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I Can Has Windows? Also Tech Help!



I guess I can has! :)


Well, I'm a avid Mac user, but there comes a time when one would like to have your old PC games to play all portable-like on your laptop, so I went and downloaded Windows XP onto my Mac using Boot Camp (yes, you can do that; nifty, huh?). The copy of XP is the one my family has downloaded on our iMac downstairs in the school-room (I home-school, for you people who haven't read my Bio content block), and we rarely ever use it.


Anywhoo, I attempted to install and play several of my Star Wars games including Lego Star Wars: The Video Game and Knights of the Old Republic. Unfortunately, neither of them would work due to an insufficient graphics card (something about pixel shader 1.1 support and insufficient 3D graphics). I made sure to update all of the latest drivers for Boot Camp and any Windows updates that I could, and yet it still wouldn't work. They work fine on the family iMac, and I am using a MacBook which came out at about the same time as the iMac I believe... way after these games were released for sure. Does anyone have any thoughts on a way that they could be made to work? I installed the latest version of DirectX... Perhaps my version of laptop just wasn't built for Star Wars gaming...


However, I was able to download and play Myst IV: Revelation! I am assuming by looking at the requirements that my 10th Anniversary Myst Pack (Myst, Riven, and Exile included) will work fine as well. I am very happy with this because I haven't played these games in ages and will be quite fun to play again (I have beaten Riven and Exile, nearly beat Myst (don't know why I never finished) and only got partway though Revelation). I am thinking that my sister and I will play them through in order for the summer. Our vacation begins Friday! ^_^


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Problem 1: You're using a Mac. :P


Sorry I can't tell you how to fix it. I guess the graphics card problem can't really be fixed, sorry.

There is, however, a program you can get for your Mac to run Windows programs on it without needing to dual boot (which is nifty, BTW) or use a virtual machine.


My $0.02.



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:P back at you, you PC person you! :P




Actually, we have one of those programs on our iMac downstairs. Unfortunately, the program does not support pixel shading and what-not (although the games work fine when you boot the whole computer as Windows).


Thanks for the two cents sir! ^_^

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Sounds like you have a really(x1000) horrible graphics card.


And by horrible I mean something that would've been outdated in the 1800's.


Seriously I did not know that graphics cards without Pixel Shader 1.1 support still existed.

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Yeah, me too, which is what's so odd. I thought for sure that the games would work, but perhaps it's just a Windows-to-Mac transfer thing. I dunno. The laptop's not even a year old yet... :shrugs:
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