Parugi Posted June 20, 2013 Author Posted June 20, 2013 First post updated. And in light of my own five capture/evolution points, my own profile post has been split. Yay IPB character limits! X3So yeah, to summarize (and to give an example of what I was talking about with the points):1. Kyle's Axew evolved into Fraxure.2. Kyle caught an Aron.3. Sonja caught a Rhyhorn.4. Ethan caught a Combee.5. Gavin caught a Seedot.... all during the time skip. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~ Quote Follow me on YouTube! ~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~
Nara Posted June 21, 2013 Posted June 21, 2013 My Swampert evolution didn't count towards my points, did it? I think I evolved it using a previous reward. Let's see.. 1. Justin's Munna evolved.2. Zac caught a Sigilyph.3. Eric's Corphish evolved.4. Eric caught a Slowpoke.5. Pierce caught a Houndour. Should I put the profiles in this post first for approval? Quote Skipping Across a Pond | Pokemon: Rise of the Rockets | Shiny Card
Parugi Posted June 21, 2013 Author Posted June 21, 2013 (edited) I won't count it as one of the five, no. And, to be honest, with a six-month time skip... Yeah, I'm not too picky about an extra evolution here or there, anyway. XD Speaking of, if anyone ends up with extra points and wants to use them for like, moveset revamping or something, feel free to do so. Since it's unlikely I'm going to say, like, "no get rid of them," just go ahead and edit them into your profile post--I'll just look them over and let you know if anything needs to be changed. Also, working on an IC post now. =) Edited June 21, 2013 by Parugi Quote Follow me on YouTube! ~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~
Metal Gear Minun Posted June 21, 2013 Posted June 21, 2013 Five free points for stuff, that is good. 1. Jamie evolved Lucan from Vanillish into Vanilluxe 2. Richard found an Eevee and does not care about the extra mouth to feed...3. or two considering the Diglett he tripped over and then kept.4. Jamie caught a Ghastly to add to her team. Will make posts tomorrow for Arthurs probably Richard too, same goes for those profiles I'll need to cook up. Before I assign point number five does moveset revamp allow for move tutor and TM's? Quote
Parugi Posted June 21, 2013 Author Posted June 21, 2013 Before I assign point number five does moveset revamp allow for move tutor and TM's? Yep. Quote Follow me on YouTube! ~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~
Franco Posted June 22, 2013 Posted June 22, 2013 (edited) Well, returned. Again. Possibly for a greater duration than the previous visit. What's up? Edited June 22, 2013 by Mr. Peanuts Quote [Profiles] Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness.
Metal Gear Minun Posted June 22, 2013 Posted June 22, 2013 Alright then, then for point number 5.5. James' training with Lancelot pays off. His moveset was perfected as his power increased.Meant to post earlier but was busier than expected. Will make IC post late tonight or tomorrow. Quote
Parugi Posted June 22, 2013 Author Posted June 22, 2013 M4: Very well. Mangs: Welcome back... again. At the moment, not much is going on. Mainly, people are just getting back into the swing of things following the events in these two posts. So, yeah, not much to speak of--the board is being set right now for what is to come. =) (Also, you should get a kick out of Part 7 of that second post, considering the BZPRPG and all. ) Quote Follow me on YouTube! ~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~
Konuju Posted June 22, 2013 Posted June 22, 2013 I just made eight Pokemon profiles over the course of two days... don't ever ask me to do that again. Anyway, I've updated my profiles on the first page with a profile for Mr. Burks and my various characters' new evolutions/captures from the five points. 1. Ryan caught a Mareep2. Dack's Snivy evolved into Servine3. Dack caught a Teddiursa4. Ellen's Solosis evolved into Duosion; with the evolution, his nickname also changed from Solo to Duo5. Mr. Burks caught an Oddish* *Yes, I know that Oddish was supposed to be for Ellen and that it has already appeared IC. Let me give a little backstory. I had actually planned to have Ellen capture this Oddish herself before the Darkrai fight. But after I had made the profile, Evan unexpectedly gave Ellen his Turtwig, Maturin. Because I didn't want Ellen getting two Pokemon so close together (and because they were both Grass-Types) I decided to hold off on the Oddish for the time being. Then, when writing my initial IC for Mr. Burks, I decided to throw the Oddish in as Ellen's intended birthday present. I'm assuming Ellen will end up getting the Oddish at some point, but for now her father is holding onto it. When making Mr. Burks' profile, at first there were only two Pokemon I wanted him to have, so I planned on the Oddish being the third. But then I decided to give him a Skarmory as well, so Oddish became his fourth Pokemon, which I'm using as one of the points (which fits, as he technically did get the Oddish during the time-skip). Quote Konuju: Kopaka and Nuju meet the Spear of Fusion Quotes from throughout the years: 2001: "Your past is forgotten, and your future is an empty book. You must find your own destiny, my brave adventurer." --Nokama2002: "Mata Nui faces perhaps its greatest challenge -- one that will test our courage, our strength, and our belief in each other." --Tahu2003: "So... it has begun, my brother. But soon, it will also end..." --Makuta2004: "Your journey must end." "By the will of the Great Spirit, it has just begun!" --Makuta and Vakama2005: "Our destinies are not written in stone, set in place. They are something we have to find for ourselves." --Vakama2006: "Don't you realize you're fighting for a lost cause?" "Maybe. But don't you realize those are the only ones worth fighting for?" --Axonn and Brutaka2007: "Sometimes a hero has to do something else besides beat the villains and come home covered in glory." --Hahli2008: "Dive into the darkness, Ignite the flame within. Now, there is no turning back. Make the future... begin." --Narrator, The Final Battle Animation2009: "It is said that all endings are merely beginnings waiting to be born." --Mata Nui2010: "All journeys must come to an end, but this time, there is a new beginning as well. ... All that has gone before, my friends, has only served to give birth to this new day. Let unity, duty and destiny be your guides." --Mata Nui2011: "Not dead. Just frozen. They’ll thaw out … eventually. I’m tired of villains spouting gibberish." --Kopaka
Franco Posted June 23, 2013 Posted June 23, 2013 (edited) M4: Very well. Mangs: Welcome back... again. At the moment, not much is going on. Mainly, people are just getting back into the swing of things following the events in these two posts. So, yeah, not much to speak of--the board is being set right now for what is to come. =) (Also, you should get a kick out of Part 7 of that second post, considering the BZPRPG and all. )I did indeed enjoy that. Very interesting. On the other hand, Decaia Holts"Aerith and Bob", much? As for my own five points: 1. Olenka evolved into Nidorina2. Olenka evolved into Nidoqueen3. Olenka moveset optimizing4. Karrablast (Saber) caught Saber evolved into Escavalier as my timeskip catch. Storing a point for future use. Off to edit Jenny's Profile to reflect these changes. Edited July 12, 2013 by Iskandar Quote [Profiles] Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness.
Metal Gear Minun Posted June 23, 2013 Posted June 23, 2013 Posting to say I made profiles for the Eevee, Diglett and Ghastly now known as Nyx, Ponos, and Palomides respectively. Also made edits to Lucan and Lancelot's profiles following Lucan's evolution to Vanilluxe and Lancelot's fierce training. Still post-poning posting an IC due to business caused by other Quote
Canis Lycaon Posted June 23, 2013 Posted June 23, 2013 So, for my first post, does anyone want any interaction? I'm not sure where to start off. I'm guessing I won't get the five points because I just joined, and I haven't made an IC post. Quote I used to have a banner here. But that RPG is dead. What now?
Parugi Posted June 23, 2013 Author Posted June 23, 2013 Konuju: I'll try not to. Sorry for the huge workload. XP Mangs: Welcome to Pokémon, where dimensional fabric is a thing and shadowy duplicates of men with space powers eat unwitting guards! Names should be the least of your worries. Anyway, all of the noted profile changes above are good to go. Canis: There's a reason I said "everyone." Besides, Mangs took the five points and hasn't posted here in like... forever, so... Quote Follow me on YouTube! ~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~
Canis Lycaon Posted June 28, 2013 Posted June 28, 2013 I am going to use my five points as following: Brutus evolved from a Turtwig to a Grotle Julius evolved from a Growlithe to an Arcanine Blake caught a Riolu Blake captured a Shinx Augustus's moveset was refined Quote I used to have a banner here. But that RPG is dead. What now?
