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Of Reviewing And Flaming



Oh boy, I don't know where to start. BBC reviews and reviewers are really starting to irk me. I just don't understand it. Reviewers will see a fairly bad MOC, and give it a softy review, so they avoid hurting the MOCist's feeling. There's nothing inherently wrong with this, but doing it just to avoid hurting the MOCist's feelings is what I take issue with. Telling beginner MOCists that their MOCs are great is not the way to help them get better. Also, giving a bad review isn't flaming. I was just looking at a topic, and people were being accused of flaming because they gave the MOC 0.5-1/10, and they said it didn't look like the thing it was supposed to. If you're going to accept number reviews, you can't only accept the good ones. There are certainly going to be some bad ones. However, this does not mean that you should just go around saying "Oh, this is a terrible MOC, it looks nothing like a Rahi 0/10." BBC reviewers need to find a balance. You can be truthful, without being hurtful. Tell the person what you don't like, and how they could try to improve it. Example: "Hmm... the legs look a little jumbled. If you removed *Insert here* and replaced it with something more like *Insert here*, it would look a lot better." By doing this, you tell the person gently what they could improve, but more importantly, how they could improve it.


One reason why I think people give bad reviews, is just to bump their post count. I've seen a lot of people who just run through BBC saying, "Good job, maybe *Insert one-ten word critique here*. 9/10." [i may be wrong here; this is merely my personal hypothesis.] If they only posted when they felt like they actually thought they had something useful to contribute, then BBC might be a better environment.


One last thought. I've been seeing an increasing amount of bad, and completely uncustom MOCs in BBC. I realise that a lot of the people are beginning MOCists, but there would be less if people offered constructive criticism. If someone make a one star MOC, but get praise for it, then they probably aren't going to try to make better MOCs. They're probably going to just keep making fifteen minute one star MOCs. Good constructive criticism is needed! Once again, good constructive criticism is telling someone what's bad about their MOCs, gently, and offering ideas on how to fix it.


Okay, I'm done for now. Now's the time to offer your thoughts on what I said. If you see any inconsistencies or errors, I'd love it if you would point it out.




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Which is why I rarely review MOCs. Another thing I've noticed is that good MOCs will often get less posts because there's less to criticize.







Yeah, I don't review as much I used to, either. Now that you mention it, you might be on to something. But DV's and Roa's MOCs kinda work against this. Thanks for the seal!



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Which is why I rarely review MOCs. Another thing I've noticed is that good MOCs will often get less posts because there's less to criticize.








So I'm not the only one who noticed that. ;)


I've realized that the art of review has almost died out. You, Kopakalaka are one of the few ones who still do this. You always give me a very detailed review so I can get better at my weak points.


I've also notice that this is the reason why the same people get into the finals and semifinals. Look at DV, he's been here long enough to hear from others what's good and bad. That why his MOCs rule.


We are from the generation that still gave full reviews, so we gained experience from out mistakes. That's what made most of us good MOCers.


Now most people are post hungry and want to add three or four words, to get too there 1,000 posts.


That's not always a bad thing though. The less people get better, the easier it is to get to those finals. :P


Good statement. I think you deserve this: Retro Award

I never considered it an art, but I guess it kinda is. I try to make my reviews worthwhile.




High five oldster! :P


Yeah. What's the big deal with post counts anyway? I mean, Hapori Tohu has 36 posts, and he's one of the most respected members on BZPower.


Lol :P


*Gasp* The Retro Gemma! *Faints*



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Yes, these sort of reveiws drive me crazy.

Number ratings make me overreact.


So you know what I do?

I write nice long reviews, for MOCs that deserve them.

Here are a few MOCs I took the time to do a review on.


1. 2. 3.


NOTE: THESE TOPICS ARE DEAD don't post in them. Okay? :D


Be interested to know what people think of these, and if there is another person out there that does these thing, PLEASE let me know!




Crazy's a bad thing? Oops.... Number reviews *Shudders* Just kidding :P.


Not bad reviews. I don't see much criticism, though. Of course, you might've had a different view of the MOCs then, than I do now.




That's because I couldn't find much to criticise. :P

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I completely agree with you.

And that would be the reason why you, Draxon, BD, Anathame.... (etc.) Are all good MOCists. Because they would get good quality reveiws.


Now if only I could get myself some of those kind of reviews. <_< I only get about 1, 2, maybe 3 if I'm lucky, good quality reveiws in my MOC topics.


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I try to cast a good review each time I reply to a new MoC topic. The way I see it what goes around should eventually come around, right? Sometime?

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Ditto! I've seen countless posts in Moc topics, obviously showing they just posted for a extra post, i.e. "Good job. 9/10.".


Another thing I've noticed is exactly what you said, about a lot members not giving very good advice to beginning MOCers, or just giving them simple reviews, and not giving them any constructive criticism. Ok, now I'm just repeating what you said.


Anyway, I agree. Tis' growing in the BBC.






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