Ehksidian Posted February 21, 2014 Posted February 21, 2014 i'd be game for a chat this weekend after missing the last one.granted i'm only interacting with 1 or 2 other players. still would be fun. Quote Steam name: Ehksidian
JiMing Posted February 21, 2014 Posted February 21, 2014 I'm just upset that you guys talked about things that I cannot know. I don't like being left out... And if you're not chatting, then I won't find anything out about the RPG.... Quote Haven't seen one of these in a long time...
Flipz Posted February 22, 2014 Posted February 22, 2014 (edited) I'll be there, at least. (I'll try to hang out throughout the day, though I may or may not be available during the evening.) EDIT: anyone else having issues with the Wiki not wanting to load? Edited February 22, 2014 by Flipz Quote Me: *has idea* Blade: "I'd say too convoluted, and I know too convoluted =P" "Dangit, I shouldn't have gotten ambitious." --Merc, RE: our plotting Pokémon Rise of the Rockets Profiles: LINK 3DS FC: 3625-9584-9417 (Pokemon X Friend Safari: Electric-type, Pachirisu, Electabuzz, Zebstrika)
Parugi Posted March 15, 2014 Author Posted March 15, 2014 Hey, guys, it's been a while and this is kind of out of the blue, but would anyone care to try for a more organized group talk again this weekend or next? Also I'm going to try to post again tonight, in the main topic. Hopefully we can get things moving again. Quote Follow me on YouTube! ~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~
Ehksidian Posted March 15, 2014 Posted March 15, 2014 i wouldn't mind an organized group chat today/tomorrow. Quote Steam name: Ehksidian
Blessed Blade Posted March 15, 2014 Posted March 15, 2014 This weekend and next weekend would probably work for me... And maybe the rest... Sorry I haven't really been posting, I've been swamped pretty much and writer's block on top of that. Quote The Pokemon TopicPokemon: Rise of the Rockets - Rise of the Rockets Discussion Topic - Rise of the Rockets Side Stories
JiMing Posted March 15, 2014 Posted March 15, 2014 Won't be back until sometime after 11:00 AM, so maybe? Not sure if I can make any time this weekend... Blade, wanna start up that thing again? Quote Haven't seen one of these in a long time...
Blessed Blade Posted March 15, 2014 Posted March 15, 2014 I want to, but that's the exact problem, I'm not quite sure how to. Writer's block is the biggest issue there, because I'm not sure exactly how to react to the attacks yet have things go as I initially had thought they would, because I don't even know that'd work anymore. xP These last few months have been bad for that, since, again, I've just been swamped with stuff. xP Quote The Pokemon TopicPokemon: Rise of the Rockets - Rise of the Rockets Discussion Topic - Rise of the Rockets Side Stories
Konuju Posted March 15, 2014 Posted March 15, 2014 (edited) Unfortunately, I'll probably be pretty busy both this weekend and next. I might be able to pop in and out periodically, but no guarantees (so if someone else could copy a transcript of the chat, that would be great). Speaking of transcripts, I literally just finished parsing through the first chat and brought it down from 73 pages to 32. Unfortunately, in order to go around some of the odd formatting issues that resulted in directly copying it from the chat (everything was in bullet points and had an icon and timestamp) I manually retyped everything. As such, any apostrophe or quotation mark is formatted as a curly quote which BZP doesn't seem to like.“ <-- here's a copy of a curly quote, but from past experience it probably won't show up in this post." <-- for reference typical straight quote. Anyway, Find & Replace doesn't seem to know the difference between these two formats, so I'll have to manually go and replace each one of the 300-something quotation marks and 60-or-so apostrophes. Parugi, I'll e-mail you the 32-page version once I get the formatting cleared up. tl;dr Transcript of the chat is almost done, but it could still take a while because formatting. Also, question for you guys. Would you prefer the 32 pages of direct quotes of the most relevant parts of the discussion, or just a summary of what was discussed? Edit: the curly quote seems to be working, at least on my end, so I e-mailed the 32-page transcript to you anyway, Parugi. Edited March 15, 2014 by Konuju Quote Konuju: Kopaka and Nuju meet the Spear of Fusion Quotes from throughout the years: 2001: "Your past is forgotten, and your future is an empty book. You must find your own destiny, my brave adventurer." --Nokama2002: "Mata Nui faces perhaps its greatest challenge -- one that will test our courage, our strength, and our belief in each other." --Tahu2003: "So... it has begun, my brother. But soon, it will also end..." --Makuta2004: "Your journey must end." "By the will of the Great Spirit, it has just begun!" --Makuta and Vakama2005: "Our destinies are not written in stone, set in place. They are something we have to find for ourselves." --Vakama2006: "Don't you realize you're fighting for a lost cause?" "Maybe. But don't you realize those are the only ones worth fighting for?" --Axonn and Brutaka2007: "Sometimes a hero has to do something else besides beat the villains and come home covered in glory." --Hahli2008: "Dive into the darkness, Ignite the flame within. Now, there is no turning back. Make the future... begin." --Narrator, The Final Battle Animation2009: "It is said that all endings are merely beginnings waiting to be born." --Mata Nui2010: "All journeys must come to an end, but this time, there is a new beginning as well. ... All that has gone before, my friends, has only served to give birth to this new day. Let unity, duty and destiny be your guides." --Mata Nui2011: "Not dead. Just frozen. They’ll thaw out … eventually. I’m tired of villains spouting gibberish." --Kopaka
JiMing Posted March 20, 2014 Posted March 20, 2014 Since my three related characters are all stuck right now, would it be a possibility for me to make another character and possibly continue with an original plot? Quote Haven't seen one of these in a long time...
Blessed Blade Posted March 20, 2014 Posted March 20, 2014 I'd say go ahead, since I'm having a lot of trouble figuring out how to move forward with that in a good way... =/ Quote The Pokemon TopicPokemon: Rise of the Rockets - Rise of the Rockets Discussion Topic - Rise of the Rockets Side Stories
Parugi Posted March 20, 2014 Author Posted March 20, 2014 (edited) For sure. Character limit is four, after all. Konuju: I'm fine with either. Thanks for all of your work on the transcript, by the way! Edited March 20, 2014 by Pears Nivans Quote Follow me on YouTube! ~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~
JiMing Posted March 20, 2014 Posted March 20, 2014 Great! Question, has Kalos been introduced yet? I'm thinking of making a team with Pokemon from that region. Quote Haven't seen one of these in a long time...
Parugi Posted March 20, 2014 Author Posted March 20, 2014 It hasn't been seen in-game yet, but it is accessible and Kalos Pokémon are allowed. Type retcons to generations prior to Generation 6, however, are not yet in effect, nor are Mega Evolutions allowed yet. Quote Follow me on YouTube! ~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~
JiMing Posted March 20, 2014 Posted March 20, 2014 That's fine. I'll make do. Is anyone open for interaction afterwards? I think Ehks and such are doing stuff not related to the main plot. Mind if I join on that? After i make my character of course. Quote Haven't seen one of these in a long time...
Ehksidian Posted March 20, 2014 Posted March 20, 2014 That's fine. I'll make do. Is anyone open for interaction afterwards? I think Ehks and such are doing stuff not related to the main plot. Mind if I join on that? After i make my character of course.Yeah, me and sonyaxe are currently in Jubilife City.And I've had Kalos pokemon since I've started playing, which if it turned out I wasn't I would be very confused as to how I got approved. Quote Steam name: Ehksidian
JiMing Posted March 20, 2014 Posted March 20, 2014 Noooooo you have a Honedge! I wanted to have an Aeigislash and name it Caliburn. Would you be okay with that or should I change it? Quote Haven't seen one of these in a long time...
Ehksidian Posted March 20, 2014 Posted March 20, 2014 Noooooo you have a Honedge! I wanted to have an Aeigislash and name it Caliburn. Would you be okay with that or should I change it?It's fine. Mine is a Honedge, not a Aegislash after all. Quote Steam name: Ehksidian
JiMing Posted March 21, 2014 Posted March 21, 2014 (edited) Username: JiMingName: Ruth FishersFaction: N/AHometown: Originally Couriway Town, now Sandgem Town.Age: 15Appearance: Has amber hair and blue eyes. Ruth's standard wear consists of a black tank top, white shorts, and white sneakers with red highlights, all of which fit her lean, athletic frame. She usually keeps her hair back in a ponytail, and wears a baseball cap with a blue Pokeball symbol on it.Personality: Ruth is highly outgoing, able to throw herself into any situation if need be. She is also quite friendly and can pick up friends fairly easily. Despite this, she does not go looking for new friends constantly and can be analytical if she wants to, especially in a Pokemon battle. In contrast with her friendly personality, Ruth also possesses a sarcastic sense of humor that may or not be friendly depending on the circumstances, as well as an explosive temper which shows in situations like when getting teased enough. Ruth is also a decent strategist in Pokemon battles.Background: During her childhood, Ruth grew up in Couriway Town with two loving parents that provided a quiet life. However, when she started hearing stories about Pokemon trainers roaming the region on great adventures, Ruth was hooked, and begged her parents to be allowed to venture out on her own. Believing this to be just a phase, her parents complied and provided her with Pokeballs and other items to set out. During that time, she set up a strong team of an Aegislash, Hawlucha, and Klefki, though she was called back by her parents to come back, as they were moving to Sinnoh. Undaunted, she immediately asked to explore the region when she arrived. Her parents, surprised at her affinity for Pokemon training and battles, allowed her to do so. Species: AegislashNickname: CaliburnTrainer: Ruth FishersAppearance: Like that of a normal Aegislash.Personality: Caliburn is fiercely loyal to Ruth, and will do anything to protect her and those she cares about. He is about as chivalrous as an animate sword can get.Ability: Stance ChangeSpeacialty: Can either be a strong attacker or wall, depending on stance forme.Known Moves: Swords Dance, Night Slash, Aerial Ace, Sacred Sword, Iron Defense, King's Shield Species: HawluchaNickname: FuerteTrainer: Ruth FishersAppearance: Feathers on head are larger than others of his species.Personality: Brash and arrogant, Fuerte never passes up an opportunity to show off. However, this masks an inferiority complex due to it's diminutive stature. Fuerte also holds a great amount of respect for Ruth.Ability: Mold BreakerSpecialty: Is very nimble during battle.Known Moves: Roost, Flying Press, Detect, Aerial Ace, Hi Jump Kick, Hone Claws Species: KlefkiNickname: LockeTrainer: Ruth FishersAppearance: No different than other of her species.Personality: Mischevious and taunting, Locke takes pleasure in messing with others. However, a stern warning from Ruth is enough to bring her back, and she is still good natured.Ability: PranksterSpecialty: Has great defense for it's stature.Known Moves: Draining Kiss, Play Rough, Crafty Shield, Mirror Shot, Iron Defense (EGG), Spikes Let me know if I need to change anything. Edited March 21, 2014 by JiMing Quote Haven't seen one of these in a long time...