Krayzikk Posted June 28, 2013 Posted June 28, 2013 A sudden shift in the balance of reality... A return never thought to occur.... A force never meant to be unleashed upon the world again...The snark returneth.So, overly dramatic entrance aside, hello. I was here way, way, way back, like, around the time the game started. Long before the new boards went up, I lost track of this place, and decided the effort needed to bring myself up to speed wasn't worth it.Well, due to the prodding of a certain member (Hai Mango), I'm back. My original profile is probably long since lost to history, and that's probably a good thing since it was before I took.a level in writing competence, so I'll be making a new one. I've already refreshed my knowledge of the game's rules, so I should be back up to.speed.Anything in particular I should know, outside of what's in the first post? Quote On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point? Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG
Franco Posted June 29, 2013 Posted June 29, 2013 (edited) Username: Mr. PeanutsName: CeroFaction: Team MagmaHometown: UnknownAge: Unknown; appears to be teenagerAppearance: Cero wears a set of all-concealing and ashen robes, boots, and gloves. His face is covered in a set of bandages peppered with soot, covering all but a pair of eyes that perpetually appear to be closed. The eye's lids are olive in complexion and covered in scars. His entire figure is dotted with soot and sand.Personality: He is very nearly to the point of total silence. He speaks little, but his actions show a sort of strange pattern reminiscent of one following a strict and ascetic code.Background: Cero stumbled into Team Magma representatives as they repaired Lilycove City following the destruction of the Void Towers. Near-mortally wounded with serious burns, the group aided in his recuperation. Unlike many other refugees, however, he joined the group afterwards with but his name, knowledge of bajiquan, and the Probopass in his lone Poke ball. He has since clothed himself in nomadic garb and taken to wandering the regions as he builds a team and trains during the truce. He is currently passing through Kalos.Pokémon Team: Piedra (Probopass), Buitre (Mandibuzz), Aridez (Hippopotas), Viajero (Lillipup), Tympole, TrapinchIn PC: Sombra (Cacturne)Items: -x1 Escape Rope-x1 Potion-x1 Hyper Potion-x1 TM10/Hidden Power-x1 Egg, species unknown Nickname: AridezSpecies: HippowdonTrainer: CeroGender: MaleAppearance: Aridez is a Hippowdon of unusually great quantities of sand. Grains passively sit in his skin and ooze from him as he moves. He has many small scars on his back, but his most prominent marks are frostbite scars on his feet from the battle against Leviathan. However, his eyes command the most attention of his features: wide and carmine, they are always scanning their environment with a fiery gaze.Personality: Aridez' evolution brought his pride to new heights, giving him a choleric temperament and warping his easygoing ways into the ferocity of an adult hippopotamus. In spite of this confidence, though, he is largely unsure of his role and unused to such a colossal body. His sand often serves to communicate as much as his body and verbal languages in its activity.Specialty: Aridez' great body has made him tough, strong and even a little fast. His experience and quantity of sand, combined, also provide him with an effective "second skin" of sand to further increase his endurance; they additionally intensify his Sand Stream. However, Aridez isn't yet used to his abundance of sand, nor his body, and so is maladroit. His speed is also hindered by his clumsiness. Hail and Rain also batter his greater quantity of sand to the ground, decreasing its usefulness.Ability: Sand StreamKnown Moves: Earthquake, Slack Off (egg move), Crunch, Ice Fang, Curse (egg move), Sand TombEXP: 8 (fighting Kyle, fighting Leviathan, catching) Nicknames: PiedraSpecies: ProbopassTrainer: CeroGender: MaleAppearance: The Probopass' body is nearly-totally blackened with scorch marks, primarily present on its front. It also lacks a 'mustache' of filings.Personality: Piedra is drawn to black comedy, otherwise dour in every way.Specialty: The Probopass specializes in absorbing damage of both the physical and special varieties, although he is very slightly tougher specially.Ability: SturdyKnown Moves: Discharge, Power Gem, Rest, Hidden Power [Grass] TM (replacing Gravity), Magnet Rise, Thunder WaveEXP: 4 (fighting Leviathan)Nickname: BuitreSpecies: MandibuzzTrainer: CeroGender: FemaleAppearance: Buitre is swathed in a bone apron as opposed to a skirt. She carries Leviathan's core at all times.Personality: The Mandibuzz is sly and diabolic, always plotting. Specialty: Buitre possesses exceptional defenses, though she is slightly tougher physically.Ability: OvercoatKnown Moves: Air Slash, Dark Pulse, Steel Wing (egg move), Tailwind, Nasty Plot, Roost (egg move)EXP: 4 (fighting Leviathan)Species: LillipupNickname: ViajeroTrainer: CeroGender: MaleAppearance: Viajero is average but for longer teeth and shorter fur than most Lillipup, as well as a propensity for carring objects within his fur--if not ones he obtains using his ability, then typically small and wholly natural things like pebbles or twigs.Personality: Viajero is very curious, always looking for excitement. He is also energetic and loves to move about.Ability: PickupSpecialty: He is fast and agile thanks to his energy and short fur, though he also does have a bit extra biting power thanks to his pronounced canines.Known Moves: Reversal, Crunch, Fire Fang (egg move), Thunder Fang (egg move), Ice Fang (egg move), Work UpEXP: 6 (caught, fighting Leviathan, fighting Kyle)Nicknames: SombraSpecies: CacneaTrainer: CeroGender: FemaleAppearance: Sombra is more humanoid than other Cacturne, possessing longer limbs. She has straight spines coating her hands and feet. Her "crown" takes the form of a conical straw hat. Her coloration is, additionally, a pine green spotted with dust.Personality: She is silent and prickly.Ability: Sand VeilSpecialty: Evasion and deception, along with needle-based attacks.Known Moves: Leech Seed, Spikes, Hidden Power [Poison] TM (replacing Pin Missile), Low Kick (egg move), Seed Bomb (egg move), Sucker PunchEXP: 2 (catching) Nickname: RocíoSpecies: TympoleTrainer: CeroGender: MaleAppearance: Rocío is an average Tympole but for its prodigious size, being about a quarter larger than other members of his species. Personality: Rocío's a rather gregarious Pokemon, always seeking the company of new friends, which leads him to sing often and with feeling. However, he's not self-aware and his carelessness leads him to ignorance of many of his circumstances. Ability: Water AbsorbSpecialty: His mass helps him to cushion blows. It also allows him capacity to store water for spitting and air for singing.Known Moves: Refresh (egg move), Earth Power (egg move), Hydro Pump, Supersonic, Aqua Ring, Hidden Power [Fire] TM (replacing Hyper Voice)EXP: 2 (caught, fighting Kyle) Edited March 13, 2015 by .38 Special Quote [Profiles] Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness.
Krayzikk Posted June 30, 2013 Posted June 30, 2013 Username: The Snark KnightName: Abraham SteinFaction: Team LibertyHometown: Veilstone CityAge: 19Appearance: Abraham stands slightly taller than most, just under six feet tall. He has a slight athletic figure, muscled but not extraordinarily so, which suits his general occupation. His hair is a dark brown, noticeably longer than what is standard, though it is seldom in a state above messy. His skin tone is slightly pale, a feature enhanced by his tendency to wear darker clothes. He is most often dressed in a long gray coat, underneath which he wears a pair of khaki pants and a plain black shirt. Sunglasses are not uncommon, though they tend to be utilitarian, rather than a statement of fashion. He is never seen without a black leather messenger bag slung across his shoulders, and he often is accompanied by a bike. Personality: Abraham is relatively friendly, his pleasant demeanor disguising a truly pragmatic mindset. Many have tried to cling to the more traditional ways, even under Team Rocket's rule, following the rules of battle both written and unwritten. Abraham does away with that mindset; if winning the war relies that he break those rules, he will gladly do so. On the whole, he is not the traditional hero, nor could he necessarily be called good.Background: Abraham grew up in Veilstone City just after the Rockets took over. He trained in the Veilstone Gym, both with his Pokemon, and his own body. In this day and age, after all, it pays to be able to defend yourself. His childhood was fairly uneventful, except for a single event. While away from home, he was accidentally caught in the crossfire of a showdown between Liberty and Rocket agents. Without a well-trained Pokemon, he was unable to defend himself, or escape. But for Vernichten's intervention, it is doubtful he would have escaped unscathed. Since that day, Vernichten has gone whever Abraham went. Roughly five years ago now, he decided that something needed to be done. The war was raging on and on, with neither side truly able to win. One needed to prevail, and he decided that Liberty was that side. Since then he has primarily served as a messenger, carrying information to and fro, and gathering reports that couldn't be sent electronically.Pokémon: Stahl Schneide (Scizor), Vernichten (Absol), Angreifer (Tentacruel) Species: ScizorNickname: Stahl SchneideTrainer: Abraham SteinAppearance: Stahl's carapace is a shade darker than most of his species, more akin to a crimson than the scarlet usually present. It spends much of its time with its wings withdrawn, rather than out in full display. Other than that, the only major difference is its body language, as described in the section below.Personality: Stahl is not nearly as aggressive as most of his species, instead preferring a more impassive approach to life. To allies, it is largely accepting. If you don;t bother it, it won't bother you. However, if you earn its ire, or if Abraham labels you an enemy, it will not cease its assault until you are either non-existent, or Abraham recalls it. It is a guided destroyer, once given a target, it will not stop until it either succeeds, or is ordered to cease.Ability: TechnicianSpecialty: Stahl is primarily an attacker. Where Vernichten relies on speed for its attacks, Stahl's defenses ensure that he can simply rush the opponent and not stop until the order is given. Combined with his ability and Iron Defense, his berserker behavior means that he can simply attack, and attack, and attack.Known Moves: Bullet Punch, Silver Wind, X-Scissor, Iron Head, Swords Dance, Iron Defense Species: AbsolNickname: VernichtenTrainer: Abraham SteinAppearance: Vernichten's fur is of a shade slightly darker than most of his kind, his fur closer to a light gray than the usual white. The crescent on his head curves around slightly further, reaching almost to the middle of the rear of his head, and his eyes are a dark amber, in contrast to the usual red.Personality: Vernichten has been described by many as "unnerving". He approaches the point where intelligence is uncanny, and some have speculated that he is just as clever as a human, he simply does not demonstrate it. But regardless of whether or not that speculation is correct, he has a tendency towards stoic behavior bordering on icy. Those he encounters are appraised according to their actions, rather than what reputation they have built. The road to his trust is long and arduous, but once it is earned, it is nearly unshakeable. His loyalty to Abraham is without flaw, and Vernichten would not hesitate to do anything instructed by him. Ability: Super LuckSpecialty: Vernichten acts in a similar capacity to Stahl Schneide; he is primarily an offensive force. But that is where the similarities end. Where Stahl is a berserker, Vernichten is a pragmatist, serving for quick, powerful strikes with almost surgical efficiency. He also serves as the last resort; when no other options remain, Perish Song sweeps the field.Known Moves: Swords Dance, Double Team, Detect, Sucker Punch, Night Slash, Perish Song Species: TentacruelNickname: AngreiferTrainer: Abraham SteinAppearance: Angreifer is nearly identical to most of his species, save for the battered nature of his beak.Personality: Tentacruel is what his fellows are not; a predator. Though his loyalty is without question,Angreifer takes far more joy in his battles than most. He seems to relish his toxic nature, using it to its fullest whenever given the chance.Ability: Liquid OozeSpecialty: Where Stahl and Vernicten are full attackers, Angreifer serves as a semblance of defense. He does not attack directly as much as they, preferring instead to administer poison, and keep itself alive whilst its opponent slowly succumbs to the toxins.Known Moves: Toxic Spikes, Hex, Bubblebeam, Poison Jab, Aqua Ring, Sludge Wave Profile for approval. Quote On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point? Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG
Parugi Posted June 30, 2013 Author Posted June 30, 2013 Krayzikk--I'm shocked to see you back, in all honesty. Good to see you, though! Let's see... Aside from what's in the first post, this one and the post following it have additional information on a number of the major plots that have happened since you left. Aside from that, the only things I can think of that aren't covered in any of those posts are:-The six-month time skip from a week or so ago, which can be read here if you haven't seen it already.-The fact that the next big plot involves Seven Deadly Sin-based trainers. Go figure. So yeah. If anything else comes to mind, I'll let you know, and if you have any other questions, I'll (attempt to) answer them. (also Abraham and Cero both approved) Quote Follow me on YouTube! ~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~
Franco Posted June 30, 2013 Posted June 30, 2013 (edited) As for your profile questions--Pressure would essentially just make the enemy Pokémon tire out more quickly or make more mistakes than usual. Hidden abilities are also allowed, as are six moves per Pokémon, since I see you only have four each. Hidden abilities are allowed? Well, that one makes me feel like a couple retcons. XP EDIT: Or not. Though, that bit of information is a useful piece that I neglected to collect. Edited June 30, 2013 by Mr. Peanuts Quote [Profiles] Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness.
