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Posted (edited)

Except, that Horde is running a bar in Ga-Wahi, so once you meet up with Canis's character, they're all going to have to trek down that way.


Sorry if this surprises you, my Canid friend, I'd thought you might have read the jam I posted up yesterday.

Edited by Ilyusha Blokfase

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now



Except, that Horde is running a bar in Ga-Wahi, so once you meet up with Canis's character, they're all going to have to trek down that way.


Sorry if this surprises you, my Canid friend, I'd thought you might have read the jam I posted up yesterday.

Oh wait, that bar is run by the Horde? Whoops. I'll go edit something to that extent into my post.

I used to have a banner here.

But that RPG is dead.

What now?

Posted (edited)

It's just the character names transliterated into Έλλενικ.




It's what I did in the profile as well.

Edited by Ilyusha Blokfase

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now




Alright I promised myself I wouldn't do this but I'm linking this anyways because I'm really starting to enjoy this a lot and I consider this post very definitive of what Kongu is now and what's to come of his character. Last one.



"Just because there is dark-luck to come, does not mean there is no shine-light now."


Great post, Snipe :)


It's nice to have two of our characters on such friendly terms...given what our other double-act is like :P






Okay, i'm caught up on everything here. If I'm every going to go in a IC vs. IC battle, I really need to be very careful cause many of you know my mistakes. (Auto hit.) So please help me out on this.



Simple: Don't write "he hit his enemy in the face", but instead, write "he attempted to hit his enemy in the face".


I'd make a slight amendment to this: if at all possible, PM the person you're fighting and try to jam the fight out (or at least part of it) between you. That way we avoid tens of one-line posts, and the flow of the writing's often much better. Obviously agree between you what happens and who posts what, and make it clear in the posts that you've organised this and you're not pretending to be Mout bunnying like a madman. :)

Previously known as tahakki-nuva, Zyglakky Tahakky, Dougal and Mister Brown Sauce. :P

Say, over the 3 months, woulden't details of events like the Arete Coup and the Maru's victory have circualted? I know that the Maru has because of the Mata Nui News, but I'm not as sure about the Arete.


By now, the entire island would know of the Daedra's attempt to seize power, and would be on the lookout for any of its members. Were Ketan, Anthyn, Embok or Dico recognized in any Koro, they would immediately be arrested. As for Decaia, Ta, and Kynaera - it's up to the individual players. Those Toa chose to defect from the Daedra and defend Ga-Koro, so it's possible that they are in the clear. Depends on the Koro, though - if I were Hahli, I wouldn't let them come within twenty bio of the front gate, regardless of how "changed" they were.


Ladies and gentlemen, your attention please! I have an important request.


Would all players who intend to make Lesterin characters please PM me as a matter of urgency. I need to show Nuju exactly how many people want to play as Lesterin as I'm currently in the process of trying to get them re-approved. I have to prove that there is genuine demand for the species or it's likely our dear GM will shoot them down.






Mout was the leader of one of the largest player factions in the old BZPRPG. Just about all the veterans started out learning from him in some way or another.

"I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."




Mout was the leader of one of the largest player factions in the old BZPRPG. Just about all the veterans started out learning from him in some way or another.


Sera and Yuki were my mentors; Mout then showed up from hiatus a while after I started playing. He essentially brought the whole Kin together though, which is part of the reason why so many vets keep coming back. We miss each other. :')

Previously known as tahakki-nuva, Zyglakky Tahakky, Dougal and Mister Brown Sauce. :P



Should I know this Shark person?


Yes. You should. Because I am this RPG Shark. For I am amazing. I taste just like raisins.

...Well. I certainly didn't expect to see either of you back. What called you guys in?


Re VF's idea: Theoretically it's a good idea, but I've been informed that the Po-Koro Sentinels only have about forty members. We can't really spare a single person. Perhaps when we're back on our feet?



WYSP. Woo. Now we need Tom, Hak, GDoT, Pohaka, and then we could have the ole gang back together again.


I have been known as shark112, Shark112, Shark Owns Demons All teh Time (yes the is typoed intentionally), Sharkalicious, The Venom Symbiote, Zyglakky Shark Ranger, Pope Sharkictus CXII, King Sharkictus CXII, Dotor Shark PhD Bionicle, and Shark.




'Enterprising and perceptive Onu-Koro'


Called it.


We're capitalists.


And we've got the weapons to prove it.



If Onu-Koro's capitalist then is one of the other Koros communist? But back on topic, I guess it makes since that we need to post profiles first.


Ga-Koro is a social democracy, actually. There's a huge difference.




Mm. I have to agree with this.


Doesn't change that I might know of him, does it? Say who and I'll be sure, because I know multiple 'Tom's on this site.


Tom played a Toa of Air called Tommi in the old BZPRPG. He was the last Zyglak, and we miss him dearly. </3


I think his character was the only one to actually retrieve one of the Elementa.

Previously known as tahakki-nuva, Zyglakky Tahakky, Dougal and Mister Brown Sauce. :P

Wysp, I just realized you've been Lloyd longer then you've been Wysp. Wow. Anyway, tomorrow I'm start rping and finish the Lightning trio's profile.


I have been known as shark112, Shark112, Shark Owns Demons All teh Time (yes the is typoed intentionally), Sharkalicious, The Venom Symbiote, Zyglakky Shark Ranger, Pope Sharkictus CXII, King Sharkictus CXII, Dotor Shark PhD Bionicle, and Shark.




Po-Koro Needs YOU!


The Po-Koro Sentinels (formerly the Guard) have suffered unreasonably in these past few months. We have weathered such incidents as the assault by the Followers of Makuta, the first Rahkshi attack, the kidnapping of our beloved Turaga by the blackguards aboard the Infernakiva, and the massive assault by the Makuta's soldiers at the climax of the war against him.

I intend to change that.

Beginning with re-organizing the Sentinels and re-designing our tactical doctrine and equipment with help from intrepid inventors who are at the cutting edge of all things not-Onu-Koro, we plan to forge the Sentinels into a fighting force to rival any that other villages could field to take our home. Join us and defend your home against those who would take it from you!

Addendum: Those who prove themselves to be exceptional may apply for a command position. Current open positions are Commander of the Kikanalo Riders and Commander of the Home Guard.



I can help with this. Volunteering a character for Commander of the Kikanalo Riders.

Buddy-cop action, here we come~

Follow me on YouTube!





~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~


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