Konuju Posted March 21, 2014 Posted March 21, 2014 Parugi: Not a problem. It was fun getting to go back through the discussion, and it gave me something to do during the latter half of spring break. I'm thinking I'll post the whole transcript, because I feel like a plain summary wouldn't capture the "spirit" of the chat. When going through the transcript, I tried to keep some of the humor, such as Blade's suggestion of requiring 50 battles for Mega Evolutions. That said, 32 pages probably won't fit all into one post, so I'll try to break it up into smaller sections based on general topic of discussion. Be on the lookout for it sometime next week. And on an unrelated note, a funny thing happened last week. I pulled out my old Emerald Version, which I haven't played in years, and decided to go a few rounds in the Battle Factory. One of the trainers I faced was a female School Kid. My first thought was "Hey, what's Ellen doing there?" It actually took me a few seconds to remember that I had based Ellen's appearance on the 3rd gen female School Kid sprite. Bit of an interesting experience. Quote Konuju: Kopaka and Nuju meet the Spear of Fusion Quotes from throughout the years: 2001: "Your past is forgotten, and your future is an empty book. You must find your own destiny, my brave adventurer." --Nokama2002: "Mata Nui faces perhaps its greatest challenge -- one that will test our courage, our strength, and our belief in each other." --Tahu2003: "So... it has begun, my brother. But soon, it will also end..." --Makuta2004: "Your journey must end." "By the will of the Great Spirit, it has just begun!" --Makuta and Vakama2005: "Our destinies are not written in stone, set in place. They are something we have to find for ourselves." --Vakama2006: "Don't you realize you're fighting for a lost cause?" "Maybe. But don't you realize those are the only ones worth fighting for?" --Axonn and Brutaka2007: "Sometimes a hero has to do something else besides beat the villains and come home covered in glory." --Hahli2008: "Dive into the darkness, Ignite the flame within. Now, there is no turning back. Make the future... begin." --Narrator, The Final Battle Animation2009: "It is said that all endings are merely beginnings waiting to be born." --Mata Nui2010: "All journeys must come to an end, but this time, there is a new beginning as well. ... All that has gone before, my friends, has only served to give birth to this new day. Let unity, duty and destiny be your guides." --Mata Nui2011: "Not dead. Just frozen. They’ll thaw out … eventually. I’m tired of villains spouting gibberish." --Kopaka
JiMing Posted March 21, 2014 Posted March 21, 2014 Sorry, but can I get conformation if Ruth is okay? I can change if it needs to be. Quote Haven't seen one of these in a long time...
Parugi Posted March 21, 2014 Author Posted March 21, 2014 Hawlucha has seven moves, so remove one of them. Aside from that, she's good to go. Quote Follow me on YouTube! ~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~
JiMing Posted March 21, 2014 Posted March 21, 2014 That can be done. Ehks, sonyaxe, you don't mind if I send my character to yours, right? Kinda why I dropped her off at Sandgem Town. =P Quote Haven't seen one of these in a long time...
Ehksidian Posted March 21, 2014 Posted March 21, 2014 No problem.(also both of our chars live in Sandgem town XD) Quote Steam name: Ehksidian
JiMing Posted March 21, 2014 Posted March 21, 2014 Hey, at least they don't come from the same part in Kalos. =P Thanks, I'll make a post with Ruth soon Quote Haven't seen one of these in a long time...
sonyaxe Posted March 22, 2014 Posted March 22, 2014 (edited) No problem. (You do realize that if we are all traveling together we have the classic kind of group from the anime, right? ) Edited March 22, 2014 by sonyaxe Quote
JiMing Posted March 22, 2014 Posted March 22, 2014 Heh, yeah! I mean, I swear that wasn't intentional. You two were the only ones I saw that didn't have a plot related to the main one, and I made a female character to add more variety. This is strange, but kinda funny too! Quote Haven't seen one of these in a long time...
Ehksidian Posted March 22, 2014 Posted March 22, 2014 (edited) And then you picked sandgem town as your home too...this is seriously getting freaky Edited March 22, 2014 by Ehks Quote Steam name: Ehksidian
JiMing Posted March 24, 2014 Posted March 24, 2014 Kinda want to retcon her hometown to Twinleaf Town. Too late for that! =P Looking at recent posts, the ones involving Ruth, Jacob, and Jake are considerably lighter-hearted and more in line with things from the games and anime. Almost everything else seems... Darker. Much darker. Mood whiplash much? Oh well, you guys should be okay with that. Quote Haven't seen one of these in a long time...
Konuju Posted March 26, 2014 Posted March 26, 2014 Pokémon: Rise of the Rockets Official Group Chat TranscriptSaturday, February 15, 2014 [[Editorial comments in double brackets]]~Part 1~ Summary of main topics discussed in Part 1Palkia/Kyurem fight and the overwhelming number of musical-style boss battlesSonja and Kyle's PTSD-nessOpinions on various story arcs: Sins, Unova, and Ancient DarkraiHow the original concept of Ford has changed, plus opinions on Ford's apprenticesFavorite characters (both out of our own characters and out of others' characters)Memorable "retired" charactersVarious factions and abandoned plotsHype for various Gen VI mechanics to be introduced after the Sins arc, plus speculation on those things in Parugi's signature Konuju: I dunno… I thought you’d have an agendaMinun4: You expected too muchParugi: Agendas are for fictional characters in an RPG based off of a children’s series.Konuju: We could talk about our favorite plots or subplots, I guessParugi: Works for me. Who wants to start?Minun4: As a reminder, Manaphy arc has been talked about a lot for being very badParugi: That it hasKonuju: That’s why I said favorite, not least favorite.Minun4: So if we are looking for our least favorites at some point, we should try looking at other bad ones other than that.Konuju: Well, if we want to talk about least favorites, I thought the Palkia/Kyurem fight dragged on a little too long. Also, not as many people were involved, we were mostly just bystanders.Parugi: I agree, actuallyMinun4: Those two points sort of lead into each other. If everyone was allowed to/did help maybe it wouldn’t have draggedKonuju: But in addition to it being an isolated battle, I still feel it could have been better executed. I mostly seem to remember Evan shouting “I’ll show you what I’m made of” over and over. Both Evan and Black, I think.Parugi: Yup. I think they were shouting out to a song. Literally.Flipz: Sounds like an average 90’s PC game NPC to me. “We must remain focused to defeat them!” “Let the Force flow THROUGH you!”Minun4: …which? Song that is.Parugi: I don’t know what it’s called. It was a Sonic song, though, IIRC.Minun4: That’s what I thought. “What I’m made of.”Konuju: It might have been better if someone had posted a link to that song. We could listen to it while reading the battle. Would have made more sense.Minun4: Really would. Or maybe the song could speak for the dudes.Parugi: Personally, I feel like this is a problem that crops up a lot in RotR “boss battles” in general. Almost all of the Sombra battles, the Kyurem-Palkia battle, and at least a few others tend to be done in the style of a musical for… some reason.Konuju: Quoting songs, or posting background music songs in general?Parugi: See, posting background songs isn’t a bad thing. When the entire battle is narrated in the style of a musical, it makes itseem ridiculous.Konuju: AgreedMinun4: It kinda does. Why I never do. *cough* and I’m too lazy to find a song *cough*Parugi: The first time was, admittedly, pretty funny and strangely awesomeKonuju: I guess it could work if done correctly, but it would have to be really good.Parugi: At this point it just feels like a pointless gag. (also quick note that all complaints are meant entirely with all of the love)Flipz: So, no narrating to the Pokemon anime theme song in the middle of a gym leader battle? Minun4: No (we have to save that one for the ending)Flipz: I’m kidding, of course, but now I think of it that would be in character for one of my people. xDParugi: That wouldn’t be as bad since it’s not such a serious situation, but I’d still advise against it.Konuju: I agree with Parugi. Didn’t mean to start the discussion on a negative note.Minun4: Well it was my fault for bringing up the negative topicParugi: Don’t worry about it, guys. We all love each other.Konuju: On a more positive note (sort of), I do really enjoy some of Kyle and Sonja’s reactions to all the crazy stuff that’s happened.Parugi: Oh?Konuju: It always reminds me that these are KIDS fighting a WAR. Sometimes I feel I should have executed that better with Ellen.Parugi: I like what you’ve done with Ellen recently, actually.Konuju: Thanks. I’ve got pretty big plans for her soon. Been working on writing the posts ahead of time.Parugi: I know she hasn’t been seen a lot as of late, but what has been shown feels like a fairly realistic portrayal of what someone might feel after experiencing the stuff she’s experienced.Konuju: I agree. Sometimes I feel like she should have reacted to the war more, but then I remember that she is just a kid, so her reactions wouldn’t necessarily be as extreme.Minun4: The reactions