Daniel Bryan Posted July 1, 2013 Posted July 1, 2013 Username: DetranixName: Adam “Van Harrison”Faction: FordHometown: ???Age: 19Appearance: Standing at near 6’ tall, Van Harrison features a fairly athletic build, giving to mind that he was at one point a fairly active person. With long black hair extending down his back, its black features being broken apart by multiple misty white streaks. His shining blue eyes are the only things that reveal any sort of colour. Van wears a tight black bodysuit, over which he will wear dark grey shorts and a light grey vest. In addition, Van also carries a side pack around his waist, in which he carries an assortment of items both for his Pokémon, and for his own personal use.Personality: Van is a quiet individual, but beneath his silent exterior lays a mysterious destructive force. His mind often wandering, Van somehow manages to simultaneous seem distracted from the task at hand, yet be focused completely upon his mission.Background: Adam’s past is unknown, even to him. Having merely appeared within Sinjoh Ruins, knowing only his name, Adam was discovered by Tyler McKinley and promptly recruited by the Ford Agent. As Van attempts to piece together his past, he follows his orders to the best of his ability. Still, he can’t help but feel like he isn’t exactly who he thinks he is...Pokémon: Hydreigon, Nidoking Species: HydreigonNickname: n/aTrainer: Van HarrisonAppearance: Hydreigon is much larger than most Hydreigon, it’s bright red markings serving to emphasize its brutality in battle.Personality: Hydreigon is a brutal monster, plain and simple, ready and willing to destroy anything that gets in its path. A savage beast, Hydreigon chooses only to listen to Van Harrison, and even then, it will not hesitate to ravage anything.Ability: LevitateSpecialty: Hydreigon’s specialty lies within his special attack, which is quite impressive, in addition to his speed.Known Moves: Tri Attack, Dragon Pulse, Dark Pulse (Egg Move), Crunch, Fly, Outrage Species: NidokingNickname: n/aTrainer: Van HarrisonAppearance: Nidoking is noticeably smaller than others of its species, but its spines are much sharper than others to make up for this size deficiency.Personality: Nidoking is a very vicious Pokémon when it chooses to be. Unlike Hydreigon, however, Nidoking is much more honorable in its endeavors, refusing to cross the line wen in combat.Ability: Sheer ForceSpecialty: Special Attack and SpeedKnown Moves: Earth Power, Posion Jab, Double Kick, Confusion (Egg Move), Disable (Egg Move), Thunderbolt ~Det Quote YESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYES YESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYES YESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYES YESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYES YESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYES
Blessed Blade Posted July 2, 2013 Posted July 2, 2013 (edited) /EDIT: So it doesn't get mixed in with Jenny's profiles; here isSpecies: ExcadrillNickname: NoneTrainer: Ryan HikariAppearance: The blue stripe is a tiny bit lighter, but not by much. It's biggest difference is that the spikes on it's horn and claws resemble the shape of the end of a skeleton key almost. It is unknown why this is so.Personality: Excadrill is brutal and adamant; if he finds an opponent worth fighting, he doesn't stop until Black recalls him, he's injured, or the opponent is dead. While Excadrill has gotten better at not killing it's opponents just because it's fighting a good opponent since it's evolution, it still has not managed the art of containing it's rage; instead utilizing that for added strength.Ability: Sand StrengthSpecialty: Excadrill specializes in physical attacksKnown Moves: Rock Slide, Hone Claws, Metal Claw, Slash, Earthquake, Drill RunRemoving Swords Dance and adding Drill Run and Rock Slide/Old Post: Jenny profile: Username: Blade Name: Jenny Hakuda Gender: Female Faction: Team Plasma Hometown: Accumula Town, Unova Age: 19 Appearance: Jenny has blonde hair, and yellowish-white eyes that radiate her good heart and her will for peace. She typically wears a white vest over a gray t-shirt, black shorts unless the season's not fit at all for that, and bluish gray shoes. She wears a pair of glasses for distance seeing, which have a grayish tinge on the frames. Over the course of the six months, she had gotten a new outfit. She kept her white vest, however, swapped her shirt for a pale blue variant with hints of grey stripes as a 'border' at times. She wears nearly jean blue shorts, and has more white on her shoes than before. She kept her glasses, but doesn't wear them all the time, keeping it in her blue and white backpack. Personality: Jenny is a kind person who cares for Pokemon a lot. She dislikes the war, and while she was in the Kanto regions, made sure to stay away from where the fighting was taking place. Jenny, however, can fight, even though she rarely wants to. She seems to have a close connection with her Pokemon, and sometimes can command moves through simply her will alone, somehow. Jenny cannot stand crime, and that in turn, tends to force her into action, if she can do something. Jenny's personality has changed somewhat since her memories were partially restored thanks to the help of Evan Tierra. Her base personality hasn't changed much; but she seems to look for reasons to get involved in things, and to try and pursue justice no matter what. However, this is actually covering up some insecurity from being used as a pawn in Gerald Hikari's plots, and due to her wondering if she even matters, due to this being her technical third identity. Her insecurity is backed up by the seeming weakness of her team, being effectively told to stay back all the time, as was shown during the Darkrai fight. Background: Jenny's past is a literal mess. This is in fact her third identity due to the meddling of Gerald Hikari. Initially, she was born into the Hakuda family as their first and only daughter, Jessica Hakuda, and grew up to be a girl who trusted people a lot, and always tried to look on the bright side of things. However, an incident one day, and wanting to help out desperately with the effort to bring peace to the region, caused her to actually be kidnapped, and apparently killed. Following this, her memories were sealed away with psychic intervention, and her past was effectively recreated as a teenager known as 'Summer Shirayuki'. In the years that followed, Summer caught the attention of Team Plasma, and joined their ranks as an agent, pursuing a dream she had of getting to the bottom of the truth, and finding justice for people. She was only somewhat aware of the fight over in Kanto; and wasn't truly dragged into it until Ryan Hikari showed up. Neither recognized each other, however; and Summer ended up on the losing end of the ensuing fight. She eventually got another chance to fight Black, as he was now known, but once again ended up worse for wear, as he stole her Oshawott, releasing his Tepig in the process. She captured the trainerless Pokemon, and evolved it herself, catching a Gyarados shortly after. However, she was intrigued by what was going on, and found out about the Light Stone, and decided to take it to the DragonSpiral Tower to investigate it for Team Plasma, joining up with Kyle and Zach, who were also interested in the Tower because of Black. The trio regrouped with the other group at the tower, and raced up it to try and confront Black before he could awaken Zekrom; however, they were too late, and a brief battle broke out before Summer managed to awaken Reshiram in response. However, Evan Tierra was fatally wounded in the process, but was still able to fight, and brought Palkia to the fight to turn the tides. Palkia warped them to Black Tower, where the group fought desperately against Black and won, with Evan defeating Zekrom easily as well. However, Gerald showed up at that moment, and revealed his manipulation of the events the whole time, and forced Zach to fuse Zekrom and Kyurem and nearly destroyed Unova. However, thanks to Seth's sudden appearance, and the recently revived Evan, Kyurem's threat was neutralized. Summer was devastated by the destruction of southeast Unova, and thanks to the events of the entire battle, refused to even accept that Evan helped, or that what Gerald said was true at first. However, with Evan showing her what happened, she grew to understand that Evan really didn't want any of that to happen. His attempt to show her what happened also had the side-effect of unlocking some of her sealed memories, which caused her to realize that she was actually who Gerald said she was. Summer had run away from the group for a little bit to try and make sense of that, and eventually came to terms with both of her identities; and assumed a new name in response: Jenny Hakuda. New, but old. With that and a bit of training, Jenny accompanied the group that was headed to fight the Darkrai, to try and show her worth. However, despite that, she was one of the only ones in that fight to be more of a dead weight; helping initially against the Darkrai that she and Ray was fighting, but eventually being forced out of the fight due to the difference in strength, and being the first to fall to Sombra's Dark Void attacks. After the fight was over, Jenny stayed around the Kanto regions for about a week; and finally mended fences fully with her brother, Ray after effectively telling him she wasn't Jessica back before she regained part of her memories. However, she headed off to Unova after that, and began to help out with the relief effort. She was also investigating something odd she recalled from the restored memories, and was about to head to White Forest to check on it, when she was captured by a mysterious kidnapper intent on sending a message to someone. But, who, and why? Pokémon: Female Pignite, female Litwick, female Tynamo, female Sandile, female Gyarados Nickname: Boarlite Species: Emboar Trainer: