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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

After several months on a hiatus--during which time I managed to finally get used to making these without a mouse--I have sprites!


As requested--

Aspen Seaton

Paul Burks

James Arthur

Jamie Arthur


On top of that--

Lust and Greed


(Also, some retakes.)


Feel free to request modifications/additional sprites. Also make sure you have a description of the characters you want to be sprited, if you do request one--vague descriptions are difficult to use!

Edited by Parugi

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~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~


Posted (edited)

Now hold up, I called all four of my dudes on that whacked out skype convo. Where are MY DUDES! Oh wait, their sprites are in limbo, with them until I do something with them.


Nice work on my dudes though.


Now off to write post.


Not for Richard or Claus yet... suddenly thought of brilliant idea to ruin bad moods.

Edited by Claus Von Minun the 4th



Woah, nice job with Aspen! Added the sprite to the profile.


May I request a sprite for either Olivia or Dahlia? Whichever one works, and if you need any details, just ask me!

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...




Wow, Mr. Burks looks fantastic! He does seem a little younger than I envisioned him, but that's not a problem. :)

Konuju: Kopaka and Nuju meet the Spear of Fusion


Quotes from throughout the years:


2001: "Your past is forgotten, and your future is an empty book. You must find your own destiny, my brave adventurer." --Nokama

2002: "Mata Nui faces perhaps its greatest challenge -- one that will test our courage, our strength, and our belief in each other." --Tahu

2003: "So... it has begun, my brother. But soon, it will also end..." --Makuta

2004: "Your journey must end." "By the will of the Great Spirit, it has just begun!" --Makuta and Vakama

2005: "Our destinies are not written in stone, set in place. They are something we have to find for ourselves." --Vakama

2006: "Don't you realize you're fighting for a lost cause?" "Maybe. But don't you realize those are the only ones worth fighting for?" --Axonn and Brutaka

2007: "Sometimes a hero has to do something else besides beat the villains and come home covered in glory." --Hahli

2008: "Dive into the darkness, Ignite the flame within. Now, there is no turning back. Make the future... begin." --Narrator, The Final Battle Animation

2009: "It is said that all endings are merely beginnings waiting to be born." --Mata Nui

2010: "All journeys must come to an end, but this time, there is a new beginning as well. ... All that has gone before, my friends, has only served to give birth to this new day. Let unity, duty and destiny be your guides." --Mata Nui

2011: "Not dead. Just frozen. They’ll thaw out … eventually. I’m tired of villains spouting gibberish." --Kopaka

Posted (edited)

JiMing: Why not both? :P Dahlia and Olivia.


Minun: Richard, with Oceanus-- as promised. I'll do Claus at some point in the future, though you should probably specify some of the colors in his appearance first--"dark" hair and scarf aren't that specific, visually speaking. :P


Konuju: Glad you like him! ^_^



Also, quick question for everyone. If I were to put together either an anonymous survey or some sort of group Q&A/discussion session for RotR--basically just somewhere where everyone could share their thoughts on sets of things, like their favorite/least favorite characters and story arcs, and what aspects of the game and its management have been done well/need to be worked on--who all would be interested in participating?


I ask because a small-scale version of this discussion came up on Skype the other night that (IMO) went spectacularly well, and gave me a lot to think about in terms of future plans for the RPG. I think a larger discussion could, if nothing else, give other people some ideas about what to do with their own characters in the future.

Edited by Parugi

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~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~


Posted (edited)

Nice work on Richard's sprite but where are teh robit armz?


I'll give you (my thoughts) the specifics on Claus' appearance later, probably via Skype. Little time now.


Also having been part of the small discussion, I second the opinion that the discussion went over well and could probably benefit others, especially if you want some good honest feedback.

Edited by Claus Von Minun the 4th



Hey, Richard's a lefty. Neat. ^_^


Anyway, like I said way back on the last page, it would be nice to have some sprites for Dack's NPC buddies (although at this rate they're more like "MPCs" -- "minor player characters")... once I finalize their appearances, that is.


And yeah, I think a discussion session sounds interesting, and it would certainly be useful. As a matter of fact, after this Discussion Topic first opened and everyone posted their profiles and then no one posted for nearly a month, I had thought that something along the lines of a "favorite aspects of the RPG" Q&A might liven up the discussion.


I think I'd prefer a group discussion over just an anonymous survey.

Konuju: Kopaka and Nuju meet the Spear of Fusion


Quotes from throughout the years:


2001: "Your past is forgotten, and your future is an empty book. You must find your own destiny, my brave adventurer." --Nokama

2002: "Mata Nui faces perhaps its greatest challenge -- one that will test our courage, our strength, and our belief in each other." --Tahu

2003: "So... it has begun, my brother. But soon, it will also end..." --Makuta

2004: "Your journey must end." "By the will of the Great Spirit, it has just begun!" --Makuta and Vakama

2005: "Our destinies are not written in stone, set in place. They are something we have to find for ourselves." --Vakama

2006: "Don't you realize you're fighting for a lost cause?" "Maybe. But don't you realize those are the only ones worth fighting for?" --Axonn and Brutaka

2007: "Sometimes a hero has to do something else besides beat the villains and come home covered in glory." --Hahli

2008: "Dive into the darkness, Ignite the flame within. Now, there is no turning back. Make the future... begin." --Narrator, The Final Battle Animation

2009: "It is said that all endings are merely beginnings waiting to be born." --Mata Nui

2010: "All journeys must come to an end, but this time, there is a new beginning as well. ... All that has gone before, my friends, has only served to give birth to this new day. Let unity, duty and destiny be your guides." --Mata Nui

2011: "Not dead. Just frozen. They’ll thaw out … eventually. I’m tired of villains spouting gibberish." --Kopaka


So, before I do personal addresses, I just thought I'd let everyone know that I fixed the first post of the game topic. As it turns out, I did have a still-formatted (albeit from before the time skip) draft saved, so I decided I had time to comb through the broken version and add everything that wasn't in the old one. So, yeah, that headache is now gone. Woo! ^_^


Minun: The arms will come once I figure out how to make them. ;P


Konuju: They shall be done... once I have something to work with. :P


Ah, you shoulda done it. I was worried and trying to think of a way to stop the topic from sinking and that never crossed my mind. XD But, whatever. Water under the bridge and all.