probably depend on how much death they’ve seen.Flipz: Am I the only one who’s making characters in their mid- to late- 20s?Minun4: Eh, got James, and Jamie is effectivelyParugi: There are a few other characters, Flipz. Mainly NPCs, but there are a few.Flipz: Good. If I wanted to play the old wise man, I’d make a 60-year-old named Ben whose partner Pokemon would be an Alakazam. Konuju: And Ellen’s father, Paul, is in his mid-thirtiesFlipz: Paul… THE Paul? As in the only Gen IV anime character whose name I know?Parugi: Different PaulMinun4: Paul Burks. OC, Ellen’s fatherFlipz: OK, lol. Because I know VERY little about the anime.Parugi: Out of curiosity, Konuju, do you think the PTSD-ness of Kyle and Sonja should be toned down a bit? I know it’s annoyed a few people. Not gonna name names. (Minun)Minun4: And AlkuKonuju: umm… maybe a bit. If done too much, it can get too repetitive. But it’s always a good reminder that the war has affected them. I guess now with the ceasefire it wouldn’t be as prominent.Parugi: Hm… So, hey, opinions on current arcs so far?Konuju: I felt like there was an extremely long break between Envy and Rage’s appearances and Lust and Greed’s. Of corse, that could just be that the RPG has slowed down compared to back in the day.Parugi: Part of that was the speed the RPG was moving at, part of if was getting people into position for G and L to appear, because Det wanted them to work together.Flipz: Speaking from the outside, the current arcs are a little hard to jump in to. It’s a little difficult to figure out what posts and storylines are related and what ones aren’t. I’m also unclear on what arcs that get talked about are still going and what ones have already concluded.Minun4: Arcs never truly resolve. They just move into the background.Parugi: Yeah, that’s a thing that we’ve had trouble with for a while. I’m including a list of the current arcs in this PM, so it’ll hopefully help you once you get it.Flipz: Cool. TBH, that seems like something that could go in the first post (or at least in your Google Doc version of it).Minun4: List of current events?Parugi: Yeah, I’ll work on adding it in. At any rate--third wave of Sins should hopefully appear more quickly than the second wave. Assuming Det ever posts again.Minun4: One question. When did the Sins arc get planned?Parugi: During the downtime. When the forums were being upgraded.Konuju: Wow, that was a LONG time ago.Parugi: Yup. They were supposed to appear a lot earlier.Konuju: I guess Unova took too long…Parugi: A bit. X3 My main problem with that arc.Minun: That’s another question. How did it start? Unova. Why did it happen?Parugi: It originally started with Sheik sensing some sort of disturbance, which Kyle, Sonja and Zach went to investigate, and that turned out to be the three Alternate Beasts (I think) and then they sensed something in Unova or something, so they went there, and they also went there to capture Black, and then people started joining the group…Flipz: What places are destroyed? We have a list of people who are dead, but not cities.Konuju: Most of the places that were destroyed have been rebuilt during the time skipMinun4: Except Azalea still doesn’t have its people backFlipz: Well, yeah, but it’s still important. Hiroshima’s been rebuilt, but people still remember it got destroyed.Parugi: I can make a list of destroyed cities, for sure.Konuju: IIRC, there was Castelia, southeast Unova, and Lavaridge.Parugi: And Eterna.Konuju: And Fortree was burned by the Darkrai.Parugi: And Ecruteak And Hearthome, maybe? Or was it Veilstone?Konuju: Hearthome was where the Void Tower was. Lilycove would have suffered damage because of the Void Tower I think.Minun4: Though it’s still Pierce’s capital.Parugi: Lilycove was extensively damaged by the Legendary-Ancient battle. Goshdarn, the Darkrai and Feral… y u break so many places.Minun4: But Lilycove is still Pierce’s capital?Parugi: Pierce moved to Mossdeep. I thought I said that in the first post?Minun4: Didn’t-- no wait nvm. You did? Let me check.Parugi: "• Hoenn Presidential Office: The main governmental building in Hoenn, formerly located in Lilycove City. President James Pierce, one of Ford's agents, assumed operation of the Hoenn government from here during the silent takeover of the region several months ago; however, the place was vacated following the Darkrai invasion. Even so, the place is well-equipped in terms of defenses, especially after the numerous additions that Ford and Pierce have made. Following the Ancients' defeat, the facility has been relocated to the more easily-defended city of Mossdeep."Minun4: Did you mention it outside of that post?Parugi: I belive I have.Minun4: I mean that change to the first post?Parugi: I’ve mentioned several times that I’ve updated the first post at various points. X3Minun4: Updated, yes, did you say what?Parugi: Not specific factions, but I have mentioned sections. One of those sections has been the Factions section.Minun4: Eh you probably did.Parugi: Welp, regardless, things to take from this--I need to be more specific about what’s updated, and you guys need to take more initiative to look for updates. Blade: Alright, fully back. And I wholeheartedly apologize for Unova. That should’ve been handled better in many ways. Dragged out too long even in my opinion. =P Half of it was my fault, too. >>’Konuju: At least some good things did come out of UnovaBlade: Oh yeah; overall, the Trio arc was better planed out than Manaphy, if only because it finished properly, IMO. But, it went too slowly even still. xP And apologies for the song stuff. >>”Parugi: No need to apologize, Blade, really. There was a lot of good stuff that came from it, as Konuju said. Besides, that was your first large plot, so it’s excusable. Minun4: So question. What did everyone think of the Ancients plot?Parugi: It was reeeeaaallllllyyyyyy long.Konuju: Agreed, the buildup was long.Parugi: It still is reeeeeaaaaaallllllyyyyyy long, because I’m pretty sure it’s not over.Konuju: The final battle was fun, though. It was especially fun getting to write the battle with Seven.Parugi: Same with Eight. I’m still impressed that Ellen beat Seven.Konuju: Ryan was there too.Parugi: Still impressed.Minun4: Would have preferred to have Richard and whoever was supposed to be helping have a bit more time with Three. Though they wouldn’t have defeated her/him/whichever per se probably. On the other hand, I took forever to post.Parugi: Probably would’ve been a good idea to see more of that fight--I don’t really recall anything from it.Minun4: Oceanus evolved and Dragon Danced charged from a pile of rubble.Parugi: Yeah, I still don’t remember much from it, sry. :3Minun: Yeah I had very little to do with that final battle.Konuju: That said, I found the individual battles more fun than the battle against Sombra himself. Of course, it was probably hard on Det having to reply to all those posts of attacks against Sombra.Parugi: Agreed.Konuju: Sort of similar to what’s happening in Opelucid now…Parugi: Personally, I kind of feel like it might've been better to simply have empowered Sombra face off against Evan, Seth and Kinali without intervention from everyone else, instead of having everyone battle him, then get one-shotted, and -then- get beaten by Seth. I... have conflicted feelings about what’s happening in Opelucid right now.Minun4: Yeah, the individual battles probably should have been more importantBlade: Kinda same. Especially since Det vanished again. At least for my sub-plot, I’m only letting JiMing down by being totally out of ideas for what to do next. >>’Parugi: Not a big fan of the plotholes that have already cropped up, either...Blade: Plotholes?Parugi: The whole “frame TL” thing is just completely and utterly flawed.Konuju: It seems like a good idea in theory, but then there’s the fact that Jenny and Evan are Team Plasma.Blade: I think what might’ve happened there is like “They’re lying; they’re working for the others, why else would they be here?!”Parugi: Not only that, but the fact that they have a Darkrai and Feral with them all but guarantees that TP is going to be suspicious of them, regardless of what they say. Not to mention the throne sitting in the middle of the square.Flipz: I have a question/potential problem, actually. Does this RPG pass the Bechdel test?Parugi: It does.Minun4: Wha?Parugi: [from Wikipedia] "What is now known as the Bechdel test was introduced in Alison Bechdel's comic strip Dykes to Watch Out For. In a 1985 strip titled "The Rule", an unnamed female character says that she only watches a movie if it satisfies the following requirements: It has to have at least two women in it, who talk to each other, about something besides a man."Minun4: Okay. Not sure either of the Final Rockets have ever talked about guys ever.Blade: Exactly. =PMinun4: Unless you count shuddering about Ethan’s puns talking about guys.Blade: Yeah, I myself wouldn’t count that. =PParugi: Most recent example: Vert, Lust and Greed discussing Pokemon battles.Blade: ... Also, sorry for not really replying to anything there. >>’ I never totally have ideas for what to even do with Lucia all the time, just because I usually keep focusing on the other characters.Konuju: Yeah, juggling multiple characters can be tough. Spend too much time on one, then see another has been stagnant for months. Case in point: I’ve been working on a lot of stuff for Ellen, and have not done anything for