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Sir Ptolemic Of Zyglak

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Ugh, I can't believe (yes, I can actually) that I slacked off and karzed the schedule I made.Anyway, heres the next comic. It's a flashback comic, and the next present comic will have a lot to do with this comicSo here it is.It's also the first of many to come personality comics I'll be making. Showing color meeanings for the eyes and heartstone.Light green is his standard in the past, and light blue is his current standard.Flashback comics will from now on be silent, for the most part.

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Awesome comic, its good to know all the meaning of the eyes and such. Also your use of the chimoru r kit is astounding, even though I created it I didn't know you could create half the poses you did in the comic. :sadlike:Also that background is completely awesome.I do like the idea of having the flashbacks silent, its an awesome idea. Awesome job on the comic and keep up the great work,~Soran


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Thanks :biggrin:A lot of the poses I made by using individual parts and rotating them to fit the need to have the best effect, I plan on continuing that, it just happens to make comic making much longer then it normally would :PI DON'T WANT TO SPOIL ANYTHING BUT I CAN'T WAIT TO REVEAL WHAT THOSE LAST PANELS ARE ABOUT GAAAAAAAHWorking on next comic....now (its gonna be a pain in the karz to do some of the effects, but whatever :P)

Edited by Ptolemaios
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HEY EVERYBODYNo, not a new comic, sorry, but heres my newest kit for those of you who need it (such as Soran and Ler)LinkIt is in 2x, since thats what I use, but it is all able to shrunk down to regular size, even the guns (yes, even the TINY ones)Now, this version (v3...I think) the white eyes/heart are his standard, the other colors are courtesy of Soran.And now onto business, I am working on a comic, and due to powerouts caused by yet another heat wave, me changing it every few days, and trying to work on effects, it might not be out for a few days, but, I am working on it as you read this! (Most likely)Anyway, it speeds up through the memories, shows some present matters, and explains the connection with Ler (that might come seperate, as I want to talk to him about how he thinks it will fit best with what he is already doing)So do not fear, for I HAVE been working on this and not being a slacker, I'm just picky :P

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