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Nuju Metru

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I do second the Lorax's idea of building radio towers for all the Koro's, something the village leaders should work on from the last page.


Just curious, but does anyone think that the Rora's sudden death will result in a delay of the mission to Mata Nui, or at least put someone else in command? With a power struggle at home, it doesn't make any sense for the Chojo or maybe even Desde to go, so if anyone leaves, it would probably be someone further down the command chain.

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Its short with a bit of a mixed message and probably not put together all that well, but this is something I like the call



"I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."



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Anyone know who the Daedra winners are? Looks like I've lost the contest for the third time.


One day, y'all. One day.


The Daedra are gathering in Le-Wahi. Their identities will be collectively announced IC shortly.


I will, however, take this chance to publicly thank everyone who submitted a profile, and express my regrets that I could not accept every application. There were some truly great characters submitted, and choosing between them was not easy.

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Just curious, but does anyone think that the Rora's sudden death will result in a delay of the mission to Mata Nui, or at least put someone else in command? With a power struggle at home, it doesn't make any sense for the Chojo or maybe even Desde to go, so if anyone leaves, it would probably be someone further down the command chain.

In short: The assassination actually changes little in the way of the expedition and Yumiwa will be going on it as planned.


This may make some people shake their heads and think, "Huh?" And yeah, it'll be Yumiwa's kneejerk reaction that she should send a delegate to tend to her realm, but there are some complex components to the mix. The issue of a royal delegate and continued balance at home will be answered in full as events unfold.


From an OOC perspective, people have been waiting for the expedition and its visit to Mata Nui for too long already and it would be unfair to just steal the promise of looming interactions just as soon as the final planning stages for it are being completed. So, it'll be happening.

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Your Majesty

Umbraline Yumiwa / Korae Inokio


For all intents and purposes, the party is effectively dissolved. I'll be moving forward at a breakneck pace for the next couple days (some IRL things loom ahead starting Friday and I want to get things done and moving before I leave) so anyone is welcome to timeskip to the next day after the party if they so choose.


It's been a cool party, but now we're moving on. There'll be a private funeral and a public coronation to come.

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This all seems rather interesting. :3 I plan on joining once I figure things out. I'm excited, but I wanna make sure my character is worth it. This roleplay seems too awesome to just throw something together like I usually do. X3 Besides, this might be a good way to vent out my hidden Bionicle fangirl that gets locked up inside.


I'm not sure if I'm allowed to ask questions here (I apologize if that is the case...) but originally I'd planned for my Matoran to have a Rahi that she uses for both protection and transportation. I haven't been able to find anything concerning whether that's allowed or not... but it worries me because that might border on an NPC of sorts. So I thought I'd ask. I'd be more than happy to say something happened to the Rahi if I need to, and give her a new form of defense. Maybe it got injured and she had to retire it as a pet; who knows. Anything works for me.


Also, out of curiosity... I noticed there are a LOT of Toa characters. I didn't expect anything less, of course. Just curious as to why that works...? Seems fun, but there are so many already. lD

"a b c d e f g, Rahkshi are my enemy.

Some are black, some are blue.

That one's chewing on my shoe.

Now I'm running for my life,

One of the Rahkshi has a knife!"

~ My 8 year old sister



Tukeli [+Kiru]




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Welcome PancakeShiners. Always nice to see new players.


Welcome. Questions are appreciated.


Let's see, Rahi.


They're fine. Although it can sorta depends on what type of Rahi it is.


And the large amount of Toa is because magic powers.


Yeah, about Rahi, like Hubert said it depends. Is the Rahi of the type that Matoran already have domesticated, like an Ussal or a Gukko? Then you shouldn't have a problem, but for anything else you might want to at least drop staff a few questions to be certain. For the record, our staff would be the players currently going by EmpressYumiwa, Nuju Metru and Plank Sinatra.


As for Toa, it's basically been established that after the Toa Mata were killed by Makuta (known as "The First Toa"), the great spirit essentially went for quantity over quality, and as such Toa began popping up everywhere.


The other, and probably the more likely reason is that we're Bionicle fans, and we want to play Toa, :P. It's no small secret that Toa make up the largest character group by far.


Really, just go ahead and do what you like, as long as you follow the rules we're not gonna complain :P


If you have any other questions, feel free to ask, that is absolutely what this place is for.