Dack besides the main plot points for his plot.Minun4: Case in point: Minun4Flipz: That’s probably going to happen for me with Alex, TBH. Like, it’s important that he’s around, because reasons. But the majority of his importance to the plot of my characters doesn’t start to come up until the other three are well into their development. Add to that the fact that he’s the only one of the four with overt ties to Kalos and, well… He’s kind of a biological stopwatch for the rest of the plot. xDBlade: Also, remember that question? It’s possible; but Jupiter’s no-where near Sinnoh right now.Flipz: Really? Where, then?Blade: Jupiter’s stranded in Opelucid because Ray and Kyle had to get there quickly.Parugi: I have to ask, and I don’t want to seem rude when I say this. Does anyone else really feel like anyone but Evan needs to be in Opelucid?Blade: Evan and JennyMinun4: Who honestly needs to be in Unova?Konuju: Ryan’s only there because he wants to help. Otherwise he’d be doing his Ruby plot.Blade: Ray’s only there because Sonja’s there. =PParugi: I’m being serious, though. Like, Kane doesn’t respond to anything anyone says unless it’s from Evan. I don’t know. I just feel like this whole deal is a “Evan has problems to face and other people are there to help, kinda” thing.Konuju: Yeah, I can see that. And there may be a bit too many people there to help.Parugi: AgreedMinun4: Trying to remember. Where did the Manaphy arc take place?Konuju: Unova, outside of Undella BayMinun4: Maybe we should stay out of Unova.Parugi: X3 Sadly, I have to agree with that, too.Konuju: With Unova being so overused, I’m sort of surprised we haven’t seen Aspertia or Virbank yet.Parugi: Clearly, no one likes those places. Minun4: All the plots were written after the first Black and White games came out I guessBlade: Though, technically the plot was though up for B2/W2 because of Black Kyurem, but we just never got a chance to go to the new areas. >>’ Probably for the best.Konuju: Yeah, it was long enough as it was.Blade: That said, it wasn’t supposed to be such a huge group. xP Like, it was cool that it worked out, but I had only expected like two people if that. =PMinun4: Who ended up showing up?Parugi: The group ended up being Kyle, Zach, Sonja, Ellen, Ryan, Ray, Evan, Seth, Richie, Gold, and, temporarily, Blackskull. And probably another one or two that I’m missing.Konuju: Yeah, I think the huge number of people slowed it down. And there weren’t a whole lot of other plots going on at the time.Parugi: Yeah; unfortunately, the Ancients running around and talking over both Sinnoh and Hoenn kind of made it difficult to do anything else...Konuju: Except for Dack.Parugi: I gotta say that I liked that Dack did the thing in Sinnoh. That was unique.Konuju: Thanks. It was interesting getting to explore shadow-infested Sinnoh. Sometimes I feel like my characters get the most development when they’re on their own.Minun4: Another question! Blackskull, was he originally supposed to be killed off for real?Parugi: When Ford attacked? Kiiiind of an odd story there. Ford attacked Goldhawk and Blackskull before any of the big plots were actually conceived--before the Ancients and Ford's apprentices were a thing. So, being a stereotypical powerful introductory villain, he was given the special Darkrai with Roar of Time and Spacial Rend. So, yes, Blackskull was originally planned to be killed off. However, immediately after that, Det, Alku and Kinali approached me about the Ancients, and Ford's Darkrai gained a backstory that indicated that he was unlikely to have purposefully killed a human, so Skull's fate was thus left ambiguous and open to be played with. Honestly, probably one of my better decisions, as killing off two of TL's leaders that early would have been disastrous.Minun4: Btw, may be sort of obvious, but how Ford’s character was to be played changed from the beginning to now right?Parugi: Yup.Minun4: What was the original intent?Parugi: I originally had no set plan for him, and then Nine and the Apprentices were introduced, and I’ve slowly pieced together his actual purpose since then.Minun4: He was originally just stereotypical secret villain number #42?Parugi: He might have been intended as a way to unite TR and TL against a common threat, though. It’s been so long that I don’t really remember, tbh. Essentially, his original purpose sucked and his current plan is a million times better.Konuju: that’s why Ford seems to be a fan favorite.Parugi: Defs one of my favorites. Speaking of---favorite appretice?Konuju: Probably Hayes. She has a unique battling style, plus the whole thing with Ellen’s potential. And then there’s the sister thing with Sonja.Minun4: Pierce- Maybe McK. Haven’t seen enough of him yet. Give us more! MOAR!Parugi: Can’t take that request back later, Minun. =PMinun4: Pierce was based off my char-- I mean, he is the competent one and is El PresidenteParugi: References, not based off of. =P I’m intrigued that Adams hasn’t been mentioned at all. Is she not interesting or what?Konuju: I liked the concept for Quincy’s team, but it doesn’t seem like her personality is as developed.Parugi: Thought so.Minun4: Also sort of biased.Parugi: Knew that.Minun4: Pierce is the one most involved with my dude.Konuju: I guess I could say the same for HayesParugi: I will point out that a lot has been revealed about Quincy, if you read between the lines.Konuju: Hm, may have to reread the Quincy posts, thenMinun4: Quincy may move up in bias if Final Rockets fight herParugi: I still need to get the Final Rockets moving, don’t I?Minun4: Maybe. What’s Sang up to right now?Parugi: Sang is attempting to fix his memory after McKinley tampered with it, because he knows something very bad is going on and wants to know what it is. And I also need to continue his plot... but that has to move a bit more slowly.Minun4: ...wait, wha? *runs off to reread everything because he has forgotten everything*Parugi: McKinley and Sang had a brief confrontation in Cerulean.Konuju: I enjoyed Sang’s plot with Tate and Liza and Ash.Minun4: Poor Mr. KetchumParugi: I enjoyed writing that plot.Minun4: I enjoyed that one too. Gave me what I wanted. Only Ash died of the Ketchums right?Parugi: That is correct.Konuju: I felt like it could have developed into a bigger plot, but I’m guessing it was just to tie up loose ends.Parugi: It was supposed to go somewhere else, continuing with Sabrina, Surge and Koga. Unfortunately, they are timelocked right now.Konuju: That explains why it seemed to end rather abruptly.Minun4: When did you last post for Sang?Parugi: Lemme check. November 21. It’s been a while.Minun4: *whistles* Yeah, no wonder why I didn’t remember that.Parugi: I need to figure out what to do with these frozen characters...Konuju: On the subject of that -- favorite characters? And why.Parugi: Sleight and McKinley, out of my characters. Sleight because I absolutely -love- what I can do with him when he actually goes out into battle. Just plain CMOA after CMOA after CMOA. And McKinley for reasons that I can’t reveal yet. As far as other characters go... hm...Minun4: For me most favorite to least favorite goes in order of introduction with Jamie and Richard tying. Jamie would be higher but I still absolutely hate how I started her. And that name.Konuju: Ellen and Dack out of mine. Ellen because of her child-like innocence and her plot that I’m working on, Dack because of the development he’s had since I first created him. As for others, probably Evan, Sonja, Sang, and Richard, to name a few.Minun4: You like Richard? Cool.Konuju: He’s pretty unique. He’d be higher on the list if he appeared more.Minun4: I need to get that post written for him and Claus. I need to throw the two of them at plots until I can think of some for them.Parugi: Out of other peoples’ characters, I’d probably say Ellen, Jenny and Ryan. Lafoyae’s also pretty kewl.Minun4: You know who is the best character in the game? Zac Blazer. jkParugi: You mean Stan the Mad? Carl Sandrock?Konuju: Dan the Mad, you mean?Parugi: Right, right. I’d be lying if I said I cared enough about that character to remember anything about him. X3Minun4: Eh at least Dan did the whole troll character thing first. I remember he had a RemoraidKonuju: Actually, the Zorua girl (her name escapes me) was pretty coolParugi: Reyna Drayns?Konuju: YesParugi: Defs an interesting concept. My opinion of her is admittedly clouded by my opinion of Neya.Minun4: On one had Carl Sandrock, the other Reyna DraynsParugi: On one hand Neya, the other, Reyna Drayns. =PMinun4: I also really like Jokey and Vert. But only because I hate them.Konuju: I like Vert for the fact that she shows that Team Liberty isn’t all “good guys” so to speak.Parugi: That was the point of her introduction. xp Glad I was successful.Minun4: Pretty dang successfulKonuju: That was sort of what I had initially tried to do with Dack. That is, making a Rocket character that wasn’t a “bad guy.”Parugi: I enjoy the fact that she does her own thing, even if she’s a witch.Flipz: Yeah, one thing I want to show with Adam is a good side to Team Galactic, or at least a good influence they’ve had on his life. Even if he wasn’t actually a part of Galactic, I want to introduce flashbacks to some of the people he knew ten years ago.Konuju: Team Galactic, should be interesting. Speaking of, wasn’t Black part of Energon? That would have been interesting to see more of.Parugi: I’ll be glad to see an