Parugi Posted August 14, 2018 Author Posted August 14, 2018 Specialty sounds good.Also, fun news, my laptop has been in the repair shop since Thursday and may or may not be fixable. Woot. Quote Follow me on YouTube! ~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~
Konuju Posted September 6, 2018 Posted September 6, 2018 (edited) About time I posted this. Already ran the Specialty by Parugi. Species: Inkay (male)Nickname: MarsalaTrainer: Dahlia SeatonAppearance: No major differences from the average Inkay, other than the fact that he remains right-side up.Personality: Marsala grew up in a colony of Inkay off the coast of Cyllage City. While his fellow Inkay would constantly flip themselves upside down for fun, Marsala suffered from motion sickness and thus preferred to remain right-side up. In an attempt to fit in with his peers, he developed the odd habit of flipping small objects upside down to mimic the effect of himself being upside down. When Pokémon mysteriously lost the ability to use their powers, Marsala was chosen to go out into the world to try and find a way to reverse the crisis. He considered his duty to be a high honor, never once considering the fact that his mission was merely an excuse to exile him from the colony. Having never been outside of Kalos' western coast before, Marsala has a naive curiosity about the world.Ability: ContrarySpecialty: As a way to reduce the risk of the motion sickness that would come from in a melee battle, Marsala has perfected the art of manipulating the light-emitting spots on his body to daze, confuse, or hypnotize opponents from afar. This defense mechanism often prevents enemies from ever reaching him, for if he gets knocked around too much in battle his motion sickness will cause him to be dazed and confused. (Technical definition: increased accuracy on Hypnosis and Swagger in exchange for a chance of confusion with every physical attack received)Known Moves: Hypnosis, Swagger, Topsy-Turvy, Constrict, Foul Play, PsybeamSpecies: Masquerain (female)Nickname: GerriTrainer: Dahlia SeatonAppearance: The purple "pupils" of the eyeball pattern on her antennae are darker than normal.Personality: Gerri's wings seem to have given her a boost of confidence. While she maintains the shy, timid nature she had as a Surskit, she is more willing to make new friends. That said, she is still uncharacteristically ferocious in battle, a trait that seems amplified by her newfound speed.Ability: IntimidateSpecialty: Although she no longer has the Swift Swim ability she had as a Surskit, Gerri's wings seem to have boosted her speed even further. Her ability to fly in any direction makes her movements unpredictable.Known Moves: Quick Attack Air Cutter, Bubblebeam Bug Buzz, Haze Quiver Dance, Hydro Pump (egg move), Mud Shot (egg move), Signal Beam (egg move)Number of Battles: 9 ("Groudon" (x2), Water Pokémon (x2), Ford Finale (x3), Inkay (x2)) Edited September 24, 2018 by Konuju Quote Konuju: Kopaka and Nuju meet the Spear of Fusion Quotes from throughout the years: 2001: "Your past is forgotten, and your future is an empty book. You must find your own destiny, my brave adventurer." --Nokama2002: "Mata Nui faces perhaps its greatest challenge -- one that will test our courage, our strength, and our belief in each other." --Tahu2003: "So... it has begun, my brother. But soon, it will also end..." --Makuta2004: "Your journey must end." "By the will of the Great Spirit, it has just begun!" --Makuta and Vakama2005: "Our destinies are not written in stone, set in place. They are something we have to find for ourselves." --Vakama2006: "Don't you realize you're fighting for a lost cause?" "Maybe. But don't you realize those are the only ones worth fighting for?" --Axonn and Brutaka2007: "Sometimes a hero has to do something else besides beat the villains and come home covered in glory." --Hahli2008: "Dive into the darkness, Ignite the flame within. Now, there is no turning back. Make the future... begin." --Narrator, The Final Battle Animation2009: "It is said that all endings are merely beginnings waiting to be born." --Mata Nui2010: "All journeys must come to an end, but this time, there is a new beginning as well. ... All that has gone before, my friends, has only served to give birth to this new day. Let unity, duty and destiny be your guides." --Mata Nui2011: "Not dead. Just frozen. They’ll thaw out … eventually. I’m tired of villains spouting gibberish." --Kopaka
MELON LORD Posted December 5, 2018 Posted December 5, 2018 (edited) Submitting profile: Species: Shinx Nickname: Samson Trainer: Lachina Adaon Appearances: Has longer tufts of hair than normal. Personality: Samson is the embodiment of the 'cowardly lion' archetype, often hiding from trouble. However, when push comes to shove, he is willing to stand up for his friends. Ability: Intimidate Specialty: Can produce small, mostly harmless bursts of electricity. Known Moves: Charge, Spark, Bite, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang (Egg Move), Fire Fang (Egg Move) Edited December 5, 2018 by MELON LORD Quote "So Alku, happy 'was that a firecracker or shotgun?' day!""Hard mode: I'm in the south." "Planning was never Zac Blazer's forte." - Blade, mastering the art of the understatement. "We'll have to change the initials of the RPG from RotR to PTSD." - Me, discussing Rise of the Rockets.
