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Okay, This Is Bugging Me....



Quoting Biomech in my last blog entry:


I wish I was well known, so I'd get more votes. :P


Don't worry, Bio, I'm not gonna harass you. :P It's just...


That's what I don't like about the ACs right now: It's more of a popularity contest. And popularity is not fun in this situation.


At all. :glare:


I'd just love for people to vote for the actual art, not for the person behind it. There's a lot of entries out there by not-as-well-known artists that are terrific, but they are not making it into the final polls, just beacuse a popular artist is in the same preliminary poll as them.

If people would go past the popularity, then the world would be a better place.


I think. :lookaround:




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Actually, I thank you for expanding on what I said. This issue has been bugging me for ages, and I've seen it in action. Once I saw a fantastic entry by a not so well-known meber in a contest, competing against a poor entry by a more popular BZP member. And of course, the popular member one the poll and advanced... I don't get it! :wacko:

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I've noticed popularity is always a huge issue in BBC. There are always some really fantastic entries that get shoved down because of the more popular members, regardless of the quality of the more popular member's MOC. Strangely, I've never noticed this in Artwork.


But then, we have to remember that the reason these MOCists/Artists are so popular is because their stuff is usually the best.

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Yeah, it's annoying the way that works. Same goes for BBC contests, and probably the others too (AC and BBC are the only I keep up with). You mostly see the more well-known members owning everyone else, even if their entry isn't as good as a more obcsure member's. I guess that's just the way things work...


Maybe if everyone entered annonymously? :P That'd be weird, and I doubt it would happen. Ehh.



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It does seem quite like that at times, no? Kinda good how Pohuaki dosen't mention the names in the polls.


Yes, and I am grateful that he does that.


I've noticed popularity is always a huge issue in BBC. There are always some really fantastic entries that get shoved down because of the more popular members, regardless of the quality of the more popular member's MOC. Strangely, I've never noticed this in Artwork.


But then, we have to remember that the reason these MOCists/Artists are so popular is because their stuff is usually the best.


It happens in Artwork all the time, and it really, really bugs me.


Yes, that's true. It also means that all us popular artists/MOCists have a reputation to live up to: members expect our stuff to be the best, so even if it isn't the best, they still.. ah... think it's the best...


Yeah. That's only what I think. I might be wrong about that.



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I agree, I think a lot of people just voted for me because I am known, even though it was awful, and I got more than one person who I thought was better than me.


It does get annoying, if everyone would pay more attention to the art than the peron themselves, we go good. But the AC are fun to do.

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I'm completely unbiased. Aside from about four entries, I don't know who made what. But it's pretty much the same for the BBCs as well. You've got some really class entries floatin' around, and it's frequently the flashy MOC that had nothing to do with the contest guidelines that makes it through. Or the black and silver one.


But in this art contest, most of the ones I liked made it through.

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Well, I am not complaining, but a BIG part of the reason I never posted the dozens of pieces of Bionicle artwork I have is because I always assumed everybody would just ignore it because they did not know who I was on BZP. I -really- went out of tradition by entering the contest with "Be Kold." At first, I kept telling myself, "no, Bionicle Guru. What makes you think you would even win the preliminaries?" But eventually, I decided that I had a good enough idea, and my skills are only getting better with the pencil, so I whipped up an entry. With a lot of luck (I think), I won my poll (only by one vote). I probably will not win the contest (for reasons stated elsewhere), but I like to think I, the unknown Bionicle draw-er (that is probably not a word) "beat the system" and managed to defeat a "well-known" Bionicle artist in one poll. I takes what I can gets.

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Something I think would help with the popularity issue, is not having topics for the artwork until after the contest is over. And also having the entries PMed to the contest host. That would mean that, unless you've signed your artwork, people wouldn't know who did what and the votes wouldn't be so biased. (Hopefully...)


Just a thought.

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When I vote for somebody in an AC or BBC, I have no idea who drew or built the entry, unless their name is in it. Sometimes I can tell with their style, but I more often can't. I vote for the coolest entry. The only exception is when I vote for poor me, or a friend that I promised I'd vote for.



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