outside group actually get some development.Flipz: Wait, what’s Energon? And also, what were the Searchers? I’ve seen reference to both, but no explanations. :\Minun4: Searchers were an organization ran by a guy named SearcherKonuju: They’re both third-party factions made by other playersParugi: The Searchers were a group of Pokemon collecters and tech developers, iirc. They were destroyed by Ho-Oh because they tried to capture Ho-Oh and ticked the bird off.Blade: Mostly because they guy left. =PKonuju: Energeon wanted to exploit the power of Legendary Pokemon for human use.Blade: Black was a member, until I needed him to actually do stuff. =PParugi: Energon, Galactic and the Searchers were also the original components of the Hojohsin League, which Ford formed in order to take control of their resources.Minun4: And then bakestabe themParugi: Luckily for him, supernatural forces have done the job for all but one of those three. Which reminds me that I need to move the Final Rockets forward... Also, don’t ask about Soil Colossus, because you’ve probably seen references to them, too. They’re inconsequential.Minun4: ASK ABOUT SOIL COLOSSUS! ASK ABOUT SOIL COLOSSUS!Blade: DON’TParugi: On second thought, feel free to. If you want to, go ahead. Otherwise, don’t.Konuju: Long story short, Soil Colossus started the dreaded Manaphy Arc. Enough said.Minun4: And they came out of nowhere. Besides Neya.Flipz: From what I’ve heard, the Manaphy arc wasn’t just awful in itself, it was bad because if could have been so much better but wasn’t. Is that accurate?Konuju: More or lessMinun4: It was very longKonuju: It was the third part of a very long arcMinun4: And large points just seemed pointlessKonuju: And then at the end, Team Magma came out of nowhere and made the whole thing pointlessMinun4: And as said started by Soil Colossus, which was very Mary Sue Inc. Even Neya called SC Mary Sue Inc.Parugi: And then Sleight stepped into their base and they all died. The end.Minun4: No. And then everyone else lived happily ever after. The End.Parugi: Oh, right right. Forgot that part. The aesop here: Even Parugi makes mistakes.Blade: Well, not everyone. What’s-his-name didn’t. =PKonuju: Buzz?Parugi: Yeah. Buzz. That was.... unforunate, I guess. A bit. But... not really.Konuju: IIRC, he was the first once to have one of his Pokemon die. Yanma got eaten by Sheik.Minun4: Was it actually eaten or just bitten to death?Parugi: Bitten to death. At any rate, I honestly had no idea how to use Buzz. He was mean. That was his character. Kinda like how Sandrock was smart. And angry.Minun4: Eh, I saw a bit more, but when the character’s author disappears, admittedly it becomes very hard to do anything.Parugi: Indeedly.Minun4: Odd that in that scene Sheik grew to importance while Buzz faded to obscurity but Goldhawk stayed the same. Oh and Ace died.Konuju: Possibly becausee Ryan, Alex, and Jake later went to recruit another Raikou, which brought Sheik back in the game.Parugi: Aacccceeeeee >>Blade: Poor Green. =PParugi: All of the Greens. Why do the Greens die so much? Why did that become a thing?Minun4: Why notBlade: I have no clue. =PParugi: Even I don’t know the answer to this question. And I’m the one who did it!Minun4: Did we kill off Emerald yet?Parugi: I don’t think so.Minun4: Let’s do soParugi: Emerald appears to fight the crazy Sabrina, Surge and Koga. Dies. That gives me the out I’ve been looking for. Then Lorne and whoever is with her get angry and kill them because those two r powurful if Mangs is to be believed.Minun4: How... whuParugi: bleh. Show, don’t tell. I don’t understand the difficulty in this.Minun4: ArchieParugi: YesMinun4: That’s what happened to him right?Parugi: He told and didn’t show?Minun4: lol. And dedParugi: That was more a case of “Hey, let’s do a thing with this character.”“K.”“Oh, look. I’m gone.”“... seriously.”Minun4: Poor Archie, he got the short end of the stick.Konuju: Meanwhile, Maxie...Parugi: MAXIE. “Hey, can I be this character?”“Sure.”“Oh, look. I’m gone.”“... SERIOUSLY”And Basilisk wonders why I didn’t want to approve his mafia gang or whatever. >>>>>Minun4: Was it Neya again, I forgot exactly what happened thereParugi: That was NecroMinun4: Necro ah. Been a while since we’ve seen him here.Parugi: Him and a looot of others. It seems like it’s always the people who introduce game-changing elements that disappear the fastest. This frustrates me to no end.Minun4: Because they introduce them without knowing how to resolve them. And then they lose interest and leave.Konuju: Too much for them to handle.Parugi: Yup yup. Weaklings.Blade: Except me. I brought in a few elements and I’m still around. =PParugi: You’re not a weakling Minun4: I’m gonna try to. Actually doing things that is.Parugi: If you can ever beat Sloth. He’s not even going to appear in the RPG. He’ll appear in your dorm.Minun4: The duel is hard. Actually he moved out. Now I have a single.Flipz: I’ve got an arc in mind for my characters that could be pretty cool and affect some stuff. I’m specifically trying to make sure it doesn’t kill all the action if something happens to me IRL, tho.Parugi: I’m excited for your characters’ story, Flipz, cuz it sounds interesting and you’ve clearly put thought into it.Konuju: Even just hearing bits and pieces of it here, you’ve got me interested.Minun4: Btw Pears. When are you going to introduce all those things that need to be introducifiedParugi: Mega Evolutions and stuff like that?Minun4: And fairy retypes and such. I want my Dragon immunity gosh darnit.Parugi: End of the sins arc. Evolutions tie in with what comes after the Sins. Fairy retypes and such are just plain difficult to explain without something huge to introduce them. So unfortunately it might still be a while.Minun4: I am guessing that Megas will still be pretty restricted even after you introduce them right?Parugi: Ehhh... Comme-si, comme-sa.Flipz: Xerneas is Fairy-type, I’m sure we can use that to create a paper-thin explanation. Minun4: Kalos air turns everything into FairiesParugi: In some ways, they’re more restricted than in the games, but overall, I’d say they’re actually a lot less strict in RotR.Minun4: ...For real?Konuju: Mega Evolutions are supposed to show a strong bond between trainer and Pokemon, so that will probably be a requirement.Parugi: Bingo. I’ve got a plan guys, just trust me, kBlade: How many battles, then, 50? =PParugi: Blade, blade, just.... trust me, kBlade: I know; I was making a joke. =PParugi: OH. I HAVE A QUESTION. AND IT’S A GOOD ONE. ARE Y’ALL PUMPED TO FINALLY SEE THOSE THINGS IN MY SIGNATURE. WHENEVER THEY ARE ACTUALLY REVEALED.Minun4: Wha- oh those thingeesKonuju: Nearly forgot about thoseParugi: Yeah, it’s been almost a year, so that’s understandable.Minun4: We’ll finally see what that whole train episode was about.Parugi: Do any of you wanna speculate on what’s to come? Aside from Blade, cuz he knows.Blade: =PMinun4: Pieces of the broken godKonuju: Let me guess, they won’t appear until after the Sins?Parugi: Correcto.Minun4: Sins are a preludeKonuju: Probably part of Ford’s plan, given that he’s been gathering recruits at an increasingly rapid rate. Or at least he was immediately after the time skip.Minun4: Eh he seemed to be preparing against these things.[[Flipz asks about moves for his character’s Dedenne and ability for an Eevee that will become a Sylveon. The consensus is that there can be GM Approved moves that can’t typically be learned, such as Dazzling Gleam on Dedenne.]] ~End Part 1~ Quote Konuju: Kopaka and Nuju meet the Spear of Fusion Quotes from throughout the years: 2001: "Your past is forgotten, and your future is an empty book. You must find your own destiny, my brave adventurer." --Nokama2002: "Mata Nui faces perhaps its greatest challenge -- one that will test our courage, our strength, and our belief in each other." --Tahu2003: "So... it has begun, my brother. But soon, it will also end..." --Makuta2004: "Your journey must end." "By the will of the Great Spirit, it has just begun!" --Makuta and Vakama2005: "Our destinies are not written in stone, set in place. They are something we have to find for ourselves." --Vakama2006: "Don't you realize you're fighting for a lost cause?" "Maybe. But don't you realize those are the only ones worth fighting for?" --Axonn and Brutaka2007: "Sometimes a hero has to do something else besides beat the villains and come home covered in glory." --Hahli2008: "Dive into the darkness, Ignite the flame within. Now, there is no turning back. Make the future... begin." --Narrator, The Final Battle Animation2009: "It is said that all endings are merely beginnings waiting to be born." --Mata Nui2010: "All journeys must come to an end, but this time, there is a new beginning as well. ... All that has gone before, my friends, has only served to give birth to this new day. Let unity, duty and destiny be your guides." --Mata Nui2011: "Not dead. Just frozen. They’ll thaw out … eventually. I’m tired of villains spouting gibberish." --Kopaka
JiMing Posted March 26, 2014 Posted March 26, 2014 None of my characters were mentioned? *goes off in the corner to weep* Nah, just kidding. My characters suck in comparison to nearly everyone else's. Anyways, major props to Konuju for doing this! Now I can see what I missed. Maybe next time there's a chat, I can actually show up. =P (Also that jab at Zacax's character ouch it hurts) Quote Haven't seen one of these in a long time...