Blessed Blade Posted December 19, 2018 Posted December 19, 2018 (edited) Nickname: KammySpecies: BlastoiseTrainer: ColleenGender: FemaleAppearance: Kammy has two darker stripes going across her head and down the back of her neck, two stripes around her eyes, and darker swirly patterns on her shell, but is otherwise normal.Since her evolution, the stripes around her eyes have grown thicker and curved down slightly, and the stripes on her head extend down further. The swirly patterns are also a bit more extensive.Since she evolved into a Blastoise, the stripes around her eyes have connected to her mouth and become thicker. The swirly patterns have grown to be a rather beautiful pattern, weaving in and out of the shell's segments much like you would see on a tapestry or bedspread.Personality: Kammy is upbeat, and a reflection of her trainer; however, without as much of the reluctance to trust people, since she isn't able to read auras like Colleen can.Her personality hasn't changed since her evolution; however, she seems more confident as a result of it.Kammy's confidence has shone brightly ever since she became a Blastoise, and is super protective of Colleen and her friends. She has learned how to read auras, but doesn't let that get in the way of how she feels.Ability: Rain DishSpecialty: Sharply increased Special Attack, Aura readingKnown Moves: Dragon Pulse (EGG), Aura Sphere (EGG), Water Pulse, Bite, Protect, Iron Defense Imperfect Dragon Pulse > Dragon Pulse, Imperfect Aura Sphere > Aura Sphere, Added Protect, ADded Iron Defense Nickname: EllySpecies: ElgyemTrainer: ColleenGender: FemaleAppearance: The lines on Elly's forehead glow a dull purple.Personality: Elly is rather timid about things, as she feels out of place and scared sometimes. However, she is protective of her savior, and wishes to do whatever she can to keep Colleen safe.Ability: AnalyticSpecialty: Sharply decreased Speed, increased Special Attack, Aura readingKnown Moves: Teleport(Egg), Barrier(Egg), Confusion, Miracle Eye, Hidden Power(Fighting), Psych Up /EDIT: [Ally]Species: GalladeNickname: Alvis "Ally" BrandTrainer: Chloe HikariGender: FemaleBirthplace: Icefall Cave, Four Island, Sevii IslandsAppearance: Ally has a greenish stripe across her chest or so, surrounded by a red "border" of sorts. The "spike" does not appear to be as prominent as on most Gallade. The "mohawk" that most Gallade have is not present on her anymore. Ally's "hair" is closer in length to a Gardevoir's. Ally's eyes are limegreen instead of the normal red as well. Ally's pants exist underneath a slightly longer version of the ballerina skirt she had as a Kirlia. The white parts of her body are now instead a dark grey colour.Personality: Ally is rather adamant when it comes to fighting and protecting her friends. She strives to live up to the legacy that her idol left; to be a true hero. Ever since her talk with Chloe, the two have become even closer and they trust each other wholeheartedly.Ally's fighting style typically depends on the two swords that she summons from a Swords Dance at the start of a fight, similar to how her idol once fought.Background: Ally comes from the "Brand" extended family of Ralts that live in Icefall Cave on Four Island. Her immediate family had a number of members who were skilled in using moves that drew flames alongside of them. She was often bullied for looking up to her idol, the first Gallade who had come to the cave from another region and who specialized in fire attacks like Will-o-Wisp and Fire Punch.The others in the family constantly mocked her for her interest in the first Gallade's fighting style, though Ally continued to press onward. It got to the point, however, that she would mask what was said