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Aloft: Castle In The Sky

Blessed Blade

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OOC: I'm in space. Come here space! Help me space cops. SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACE!!-==IC: Tower/Joskirre==-Of course, Joskirre's vision didn't return to normal. For a while. Then it returned just as quickly as it had gone odd.-=IC: Tower/Shaaltar==-That worked. As the group performed parkour up the tower, they would notice quite a few robots; all destroyed, and some animals, all dead."What happened here?" One of the members wondered with a frown.

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OOC: Oh sorry, I keep thinking I replied even though I didn't.IC: Joskirre: Narcesti:Joskirre sighed and continued up the tower until he was at the top. He looked around.IC: Shaaltar: Pheosus:"How would I know?" Shaaltar asked as they neared the top of the tower. He pulled himself up onto the top floor and began looking for this crystal or whatever he was supposed to find.

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OOC: I know the feeling. xD-==IC: Joskirre's Tower==-Once at the top, he would notice a tower with a bridge leading closer to the central location... And an entrance further down. However, before he could wonder how he'd get there, the tower shook and broke, and fell toward the other tower, coincidentally landing right next to the entrance. Kinda suspicious as well, however...-==IC: Shaaltar's Tower==-The Machine member shrugged."It was a rhetorical question." He muttered, as they continued to climb the tower, and finally reached the top. In the centre of the room, Shaaltar would notice the Power Crystal that powered the defenses... However, this place didn't seem any more stable than the rest.OOC: How agile and durable would you say Agori and Glatorian are? =P

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OOC: I don't know, but I'd think more than humans.IC: Joskirre: Narcesti:Joskirre swore as he and Endelig grabbed onto the nearest stable object they could get their hands on. He shut his eyes and braced for the impact. When the towers collided, he lost his grip and was flung across the room, nearly sliding out of the tower. He was able to grab onto the edge of the next tower, however, and pulled himself in.Endelig worked his way down the tower, barely managing not to lose his footing. He jumped across the small gap and into the same tower as Joskirre. They both looked around the new room.IC: Shaaltar: Pheosus:Shaaltar frowned. They were pretty high up and this place didn't seem very safe. "Work your way back down, I'll be with you in a moment," he told the others as he began slowly walking to the crystal.

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OOC: You might wanna be prepared for a drop, then, just saying. =P-==IC: Shaaltar's Tower==-As he approached the crystal, he could hear crumbling. And the fact that it sounded like it was coming from below him wasn't too reassuring... However, he was nearing the crystal, so that was all that mattered... Right?-==IC: Joskirre's Tower==-The room had plant covered ruins of metallic objects; including a couple weapons, perhaps from the previous owners. There was a makeshift ladder in place, though stairs seemed to have been built over them after they were initially created, leading upwards... Though they weren't more intact than the rest of the ruins.

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IC: Joskirre: Narcesti:Joskirre grabbed the weapons, studying them as he ascended the stairs. At the top, he looked up from them to search the room.IC: Shaaltar: Pheosus:Shaaltar now had the crystal in arm's reach. He took a deep breath and reached out to take it.

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OOC: Wow. xD Didn't expect Joskirre to once again pick up every random object he came across, but okay, that works too. =P-==IC: Joskirre's Tower==-One was a normal broadsword, and the other was a slightly broken mace; both were rather rusted, but given that they were from the ruins, should fetch some money. As he reached the next floor, he would notice that this tower looked kinda like a bedroom of sorts, with a couple broken wooden beds, and a rotten table. There was also an exit to the bridge, if Joskirre looked at that.-==IC: Shaaltar==-That wasn't the best move. The crumbling sound? Was the floor about to collapse. Of course, Shaaltar had grabbed the crystal first, but that might've been the cause. Regardless, he needed to move, as the floor was rapidly collapsing, falling away in chunks. In fact, Shaaltar should hope that the two he had sent on ahead had already reached a safe spot, otherwise they might be hit with it too. Not that that should've concerned Shaaltar, given that if he thought about that too much, he'd be falling with it. Though, it wouldn't be that big a deal, given that the second crystal was removed...-==IC: Sykar==-Meanwhile, Sykar was fighting his way through the monsters, who had apparently all migrated to his tower."Why do I have this funny feeling I'm doing all the work..." Sykar muttered, as he kicked one of his opponents to the ground floor. He finally made his way to the top floor, having started the tower just after dropping off Shaaltar, and walked to where the Crystal was, and then grabbed it.-==IC: Pheosus==-From the center of the area, and audible clunk could be heard, all throughout the towers, signifying that the final defense had been dropped, and that the central tower could then be entered.