But, yeah. Glad you're interested! I agree that a group discussion would probably be better (and more fun. xp) I think the biggest issues with that would be both getting everyone on the same software and finding a time where the majority of people could participate. Given that most of our players seem to live within the continental U.S. and those surrounding areas, the time issue might not be that difficult to figure out, but I know some people prefer Skype over Steam and vice versa, so there's still that.


I suppose we could always create a group PM session, or even just talk about that kind of stuff here. It wouldn't have the benefits of a live IM conversation, but it'd solve the two issues above, for sure. X3 Whatever the case, there's definitely a lot to think about.

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~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~



Yeah, I had seriously considered doing it, but then people started posting again, life got busy, and I just never got around to it. Oh, well.


I agree that a live conversation would be better, but the advantage of a written discussion would be posterity -- we could always reference the discussion in six months or a year to see how far we've come, etc.




Hold on, now that I'm re-reading your post, I'm a little confused. By a live IM conversation, do you mean like a voice chat, or just a text based instant messaging? Because if it's the former, then I'd recommend writing a summary at the end of the discussion for posterity's sake. And I guess that would also be a good idea with the latter.

Konuju: Kopaka and Nuju meet the Spear of Fusion


Quotes from throughout the years:


2001: "Your past is forgotten, and your future is an empty book. You must find your own destiny, my brave adventurer." --Nokama

2002: "Mata Nui faces perhaps its greatest challenge -- one that will test our courage, our strength, and our belief in each other." --Tahu

2003: "So... it has begun, my brother. But soon, it will also end..." --Makuta

2004: "Your journey must end." "By the will of the Great Spirit, it has just begun!" --Makuta and Vakama

2005: "Our destinies are not written in stone, set in place. They are something we have to find for ourselves." --Vakama

2006: "Don't you realize you're fighting for a lost cause?" "Maybe. But don't you realize those are the only ones worth fighting for?" --Axonn and Brutaka

2007: "Sometimes a hero has to do something else besides beat the villains and come home covered in glory." --Hahli

2008: "Dive into the darkness, Ignite the flame within. Now, there is no turning back. Make the future... begin." --Narrator, The Final Battle Animation

2009: "It is said that all endings are merely beginnings waiting to be born." --Mata Nui

2010: "All journeys must come to an end, but this time, there is a new beginning as well. ... All that has gone before, my friends, has only served to give birth to this new day. Let unity, duty and destiny be your guides." --Mata Nui

2011: "Not dead. Just frozen. They’ll thaw out … eventually. I’m tired of villains spouting gibberish." --Kopaka


Konuju: Sorry--allow me to clarify. I'm talking about text-based IM versus forum-based messaging--the former would be better for a live discussion in that you can instantly respond to the current topic of discussion and everyone immediately sees it, but not everyone likes using or even has sign-ins on the same IM programs; whereas if we talked about this stuff on BZPower, everyone would already have the proper equipment to participate, but the discussion would be slowed down significantly and it would be impossible to interject a question or what have you during another person's explanation of whatever they're talking about. In either case it could be referenced again at any time in the future, since it's all already written down.


More specifically--Minun, Alku, and I had our mini-discussion over Skype, and the reason it worked so well was because it was all happening in the moment and we could immediately ask each other for and receive clarification on whatever was being said.


Hopefully that's clearer. :)


JiMing: Glad you like them! ^_^

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~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~



Dahlia specifically is spot on, but Olivia looks great as well!


How many of us would be involved in such a discussion? Because with Premier Membership, 10 people can participate in such a PM.

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



Posted (edited)

Assuming we were able to get every active RotR player to participate, basing that number off of everyone that has posted in here and in the main topic within this past month, at most it would be about nine or ten people. However, I imagine that there would inevitably be at least two non-participatory outliers, so the actual number is likely to be around six or seven.


That would be my estimate, anyway. Ideally everyone would participate, but I don't imagine that happening.

Edited by Pears Nivans

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~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~



Okay, that makes sense. I often associate Skype with voice or video chat, and that's where I was confused.

Konuju: Kopaka and Nuju meet the Spear of Fusion


Quotes from throughout the years:


2001: "Your past is forgotten, and your future is an empty book. You must find your own destiny, my brave adventurer." --Nokama

2002: "Mata Nui faces perhaps its greatest challenge -- one that will test our courage, our strength, and our belief in each other." --Tahu

2003: "So... it has begun, my brother. But soon, it will also end..." --Makuta

2004: "Your journey must end." "By the will of the Great Spirit, it has just begun!" --Makuta and Vakama

2005: "Our destinies are not written in stone, set in place. They are something we have to find for ourselves." --Vakama

2006: "Don't you realize you're fighting for a lost cause?" "Maybe. But don't you realize those are the only ones worth fighting for?" --Axonn and Brutaka

2007: "Sometimes a hero has to do something else besides beat the villains and come home covered in glory." --Hahli

2008: "Dive into the darkness, Ignite the flame within. Now, there is no turning back. Make the future... begin." --Narrator, The Final Battle Animation

2009: "It is said that all endings are merely beginnings waiting to be born." --Mata Nui

2010: "All journeys must come to an end, but this time, there is a new beginning as well. ... All that has gone before, my friends, has only served to give birth to this new day. Let unity, duty and destiny be your guides." --Mata Nui

2011: "Not dead. Just frozen. They’ll thaw out … eventually. I’m tired of villains spouting gibberish." --Kopaka


Understandable. :P


After a bit of contemplation, I may have found a fairly simple solution. As it turns out, the Wikia (oh, yeah, we have a Wiki. Totes forgot about that lulz.) software has a chat room feature that can be turned on and off via the admin controls. After some testing, it seems to be fairly easy to use, and only requires that you have a Wikia account to use it. What do you guys think about using that?