to her even in dreams. During this time, however, she constantly visited a vein of Dawn Stone ore embedded in the cave wall, in awe at the light that shone from it.One day, when things were the roughest for her, she ran off from the rest of her family. This was when Chloe happened to be passing by while helping Cyan Vero - Ally could feel from the girl a similar feeling of being lost in the world, and joined up with her after a brief test of skill. However, she refused to speak until she evolved, hesitant even still.She attempted to keep her true self hidden, unwilling to open up fully to Chloe. Ally committed to this even when she was nearing evolution - she knew that evolving to a Gallade was a long shot, but as she felt the evolution energy activating, knew that she had to give it her best shot. She then tried to aim the energy to mimic the light given off by a Dawn Stone. She succeeded when it resonated with a shard of the ore that she had kept with her all that time as a keepsake.When she became a Gallade, she became the cornerstone of Chloe's team and arguably the closest member of her team. Despite this, the two continued to keep secrets from each other, culminating when the two lost synchronization when Chloe withdrew after the incident in Unova. The two made strides to make things better after Chloe began to trust in her more, but Ally just became more and more hesitant in revealing her own secrets. Despite Chloe letting her in more, Ally still refused to open up in return. When the Pokémon power went out, however, Ally had a lot of time to think over the cost of the secrets, and decided that it was the best time to explain finally.Ability: JustifiedSpecialty: Attack ++, Speed ++, Shadow Sneak is stronger than it usually can be used for(60 BP in game terms), can channel the power of flames into her sword-based attacks - this can cause minor fire damage in addition to leaving a burn like a Will-o-Wisp can.Known Moves: Protect, Teleport, Swords Dance, Shadow Sneak, Psycho Cut, Close CombatMega Appearance: Instead of a cape, Ally has a black "long-coat" that wraps around her, the "inside" of which is green. The "mohawk" is not present anymore, and instead the helmet forms over her head in a more traditional fashion. She has a protective layer over where her eyes are, that acts like a visor. The white parts of her body are instead coloured dark grey. Her arm blades are more retractable, to help not get in the way of her preferred fighting style. She has green markings on her knees, shoulders, and hips that look like armour plating would.Mega Ability: Inner FocusMega Specialty: In addition to her normal Specialities, she can use Psycho Cut as a contact move with it gaining more power if used that way. [Ren]Mega Appearance: Same as normal Mega LuxrayMega Ability: Strong JawMega Specialty: Keeps ability from being a normal Luxray; this replaces the Strong Jaw Speciality from normal form. Edited December 25, 2018 by Blessed Blade Quote The Pokemon TopicPokemon: Rise of the Rockets - Rise of the Rockets Discussion Topic - Rise of the Rockets Side Stories
MELON LORD Posted December 26, 2018 Posted December 26, 2018 Species: Seedot Nickname: Donguri Trainer: Yamamoto Aori Appearance: No major differences. Personality: Quiet and reserved, sticks close to Aori. Ability: Chlorophyll Specialty: Def+ Known Moves: Foul Play (Egg Move), Harden, Nature Power, Synthesis, Sunny Day, Bullet Seed (Egg Move) Quote "So Alku, happy 'was that a firecracker or shotgun?' day!""Hard mode: I'm in the south." "Planning was never Zac Blazer's forte." - Blade, mastering the art of the understatement. "We'll have to change the initials of the RPG from RotR to PTSD." - Me, discussing Rise of the Rockets.