Jenny Hakuda Gender: Female Appearance: No difference. Personality: Ever since Jenny 'adopted' the abandoned Tepig, it has grown even more carefree than when the ruthless Ryan "Black" Hikari. However, she is still Adamant about fighting whoever her opponent is. After its evolution, Boarlite has grown more determined to protect the bonds of friendship she has obtained with the rest of Jenny's party, and the Pokémon of the Shiny Beast group in general. She is still carefree, but is also more willing to fight. Ability: Blaze Specialty: +Attack, -Special Attack, +Speed Known Moves: Superpower(EGG), Tackle, Heat Crash, Flame Charge, Smog, Roar Nickname: Lurelite Species: Chandelure Trainer: Jenny Hakuda Gender: Female Appearance: Lurelite's eyes tend to glow more of an orange colour than most Chandelure. Other than that, there's no difference. Personality: Lurelite is fairly mild, and tends to stay out of the lime light often, though when she battles, or is otherwise put into the spotlight, then she performs as best as she can. Lurelite trusts White very much, and that tends to give her the motivation to battle. Lurelite has stayed modest since her twin evolutions; however, she is much more determined to battle to protect what Jenny cares about, which is why she waited for just the right moment to evolve. Ability: Flame Body Specialty: Lurelite excels in Special Attacks extremely well, however, her defense doesn't appear to be as good in exchange for her specialty in Special Attacks. Known Moves: Ember, Shadow Ball, Heat Wave, Flame Burst, Hex Nickname: Eelite Species: Eelektross Trainer: Jenny Hakuda Gender: Female Appearance: The stripes on the face are more of an orange colour. Personality: Tynalite is adamant on trying its best; even if it's weaker than most anything that's not named 'Magikarp' in its first form. Unfortunately, that also means that it tends to stay in the battle, even as it's losing. Which also means it gets fainted. A lot. It has learned from that, though, and gained courage and determination, and now has the will to defeat anything that it can manage to take out now that it's evolved, never giving up if there's still hope left. Ability: Levitate Specialty: Eelite specializes in Physical Attacks. Known Moves: Headbutt, Thunder Wave, Wild Charge, Crush Claw, Crunch. Nickname: Sandlite Species: Krookodile Trainer: Jenny Gender: Female Appearance: No difference. Personality: Sandlite likes to joke around a lot, but tends to be Adamant in battle when she has a reason to be. She is also loyal to her new trainer, to a point; White hasn't gained Sandlite's trust as much as she has with her other Pokémon yet. It has gotten a little more arrogant over the past little while, and its evolution has helped it none; however, it has the power usually to back it up. Ability: Anger Point Specialty: Sandlite focuses on attack most of all; though with its evolution, its speed has increased as well, at the cost of its special attack. Known Moves: Fire Fang(Egg), Foul Play, Sand Tomb, Leer, Earthquake Nickname: Gyaralite Species: Gyarados Trainer: Summer "White" Shirayuki Gender: Female Appearance: Gyaralite has a scar over her left eye, but aside from that, no difference. Personality: Gyaralite is more aggressive and Adamant than any of Summer's Pokemon; but the Gyarados seems oddly loyal to Summer; it isn't understood why, however. Ability: Moxie Specialty: Gyaralite's Attack stat is higher than most others; and it's speed is respectable as well, though it's Special Attack is almost non-existent. Known Moves: Outrage(Move Tutor, taught by previous owner), Aqua Tail, Hydro Pump, Dragon Dance, Hyper Beam, Leer Nickname: Scizlite Species: Scizor Trainer: Gerald Gender: Female Appearance: Scizlite is more or less normal, however, the 'eyes' on its hands have a 'pupil' in the centre of them, and the right eye of the right hand seems to be sealed shut with a Flying Gem which has been sewn into it so that it would remain 'shut' even when it has been used. Personality: Scizlite is one of the only ones on Gerald's team who still seems to have concern for what is happening. However, she obeys Gerald out of a sense of loyalty, despite her moral objections. She can be a big baby at times, however, bawling out of happiness at what seems like nothing. This was proved when Jenny took over ownership after Gerald's defeat at the hands of Evan, proving to be a better owner than Gerald ever was. Ability: Technician Specialty: Attack+, Speed+ Known Moves: Bullet Punch, X Scissor, Bug Bite (Move Tutor), Quick Attack, Aerial Ace (TM Move), Thief (TM Move) Edited December 18, 2014 by An/A Blade Quote The Pokemon TopicPokemon: Rise of the Rockets - Rise of the Rockets Discussion Topic - Rise of the Rockets Side Stories
Franco Posted July 8, 2013 Posted July 8, 2013 (edited) Yet another new dude. xP Username: Mr. PeanutsName: Cassius Ichabod FaustFaction: NoneHometown: Lacunosa TownAge: 17Appearance: Cassius looks to be a young and vaguely pretty male. He has a slightly feminine facial structure, but contrary to this disarming visage, his moderate arms and legs conceal a robust strength granted by the daily toil of work in such an antiquated town. His complexion is dark and hair similarly black, while his eyes are umber. He tends to dress in casual business suits of light shades such as alabaster or khaki, though he consistently foregoes ties.Personality: Faust is a fickle person, his feelings towards any given subject constantly in a state of fluctuation. He has a tendency to vacillate upon even the simplest of decisions and asks advice of anyone he knows, including his 'mon. He has a wild imagination coupled with a burning desire for right to be enacted that are both occasionally evident to the public. But to them, he's just a freak. His inability to choose leaves his life lacking a sense of permanence and meaning that others have, providing him with some degree of listlessness and the aforementioned perception of his person to be abnormal and worthless. Like many of his fellow Unovans, he considers the war to be of little immediate concern, though unlike the majority, he also perceives that its toll is prevalent even in his homeland and may yet engulf it in conflict. Background: Cassius was born and raised in Lacunosa Town. He became moderately educated, but although he was found to be intelligent, he rarely applied that intelligence in anything. He rarely kept friends for long, but had a sizable circle of confidants at any time. Faust also knew Pokemon and lived with the family Deerling as one of his prime companions. He enjoyed the old-fashioned ways of Lacunosa, but also felt that he would like to see the outside world; likewise, he likes and respects Team Plasma, but would like to see other reigns than theirs. Now 17 and having inherited that same Deerling after evolving it into the Sawsbuck Eikþyrnir, he has set out to see the world alongside his Pokemon.Pokemon: Hafgufa (Jellicent), Eikþyrnir (Sawsbuck), Baku (Heatmor), Bhusunda (Murkrow)Inventory: x1 TM (Hidden Power) Nicknames: HafgufaSpecies: JellicentTrainer: Cassius I. FaustGender: MaleAppearance: Average in appearance for male Jellicent but for its extraordinary bulk and larger "crown."Personality: Hafgufa is the sadist of the team. Though his appearance may provide the mental image of a comically-gargantuan clown despot, complete with crown, his behavior is another thing entirely. He doesn't mind taking a few hits so long as he manages to land some of his own, and he is apathetic towards nearly everything but the dealing of damage, expressing no emotions--none that can be recognized by his fellows, anyway.Specialty: While Baku is agile and deft and Eikþyrnir swift and strong, Hafgufa is simply a special tank. It takes hits and dishes them out. It is aided in this by its large body, capable of easily absorbing both fierce attacks and copious aqua pura as well as expelling incorporated hydration.Ability: Water AbsorbKnown Moves: Wring Out, Hydro Pump, Absorb, Ominous Wind, Water Spout, Hidden Power [Fighting] EXP: 2 (fighting Heatran) Nickname: EikþyrnirSpecies: Sawsbuck (Autumn Forme)Trainer: Cassius I. FaustGender: MaleAppearance: Eikþyrnir is taller than most of his species and has a full rack of antlers, the leaves which once hung upon them instead ringing his neck like a collar. His extra tufts of fur are conspicuously absent. His bearing is decidedly formal, almost princely. Overall, he appears to be a regal stag which might be called "king of the forest."Personality: Just as dignified as his appearance and nigh incapable of losing his composure. He is always serious and tries to lead the 'mon around him. Notably, naturally powerful and graceful as he is, he will not hesitate to attempt to even the playing field with any of his foes by fighting fairly. To him, it's not about battling, it's about sending a message: the established order was established for a reason and should be maintained for that reason.Specialty: Very fast due to his long gait and very powerful with horn or kicking attacks due to his stag's body. Ability: Sap SipperKnown Moves: Agility (egg move), Megahorn, Horn Leech, Jump Kick, Faint Attack, Double-Edge Nickname: BakuSpecies: HeatmorTrainer: Cassius I. FaustGender: FemaleAppearance: Her claws, arms, and exhaust vents are bigger than usual, and her nose/"nozzle" can widen if desired, allowing for different ranges of flame. The raised bands on her wrists are inverted, facing backwards, and capable of spewing fire, being actual jets as opposed to designs without function. She is totally scarred with the trademark mandible-cuts of Durant. Her body as a whole, however, is more streamlined and compact than most of her kind, resembling a sort of living rocket due to its numerous jets and aerodynamic shape.Personality: Some fire-breathing anteaters just want to watch the world burn. Baku is not one of them. She is gentle and kind, loving all creatures of the world; she will yet consume