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IC: Joskirre: Narcesti:Joskirre put away the mace, but he didn't have enough room for the broadsword, so he held it. He left the room and went out onto the bridge.IC: Shaaltar: Pheosus:Shaaltar turned around, jumped over a fallen section of floor and ran for the staircase. The floor fell out from under him right before he reached it, but he was able to grab onto part of it as he fell. Of course, that collapsed too, but he landed right onto another part. He continued to work his way down.OOC: Gotta go, Transformers: Fall of Cybertron just got here. Don't expect to see me much. =P

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OOC: See you next month. =P Though, try and get on sooner, I'd like to get you to Iztriliador before the contest ends, if at all possible. =P-==IC: Joskirre's Tower==-Nothing happened, which was a first. and to boot, the bridge led straight to the central tower! This seemed way too easy...-==IC: Shaaltar's Tower==-Despite seemingly the entire tower collapsing quickly, Shaaltar was lucky enough to land on the sections of the staircase that were intact, as he made his way down the tower.

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KaelenIC: After making their way down the tower, Kaelen led his group toward the central tower. Hopefully the rest of the party would meet up with them there.

"I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."



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-==IC: Kaelen, Tower==-As obvious by now, Kaelen was the luckiest, and nothing happened. However, another clunk rang out from the Central tower, this time sounding as if something was trying to free itself from the tower...

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KaelenIC: While they waited, Kaelen set his team up in defensive positions around the area. Ready in case something came from the outside or inside.

"I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."



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[Co-GM]Sykar's KnifeThe knife... well, it wasn't twisting nearly as much as when he had used it to gut his former lieutenant. But it was still changing. By now, the weapon Sykar held was a terrible, twisted blade of a shape no mortal forge could mold it into. It was designed perfectly to strike the least armored area on the Glatorian chest and, with a single midway twist, reach the heart.OOC: Sounds cool.IC: Saphiron / Faithful AirshipsSaphiron looked around as everybody was loading up, still. Hmm. When would they get back?-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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OOC: I was going for that they were already in the air, actually. =P But...-==IC: (Earlier) Seiran==-"Alright, let's get going." Seiran said, as the airship lifted off, and headed back toward the City.-==IC: (Now) Seiran==-Seiran nodded, as the City drew into sight, only being a little ways away then."Alright; we're approaching the City; be prepared to gather the supplies, and get them unloaded as soon as possible." She said to the others with a nod.OOC: New idea for what's going on, thought up right on the spot. Oooh this'll be good. >=)

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IC: Joskirre: Narcesti:Joskirre stepped cautiously onto the bridge. This was the last one, there was bound to be a trap or something. He tapped the ground in front of him with his cane as he walked, hoping to trigger any traps before he was close enough to be killed by them.IC: Shaaltar: Pheosus:Shaaltar grunted as he hit the ground, having jumped from a bit too high up. But as the next place on the staircase he could have jumped to was buried by rubble, it became apparent the longer fall had been his only option. He hobbled out of the tower and stopped where his group was gathered, a safe distance away in case it fell towards them.

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-==IC: Joskirre's Tower==-Contrary to his luck so far, nothing happened at Joskirre advanced across the bridge. It couldn't be this easy, could it? Apparently, it could, as he reached the door to the tower with absolutely no fanfare.-==IC: Shaaltar's Tower==-Which was lucky, as the entire tower began to collapse the moment Shaaltar walked out of the place. Apparently that crystal had been the only thing keeping it upright. Whoops.