If you guys want to check it out for yourselves before coming to a conclusion--it's pretty simple to get to. Just go to the wiki, click on the link to your account, and there'll be a box labeled "Live Chat" on the right side of the screen. Clicking on the "start a chat" button will bring you into the chat room.

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~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~



Seems simple enough. Sounds like a good idea to me.

Konuju: Kopaka and Nuju meet the Spear of Fusion


Quotes from throughout the years:


2001: "Your past is forgotten, and your future is an empty book. You must find your own destiny, my brave adventurer." --Nokama

2002: "Mata Nui faces perhaps its greatest challenge -- one that will test our courage, our strength, and our belief in each other." --Tahu

2003: "So... it has begun, my brother. But soon, it will also end..." --Makuta

2004: "Your journey must end." "By the will of the Great Spirit, it has just begun!" --Makuta and Vakama

2005: "Our destinies are not written in stone, set in place. They are something we have to find for ourselves." --Vakama

2006: "Don't you realize you're fighting for a lost cause?" "Maybe. But don't you realize those are the only ones worth fighting for?" --Axonn and Brutaka

2007: "Sometimes a hero has to do something else besides beat the villains and come home covered in glory." --Hahli

2008: "Dive into the darkness, Ignite the flame within. Now, there is no turning back. Make the future... begin." --Narrator, The Final Battle Animation

2009: "It is said that all endings are merely beginnings waiting to be born." --Mata Nui

2010: "All journeys must come to an end, but this time, there is a new beginning as well. ... All that has gone before, my friends, has only served to give birth to this new day. Let unity, duty and destiny be your guides." --Mata Nui

2011: "Not dead. Just frozen. They’ll thaw out … eventually. I’m tired of villains spouting gibberish." --Kopaka


Oh, neat! If I make any parts about Aspen, I'm gonna have to put tropes that define how much of a normal person he is in a world of psychics and god manipulators. And how he was dragged into the mess. =P

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...




Speaking of Aspen, did I miss a post this time, or what? =P Also, technically there's only one or two real god manipulators left, and their powers are gone; Zach never truly had control over Kyurem(More the other way around); and Black gave up control the moment he was beaten and arrested. =P

  • 2 weeks later...

Any of those dates would work for me. Preferably the 8th or 15th, since by the 22nd tests will start rolling around.

Konuju: Kopaka and Nuju meet the Spear of Fusion


Quotes from throughout the years:


2001: "Your past is forgotten, and your future is an empty book. You must find your own destiny, my brave adventurer." --Nokama

2002: "Mata Nui faces perhaps its greatest challenge -- one that will test our courage, our strength, and our belief in each other." --Tahu

2003: "So... it has begun, my brother. But soon, it will also end..." --Makuta

2004: "Your journey must end." "By the will of the Great Spirit, it has just begun!" --Makuta and Vakama

2005: "Our destinies are not written in stone, set in place. They are something we have to find for ourselves." --Vakama

2006: "Don't you realize you're fighting for a lost cause?" "Maybe. But don't you realize those are the only ones worth fighting for?" --Axonn and Brutaka

2007: "Sometimes a hero has to do something else besides beat the villains and come home covered in glory." --Hahli

2008: "Dive into the darkness, Ignite the flame within. Now, there is no turning back. Make the future... begin." --Narrator, The Final Battle Animation

2009: "It is said that all endings are merely beginnings waiting to be born." --Mata Nui

2010: "All journeys must come to an end, but this time, there is a new beginning as well. ... All that has gone before, my friends, has only served to give birth to this new day. Let unity, duty and destiny be your guides." --Mata Nui

2011: "Not dead. Just frozen. They’ll thaw out … eventually. I’m tired of villains spouting gibberish." --Kopaka

Posted (edited)

Konuju: Alrighty. Would any time in particular work best for you? I'm assuming something like 1:00 PM PST/4:00 EST would work best for most people, but I could be wrong.


Anyone else have anything to weigh in with in terms of date/time preferences? X3



Also, since it has come to my attention that the first post has yet again been cut in half, I've decided that I'm more or less done with whatever is going on with BZPower at the moment and have uploaded the complete first post (which is mostly up to date, but needs rewriting in virtually all sections below the profile one, as those are fillers from an older version of the post) here. Hopefully at some point we can actually make full use of the RPG's front post again, and with any luck, there won't be further issues with us losing information until then.

Edited by Pears Nivans

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~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~



Yeah I should be good for all of those Saturdays. And at 3:00 PM Central? I can try to be up by then :P.


Btw I see you are re-writing the section on owning a legendary. Was I supposed to make a profile for Celebi? Did I? And if not, should we add that requirement?


Posted (edited)

Very good. :P


That section was deleted entirely by the most recent formatting glitch and I just haven't had time to go through and remove the excess code from the post it came from. But, yes, if you consider Celebi to be on James A.'s team, then you need to make a profile, as that actually is a requirement.

Edited by Pears Nivans

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~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~



I'm also in Central time, so 3:00 works for me.


Speaking of Legendaries, Dack's been holding on to that Heatran. I haven't decided if he'll be keeping it as a member of his team or not, but if it's going to be battling, I should probably give it a moveset.