Blessed Blade Posted December 29, 2018 Posted December 29, 2018 Proposed Pokémon: ZangooseAppearance: (Sprite to be shown here)Focus: Focuses on physical attack power; defenses slightly lower, but the attack and speed goes up, making it a last-ditch effort.Type: Normal/FightingMega Ability: Tough ClawsStat Distribution: -ATK: 115 > 160 (+45)-SPA: 60 > 75 (+15)-DEF: 60 > 55 (-5)-SPD: 60 > 55 (-5)-SPE: 90 > 140 (+50) And for Ray's Zangoose: Mega Appearance: Same as normal, except there seems to be more of a mane of hair at the back.Mega Ability: Tough ClawsMega Specialty: In addition to normal specialties, has the ability to use slicing attacks from a distance with energy. Quote The Pokemon TopicPokemon: Rise of the Rockets - Rise of the Rockets Discussion Topic - Rise of the Rockets Side Stories
Konuju Posted January 2, 2019 Posted January 2, 2019 Proposed Pokémon: Mega TyphlosionAppearance: Here. (credit: Zephyrzu) Mega Typhlosion stands tall and powerful. A thick white-ish fur covers its hands and neck, creating a small mane of sorts. Charcoal-colored fur covers its eyes in a mask-like pattern. The fire on its shoulders now covers half its back, and its tail has grown thicker to provide more balance in battle.Focus: Whereas Typhlosion is often a mixed attacker with a lean towards special attacks, Mega Typhlosion is a purely mixed attacker equal physical and special power. The buff to defense from its new form gives it the endurance to get up close and deliver more powerful hits.Type: FireMega Ability: Fur CoatStat Distribution:-ATK: 84 => 129 (+45) (Compare Terrakion 129)-SPA: 109 => 129 (+20) (Compare Keldeo 129)-DEF: 78 -> 78-SPD: 85 => 115 (+30) (Compare Togekiss 115)-SPE: 100 => 105 (+5) (Compare Rapidash 105) Quote Konuju: Kopaka and Nuju meet the Spear of Fusion Quotes from throughout the years: 2001: "Your past is forgotten, and your future is an empty book. You must find your own destiny, my brave adventurer." --Nokama2002: "Mata Nui faces perhaps its greatest challenge -- one that will test our courage, our strength, and our belief in each other." --Tahu2003: "So... it has begun, my brother. But soon, it will also end..." --Makuta2004: "Your journey must end." "By the will of the Great Spirit, it has just begun!" --Makuta and Vakama2005: "Our destinies are not written in stone, set in place. They are something we have to find for ourselves." --Vakama2006: "Don't you realize you're fighting for a lost cause?" "Maybe. But don't you realize those are the only ones worth fighting for?" --Axonn and Brutaka2007: "Sometimes a hero has to do something else besides beat the villains and come home covered in glory." --Hahli2008: "Dive into the darkness, Ignite the flame within. Now, there is no turning back. Make the future... begin." --Narrator, The Final Battle Animation2009: "It is said that all endings are merely beginnings waiting to be born." --Mata Nui2010: "All journeys must come to an end, but this time, there is a new beginning as well. ... All that has gone before, my friends, has only served to give birth to this new day. Let unity, duty and destiny be your guides." --Mata Nui2011: "Not dead. Just frozen. They’ll thaw out … eventually. I’m tired of villains spouting gibberish." --Kopaka
Metal Gear Minun Posted January 19, 2019 Posted January 19, 2019 (edited) Posting a mostly complete Mega proposal profile. Currently waiting on a reply for the appearance. Mega Chandelure Proposed Pokémon: Chandelure Focus: Trapping and heavy special damage. Appearance: Here Credit to @Zephyrzu for the art. With written permission obtained on January 23 2019 Type: Ghost-Fire Mega Ability: Shadow Tag Stat Distribution: -HP: 60 -ATK: 55 -SPA: 145 -> 185 -DEF: 90 -> 111 -SPD: 90 -> 110 -SPE: 80 -> 99 Edited January 24, 2019 by Metal Gear Minun Quote
MELON LORD Posted January 24, 2019 Posted January 24, 2019 Species: Spritzee Nickname: Fancy Trainer: Belle LaDonna Appearance: More of a magenta color than pink Personality: Calm and serene Ability: Healer Specialty: Status moves have priority Known Moves: Misty Terrain, Disable (Egg Move), Moonblast, Nasty Plot (Egg Move), Psychic, Wish (Egg Move) Quote "So Alku, happy 'was that a firecracker or shotgun?' day!""Hard mode: I'm in the south." "Planning was never Zac Blazer's forte." - Blade, mastering the art of the understatement. "We'll have to change the initials of the RPG from RotR to PTSD." - Me, discussing Rise of the Rockets.