Durant, as per the diet of her kind, but she harbors a respect for even her prey and doesn't consider their conflict personal. She will also avoid hurting those she deems innocent to a fault. This last trait is expressed in Baku's fighting style, which relies more on skill and accuracy than power. Specialty: Very good with the expulsion of flames for propulsion or controlled burning. Her enlarged nose and vents help with this. As well, her bigger claws and arms allow for some powerful punches and slashes.Ability: Flash FireKnown Moves: Fire Spin, Flamethrower, Hidden Power [Grass] , Sucker Punch (egg move), Bug Bite, LickEXP: 3 (catching, fighting Heatran) Nickname: BhusundaSpecies: MurkrowTrainer: Cassius I. FaustGender: FemaleAppearance: Bhusunda is the average Murkrow in appearance. Personality: Bhusunda is a domineering, manipulative 'mon possessing no small degree of cunning. She likes to give orders but detests the responsibility attached to a position in which she might do that.Specialty: The Murkrow is agile and deft. In conjunction with its ability, it can mete out powerful strikes quickly.Ability: Super LuckKnown Moves: Sky Attack (egg move), Mirror Move (egg move), Sucker Punch, Night Shade, Foul Play, Hidden Power [Ground] EXP: 4 (caught, fighting Heatran, catching) Nickname: XuanwuSpecies: BronzorTrainer: Cassius I. FaustGender: N/AAppearance: A Bronzor possessing incredible size for its species.Personality: Uncompromising and totally devoted to a set of alien tenets of morality.Specialty: Powerful and unrelenting attacks balanced by its lack of speed.Ability: LevitateKnown Moves: Faint Attack, Payback, Extrasensory, Hidden Power [ice] , Heavy Slam, Gyro BallEXP: 1 (caught) EDIT: Constructman, I would advise reading the RPing topic's first post again. It pretty much covers what's happened recently. Edited November 16, 2013 by Unto the Bleach Quote [Profiles] Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness.
Parugi Posted July 8, 2013 Author Posted July 8, 2013 (edited) Cassius looks pretty much fine~ Constructman: Definitely do this: EDIT: Constructman, I would advise reading the RPing topic's first post again. It pretty much covers what's happened recently.Specifically the factions section--that is being updated more regularly now, although some other sections have been updated/streamlined. CliffNotes version of other stuff off the top of my head---Darkrai are defeated-There's a ceasefire between TR and TL right now-Nine appears to have been killed by the seven corrupted trainers he gathered earlier in the RPG--three of whom have revealed themselves as Sloth, Envy, and Wrath-Envy has essentially destroyed the entirety of Team Galactic. Only Jupiter is known to have escaped; she is now in Black City-Wrath is fighting Ryan and Zach Hikari in Goldenrod City-There's something going down in Snowpoint City, which Dack Majors and his friends are going to investigate So yeah. Welcome back! Also, If you haven't done so already, please make sure to repost your profiles in this topic so that I can link to them from the first post. =) Edited July 8, 2013 by Parugi Quote Follow me on YouTube! ~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~
Constructelf Posted July 9, 2013 Posted July 9, 2013 Here are my profiles Name: Ralet (alias Jacob Stark)Species: GalladeFaction: No set faction, evil moral alignment.Hometown: Survival AreaAge: 20Appearance: Jacob is an oddity among Gallade; he stands at 6' 3", more than a foot tall than the average Gallade. In addition, he has black highlights on his armblades. His face is heavily scarred; to disguise it, he wears an iron mask that covers three quarters of his head, complete with a glowing red OHMD for an eyepatch. He is almost always wearing a suit of armor. It appears similar to black motorcycle gear but is much more heavily armored. The armor also features retractable blades for his armblades to extend into. The suit is completed with a black helmet. In this suit of armor, he is nigh indistinguishable from a human.Personality: Jacob is an exception to the general rule that Pokémon cannot be evil. He is thoroughly cruel, sadistic, and in all respects, heartless. He has no qualms about killing; in fact, he enjoys it. Greedy for money and hungry for battle, he is a force to be feared. While he is generally mistrusting around humans, he has a soft spot for pokemon, often showing them uncharacteristc mercy.Background: Jacob, then known as Ralet, was hatched from an egg in the survival area under the care of a powerful trainer who was also a weapons enthusiast. This trainer cared little for weak pokemon; after just a weak of training, his trainer gave up on him, beginning to abuse the abnormally weak Ralts. One day, Ralet couldn't take it anymore and ran away from home. Doing his best to survive in the wild, Ralet eventually became extremely powerful. However, years of fighting for his life hardened his heart and a dark concept crept into his mind: the strong had the right to take from the weak and the weak only deserved to die. With this mentality, Ralet returned to his old trainer and murdered him in cold blood. Stealing his trainer's motorcycle gear and weaponry and went on to become a deadly assassin, killing for money. Eventually finding a suit of armor to disguise himself, he took the alias of Jacob Stark and continued his career.Pokemon: Deino, BeldumAbility: SteadfastSpecialty: ATTACK ATTACK ATTACKMoves: Night Slash, Teleport, Close Combat, Swords Dance, Psycho Cut, Shadow SneakSpecies: DeinoNickname: DinoTrainer: Jacob StarkAppearance: Same as canonPersonality: Dino is extremely shy. He will often just sit there, not willing to do anything. Sometimes, he won't even eat!Ability: HustleSpecialty: AttackKnown moves: Tackle, Dragon Rage, Focus Energy, Bite, Dragonbreath, Dark Pulse (Egg)Species: BeldumNickname: BellTrainer: Jacob StarkAppearance: Bell has blue eyes instead of red eyes.Personality: Bell, like Dino, is very shy and has a lot of confidence issues.Ability: Clear BodySpecialty: DefenseMoves: Takedown, Iron Head, Iron Defense, Zen Headbutt Username: ConstructmanName: Vincent ZaiFaction: Team LibertyHometown: Littleroot TownAge: 15Appearance: A Chinese teenager with black hair, nearly black eyes, and with glasses. He stands about 5' 10" and usually wears a nave blue long sleeve shirt. Sometimes he will wear a black gi instead.Will almost always be wearing a black cloak and hood and carrying a staff. He also usually has a katana with him that he will not hesitate to use.Personality: Normally, Vincent is cold, unfathomable, and mysterious. Extremely knowledgable and wise, he is admired by many. However, he is extremely antisocial and pessimistic. He is very "unteenager" like and from how jaded he is, one might think that he's 90. However, if you do manage to push the right buttons, he will have a temper tantrum like a toddler. He doesn't see his pokemon as tools to win battles; he's more than willing to fight sword in hand than with pokemon. Rather, he sees them as companions, as the friends that he never had. Perhaps he owes this to his bloodline; he claims to be a descendant of Nobunaga but none can affirm this.Background: Raised in Littleroot town, he was always "different". He never really was a child; rather, he seemed to be wise beyond his years, but sad as well. He seemed to have an eerie connection to pokemon, especially fighting, psychic, and ghost types. Training with a a martial artist, he learned the ways of the karateka and the kendoka as well as the art of battling. He is fascinated by the Aura Guardians and wishes to become one. This is his primary motivation in journeying the lands.Pokemon: Riolu, Spiritomb, TorchicSpecies: RioluNickname: LucarioTrainer: VincentAppearance: Identical to canon appearancePersonality: Lulu is much like her trainer: calm, quiet, and introspective. However, she is much happier and optimistic than Vincent is, so while they do get along, Lulu helps to balance out Vincent's pessimism.Ability: Inner FocusSpecialty: Lulu specializes mainly in physical attacks. She has been trained by Vincent in the martial arts to further improve her physical stats.Known moves: Quick attack, Foresight, Low Kick, Force Palm, Vacuum Wave, Sky Uppercut Species: SpritombNickname: Mikaruge (Spiritomb's Japanese name)Trainer: VincentAppearance: Vincent has managed to attach the Odd Keystone Mikaruge resides in to his staff. It has resided there for so long that it has essentially "become" the staff, so when about to wake up, the whole staff courses with purple energy, not just the cracks in the stone. Looks just like a regular Spiritomb when released, except it is bonded to the staff, meaning that if it wants to move, Vincent has to run along with it. It is capable of dragging the staff along with itself but it considers that silly. The keystone is detachable so when stopping of the night, Vincent takes it off of the staff.Personality: Mikaruge doesn't fully believe in Vincent's capability yet. It can also be willful at times and is well known for it's sarcasm and deadpan snarking. As a result, it won't go all in in battles, sometimes just to spite Vincent, sometimes because it believes it's true potential will be too much for Vincent to handle.Ability: InfiltratorSpecialty: Mikaruge has yet to show it's full potential, so Vincent doesn't really know what it's good at yet. It's hinted that it's special moves are stronger than it's physical attacks but Vincent's suspicions have yet to be confirmedKnown Moves: Curse, Shadow Sneak, Faint Attack, Spite, Pursuit, Destiny bond Species: TorchicNickname: TorchioTrainer: Vincent ZaiAppearance: Bigger head feathersPersonality: Torchio is very curious and has a habit of wandering off at times. Despite his wandering, he is still very loyal to Vincent, seeing as he was the boy's starter.Ability: BlazeSpecialty: AttackKnown Moves: Scratch, Focus Energy, Ember, Crush Claw (Egg), Night Slash (Egg), Flame Burst (Egg) Username: