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If you take a glance at the description, the Federation Armed Forces base is actually on the outskirts of the city. Given how much havoc would be wreaked, as you pointed out, if they started fighting in the city, you have messed up. Big time. Because it means you've let an enemy get a whole heck of a lot further than they should ever have gotten. The size of the mechs is very much intentional, and was decided with both the technology levels of the game, the military role they occupy, and the nature of this game in mind. :)


I can address the plot not quite easily as well; it isn't a cold war. The cold war already happened, for the past ten in-universe years. This is the point where the cold war goes hot, and while I am not stating exactly how soon to prevent it from being spoiled, the exact point of change occurs very, very shortly (OOC) after the game starts. It is called "Breaking Point" for a reason. :P


I can fix the Co-Host note quite quickly, just takes a quick edit.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


Posted (edited)

And with any possible concerns addressed, I'll be happy to approve this RPG. I am impressed by the amount of effort that went into fleshing out the world...in particular the equipment. I've had a few long chats with Riku regarding the RPG which has addressed many of the concerns I've had. The world seems well thought out, functional.


And if the insane amount of activity the offsite chat is getting is any indication, there's one heck of a playerbase ready and raring to go. 


Breaking Point [1]

Edited by Havelock Vetinari

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.


If the fighting is supposed to be taking place around Horizon, it might be a good idea to add some information about what the area around Horizon is like. I'm assuming its not going to be particularly lush and verdant since a continent got snapped in half relatively nearby, and that its going to be somewhere equatorial since I believe thats where mass drivers work best. Would sort of help to know if the terrain is desert or mountainous or swampy or whatever.


That and the co-host bit are minor issues though so Breaking Point Approved [x2]



Seems well written, and it looks like there'll be some player dedication to it. Breaking point Approved [x3]


1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89

"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

  • 2 months later...



Space, the final frontier.


Words uttered time and time again by captains and crew across the quadrant, for each the phrase holding a different meaning.  For some, it hearkens back to a simpler time where space was but another land to explore, the next mountain to climb.  And yet others see the vast, unclaimed territory as a place to be conquered and ruled.


Regardless of their motives, each is drawn to the unknown, discovering and fighting, living and dying, in their ceaseless trek among the stars.


The game takes place in 2399, approximately 20 years after Star Trek: Nemesis for the Trekkies around.  The United Federation of Planets, a galactic coalition of a countless number of worlds such as Earth, Vulcan, and Andor, is in high gear.  The Federation has begun pushing its explorative branch, Starfleet, out into the deepest unknowns.  Once again, the Federation is returning to its roots as the premier force for peace and justice for sentients everywhere.  However, conflict still reigns in the quadrant.
The furtive Romulan Star Empire, once a power to be reckoned with, has been crippled after the destruction of its capitol of Romulus 13 years prior.  The Star Empire has been effectively broken up into factions, with individual branches of the once powerful empire grabbing for whatever power can be found.  Any attempts at peace with the Federation have been shattered with their homeworld.
The Klingon Empire, following a political fallout with the Federation, has dissolved all diplomatic ties with its counterpart, and taken an aggressive stance on expanding their claims in the quadrant.  While official war has not quite begun, attacks and retaliations between the Klingons and the Federation are not uncommon.  The Klingon lust for conquest and combat has done little but fan the flames.
Elsewhere, the Borg, a vast race of hivemind cyborgs which forcefully assimilate individuals into their Collective, have returned to the edges of known space, quietly keeping to themselves and waiting for an opportune moment to begin their enigmatic quest to perfection once again…
Then there are those who answer to no one, from pirates to thieves, merchants willing to pay for anything, or young races just making their way to the stars.  Some are friends and some are enemies, some should have been avoided and others need help.
The Ship:
Our city among the stars is the U.S.S. Endeavour, NCC-76230, and will be the primary setting where the RPG takes place.  A Sovereign class cruiser, she’s nearly seven hundred meters long, and armed with enough phasers and photon torpedoes to deal with the worst that the void can throw at her.  The ship is comprised of the standard saucer – secondary hull – nacelles configuration of most Federation vessels.  Crew quarters and labs are located within the saucer, with engineering and cargo bays in the secondary hull.
The Bridge is located atop the saucer section, and accessible via turbolift.  As per usual, the captain’s chair is positioned at the center, with the Operations and Conn stations directly ahead.  Officer’s seats are to the left and right of the captain’s chair, and have access to multi-use consoles.  The main view screen is mounted on the forward bulkhead, with the main systems display opposite it in the rear.  Science and Tactical is positioned on the left and right, with additional stations running the length of the wall.
Inversely, Engineering is buried within the heart of the secondary hull, and contains the matter-antimatter warp core which powers the entire ship.  Emergency force fields can be raised should the core suffer a critical failure, and the core ejected from the ship.  Monitoring consoles are positioned off to the side.
Sickbay, positioned on the portside of the saucer, is home to the Chief Medical Officer (CMO), and is outfitted with the latest medical equipment on offer.  A mark-II emergency medical hologram provides additional medical assistance should the need arise.
Crew quarters run along the saucer, with Officer quarters positioned in the upper decks closer to the bridge, and crew quarters further down.  As the ship is primarily a vessel of exploration, even the most spartan quarters are fully equipped, and customizable according to its occupant’s desires.
The mess is located opposite to sickbay on the starboard side of the saucer, and other than Ten-Forward located at the very tip of the saucer, is generally where the crew congregates.
The Crew:
Chosen from the best of the best, the crew of the Endeavour is comprised of one of the most diverse groups in the Fleet, with species across the quadrant filling its ranks.
To avoid too much character drift, especially the kind in a space RPG, characters will be the Senior Staff of the Endeavour.  Of course, this is subject to change as the story progresses. Character positions are on a first come first serve basis, though the below list is only a loose guide.  Feel free to be creative and make your own.  The only position not up for grabs is Captain, which will be explained below.