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Well, I did my research, and I read that the Le-Matoran did tame some of the Nui-Rama for use alongside the Gukko. I understand if that doesn't work, I can find something else. Or again, I can render it incapable of fighting through an injury, so it served its purpose in the past but no longer works as a working Rahi. I guess if it came to it I'd probably go with a Ussal Crab... doesn't matter to me, originally I'd wanted to try something a little different, but in the end I don't really mind. Hehe. Besides, Ussal Crabs are adorable, if a little mainstream.


Hmm... I might go the Toa route.

Just to be mean to my socially/emotionally unstable Ga-Matoran. XD


Thanks. :3

"a b c d e f g, Rahkshi are my enemy.

Some are black, some are blue.

That one's chewing on my shoe.

Now I'm running for my life,

One of the Rahkshi has a knife!"

~ My 8 year old sister



Tukeli [+Kiru]




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What has been said above is completely correct, but just for completeness's saka I feel like i should cite the exact rule. This is from the N&D topic of the 2011 arc (for some reason it isn't in this one).


Q: Can I have a mount/ride? If so, what kind?
A: Yes, your character is allowed to have a pet/mount. However, this companion Rahi of yours must be reasonable – no taming Nui-Rama or other powerful/evil Rahi is allowed unless you have both a very good reason and staff permission. If you have to ask yourself, “Is this Rahi too powerful?” then odds are that it is. Take the safe route and go for something smaller. Beasties like Ussals, Gukkos, etc., animals that we already know have been tamed by Matoran on Mata Nui, however, are perfectly okay. And no, other characters can’t kill or maim your mount without your permission – owned animals are like PC’s in combat.



To be honest though, the part about powerful/evil rahi is a bit outdated. We don't have Makuta controlling rahi anymore, so the creatures are no longer a great adversary for the Matoran of Mata Nui. Kikanalo, nui-rama and many other powerful species have been used since Makuta's fall, all legitimately within the game.


To sum up: yes, your character should be fine.


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Yeah, there is a lot to go over. XD I'm excited though, I'll probably be able to join you guys by the end of the week if nothing comes up. :3


Thanks for all the help. I was intimidated for a little while, but I'm confident this will be rather enjoyable on my end. c:

"a b c d e f g, Rahkshi are my enemy.

Some are black, some are blue.

That one's chewing on my shoe.

Now I'm running for my life,

One of the Rahkshi has a knife!"

~ My 8 year old sister



Tukeli [+Kiru]




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I know I'm a bit late to the party, but welcome! Always nice to see a new face around here, especially one who takes the time to have a good look around and prepare their character properly :)


As a couple of people have mentioned, yeah, the game's not very self-explanatory for new players at the moment. If you need anything, ask in here (or send somebody a PM). I'd like to say that you could also look at the Wiki, but tbh it's not particularly up-to-date or self-explanatory either. We're working on getting that improved, though.





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Hey guys, so I have been plowing through posts today, trying to see what was going on, and I thought of something interesting. We pretty much have a consensus that in a fight, the residents of Mata nui have an advantage over the residents of Ketongu. I believe this is not so.


Yes, this is a "caster vs mele" situation, and even considering there are many "casters" have something else that we have overlooked. Advanced technology. We have seen that the Dasaka have submarines. What else do they have? Bombs? Heavy artillery? Biological weapons? Even though we have played the Dasaka, we are being kept out of the light on most of their technological advancements.


I conclude that this may be more like actual history than we thought. If the isle of Ketongu are similar to that of japan, then what is Mata Nui similar to?





Yeah, there is a lot to go over. XD I'm excited though, I'll probably be able to join you guys by the end of the week if nothing comes up. :3

Thanks for all the help. I was intimidated for a little while, but I'm confident this will be rather enjoyable on my end. c:

Welcome then. Have fun, don't die. :3

Edited by Aurora the cat

-Insert deep message to prove I am alive here-

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Hey guys, so I have been plowing through posts today, trying to see what was going on, and I thought of something interesting. We pretty much have a consensus that in a fight, the residents of Mata nui have an advantage over the residents of Ketongu. I believe this is not so.


Yes, this is a "caster vs mele" situation, and even considering there are many "casters" have something else that we have overlooked. Advanced technology. We have seen that the Dasaka have submarines. What else do they have? Bombs? Heavy artillery? Biological weapons? Even though we have played the Dasaka, we are being kept out of the light on most of their technological advancements.


I conclude that this may be more like actual history than we thought. If the isle of Ketongu are similar to that of japan, then what is Mata Nui similar to?


...the Key to Nongu?




