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Toa of Shadow

Guest Takua the Chronicler7

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In my opinion, the shoulders should be bulked up more to fit with the rest of his armored bod.

Steam Name: Toa Hahli Mahri. Xbox Live Gamertag: Makuta. Minecraft Username: ThePoohster.

Wants: 2003 Jaller (from Jaller and Gukko), Exo-Toa, Turaga Nuju, Turaga Vakama, Shadow Kraata, Axonn, Brutaka, Vezon & Fenrakk, Nocturn, ORANGE FIKOU.

I got rid of my picture, are you happy?





not a bad MOC here. I especially like the use of the Kraakahn for the mask. not canon of course ;). you might want to try bulking him up a bit, say giving him upper leg and upper arm armor. the color blending is good, and that is an ingenious way to put a Kraakahn on a MOC.

Guest Takua the Chronicler7
Honestly speaking, I must say it looks just like a Toa Nuparu Inika, however I would suggest you put some more armor and maybe change some pieces here and there, nice spears by the way!
That's because I don't have enough black pieces:p, but I'll fix it up. Same with the thing about armor.

Pretty simple; not much unique about it. I do think the color scheme is good, and it flows well. Cool MOC for something you threw together for fun the other day. :P


Meiko - @georgebarnick

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