ConstructmanName: Geoffrey LannisterFaction: Team RocketHometown: Cocona VillageAge: 27Appearance: He has a Norse look, with blond hair and prominent eye bones. He looks similar to Loki from the films except for the blond hair. He usually wears a high-tech glove. It appears to be a grey cyber-fabric of sorts. This serves as the hiding place for his Rotom.Personality: Geoffrey is obsessed with science and will stop at nothing to unravel the mysteries of the human and pokemon genome. He is very proud of his achievements in the genetic field and will gladly research a new mystery. However, when it comes to criminal matters, he suddenly becomes very dark and dangerous. He is certainly a man you do not want to cross.Background: Geoffrey came from a very well to do family deeply established in the scientific community. Having been groomed for the scientific life, he became a freelance geneticist and is currently working on uncovering mroe informaiton on alien and artificial pokemon. When he's not in the laboratory however, he gets involved in a much darker facet of society. By night, he is one of Team Rocket's top scientists, doign hsi best to further their plans.Pokemon: Porygon2, Bannette, RotomSpecies: Porygon2Nickname: Pory, PorygonTrainer: Geoffrey LannisterAppearance: Pory is a bit darker red and lighter blue than most Porygon 2Personality: Pory is very curious and quirky. Like it's trainer, it is quick to investigate new things.Ability: DownloadSpecialty: Pory's Special Attack is extremely high and its beams have devastating effects.Moves: Conversion, Conversion2, Tackle, Psybeam, Signal Beam, RecoverSpecies: BanetteNickname: HannahTrainer: Geoffrey LannisterAppearance: Same as canonPersonality: Hannah, unlike most other Banette, isn't all too vengeful, seeing as she's found a new home in Geoffrey, who loves her very much. She is extremely protective of him and will not hesitate to unleash her full power on whoever dares harm him.Ability: InsomniaSpecialty: Hannah is faster than most Banette.Moves: Knock off, Curse, Shadow Sneak, Will-o-wisp, Faint Attack, HexSpecies: RotomNickname: RotorTrainer: Geoffrey LannisterAppearance: Rotor usually hides inside Geoffrey's glove. As a result, any attacks it uses will seem to come from Geoffrey himself. However, when it does show itself, it appears exactly like canon.Personality: Rotor daydreams a lot and is often "out of it". however, when things get serious, Rotor gets serious, and like his master, becomes very cold and calculating.Ability: LevitateSpecialty: Special AttackMoves: ThunderShock, Thunder Wave, Confuse Ray, Shock Wave, Astonish, Electro Ball Quote
Konuju Posted July 9, 2013 Posted July 9, 2013 I've updated my post on the first page with Madison and Luke's Pokemon, which I've conveniently linked to here. At some point I'd like to give them both full profiles, but as for now I'm only concerning myself with their Pokemon. Quote Konuju: Kopaka and Nuju meet the Spear of Fusion Quotes from throughout the years: 2001: "Your past is forgotten, and your future is an empty book. You must find your own destiny, my brave adventurer." --Nokama2002: "Mata Nui faces perhaps its greatest challenge -- one that will test our courage, our strength, and our belief in each other." --Tahu2003: "So... it has begun, my brother. But soon, it will also end..." --Makuta2004: "Your journey must end." "By the will of the Great Spirit, it has just begun!" --Makuta and Vakama2005: "Our destinies are not written in stone, set in place. They are something we have to find for ourselves." --Vakama2006: "Don't you realize you're fighting for a lost cause?" "Maybe. But don't you realize those are the only ones worth fighting for?" --Axonn and Brutaka2007: "Sometimes a hero has to do something else besides beat the villains and come home covered in glory." --Hahli2008: "Dive into the darkness, Ignite the flame within. Now, there is no turning back. Make the future... begin." --Narrator, The Final Battle Animation2009: "It is said that all endings are merely beginnings waiting to be born." --Mata Nui2010: "All journeys must come to an end, but this time, there is a new beginning as well. ... All that has gone before, my friends, has only served to give birth to this new day. Let unity, duty and destiny be your guides." --Mata Nui2011: "Not dead. Just frozen. They’ll thaw out … eventually. I’m tired of villains spouting gibberish." --Kopaka
JiMing Posted July 9, 2013 Posted July 9, 2013 Okay so during the time-skip.... 1. Aspen caught a Zubat2. Olivia caught a Murkrow3. Olivia's Kirlia evolved into a Gardevoir. Profiles coming soon. Quote Haven't seen one of these in a long time...
Parugi Posted July 11, 2013 Author Posted July 11, 2013 So, guys, here's a thing! As of today, there is an ~OFFICIAL~ Rise of the Rockets Skype Chat. For camaraderie and planning and talking and stuff. Yaaay! So yeah. If you have/make a Skype account, just add me (or Hades or Iskander or Detranix or The Snark Knight or The Fourteenth Doctor or Shuhei Igasi (phew~)) and then I'll add you into the chat. My Skype name is KovianExa. So yeah. Planning yaaay~~ Quote Follow me on YouTube! ~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~
Franco Posted July 12, 2013 Posted July 12, 2013 (edited) I suppose this one will be the last for now. Username: Mr. PeanutsName: Samuel FreemanFaction: NoneHometown: UnknownAge: 28Appearance: Samuel is a strapping young man of light dark complexion and flaxen hair kept under a makeshift bandanna made of an American Flag. A regular hunk, he is an almost comically oversized torso bulging with muscle and comparatively short legs. His eyes are passionate and blue. Freeman's garb often consists of a biker's jacket decorated with a screaming Braviary, a shirt of red, white, and blue, worn jeans, and boots--all of which are noted "Made in the U.S."Personality: A true patriot, Samuel Freeman is obsessed with a far-off country named "America." He is brash and fiercely individualist. A man of few words, he prefers to let his actions speak for themselves, most typically in the form of his fists' speech.Background: Samuel Freeman is a foreigner of unknown nationality who originally sailed to Unova and became a trainer there, obtaining his Braviary. He journeys about the five regions doing whatever jobs he can find and battling with fellow trainers. He is fixed on proselytizing others to desire what he claims to be the merits of his apparent homeland.Pokemon: ManBearPig (Spoink), Doomcannon (Magmortar), FREEGLE (Braviary), Chuck Norris (Hitmonchan)Inventory: -TMs -x1 Hidden Power -x1 Rock Slide Nickname: DoomcannonSpecies: MagmortarTrainer: Samuel FreemanGender: MaleAppearance: Doom Cannon is roughly the size of the average Magmortar, but his tail of flames is prehensile and strong.Personality: The Magmortar is a weary fatalist, having consigned himself to service to his deluded master. He is also a pessimist.Specialty: Long-ranged attacks; due to his prehensile tail, he can better use Iron Tail, and the appendage also acts as a stabilizer when firing. The added stability allows him to put more power into his blasts and bursts without falling.Ability: Flame BodyKnown Moves: Fire Blast, Hidden Power [Grass] , Hyper Beam, Clear Smog, Iron Tail (egg move), Barrier (egg move) EXP: 4 (fighting Leviathan) Nickname: ManBearPigSpecies: SpoinkTrainer: Samuel FreemanGender: MaleAppearance: ManBearPig is the average Spoink but for his gem being of diamond and a miniscule body. Personality: ManBearPig is quite timid and quiet, simply wishing to live his own lazy life. He dislikes disruptions to that life performed by his trainer and any others.Specialty: Absorbing damage and literally bouncing back due to his fat, the occasional Rest, and compact body.Ability: Thick FatKnown Moves: Power Gem, Bounce, Psychic, Rest, Snore, Hidden Power [Fighting] EXP: 6 (catching, fighting Leviathan) Nickname: FREEGLESpecies: BraviaryTrainer: Samuel FreemanGender: MaleAppearance: An exceptionally big Braviary possessing long and sharp claws, along with a pointed beak. He is decorated with the scars of many battles. His 'war bonnet' is wide and brightly colored.Personality: As headstrong and reckless as his trainer, FREEGLE refuses to back away from any fight and is intent on proving himself. He has valor and the guts to use it. As well, he does possess a bit of intelligence, but rarely applies it.Specialty: Close and quite aerial combat, thanks to his great wings, sharp claws, and raptor's beak, alongside the endurance of all Braviary.Ability: DefiantKnown Moves: Hone Claws, Tailwind, Rock Slide , Brave Bird, Superpower, Crush ClawEXP: 4 (fighting Leviathan) Nickname: Chuck NorrisSpecies: HitmonchanTrainer: Samuel FreemanGender: MaleAppearance: The average Hitmonchan with leaner and lighter feet, as well as smaller boxing gloves.Personality: Chuck is a major perfectionist. This appears most prominently in his constant attempts to create the perfect punch, though he is often driven into bouts of melancholy upon the revelation that he has not reached it after yet more work. Specialty: Norris is not merely swift to punch but fast on his feet, using intricate footwork to generate the power needed for its tremendous strikes and jabs. Its ability to shift between stances quickly also aids in special defense.Ability: Iron FistKnown Moves: Mach Punch, Bullet Punch, ThunderPunch, Ice Punch, Focus Punch, Fire PunchEXP: 5 (caught, fighting Leviathan) Nicknames: Mr. FishSpecies: CarvanhaTrainer: Samuel FreemanGender: MaleAppearance: Average in appearance for male Carvanha but for its smaller size.Personality: A hyperactive and exuberant type overflowing with energy.Specialty: Agile movement, along with powerful strikes.Ability: Speed BoostKnown Moves: Crunch, Aqua Jet, Ice Fang, Skull Bash, Hidden Power [Electric] , AncientPower (egg move)EXP: 1 (caught) Edited November 16, 2013 by Unto the Bleach Quote [Profiles] Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness.