Blessed Blade Posted February 1, 2019 Posted February 1, 2019 Nickname: SkulkrakenSpecies: GyaradosTrainer: Colleen LlyanGender: FemaleAppearance: This Gyarados's scales are a bright golden colour, with silver whiskers. Previously, the scales had been hidden by a more typical red colour, with sediment on her whiskers. However, her desperate evolution shed the scales and cleared everything off.Personality: Highly protective of Colleen, she evolved in order to save her on the river. Despite her intimidating looks, however, she is extremely kind and loyal to her best friend.Ability: IntimidateSpecialty: Attack increases, proficient in aerial maneuvers.Known Moves: Crunch, Aqua Tail, Ice Fang, Bounce, Dragon DanceMoveset updates: Splash > Crunch, Flail > Ice Fang, +Dragon Dance, Tackle > Aqua Tail Quote The Pokemon TopicPokemon: Rise of the Rockets - Rise of the Rockets Discussion Topic - Rise of the Rockets Side Stories
JiMing Posted February 19, 2019 Posted February 19, 2019 (edited) It's been a long time. Username: JiMingName: Yu ChanggongFaction: NeutralHometown: Blackthorn CityAge: 20 Appearance: Yu Changgong wears a dark blue long sleeveless robe with a black trim on top of a loose black undershirt. A large brown belt adorned with gold decorations on the front and dark red cloth holding it together wraps around his midsection, keeping the robe from falling off easily. Yu has long brown boots adorned with black armor around his knees and the top of his foot. Similar armor covers his arms from just below the elbow to the top of his wrist. He wears a large, conical colored dark red with black markings around the top and brim of the hat. He has a dao sword and scabbard that connects to the side of his belt, with the scabbard being dark blue with gold adornments, with the sword’s crossguard also being a golden color. He has black, shoulder-length hair, and red eyes. He stands at 6’0 feet/1.83 meters. Personality: Yu is a man of few words and has a tendency to be curt when speaking. His reserved nature often makes him come off as cold, but beneath that chilly exterior lies a burning passion that flares up when he sees injustices happening around him. His master’s ideologies have made him a peaceful man who refuses to hold onto hatred and seek vengeance, but he does not hesitate to wield his blade to defend those in need. Background: Yu Changgong initially lived an uneventful, simple life with his parents in Blackthorn, with no immediate relatives nearby. However, that changed when he was 6 years old when he trekked with his parents through the mountains just beyond the Ice Path and an abnormally strong snowstorm struck them. His parents gave their lives in an attempt to save him from an avalanche, but Yu lost his way during the confusion, and nearly succumbed to the cold. It was at that moment he was rescued by a swordsman who happened upon his nearly frozen form. When Yu next awoke, he was nursed back to health at the dojo of his rescuer, Master Zhang. With no family to return to, Yu Changgong decided to become a disciple of Zhang and devoted the next several years of his life to training with the sword. Along the way, he was taught the practice of qigong, the careful manipulation of the flow of one’s qi (aura) to strengthen the body or release in a controlled manner to affect the qi of other beings. He was never an exceptional student, and especially struggled with the projection of qi, but he always aspired to reach and surpass the other students. In particular, he struck up a close friendship with Flint, who only stayed at the dojo for a period of three years but became the prodigy of Master Zhang’s disciples. As part of his training, Yu was sent across the mountain ranges to travel to different shrines set up at various points to meditate and hone his mind. However, when he returned to the dojo, the building was ransacked and everyone inside had been slaughtered. When he finally reached the body of Master Zhang, he recognized the wounds inflicted on his body as coming from a sword, in particular the specific style of dao swordplay