  • First Officer: Right hand man, gets things done.
  • Second Officer: Gets things done, generally another position and second officer.
  • Head of Security: Leader of Redshirts.
  • Chief Medical Officer: Get them heals.
  • Chief Engineer: The miracle worker.
  • Conn Officer: Makes the ship do donuts in space.
  • Chief Operations Officer: Tells you how many people died from decompression.
  • Chief Science Officer: Tells you about the life signs on that planet.
  • Chief Tactical Officer: Does the pew pew stuff.


  • Crewman
  • Ensign
  • Lieutenant
  • Lieutenant Commander
  • Commander

Character profile, fields can be added as seen fit.  They only require a single okay from staff.
Name: (As long as it makes sense for the species, go wild.)
Species: (Species will be approved on case-by-case basis.)
Gender: (Or sex, however you prefer to identify them.)
Rank: (From Crewman up to Commander, bear in mind you position.)
Position: (Chief Medical Officer?  Head of Security?  Conn Officer?  Etc.)
Appearance: (Enough detail for others to have a good idea of who they are.)
Personality: (As much or as little detail as is needed.)
Skills: (What can they do?  What are they good at?)
Bio: (However much is needed.)
The Captain:
There’s no playing favorites here, the captain of the ship will be an NPC, and the position initially unavailable for PCs.  The captain will serve as a true NPC, and will primarily be used to move plot along.  In terms of decisions affecting the ship, such as in combat, it can generally be assumed that he’s a-okay with whatever his Officers do.  The game staff, as well as the current GM, will have the last say in what he does, though.
In order to replicate the weekly misadventures within each episode of Star Trek, this RPG will handle plots somewhat differently from most.  Rather than having a large, overarching story as decided by the staff, each player has the chance to create their own story for the crew.  These plots are submitted in a profile similarly to characters, only they require other players' approval rather than just the staff’s.  The player who creates the plot then acts as the “Game Master” for the duration of the plot, allowing them control over NPCs, including the captain, and events.
The profile for this plot is as follows, though fields can be added as needed.
Plot Name: (Every episode has a name.)
Creator(s): (Who worked to bring this story together?)
GM(s): (Who’s going to run the plot?)
Summary: (A general idea of where the plot takes us.  While specific details aren’t needed, do try and include enough information for players to say yay or nay on it.)
Factions: (Who’s involved, what NPCs will be present?  If it’s just a character story, then nothing more than our ship is needed.)
Resolution: (How are some ways that this plot can end?  Will the ending be set in stone, or dependent on character choices?  Just… try not to blow up the ship.)

  • Keep it classy, folks, we’re still on BZP.
  • Personal Characters are the sole property of their creators, and we can only start chopping off arms after they give us the go ahead.
  • Staff is staff for a reason, listen to them if they speak, and they do have the ability to chop off arms with good cause.
  • I think we all know what Star Trek is, but keep the fantasy knights in the holodeck.



Gravity (It's-a me, Grav.)
Snelly (Bones McCoy)




Seems like a good effort. Star Trek: To Boldly Go Approved [x2]


1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89

"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

Posted (edited)

The episode system has quite alot of promise-rotating the managing element of the story like that could really help with the GM fatigue problem that RPGs in these parts tend to run into. I would approve it for that alone, but there is a clear passion on the part of the head GM that makes me believe they will stick around as well. Hopefully, this will result in a strong RPG.