Blessed Blade Posted July 12, 2013 Posted July 12, 2013 ... No, you didn't. Please tell me you just didn't... You did, didn't you. xDI'm gonna approve that, just to watch hilarity ensue. *Refrains from spoiling joke* Quote The Pokemon TopicPokemon: Rise of the Rockets - Rise of the Rockets Discussion Topic - Rise of the Rockets Side Stories
Professor Ecketzal Posted July 12, 2013 Posted July 12, 2013 ... heya all... I gues I'm not very wecome here after my most recent dissapereance... yeah... Ok, I'm here to apologize. Especially to Minun4 and Parugi, for leaving them hanging like that without giving any explanation whatsoever. Truth is, last semester in school took out most of my time, and I'm afraid that next semester will be worse in theat regard. I've come t the decision that I can't continue with this (besides, it's not like my RPG skills were good or something). So to everyone. I'm sorry. With my characters you can do as you please. And the same goes with the shadow pokémon (take good care of Genesect). As for what I'm going to do now. I don't know. I may lurk these boards more frequently (my love for Bionicle still lives). And maybe start something else. Until then and happy RPing. Professor Ecketzal Quote Credit for the signature goes to LMKMARAVILLOSO Every puzzle has an answer
Blessed Blade Posted July 12, 2013 Posted July 12, 2013 (edited) Username: BladeName: Lucia ZytherFaction: Team RocketHometown: Viridian CityAge: 20Appearance: Lucia has blonde-ish red hair, which others are not hesitant to point out looks very odd. Her eyes are blue, which people say reflect her... selfishness. Yeah, she typically just acts for herself, most of the time, despite being part of Team Rocket. She dresses oddly, as well, typically wearing white robes with a hood.Recently, she's opted for a new outfit. This consists of a long green coat that had white cuffs, a white shirt with a red band around the neckline, a black skirt that went down to about her knees with three rings heading down vertically, thigh-high black socks, and a pair of black boots.Personality: Lucia is very selfish; despite being a healer. However, she knows when to help out with others. Typically. Her style of 'helping' doesn't always match the typical definition of helping out.Lately, Lucia has seemed to become a better team player, helping out more traditionally when needed. She's also become nicer to the people who she considers her friends.Background: Lucia was born in Viridian City, and as such, was taught about Pokemon Battling at an early age. However, despite picking up on double and triple battling rather quickly, others were dismayed that she simply kept healing her own Pokemon when in multi battles, and that her Pokemon were so weak she only functioned well as a healer, which went right back to the other point. Truth was, that Lucia was quickly bored during fights, since she was rather weak in fighting them, and instead was stubborn, and tried to finish the fights by herself, sometimes ignoring the other people fighting, in an attempt to attack the target herself, despite the fact that it would barely even scratch said opponent.Pokémon: Audino, Chansey, Bayleef, Gothorita, ClawitzerSpecies: AudinoNickname: AudinagaTrainer: LuciaGender: FemaleAppearance: There are no real differences, though it looks to be more annoyed than a normal Audino.Personality: This Audino likes to battle more than most Audino... However, it's still more set-up for battles; since it only has one actual attacking move. It's also rather weak. But it still keeps fighting, preferring to heal it's partners, instead of others.Ability: Regenerator.Specialty: This Audino specializes solely in defences; it's attack stats are nearly non-existent.Known Moves: Heal Bell(EGG), Heal Pulse, Simple Beam, Healing Wish(EGG), Double Edge, AttractSpecies: BlisseyNickname: BlissagaTrainer: LuciaGender: FemaleAppearance: There are no differences.Personality: This Blissey seems much different than typical Blissey, preferring to fight more than others, much like Audinaga. However, it knows to heal more than Audinaga does, but that doesn't mean that is what actually happens.Her personality has become more focused on healing, as she has grown to accept it more, along with the fact that her attack isn't that great. However, she still will attack directly when it is needed.Ability: HealerSpecialty: Defense +++, Special Defense ++, Health +, Attack -, Special Attack -Known Moves: Heal Pulse, Counter, Hyper Voice, Heal Bell(EGG), Softboiled, AromatherapySpecies: MeganiumNickname: Megan/MeganaTrainer: LuciaAppearance: There are no differences.Gender: FemalePersonality: This Meganium is less battle orientated than most; however, it will still use it's status attacks to fight, since those are it's only actual attacks. Megan fights more now; however, is still more of a healer.Ability: Leaf GuardSpecialty: Defense ++, Special Defense ++, Attack -, Special Attack -Known Moves: Heal Pulse(EGG), Aromatherapy, Grasswhistle(EGG), Petal Blizzard, Light Screen, Reflect.Species: GothoritaNickname: GotharaTrainer: LuciaAppearance: Same as a normal Gothorita, except with the ribbons on her head dyed red.Gender: FemalePersonality: At first cheery, but then overcome by a sense of grief and betrayal, this Gothorita is not as it once was, and is much more brutal in its attacks.Ability: CompetitiveSpecialty: Gothara has a higher special attack than normal, and a slight edge in speed and attack.Known Moves: Heal Pulse (EGG), Dark Pulse (EGG), Psybeam, Feint AttackSpecies: ClawitzerNickname: ClaragaTrainer: LuciaAppearance: The twig from her first form has become a reed, however, otherwise the same.Gender: FemalePersonality: While still a ditz at times, Claraga is a force to be reckoned with, as she can fight much better than as a Clauncher, and not act as silly in the heat of the moment.Ability: Mega LauncherSpecialty: Special attack enhanced, plus Special Defence, attack is lowered.Known Moves: BubbleBeam, Water Pulse, Dark Pulse, Heal Pulse, Aura Sphere, Dragon PulseOnly change during the timeskip is bayleef evolving. =P Edited March 12, 2015 by An/A Blade Quote The Pokemon TopicPokemon: Rise of the Rockets - Rise of the Rockets Discussion Topic - Rise of the Rockets Side Stories
Metal Gear Minun Posted July 12, 2013 Posted July 12, 2013 (edited) We were joking around, and this happened. Please forgive me... Username: Minun4Name: Claus DiamondFaction:Team LibertyHometown: Born in Twinleaf but raised in Accumula TownAge: 16Appearance: Claus is fairly short and slightly stout for his age. Has shorter dark hair and dark blue eyes. Wears long khaki pants, and a green jacket over a gray shirt. Keeps a dark scarf on him at all teams, even when not wearing it.Personality: Claus knows that he is the son of a rather famous trainer and likes to live up to the name. Wants to prove himself, but pretty chill about it. Claus figures that opportunities to prove himself will arise when it will and that he just has to prepare. Rather indifferent about the war in and of itself, but feels that Liberty would be the side he should be on.Background: The son of Lucas Diamond (the Von part is really only started enforced by Claus) who for the joined Team Liberty out of principle of being a 'Dex holder's son as opposed to being a 'Dex holder's son making him join for Liberty’s principles. On the outset of the Rocket takeover, Claus's parents left Sinnoh for Unova where they settled as refugees. Both of them intended to return in time but when Claus’ mother was pregnant they stayed for longer than intended. His first Pokémon was a gift to him from his father’s best friend on the insistence that he liked the Sinnoh Fire-starter Pokémon better than his father’s Grass-starter Pokémon (which his dad responded to by feigning heartbreak). When he was old enough to leave on a Pokémon journey, his dad left to go back to fight in the war, and after a few months of packing his wife left to join him. Claus spent the next few years wandering about parts of Unova. He didn’t seem largely too motivated to fight any Pokémon battles or try the Pokémon challenge but did end up catching a couple of other Pokemon and winning the Insect Badge. He left Unova when security monitoring travel was softened. Pokémon: Flint (Monferno), Baccio (Roggenrola), Porky (Tepig) Species: MonfernoNickname: FlintTrainer: Claus DiamondAppearance: White fur around is neck, is thicker than average Monferno. Also has larger fists than others of his kind.Personality: Flint, though a somewhat experienced fighter, is very Naïve about the nature of the world. He believes in the best in people, and in Claus.Ability: Iron Fist Specialty: Flint to fight up close and personal, preferring to punch as opposed to Special attacks. Will try and provoke his opponent into doing the same. Light on his feet.Known Moves: Mach Punch, Feint, Fire Punch (Egg move), Thunder Punch (Egg move), Taunt, AcrobaticsBattle Count: 1 Species: RoggenrolaNickname: BaccioTrainer: Claus DiamondAppearance: Has a lot of sheen, much more than a normal Roggenrola. He has a diamond growing out of his head instead of the average rock.Personality: Baccio has a very Serious personality, and would prefer it if Claus took his duties seriously.Ability: SturdySpecialty: Baccio likes to buff himself to as powerful a form as possible before fighting. Will explode as a last ditch resort.Known Moves: Rock Blast, Stealth Rock, Iron Defense, Automotize (Egg move), Explosion (has a long countdown as it were), Stone Edge (Weaker than average)[/color]Battle Count: 1 Species: TepigNickname: PorkyTrainer: Claus Von DiamondAppearance: Seems slightly fatter than most Tepig. Personality: A very lax sort of pig. Loves to eat as much as possible. If stirred to battle, Porky will fight but is not the type to provoke a fight.Ability: Thick FatSpecialty: Was born with two innately powerful physical attacks, but has little control over either of them and until he can master them he prefers to use non-physical attacks to fight. Also skilled in tracing a scent.Known Moves: Flare Blitz (Requires both charging period plus increase in recoil), Superpower (leaves self severely weak, egg move), Odor Sleuth, Ember, Flame Charge, SmogBattle Count: 1 Edited August 11, 2018 by Metal Gear Minun Quote
