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Project Fusion



What is this Project Fusion I speak of, you ask? Well, as a few of you know, at the end of last summer I made a large parts order and planned on using it on a humanoid robot, my inspiration being DV's Transtech Shockwave. My goal in building this MoC has been to expand my building experience into the fusion world (I think I may have overdone it on the lower legs though :/ ), and build a sweet robot fellow at the same time. Thus, the personally dubbed "Project Fusion" (for lack of a better name).


Color scheme is white with dark red as a secondary color. Prior to the break I had the "foot" (which is actually a wheel) and a lower leg finished. Over the break I built a completely custom torso which I am extremely happy with. I have a good idea for a head, and I now have a preliminary arm done. In addition, I've mostly completed the leg design (it needs tweaking though). I'm sorry, but I don't have WIP pictures taken and I don't plan on it anytime soon. My break is over now, and I am going to let my LEGO building rest for a week or so; I get a better boost of creativity afterwords, it seems, if I rest for a bit.

Personally, I think he's looking quite good, but I'll leave you guys to pass judgment when I finish him. :)


Also, I need a good name for him. Got any ideas?


In real life (lol) I had a wonderful break; it was both restful and productive. I finished reading Ted Dekker's Lost Books series (awesome author btw; I would highly recommend his Circle Trilogy), and I finished Metroid Prime 3 (which I loved). My non-profit met it's goal of 24k for three wells in Sudan, so I had a great break overall! ^_^




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Building something by Fusion is not an easy thing to do. Juding by that green and black MOC you never finished, I'm sure you will have no problem. I'm looking foward to seeing your final product. :)



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I liked that black/lime thing more than Deev's Shockwave. Did you kill it so soon? :unsure:

Nah, I didn't kill it; it's still in a drawer here. I just wanted to build something new (I'd worked on that one a while) with a different color scheme than black and lime green. I still plan on finishing that old one, don't worry! ^_^


Also, thanks BD. :)



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