Approved [x3]

Edited by Havelock Vetinari

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

  • 4 months later...
Posted (edited)

As stated, I'm removing Star Trek: To Boldly Go from the judging process to make room for this.









It has been only months after the Battle of Endor and the destruction of the second Death Star battlestation, and with it the Galactic Empire’s head. Both the newly christened New Republic and the Empire are scrambling, consolidating power and swathes of territory as star systems pledge allegiance to one side or the other, only to turn at the slightest provocation (or threat of bombardment from the Imperial Navy). The Empire, hit the hardest from the death of Palpatine, has been struggling with infighting as power-hungry bureaucrats attempt to claim the throne for themselves. While the Council of Moffs have taken de facto control, the initial chaos has allowed the New Republic a number of victories to push the Imperials back from the Outer Rim and to their Core strongholds.
Though facts are in short supply and rumors are everywhere, the ceaseless churning of the Imperial propaganda machine being of no help, news of the former Rebellion’s win has spread like a wild fire, kicking up smaller, local resistance movements across countless worlds.
However, Darth Sidious’ demise has had far more affects than most of the galaxy’s inhabitants can sense, many of which could be devastating to both the fledgling New Republic and weakened Empire. As the waves of darkness, malice, and hate that the Sith Lord had been blanketing the galaxy with dissipate, the Force shines out into void once again, seeking out those who connect to it and igniting old beacons of knowledge. The first to hear this call, unfortunately, were those in the ranks of the Empire’s dark side adepts, the Inquisitors. With Sidious gone, the group of would-be Sith Lords have struck out on a crusade for power, far more than what the previous dark lord would have allowed. This search has led some of their number to the battered world of Taris, where they pursue a Republic agent, and the information which will lead them to the biggest repository of information available: a holocron.
The New Republic is a fledgling government created from the reorganization of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Spurred by the Empire’s defeat at Endor, and the subsequent mass of star systems rallying to their cause, the New Republic has transformed the fighting force of the Rebellion to a legitimate political power. Its seat of government is positioned on the world of Chandrila, with Mon Mothma serving as Chancellor. The Republic is still relatively small compared to the might of the Galactic Empire, though discord throughout the Imperial powerbase has worked to their advantage. Its military consists mainly of starships loaned by sympathetic and member world’s planetary security forces, though Imperial warships from both captures and defectors have been added to their ranks. The Empire is currently under the command of the Council of Moffs, with the even tighter military grip on member worlds forcing many to seek help from the New Republic.
Galactic Empire, a name which sent dread and despair into the hearts of being across the galaxy. The Imperials were severely weakened command-wise with the death of Emperor Palpatine, the Sith Lord’s direct approach to government proving to be a weakness once the head was severed from the body. While theoretically they are still the reigning power in the Galaxy, infighting between Moffs and the slow breakaway of star systems from their iron grip has cut down the Empire’s effective strength immensely. However, an Imperial cruiser parked in orbit is still an effective deterrent to open rebellion.
The Inquisitorius, on the other hand, was a name that scarcely few would recognize, and those that did would never speak it aloud. Originally a branch of Imperial Intelligence, the organization has since grown into its own distinct entity, some say even from the Empire itself. The organization is made up of Force-sensitive individuals, all trained in the dark ways of the Sith by the late Darth Sidious and Vader. These acolytes, while not full Sith Lords, are still brutally effective Jedi Killers, and the freedom from their dark master has only made them more dangerous. Their primary objective was to hunt down and either kill or convert the remaining Jedi after Order 66, though they also worked to gather artifacts of the Force and recruit Force-sensitive younglings to their cause. The Inquisitorius is lead by the Grand Inquisitor, and the organization is quite small compared to the other military branches of the Empire. Even so, they do have their own small fleet of black-armored Imperial ships to command, in addition to what power they can take from the Moffs.
Your story begins on the Outer Rim world of Taris, a polluted, industrial planet that has been plagued by war over the millennia. The wrecks of starships and the glass craters of orbital bombardment sit side by side with massive skyscrapers of the rich and the battered huts of the poor. While still regarded as a major world, Taris’ influence has dwindled over the years, and suffered even more so under the rule of the Empire. It is technically an Imperial planet, not many Imperials would be caught visiting. The capital city is a gleaming mass of durasteel buildings, rising just above the yellow smog, positioned next to the planet’s major spaceport. Around the spaceport are clusters of ramshackle buildings, houses, and less-than-savory businesses. Every piece of available land that isn’t swamp, and some that is, is taken up by the less fortunate of the planet’s population. On the other end of the city is the Imperial Garrison, which has access to enough Stormtroopers, Imperial Army personnel, and TIE fighters to quell most public riots. The garrison’s commander, however, isn’t too picky when it comes to where the credits in his pocket come from.
Is there a way off this dreary world, well, nothing's impossible. The Force is pulling the strings, and always in motion, the future is.
Your heroes and villains. Fields in bold are required, others can be added and removed as needed.
Gender/Species: Only rule is being sensible when it comes to species.
Appearance: Description, picture, anything that accurately portrays them works.
Skills: What are the good at? Do they have any natural abilities?
Force Abilities: For those that are Force Sensitive. Includes both specific techniques and passive benefits (e.g., Force Lightning or a perception boost respectively). Do note, characters are not going to be throwing X-Wings around without proper training, and most aren’t even going to be aware of the Force to begin with.
Equipment: Blasters, comlinks, old rusty knives, etc?
Personality: What are some of their mannerisms, how do they carry themselves?
History: Who are they, where are they from, how did they end up on Taris? This RPG is going to focus very much on the advancement of characters, so starting out as the most powerful ever may hamper interaction.
Ship: Do they own a starship?
Affiliation: Galactic Empire, New Republic, a lone mercenary, a Hutt Cartel enforcer, who do they call allies, if they have any?
Rank: If part of a larger organization, do note that Imperial Moffs aren’t likely to concern themselves with these events, and the New Republic leadership is too busy trying to keep a government together to notice.
Position: Say if they’re part of the crew of a cruiser or on a squad of soldiers.
Alignment: Good, evil, justice, money, adventure, knowledge, what do they value?