Parugi Posted July 12, 2013 Author Posted July 12, 2013 Claus approved~~ And now to update the first post. Ecketzal--Hey, sir, don't worry about it--we understand. If you ever get a chance, feel free to stop on by and rejoin--we'll be holding your characters for you. Quote Follow me on YouTube! ~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~
Konuju Posted July 13, 2013 Posted July 13, 2013 Claus? Flint? Porky? ... and Lucas? I like it. Quote Konuju: Kopaka and Nuju meet the Spear of Fusion Quotes from throughout the years: 2001: "Your past is forgotten, and your future is an empty book. You must find your own destiny, my brave adventurer." --Nokama2002: "Mata Nui faces perhaps its greatest challenge -- one that will test our courage, our strength, and our belief in each other." --Tahu2003: "So... it has begun, my brother. But soon, it will also end..." --Makuta2004: "Your journey must end." "By the will of the Great Spirit, it has just begun!" --Makuta and Vakama2005: "Our destinies are not written in stone, set in place. They are something we have to find for ourselves." --Vakama2006: "Don't you realize you're fighting for a lost cause?" "Maybe. But don't you realize those are the only ones worth fighting for?" --Axonn and Brutaka2007: "Sometimes a hero has to do something else besides beat the villains and come home covered in glory." --Hahli2008: "Dive into the darkness, Ignite the flame within. Now, there is no turning back. Make the future... begin." --Narrator, The Final Battle Animation2009: "It is said that all endings are merely beginnings waiting to be born." --Mata Nui2010: "All journeys must come to an end, but this time, there is a new beginning as well. ... All that has gone before, my friends, has only served to give birth to this new day. Let unity, duty and destiny be your guides." --Mata Nui2011: "Not dead. Just frozen. They’ll thaw out … eventually. I’m tired of villains spouting gibberish." --Kopaka
Blessed Blade Posted July 13, 2013 Posted July 13, 2013 Oh man, I totally didn't get the reference until just now. xDFunny thing is, Lucas is an official character(You know, the protagonist of Diamond/Pearl. =P), yet still manages to pull off the reference perfectly. xD Quote The Pokemon TopicPokemon: Rise of the Rockets - Rise of the Rockets Discussion Topic - Rise of the Rockets Side Stories
Konuju Posted July 13, 2013 Posted July 13, 2013 Exactly. I didn't even catch the Lucas reference at first. Quote Konuju: Kopaka and Nuju meet the Spear of Fusion Quotes from throughout the years: 2001: "Your past is forgotten, and your future is an empty book. You must find your own destiny, my brave adventurer." --Nokama2002: "Mata Nui faces perhaps its greatest challenge -- one that will test our courage, our strength, and our belief in each other." --Tahu2003: "So... it has begun, my brother. But soon, it will also end..." --Makuta2004: "Your journey must end." "By the will of the Great Spirit, it has just begun!" --Makuta and Vakama2005: "Our destinies are not written in stone, set in place. They are something we have to find for ourselves." --Vakama2006: "Don't you realize you're fighting for a lost cause?" "Maybe. But don't you realize those are the only ones worth fighting for?" --Axonn and Brutaka2007: "Sometimes a hero has to do something else besides beat the villains and come home covered in glory." --Hahli2008: "Dive into the darkness, Ignite the flame within. Now, there is no turning back. Make the future... begin." --Narrator, The Final Battle Animation2009: "It is said that all endings are merely beginnings waiting to be born." --Mata Nui2010: "All journeys must come to an end, but this time, there is a new beginning as well. ... All that has gone before, my friends, has only served to give birth to this new day. Let unity, duty and destiny be your guides." --Mata Nui2011: "Not dead. Just frozen. They’ll thaw out … eventually. I’m tired of villains spouting gibberish." --Kopaka
Metal Gear Minun Posted July 14, 2013 Posted July 14, 2013 Blame the people who were on Skype with me at the time. I know Parugi was there and a few others. Also Baccio is a very minor character in the same game, so more puniness. Quote
Relapse Posted July 16, 2013 Posted July 16, 2013 (edited) Revised profiles! Major, major creds to Mangs for the movesets of pretty much all of them. I used my points to evolve Hydreigon and Empoleon, leaving me with two points, if I'm not wrong. Username: KNIName: Hex YutryFaction: Team LibertyHometown: SinnohAge: 17Appearance: He is a tall, black-haired trainer with a black fedora. He wears black jeans and a black coat over an orange t-shirt.Personality: Hex, underneath the rest of his persona, has quite the mean streak. He came at the world like any other trainer, a young hopeful looking for adventure. However, he has a malicious streak that becomes evident when he's left to his own devices, especially under pressure.Background: Hex had a rough childhood. A rogue member Team Rocket, when they were a petty crime group rising power, killed both of his parents. This he never forgot, but managed to form a killer instinct around. He built walls around himself to keep people away from his true persona- he built up walls of laziness and silliness, often acting as a happy-go-lucky Pokemon Trainer who joined TL for the heck of it- but if he ever got ahold of one of the Shadow Admins, he would tear them apart. Piece by piece.Pokémon: Empoleon, Hydreigon, Growlithe, and ElectavireSpecies: GrowlitheNickname: NoneTrainer: HexAppearance: He is identical to all others of his kind.Personality: Growlithe is a bubbling, energetic Pokemon, and very loyal. He practically always stays by Hex's side. It is difficult to make the persistent canine angry, and he can never hold contempt. Usually, he will just turn his back on you until he -thinks- you are making a gesture of apology.Ability: Flash FireSpecialty: Direct fights are often his best, as stealth is not really his peak of ability.Known Moves: Close Combat (egg move), Iron Tail (egg move), Outrage, Flare Blitz, Heat Wave, CrunchSpecies: EmpoleonNickname: NoneTrainer: HexAppearance: Regular Empoleon, unless you count scratches, bruises, dents, fractures, infections, scars, gashes, and all the other marks of combat you get during battle.Personality: He is excessively prideful, to the point of attacking others for insults. When he is taken out of battle early on, he behaves poorly and may disobey Hex later subsequently.Ability: DefiantSpecialty: Speedy combat, quick takedowns; doesn’t do well in long, drawn-out matches.Known Moves: Icy Wind (egg move), Agility (egg move), Aqua Jet, Drill Peck, Metal Claw, Hydro PumpSpecies: HydreigonNickname: NoneTrainer: HexAppearance: Regular, not that much different than others of his kind. Most of his dissimilarities are through body language. He is sluggish when not in combat or in action, and often his legs are somewhat bent.Personality: Rather lazy, he is powerful, large, and...hungry. His three heads contest over who can eat the fastest for amusement.Ability: LevitateSpeciality: Using speed and its three heads to undermine opposing strategies.Moves: Head Smash (egg move), Dark Pulse (egg move), Fire Fang (egg move), Tri Attack, Dragon Rush, Dragon Pulse Species: Electavire Nickname: Raun Trainer: Hex Yutry Appearance: Raun looks like any other Electavire- nothing special here Personality: A bit of a party 'Mon, Raun is somewhat hard to control. Despite this, he's often just enthusiastic and energetic in combat Ability: Static Specialty: Great in close combat- when he gets you up close, he can usually close the deal in a few blows Known Moves: Thunder, Thunderpunch, Ice Punch (egg move), Cross Chop (egg move), Giga Impact, Fire Punch Edited July 16, 2013 by Shuhei Hisagi Quote BZPRPG ProfilesIC: "It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions." So pay me more AuRon.
Parugi Posted July 16, 2013 Author Posted July 16, 2013 Looks good. As does Mang's Dusknoir profile in the other topic. For future reference (for everyone,) though, please be sure to edit add changes into your original profile post. Makes it easier to keep the first post updated. On an unrelated note, if anyone wants (a) character sprite(s) done, let me know. Quote Follow me on YouTube! ~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~
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