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OOC: I've been itching for a fight.IC: Aakhun / NarcestiOf course it wasn't! As Joskirre turned, he would see a lizard, vertically clinging to the tower he had just exited from, with a strange Vorox riding it. The lizard quickly ran down and came up on the bridge, the Vorox staring forwards as it edged it mount towards him."Your move, intruder." he said with a wicked grin.OOC: Run? :P-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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OOC: I don't believe I ever mentioned him putting his crossbow away, did I? And nothing that happened would have required him to, I believe.IC: Joskirre: Narcesti:Joskirre turned, raised his cane and fired his still-loaded crossbow at the vorox's chest, stepping backward into the central tower as he did so.OOC: Agori sweat, right? =PIC: Shaaltar: Pheosus:Shaaltar sighed, pulling his helmet off. However, it went right back on after he wiped the sweat off his face. Contrary to what one might believe after seeing his narrow escape from that tower, he didn't take risks very often. He began to lead his group toward the central tower, and the other two groups.

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IC: Aakhun / NarcestiThe Vorox noted the Glatorian's weapon and saw him readying it for fire. When the bolt fired, he turned his mount to the side, and him with it, allowing the bolt to whiz past. Another turn and the lizard quickly closed the gap a few seconds after Joskirre made his way into the central tower.Once there, he let out a growl and quickly tossed himself off the lizard, who he commanded to wait for him. He was sure the rooms would have adequate space, but any number of problems might emerge within. Better to go now.Luckily, he knew that his quarry had a crossbow - a weapon that was slow to reload. He could use that to his advantage as he began the hunt...-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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OOC: Well, unless he has three hands he might've had to put the cane away in favour of the broadsword, but yeah, that'd be right. =P-==IC: Sykar==-Sykar made his way to the central tower at about the same time the others did."Alright, we got everything, let's get going to finish this, and retrieve our prize."

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OOC: I figured he had it over his shoulder. =PAlso, someone needs to PM Vorex.IC: Joskirre: Narcesti:Joskirre and Endelig ducked into a room. He put the crossbow back into the cane and deployed the blade and umbrella. He opened a second door a bit and peeked outside. Seeing nothing, he stepped out of it, looking both ways as he did so. He seemed to be in a hallway now. He opened up another door and entered that room.OOC: Blargh, keep forgetting about Endelig. =P

Edited by Burnmad: Toa of Emoticons

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OOC: Yes, because once this ruin is finished, Ian's going to be introduced, and while I could pull off the character rather well now, I think Vorex was the one anticipating it the most. =)And I still think Joskirre was partially based on Urahara, for the record, with the cane sword. =P-==IC: Narcesti==-Nothing was in that room seemingly, though a slight rumbling could be heard in the distance. It was unknown what it was, but it may have been the Vorox chasing Joskirre at that moment... Or something else. Something ancient. Naaah, it was likely the Vorox, right?

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OOC: Never heard of him. =PIC: Joskirre: Narcesti:What was that sound? Was that the Vorox? Jeez, he shouldn't eat so many... Whatever it was Vorox ate. People? Grubs? Sand?Joskirre decided it would probably be better to focus on how to get away from the Vorox. There were two doors in the room. He chose the right one, then regretted it as it was a straight hallway that only had one other door, at the other end, and the rumbling began to get slightly louder.He was about to turn around when he heard the sound of Aakhun entering the room he had just been in. He kept going. The first rumbling he had heard seemed more distant than Aakhun's, so he might be able to change direction away from both in the room at the other end of the hallway.

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KaelenIC: At Sykar's words, Kaelen walked to the door and got ready to open them. Once everybody was ready he would do it and they would see what was one the other side.

"I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."



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IC: Joskirre: Narcesti:Joskirre ran as fast as he could. The rumbling was getting louder, but he couldn't turn back now. He was sure the Vorox was right on his heels. He pushed open a door at the end of the hallway.IC: Shaaltar: Pheosus:Shaaltar led his group to the door, too.

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-==IC: Sykar==-Sykar nodded, and walked to the door as well."Let's do this." Sykar said, as he waited to see what lie beyond the door...-==IC: Kreinan==-The group walked for what seemed hours; before finally arriving at a room."Finally, was starting to wonder if this was just an endless hallway..." Kreinan muttered, and looked around."Any sign of the key?"-==IC: Joskirre's Tower==-The door opened, and Joskirre entered it; the door slamming closed behind him. Even as that happened, the Vorox from earlier stepped in front of Aakhun."You, take the Agori. But that Glatorian is mine." The female sounding voice that wasn't from the Vorox stated, as the Vorox himself began to head toward the room.OOC: I hope Cosmic gets back soon. =P

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OOC: My bad. =/-==IC: Kreinan==-Kreinan frowned, as he looked around the room; which was just as empty as the rest of the place, seemingly."Dead end..." Kreinan muttered, but paused, as he wondered..."Maybe it's blending in..." Kreinan mused, as he scanned the room again, for any sign of the key.