I'm not going to pass judgement on who'd win between Mata Nui and Kentoku. I think there's just too many variables to consider for such a conflict.





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Hey guys, so I have been plowing through posts today, trying to see what was going on, and I thought of something interesting. We pretty much have a consensus that in a fight, the residents of Mata nui have an advantage over the residents of Ketongu. I believe this is not so.


Yes, this is a "caster vs mele" situation, and even considering there are many "casters" have something else that we have overlooked. Advanced technology. We have seen that the Dasaka have submarines. What else do they have? Bombs? Heavy artillery? Biological weapons? Even though we have played the Dasaka, we are being kept out of the light on most of their technological advancements.


I conclude that this may be more like actual history than we thought. If the isle of Ketongu are similar to that of japan, then what is Mata Nui similar to?


Actually, we have learned much of this. The Dasaka do not have firearms, and even if they do, they are rudimentary ones at best; They have fireworks, but I saw it mentioned elsewhere in an OOC discussion that they are not likely to be weaponized. Bombs are not an advantage, nor is artillery, even if they did have those things. Mata Nui has them as well, in the form of Stralix powder and heavy Patero launchers. Moreover, it has been explicitly stated that the majority of the Dasaka do not take kindly to such advancements. While they may be technologically capable of creating or using them, they don't, because it goes against their values.


There are, of course, some exceptions; The submarines, for one. However, it has also been noted that the submarines are fairly uncommon. In short, the Dasaka's tech level is little above Mata Nui, especially when we take into account Onu-Koro's advancements as of late.


And not to get into the argument again, but the Dasaka, even if they did have slightly better tech, have an unbelievable disadvantage in an invasion. The entire terrain is against them, and their foes have the capability to literally manipulate the elements themselves. The Dasaka could be sunk before they even reach the shore by a dozen half-decent Ga-Toa, which we have a surplus of in PCs alone. Onu-Toa can ensure they never make it past the beaches. Even if they did, they have to invade five different climates that they have never personally encountered before, and thus, have no tactical knowledge of.


In contrast, Mata Nui has weathered a thousand years of occupation by the Master of Shadows, fought hordes of Rahkshi, and overall, been forced to take a collective Level in Badbutt just to survive that occupation.


I have said it before, but I'll say it again; Kentoku would be screwed in an invasion. :P

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On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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Hey guys, so I have been plowing through posts today, trying to see what was going on, and I thought of something interesting. We pretty much have a consensus that in a fight, the residents of Mata nui have an advantage over the residents of Ketongu. I believe this is not so.


Yes, this is a "caster vs mele" situation, and even considering there are many "casters" have something else that we have overlooked. Advanced technology. We have seen that the Dasaka have submarines. What else do they have? Bombs? Heavy artillery? Biological weapons? Even though we have played the Dasaka, we are being kept out of the light on most of their technological advancements.


I conclude that this may be more like actual history than we thought. If the isle of Ketongu are similar to that of japan, then what is Mata Nui similar to?




Kentoku resembles pre-Meiji Japan, so I doubt that the parallel works here. The only way I could see the Kentoku forces even having a chance is if they were able to willhammer element users and use them against each other.



Yeah, there is a lot to go over. XD I'm excited though, I'll probably be able to join you guys by the end of the week if nothing comes up. :3


Thanks for all the help. I was intimidated for a little while, but I'm confident this will be rather enjoyable on my end. c:


Welcome. Nice to see someone who's enthusiastic. ^^

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif BkY1n.gif gkKRR.gif MWEwd.gif 7dN9Y.gif ODscu.gif HpGw0.gif HZtia.gif AKbnC.gif

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Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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I could see a case of chain mind control happening here. One Toa uses mind control on a Willhammer, he controls a Willhammer and so on. One person to incapacitate all of their Willhammers. I also doubt the Dasaka would understand how to use the Toa's elemental powers.

Edited by Observedhalo

"Poor Cyclonus - Sworn To Reject A World That Hates and Fears Him. He And I Are Very Similar, Really: Two Reformed Characters Struggling To Make Our Way In Life. He Just Has Less Violent Coping Strategies." Whirl



My BZPRPG Characters

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Hey all, I haven't forgotten about you. I hope to get posting again sometime next week, once I'm fully caught up in reading.


To those who are RPing with me, feel free to PM me if you have an idea or want to go somewhere in the meantime, or just go through with it if you know it won't be anything drastic. I don't want anyone to be stuck on my account.



"hey girl: here’s an idea, but… it’s up to you:

You’re the boss of this operation."

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