*adds to list of things to do, along with Madison and Luke's appearances*

Konuju: Kopaka and Nuju meet the Spear of Fusion


Quotes from throughout the years:


2001: "Your past is forgotten, and your future is an empty book. You must find your own destiny, my brave adventurer." --Nokama

2002: "Mata Nui faces perhaps its greatest challenge -- one that will test our courage, our strength, and our belief in each other." --Tahu

2003: "So... it has begun, my brother. But soon, it will also end..." --Makuta

2004: "Your journey must end." "By the will of the Great Spirit, it has just begun!" --Makuta and Vakama

2005: "Our destinies are not written in stone, set in place. They are something we have to find for ourselves." --Vakama

2006: "Don't you realize you're fighting for a lost cause?" "Maybe. But don't you realize those are the only ones worth fighting for?" --Axonn and Brutaka

2007: "Sometimes a hero has to do something else besides beat the villains and come home covered in glory." --Hahli

2008: "Dive into the darkness, Ignite the flame within. Now, there is no turning back. Make the future... begin." --Narrator, The Final Battle Animation

2009: "It is said that all endings are merely beginnings waiting to be born." --Mata Nui

2010: "All journeys must come to an end, but this time, there is a new beginning as well. ... All that has gone before, my friends, has only served to give birth to this new day. Let unity, duty and destiny be your guides." --Mata Nui

2011: "Not dead. Just frozen. They’ll thaw out … eventually. I’m tired of villains spouting gibberish." --Kopaka


So do we get Bank in the RPG now? :P (That said, I like Bridgette's design, and wouldn't object to her appearing in the RPG somehow.)


Also, yes, I know, I still need to format my profiles and send them to you, Blade and Parugi. I'll do so this weekend, if I can. ;)


Me: *has idea*

Blade: "I'd say too convoluted, and I know too convoluted =P"


"Dangit, I shouldn't have gotten ambitious."

--Merc, RE: our plotting


Pokémon Rise of the Rockets Profiles: LINK

3DS FC: 3625-9584-9417 (Pokemon X Friend Safari: Electric-type, Pachirisu, Electabuzz, Zebstrika)


Konuju--Coolness. And, yeah, no rush on deciding if that is permanent or not.


Flipz--Well, everyone already gets the equivalent of a box, so sure. :P I'd be open to her appearing at some point, but I can't do much with her right now, unfortunately.


Again, no rush. xp Also, sorry for not replying to that group PM yet. I've been quite busy. Dx



And general note to everyone--I think we're going to hold the group chat on Saturday the 15th instead of the 8th. Right now I just don't have enough free time to fully prepare for it in the span of two days. In other words--The group chat will be held at 1:00 PM PST/3:00 PM Central/4:00 PM EST on February 15th.


(official announcement and all that jazz)

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~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~



I just need a Wikia account for that chat, right? There's no minimum number of edits or anything?


Me: *has idea*

Blade: "I'd say too convoluted, and I know too convoluted =P"


"Dangit, I shouldn't have gotten ambitious."

--Merc, RE: our plotting


Pokémon Rise of the Rockets Profiles: LINK

3DS FC: 3625-9584-9417 (Pokemon X Friend Safari: Electric-type, Pachirisu, Electabuzz, Zebstrika)


Hm... I could make that... But I'd probably be eating lunch too.


And is there a group PM about this RPG or something?

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



Posted (edited)

Zero: Well, make it if you can. It should be interesting, if not fun. ^_^


The group PM I was referring to is a private one between Flipz, Blade and I that I have yet to have time for, but for the general public there is a Skype group and a lesser-known, not-generally-used Steam group. If you want to join either of those then just give me your Skype/Steam account name and I can add you.

Edited by Pears Nivans

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~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~


Posted (edited)

So, I've fixed the formatting issues in my character profiles post on the first page of this topic. Now it no longer looks like a massive block of text.


In addition, I've finally finished Madison and Luke's profiles! You can find them at the bottom of the aforementioned post.


Also, for reference, although Madison is technically supposed to be a skier, her appearance is more based on the Gen IV Ace Trainer (Snow) sprite. Luke is based on the Gen V Black Belt sprite.

Edited by Konuju

Konuju: Kopaka and Nuju meet the Spear of Fusion


Quotes from throughout the years:


2001: "Your past is forgotten, and your future is an empty book. You must find your own destiny, my brave adventurer." --Nokama

2002: "Mata Nui faces perhaps its greatest challenge -- one that will test our courage, our strength, and our belief in each other." --Tahu

2003: "So... it has begun, my brother. But soon, it will also end..." --Makuta

2004: "Your journey must end." "By the will of the Great Spirit, it has just begun!" --Makuta and Vakama

2005: "Our destinies are not written in stone, set in place. They are something we have to find for ourselves." --Vakama

2006: "Don't you realize you're fighting for a lost cause?" "Maybe. But don't you realize those are the only ones worth fighting for?" --Axonn and Brutaka

2007: "Sometimes a hero has to do something else besides beat the villains and come home covered in glory." --Hahli

2008: "Dive into the darkness, Ignite the flame within. Now, there is no turning back. Make the future... begin." --Narrator, The Final Battle Animation

2009: "It is said that all endings are merely beginnings waiting to be born." --Mata Nui

2010: "All journeys must come to an end, but this time, there is a new beginning as well. ... All that has gone before, my friends, has only served to give birth to this new day. Let unity, duty and destiny be your guides." --Mata Nui

2011: "Not dead. Just frozen. They’ll thaw out … eventually. I’m tired of villains spouting gibberish." --Kopaka

Posted (edited)

EDIT: Earlier question was moot. :)




Adam Zynthic


Username: Flipz

Name: Adam Zynthic

Gender: Male

Faction: N/A

Hometown: Unknown (adopted hometown: Eterna City)

Age: 28

Appearance: Worn and homeless, his already black hair is stained nearly brown with dust and dirt and grime and has become dry and stringy. Dark azure eyes. Wears a leather coat not unlike AZ's, but no hat. Carries his belongings in a frayed haversack and occasionally a bindle. Olive cargo pants, though the pockets have enough holes that they might as well be jeans for all they can carry. Prominently wears a Capture Styler on his belt from his days as a Ranger in Almia and Fiore before coming back to Sinnoh.