taught by Master Zhang himself.Yu Changgong gave a proper burial to everyone at the dojo, and when he interned his master at last, his thoughts were of the ideals that had been instilled in him since he first began training at the dojo, to use his blade only as a tool to help those who were disenfranchised and destitute, and work to create a world where warriors like himself were no longer needed. Now these words held more weight to him than ever, and with his convictions set, Yu Changgong trekked through the mountain plains to the outside world at last, acting as a wandering blade, ally to the powerless, and nightmare to the wicked.Equipment: Yu carries with him a dao sword and scabbard at all times. The blade is made of an extremely resilient alloy, with the technique to produce it having been lost to time. This allows it to withstand the force inflicted when using the reinforcement technique. He carries a small satchel tied to his side to carry anything else gathers along his journey. Yu has a Pokegear model that is 10 years out of date, due to it being the cheapest option he could find. Species: MamoswineNickname: ShanTrainer: Yu ChanggongPersonality: Like his trainer, Shan is stoic and does not emote very much, if at all. He is deeply protective of Yu however, due to having met not long after Yu made Master Zhang’s dojo his new home, and seeing the pain that losing his family and home had been firsthand. The two have known each other for many years, and as such have an extremely close bond, with a trust that allows them to read the others’ emotional state almost instinctively. Appearance: His right tusk is broken off slightly, after defending Yu from an attack back when he was a Piloswine. Ability: Thick FatSpecialty: Shan and Yu have developed a synchronized fighting style, allowing Yu to create attack openings for the slower Shan, while the Mamoswine provides defensive covering for his nimble trainer. Known Moves: Earthquake, Blizzard, Endure, Hail, Stealth Rock (Egg Move), Double-Edge (Egg Move) Species: PansearNickname: HuoTrainer: Yu ChanggongPersonality: Huo was ripped away from his family many years ago from poachers, and sold off to a run-down circus that forced him to do dangerous tricks and left him malnourished. As a result, Huo was elated when Yu saw his plight and rescued him from his abusive environment. Not having love and care for many years has left the Pansear eager to make friends whenever possible, and though his trainer can find his lack of discipline and restraint irksome, the two of them care for each other deeply and Huo is putting in the effort to meditate alongside Yu.Appearance: No different from the average Pansear.Ability: BlazeSpecialty: Huo’s time in the circus has made him particularly skilled with the move Acrobatics, letting him use it with the same level of performance as though he were a Flying-type Pokemon. Known Moves: Flame Burst, Acrobatics, Fury Swipes, Yawn, Low Kick (Egg Move), Fire Spin (Egg Move)Species: Jangmo-oNickname: YinyueTrainer: Yu ChanggongPersonality: Yinyue was captured by smugglers who wished to extract her scales for use in illicit jewelry, and though Yu Changgong had managed to stop the smugglers from doing that, they still managed to dent her head scale badly in the confusion. As a result, Yinyue suffers from extreme lack of self-confidence due to her scale no longer making the sound it normally would from a Jangmo-o, as well as a deep distrust of any humans who aren’t Yu, placing her at odds with the ever-sociable Huo. Appearance: Yinyue’s scale on top of her head is dented to such an extent that it creates an extremely dissonant sound when she tries to smack it against a solid object like other Jangmo-o.Ability: BulletproofSpecialty: Due to her now damaged head scale, Yinyue has taken to refining her use of the Noble Roar move to use it in conjunction with her scales, amplifying its effects. Known Moves: Headbutt, Noble Roar, Dragon Dance, Dragon Tail, Protect, Dragon Breath (Egg Move) Edited February 19, 2019 by JiMing Quote Haven't seen one of these in a long time...