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IC: Aakhun / TowerAakhun thought for a moment. This Vorox was one of those 'elite' ones he had given the description of the place to. And none of them had used mounts, nor had he seen them moving up the tower. Which meant that this one must have found another way up. Perhaps a piece of Glatorian technology. Then there was the fact this was a female voice coming from a male of the species.He had never met the Glatorian or the Agori before, nor had he heard of any like them in the old lists of enemies from the core war. At least, not that he could know of. There was the chance this Vorox was being controlled over a long distance by one of their shamans or other leaders, with some sort of technological marvel, but that seemed pretty unlikely.Which meant this being was not of the Vorox. They wanted to help, for whatever reason, but that didn't matter. He was Aakhun, he who had honor and he who had skill, he was the epitome of a Sand Tribe warrior, and he did not need the help of any lesser Vorox or magical spirits, or whatever this was that had take control of this others body.Now, this being wanted to take out the Fire Glatorian, which meant a personal vendetta. And they obviously couldn't also take the Agori at the same time, which meant they were weak, and they were not worthy of fighting. And they were trying to make him remove the Agori, instead of using surprise to try to kill him, and then take out the two. They wanted to manipulate him. How dare this person!So, as the other 'Vorox' moved past him, he lunged forward with his spear, going for an immediate and very, very lethal shot to the back.OOC: I was feeling contrary.Also: Honor does not mean refusing to stab your enemy in the back.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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-==IC: Vorox==-The Vorox, with surprising speed for one considered to be 'weak', turned, and grabbed the spear; initially by the blade, but that sliced his hand, which instead grabbed the actual spear, even as the Vorox glared at Aakhun."Hmm. Well this is surprising. Never would've expected an in-fight; except on the Elder's orders. Oh well. This could lead to science as well. I should be pleased by these results anyway." The voice stated; in a voice directly the opposite of what the Vorox was showing. If Aakhun looked; there was actually an external voice box on the collar of his armour; a 'speaker' as some would call it.-==IC: Sabbia==-As Sabbia stepped into the chamber, a growling erupted from the chamber, and the source then dropped down... A mechanical variant of the Green Razorclaw. The only problem... Was that it's sound was definitely not proportional to the size of the dinosaur; given that, if Sabbia and Joskirre turned to look, it would be about half the size of them, smaller than even normal kinds of the Green Razorclaw./EDIT:-==IC: Room==-7's question was answered the next moment, as his hand brushed the key that they were looking for.

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IC: Aakhun / Tower"It's not infighting when you're not fighting someone who's 'in', and your argument is invalid." he replied, releasing his hold of his spear. The orange glow around his hand faded away as he moved forward with the greatest speed he could muster, drawing his hunting knife in the same motion. He assumed his enemy would attempt to take the spear as a natural reflex, which would be a minor distraction. He also counted on the fact that would be surprising.He attempted to plunge his knife into his enemy. Or, at least, that's how it looked. At the last second he twisted his arm from vertical, rising and going down, to horizontal, coming in from the left to the right and forwards, in an attempt to strike the strange voicebox.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

Edited by Toa Levacius Zehvor

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: Joskirre: Narcesti:Joskirre frowned, and prepared to swing his cane, and the blade at the end of it by extension, at whichever of the two opponents in the room attacked first.

Edited by Burnmad: Toa of Emoticons

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-==IC: Vorox==-The Vorox, however, simply raised his arm containing the spear, intending to use that to block the blow, one way or the other, as his free hand drew his sword."Oh, how listening to you two squabble is fun. But it does not help science at all. So I'm sure we could put our differences aside. For science. You monster." The voice said, as the Vorox simply shook his head, as Aakhun wasn't getting something. So he simply smirked, and struck out toward the Vorox's left shoulder quickly.-==IC: Construct==-The construct looked from Sabbia to Joskirre. However, Joskirre's luck was naturally horrid, and he was obviously targeted first, the mechnical dinosaur sprinting rather quickly toward the unlucky Glatorian.

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