Personality: A strong trainer who rarely speaks, his eyes carrying the lostness and weight of rejection. Once offered a place in Team Galactic, but turned it down--not because of moral opposition, but because he didn't want greatness.


*The Story so far: Having returned to Sinnoh from his wanderings in Almia and Fiore, Adam finds the land recovering from the ravages of war. With most of his friends in Team Galactic dead, he turns to seeking the only friends he knows will never betray or desert him: Pokémon.

Equipment: Capture Styler (broken beyond repair)

Pokémon: Grotle, Chimchar, Piplup


Species: Grotle

Nickname: Wiggy

Gender: Male

Trainer: Adam Zynthic

Appearance: Wrinkled and a little pale of leaf, he shows his age. Some of it's merely lack of grooming and care for physical appearance, however--to underestimate this ancient powerhouse would be a grave mistake. Though his knees are dry and cracked and his scales crooked and shedding, his eyes belie his hidden vitality.

Personality: Old and dependable, Adam has owned Wiggy far longer than he has any of his other Pokemon. A true partner, Adam never returns Wiggy to his Pokeball, save for emergencies. Wiggy has remained a Grotle for some time even after he had the opportunity to evolve, because, like his Trainer, he never sought power.

Ability: Overgrow

Speciality: Unlike most members of his species, Wiggy is equally proficient with Special and Physical moves; his overall power with them suffers a little, though. He's also slow, due to his relatively old age.

Known Moves: Earth Power (egg move), Mega Drain, Grassy Terrain (egg move), Seed Bomb (egg move), Bite, Razor Leaf

Experience: 10



Species: Chimchar

Nickname: Charlie

Gender: Male

Trainer: Adam Zynthic

Appearance: Charlie looks like any other Chimchar, except he often gets into blue paint and dye, placing two crossing handprints across his chest as a sort of warpaint (and leaving his palms and fingers stained blue). Normally it would have been left to fade, but after the last incident of dye theft, Adam returned him to his Pokeball and has not called on him since; thus, the markings are still quite fresh.

Personality: Proud and reckless, Chimchar has a tendency to come out of his Pokeball for a fight even when he's not called out (or even wanted). In spite of this enthusiasm, he has poor luck, which is how he got his nickname.

Ability: Iron Fist

Speciality: Charlie actually has an excellent eye for art, allowing him to create visually pleasing artworks as well as letting him notice designs, patterns, and other hidden things others wouldn't. He's very bad at listening and communicating, however.

Known Moves: Thunder Punch (egg move), Fire Punch (egg move), Taunt, Slack Off, Scratch, Fury Swipes

Experience: 5



Species: Piplup

Nickname: Pippi

Gender: Female

Trainer: Adam Zynthic

Appearance: Pippi is shiny. No, she isn't alternately-colored, rather due to her constant preening and bathing she's easily be described as "shiny" in a different sense.

Personality: Of the trio of Alex's Pokemon, Pippi is the only one who cares in the slightest about cleanliness; even if she could learn the move Muddy Water, she'd refuse to do it. Mud Sport, for her, is a move of last resort, and even then it will always be followed by a Water-type move (usually Aqua Ring) to clean herself off, regardless of orders. She was hatched at the same time as Charlie, but because she hatched first she pretends to be the "older sister", bossing him around and generally making a nuisance of herself whenever Alex tries to train him.

Ability: Torrent

Speciality: Due to her pride, Pippi is unaffected by fear-inducing effets (i.e. Leer, Growl, Scary Face); however, she is particularly vulnerable to those that play on her pride (Taunt, Swagger, etc.).

Known Moves: Mud Sport (egg move), Icy Wind (egg move), Aqua Ring (egg move), Pound, Bubble, Peck

Experience: 6



Amanda Zarth


Username: Flipz

Name: Amanda Zarth

Gender: Female

Faction: Team Plasma

Hometown: Unknown (adopted hometown: Undella Town)

Age: 26

Appearance: Clean-cut, to an almost mechanical degree. Short, slightly androgynous haircut (black hair). Pierced ears, wears small, unobtrusive stud earrings. Ordinary white button-up with slightly lacy collar and mid-length sleeves, in warmer weather a v-neck t-shirt instead, revealing a clean pendant necklace with a small iridescent stone. In either case, also a simple black vest with gray stitching. For legs, either a black trouser skirt or dark gray slacks depending on weather.

Personality: Clean-cut, to an almost mechanical degree. An eternal analyst, her mind for logic and data has made her an invaluable asset for the insurance firms she's worked for. Has no emotional attachment to the war or any of the recent events in the world, observing them with as Analytic an eye as possible.

Background: Discovered washed up on the beach in Undella Town in Unova, with no memory of her past or her identity, Amanda Zarth was adopted by a wealthy family of the business world and learned their ways with rapid efficency. Since leaving home, she has traveled repeatedly between Unova and Johto as a foreign representative of her organization's affairs in that realm.