Blessed Blade Posted March 26, 2014 Posted March 26, 2014 They've jsut been stuck in eternal limbo like my characters. >>' Quote The Pokemon TopicPokemon: Rise of the Rockets - Rise of the Rockets Discussion Topic - Rise of the Rockets Side Stories
Konuju Posted March 26, 2014 Posted March 26, 2014 Pokémon: Rise of the Rockets Official Group Chat TranscriptSaturday, February 15, 2014 ~Part 2~ Summary of main topics discussed in Part 2More detailed character analysis of Ryan, Sonja, Sang, and all of Minun's charactersHype for the remaining Sins and things to come during/after those SinsFuture character development of Ellen, Evan, and their respective PokémonEvolutions that tie in with major points in character developmentMusical themes for characters as well as other songs used for battles/major eventsThoughts on developing the fact that Jamie is a clone as well as her relationship to JamesMewtwo's Origin (uncut)Konuju: Question, Parugi. Earlier you said Ryan was one of your favorite characters. Any particular reason why?Parugi: I feel like he’s one of the more down-to-earth characters. He isn’t particularly quirky or traumatized, doesn’t tend to do ridiculous things but still kicks rear and takes names, and in general just keeps the group grounded in some form of reality.Konuju: Interesting. I guess that goes to show that trauma isn’t always the way to go, a la Dack, with the Snowpoint avalanche and everything.Parugi: Indeed. May I in turn ask why you like Sonja and Sang?Konuju: Sonja for being a very... dynamic character. She’s a powerful battler, but also has a bit of a tragic backstory. But her tragedies don’t seem to be as overdone as Kyle’s were. I guess she just brings a good balance of hot-headed action and knowing that this is indeed a war that that can have an effect on people. Sorry if that explanation was sort of all over the place.Parugi: Nah, it’s cool. I get what you’re saying. Starting to regret making Kyle my designated Sinji post-NGE... xpKonuju: As for Sang, he’s a pretty unique character. He’s proven to be very powerful, and Tracer’s transformations are always enjoyable. And like I said earlier, the Ash Ketchum plot he was involved in was pretty neat.Parugi: Ah, cool, cool.Konuju: Well, that said, I did like Shiny Suicune’s rebirth.Parugi: It interests me that Sang is so popular, considering he’s an expy. People don’t usually like those. XpMinun4: Well for one I haven’t seen enough Baccano to know who he is an expy ofKonuju: SameParugi: Fair enough. XpMinun4: As long as he has his own original traits tooParugi: Thankfully, he does. The character he’s based off of is literally unbeatable. And is almost unbearably arrogant.Minun4: HowParugi: Because the author said so.Flipz: o_O So in his own universe he’s basically Victini?Parugi: Pretty much. The reason he doesn’t appear in every arc of Baccano? Because he would end things too quickly. Power level? On par with what is essentially a minor god. And he’s a normal human.Minun4: A normal human? So he is not like some of these other dudes.Parugi: Most of the main characters in Baccano! are immortal. This character is not. And he’s still insanely powerful. So, normal human.Konuju: To add more to what I said about Sang, the fact that he believe other people to be figments of his imagination provides an interesting potential for future disillusionment. Add that to McKinnley’s memory wipe of him.Parugi: I need to explore that more...Minun4: You need to post as him period.Parugi: That, too.Minun4: So I have to ask: Opinions on my dudes?Konuju: I like Richard for being a unique character. I was in band in high school, so I really enjoy the fact that he’s a bard. The fact that he will play different tunes depending on the battle can add flavor to his battles as well.Minun4: CoolioKonuju: I’ve always liked James, too. He was pretty significant early on, and I especially like that Guinevere is as much a character in her own right as James is (something I’m trying to do with Ellen’s Pokemon). Add in an awesome Celebi, plus references to Arthurian Legend, and you’ve got a very cool character.Minun4: Planning on ramping up back the significance factorKonuju: Jamie seems a bit like missed potential. I like the concept, but you haven’t really explored the fact that she’s a clone as much as I would have liked. (I believe you did address it in a post from a few months back.) The one or two times she’s interacted with James were brief and not that significant. I think there’s potential for a really interesting character there, we just haven’t seen it yet. (Also, her Slowpoke is hilarious)Minun4: Yeah I love Grummore. But yeah, I have been wanting to explore the clone thing, but I also don’t want to fall into the Cloning Blues trap as it were, she’s as much her own person as a cloneKonuju: As for Claus, I love the Mother references, but we haven’t really seen too much of him yet, so it’s hard to judge.Minun4: Fair enoughKonuju: I see your point on the Cloning BluesMinun4: I do have a few plots in mind to help address some of the criticisms but I need to take the time to fully plan them out before I can truly address the issues, I agree on a lot of what you said. Thanks for the review btwKonuju: Yes, planning is key. That’s what I’ve been doing with Ellen for the past few months.Parugi: I would give my views, Minun, but I think I’ve done that once or twice already. Konuju: For the clone issue, you might be able to focus on Jamie separating herself from James. Similar to a getting-out-of-your-brother's-shadow plot, but with an added clone concept. However, it almost seems like you've already done that, to the point that she's too separated from James.Minun4: Hmm... thoughts. On a potentially related note, Final Rockets are chasing after Adams right?Parugi: They will be. To the backdrop of destruction.Minun4: And Adams is the one assigned to destroying Energon and Magma right?[[didn’t get the rest of this conversation, but shortly after this we all took a thirty minute break for food and such]]Flipz: Do either of you know if Heal Bell will restore the allied team in Tag Battles?Konuju: I don’t know, but is there any case of a move that works on an ally in double battles but not in tag battles?Flipz: Not as far as I know, but Heal Bell affects the whole party, which is why I started wondering. Is “the whole party” just the Pokemon owned by that Pokemon’s trainer, or is “the whole party” all of the Pokemon owned by both Trainers in a Tag Battle.Konuju: Good question. I don’t know about in the games, but for the purposes of RotR, I don’t see why it couldn’t affect both parties.Minun4: I would say defs in ROTR affect all parties as desired by the user[[Alku joins and helps Flipz complete the Kalos ‘Dex in Pokémon X]]Parugi: Shall we engage in chatness?Alku: Well, I will say this, Ellen Burks is tied with Jackson Sang for my favorite character.Parugi: Pretty good choices~ =pKonuju: Agreed =PAlku: I can’t wait to take a break from playing as Evan. I can finally recharge my writing skills.Konuju: I sort of like Evan, for the fact that he’s an energetic and enthusiastic character. He also seems to be a bit of a cool big brother to Ellen. Plus, dynamic poses.Alku: Thanks! The dynamic poses are actually something I came up with, as a result of real life me.Konuju: CoolFlipz: I’m starting to wonder if dramatic poses are a common symptom of having grown up with Bionicle. Alku: Naw, too many comics and showy heroes and/or gurren Lagann.[[More talk about ‘dex completion, since Flipz still needs Yveltal, Zygarde, and Mewtwo to complete the Kalos ‘Dex and get the Oval Stone]]Konuju: Sapphire was the first game I completed the dex in, long ago (regional, not national). But then last year, I went back to Red and completed the dex there. Then I moved on to Gold. Ryan’s Mareep Ampere is actually based on the Ampharos I had in that game.Alku: Nice Konuju! Gnip is based off a Garchomp I was breeding for, for three straight months in Platinum. Hrm, note to self, breed pokemon based off of RoTR character’s teams.[[blade leaves, Alku heads off for dinner, and Minun goes to where the wi-fi is to trade Yveltal to Flipz]]Parugi: So any pressing questions? I like Q&As.Konuju: Hear’s one. Why the name change from Parugi to Pears?Parugi: Oh, that’s so boring. I’ll answer anyway. Pears is a nickname that I got from the BZPRPG Toa Daedra chat a couple of years ago. Because somehow Parugi = pears. And because I am currently mancrushing on Piers Nivans from Resident Evil 6, I decided to make a joke out of it.Konuju: I guess I could see that if you pronounced it Pearugi.Parugi: I guess. Still a bit odd. xpKonuju: Speaking of pronunciations, for the longest time I was pronouncing the j in Sonja. Then one day I realized “oh wait, j=y”Parugi: I still do that sometimes, tbh. xp Speaking of Sonja... I’m super stoked. For future.Konuju: Ford?Parugi: =] .... maybe.Konuju: Having both Sonja and Sophia as children of Ford should be interesting.Parugi: Indeedly. I’m more excited for the Eighth, personally.Konuju: Hm, so you’ve found the Eighth. Is it an already existing character?Parugi: In a sense. They’ve been alluded to. Might’ve appeared once or twice.Konuju: So no one incredibly major.Parugi: Not yet.Konuju: Well, I guess I’ll just have to wait and seeParugi: Yup. It’ll be good. It’ll be great. I’m excited. You should be, too. : DKonuju: I certainly am. Also for those plans for Ellen I keep alluding to.Parugi: Yup yup. eeeee just the future in gen’ral. Pride and Glutty an Slothy an Ford an Kinley an an an eeeeeeeKonuju: I’ve got about 15 or so pages of material drafted in a Word document awaiting editing.Parugi: You’re much more prepared than I am. xpKonuju: Well, some of it is the same thing written multiple times. And it’s not all ready yet.Parugi: Ah. Still more prepared than I am. xp I have a few pages of general outline of what characters are doing.Konuju: But as I learned with Dack’s flashbacks, pre-writing and editing makes the stories so much betterParugi: True datKonuju: It also helps because then I have a clearer picture of where characters are headed. And so I can better foreshadow future eventsParugi: Yeah. That is defs useful. xp Not to mention you have back-us of everything.Konuju: Yep. It’s a shame there’s no backup of the old topic...Parugi: Yeah. Thanks, Crackjag. >>Konuju: At least it helps put the Manaphy Arc behind usParugi: True. I don’t think that’s really worth the loss of over half of our history, though. I already buried the hatched of the Manaphy Arc when I buried Carl Sandrock, anyway. Figuratively speaking.