Toa. Mazeka - Even worse at working with others than Kopaka. In every canon appearance he has, Mazeka views others as a means to an end. Jerbraz, Krakua and alternate Teridax are only useful to him to the degree he can learn from them or benefit from their protection. He would have to learn to view the others as not just assets but friends. Defilak - The team’s de facto leader, but only because of having briefly led the Mahri Nui council (which has a rotating leadership). Leading the team is a Duty he neither particularly enjoys nor feels cut out for, and fears more broadly that he is a Toa by random chance as opposed to any underlying Destiny. If any of the team could use a Turaga, it’s him. Onepu - Used to commanding others in a hierarchical structure. He is not quite used to having to prove his value as a leader to others, and the others don’t appreciate the way he automatically assumes he’ll be the one in charge. Clashes heads especially with Mazeka and Defilak. Builder of the Toa Canisters - Every team needs a wild card. 1 Quote "You are an absolute in these uncertain times. Your past is forgotten, and your future is an empty book. You must find your own destiny, my brave adventurer." -- Turaga Nokama Click here to visit my library!
That Matoran with a Vahi Posted January 7 Posted January 7 30 minutes ago, Master Inika said: the more I think about it, the more I realize basically none of the Toa Metru would have seemed like good choices as Matoran. I think Vitruvius’ line about the Prophecy of the Special from TLM makes a lot of sense when applied to BIONICLE, any Matoran who becomes a Toa is destined to be a Toa, because anyone can learn the skills needed with discipline and motivation. Fair point! I do agree that a lot of these Matoran would rise to the challenge, and would grow into the role with character development just as the Metru did; I was more leaning into the question of which ones would make good choices even before undergoing such development ^^ In that line of thinking, if I were to put together a team of six elements... hm... Garan - The leader. Tanma - The tactician. Marka - The practical one, the hardest worker. Kapura - The source of unconventional insight. Maybe Pakaasta or Talvi - Experienced soldiers, either of whom could help train their less-combat-equipped teammates. ...yeah, I'm stumped for Stone. Besides Hafu's ego making him less-than-ideal (and many of the MNOG2 Matoran being too busy to stop and talk so don't give a clear idea of their personalities), Ahkmou is a traitor, Velika is possessed, Dekar became Hydraxon... from a certain point, the named Po-Matoran just started really getting the short end of the stick 🤣 I like your choice of team too, though! I think it's a nice change of pace to have the Ga-Toa have her own struggles too, instead of being the one who has it all together and has to keep the rest of the team under control, like Gali and Nokama both did in canon. I'd read a story about the six of them, for sure 27 minutes ago, Master Inika said: Onepu - Used to commanding others in a hierarchical structure. He is not quite used to having to prove his value as a leader to others, and the others don’t appreciate the way he automatically assumes he’ll be the one in charge. Clashes heads especially with Mazeka and Defilak. Onepu also tends to try and skip out on tasks that he doesn't like - e.g. in MNOG, he's mentioned to have taught Taipu how to work hard enough for both of them, so that he doesn't have to be involved in the digging to Le-Koro himself... Taipu, of course, just thinks this is an example of how smart Onepu is, without realising he's being somewhat taken advantage of by his friend - which I can also see not going over well with his teammates if he tries to pull it as a Toa! ^^ Quote "New legends awake, but old lessons must be remembered. For that is the way of the BIONICLE."
Master Inika Posted January 8 Posted January 8 7 hours ago, That Matoran with a Vahi said: Fair point! I do agree that a lot of these Matoran would rise to the challenge, and would grow into the role with character development just as the Metru did; I was more leaning into the question of which ones would make good choices even before undergoing such development ^^ In that line of thinking, if I were to put together a team of six elements... hm... Garan - The leader. Tanma - The tactician. Marka - The practical one, the hardest worker. Kapura - The source of unconventional insight. Maybe Pakaasta or Talvi - Experienced soldiers, either of whom could help train their less-combat-equipped teammates. ...yeah, I'm stumped for Stone. Besides Hafu's ego making him less-than-ideal (and many of the MNOG2 Matoran being too busy to stop and talk so don't give a clear idea of their personalities), Ahkmou is a traitor, Velika is possessed, Dekar became Hydraxon... from a certain point, the named Po-Matoran just started really getting the short end of the stick 🤣 I like your choice of team too, though! I think it's a nice change of pace to have the Ga-Toa have her own struggles too, instead of being the one who has it all together and has to keep the rest of the team under control, like Gali and Nokama both did in canon. I'd read a story about the six of them, for sure Onepu also tends to try and skip out on tasks that he doesn't like - e.g. in MNOG, he's mentioned to have taught Taipu how to work hard enough for both of them, so that he doesn't have to be involved in the digging to Le-Koro himself... Taipu, of course, just thinks this is an example of how smart Onepu is, without realising he's being somewhat taken advantage of by his friend - which I can also see not going over well with his teammates if he tries to pull it as a Toa! ^^ I forgot all about that. Onepu sucks for that. Taipu is a national treasure and must be protected at all costs. Quote "You are an absolute in these uncertain times. Your past is forgotten, and your future is an empty book. You must find your own destiny, my brave adventurer." -- Turaga Nokama Click here to visit my library!
Toa-Solek Posted January 8 Posted January 8 So this might sound a little bit weird but Solek is definitely a good contender to be a Toa. He is selfless idolizes the Toa especially Kopaka. He has a warriors heart and a true spirit probably the best Matoran. Quote
Master Inika Posted January 8 Posted January 8 1 hour ago, Toa-Solek said: So this might sound a little bit weird but Solek is definitely a good contender to be a Toa. He is selfless idolizes the Toa especially Kopaka. He has a warriors heart and a true spirit probably the best Matoran. I wonder who your favorite character is, Toa-Solek. Solek occurred to me, but I decided he’d probably get overwhelmed in the heat of battle. Unlike Tanma or Radiak, Solek was never said or implied to be a good warrior. His idol worship of Kopaka wouldn’t necessarily translate to him being an effective Toa himself. He’s like that kid in middle school who was obsessed with military history and knew all the specs to the tanks and planes, but has never actually prepped himself for combat stress and would be basically useless in a real fight (that kid was me). Of all the Matoran, Solek might be the least qualified to be a Toa and most useful as a Matoran, using his knowledge for more behind the scenes stuff. Quote "You are an absolute in these uncertain times. Your past is forgotten, and your future is an empty book. You must find your own destiny, my brave adventurer." -- Turaga Nokama Click here to visit my library!
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