Equipment: Custom-fitted briefcase, deluxe Xtransciever (larger screen, more akin to tablet than smartphone), registered user of Psychic-type Power Suit

Pokémon: Porygon, Elgyem, Magnezone

Powers (Psionics): Teleportation, ESP, Synchronization, Telepathy, Barrier


Species: Magnezone

Nickname: <none>

Gender: <genderless>

Trainer: Amanda Zarth

Appearance: An ordinary Magnezone in every way except one: its eyes are violet, just like its trainer's. Now bears a burn scar on its underside from the events of the One Island mission against M0.

Personality: Though robotic and mechanical in its moves like Amanda's other Pokemon, Magnezone seems to be the slightest bit protective of her. It seems to be more aware than it lets on.

Ability: Levitate

Speciality: Though unusually slow even for a Magnezone, having experienced Mega Evolution due to its extreme bond with its Trainer, it now channels a small portion of that power back into its regular form through retaining the Levitate ability, though it has lost Analytic as a result.

Known Moves: Light Screen, Flash Cannon, Lock-On, Zap Cannon, Discharge, Tri Attack

Experience: 23

NOTE: due to use of a special reward, Magnezone can Mega Evolve despite lacking the experience prerequisite

Mega Appearance: Mega Magnezone's body is split into three segments, its powerful magnetic fields enough to Levitate it even at a distance. The burn scar on its underside still remains, now extending backward from the underside of its mandible, its amethyst eyes sparkling with an almost human intelligence and power.

Mega Ability: Levitate (Mega Magnezone standard)

Mega Specialty: Due to the inherent connection between Amanda and her Magnezone, it is able to access and use Amanda's psychic powers while Mega Evolved, though if both attempt to use a different psychic power at the same time (i.e. Amanda tries Barrier while Mega Magnezone tries Teleport during the same "turn") both uses of the power will fail.


Species: Porygon

Nickname: <none>

Gender: <genderless>

Trainer: Amanda Zarth

Appearance: An ordinary Porygon in every way.

Personality: Robotic and mechanical in its moves and battling, Porygon shows as little personality as its Trainer.

Ability: Trace

Speciality: In addition to its normal abilities, this Porygon has been designed with knowledge of hacking and encryption, allowing for secure transmission of messages and programs to almost any computer.

Known Moves: Conversion, Conversion2, Sharpen, Discharge, Magic Coat, Signal Beam

Experience: 4


Species: Elgyem

Nickname: <none>

Gender: Female?

Trainer: Amanda Zarth

Appearance: An ordinary Elgyem in every way.

Personality: Quiet and mechanical, one would be forgiven for mistaking it for a robot. Elgyem shows as little personalirt as her(?) Trainer.

Ability: Telepathy

Speciality: Elgyem is absurdly good at prediction and evasion, but is extremely frail and will be knocked out by almost any hit.

Known Moves: Ally Switch (egg move), Teleport (egg move), Heal Block, Confusion, Hidden Power (Fire), Imprison

Experience: 7



Amelia Zann:


Username: Flipz

Name: Amelia Zann

Gender: Female

Faction: N/A

Hometown: Unknown (adopted hometown: none)

Age: 24

Appearance: Red hair with green eyes and extremely pale skin. Prepped for action, nearly always wears a black semi-turtleneck and a harness bedecked with pockets and gadgets. Eschews cargo pants in favor of yoga pants (for greater flexibility and ease of movement). When she's in a definitely social context, however, she's much girlier--anything from a prarie skirt to jeans, from a blouse to a tank-top, from boots to heels to sneakers to ballerina slippers, anything's fair game. Jewelery-wise, she'll occasionally wear a charm bracelet (sometimes as an anklet), but that's it.

Personality: Bubbly, excitable, and chronically unable to keep a straight face, the word that best describes Amelia is "driven". Or perhaps "stubborn"--this is one girl who's not afraid to speak her mind, and she sticks to her guns no matter what.

Background: Though known as a mercenary and spy for hire, Amelia's background is pretty much unknown, even to her. She blames her amnesia on an accident during one of her early missions, but the truth is even she doesn't know why she doesn't remember--and what she doesn't know CAN hurt her...

It's more recently been revealed

Equipment: Gun, PokéNav, Umbreon-themed dress (designed by Valerie)

Pokémon: Carvanha, Larvitar, Sneasel, Murkrow


Species: Carvanha

Nickname: Van

Gender: Female

Trainer: Amelia Zann

Appearance: It's shiny. Other than that, nothing in particular.

Personality: Unusually aggressive for a female of its species, Van was mistaken for a male when it was caught. Amelia's first acquisition in the Hoenn realm.

Ability: Speed Boost

Speciality: Very good at using physical attacks, particularly biting ones; with the exception of Surf and Dive (and even then, not very well), is incapable of using special attacks.

Known Moves: Bite, Ice Fang, Scary Face, Leer, Swagger, Aqua Jet

Experience: 1


Species: Larvitar

Nickname: Harvey

Gender: Male

Trainer: Amelia Zann

Appearance: At this stage, it appears shiny. Seems to constantly be smirking.

Personality: Both lazy and shy, Larvitar seems a poor choice for battle; however, this isn't due to laziness, but rather an extremely short attention span, causing him to get bored even in the midst of fierce battle. He has been known to deliberately miss moves and take hits just to make the fight more interesting.

Ability: Guts

Speciality: Surprisingly fast for a Larvitar, it's able to stand still as stone when needed. Unfortunately, between its attitude and its abilities, it tends to take a lot of hits that would otherwise miss (and doesn't take them particularly well).

Known Moves: Stealth Rock (egg move), Pursuit (egg move), Bite, Rock Slide, Sandstorm, Outrage (egg move)

Experience: 2


Species: Sneasel

Nickname: Sina

Gender: Female?

Trainer: Amelia Zann

Appearance: A shiny Sneazel, which one would generally think to be a problem for a Pokemon used for speed and stealth. Somehow, however, it always manages to blend in. Also, despite being female, it has the large ears associated with its male form.

