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Time Flies When You're Having Fun (Or Not Paying Attention)

It's 6AM in my corner of the world, and by all accounts I should be asleep because it's a Saturday morning and I have no reason to be awake right now. It's really nice to have some downtime to be nostalgic, though, and to take a short trip down memory lane. The weird part is that "memory lane" was literally only a few years ago.   I'm not sure what prompted it, but around this time in 2013 I thought it would be a great idea to start up a comic series - something I hadn't done in years - and it p



Growing Up

I figure I may as well do something with this blog, since I have one. I've got a bunch of views, so far, but no posts to merit those views, which I don't understand, but okay. I never really had much to talk about until recently, though. I think I've settled on a theme for this blog, or at least for this post, but I think it's going to have something to do with the fact that things are much different now than they used to be. At first glance, that statement might sound a bit negative, but I just



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