[[Alku returns. Also Minun pops back in for a moment]]Parugi: Oh, hey. What are y’all planning to do with your characters after Opelucid/Lust and Greed?Konuju: Ryan will be searching for Ruby as alluded to before the whole Opelucid thing started. Ellen and Dack plots will be progressing until the next Sins appear with potentially rapidfire posting depending on how much I have pre-written. For Ellen, at least. I literally have nothing written for Dack.Alku: Evan will be training after that big smackdown with few and far between postsMinun4: James will be starting the things that I talked about with ya. Though Ross’ fate will have to be settled first.Konuju: Ross?Minun4: Guy who James fought in power armor againstParugi: The guard James accidentally fried.Minun4: Well, if he’s head that part was an accident. In the moment, he sure meant to cause some pain.Alku: I am curious how Ellen will end up......Konuju: Well, to give a bit of a prelude to Ellen's plot, even though Ryan left her, I realized that she's not on her own: she has five Pokémon with her, each with its own personality. So in addition to Ellen's character development, I'm hoping to develop at least some of her Pokémon's characters. Which I sort of alluded to in that large post of her and her Pokemon watching the sunsetAlku: ...I love itParugi: Could defs use more of that overall in the game.Alku: I’m trying Pears.Parugi: I was referring more to myself. xpKonuju: Honestly, out of all of them, Maturin is the toughest simply because I didn’t plan for him.Alku: Ah. I do love how I developed Evan, despite his flaws. I think he was more of a “Lethal Joke Character”, in trope speak. Sure, he’s sorta goofy, but I am also trying to use him as an exploration of what being a hero entails.Konuju: InterestingAlku: Well, remember southeastern Unova? Many died because of his failure to stop Black KyuremKonuju: So he’ll be going on a sort of personal journeyAlku: Yep. Not only to get stronger, but to find out if he truly could be considered one, after all that has happened. Granted, the personal journey will matter more, as Evan right now? He’s more in a mire of doubt, despite the way he is.Konuju: That’s sort of like what I have planned for Ellen. Not the getting stronger part, but a personal journey.Parugi: I’ve got something like that planned for Kyle, coincidentally... x3Konuju: Personal journeys are all the rageParugi: wooo. Well, considering none of them have had much of a break for a while....Alku: I did think the way I had Evan interact with Ellen was wonderful. Like you said, he was sorta like a big brother to her.Konuju: Agreed. I had tried to make Ryan like a big brother to Ellen, but Evan seems to have done that better. Ryan ended up almost more like a replacement parent. Sort of like the sister in Lilo and Stitch. Meanwhile, Sonja is very much like a sister to Ellen. It was natural that they would bond, since Sonja was the only other girl in the group.Alku: I do look forward to bringing Evan back up to snuff. After all the beatdowns he’s been subjected to, he should, someday, just stop holding back.Konuju: Perhaps that will be the lesson he learns on his journey.Alku: Good idea! I...I still think Evan giving Maturin to Ellen was one of his nicer moments. Especially since considering, I wanted him to have stronger Pokemon, but then figured that, if he was to get better ones, he would inevitably box one.Konuju: Paul’s Oddish was originally intended to be Ellen’s. But literally right after I made its profile, Evan gave Maturin to Ellen.Alku: Sorry bout that!Konuju: Not a problem! She’ll be getting the Oddish eventuallyAlku: What I had Evan do is what I would have done if faced with such a decision. It’s what I am faced with in Pokemon Y after a huge Pokemon breeding spree. I wonder trade what I don’t need, so that they could probably be in better hands, much like how Evan gave Maturin to Ellen, since she definitely would look after him.[[bit of discussion about wonder trading and EV-training]]Konuju: Back to Maturin, his personality does seem to be developing little by little as I work on stuff for Ellen.Alku: Grand!Konuju: One day Ellen and Evan will have to have a battle once Maturin’s fully evolved.Alku: Yes.Konuju: Speaking of evolutions, I loved how Ryan’s Quilava happened to meet the requirements to evolve at a critical moment in Ryan’s character development. It was just after I had finished Dack’s flashbacks. If you remember, one of those was a crossover flashback with Ryan, giving a bit of Ryan’s backstory. After that, Dack and Ryan had a battle, and Ryan nearly lost -- Dack only ended the battle after learning that the Darkrai had invaded Sinnoh. Then Nuju Nui left and killed off his characters. Jake Soren had been with Ryan since nearly the beginning of the RPG, so Jake’s death clearly affected Ryan. After wandering through the woods near Fortree, he eventually came to the spot where he had first battled Dack in the flashback. After a bit of self-pity (and with all of his Pokemon fainted except Quil), a Mightyena attacked and Quil evolved to fight it off. And then Ryan snapped out of his self-pity.Parugi: That’s pretty cool, actually.Alku: It is.Konuju: Thanks. I’m hoping to do the same with Ellen’s Pokemon. Especially Chrono.Parugi: Heh. Can’t wait to see how that pans out.[[Parugi leaves]]Alku: When Mega Evolutions are possible, I want Gnip to mega evolve at a critical point for Evan.Konuju: Good ideaAlku: I love how I characterized her. Just as showy as Evan.Konuju: In a sense, Duo’s evolution also reflects Ellen’s current confused mindset. And when he finally evolves into a Reuniclus, I want that to be a critical moment for Ellen.Alku: CLARITYKonuju: PreciselyAlku: Much like how Evan will finally stop holding back, Gnip will stop as well, gaining the power to mega evolve.Konuju: Looking forward to it.Alku: Same for Duo. I look forward to Ellen gaining clarity.Konuju: That’s going to be a while. Right now I’m thinking Chrono will evolve first.Alku: Of course. I am so tempted to say this would definitely be Evan's musical theme, due to how energetic it is.Konuju: Neat. I also loved the Megaman song he sang in Undella TownAlku: Smooth as Honey? Love that song so much. Tuck and Roll was a good one as well, imoKonuju: Ever since the flashbacks, I’ve always considered The Lion King score to be Ryan’s theme, since I listened to the Stampede theme when writing that part. And Dack I’ve associated with The Dark Knight, which sort of fits with his personality. I don’t really have a musical theme for Ellen, but I did listen to the final battle of Mother 3 when writing one of her posts just after she found out that her dad works for Déoza.Alku: Oh, that song. The Battle with the Masked Man, if I recall??Konuju: yepAlku: Heavens. That song is just.....Konuju: IntenseAlku: Yeah. I honestly had no theme that could convey how Evan was feeling after seeing Bertha......Konuju: Yeah, coming up with music to match the mood can be hard at timesAlku: But other times, it just worksKonuju: ExactlyAlku: Hrm, I honsetly hope Landorus doesn’t seem flat in characterization. I’m trying to portray him as humble.Konuju: I can see that, although he hasn’t appeared as much as of late.Alku: Yeah, sharing the limelight with Evan’s other Pokemon is kinda tough.Konuju: Although Evan’s journey could probably be a good time to flesh out Landorus’ character a bit. Agreed on that point, juggling six characters at once can be tough personality-wise. Case in point: what I have planned for Ellen so far focuses primarily on developing Chrono and Duo. Artemis gets a bit of development, and you can certainly see some with Terry. Maturin unfortunately gets the short end of the stick. But that’s the advantage of pre-writing all this stuff: I can go back and change things before I finally post them.Alku: Yeah[[Minun returns]]Konuju: Back to musical themes, I remember using The Ultimate Show from Super Paper Mario for the battle against Seven. That was fun. Hm. Although I've never considered it before, "One More Time" from Rhythm Thief could be a good theme for Ellen. The lyrics are a little cheesy, but I just adore the song. It's just so happy!Minun4: Hmm... Should there be a list of characters to their theme songs?Konuju: Possibly. Depends on whether or not we get enough to make a list.Minun4: It’d be a good topic for discussionKonuju: It’s also entirely possible that as a character develops, their theme song could change. As I had said earlier, I associate Ryan with The Lion King score, but that’s mainly because I used the Stampede theme when writing his crossover flashback with Dack. So that “theme music” is more tied to the situation than the character.Minun4: Hmm. Tbh I have no idea what I’d associate for any of my dudes. Save maybe Richard. But it’s situational.Konuju: Yeah, it’s definitely hard to come up with a theme that perfectly portrays a character.Flipz: I don’t have musical themes for my characters, actually. But if I did they’d probably be from the Pokemon games.Minun4: I don’t either, but I do admit I think about it from time to timeKonuju: I’ve never really planned character theme songs, they just sort of happen. And it’s usually situational. Although it’s more of a motif than a theme, Eilonwy’s theme from The Black Cauldron could also work for Ellen.Flipz: I’m tempted to write my first character’s introduction as a standalone short story, and then link to it in the RPG, since I’m waiting on NPCs before I can introduce him, even after I get approved. Like, the first post doesn’t need said NPC, but I’d hate for it to get lost while I’m waiting, and a standalone could do that, especially given the length of that post anyway. Thoughts?Minun4: What do you mean by standalone short story?Flipz: As in, it’s nothing that needs knowledge of the RPG or even more than basic knowledge of Pokemon to get. It’d be written with a beginning, middle, and end, and would stand on its own merit.Minun4: But posted in the game topic? Then yeah go for it.Konuju: I’ve pre-written stuff before and just saved it in a Word document. Dack’s flashbacks could almost be considered a six-part standalone story.Flipz: Maybe even being posted in its own topic in the appropriate subforum and then linked to in the game topic.Konuju: I don’t see why you would have to put it in a different topic. If it’s possible, you could break it up into smaller parts and just post each section periodically.Flipz: Mostly so I don’t disrupt the flow of reading the game topic with something that won’d have any relevance to other characters for a long time.Minun4: What flow? WE DO WAT WE WAN’!Flipz: may have a point there. I assumed there was a flow, and I just didn’t see it because I don’t know the characters and situations. (Also temporarily AFK, I’ll catch up when I get back.)Minun4: Trust me we have no idea what we are doing.Konuju: Technically speaking, what I have planned for Ellen won’t really affect anything else in the RPG for a while.Minun4: Oh. Really?Konuju: Yeah, you missed it, but I was telling Alku and Parugi how she’s going on a sort of personal journey with character development for herself in addition to her Pokemon.Minun4: *nods* How old is she btw?Konuju: 10. She was 9 before the time skipMinun4: I have to ask why are the majority of PC minors? Even I’ve made 1... I think... how old’s