Personality: Unusually humanlike for a Pokemon, Sneasel is versed in (some would even say prodigous at) the use of makeup and prosthetics--a master of disguise. Close examination reveals the lie pretty quickly, of course--but a second's glance is all you're going to get at this one.

Ability: Pickpocket

Speciality: As mentioned above, can use improvised makeup and costumes to (sloppily) disguise its appearance. They don't stand up to scrutiny (at all), but it's enough to be able to, say, walk across a street without being noticed by anyone not specifically looking for her.

Known Moves: Pursuit (egg move), Quick Attack, Hone Claws, Beat Up, Ice Shard, Icicle Crash

Experience: 4


Species: Murkrow

Nickname: Qrow

Gender: Female

Trainer: Amelia Zann

Appearance: Carries its shiny coloration, though the violet is dark enough that it's often mistaken for black.

Personality: Though prideful and mischevious like most Murkrow, this particular one prefers the company of wild Pokémon to that of trained Pokémon and humans--with a few very specific suggestions. Especially distrusts scientists. Is also very Careful.

Ability: Prankster

Speciality: Exceptionally skilled with use of Drill Peck, despite its overall lack of experience. Its signature move.

Known Moves: Tailwind, Torment, Mean Look, Taunt, Roost (egg move), Drill Peck (egg move)

(egg moves from Fearow)

Experience: 5



Alex Zyther:


Username: Flipz

Name: Alex Zyther

Gender: Male?

Faction: N/A

Hometown: Geosenge Town (adopted hometown: Camphrier Town, Shabboneau Castle)

Age: 20

Appearance: Thin, drawn, and sickly. Barely able to walk unassisted, owns a pair of canes with arm clamps to help him keep his balance. His Pokemon are usually outside their Pokeballs, helping to support him or being ready to catch him--one of them carries his Bag for him, though he still throws his Pokeballs himself through a cartridge clipped to one of his canes. Blonde-haired and blue-eyed like many of Kalosian stock, though true connoisseurs of fashion might recognize the telltale signs of a cheap dye job, likely the result of a rush job--or more likely, an impatient client. Outfit: "Striped shirt combo aqua", shorts in the style of "damaged jeans", "purple socks", "blue sneakers", "artificial flower pin aqua" as shown in the Serebii pic (i.e. on a generic gray female-style hat).

Personality: A sweet, gentle soul who only wants to help others and bond with his Pokemon. Not a huge fan of battling, his Pokemon generally only tend to level up due to supporting other Pokemon in multi-battles. Since he is so often left helpless, the immense waiting he often has to endure has left him with little patience to spare, often causing him to rush into situations without thinking or planning ahead, while the delicacy with which he's often treated leaves him somewhat unwilling to accept assistance, even when it's clearly merited.

Background: Discovered at age 15 on the outskirts of Geosenge town, Alex was taken in by Cassie Mikazuki, who soon married into the Zyther family. Despite his adoptive family's concerns about his health, he wanted to travel, so they sent him to Kanto to meet his adoptive mother's family for the first time...

Equipment: Azumarill-themed outfit with shorts and skirt variants (designed by Valerie)

Pokémon: Blissey, Eevee, Dedenne, Ralts


Species: Blissey

Nickname: Bliss (also answers to "Blissie")

Gender: Female

Trainer: Alex Zyther

Appearance: Due to constantly carrying Alex's Bag, Bliss has a pair of diagonal stripes across her body--tan lines, of a sort.

Personality: Protective and motherly, Bliss helps keep Alex's other Pokemon focused and happy, as well as assisting him in his daily life. She's essentially Alex's "seeing-eye Blissey", even though he's not blind (though he is naive).

Ability: Serene Grace

Speciality: Blissey has extensive knowledge of medicinal herbs, plants, and Berries, due to her time spent caring for Alex. Due to his reliance on her, however, she is extremely reluctant to enter battle, to the point that she will refuse unless both of his other Pokemon have demonstrated that her help is truly needed.

Known Moves: Soft-Boiled, Heal Pulse, Heal Bell (egg move), Metronome (egg move), Sing, Helping Hand (egg move)

(egg moves from Clefairy)

Experience: 18


Species: Eevee

Nickname: Sylph

Gender: Male

Trainer: Alex Zyther

Appearance: An ordinary Eevee, but he has been decorated with many bows and ribbons. It's clear what Eeveelution Alex would like him to evolve into. Sylph will also sometimes wear Alex's spare hat.

Personality: A carefree sort, Sylvia would rather play than fight.

Ability: Run Away

Speciality: Sylph is so adorable that almost everyone finds it difficult to attack him (the Puss-in-Boots phenomenon). This is good, because Sylph is both weak and frail in battle due to lack of training--he's mainly used for support.

Known Moves: Wish (egg move), Helping Hand, Baton Pass, Baby-Doll Eyes, Swift, Follow Me (GM approved)

(egg moves from Skitty)

Experience: 3


Species: Dedenne

Nickname: Didi

Gender: Female

Trainer: Alex Zyther

Appearance: An ordinary Dedenne with much brighter cheeks than normal. Didi maintains a bit of a glow from this, even in the dark.

Personality: A bit of a cuddler, Didi sometimes forgets she's electrically charged. Originally belonging to Alex's adoptive mother, she gave Didi to Alex to make sure he's protected and safe, and she takes that role very seriously.

Ability: Pickup

Speciality: Didi glows in dark places, providing light and, if sufficiently agitated, growing bright enough to temporarily blind opponents. Her high-pitched squeals and glowing, however, make her difficult to conceal--even her Pokeball glows while she is inside it.