  • BZPower general rules apply, as always folks.
  • Keep it classy, that includes OOC behavior and such. Don't be that guy.
  • Your characters are your own and others' are their own, express permission is required by a player before anything drastic is done to their character.
  • Profiles only require a single approval from staff.


Co-Host: Tyler

Edited by M31
  • Upvote 5



Posted (edited)



’Some witch told you that!– some witch told you that!’ cried the little man, and dashed his right foot in a rage so deep into the floor, that it sank in up to his waist; then in a passion he seized the left foot with both hands and tore himself in two.


-Rumpelstiltskin, the Brothers Grimm


approved x1



Edited by Neopolitan
  • Upvote 6



"I encounter civilians like you all the time. You believe the Empire is continually plotting to do harm. Let me tell you, your view of the Empire is far too dramatic. The Empire is a government. It keeps billions of beings fed and clothed. Day after day, year after year, on thousands of worlds, people live their lives under Imperial rule without seeing a stormtrooper or hearing a TIE fighter scream overhead."

―Captain Thrawn, to Tash Arranda


Approved x2.


  • Upvote 2

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.


Belated approval x3

  • Upvote 1


1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89

"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

  • 4 years later...

Halo: Excursion


The year is 2558. The Human-Covenant war is over, but the universe remains a dangerous place. Jul ‘Mdama’s Covenant Remnants are still at large. The Insurrection lies hidden in countless human colonies. The UEG is finally beginning to recover from its nearly 30 year long conflict with the most powerful military force it had ever faced. Pirates roam the outer edges of colonised territories, while the Halo array sits quietly, secretly holding some of the galaxy's darkest threats and secrets. On the edges of Human space, ONI Strident-class frigate, FFG Prophet of Retribution, has gone missing. The UNSC doesn’t have many resources to spare, but with the surge in Spartan-IVs following the events on the Forerunner shield world of Requiem, and with help from the forces under Thel ‘Vadam and his Swords of Sanghelios, they can afford to send a few of the best. The UNSC dispatched the newly refurbished UNSC Madrigal to investigate. This old design has been given new life with energy shielding and plasma weaponry. Its hangar has been expanded, and most of the Marine bunks removed and replaced with a rudimentary War Game simulator. After several weeks of patrols in the area, and a few run-ins with local pirate gangs, the crew of the Madrigal finally got a solid lead: One of the pirate crews mentioned a Human ship that was attacked by a big pirate gang but got away. Two old Covenant Corvettes, led by a T’voan Kig-Yar Matriarch, D’vorra. The first Operation to be undertaken in the search for the PoR, Operation TAKEN FLAG, begins immediate preparation. 


The Madrigal

Your home away from home. The Madrigal is a Halberd-class destroyer that was nearly lost in the Battle for Earth in 2552. Now she’s been given new life, with energy shielding technology and 4 plasma cannons replacing 14 of it’s Archer Missile bays. As stated previously, most of her 50 Marine bunk capacity has been gutted, and replaced with a simplified version of the War Games simulator found on larger installations such as the Infinity or ANVIL station. This simulator is not nearly as advanced, relying on larger, simpler risers, and hologram projectors. The hangar has also been expanded, allowing space for two F-41 Broadsword interceptors, as well as eight OF92 Booster Frames. One of the Madrigal’s usual Pelican dropships was lost to ensure adequate space. The remaining Pelican was replaced with the upgunned G79H variant.