Richard?Konuju: Well, you have to remember that this is a world where 10 year olds travel around the world accompanied by nothing more than six monsters kept in their pocketsMinun4: Yeah, but the conditions are different. It’s supposed to be relatively safe with those monsters protecting them.Konuju: I will say that Ryan and Dack are ages similar to how old I was at the time I wrote them (17 and 19). As for Ellen, I made her shortly after I posted Dack’s flashbacks and Ryan went through his temporary moment of self-doubt. I looked at the tragic backstories my characters had and decided I needed a happier character. I ended up making one who had a child-like innocence and decided that it would work better if she actually was a child.Minun4: Though to be fair, I shouldn’t be talking having the youngest character in the gameKonuju: *nods* true, Jamie. But other than Jamie, I think Ellen’s the youngest.Minun4: That is something I want to get into about her being a clone btw.Konuju: Should be interesting. She’s never known childhood or the innocence of youth or whatnot.Minun4: Actually trying to figure out how best to develop that. I mean one thing that could be said that while she was aged at an accelerated rate, her mind was going several times as fast, making time appearing to move slower, which would allow her a childhood but unable to connect with the slowness of people moving around her. But another look would be to have had her aged in essentially a giant tube, more like Mewtwo. And then as you said above, no childhood.Konuju: Well, if you’ve seen the uncut Mewtwo origin story, even Mewtwo had a childhood. Albeit one with other clones.Minun4: Oh? Where was this?Konuju: Link to video. I believe it was a bonus feature on Mewtwo Returns. And also I think in the original Japanese version of the first movie.Minun4: Ooh. *watchingKonuju: Same[[Konuju and Minun watch the above video. (You should too, it’s really good!)]]Konuju: Makes me cry every timeMinun4: Wow. Why was it cut? That was actually pretty goodKonuju: Probably too depressing for kids, and dealing with deeper issues like the morals of cloning.Minun4: Which is brilliant. I am gonna need to reference this.Konuju: That said, I forgot that they made Mewtwo forget his childhood. So my earlier point is sort of moot.Minun4: Sort of, but a forgotten childhood is still one had. And he remembered some facet of it. Though not well.Konuju: That last part always gives me chills. It actually explains a lot about the movie. Like the Pokemon tears. Also, Mewtwo’s eventual clones of Venusaur, Blastoise, and Charizard were clearly inspired by his childhood friends.Minun4: Indeed.Konuju: But yeah. Not sure if something like that would work for Jamie unless there were other clones at the time.Minun4: Well I mean that sequence was based off Telepathy more than anythingKonuju: That said, my earlier point was that you could have her trying to cope with not having a childhood, or the fact that she’s been thrust into the world as an adult.Minun4: I’ll have to see what I can do. However, my point was that some time dedicated to the story of Rocket and Mewtwo wouldn’t be uncalled for. Especially with Jamie.Konuju: ooh, yesMinun4: Wouldn’t mind going into those themes of the morality of cloning.Konuju: Pretty deep. Could also work from James’ side. Does he have any moral qualms about cloning?Minun4: He volunteered to be cloned. But trust me, it wasn’t for good reasons. And his overall opinions on Jamie have drastically changed since then.Konuju: What are his opinions now?Minun4: Something akin to a sister or a niece, not quite a daughter but someone he’d rather not see hurt. Which for James is a lot. As opposed to well.... spare parts.Konuju: Hmm. Might be interesting to see a bit more of that relationshipMinun4: Already thinking of a reason to place them in one room together again.Konuju: I just remembered, the last time they were together was Goldenrod, wasn’t it?Minun4: Yes... but James left pretty quick for reasons, way I’m thinking he won’t be able to leave so quickly.Konuju: Yeah. Unfortunately at Goldenrod James left before anything interesting really happened.Minun4: He was not in a happy mood. Though actually I think they did have a little interaction beforehand. The actually met in Saffron before heading to Goldenrod. Things were awkward to say the least.Konuju: Ah, yes. On the trainMinun4: And then I think they went to a café before they had to go fight, didn’t they? Let me check. Yeah “they went to a café to “catch up” as James had phrased it.”Konuju: Either way, I agree that you need to keep them together for longer. Long enough to get past that awkwardness and into the realm of character development.Minun4: That post also had the line “When the four materialized in the city of Goldenrod many dears were Oh’d that day.” And I agree with you agreeing with me.Konuju: Yeah. What you had in that post was good. We just needed more of it.Minun4: Alright, I am gonna talk to Pears about a certain plan that could tie the two together well enough to get some good interactions going, at least as a start.[[Discussion returns to Ellen’s plot, comparing it to Flipz’s potential short standalone story, then shifts to discussing how BZP flips out on formatting. Flipz returns and watches the Mewtwo origin story and then proceeds to watch the entirety of the first Pokémon movie. The end.]] ~End Transcript~ Quote Konuju: Kopaka and Nuju meet the Spear of Fusion Quotes from throughout the years: 2001: "Your past is forgotten, and your future is an empty book. You must find your own destiny, my brave adventurer." --Nokama2002: "Mata Nui faces perhaps its greatest challenge -- one that will test our courage, our strength, and our belief in each other." --Tahu2003: "So... it has begun, my brother. But soon, it will also end..." --Makuta2004: "Your journey must end." "By the will of the Great Spirit, it has just begun!" --Makuta and Vakama2005: "Our destinies are not written in stone, set in place. They are something we have to find for ourselves." --Vakama2006: "Don't you realize you're fighting for a lost cause?" "Maybe. But don't you realize those are the only ones worth fighting for?" --Axonn and Brutaka2007: "Sometimes a hero has to do something else besides beat the villains and come home covered in glory." --Hahli2008: "Dive into the darkness, Ignite the flame within. Now, there is no turning back. Make the future... begin." --Narrator, The Final Battle Animation2009: "It is said that all endings are merely beginnings waiting to be born." --Mata Nui2010: "All journeys must come to an end, but this time, there is a new beginning as well. ... All that has gone before, my friends, has only served to give birth to this new day. Let unity, duty and destiny be your guides." --Mata Nui2011: "Not dead. Just frozen. They’ll thaw out … eventually. I’m tired of villains spouting gibberish." --Kopaka
JiMing Posted March 26, 2014 Posted March 26, 2014 So many things I missed aaaaaaaaah I'm sorta tempted to make a group PM where such discussion can occur over a long period of time. The maximum is 10 people, and I don't think the number of people who'd want to discuss should exceed that... Though it might. In any case, I'm on the Wiki now, just to see if anyone'll show up. Quote Haven't seen one of these in a long time...
Blessed Blade Posted March 26, 2014 Posted March 26, 2014 I missed half that too, and there were a lot of interesting things I agree about. xP I now kinda regret missing out on giving opportunities for you to help give more characterization to Jamie, Minun... I just never knew what to really do with Lucia at the time, really. xP So even though there were opportunities, I just had no clue what to do. Didn't help that was when the Unova plot was happening. =P Quote The Pokemon TopicPokemon: Rise of the Rockets - Rise of the Rockets Discussion Topic - Rise of the Rockets Side Stories
Flipz Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 So many things I missed aaaaaaaaah I'm sorta tempted to make a group PM where such discussion can occur over a long period of time. The maximum is 10 people, and I don't think the number of people who'd want to discuss should exceed that... Though it might. In any case, I'm on the Wiki now, just to see if anyone'll show up. Yeah, now that I'm a little less busy I can try to make it a habit to hang out more in the wiki chat. I missed half that too, and there were a lot of interesting things I agree about. xP I now kinda regret missing out on giving opportunities for you to help give more characterization to Jamie, Minun... I just never knew what to really do with Lucia at the time, really. xP So even though there were opportunities, I just had no clue what to do. Didn't help that was when the Unova plot was happening. =P To be fair, my fourth character (Alex) would probably get along well with Jamie, and their similar experiences with labs and medicine would be a great way to coax out some development for both...but I need my characters introduced in order for specific, spoilery reasons. Quote Me: *has idea* Blade: "I'd say too convoluted, and I know too convoluted =P" "Dangit, I shouldn't have gotten ambitious." --Merc, RE: our plotting Pokémon Rise of the Rockets Profiles: LINK 3DS FC: 3625-9584-9417 (Pokemon X Friend Safari: Electric-type, Pachirisu, Electabuzz, Zebstrika)
Metal Gear Minun Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 It's okay Blade, that partnership was a two-way street, I wasn't thinkin' of anythin' to do either (otherwise I woulda done it, with Lucia or not). Plus there's always tomorrow! And as for Flipz, yeah I looked at Alex's profile and yeah I agree, I could see them getting along together depending on how things pan out. Quote
Blessed Blade Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 Or at least once the current stuff is done with. =P But true that. xP Quote The Pokemon TopicPokemon: Rise of the Rockets - Rise of the Rockets Discussion Topic - Rise of the Rockets Side Stories
JiMing Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 Blade, I'd like to fish Aspen, Olivia, and Dahlia out of limbo sometime. Okay, so the active players should be me, Ehks, sonyaxe, Parugi, Blade, Konuju, Minun, Alku, Flipz, and Detranix. That should be exactly ten people and enough for a group PM. Should I set one up? Quote Haven't seen one of these in a long time...
Blessed Blade Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 Yeah, and I know that well myself. As I said myself, I wanna get my characters back too; but I have absolutely no clue how to. I forgot exactly what I had planned there, and I don't even know where the last post was, or what attacks were for who, so I can't just randomly have attacks hit things that weren't intended for that. Quote The Pokemon TopicPokemon: Rise of the Rockets - Rise of the Rockets Discussion Topic - Rise of the Rockets Side Stories
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