Known Moves: Charm, Nuzzle, volt Switch, Parabolic Charge, Helping Hand (egg move), Dazzling Gleam (GM approved)

Experience: 3


Species: Ralts

Nickname: Raleigh

Gender: Male

Trainer: Alex Zyther

Appearance: As a Pokémon that has presented himself to Amelia Zann, Raleigh is Shiny; in addition, however, the red spike on his chest from his later evolutions seems to have manifested early, though instead of a spike it is mostly flattened and bears a resemblance to a bow tie.

Personality: Proud and poised, Raleigh is every bit the distinguished gentleman any Kalosian noble could ask for--but sadly as a male Ralts, most Kalosian nobles seemed to seek more physically proficient partners and planned to procure a future Gallade, and even the residents of Hoenn preferred power over poise. Raleigh longs for a Trainer who will appreciate him for his own strengths, on his own terms.

Ability: Trace

Specialty: Raleigh is a skilled singer (at least in the language of Pokémon), and this shows in the strength and speed of his sound-based moves. However, as a gentleman, Raleigh refuses to use physical attacks, and as a result he is unable to use them (though Psyshock is theoretically fine).

Known Moves: Teleport, Magical Leaf, Heal Pulse, Synchronoise (egg move), Skill Swap (egg move), Disarming Voice

Experience: 2


Species: Diancie

Nickname: Coralie

Gender: Female

Trainer: Alex Zyther

Appearance: As an immature juvenile, she currently appears to be an unusually tall Carbink with pink crystals and red eyes, and a single small ponytail-like crystal just starting to emerge from the back of her head.

Personality: Just as shy and Naive as Alex, Diancie was first drawn to the Trainer by their similarities. Despite this, however, she possesses a hidden steel to her core, as despite her physical insecurity she is willing to leave her own kingdom to try and carry on its legacy.

Ability: Clear Body

Specialty: Due to her juvenile state, Diancie's attacks are all weak and unpolished and fail to make full use of her inner strength; however, despite this there is clear power to her potential, and she will likely benefit greatly by learning from her current struggles.

Known Moves: Moonblast (imperfect), Diamond Storm (feeble), Stealth Rock, Trick Room, Light Screen, Reflect

Experience: 0


Player reward points: 5 lifetime earned (1 spent [Psychic enabler for Amanda])

(1x 5th anniversary, 1x Wiki Template reward, 2 as of Reward Points Reset of 2017, 1x Anniversary April 2017, 1x Christmas 2017, 1x Anniversary 2018)

Special rewards: Motto Contest prize (spent), Halloween Short Story Contest 2017 prize (spent)

Edited by Flipz


Me: *has idea*

Blade: "I'd say too convoluted, and I know too convoluted =P"


"Dangit, I shouldn't have gotten ambitious."

--Merc, RE: our plotting


Pokémon Rise of the Rockets Profiles: LINK

3DS FC: 3625-9584-9417 (Pokemon X Friend Safari: Electric-type, Pachirisu, Electabuzz, Zebstrika)


I missed the discussion hardcore....


Anything I missed? And will there be another one?

I wouldn't mind having another one this weekend, honestly. It was very helpful in helping me understand the world of RotR, and the discussion gave me a lot of material I can now use to determine who I want to introduce some of my characters to.


Also, it introduced me to the first Pokemon movie, and that is awesome. :P


Me: *has idea*

Blade: "I'd say too convoluted, and I know too convoluted =P"


"Dangit, I shouldn't have gotten ambitious."

--Merc, RE: our plotting


Pokémon Rise of the Rockets Profiles: LINK

3DS FC: 3625-9584-9417 (Pokemon X Friend Safari: Electric-type, Pachirisu, Electabuzz, Zebstrika)


Public approval for Flipz characters and stuff, specifically to note that the shiny Pokémon listed have character-related plot relevance.


Konuju: Sweet. Do you still want sprites for Madison and Luke? If so, just note that it might take a while for me to get to them.


On the subject of group chats: I, for one, would love to have more of those, for sure. I'm not sure if I'll be available for one this weekend, but if you all feel like it, you could always log on to the wiki's chat and just hang around. You never know who might pop up. ^_^


But, yeah, I'll work on "officially" organizing another chat pretty soon here.

Follow me on YouTube!





~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~



Take your time on the sprites. I'm not in any particular rush. :)


I also agree on the chats. I've got 3 tests to study for this weekend, but I might pop in the chat at some point. I do know for a fact that I won't be available next weekend, however.

Konuju: Kopaka and Nuju meet the Spear of Fusion


Quotes from throughout the years:


2001: "Your past is forgotten, and your future is an empty book. You must find your own destiny, my brave adventurer." --Nokama

2002: "Mata Nui faces perhaps its greatest challenge -- one that will test our courage, our strength, and our belief in each other." --Tahu

2003: "So... it has begun, my brother. But soon, it will also end..." --Makuta

2004: "Your journey must end." "By the will of the Great Spirit, it has just begun!" --Makuta and Vakama

2005: "Our destinies are not written in stone, set in place. They are something we have to find for ourselves." --Vakama

2006: "Don't you realize you're fighting for a lost cause?" "Maybe. But don't you realize those are the only ones worth fighting for?" --Axonn and Brutaka

2007: "Sometimes a hero has to do something else besides beat the villains and come home covered in glory." --Hahli

2008: "Dive into the darkness, Ignite the flame within. Now, there is no turning back. Make the future... begin." --Narrator, The Final Battle Animation

2009: "It is said that all endings are merely beginnings waiting to be born." --Mata Nui

2010: "All journeys must come to an end, but this time, there is a new beginning as well. ... All that has gone before, my friends, has only served to give birth to this new day. Let unity, duty and destiny be your guides." --Mata Nui

2011: "Not dead. Just frozen. They’ll thaw out … eventually. I’m tired of villains spouting gibberish." --Kopaka

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