The Crew

The remaining original crew of the Madrigal are career officers, all having served during the Human-Covenant War. Many of them are recent acquisitions, though, picked from a selection of candidates by Captain Jerome Blake. Blake is a private man, and is rarely seen outside the bridge. His crew are diligent and perform their jobs exceptionally. The Madrigal no longer carries a complement of Marines, but does have a dedicated ODST Squad on board, for ship security. This squad was picked from the best of the Madrigal’s former Marine complement. Known colloquially as Hammer Squad, these elite troops keep the crew safe and occasionally are sent in as support for Spartan operatives.


Character Profile layout:


Name: (What’s your name, soldier?)

Species: (Because maybe you prefer one of those alien types?)

Gender: (What’re your pronouns, fam?)

Age: (How old are you?)

Appearance: (This can be a written description, a picture, fan art, whatever. Source your arts, people.)

Rank: (Where do you fall in your rank structure? A note: Spartan-IVs are all ranked as Spartans, but can hold certain inter-Spartan ranks and specialisations, whereas older Spartan units fell under UNSC Naval NCO ranks. These ranks have since been mostly swept under the regular branch ranking system.)

Personality: (What are you like, what makes you, you?)

Background: (Where you come from, what you did before now, how you got here, if you want to go there)

Equipment: (What’s your loadout? Feel free to get creative, but don’t go crazy.)

Skills: (Any specialisations or extracurricular skills to note? Put ‘em here!)

Flaws:(These aren’t optional, where are your breaking points, what holds you back, and where can I poke to give you delicious character development?)



1. Forum rules obviously apply. Keep it clean! Don’t make the admins come into our home.

2.  We write this together. I may know the story beats, but we all work together to reach them. So be nice to each other!

3. If you have issues, talk about ‘em! I can’t know something isn’t working if you don’t tell me, so don’t be afraid to do so!

4. This one’s a little special. Since we’re all doing this jolly cooperation thing, I’m also gonna be pretty lax with what you as players can control. My idea is to allow you guys to write scenes that are dynamic and enjoyable to read and write, and so I don’t end up with a players vs GM situation. That means you can control NPCs not only on the ship, but also enemy NPCs during missions, within reasonable limits. I ask that you take this responsibly, and not make every NPC you interact with a bunch of brainless zombies waiting for the slaughter. 

5. It will likely not be an issue here, as PvP isn’t super likely to happen but if you guys ever fire up the simulator for a round of War Games, let's put it all out here. Don’t god-mod or auto-hit, y’all know the drill by now. 

6. Be original fam, keep your characters away from canon bloodlines at all costs.

7. Keep your loadouts sane. Upgraded or tinkered with weapons are fine. I will even approve most REQ weapons. Most. Looking at you, Void’s Tear.


Other Important stuff:

This RP is by design, a short term game. It has a definitive endpoint in mind. That endpoint is not designed to end characters in any way(unless you want it to, of course) and if players are willing, the game can be extended past this endpoint!

I’m only human, and I’m inherently fallible. Mistakes will be made here and there. I’m also not the most experienced of GMs, as many of you know. I’ve helped run a game here in OTC and I took over for Corpus Rahkshi when our dear friend Adders vanished. If something seems amiss or if I’m being a butt head about something, lemme know, cause I genuinely want to be as excellent a GM as I can be for you all!

Oh! Most important, is this here magic link that will take you to the best place to look up stuff that might be unfamiliar to you: https://www.halopedia.org/


Looks solid. All the necessities seem to be in place, and seeing as the only RPG running right now seems to be Interrugnum I have no qualms about approving a second. Looking forward to seeing how this goes.


  • Like 1



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


Posted (edited)

You're too nice to your players, Chumpu-kun. You have to put the fear of God in them early. Not only that, you have to reteach them what God is. There's no bearded, benevolent Zeus-like figure, no more fatherly variant of Odin, no Indra to guide their path; none of those guys have BZP accounts.

It's you.

You're God.

Repeat it in the mirror every night until you start believing it, and you'll never need to worry about GMing again.

Anyway your game looks good and I know it has a lot of interest ready-made, so approved x3.


Edited by Tyler Durden
  • Like 3




Sorry, no dramatics from me, I barely got logged back in here. Consider yourself approved x4. I guess if the big boss isn't around anymore that's that.

  • Like 3


1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89

"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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