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Here is an older, dismantled MOC of mine that I still had pictures of, so I figured I'd post them. (sorry if it's blurry)Fronthttp://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/Aedai-Rivin/Kappa/kappa_front.jpgBackhttp://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/Aedai-Rivin/Kappa/kappa_tails.jpgClose up of face without maskhttp://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/Aedai-Rivin/Kappa/kappa_no_mask.jpg C&C Welcome as usual. Rivin

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The overall look is neat, however it is blocky. The head is really nice, with the pairs of blue eyes. In the future, try to avoid the type of arm joints done here (free ball joints only work when the socket is on the lower arm, the bulb being on the upper arm, allowing a pivot motion along with vertical motion). Also avoid that kind of armoring (using socket pieces attached via bulbs). Regardless, nicely done. a_peace.png

15037057692_2fb1ce338a_t.jpg     15034366641_d827682ab5_m.jpg     15037424595_cf284dac70_t.jpg


Toa Gali Nuva

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