MELON LORD Posted February 19, 2019 Posted February 19, 2019 (edited) Username: Unknownmercury Name: Flint Conley Faction: Team Rocket (Executive) Hometown: Blackthorn City Gender: Male Age: 20 Appearance: Flint stands at 5'10 and has fairly dark skin and yellow eyes. His dark red hair is shaved on the sides and pulled into a topknot on the top of his head. He tends to wear loose, flowing clothes in dark, muted colors. His face is sharply defined, with thin lips and a thin nose. Personality: Flint is very hotheaded and easily provoked, but he's a decent tactician. Despite his best attempts to hide his emotions, it's usually pretty obvious what he's feeling. He laughs boisterously when he's happy, he shouts when he's angry, etc. Background: Flint was born and raised in Blackthorn City, where he grew up hearing rumors of a dojo to in the mountains to the north of town. Supposedly, if you could make it through the Ice Path and find the dojo, one could be trained to harness their spiritual energy and make themselves stronger. At age 10 he received a Torchic from a relative who lived in Hoenn and set out to find the mysterious dojo. It took two years of searching, during which time he captured a Vulpix, which later evolved into a Ninetales. When he found the dojo, he was welcomed by Master Zhang and invited to stay and learn the art of Qigong. During his training, he became friends with Yu Changgong, a boy his age who admired Flint's ability to tap into his emotions to power the Qigong where most students sought inner peace to do so. Flint excelled in the techniques and even improved on them, quickly rising to the top of the class despite his lack of inner balance. After three years of training, Flint left the dojo with twin dao swords gifted by his teacher. He joined Team Rocket and became a valuable field agent due to his ability to increase his body's strength and fortitude. He caught the eye of one of his superiors, who questioned where he had learned these techniques and demanded Flint lead a team to the dojo. Flint did so, sure that Zhang would see the necessity of Team Rocket learning such a valuable skill. When the master refused, however, Flint's higher-up ordered the execution of everyone in the building. Flint was personally responsible for his master's death. After the mission, Flint was tasked with teaching Qigong to field agents, but he found he was not as good of a teacher as he was a student. Nevertheless, he was promoted to Executive due to his abilities and his willingness to follow orders. Equipment: In addition to standard gear, Flint carries a set of twin dao swords which he is proficient with strapped across his back. Pokémon: Blaziken, Ninetales, Volcarona Species: Blaziken Nickname: Ozai Trainer: Flint Conley Appearance: More intensely red Personality: Quiet, but fierce and quick to go on the attack. Ability: Speed Boost Specialty: Can shoot fire from his feet to attack or to propel himself forward. While moving under this power, he is much faster and can even briefly fly, but he has trouble changing direction while doing so; Speed Boost is twice as effective. Known Moves: Blaze Kick, Double Kick, Flame Charge, Solar Beam, Baton Pass (Egg Move), Counter (Egg Move) Species: Ninetales Nickname: Amaterasu Trainer: Flint Conley Appearance: Orange coloration more akin to Vulpix. Personality: Cool and level-headed, acts as support for her teammates. Ability: Drought Specialty: Sunny Day doesn't end unless another weather move is used. Known Moves: Sunny Day , Inferno, Hex, Solar Beam , Nasty Plot, Flamethrower Species: Volcarona Nickname: Solaire Trainer: Flint Conley Appearance: Shiny Coloration Personality: Solaire is quite the jolly bug and is always eager to cooperate with teammates against tough enemies. Ability: Flame Body Specialty: Does extra damage when working with teammates. Known Moves: Solar Beam , Silver Wind, Hurricane, Morning Sun, Fiery Dance, Rage Powder Edited February 24, 2019 by MELON LORD Quote "So Alku, happy 'was that a firecracker or shotgun?' day!""Hard mode: I'm in the south." "Planning was never Zac Blazer's forte." - Blade, mastering the art of the understatement. "We'll have to change the initials of the RPG from RotR to PTSD." - Me, discussing Rise of the Rockets.
Parugi Posted July 13, 2020 Author Posted July 13, 2020 We're over a year out from when this happened, but might as well put it out there--RotR moved off of BZPower during the downtime last year and onto its own forum, so this RPG is still on-going (albeit still rather slowly--thanks, life!) If anyone is interested in joining or continuing to follow, please feel free to PM me or add me on Discord (Parugi#5179) for the link. =) 1 Quote Follow me on YouTube! ~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~
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